Abu Al Qasim Al Zahrawi (Albucasis) : Pioneer of Modern Surgery
Abu Al Qasim Al Zahrawi (Albucasis) : Pioneer of Modern Surgery
Abu Al Qasim Al Zahrawi (Albucasis) : Pioneer of Modern Surgery
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bu Qasim Khalaf Ibn Abbas Al Zahrawi, or open abscesses. He applied cauterization procedure
known in the West as Albucasis or Zahravius, to as many as 50 different operations.
was born in 936 AD in Al-Zahra’, a suburb, • Application of ligature for bleeding vessels and intern-
six miles northwest of Cordoba, the capital of Muslim nal stitching utilizing catgut. He preceded the famous
Spain (Al-Andalus). His ancestors were from the Al French military surgeon Ambroise Pare (1510-1590),
Ansar tribes of Al Madina Al Munawwarah who came claimed to be the first European to utilize sutures, by
from the Arabian peninsula with the Muslim armies five centuries.
which conquered and lived in Spain. Al-Zahrawi trave- • Treatment for anal fistulas.
eled rarely, and spent most of his life in his hometown • Setting dislocated bones and fractures. His method
as a practicing physician-pharmacist-surgeon.1 for setting and reducing a dislocated shoulder was cent-
He served as the court physician to Caliph Al- turies before Kocher introduced his similar technique
Hakam-II, at a period considered as the “Golden Age” to European medicine.
of Arab Spain when natural and mathematical science- • Removal of urinary bladder calculi. He advised that
es reached their peak. After a long and distinguished the treating physician has to insert a finger into the rect-
medical career, he died in 1013 AD at the age of 77. tum of the patient, move the stone down to the neck of
Around the year 1000 AD, he wrote his famous
book “Al Tasreef Liman ‘Ajaz ‘Aan Al-Taleef”, (The
Clearance of Medical Science For Those Who Can
Not Compile It). It was a summation of about fifty
years of medical education, training, practice and exp-
perience. The thirty volumes of the medical encyclop-
pedia covered various aspects of medical knowledge.
In addition to sections on medicine and surgery, there
were sections on midwifery, pharmacology, therapeut-
tics, dietitics, psychotherapy, weighs and measures,
and medical chemistry.1
In Al-Tasreef, three chapters were devoted to surg-
gery. Some of the procedures and techniques detailed
in these chapters include the following:
• Surgery of the eye, ear, and throat. He fully de scribed
tonsillectomy and tracheostomy.
• He devised instruments for internal examination of
the ear.
• He devised an instrument used to remove or insert
objects into the throat.
• He described how to use a hook to remove a polyp
from the nose.
• He described the exposure and division of the temp-
poral artery to relieve certain types of headaches. Page from a 1531 Latin translation by Peter Argellata of Al Zahrawi’s treat-
• He utilized cauterization, usually to treat skin tumors tise on surgical and medical instruments.
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