Abhay Kumar Singh I E Irodov Solutions To I.E. Irodov - 'S Problems in General Physics. Volume 2, Waves, Optics, Modern Physics 1998 PDF
Abhay Kumar Singh I E Irodov Solutions To I.E. Irodov - 'S Problems in General Physics. Volume 2, Waves, Optics, Modern Physics 1998 PDF
Abhay Kumar Singh I E Irodov Solutions To I.E. Irodov - 'S Problems in General Physics. Volume 2, Waves, Optics, Modern Physics 1998 PDF
=At displacement resonance w = V wg - 2B” F2
, = 20 —_,.- nm 4p 40 z piacere @ - 2 SF ie 4nmay while
max Thus . . N, 493 The equation of the disc is @ +2B@+aRq = Then as before © = Gm Cos (wt=a) where om = Nm aaa = 28%, ™ TE (aa - 07)? +4207)?” oo (a) Work performed by frictional forces 53 r = -fN,do where N, = -21B@ = ~f 2BIq? de = -2nBwlg, 0 =~ x1 @8[( 03-07) +4 Bw? ] sina = —2Ny Pq Sino (b) The quality factor 2 onto _Vab-B Vag 8 at dora 4B wo? AmeDs 2B (5-0? )tna = tana | (aw) (@p-a")? wn 40 wo P Gy Nn wt FO OO em tanta — since wf = w+ cosa 2tana | N2 cos*a me v2 1 ae wal = fe sin Tsina we ' 1 1 40° Pgh (2 Ny cosa ; : "rena | aE (Ot Ig, tt 2 ll 210m N, / wo —— +casa} -1 2 254 4.2 ELECTRIC OSCILLATIONS 4.94 4.95 If the electron (charge of each electron = -¢ ) are shifted by a sinau distance x, a net + ve charge density (per unit area) is induced on the surface. This will result in an electric field E = nex/eg in the direction of x and a restoring force on an electron of ex £0 2 nex Thus mi =- £0 or This gives as the plasma frequency for the problem. Since there are no sources of emf in the circuit, Ohm’s 1 law reads a, ,4! iste where q = change on the capacitor, [ = “4 = current through the coil. Then & Peasy Shr o0da = 0, of = re. The solution fo this equation is 7 = Gm C08 (Wot +a) From the problem Vq = = . Then I = ~ aC V,, sin (gt +a) and V = V,,cos (wt-a) P 2 V2 4-5 = V2 pC 2 ar vet -v2. By energy conservation $L P+ £ = constant ‘When the PD. across the capacitor takes its maximum value V,, the current J must be zero. Thus “constant” = ze v, V? = V2 once again. some Le,55 4.96 After the switch was closed, the circuit am By A é uo or fascia san ae crams where we have used the fact that when the switch is closed we must have -4. meds 2 Veda Vm tm a0 ate = 0. Thus (a) 1 = TH «CV copsin ot = - Va € sinagt L (b) The electrical energy of the capacitor is x cos? Wt and of the inductor is aL Pasin® aot. The two are equal when x oot = 5 At that instant the emf of the oe inductance is -15 = Vycoagt = Vn IVv2 497 In the oscillating circuit, let d = Im COS WE be the change on the condenser where o? = 1. and C is the instantaneous capacity of the. condenser (S = area of plates) LC S ce y y = distance between the plates. Since the oscillation frequency increases 7 fold, the quantity Spengnsaiyanet or OSL changes 1 fold and so does y ie. changes from yo initially to 1° yo finally. Now the PD. across the condenser is Im Y Im Va Gooswt= ase