Orissa Licence Conditions
Orissa Licence Conditions
Orissa Licence Conditions
(A Deemed Transmission Licensee under Sec. 14 of the
Electricity Act, 2003)
The Electricity Act, 2003 (Act) has come into force since June 10, 2003.
The Govt. of Orissa has drawn up a Transfer Scheme under section 131 and
other relevant provisions of the Act, and vested assets and personnel of the
transmission activity of GRIDCO to a newly incorporated Govt. Company namely
Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL). Under fifth proviso of
Sec 14 of the Act read with the provisions of Government of Orissa’s aforesaid
Transfer Scheme, OPTCL became a Deemed Transmission Licensee. Under
section 16 of the Act, the Commission has legal obligation to lay down the
license conditions of the OPTCL as a Deemed Transmission Licensee. The
Commission in its Conduct of Business Regulations, 2004 (Appendix 4-B) has
specified the General Conditions for Transmission Licensees operating in the
State of Orissa. In exercise of powers conferred under Clause 18.2 of Appendix
4B (General Conditions for Transmission Licensee) of the OERC (Conduct of
Business) Regulations, 2004, the Commission has modified some of the Clauses
of the aforesaid General Conditions. Such General Conditions with modifications
have been laid down in Part II of these licence conditions.
Furthermore the Commission lays down at Part III the Specific Licence
Conditions for OPTCL.
1. Short Title
1.1 These License Conditions may be called “The Licence Conditions of
Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited” (A Deemed Licensee
under Section14 of the Electricity Act, 2003), which are applicable to
Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.
1.2 These licence conditions shall come into force from 1st November 2006.
3. Definitions
(f) "Ancillary Services" means black start, reactive power, frequency
control and such other services as any Electricity Operator may be
required to have available as ancillary services pursuant to the Orissa
Grid Code or any agreement with the Licensee primarily for the
purpose of securing stability of operation on the Transmission System
(g) “Area of Activity” means the area of activity stated in condition no. 2
of these Licence Conditions within which the Transmission Licensee
is authorised to establish, operate and maintain transmission lines;
(m) "Distribution Code" means the Code governing all material technical
aspects relating to connections to and the operation and use of the
Distribution System as approved by the Commission;
(n) "encumbrance" means any mortgage, charge, right of possession,
assignment by way of security or other form of security interest;
(q) “Force Majeure” means any event which is beyond the control of the
licensee with a reasonable amount of diligence could not be foreseen
or which could not be prevented and which substantially affect the
performance by the licensee including but not limited to:
(i) Acts of God, natural phenomena including but not limited to
floods, droughts, earthquake, cyclone, storms, adverse weather
condition and epidemics;
(ii) Acts of any Government domestic or foreign including but not
limited to war, declared or undeclared, hostilities, priorities,
quarantines, embargoes;
(iii) Terrorist attack, riots or civil commotion;
(iv) Grid’s failure not attributable to the licensee; and
(v) Other similar occurrence that leads to any act that would involve a
breach of relevant laws or regulations connected with electrical
(u) “Licence” means the licence under section 14 of the Act under which
the Licensee is authorised to conduct the Licensed Business;
(z) “Operational Control” means possessing the authority to make
operational decisions such as commissioning and utilisation of units,
service lines and equipment;
(aa) “Orissa Grid Code (OGC)” means the Orissa grid code specified by
the Commission, covering all material technical aspects relating to
connections to and the operation and use of a Transmission System, or
(in so far as relevant to the operation and use of a Transmission
System) the operation of electric lines and electrical plant connected to
the Transmission System, the Distribution Systems, or the system of
any Supplier;
(gg) “State Act” means the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995;
(jj) “Transfer” shall include the sale, exchange, gift, lease, licence, loan,
securitisation, mortgage, charge, pledge or grant of any other
encumbrance or otherwise permitting of any encumbrance to subsist or
parting with physical possession or any other disposition or dealing;
(ll) “Transmission Licensee” means the entity, which has been granted a
Transmission Licence or is a deemed Licensee under the first, second,
third or fifth proviso of Section 14 of the Act authorized to transmit
(pp) “Use of System” means use of the Transmission System for the
transportation of electricity for any person pursuant to a contract
entered into with the Transmission Licensee;
3.2 Words, terms and expressions used in these Licence Conditions which
are not defined in these Conditions or in the Electricity Act, 2003 have the
meaning as usually are understood in electrical industry.
