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G past simple: regular and irregular verbs Where did

V holidays
P regular verbs: -ed endings

1 VOCABULARY holidays
a In o ne minute, w ri te do w n fi ve things you The place is perfect,
like doin g when yo u're o n holiday, e.g.
relaxing, going to rnuseums. T hen com pa re the weather is wonderful,
w ith a pa r tner. but if you're with the wrong person, a holiday can be a disaster...
b > p.l52 Vocabulary Bank Holidays.
Joe 28, a flight attendant
c In pairs. inte rview you r pa rtner w ith the
Last Oct ober I went on holiday to Thailand
holiday q ue tio nna ire. As k Wily? for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia.
The holiday began well. We spent two days
My perfect summer holiday in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market
and the Royal Palace. But things went
Which do you prefer...? wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted
going abroad or going on holiday in your country to stay in hostels, which were basic
going by car, bus, plane or train but clean, but Mia said they were too
going t o t he beach or going to a cit y uncomfortable and so we stayed in quite
expensive hotels. I wanted to experience
staying in a hotel (or apartment) or going camping the local atmosphere but Mia just wanted to
sunbathing, going sight seeing or going for walks go shoppin g. I thought I knew Mia very well, but you don't know a person
hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather until you travel with t hem. It wa s awful! We argued about everything.
going with f riends or going w ith your family For our last f our days we went t o Ko Chang, a beautiful island. It was like
being in paradise. The weather was lovely and the beaches were wonderful,
but we just sunbath ed without speaking. We spent our last night back in
Bangkok and we went f or a drink with some Australians. They we re r eally
2 READING & SPEAKING friendly and Mia st art ed flirting with one of th e boys. That was the end.
Wh en we arrived at Heathrow airport the
a Wo rk in pa irs. A read abo ut Joe's ho liday.
c you don't know a next day we decided t o break up.
Bread abo ut Laura's ho liday. Find the person until you I t ook hundreds of phot os, bu t w hen I got
a nswers to q uestio n 1- 5. travel with them ' home I didn't show them to anyone.

1 Where d id he I she go o n holiday?

2 W ho did he I she go with ? Laura 26, a nurse c I'd love to go back
3 W here did he I she stay? Last spring my best f riend Isabelle and to Venice one day...
4 What was the weath er Iike? I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented but without Linda. '
5 W hy d id n't he I she enjoy the holiday? a small apartment f or a week with a
fantast ic view of the ca nals. At th e last moment another friend, Linda,
b 1 ow tell your pa rt ne r a bo ut the ho liday you asked if she cou ld come too. We felt sorry for her because she had
read . Use questio n 1-5 to help yo u . problems with her boyfriend, so w e said yes.
Venice was magical and the weather was perfect, but t he holiday was a
c Read yo ur partne r's text. In pairs, gues disaster f or one simple r eason: Linda was so mean! She has a good j ob so
the mean ing of the high Iightcd wo rd s a nd she's not poor, but she just didn't want to pay f or anything. When we went
phrases. W hose holiday do yo u thin k was sight seeing she didn't want to go to any museums or galleries that cost
wo rse? W hy? money. When we went on a gondola she complained that
it was very expensive. When we went to have lunch or
d Have yo u ever dinner she always wanted t o go to cheap restaurant s or
had a holiday th at she bought pizzas and ate them in the flat. But the night I
yo u d idn't enjoy invited her and Isabelle out on my b i rt~d ay she chose the
most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was
ver y much ? W hat
that although Isabelle and I paid for the apartment , Linda
happe ned? never once bought us a coffee or a drink.

- I'd love to go back t o Venice one day... but without Linda.

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