and hence the electric field between the plates is Im E= 295 SOF498 Thus, the charge on the plate being qq cos a f, the force on the plate is 2 F=—cos*wt eS Since this force is always positive and the plate is pulled slowly we can use the average force 7. F- 5; : Fen 21) 4m¥0 and work done is A = F(? yo-yo) = (17-1) 2 tS TaYo Gn ae But Ja% = 315 = W the intl stored energy. Thus. A= (P-1)W. The equations of the L ~C circuit are C,V-fidt C,V-fid 14 page ef ne vf a qi Cr Differentiating again «= L(+) «-1h--14 G G ¢, 1 2 Then hegighh ae Teh+th so L(Cy+C,)I+I = 0 or I= Iysin (apt +a) 2 1 where 0" Teac) (Part a ) (Hence T = 2% = 0,7 ms) Wo At 1=0,l=0s0a=0 T= Iysinogt The peak value of the current is Jp and it is related to the voltage V by the first equation LI=V-fldt(C,+C2) ' 1 : or +Laplocosagt = V- GG, J Jasin ootat (The PD. across the inductance is V at t = 0) 1h VFS oy (cms out 1) af G6, Hence Ty = (Cy +p) VV = V = 8.05 A. L57 499 Initially q, = CVp and q> = 0. After the switch is closed change flows and we get N+2 = CV 4,40 49 | Bid Leo Q Also I = q, = -q. Thus I enn : 4 Por 2 2 +41 + Hence F+upl= 0 a = 7%, C Cc 4, The soloution of this equation subject to -4, “Yo T=Oatr=0 Sw is I= Ipsinaot. Integrating 91 = A- 7 cos aot Finally substituting in (1) A-B_ 21 c Gap C08 M0# +L Ip 0 COS ot =0 cy, Thus A= B= rand CV Ip cee CM so 41 = Ze +008 91) cv 92 = "(1-008 wt) 4.100 The flux in the coil is (1) = {$ <0 0 £>0 : fla The equation of the current is opel (a) dime 2 This mean that ico} +1=0 or with b= f5 I = Ipsin( 1+ a)4.101 4.102 I Putting in (1) ~L Ip Wp 008 ( 9 t+) = ~ T° [€08 (wot +a) ~ cos a] 0 This implies cosa = 0 +. J = * Iycos wot . From Faraday’s law de dI a a =-L9 or integrating from t = - € to - € where ¢ + 0 ® = LJy with + sign in J so, I= 2 COS Wot. Given V = V,, e7*! coswmt (a) The phrase ‘peak values’ is not clear. The answer is obtained on taking |cos wt| = 1 mn o ie te (b) For extrema 2Y = 0 - Booswr- wsinwt = 0 or tanwt = - B/o ie. ot = n+ tan’ The equation of the circuit is OQ ,p42,2. Letra +S -0 where Q = charge on the capacitor, This has the solution Q=Q, e7*' sin(wr+ a) where B=, 0=Vop- BP, of =e. Now 1-42.20 attr =0 $0, QO, 28! (- Bsin(wt+ a)+mcos(wt+a))=0 att=0 Thus cosa = Bsina or a = tan7! 5 Now vq = 2 and Vo = D.atr= 0 = 2 sina v, z yo 7 sina = Gate = Oe eisai Meee ‘mn orp %59 4103 We write 2 rote ™ sinwe = Brie ior = gm I, (gm means imaginary part) (B+ iw)en Bit ier = gm I, SP gm In ee =[e# Bsinwt+ w coswt = P+ o -prsin(wi+d) igo V B+ wo 8 ( An arbitrary constant of integration has been put equal to zero.) Thus =Ine v-2-1, Vv z e7 * sin(wtt 8) V(0) = V% sind = 1, VE ws o + C(1+ 6/0") 4104 f= J, e7* sinwt £ Vv 1 anne fogs Ie’ o = VoR- 8 I= - 4, q = charge on the capacitor Then qa Ine Pt SOLD) tango 2, Vo'+ p 6 Thus Wu = £11 eo? sin? or e728! sin? (wet 8) LER 26 = ot gee ee a sin? (wt+ 3) w+ B*60 Current is maximum when 4 sino = 0 Thus - Bsinwt+ wcoswt = 0 o or wn ot = 2 = tnd 8 ie. orenn+d ‘a? in? and hence Wigaretenas (tien eneinsOuraeee le We sin?