4. Terms of Licence
4.1 Unless the licence of the licensee revoked earlier, the licensee will carry
its licenced activity for a period of 30 years from 1st April 1997.
6.1 The Licensee shall duly comply with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations
including Policies, Notifications, Circulars and Orders made there under; and the
provisions of all applicable laws and orders, directions issued by the Commission
from time to time. The licensee shall also comply with Distribution Code to the
extent it is applicable to it.
6.2 The Licensee shall act in accordance with this General Conditions except
where the Licensee is exempted from any provisions of these general
conditions at the time of the grant of licence or otherwise specifically
obtains the approval of the Commission for any deviation there from.
6.3 The Licensee shall duly comply with the order and directions of the
National Load Despatch Centre, Regional Load Despatch Centre and the
State Load Despatch Centre and other statutory authorities issued in the
discharge of their functions under the Act or the State Act.
7.1 The Licensee shall duly discharge the duties of the Transmission Licensee
as provided under section 40 of the Act.
7.2 The Licensee shall provide non discriminatory open access to the
Transmission System for use of the Licensees, and Generating Company
including the Captive Generating Plant and the Consumer subject to
availability of transmission capacity in the transmission lines and in the
case of use of such Transmission System for supply of electricity to
consumer subject to payment of surcharge to meet the current level of
cross subsidy as envisaged in section 40 read with sub-section (2) of
section 42 of the Act .
7.3 The Licensee shall not without the prior approval of the Commission:
(a) undertake any transaction to acquire by purchase or takeover or
otherwise, the utility of any other Licensee;
(b) merge his utility with the utility of any other licensee
(c) acquire any beneficial interest in any Generating Company of
Generating Station;, or
(d) transmit electricity to any Person in the State of Orissa, not
authorised to by the Commission.
7.4 The Transmission Licensee shall not engage in the business of electricity
Trading directly or indirectly or associate in the business of an electricity
trader or the Distribution Licensee.
7.5 The Licensee shall provide to the other licensees Intervening
Transmission Facilities to the extent of surplus capacity available, in his
Transmission System and in the event of any dispute as to the availability
of the surplus capacity the same shall be determined by the Commission.
The charges and terms and conditions for the intervening facilities may be
mutually agreed between the Licensees and in the event of any
disagreement the same shall be decided by the Commission.
7.6 In the event the Licensee engages in any Other Business, the same shall
be subject to the following conditions:
(a) the Licensed Business and the conduct thereof by the
Transmission Licensee is not prejudiced and/or adversely affected
in any manner by reason of the Other Business;
(b) a proportion of the revenue, as may be directed by the
Commission, derived from such Other Business shall be utilized for
reducing the charges for Transmission and Wheeling;
(c) the Licensee shall prepare and keep, in respect of the Other
Business activities, separate accounting records as would be
required to be kept in respect of such activities as if they were
carried on by a separate company, so that the revenues, costs,
assets, liabilities, reserves and provisions of, or reasonably
attributable to such Other Business activities are separately
identifiable from those of the Licensed Business;
(d) the Licensed Business does not subsidize in any way such Other
Business nor creates Encumbrance on its transmission assets in
any way to support such Other Business; and
(e) the Licensee shall not transfer any assets utilised in the
Transmission System for the purposes of Other Business activities
without the prior approval of the Commission.
7.7 The Licensee shall seek approval of the Commission before making any
loans to, or issuing any guarantee for any obligation of any Person, except
when made or issued for the purposes of the Licensed Business. Loans to
employees pursuant to their terms of service and trade advances in the
ordinary course of business are excluded from the requirement to seek
such approval.
