Day 2 Chuck George Geometry Grade 9 and 10: Learning Goals / Guiding Questions

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The key takeaways are that the length of an arc is proportional to the radius, with a constant of proportionality of 1, and that a radian is defined as the central angle that intercepts an arc with length equal to the radius.

A radian is defined as the central angle that intercepts an arc with length equal to the radius.

There are approximately 6.2832 radians in a full circle.

Day 2

Chuck George
Geometry Grade 9 and 10
Learning Goals / Guiding Questions
1. Is the length of an arc proportional to the radius? If so, what is the constant of proportionality?
2. What is a radian? How many radians are in a circle? How many degrees are in a radian?
3. How is the radian measure of an angle determined?
4. How do you convert from degrees to radians? 
5. How do you convert from radians to degrees?
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills/Student Expectations (TEKS/SEs)
Mathematical Process Standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and
demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
GEOM.1B Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as
appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to
solve problems. (I can select the appropriate tools to use for solving problems.)

Circles. The student uses the process skills to understand geometric relationships and apply theorems
and equations about circles. The student is expected to:
Ⓢ  GEOM.12D Describe radian measure of an angle as the ratio of the length of an arc intercepted by
a central angle and the radius of the circle.
College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS)
 CCRS 3.A1 Identify and represent the features of plane and space figures. 
 CCRS 3.A2 Make, test, and use conjectures about one-, two-, and three-dimensional figures
and their properties.
 CCRS 3.D1 Make and validate geometric conjectures.
 CCRS 4.C1 Find the perimeter and area of two-dimensional figures.
 CCRS 9.C3 Explain, display, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise
mathematical language in written or oral communications.
🞜 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
 ELPS C.1h Develop and expand repertoire of learning strategies such as reasoning inductively
or deductively, looking for patterns in language, and analyzing sayings and expressions
commensurate with grade-level learning expectations.
 ELPS C.4d Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught
topic-related vocabulary and other pre-reading activities to enhance comprehension of written text.
 ELPS C.5f Write using a variety of grade-appropriate sentence lengths, patterns, and
connecting words to combine phrases, clauses, and sentences in increasingly accurate ways as
more English is acquired.
 arc length  circumference  radian
 arc measure  degrees  radian measure
 central angle  diameter  radius
 circle
 proportion  revolution

LESSON CYCLE (I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5, I-6, I-8)

Lesson 2: Arc Lengths and Radian Measures
1 ENGAGE: Pique student interest and personally involve them in the lesson while pre-assessing prior
Post the concentric circle problem and have students calculate the arc lengths for each
circle. The first calculation is provided for them.  Students will calculate the exact arc
lengths to assist them in analyzing their answers in the follow up questions. (GQ#1)
(10 minutes)

1. What is common/constant in the answers? What is different in the answers?
2. Are the three concentric circles similar? How can you prove it?
3. Is the length of an arc proportional to the radius? If so, what is the constant of

Check for Understanding: Provide time for students to share and discuss their
answers before calling on volunteer students to solicit answers. 

Note: You can help break down the analysis of their answers in the following bullets.
 In part (a), the arc length is 10π/3. In part (b), the arc length is 20π/3 and part
(c) has an arc length of 30π/3.  Students must see what is constant and what is
different. They might conclude that the constant of proportionality is π/3.
 They will notice that the variable that determines the arc length as the central
angle remains constant is the radius. The radius determines the arc length
because all circles are similar. 
 Notice that 10π/3 is reduced from 2π(60)/360.  If we let 60 be x, where x is a
constant angle measured in degree, we get πx/180 and the constant of
proportionality is actually π/180.  
 Finally, if the central angle is 1˚, the arc length is the product of radius and
2 EXPLORE: Involve students in the topic by providing opportunities for them to build their own understanding.
Say: We can use the constant of proportionality (𝜋/180) to define a new angle
measure: a radian. A radian is the measure of the central angle of a sector of a circle
with arc length of one radius length.  A radian measure of an angle is the ratio of the
length of an arc intercepted by a central angle and the radius of the circle. 