(wt+ 3) sin?28 — 4cos?d 1 ip seeeeL Ser, REEL. se Se ee ees 4B'70g 4p? LCR? cr? (Wy is the magnetic energy of the inductance coil and We is the electric enengy of 1 capacitor.) 4.105 Clearly L=L,+1y,R=R,+R 4106 Q = Fe or B-a5 Now Br=inn sore "or = 2101 - 05 ms mv 4.107 Current decreases ¢ fold in time te 2d gee uw 2k caccttations ~2L o R 2x re 1 R? 1 V 4L _ "ERY LG7 4p "2a ¥ Rig 1 7 159 oscillations x _o 4108 Q = FE 35 . - pee “+ @= 282, Baao. a wy oVis—-y or oS eS 1+ 42 oo Por | £100 % « 15x 100% = 05% 9 804.109 4110 4111 Att = 0 current through the coil = £ Rer PD. across the condenser = =~ Rer (a) Ate = 0, energy stored = Wo 2 2 -34(x5) 1 (at) = 52 ESRD. 20 ee (Re ry? -1R2 -1R/L (b) The current and the change stored decrease as e~'””*" so energy decreases as e 2 We We = 0.10 mI. Vo} - B 28 ©, or Ber Vie 49? or B= Now W= We 7 Thus energy decreases 1 times in ot sec. = Inn Vis 49" | Qinn oo = 1.033 ms Yao” 224 In a leaky condenser 4aly_7 rade Gee 1-1! where I’ =p = leak current ~22-,%._,4(4,¥ Now v-Z--17 =-L5 [eR - 124. 4a di? RC dt eee d Oe . +geatiet~° Then = Ime *'sin(wmt+ a)62 4.112 Given V = V,e7*' sinwt, @ = @ BT << Energy loss per cycle Power loss = T ad cvax 26 (energy decreases as Wy e~ 7°! so loss per cycle is Wox 2BT) Thus
= z cv2« £ 2
L or R- v2 a Hence o-ivi -VE x Feb 7 100 on putting the vales. 4.113. Energy is lost across the resistance and the mean power lass is
= R = 5 R12 = 02 mW. This power should be fed to the circuit to maintain undamped oscillations. 2 RCV, 4114
= 57 28 in (4.112). We get
= 5 mW.
4.115 Given q = 41+ a iT
= eres
Lh=Rh= 4,
Thus CL 91+ (q+ @) = 0
RC H+ N+ =0
Putting gq) = Ae’®! qo = Beti®!
(1- wLC)A+B=0
A+(1+ i@RC)B = 0
A solution exists only if
(1- wLC)(14+ i@RC) = 1
or iwRC- w LC-iw LRC? =0
or LRCo*-iwLC-RC =0
Thus G1 = (A, cos wot + Az sin wy t) e7** etc.
2p is the oscillation frequency. Oscillations are possible only if 3 > 0
ic. +1 .¢
ce 4p? L°
4116 We have ;
Ly h+ Ril = 1, h+ Rh
¢c RyLt
Then differentiating we have the equations
L,CT,;+R,Ch + (+h) =0
1,C 14 RpCh + (h+h) =0
Look for a solution
=A, e", b= Ape
Then (14 07? L,C+ aR,C) Ai+ Ap = 0
A, + (14+ 0? L,C+#aR,C) A, = 0
This set of simultaneous equations has a nontrivial solution only if
(1+ 72, C+ aR\C)(1+ 07L,C+#aRC)=1
3. 2 L:Ro+1pR, Ly+Lp+ Ri RoC Ry+ Rp
or a teeeerrerarees ta eee ers caeeet TT ce
This cubic equation has one zeal root which we ignore and two complex conjugate roots. We
require the condition that this pair of complex conjugate roots is identical with the roots of
the equation
The general solution of this problem is not easy.We look for special cases. If Ry = Ry = 0, tha
12 | If L;=L2=0, then
R=0 and LTS
L=0 and R =R,Ry/(R,+Rz) These are the quoted solution but they are misleading.
