Inter Corporate Loans

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 The concept of giving a corporate guarantee or security is also as

good as giving a loan, because the person to whom guarantee or loan
in given can decide to enforce it in certain conditions and in such
situation, the company will have to pay the amount. Thus apart from
loans and investments, restrictions are also placed on the guarantees
which the company can give or security it can provide for a loan.[1]

The Securities that are purchased/ borrowed by corporations rather

than individual investors are captioned under inter-corporate and
advances. Inter-corporate investments allow a company to achieve
higher growth rates compared to keeping all of its funds in cash.
These investments can also be used for strategic purposes like
forming a joint ventures or making acquisitions. Companies purchase
securities from other companies, banks and governments in order to
take advantage of the returns from these securities. Marketable
securities that can readily be exchanged for cash, such as notes and
stocks, are usually preferred for this type of investment.[2]

A ‘body corporate’ or ‘corporation’ is the appropriate term that can

borrow loans and advances under these provisions (as per the
respective act).

Though the law in enforce had shifted from the Companies Act’56 to
the Companies act of 2013 with effect from 1 st April 2014 with the
initiation of a new Financial Year, the significant changes with respect
to the topic has been discussed below.


Shareholders, investors and lenders invest funds in a company only
after analyzing the returns, risk factors of the project and appraising
the financial position, viability of the project, future prospects and
other relevant factors. To keep a control on diversion of such funds,
the following regulation has been made relating to making of loans and
investments in any other company.

Under section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956, directors of

companies are empowered to make investments and loans, give
security and guarantees to other bodies corporate, up to specified
percentage limits only. The board of directors has to obtain the
consent of the members by means of a special resolution if these
percentages are exceeded. There also exist exemptions to certain
transactions from the operation of this section.


The said section of Companies Act, 1956 regulates the following


Making any loan to any body corporate.

Acquiring the securities of any other body corporate.

Giving any guarantee or providing any security to:

A person who gives a loan to any body corporate; or

A body corporate which gives a loan to any other person


 Requirements of Approvals:

  Board of Directors:

Approval of Board is to be made prior to making of loan, investment,

guarantee or security. Unanimous consent of all directors present at
the meeting is required. And, the approval of Board shall be obtained
by passing a resolution at a Board meeting.
Company by Passing Special Resolution:

Special Resolution should be passed in a General Meeting if the

amount of making loan, investment, guarantee or security is higher of
the following:

60 per cent of the paid-up share capital + free reserves, or,

100 per cent of free reserves of the company

Public Financial Institutions:

If any term loan obtained from a PFI subsists a loan, the company, only
with the prior approval of the PFI, can make investment, guarantee or
security subject to the following exceptions:

If the amount of existing and proposed loan, investment, guarantee or

security given does not exceed 60 per cent of the paid-up capital and
free reserves.

No Default in Repayment of Loans or interests to the PFI.

No Default in Respect of Public Deposits is Subsisting

A company which has defaulted in compliance with the Section 58A

(relating to public deposits) cannot make any loan, investment,
guarantee, or, security, until such default is subsisting.

Register of Inter-corporate Loans and Investments

Every company shall keep a register showing the following particulars

in respect of every investment or loan made, guarantee given or
security provided by it in relation to any body corporate.

Contravention of Other Provisions

The company and every officer of the company who is in default shall
be punishable with imprisonment up to 2 years or a fine up to Rs.
50,000. However, if the loan is paid in full, no imprisonment shall be
imposed, and where the loan is repaid in part, the imprisonment shall
be proportionately reduced.


 The Act has come up with a change in the concept of ‘Loan and
Investment by Company. The 2013 Act states that companies can
make investments only through two layers of investment companies
subject to exceptions, which includes company incorporated outside
India. Section 186 of the act of 2013 deals with it.

 Restriction on layers[3]: Firstly this section prohibits investment
through more than 2 layers of investment companies. However this
restriction is not applicable for investment in company incorporated
outside India which has investment subsidiaries beyond two layers as
per laws of that country.

Limits: The limits are same as of 1956 act but these limits not only
covers the transactions with bodies corporate but also transactions
with any person.