7.8 The Licensee may engage any of its Subsidiaries or Holding Company or
a Subsidiary of such Holding Company of the Licensee to provide any
goods or services to the Licensee in connection with the Licensed
Business, subject to the following conditions that:
(b) the transaction will be consistent with any Regulations framed by the
Commission relating to the provision of goods and services with
respect to Licensed Business; and
(c) the Licensee will give 15 days’ notice with details of such arrangement,
to the Commission prior to commencement of such arrangement.
7.10 The Licensee shall not at any time assign his licence or transfer his utility,
or any part thereof, by sale, lease, exchange or otherwise without the prior
approval of the Commission. To obtain the approval of the Commission as
aforesaid, the Licensee will file a suitable application with the Commission
disclosing relevant facts in that behalf and the Commission shall dispose
such application expeditiously.
8 Accounts
8.1 Unless otherwise permitted by the Commission the financial year of the
Licensee for the purposes of these Conditions and matters relating to the
Licensed Business shall run from the first of April to the following thirty-first
of March.
8.2 The Licensee shall maintain separate accounts for each such business
undertaking to ensure that transmission business neither subsidies in any
way such business undertaking nor encumbers its transmission assets in
any way to support such business..
8.3 The Licensee shall, in respect of the Licensed Business and any Other
(i) in respect of the first six months of each financial year, a Half
Yearly profit and loss account, cash flow statement and balance
sheet together with such supporting documents and information
as the Commission may prescribe from time to time such
statements and documents to be published in the manner
directed by the Commission;
8.4 The Licensee shall not normally change the basis of charge or
apportionment or allocation of revenues or expenses in relation to the
preparation of the Accounting Statements in respect of a financial year
from those applied in respect of the previous financial year, without prior
intimation to the Commission. Any change, if proposed, in the basis of
charge or apportionment of revenues or expenses shall be consistent with
the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the Accounting Standards
issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Rules and any
guidelines issued by the Commission in this regard.
8.6 Accounting Statements under clause 8.3 above shall, unless or otherwise
approved or directed by the Commission:
(a) be prepared and published with the Annual Accounts of the
Licensee, in the manner provided herein;
(b) state the accounting policies adopted;
(c) be prepared in accordance with generally accepted Indian
accounting standards; and
(d) be prepared in the form as the Commission may stipulate from time
to time;
8.7 The references to costs or liabilities of, or reasonably attributable to
Licensed Business or Other Business shall be construed as excluding
taxation, and capital liabilities which do not relate principally to such
Business and interest thereon.
8.8 The Licensee shall ensure that the Accounting Statements in respect of
each financial year prepared under clause 8.3 and the Auditor’s report in
respect of each financial year are publicised in such manner as the
Commission may direct and are made available to any person requesting
them at a price not exceeding the reasonable cost of duplicating them.
9.1 The Licensee shall furnish to the Commission without undue delay such
information, documents and details related to the Licensed Business or
any Other Business of the Licensee, as the Commission may require from
time to time for its own purposes or for the purposes of the Government of
India, State Government, the Central Commission and/or the Central
Electricity Authority, the State Transmission Utility and the State Load
Despatch Centre.
9.2 The Licensee shall duly maintain the information as the Commission may
9.3 The Licensee shall notify the Commission as soon as possible the
occurrence of any Major Incident affecting any part of its Transmission
System and in any event, by not later than 48 hours of such occurrence:
(a) submit a report to the Commission giving full details of the facts
within the knowledge of the Licensee regarding the incident and its
(b) in the event the report under sub-clause (a) is likely to take more
than two months from the date of such incident, the Licensee shall
within one month from such date of the incident submit a
preliminary report with such details which the Transmission
Licensee can reasonably furnish and state reasons as to why the
Licensee requires more than two months for giving full report of
such incident; and
(c) give copies of the report to all parties concerned with the Major
Incident and to such other Persons as the Commission may direct.
9.4 The decision of the Commission as to what is a Major Incident shall be
final. The Commission may by order, after providing an opportunity of
hearing direct the Licensee to provide such amount of compensation as
the Commission may direct to persons’ who suffer substantial injury or to
the heirs of those who lose their lives as a result of such major incident
where a Major Incident has been caused by any act of commission,
omission or negligence on the part of any of the employees or agents of
the Licensee.