We shall give the solution for small R, Ry . Then we put a = -6 +i when B is small
We get (1-071, C-2iB@l,C-B,C+ioR,C)
(1-071, C- 2iBwL,C- Bfac+ iwR,C)=1
(we neglect B* & BR,, BR, ). Then
L,+ L,;
2 2 2 title
(1- @C)(1-aLgC) = te oh PS
a ne
This is identical with ow Ie if L Tel,
also (2BLy- Ry) (1- @L,C)+ (2BL2- R,)(1- wL,C) = 0
R RL? + Rol? RL} + RL?
This gi B = Op = aT Teg) 7 Ra
4,,4 =+4
on otlL G+ Ri ta+F
on RK
“ti Vi
For the critical case R = 2V
Thus LC G+ 2VIC g+q=0 Sw
Look for a solution with q a e*'
An independent solution is te*' . Thus
pe se :
At t=0q=CVo thus A =CVy
Also at t=0qg=-1=0
0=B-AT B= VE
‘Thus finally 1-4.yVE elie
The current has been defined to increase the charge. Hence the minus sign.
The current is maximum when
This gives t = VEC and the magnitude of the maximum current is
Mol = 2VE.
The equation of the circuit is (J is the current)
Vo it t
--Té 1- ye}?
LG + RI = Vue ot
From the theory of differential equations
T= Iptle
where Jp is a particular integral and Ic is the complementary function (Solution of the
differential equation with the RHS = 0 ). Now
Te * Ico 7"
and for Ip we write Ip = Iq cos (wt-@)
Substituting we get
L-——*{=—, 9 tan? 24
Vrs wh? R
Vin RL
‘Thus i, cos (wt- @) + Ieoe”
VR es Lt
Now in an inductive circuit] = 0 at t= 0
because a current cannot change suddenly.
Veea [cos (woe - @p)- cos pe
Here the equation is (Q is charge, on the capacitor)
ct R dt Vn cos@t
A solution subject to Q = 0 at t = 0 is of the form (as in the previous problem)
2 = O,[ cos (wt- F)- cospe™*°]
Substituting back
oe cos (at - @)- ORQ,sin(wt- P)
= V,,{ cos G cos (wt - F) = sinGsin(wr- F)}
so Qn = C Vy, COs F
ORQ, = V_sin®
This leads to
cy, ia
Qu = F—————, an F = ORC
Is [- since w+ SEE ereme
a 3 sin
V R24 (ze)
The solution given in the book satisfies J = 0 at t = 0. Then Q = 0 att = 0 but this
will not satisfy the equation at ¢ = 0, Thus J# 0, ( Equation will be satisfied with J = 0
only if Q# 0 at ¢ = 0)
Wi =0)-—2
ith our J, I(t20) =z
The current lags behind the voltage by the phase angle
-1 @L
= ta —
oman eR
Now L = yn? xa71, 1 = length of the solenoid
Ru bc2xanl
sy , 2b = diameter of the wire
But 2bn=1 2s bagy
2pm a?
1 Won? Ina?-2nv 1
‘Then oo wi! aaa * Gat
-1 Ho ay
= tai apn4121
HereV = V,,cos ot
I = 1,,cos(wt+ @)
axe iss Tala
Thus the current is ahead of the voltage by
eaeee = fs :
p= un aa = tant (we) - = 60
Hee Va IR+ >
or weeramenne YO aa
Ignoring transients, a solution has the form
Tehpsin(wt-a) 9 ee
OR Ip cos(wt- a) + 7 sin(@t- a) = - wVp sinwt
= — @Vo{sin(wt- a) cosa+ cos(wt- a)sina}
so Rly = - Vosina
—=-Vcsa a=2+ tan™'(@RC)
I= Igsin(or— tan“? @RC-2) = - Iysin(wr- tan“! @RC)
Then Q- [rae 20+ “eos (w1-ten"! oR)
It satisfies Vo(1+ coswr) = REZ 2if Vo(1+ coswr) = - Rigsin(wt- tan7'@RC)
Qo, to 1
+ ot G gem (@r- tan aRC)
Thus Qo = CV
7 SunauEee
and ah = vo/Vis(oRcy
VooRC checks
Rh = —
lence ee
© 2-
Vi+ (oRCY
or W-1 = 0 (RCP
or RC =Vre-1/0 = 22 ms.
fauee Va__ Vir Voltage Va.
