Audit Report For France

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Audit Report for France


Oracle Financials for EMEA

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of the document ..................................................................................................................... 2

2. Assumptions and Prerequisites............................................................................................................. 2
3. Reporting............................................................................................................................................... 2

1. Purpose of the document
This document explains the implementation and usage guidelines for the following report:

 Audit Report for France

The document explains the prerequisite setup, report output details and the business flow.

You can use the Audit File for France process to create an electronic audit file to fulfill the legal reporting

As of 1st January 2014 new rules require all companies, subject to tax in France and under audit by the
French tax authorities, to produce audit documentation in a prescribed electronic format. This is a
statutory requirement that complements the printed mandatory journals required by law; this
electronic audit file along with journals must be prepared according to the French GAAP (Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles).

The objective of fiscal authorities is to better target companies to be controlled; auditors can verify the
coherence between the audit file and the accounting being reported.

2. Assumptions and Prerequisites

In this document we assume that you have already set up the following entities:

 Data Security – Refer to the Fusion Security topical essay available on
 Enterprise Structure
 Accounting and reporting sequences if used

You should complete the ‘Implementation Project’ for your organization before using the Audit File for
France process. If you require further details, refer to the Analyze and Report section of Oracle
Financials Cloud (Get Started) web site.

3. Reporting
The Audit Report for France process does not require any additional feature specific setup.

You have to enter, process and account all your subledger transactions. Also all manual journals have to
be entered and processed for the reporting period. There are no specific attributes that you have to
enter on the subledger transactions or journals for them to be reported.

The Audit Report for France does not include journal lines entered in STAT currency.

Navigation: Navigator –> Tools -> Scheduled Processes

To run the process you have to submit the Audit Report for France job on the Scheduled processes UI.

At report submission you can specify the following parameters:

Ledger – enter the ledger name that you are reporting on. The available values are dependent on the
data access set assigned to your user.

Legal Entity – the values are restricted to the legal entities associated with the ledger. Leave it blank to
report on all the data in the ledger regardless of the legal entity.

Show adjustment periods – enter ‘Yes’ if you want to include data from adjustment periods in the
report run, otherwise select ‘No’.

From/To Period – specify the range of periods you want to run the report for.

Journal Entry Source – Leave it blank to report on all sources at the same time or specify a single source
(e.g. Payables, Receivables, Assets etc.) to be included in the data file.

Account filter – using this parameter you can restrict the account code combinations that will be
included into the data file.

Accounting Sequence Name – enter the sequence name if you want to restrict what journal lines to
include in the electronic file.

Posting status – select the posting status whether you can to see only posted journals or also journals
that are transferred, but not yet posted from the subledgers.

Report Order by – specify if you want to report to list accounting or reporting sequences.

You can have the output file saved as a text, data or .csv file.

For review purposes you can open the file in an excel spreadsheet.

The table below describes the data elements included in the file.

# Field Name Type of Field Data element Description

1 JournalCode Alphanumeric The journal category of the journal line The journal entry code of the accounting entry
2 JournalLib Alphanumeric Accounting or reporting sequence name The journal entry label/name of the accounting
depending on the value for the Report Order entry
by submission parameter
3 EcritureNum Alphanumeric Sequence number The number of the accounting entry (in
chronological and sequential numbering)
4 EcritureDate Date Accounting date of the journal line Accounting date
5 CompteNum Alphanumeric Natural account segment of the journal line The account number, which refers to the
accounting flexfield appropriate French accounting terminology – the
first three characters must meet the French
accounting standards
6 CompteLib Alphanumeric Natural account segment description The account heading under the French accounting
7 CompAuxNum Alphanumeric Party number such as supplier/customer The subsidiary ledger account number, left blank if
number not used
8 CompAuxLib Alphanumeric Party name The subsidiary ledger account heading, left blank if
not used
9 PieceRef Alphanumeric Transaction number e.g. invoice number or Reference number of the relevant supporting
journal ID document
10 PieceDate Date Transaction date or journal accounting date Date of the relevant supporting document
11 EcritureLib Alphanumeric Transaction or line description Label of the accounting entry
12 Debit Numeric Debit amount in functional currency Debit amount, zero if the journal line has a credit
13 Credit Numeric Credit amount in functional currency Credit amount, zero if the journal line has a debit
14 EcritureLet Alphanumeric Reconciliation group or reconciliation The lettering/marking of the accounting entry.
reference The field has a value if the reconciliation
functionality is used and the journal line is
reconciled otherwise left blank.
15 DateLet Date Reconciliation Lettering date. The field has a value if the
reconciliation functionality is used and the journal
line is reconciled otherwise left blank.
16 ValidDate Date Posted date Validation date for the journal entry
17 Montantdevise Numeric Entered currency amount Amount in currency, the field should be left blank if
not used. Positive for debit amounts, negative for
credit amounts.
18 Idevise Alphanumeric Entered currency code Identifying code the currency, left blank if not used

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White Paper Title

October 2017

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