9.5 The Commission at its own discretion may require the submission of a
report to be prepared by an independent person at the expense of the
9.6 The Licensee shall also undertake such studies as the Commission may
direct it to undertake from time to time for the improvement of its
Transmission Business and any other matter concerning the Transmission
Business that the Commission considers necessary in the public interest
to avoid the occurrence of any such major incident.
9.7 The Licensee shall duly inform the Commission about any incident
restricting it from meeting its obligation under his licence granted including
any act of omission or commission by others and steps taken by the
Licensee to mitigate the effect of such incident.
9.8 The Commission may at any time require the Licensee to comply with the
provisions of clauses as to incidents which the Commission may
specifically direct and the Licensee shall be obliged to comply with the
same notwithstanding that such incidents are not Major Incidents;
provided that the time limits specified shall commence from the date that
the Commission notifies Licensee of such requirement.
9.9 The Licensee shall submit a Business Plan to the Commission for
approval within six months of these licence conditions coming in to force
for such period as the Commission may direct and shall update such plan
annually. The Business Plan shall contain year wise load growth, year
wise Transmission loss reduction proposal along with specific action plan,
metering plan for metering interface points, investment plan, treatment of
previous losses, debt restructuring plan, cost reduction plan, projected
profit and loss account, projected balance sheets, projected cash flow
statements and projected important financial parameters.
The licensee will duly implement the aforesaid Business Plan approved by
the Commission.
9.10 The Commission may require the Licensee to intimate by the end of first
quarter of each financial year the progress made in implementing the
Business Plan of the previous financial year with the comparison of actual
implementation vis-à-vis the Plan as approved by the Commission. The
licensee shall post the accounting statements in respect of each financial
year along with their auditor’s comments on their web-site.
10 Investments
10.1 Unless otherwise directed by the Commission, the licensee shall obtain
prior approval of the Commission for making investment in the licensed
business if such investment is above the limits laid down at licence
condition no. 23.1.
10.2 The Licensee shall duly comply with the Regulations, guidelines,
directions and orders the Commission may issue from time to time in
regard to the investments to be made in the Transmission Business.
10.3 The Licensee shall submit to the Commission Investment Plans as a part
of the business plan under clause 9.9 above giving details of investment
schemes to be undertaken during the concerned period for the approval of
the Commission. The Licensee shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Commission that:
(a) there is a need for such Investments in the Transmission System; and
10.4 In the application for investment approval, the licensee shall furnish the following
information or particulars:
(g) Constraints which the Licensee may face in making the investments
or in the implementing the project including constraints on information
(h) Resource mobilisation and financial plans for meeting the
(i) Process for inviting and finalizing tenders for procurement of
equipment, material and /or services relating to investment, in
accordance with a transparent tendering procedure as may be
approved by the Commission; and
(j) Such other particulars as the Commission may from time to time
10.5 The licensee shall cooperate with the Commission’s staff, consultants and experts
to enable them to discharge their functions and to submit a report to the
Commission on the outcome of their findings.
10.6 The licensee shall intimate, by the end of the first quarter of each financial
year -
(a) the annual investment plan with details of investment schemes to be
carried out during the financial year and
(b) the progress made in implementing the annual investment plan of the
previous financial year with the comparison of actual implementation
vis-à-vis the plan as approved by the Commission for the concerned
10.7 The Licensee shall make the investments in a prudent manner being
guided by the duty to build, maintain and operate an efficient, co-ordinated
and economical Transmission System in the State.
10.8 The Licensee shall not undertake schemes involving Major Investments,
not covered under the Investment Plan approved by the Commission under
clause 10.3 above without the prior approval of the Commission, and for
such approval the Licensee shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Commission the factors mentioned in clause 10.3 above.
10.9 The licensee shall invite and finalise tenders for procurement of equipment,
material and/or services relating to major investment, in accordance with a
transparent tendering procedure as may be directed by the Commission.