Voltage V
©) =~
4124 @ I, =
(b) tng = 2S, 9 w - 60°
Current lags behind the voltage V by p69
Vo = 2 w 0665 KV
O fe oc”
Vin = InV R24 wh? = 0-SKV
ee V R24 (2+- se)
————_k. —____ Vine
V(oRCh+(@Le-iy Vf 2 2
(3 1} + toto
Vi = Iq V R24 wl?
Vn VR? + wb?
V r+ (oz- a)
for a given @,L,R, this is maximum when
1 1
aot Ob © C= >= 2 UF
VV R74 oL?
For that C, Vi = JA - VV 1+ (ole? ~ 0540 EV
Va ol
At this C Vo = ee AO L509 Vv
© Poor Condo|—=
‘We use the complex voltage V = V,, e'®'. Then the voltage across the capacitor is
, 1
and that across the resistance RJ’ and both equal V . Thus
, Vin ior ' ; ioe
SMa ata eecae a eeaae
Vn ; ioe
I= (1+ iwRC) e
The actual voltage is obtained by taking the real part. Then
= Vis (orc? cos (wt+ p)
Where tang = oRC
Note —> A condenser with poorly conducting material (dielectric of high resistance) be
the plates is equvalent to an an ideal condenser with a high resistance joined in p
between its plates.aT
4128, ah Sha ah
Maer oe 7 tae
dh dl,
Ly 2-1,
at Oat ¢
from the second equation
Lnh = -Lyh
By kh
Then [ati ee
Thus the current oscillates with frequency
cj LL.- >=
* E|
4.129 Given V = V,,cos wt
I = I,cos(@t~@) L,R
where T
ews Vv
2 eee
Idt I,sin(wt-@)
Then, ve GS _ esntate)
Vin -
sin (or- 9)
V(1- wLCy+ (RCP
‘As resonance the voltage amplitude across the capacitor
See eel ae a ek
1 CR
L 2
Se =n
: cr
N/a casei meer
Now Q= CGR? 4 nara
4.130 For maximum current amplitude1 Vn
Sig ind then Ino =
4.131 At resonance
Then oyb- = VAI
wae VFT (assuming «> ©;)
«3 o _ yaak
or oy- Gee = aye VATE
or 01+ = SE (y+ @) > wy = VOrO,
and o-oo Vea &
R_ %-o
and o- V8 _ 1 LV OP Dom 1
ae 4 (m= oF 473
o :
4132 Q = = FE for low damping.
Now 2%
ow 2
s Aw = 2p and Q =
0 o = 2B and Q =<.
4133 At resonance © =
Im (9) = RE
Then J, (10) =
4.134 The a.c. current must be
T= I) V2 sinwt
Then D.C. component of the rectified current is
= 5 f V2 sinwtdr
T 0
~ V2 5, f snoao
_ ov2
Since the charge deposited must be the same
Int) = 21
The answer is incorrect.74
4135 (a) my =ht Ost = alewaPx == 59456 51x 10 w
Amey 3 2 12me9c
eee ~~ 1
Pia GX fomee = OT aaa
Tous Pr eieeractes (eos eee
(4mxe9)° (mR?) 3¢
Most of the radiation occurs when the moving particle is closest to the stationary particle. In
that region, we can write
R? = b+ v70?
and apply the previous problem’s formula
( be +V 2 1 y?
(the integral can be taken between * o with little error.)
iaaieaie (idee
Thi AW = —
es aaa ™4.215
Nog. f dt a f dx aia ai
(Biav ity (beta Ube
Hence, swe—t ct a
(429)? 30° mvb>"
For the semicircular path on the right
MY Bev ot v= Bek.
R m
2 2p?
Thus KE. = T= my? -2 2
= 2m
: 122: evs
Power rained = = 55 ( R )
Hence energy radiated = AW
12 (=) xR B’e*R?
” Fee 3c3| im? ) BeR” ~ Gegmic?
AW Be* -18
So fe = Ss = 206 x 10.
T —3e9c°m
(neglecting the change in v due to radiation, correct if AW/T << 1).