Have students write this definition in their notebook.  Before deriving the radian
measure in degrees, give students a chance to engage in a hands on activity to
visualize the concept of a radian. Students will use pre-cut circles or paper plates,
string, scissors, rulers, and protractors. It is highly recommended that teachers go
through the activity before engaging students in it. (GQ#2) (15 minutes)

Ask guiding questions:

1. What is radian? (see definition above)
2. Approximately, how many degrees are in a radian? (a little more than 57
3. How many radians are in a circle? (a little more than 6 radians)
4. How many radians are in 180˚? (a little more than 3 radians)
5. How many radians are in 360˚? (a little more than 6 radians)

Check for Understanding: Allow time for partners to compare and discuss their
answers before soliciting answers from volunteer students. The value of one radian
may vary slightly from one student to another but should be close to 57˚ as long as
students know how to read their protractors. Students must have discovered that there
are a little more than six radians in a circle, if they completed the activity.
3 EXPLAIN: Provide students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and
determine what it means.
Part A: Building on students’ raw answers from the Explore activity, ask students how
they can use the constant of proportionality along with the definition of radian to get the
actual value of a radian. (GQ#1-3) (10 minutes)
 If 1° = 𝜋/180 radians, then 180° = π radians (show manipulation of equation)
 If π radians = 180˚, then 1 radian = 180/π (show manipulation of equation)

 So 1 radian =    which is the same as 57.2958 – refer to students’

measured angle under Explore.
 If 180˚ = π radians, then what does 360˚ (one revolution) equal to? (should be
 Since the value of π radians is approximately 3.1416 and π = 180˚, then there
are approximately 3.1416 radians in half a circle or 180˚ (refer to question #4 in
Explore). Thus, there are approximately 6.2832 radians in one circle (refer to
question #5 in Explore).

Show the animation to  summarize what they just learned. A link to the animation is
included below for easy access. Click on each play button located at the upper right
hand corner to show the animation. (5 minutes) 

Part B: At this time the students are ready to do conversion between degrees and
radians. Introduce the conversion table and ask them if they can recognize the
multiplier as the constant of proportionality. Practice converting between radians and
degrees using the problems included in the note taking guide. You must provide your
own radian measure for exercise #2 so students can convert it to degrees. (GQ#4,5)
(10 minutes)

Conversions between degrees and radians

To convert from radians to degrees, multiply the angle by

To convert from degrees to radians, multiply the angle by  

Image created by HISD through MS word

Check for Understanding: Students will have an opportunity to practice converting

between radians and degrees using the problems below the note taking guide.
Circulate to monitor student answers and provide small group instruction as needed.
4 ELABORATE: Allow students to use their knowledge and explore its implications.
Say: If the radii and the arc lengths are given, how will you find the radian measure of
the central angle? What does it mean to have an exact answer?  Be ready to share
your answers with a shoulder partner. (GQ#3) (15 minutes)



Images created by HISD through MS Word

Allow time for students to answer these questions, discuss their answers before
introducing the formula when calculating radian measures using radian definition and
referring back to what they did in the radian activity where they used the radius to

determine the number of radians in a circle. (10 minutes) Radian (θ) = , where s is
the arc length and r is the length of the radius.

Check for Understanding: Call on volunteer students to solicit responses.  After

students solve for the radian measures, ask them to convert each of their answers to
5 EVALUATE: Determine what/how much learning and understanding has been acquired.
As a closing activity, have students answer the essential questions in their notebooks,
share with a shoulder partner to compare, and then call on volunteer students to solicit
response. (10 minutes)
 What is a radian? How many radians are in a circle?
 How do you determine the radian measure of an angle?
 What type of measurement represents an exact answer for the measure of an
 How do you convert from degrees to radians? 
 How do you convert from radians to degrees?

You may assess students through the online practice found in this link. Students may
engage in this matching game when they are done with practice problems early.
Matching Game  -

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