10.10 For the purposes of this clause 10, the term "Major Investment" means
any planned investment in or acquisition of Transmission facilities, the
cost of which, when aggregated with all other investments or acquisitions
(if any) forming part of the same overall transaction, equals or exceeds an
amount contained in the specific conditions 23.1 applicable to the licensee
or otherwise decided by the Commission from time to time by a general or
special order.
10.11 The Licensee shall be entitled to make Investment in the Transmission
Business other than those covered under clauses 10.3 and above but for
the purposes of considering such Investment while determining the tariff,
the Licensee shall satisfy the Commission that the Investment was
required for the Transmission Business and such investment was made in
an efficient, co-ordinated and economical manner.
10.12 The Licensee shall submit to the Commission along with the “Expected
Revenue Calculations” filed under section 62 of the Act, the highlights of
the annual investment plan consisting of the schemes to be framed by the
Commission under section 61 of the Act, the approval granted by the
Commission to the Licensees for the investments under this clause and
the actions and inactions on the part of the Licensees in complying with
the terms contained in this clause.
11.1 The Licensee shall give to the Commission prior written notice of its
intention to transfer or relinquish Operational Control over any asset
whose value exceeds the amount decided by the Commission as per
condition 11.1 above and the Licensee shall disclose all relevant facts in
the communication to the Commission. The Commission may, within 30
days of the receipt of the notice, seek further information in support of the
transaction and shall, generally within 30 days of such further information
being submitted by the Licensee, and where no such further information is
sought by the Commission as above, within 60 days of the filing of the
application, approve the Transfer arrangement subject to such terms and
conditions or modifications as is considered appropriate or reject the
same, for reasons recorded in writing in the order to be issued by the
11.2 The Licensee may transfer or relinquish Operational Control over any
asset as is detailed in any notice given under condition 11.2 where:
(a) the Commission confirms in writing that it consents to such transfer
or relinquishment of Operational Control subject to such conditions
as the Commission may impose; or
(b) the Commission does not inform the Licensee in writing of any
objection to such Transfer or relinquishment of Operational Control
within the notice period referred to in condition 11.2 and the
transfer is effected by transparent and competitive bidding
11.3 The Licensee may also Transfer or relinquish Operational Control over
any asset where:
(a) the Commission has issued directions for the purposes of this
clause 8 containing a general consent (whether or not subject to
conditions) to:
(i) the transactions of a specified description, and/or
(ii) the Transfer or relinquishment of Operational Control over
assets of a specified description, and/or
(iii) the Transfer or relinquishment of Operational Control is in
accordance with any conditions to which the consent is
subject, or
(c) the asset in question was acquired and used by the Licensee
exclusively or primarily in connection with any Other Business and
does not constitute a legal or beneficial interest in land, or
otherwise form part of the Transmission System or is not otherwise
an asset required for the Licensed Business.
11.4 The Licensee will be entitled to utilise the assets as a means of facilitating
financing its investment requirement or including collateral for debt
financing, securitisation of receivables subject to the conditions:
(a) that the Licensee will inform the Commission about such
arrangements at least 15 days prior to the effective date of the
relevant agreements;
(b) the Licensee acts in a prudent and reasonable manner in such
utilisation of assets; and
(c) the Licensee retains the Operational Control over assets in the
Transmission System.
12.1 Within such period as the Commission may direct, the Licensee shall pay
to the Commission the Licence Fees, initial and also periodic, mentioned
in the Specific condition 25. in such manner as the Commission may
direct in the said Specific Condition.
12.2 Where the Licensee fails to pay to the Commission any of the fees due
under condition 12.1 by the due dates:
(1) During the continuance of the licence period, the Commission after making an
enquiry, and for the public interest may revoke the licence of the licensee for the
grounds mentioned in sub-sections (1) (a),(b),(c), (d) and Sub-section (2) of
Section 19 of the Act.
(2) The Commission may also revoke the licence of the licensee for the breach
of the following licence conditions.
(a) Where the licensee fails to pay the Commission any of the fees due under
condition 12 of these licence conditions.
