ISRO Ka Band High Throughput Communication Satellite India
ISRO Ka Band High Throughput Communication Satellite India
ISRO Ka Band High Throughput Communication Satellite India
BANGALORE – 560 017
In this regard, ISRO is looking for design, development, fabrication and operationalization of a next
generation State of the art high throughput Ka-band communication satellite into the geostationary
This expression of interest is sought from bidders to provide their proposals which will aid to firm up
the procurement specifications prior to release of a formal RFP later.
Interested Vendors, Manufacturers having sufficient knowhow, experience and financial background
are invited to express their interest.
Along with “Expression of Interest” please furnish the following information also in detail:
Details are available on ISRO website Interested Vendors may at their option,
download the details from website and submit the application with all the above information shall
reach the undersigned, quoting Ref. No. on or before 1600 Hrs on 20.12.2012. ISAC reserves the right
to accept or reject all or any such “Expression of Interest” without assigning any reasons what so ever.
Version: 0
31st October 2012
1. SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 MISSION...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 SPACECRAFT LIFE AND MASS ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 LAUNCH VEHICLE COMPATIBILITY ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 PRODUCT ASSURANCE .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Part, Material, Process and System Development ................................................................................... 8
3.4.2 Product Assurance Plan .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.3 Model philosophy ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.4 Reviews ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.5 Test plans and procedures ...................................................................................................................... 12
5. REALIZATION PLAN............................................................................................................................ 23
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In India ISRO has played a big role in establishing a strong communication infrastructure
thus partnering the increasingly vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of India’s business, industrial
and entertainment sectors. In order to enhance and upgrade this infrastructure, ISRO is
planning to implement a new generation of payloads and satellite buses.
In this regard, ISRO is looking for design, development, fabrication and operationalization of
a next generation State of the art high throughput Ka-band communication satellite into the
geostationary orbit.
This expression of interest is sought from bidders to provide their proposals which will aid to
firm up the procurement specifications prior to release of a formal RFP later.
Bidders may note that, all information given by the bidders to ISRO will be kept confidential.
The spacecraft readiness for shipment is required to be a maximum of 36 months from the
date of signing of contract. However bidders may indicate their capability for less than 36
months shipment schedule.
This Expression of Interest defines the work to be performed by bidder and also the required
deliverable hardware, software, documentation and services.
All program, technical documentation and meetings related to this program are required to be
written and held in English.
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a. This requirements specifications document is to invite suitable technical proposal
from the interested prospective bidders for the realization of spacecraft and to provide
launch support, and the means of construction of space system, which shall include:
i. A space segment consisting of the satellite;
ii. Technical consultancy for augmentation /up-gradation of ISRO control centre to
meet the operational requirements of proposed spacecraft under procurement.
All project specific hardware and software to be provided by the bidder.
iii. All necessary hardware, software simulators and documentation.
iv. All requirements for the space system for entire term of satellite mission life
with margin after its acceptance in orbit.
v. All requirements for the space system, which are not dependent on position of
the satellite in the orbit, must be fulfilled regardless of the satellite position in
geostationary orbit.
vi. Considering these requirements, the space system includes all necessary
equipment and software of the space segment and the ground segment.
a. Bidder shall be fully responsible for all the tasks related to development, design,
construction, integration, testing and storage of the spacecraft (as per requirement).
b. The bidder is also responsible for shipment of spacecraft to the launch site, testing at
launch preparation site, all work required in conjunction with the customer selected
Launch Services for launch vehicle compatibility and installation of spacecraft on the
launcher, launch support, orbit raising activities and In Orbit Testing of spacecraft.
c. The bidder is also expected to provide support during subsequent period of on orbit
maintenance of spacecraft. (Duration TBD)
b. Bidder shall ensure that a sufficient amount of spare flight equipment is available to
support the timely Spacecraft realisation and Launch. Bidder shall have a replacement
plan to support unit failures, starting with full system test of the Spacecraft at the
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bidder’s facility, and culminating at the launch. Under no circumstances shall the
bidder be permitted to claim an excusable delay because of the lack of replacement
c. Bidder shall provide Spacecraft handling Ground Support Equipment (GSE) fixtures
and implement operating procedures to ensure that the Spacecraft hardware is not
overstressed during ground handling operations. Customer shall have technical
visibility into the GSE and operating procedures but shall not take delivery of the
GSE. Bidder shall also make available Spacecraft GSE to be used during the pre-
launch phases of the mission and ensure that a sufficient amount of spare GSE
equipment is available at the launch site. In particular, spares need to be available for
all critical equipment required during countdown phase.
