Short Notes of Autocad... Deepak Bose
Short Notes of Autocad... Deepak Bose
Short Notes of Autocad... Deepak Bose
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AutoCAD is a application package cum programming language in their advance version from
1990. As an application package it suited for the engineering purpose designing of almost of the
stream of the engineering such as mechanical, electrical.
The AutoCAD servicing the field of engineering and scientific purpose designing along with the
DOS operating system. It also runs in the windows operating system.
AutoCAD are available in the different version .The initial version of the AutoCAD is turned as
release form 1 to 12. Release were working in DOS operating system environment while the
release 13 & 14 supported by window. For the work group and windows 95 operating system. In
the implement of internet and script AutoCAD would becomes a powerful design software in
higher version the windows o/s. The AutoCAD now introduce as the year gathering like AutoCAD
CAD/CAN:- computer added design is basic back bone of the computer added manufacturing .
The design parameter support to a programmable machine for the manufacturing of any design
object. It is applicable in both micro and macro manufacturing like the part of the air space to
Computer added manufacturing becomes more popular due to its fastest speed automatic
process high accuracy least row material wastage.
The word infrastructure is now because the mark of development . it includes the versions
architecture and civil work like buildings ,roads etc. AutoCAD provides the features almost used
in the field of engineering and architecture engineering. To make a plan projection , eliration
interior all the design with the help of AutoCAD. The implementation of a plan used of templates
are another advantage of the AutoCAD . Dimensioning and text support increases the efficiency
decency of the drawing.
A Rectangle is a 2D four sided closed object in the opposite sides are of equal length and each
corner angle is right angle .
line command
polygon command
rectangle command
Rectangle command use the co-ordinate of two opposite vertices as the parameter of drawing.
Select the rectangle tool from the standard toolbar or choose the rectangle option
from the draw menu bar or type the command Rectangle on the command prompt in
the command window.
Layers are the equivalent of the overlays used in paper based drafting. They are the primary
organizational tool in AutoCAD and you use them to group information by function and to enforce
line type, color and other standards.
By creating layers you can associate similar type of object by arranging them to the same layer.
For example you can put construction lines, tent, dimensions and title block on separate layer.
When you begin a drawing AutoCAD creates a special layer named o. by default layer o is
assigned color not x while as block depending upon you background color. Layer cannot be
deleted and renamed.
Each layer has a associated properties such as color and line type that are assumed by all object
on that layer. for example of the color control on the object properties toolbar is set to BYLAYER
the color of new object is determined by the color setting for the layer in the layer properties
manager you can create and name a layer for each conceptual grouping( such as walls) and
assign common properties to share layer. Layers can have alphanumeric names up to 255
characters long. In many cases the layer properties manager sorts alphabetically by name. as you
draw a layer, AutoCAD place newly created object on the current layer. The current layer may be
the default layer (6) or a layer you create and name yourself. You can also drag layer or copy layer
by double click or by choosing insert from the shortcut menu.
We can sort the layer and filter the layer with help of many features is available in AutoCAD.
Polygon is a close object of three or more edges. It is constructed with poly line. poly lines are
successive line in which each next line starts from the end of the previous line.
It can be draw either specifying the center point or length of the edge. In the polygon each sides
or edge are of the equal length and the number of sides may varies from three to 1024. a polygon
is inscribes or circumscribe.
To draw polygon autocad provides a command polygon along with tools and menu features to
draw a polygon.
To draw the polygon we follow the following steps: -
Select the polygon tool from the standard toolbar or choose the option
polygon from the draw menu bar or type the command polygon in the
command winmdow.
It ask to specify the number of edges of the polygon. Specify the number
of edges <5>: n (here 5 is by default number).
Here we can also process with specifying rhe edge length. It ask to start
point in the case of edge specification.
Note : if we want to draw an inscribe polygon then simply press the enter
key for the default value.consideration other wise the c. we can also type I
although default value is I.