(b) Where the licensee fails to implement its Business Plan submitted under
condition 9.9 of these conditions.
(c) Where the licensee fails to comply with the provisions of condition 10.2
of these licence conditions with regard to investment to be made in the
Transmission Business
(a) where the Licensee has made an application under Section 18,
sub-section (1) of the Act proposing any alteration or amendment in
the Conditions of License, the Licensee shall publish a notice of
such application with such particulars and in such manner as may
be directed by the Commission;
16.1 The Licensee shall plan and operate the Transmission System, so as to
ensure that Transmission System built, operated and maintained to
provide an efficient, economical and co-ordinated system of Transmission,
in accordance with the Orissa Grid Code and the Overall Performance
16.2 (a) The Licensee shall make arrangements, within such time as the
Commission may direct, to meet the Power Supply Planning and
Security Standards and Power Supply Operating Standards.
(i) will ensure that the Licensee conducts its planning security so
that transmission of electricity will meet levels of reliability and
quality proposed by the Licensee and approved by the
Commission; or
16.3 (a) The Licensee shall, within such time as the Commission may direct
or otherwise submit to the Commission the existing planning and
security standards and the operating standards for its Transmission
System and the existing planning and security standards and
operating standards relating to generation capacity connected to its
Transmission System being followed by the Transmission
Licensee. Such existing standards, with such modification as the
Commission may direct, shall continue to remain in effect until the
new standards approved by the Commission.
(b) The Licensee shall, within such time as the Commission may direct
or otherwise, prepare, in consultation with the Suppliers,
Generating Companies, Central Transmission Utility, Eastern
Regional Power Committee, Grid Co-ordination Committee and
such other person as the Commission may direct, and submit to the
Commission for approval the Licensee's proposal for Transmission
Planning and Security Standards and Transmission Operating
Standards, in accordance with these General Conditions.
Commission may require, shall take effect from such dates as the
Commission may direct.
16.4 The Licensee shall not be in breach of its obligations, if the failure to meet
the Transmission Planning and Security Standards or the Transmission
Operating Standards is due to Force Majeure, provided that, the Licensee
has used its reasonable efforts, to comply with the Transmission Planning
and Security Standards or the Transmission Operating Standards, as the
case may be.
16.5 The Licensee shall, in consultation with Suppliers, the Generating
Companies, the Central Transmission Utility, the Eastern Regional Power
Committee, Grid Co-ordination Committee and such other persons as the
Commission may order, review the standards and their implementation
Following any such review, the Licensee shall send to the Commission:
16.6 The Commission may, having regard to any written representations and
objections received and following such further consultation as the
Commission may consider appropriate, issue directions requiring the
Licensee to revise the standards in such manner as may be stated in the
directions. The Licensee shall duly carry out the revisions directed by the
16.7 The Licensee shall within three months of the end of each financial year,
submit to the Commission a report indicating the performance of the
Transmission System during the previous financial year. The Licensee
shall, if required by the Commission, publish the reports in a manner to be
determined by the Commission. The copies of this report shall also be
furnished by the Licensee to all persons applying for the same at the
normal cost of photocopying.
16.8 The Licensee shall, upon request by the Commission, provide to the
Commission such information as the Commission may require under or for
the purpose of monitoring the duties and responsibilities of the Licensee
under this condition 16.
17. Orissa Grid Code
17.1 The Licensee shall ensure due compliance with the Indian Electricity Grid
Code, and the Orissa Grid Code (OGC) in operation.
17.2 The Commission may, on reasonable grounds and after consultation with
any affected Generating Companies, the Licensee, the State Transmission
Utility, the State Load Despatch Centre and Electricity Traders, issue
directions relieving the Licensee of its obligation in respect of such parts of
the Orissa Grid Code and to such extent as may be decided by the
18.1 The Licensee shall make such arrangements for non discriminatory open
access to the use of his Transmission System by Users subject however
to the availability of the adequate transmission capacity in accordance
with Open Access Regulations notified by the Commission and further
subject to the User agreeing to pay all applicable charges including the
transmission charges and surcharges wherever applicable.
