Pediatric Dosing For OTCs
Pediatric Dosing For OTCs
Pediatric Dosing For OTCs
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Copyright © 2006 by Therapeutic Research Center
Pharmacist’s Letter / Prescriber’s Letter ~ P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ Phone: 209-472-2240 ~ Fax: 209-472-2249 ~
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*The FDA does not recommend the use of OTC cough/cold products in children < 2 years old.17 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends
avoiding use of OTC cough/cold medicines in children <6 years old.20
**Some of these doses are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Use clinical judgment before using this information.
All doses are the oral dose unless otherwise specified. All doses assume normal renal and hepatic function.
Abbreviations: PO – by mouth, PR – rectally, prn – as needed, h – hours, q – every.
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Copyright © 2006 by Therapeutic Research Center
Pharmacist’s Letter / Prescriber’s Letter ~ P.O. Box 8190, Stockton, CA 95208 ~ Phone: 209-472-2240 ~ Fax: 209-472-2249 ~
(Detail-Document #220107: Page 5 of 5)
Users of this document are cautioned to use their own 13. Personal communication. Carol Taketomo (Ed).
professional judgment and consult any other necessary Pediatric Lexi-Durgs. June 5, 2006.
or appropriate sources prior to making clinical 14. Scolaro KL. Disorders related to cold and allergy.
judgments based on the content of this document. Our In: Berardi RR, et al, Ed. Handbook of
Nonprescription Drugs. 15 ed. Washington, DC:
editors have researched the information with input from American Pharmacists Association, 2006.
experts, government agencies, and national 15. FDA. Cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator, and
organizations. Information and Internet links in this antiasthmatic drug products for over-the-counter
article were current as of the date of publication. human use (final monograph, 21CFR341). April 1,
Project Leader in preparation of this Detail- /cfdocs/cfCFR/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=341.
(Accessed November 3, 2006).
Document: Neeta O’Mara, Pharm.D., BCPS 16. Taketomo C, Ed. Childrens Hospital Los Angeles:
Pediatric Dosing Handbook & Formulary. 18 ed.
References Los Angeles, CA:Lexi-Comp, Inc., 2006-2008.
1. Madlon-Kay DJ, Mosch FS. Liquid medication dosing 17. FDA. FDA recommends that over-the-counter (OTC)
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3. The Harriet Lane Handbook. 17th ed. Gunn VL, Advisories/ucm051137.htm. (Accessed February 4,
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4. American Academy of Pediatrics. Acetaminophen 18. Product information for Children’s Benadryl.
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5. Treluyer JM, Tonnelier S, d'Athis P, et al. Antipyretic 19. Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties,
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7. Kelly LF. Pediatric cough and cold preparations. (Accessed October 8, 2008).
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10. Arroll B. Non-antibiotic treatments for upper- (Accessed July 29, 2010).
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11. American Academy of Pediatrics. Use of codeine- marketed for infants. December 22, 2011. http:
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12. Hochadel MA (ed). Clinical Pharmacology 2006.
Gold Standard Multimedia Inc., Tampa, FL.
Cite this Detail-Document as follows: Dosing of OTC products in the pediatric population. Pharmacist’s
Letter/Prescriber’s Letter 2006;22(1):220107.
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