An object from drawing can be delete either one of the following method:-
It is used to delete on object from drawing auto cad has a command erase for this purpose. To
perform the erase we follow the following stapes:-
As we pass blank is occurred all the selected objects remove from the drawing but not clipboard
or recycle bin.
First of all we select the object and then press delete button an key board, It will move the
selected object.
6.How to add text in a drawing?
For the description of a drawing the text are added about name of the drawing date of create on
developer name etc. We can add single line text or multiline text according to our need. The
single line text are treated as object. By means of single line text adding approach we can insert
multiple line of text but each line it be treated as an object. AutoCAD provide two text adding
2:-multiline text.
enter text:text
enter text: blank
If we want to enter the next line of the text then type the text in second line else pass blank.
Here the list of option consist the various inter mediatory operation during the text command
This option is use to specify the text alingment through the following option left ,right ,center
angle fit.
2:- STYLE:-
Style is use to specify the text pattern .By defoult it is the standared.
For precise co-ordinate input you can use several co-ordinate system entry method. You can also
use a movable co-ordinate system, the user co-ordinate system for convenient co-ordinate entry.
Users co-ordinate the user also given the co0ordinate and make the co-ordinate. We can also
control the user co-ordinate system for convenient co-ordinate entry, grid display grid, grid snap
and artho mode. To facility editing objects in different views, you can define a different user co-
ordinate system orientation for each view.
In AutoCAD there are two co-ordinate system which are as follows (a) a fixed system (usc) and
(b) movable system called the user co-ordinate system. moving the ucs can make it easier to
work on particular selection of you drawing. Rotating the ucs help you specify paints in three
dimensional or rotated view snap grid and artho modes all rotate in line with the new ucs.
You can relocate the user co-ordinate system using three methods-
Once you can name it and then rotate it when you need touse it again.
Several methods are available for manipulating the user co-ordinate system in 3d. you can also
save and restore user co-ordinate system orientation.
You can define a different ucs for each views. Each time you mark a view report current. The ucs
in each view part is controlled by the ucsvp system variable. When ucsvp is set to 1 in a view part
the ucs last used in that view report is saved with the view part and is restored when the view part
is made current again. When vcsvp is set to 0 in a view part, its ucs is always the same as the ucs
in the current view part.
2d ucs icon
3d ucs icon
Shared ucs icon
Command : ucsicon
8. What is multiline ? How we create the multiline ?
Multiline id a pair of two parallel line draw with one start point and one endpoint .
Since the multiline draw with a co-ordinate specification to poarallel line. Therefore it must be
necessary to assign the point to particular line or both.
Through the mouse pointer- To draw a multiline through the mouse pointer we have follow
the following steps-
Select the multiline from the draw menu or choose the multiline tool from the standard tool
Drag the mouse pointer with the left mouse key and press.
Release the mouse pointer.
Type MLINE command in the command window.
Specify the start point (justification/scale/style):x1,y1.
Specify the next point :x2,y2.
Type MLINE command in the command window.
Specify the start point (justification/scale/style) justification.
Specify the start point (top/bottm/zero):t/b/z.
Specify the start point (justification/scale/style): scale.
Specify the scale:d
Note : here d stands for distance between parallel line
Specify the start point (justification/scale/style):style.
Specify the :standard.
If we does not know the style name then press ? on the prompt it will open a dilong box
having style name.
Specify the start point (j/s/style)x1,y1.
Specify the next point:x2,y2.
Specify the next point wc (window/close)
It is a modifying tool which creates multiple copies of object in a pattern. The pattern may consist
no of rows and columns that arrange the selected offset either in rectangle form or polar form.
Its command line command is "array’. And it is available as the menu option as well as tool in the
modify tool bar.
command: array
it display the dialog box named as array. It needs some specification which are as follows:-
no of rows - 256.
no of columns - 256
rectangle pattern
polar pattern
array distance
select object
Here we select one or more object with the help of the mouse. The click on the ok button of the
dialog box.
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