(b) it is likely to result in breach of its duties under the Act or the State
Act; or
(e) the person making the application does not undertake to comply
with the Orissa Grid Code from time to time in force to the extent
that it is applicable to that Person; or
(f) the person making the application does not undertake to pay the
applicable charges, surcharges, adjustment for losses of electricity
in the Transmission Systems determined by the Commission.
18.4 If, after a period which appears to the Commission to be reasonable for
the purpose, the Licensee has failed to enter into an agreement with any
intending user of the Transmission System, the Commission may at the
request of such intending user settle such terms in dispute between the
Licensee and that person and, the Licensee shall forthwith enter into and
implement such agreement in accordance with its terms as settled by the
18.5 The Licensee shall prepare and submit to the Commission on an annual
basis, a statement showing in respect of each of the five succeeding
financial year’s forecasts of circuit capacity, power flows and loading on
the Transmission System under standard planning criteria, together with:
18.7 The Licensee may make a charge for any statement given or sent to
persons seeking Use of System, of an amount reflecting the Licensee’s
reasonable costs of providing such a statement.
18.8 The Licensee is entitled to undertake all activities necessary, related or
incidental to the conduct of the Transmission Business, which would
include laying and operating appropriate communication network to
implement information technology based solutions like remote metering
etc. for the Licensed Transmission Business.
19.1 The Licensee shall calculate the expected revenue from charges which it
is permitted to recover, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the
State Act, the Regulations of the Commission, the tariff terms and
conditions and other guidelines, orders and directions issued by the
Commission from time to time.
19.2 The Licensee shall file the Expected Revenue Calculation and the
application containing tariff proposals in the manner provided in the
Conduct of Business Regulations in complete shape and consistent with
the Regulations under section 61 read with Section 64 of the Act.
19.4 The Licensee shall along with the Expected Revenue Calculation or at
such other time and periodicity, the Commission may specifically permit to
file the application containing tariff proposals and the revision to the
existing tariffs approved by the Commission to match the revenue
requirements of the Licensee
19.5 The amount that the Licensee is permitted to recover from its tariffs is the
amount that the Commission determines and approves in accordance with
the provisions of the Act, State Act and the Regulations of the
19.6 The Licensee may apply to the Commission to amend its tariffs in
accordance with the Act and applicable Regulations and directions of the
20. Restrictions
20.1 In addition to the restrictions as stated under conditions 7.3, 7.4 and 7.10,
following restrictions are to be adhered to by the Licensee. Neither the
Licensee nor any of its Affiliates shall, without the prior written consent of
the Commission:
(a) own, hold any beneficial interest in, or operate, any facilities for
Transmission & Distribution in the Area of Transmission other than
pursuant to a licence granted to the Licensee or the relevant Affiliate
by the Commission; or
(b) start any non-core activity which is not reasonably incidental to the
functions of transmission which it is authorised to carry on pursuant to
his licence, unless specifically authorised by the Commission. Any
non-core activity so authorised by the Commission shall constitute a
Separate Business for the purpose of conditions 7.6 and 8.2 of these
licence conditions.
20.2 With prior approval of the Commission, the Licensee shall guarantee any
obligations incurred by an Affiliate of the Licensee in respect of a non-core
activity. In carrying out the Transmission Business, the Licensee shall not
incur any loan or loans for the purposes of any other Separate Business or
non-core activity of the Licensee.
20.3 The Licensee shall not create or permit to subsist any encumbrance in
favour of any other person over any of the Licensee’s assets for the
purposes of securing any obligation of any other person or of the Licensee
in relation to any non-core activity.
In respect of each Other Business, the Licensee shall not, without the prior
permission of the Commission, give any subsidy to or receive any subsidy
from any Other Business or from any other business of the Licensee or
any Affiliate of the Licensee.
22.1 Subject to condition 22.2, where under the terms of these Licence
Conditions the Licensee provides Use of System or connection services,
the Licensee shall not (unless authorised by the Commission or pursuant
to condition 21 unduly discriminate in respect of price or other terms:
(b) as between the Licensee (in the use of the Transmission System by
the Licensee and any other users or classes of users of the
Transmission System.
