Scalable Processor Architecture (Sparc) : Jeff Miles Joel Foster Dhruv Vyas

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Scalable Processor Architecture

Jeff Miles
Joel Foster
Dhruv Vyas
• Designed to optimize compilers and
pipelined hardware implementations
• Offers fast execution rates
• Engineered at Sun Microsystems in 1985
– Based on RISC I & II which were developed at
Univ of Cal at Berkeley
• SPARC “register window” architecture
• Performance and Economy
– Simplified instruction set
– Higher number of instructions with fewer transistors
• Scalability
– Flexible integration of cache, memory and FPUs
• Open Architecture
– Compatible technology to multiple vendors
– Now allow access to CPU component techniques
– Complete set of development tool available for h/w & s/w
• RISC machine
• 64-bit addressing and 64-bit data
• Increased bandwidth
• Fault tolerance
• Nine stage pipeline; can do up to 4
instructions per cycle
• On-chip 16Kb data and instruct. Caches
– With 2Mb external cache
• General purpose/ working data registers
– IU’s ‘r’ registers
– FPU’s ‘f’ registers
• Control status registers
– IU control/status registers
– FPU control/status registers
– Coprocessor (CP) control/status registers
Window Overlapping
• Each window shares its ins and outs with
two adjacent windows
– Incremented by a RESTORE instruction
decremented by a SAVE instruction
– Due to windowing the number available to
software is 1 less than number implemented
– When a register is full the outs of the newest
window are the ins of the oldest, which still
contain valid program data
IU Control/Status Registers
• Processor State Register (PSR)
• Window Invalid Mask (WIM)
• Multiply/Divide (Y)
• Program Counters (PC, nPC)
• Ancillary State Registers (ASR)
• Deferred-Trap Queue
• Trap Base Register (TBR)
IU Control/Status Registers
• Processor State Register (PSR)
– Contains various fields that control and hold
status information
Impl Ver Icc Reserved EC EF PIL S PS ET CWP
31:28 27:24 23:20 19:14 13 12 11:8 7 6 5 4:0

• Window Invalid Mask (WIM)

– To determine a window overflow or underflow
W31 W30 W29 ----------------------- W1 W0
• Each location identified by
– Address Space Identifier (ASI)
– 64-bit address
• Real memory
– No side effects
• I/O locations
– Side effects
Instruction Formats
• VIS – Visual Instruction Set
– Visualization built into chip
• Examples of formats
Processor Comparison Summary
UltraSPARC-IIi HP PA-8000 Cyrix MediaGX MIPS R10000 Intel Pentium II PowerPC 603e
Architecture SPARC V-9 HP-PA X86 MIPS III X86 PowerPC
Open versus proprietary Open Proprietary Proprietary Open Proprietary Open
64-bit architecture Ð Ð Ð Ð
High volume processor Ð Ð Ð Ð
High bandwidth Ð
Integration Level
On-chip MMU Ð Ð Ð Ð
On-chip I/O interface Ð Ð Ð Ð
On-chip cache Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð
On-chip multimedia support Ð Ð
Clock speed 300 MHz 180 MHz 180 Mhz 195 MHz 233-300 Mhz 300 MHz
Binary compatibility with
existing applications Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð
SPECint95/fp95 >12/>12 11.8/18.7 N/A 10.7/19.0 11.7/8.15 7.4/6.1
Low cost Workstations Low-power,
desktops and
and low-cost
High-end embedded
Target Environment
servers desktops and
Workstations and
Desktops Workstations servers portables
What makes the CISC lock-up?
• Elegant forward looking branch instruction set
– Compiler can go to different branches
• More complete testing of SPARC
• Simpler compiler design
• Better integration of OS interrupts to H/W
• Solaris has a tighter source code
– Less devices to support
Weaver, David/Tom Germond. SPARC Architecture Manual:
Version 9, Prentice Hall. 1994.
Stallings, William. Computer Organization and Architecture:
5th Edition, Prentice Hall. 2000.
Bresani, Fred. Systems Engineer, Sun Microsystems.

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