b. Bidder is responsible for the loading/unloading operations enroute until the spacecraft
preparations facility at launch base.
c. Unloading, loading devices (cranes etc) from the tarmac to the Launch Preparation
Facility and transportation means (trucks, train etc) shall be provided by the Launch
Services Contractor as per agreement with the Customer. Bidder is also responsible
for performing all works at launch site and support the Launch Services Contractor
for all interface requirements to achieve Successful Injection and Spacecraft
b. Bidder will be responsible for development and installation of the Real-time Software
(RTS) at the customer control center. This RTS will be used for the operational
control of the Spacecraft. The bidder shall provide all technical support to make the
software operational.
c. Bidder shall provide RTS including (but not limited to) the following:
d. Bidder shall be responsible for the design, development, on-site integration, test and
documentation of software and hardware components including (but not limited to)
the following:
e. The ground related interface specifications of the TT&C and ranging shall be defined
in the appropriate format with the selected bidder.
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a. The mission requirement is for one firm ISRO Ka Band High Throughput
Communication Satellite and upon exercise of the relevant option, a repeat satellite,
named ISRO Ka Band High Throughput Communication Satellite (R) for use in a
Geostationary Satellite Orbit (GSO).
b. The Spacecraft has to meet all requirements when operated at an orbital location 55
deg E (To be confirmed) over Indian Ocean Region. The final GEO slot will be
indicated at the time of tendering a formal RFP. However manufacture shall explore
the possibility of operating the same satellite from any GEO slot from 48 deg E to
93.5 deg E.
b. The Spacecraft design shall be qualified to carry and consume the full capability of its
propellant and pressurant, even if it is not required to meet the spacecraft Life
requirements. Upon request by Customer, Bidder shall provide such propellant and
pressurant up to the maximum capacity of the tanks at no extra cost, even if the
spacecraft Life requirements can be met with less than full tanks.
c. The spacecraft shall be a typical of 6 tones class. The bidder is expected to propose an
optimal dry mass of the spacecraft which meets all functional requirements and
mission life with 3σ performance. The mass estimate shall be justified with proper
explanations. The bidder shall also keep in view the constraint posed by commercially
available launch vehicles.
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baseline reference for the compatibility requirements with the launch vehicle shall be
the current version of Launch Vehicle Users Manual.
i. Reliability assurance
ii. Quality assurance
iii. Parts, materials and processes control
iv. Software
v. Testing
vi. Non-conformance control with respect to materials, configuration and tests
vii. Contamination and cleanliness control
viii. Data management, and
ix. Safety.
b. The bidder has to ensure that all hardware and software are designed, manufactured,
tested, stored and delivered to meet the requirements of this program. This shall be
documented in a product assurance plan.
c. The bidder shall provide details of the product assurance organization and
management proposed for implementation of the product assurance plan.
c. The bidder’s shall provide details of Radiation Hardness Philosophy proposed. The
following effects shall be taken into account:
i. Total dose
ii. Displacement damage
iii. Single Event Effect (SEU, Latch-up, Burn-out, Gate Rupture and SET)
iv. Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS) effects
d. The bidder shall provide details of the Materials, Mechanical Parts and processes
Control program proposed. The bidder's program shall be described in the Product
Assurance Plan and will define the requirements for selection, application,
specification, qualification, control and traceability of materials and processes to be
used in satellite equipment. This program shall:
i. Ensure rigorous selection of materials, mechanical parts and processes which can
fulfill the functional requirements during a lifetime compatible with the mission
duration and the specific environmental conditions
ii. Rely on available space proven technologies whenever possible
iii. Identify and control all new products, critical materials, and mechanical parts and
e. Bidder shall prepare a declared material list (DML) and declared process list (DPL)
for implementation.
f. The bidder shall provide details of the review process proposed and shall have regular
reviews during the contract phase.
i. Non-conformance Review Boards
ii. Mandatory Inspection Points
iii. Test Readiness reviews/Test Review Boards (TRRs/TRBs)
iv. Hardware Delivery Review Board
v. Non-conformances
vi. Parts
vii. Critical Items
viii. Materials and Processes
ix. Software
g. The bidder shall provide details of critical item identification, listing and control
policy proposed.