12 fev?) 1 2 (etBy
Then Pte 3 R ) ” ane ral m )
1 aa
“3 3 3
megc? \ m
This is the radiated power so
aT Be*
at 3negm*c?
Integrating, T = Ty e~'*
1 = 3E0 mc?
1 is (1836 )° ‘» 107° times Jess for an electron than for a proton so electrons radiate away
their energy much faster in a magnetic field.112
4.217 P is a fixed point at a distance | from the equilibrium position of the particle. Because
1 > a, to first order in the distance between P and the instantaneous position of the particle
is still For the first case y= 0 so t= 7/4
The corresponding retarded time ist’ = ZL
Now FU =- cPacosolF 2) a et asin 2
c ¢
For the second case y = a at f = 0 so at the retarded time t’ = — --2
Thus ya)« ~ aPacos 24
‘The radiation fluxes in the two cases are proportional to (j" (2) )* so
tS tan? 2! © 3.06 on substitution.
S; c
Note : The radiation received at P at time ¢ depends on the acceleration of the charge at the
retarded time.
Along the circle x = Rsinwt, y = Reos wt
where @ = 5. If t is the parameter in x(t),y(¢) and 1
1” is the observer time then lwe>
tlm te ft b~\
where we have neglected the effect of the y--cordinate
which is of second order. The observed cordinate are
x'(t') = x(t), y(t") = y(t)
dy' dy dt dy -oRsinwot | _-ox | -vx/R
Then Gat dd 7 oR
1-— sat
ee d?y'! _ dt d(-vx/R
1- oR
This is the observed acceleration.4219
(b) Energy flow density of EM radiation Sis proportional to the square of the y- projection
“teal af G4)
We know that Sy (r) «2,
of the observed accéleration of the particle (i« S| :
At other angles S(r,0) « sin? 6=M/2
Thus S(7,0) = Sp(r)sin*O = Sosin’6 So
Average power radiated
5 5 Sor
= Sox 4ar?x
(avense of sin?@ over whole sphere is
From the previous problem.
Py» —
or So= Sr
Thus = ————";114
On the other hand the mean Poynting flux of the incident radiation is
fe yt
= 5
7 EZ as in (196). Thus = 3.3 » W/m?
4.198. For the Poynting vector we can derive as in (196)
= 3 i E2 along the direction of propagation.
Hence in time ¢ (which is much longer than the time period T of the wave), the energy
reaching the ball is
mR? x E2xt=5\.
4199 Here E = Ecos kx cost =
From div E = 0 we getE,, = 0 so E, is in the y~z plane.
SF TB = - VeaskxxE, cos ot
= E&E,sin kx cos wt
so Ba a sinkxsinwt = B,sinkxsin wt
Where |B] = AE and Hy 4 Ey in the yz plane
At t=0,B = 0, E = E,coskx
At t= 7/4 E=0,B = B,sinkx4.201
E- E, cos kx wt
a EKER, :
He sin kxsin wt (exactly as in 199)
=< =» we Ex En
Fo Beit = EXE) 1 5 sin2kx sin 201
1 : : 1
Thus S.= | %0cEm sin2kxsin2ot (+ we")
<5,> = 0
Inside the condenser the peak electrical energy W, = 3 Cyn
Lip XR?
mi 2nd,
(d = separation between the plates, ™R? = area of each plate.).
V = V,, sin wt, V,, is the maximum voltage
Changing electric field causes a displacement current
jaa ae = t9E_ © cos wt
= OO cos wt
This gives rise to a magnetic field B(r) (at a radial distance r from the centre of the plate)
soo, ‘m
cos wt
B(r)-2mr = pom? jas = Wo?
B= Lemelvaarer
Energy associated with this field is
=far om : 1Buy Si an [ Prarnaxv cos? «wt
Deer itat ah Rast gies,
7g TEOMO Gg Vm cos wt
Thus the maximum magnetic energy
i five (o apse *y2
‘nm 1 iid (foot 15
Hence Wr 7g Mo(OR) aot =5 x 10
‘The approximation are valid only if @ R <