22.2 Nothing in condition 22.1 shall prohibit the Licensee from providing Use of
System services to any user on price or other terms which materially differ from
those offered to other users, where such differences reflect different
circumstances of service including load factor, power factor, the level, timing etc.
23. Investment
23.1 For the purposes of condition 10.10, the term "Major Investment" means
any planned investment in or acquisition of Transmission facilities, the
cost of which, when aggregated with all other investments or acquisitions
(if any) forming part of the same overall transaction, equals or exceeds
Rs.10 crore.
24.1 The Licensee shall not dispose of or relinquish operational control over
any assets with replacement cost in excess of Rs.30 lakh otherwise than
in accordance with condition 11 of these Licence Conditions.
24.2 For purpose of this Condition, the term "disposal" means any sale
including sale of shares and stock, gift, lease, licence, the grant of any
right of possession (or ownership whether immediate or in the future),
transfer of ownership, grant of any encumbrance or the permitting of any
encumbrance to subsist or any other disposition to a third party, the cost
of which, when aggregated with all other assets (if any) forming part of the
same overall transaction equals or exceeds Rs.30 lakh, and "dispose"
shall be construed accordingly. The cumulative sale of shares and stock to
a single party shall be considered to form part of the same overall
25.2 For each subsequent financial year that his licence remains in force, the
Licensee shall, by 10th April of every year, be liable to pay to the
Commission an annual licence fee of Rs.50 lakh for each ensuing financial
25.3 All licence fees (including interest if is due under General Condition 12.2)
will have to be deposited in “The Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission
Fund” operated under the Commission.
25.4 (a) The Licensee shall be subject to the proceedings for the recovery
of such fees specified in the Act; and
(b) The Commission may review the amount of licence fee in every
three years.
26.1 The Licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Distribution (Planning
and Operation) Code of any Distribution Licensee, in so far as applicable
to it.
(c) the aggregate revenue which the Licensee expects to be able to
recover from the proposed new or amended tariff, such aggregate
revenue figure shall relate to the first full financial year after the
proposed specified date, where the specified date coincides with
the beginning of the financial year and, in addition where the
specified date does not coincide with the beginning of the financial
year, the aggregate revenue figure to be calculated at the prevailing
tariff up to the date of revision and thereafter at the revised tariff up
to the end of the relevant financial year;
Provided that no tariff or part of tariff shall be amended more than
once in any financial year.
27.3 The Commission may require comparative data for the first six months of
the current and preceding full financial year, for the purposes of
comparison, along with such other data, calculation etc. as the
Commission considers necessary, and the Licensee shall furnish such
data, calculations, comparisons as directed by the Commission.
27.4 Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Regulations, Commission shall
within one hundred and twenty days from receipt of an application for
determination of tariff and after considering all suggestions and objections
received from the public, notify the Licensee either
(i) that it accepts the Licensee’s calculation on (a) and ,(b) ,
and (c) of Condition 27.2; or
(ii) that it does not consider the Licensee’s calculation to be
in accordance with the prescribed methodology or
procedure and will propose an alternative calculation
which the Licensee shall accept. ; or
(iii) reject the application
27.5 Following approval by the Commission of any new or amended tariff, the
Licensee shall publish details of the same in accordance with the
requirements of the Act. The previously notified tariff shall remain in effect
till the new or amended tariff takes effect.
27.6 The Licensee shall ensure that all amounts due to other Users in respect of the
electricity generated or supplied or other goods or services provided by them shall
be paid promptly
Subject to the notification of the State Govt. under section 39 of the Act,
read with OER (Transfer of Transmission and Related Activities) Scheme ,
2005, the licensee shall act and discharge its function as State
Transmission Utility (STU) and also discharge the functions of State Load
Dispatch Centre (SLDC).
30. Miscellaneous
30.1 All issues arising in relation to interpretation of these Conditions and as to
the terms and conditions thereof shall be a matter for the determination of
the Commission and the decision of the Commission on such issues shall
be final.