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h. The bidder shall provide details of the reliability assurance program proposed and list
the reliability analyses, tests and other activities carried out to ensure required
reliability. The reliability analyses shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
b. The bidder shall provide details of the quality assurance program for hardware and
software proposed to ensure that adequate quality requirements are established and
achieved and verified throughout all phases of the program. The program shall
describe the detailed requirements and procedures for controlling workmanship
standards during design, quality control during procurement, fabrication, assembly
and integration of hardware, test of hardware and software, reporting and corrective
action for non-conforming items, packing, storing, transportation and launch site
activities. The bidder’s quality assurance program shall be described in the Product
Assurance Plan.
c. The bidder shall provide details of the software product assurance program proposed.
The software product assurance program shall address management issues, life cycle
activities and processes and the product quality aspects. The software product
assurance program shall be compatible with the software engineering approach to be
defined for the project by the bidder.
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e. The bidder shall provide ISRO with the right to participate in or execute surveys,
audits, reviews, source inspection, test observation, mandatory inspections and any
other activity during the contract, or have resident or itinerant personnel at the plants
of the bidder, Subcontractors, Suppliers and Manufacturers. The participation shall be
during the following phases
f. The bidder shall provide details of the development, qualification and acceptance plan
proposed for flight equipment, subsystems and satellites. The plan shall include ( but
not be limited to ) the following:
Note: The bidder shall include the heritage matrix of the proposed equipment in their
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3.4.4 Reviews
a. The bidder shall provide details of the reviews proposed during the development and
qualification phase. These reviews shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
b. The bidder shall provide details of the reviews proposed during the manufacturing,
assembly, integration and test phase. These reviews shall include (but not be limited
to) the following:
c. The bidder may propose a list of reviews, which can be held during the execution of
b. The bidder shall provide the environmental standards to which the equipment,
subsystem and spacecraft are to be tested and provide the compliance in the TRBs.
The environmental standards shall encompass the following:
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c. The bidder shall provide the test plan and test matrix at equipment, subsystem and
spacecraft level. The bidder shall provide details of the life test proposed for life
limited equipment. All life limited equipment shall be subjected to life tests to
demonstrate 1.5 times the proposed mission duration.
d. Depressurization and thermal vacuum tests shall be carried out wherever applicable.
Absence of corona or multipaction in RF systems shall also be demonstrated.
e. At the subsystem level, the bidder shall include (but not limited to) the following
f. At the spacecraft level, the bidder shall include the following tests, verification and
measurements (but not limited to):
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a. The objective is to provide a single high throughput platform to support a large
subscriber base for Broadband services. Since the terminals to be supported are
typically USATs, the on-board platform should have coverage performances to
support high data rate services, which calls for a multi-beam architecture with spot
beams covering the desired region. This also allows frequency reuse across the beams
enhancing the overall system throughput within a given spectrum.
d. Bidder shall also provide the trade-off studies among the technology elements, which
can finally culminate in the proposed system configuration such as optimum number
of spot beams & size to suit frequency re-use color scheme within the allocated
frequency spectrum, minimize gain loss at coverage edge of the antenna beam to close
the user links and maximize throughput generation & capacity, optimum pointing
error budget that loads the spacecraft system, establishing the right balance of the use
of the bandwidth and power in the satellite channel etc.
e. In addition to the advanced on-board technologies that are considered, bidder shall
address the critical issues related to compatibility with the ground system
technologies like applicability of signal structures utilizing advanced modcod, site
diversity for Ka band Hub stations & sizing for fade mitigation along with rain fade
statistics considering Indian tropical rain zones etc.
The satellite shall be located at a longitude of 55 degree E (TBD).
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b. Bidder may also suggest possibility of providing coverage over Middle East Asia /
Africa / South East Asia to provide connectivity with these regions from Indian
b. Bidder may suggest possibility of providing direct user-to-user Mesh connectivity via
satellite for delay sensitive applications.
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b. The overall throughput shall be of the order of ~50 Gbps. Bidder may suggest the
feasibility of achieving greater than 50 Gbps in their proposal.
b. The user terminals to be supported by the payload shall have following typical
d. Mobile user terminal in addition to fixed terminals is a desirable feature. Bidder shall
include this in their proposal.
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Bidder shall provide details of the RF subsystems such as technology, major
specifications, packaging, heritage etc for major RF elements as per the performance
b. The Spacecraft shall have no electrical and electronic component with single point
failure. This requirement applies to parts, harness, printed circuit boards, connectors
and all other electrical paths in the design of the Payload. The Payload design shall
provide sufficient redundancy for all electrical and electronic components to meet the
reliability goal.
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b. Also bidder shall specify the estimated thermal dissipation for the payload.
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b. Demand based beam-wise power assignment to get higher throughput in high traffic
region by appropriate power sharing between beams.
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a. Bidder must fabricate the above satellite and execute the whole cycle of all testing
leading to the stage of launching the satellite within a maximum of 36 months from
the date of signing of contract. However bidders may indicate their capability for less
than 36 months shipment schedule.
b. Period for satellite acceptance is the flight acceptance test by the Manufacturer after
the satellite launch and in orbit successful performance demonstration.
c. Manufacturer shall specify the time line of the contract execution cycle e.g.
translation of mission requirements to system/subsystem requirements/specifications,
PDR, CDR, Integrated Test Plan etc. Customer’s participation and approval is
mandatory during major milestones.
d. ISRO shall get fully involved during the System Engineering, configuration
finalization, design, development, fabrication and AIT stages of spacecraft. This
means an active interaction and participation of manpower from ISRO during various
phases of spacecraft building. The activities like overall configuration finalization ,
design drivers, system level definitions and configuration ,build plan and process shall
be well coordinated , and understood by ISRO team . This may also include some
discussions and knowledge sharing on latest technology domains. It is foreseen that a
full time participation of a few engineers from ISRO is required during the entire
spacecraft realization period. ISRO engineers will be stationed at selected
manufacturer’s premises and should have access to ongoing activities. The bidder
shall clearly express their approach on the subject and also propose a mechanism for
execution of the same.
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These Guidelines have been prepared to assist Bidders in generating the proposals in
response to the ISRO Expression of Interest (EOI). ISRO reserves the right to revise the
requirements as may evolve based on interaction with bidder during evaluation of EOI. The
bidders should have extensive experience in the industry in building various spacecraft
platforms, State of Art Communication Payloads and operational experience in High
Throughput Ka Band Communication Satellites.
The cost of preparing proposals in response to this EOI shall be borne solely by the bidders
and the release of this EOI does not bind any financial or other obligation on the part of
ISRO reserves the right to consider the bidder in the RFP Process for the whole or any part of
the work defined in the EOI, ISRO also reserves the right not to float the RFP.
All Bidders intending to submit proposals are requested to notify ISRO apriori by fax, letter
or e-mail to the following address:
Notifications must also include the name of the point of contact, together with the appropriate
fax number and e-mail address.
Bidders are requested not to contact ISRO for information on the progress or possible
outcome of the evaluation.
4. Submission of Proposals
Complete proposals must be received by the ISRO at the address given below, not later than
the date specified in the EOI cover letter.
6. Presentation of Proposals
Proposals in response to this EOI shall be submitted in electronic form along with two sets of
Hard copy.
Bidders are also requested to provide a transmittal letter, signed by an authorised company
official, with respect to the technical commitments made in the proposal.
All parts of the proposal and communications relating thereto shall be in English.
All parts of the proposal shall adopt the metric system for unit of measurements, e.g. meter
(m), kilogram (kg), second (s) etc.
7. Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation criteria used by ISRO to determine the acceptability of proposals at any stage
and eventual technical discussion with one or more selected bidders will include but not
limited to the following:
The proposals shall remain valid for a period of 6 months from the closing date of submission
of proposals.
All documents submitted in response to the EOI shall become the property of ISRO. Any
information in such documents, which is proprietary to the bidder, should be specifically
identified as such. Proprietary information shall not be deemed to include information that is
obtainable from another source or is or becomes available in the public domain.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, ISRO may disclose proposals, including proprietary
information, to appropriate personnel selected by ISRO for evaluation purposes.
All information contained in this EOI is proprietary information of ISRO and is protected
under Indian law.
All the information contained in this EOI is confidential and cannot be disseminated to third
parties or used by any recipient of this EOI for any purpose other than answering to this EOI.
No public statement or press release shall be issued by the recipient regarding this EOI, the
information contained within, or the EOI process without the prior written authorization of
The Bidder is free to select any specific structure of the Technical Proposal that is suitable to
present information in the clearest possible manner. However, to ensure a minimum level of
details and to facilitate the task of proposal evaluation, several self contained sections or
appendices should be produced to address the following topics as a minimum for which the
requirements are given below.
1. Satellite Design
2. System Budgets and Analyses
3. Payload Design and Communication Analyses
4. Launcher compatibility
5. Hardware Status
6. Realisation Schedule
7. Satellite Operations
9. Product Assurance
10. Applicable Standards
11. Compliance to EOI
12. Alternative proposals