Disclosure: This is a new requirement. Section 186(4) stipulates that a

disclosure has to be made in the financial statement about the full
particulars of loans given, investments made or guarantees or security
given and the purpose for which the recipient is going to utilise the

Restriction on companies registered with SEBI:  This is also a new

requirement to protect the shareholders interest. The central
government may notify such class of companies which will be
prohibited from taking inter corporate loans or deposits exceeding the
prescribed limit and shall make a disclosure of loans or deposits
taken in its financial statement.
Rate of Interest: The rate of interest on loans given cannot be less
than the prevailing yield rate on 1 year,3 year, 5 year or 10 year
government securities closest to the tenor of the loan.

Penalty: The fine for violation of Section 186 has been increased. Fine
levied can be  any sum  between Rs.25,000 to 05 lakhs on defaulting
company  and  every defaulting  officer  can be punished with
imprisonment for a term  up to 2 years besides the  fine ranging from
Rs.25,000 to 1.00  lakh.

Withdrawal of exemption: This section is applicable to both private

and public Ltd while section 372-A is applicable only to public Ltd


The Company while giving loan to any other body corporate may adopt
following procedures, providing guarantee or security in connection
with a loan or acquisition by way of subscription, purchase the
securities of any other body corporate.

It is to be kept in mind that a company can give any loan or give any
guarantee or provide security and acquire securities of any Body
corporate through Board resolution up to 60% of its paid up capital,
free reserves and security premium account or 100% of its free
reserves and security premium whichever is more.

On the basis of aforesaid conditions and requirements of the company

meeting of Board of Directors is to be convened after giving proper
notice and proposals of giving loan or giving guarantee or providing
security etc. are to be discussed.

No investment shall be made or loan or guarantee or security given by

the company unless the resolution sanctioning it is passed at a
meeting of the Board with the consent of all the directors present at
the meeting.

It is to be checked whether there is any existing loan from any public

financial institution, if so, prior approval of that public financial
institution is also required for any subsequent loan from any other
source. However, prior approval of Public Financial Institution shall not
be required where the aggregate loan, investment, guarantee and
security proposed is within the limits as specified under section 186(2)
and there is no default in repayment of loan or interest thereon to the
Public Financials Institution.

After deciding the source of fund and quantum of requirement, the

Board may authorize one of the directors of the company or any other
person to apply for the concerned public financial institutions for

Arrange to convene a general meeting of shareholders after giving

proper notice and to pass special resolution therein, where the giving
of any loan or guarantee or providing any security or the acquisition
exceeds the limits specified i.e. 60% of its paid up capital, free
reserves and security premium account or 100% of its reserves and
security premium whichever is more.

File the copy of special resolution in Form No. MGT-14 along with the
fee as provided in Companies (Registration of offices and fees) Rules,
2014 with the Registrar within 30 days of passing the resolution.
Necessary documents are required to be attached as per the
requirements of the form.

Registers are to be maintained in Form MBP-2 by every company giving

loan or giving guarantee or providing security or making an acquisition
shall, from the date of its registration and the particulars of loan and
guarantee given, securities provided and acquisition are to be entered

Entries in the register shall be made chronologically in respect of each

such transaction of making such loan or giving guarantee or providing
security or making acquisition.

It is to be ensured that no loan shall be given at a rate of interest

lower than the prevailing yield of one year, three year, five year or ten
year Government security closest to the tenor of the loan.
The company shall disclose to the members in the financial statement
the full particulars of the loans given, investment made or guarantee
given or security provided and the purpose for which the loan or
guarantee or security is proposed to be utilized by the recipient of the
loan or guarantee or security.

Scrutinise the repayment history of the company with regards to

repayment of any deposits or interest thereon. No company that is in
default in the repayment of any deposits or in payment of interest
thereon shall give any loan or give any guarantee or provide any
security or make any investment through acquisition of another
company till such default is subsisting.


Cairn Energy plc is a global oil and gas exploration company
headquartered in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. It has operational
interests in Albania, Bangladesh, Greenland, India, Nepal and Tunisia
and produces around 33,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Its
largest activities are in India, where it has made more than 20
discoveries in Rajasthan, including a major oil discovery in
Mangala. As at 30 June 2010 it had total proven commercial reserves
of 247.4 million barrels of oil equivalent. Its primary listing is on
the London Stock Exchange and it is a constituent of the FTSE 100
Index. It has a secondary listing on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Vedanta Resources plc is a global mining and metals company

headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the largest mining
and non-ferrous metals company in India and also has mining
operations in Australia and Zambia. Its main products are copper,
zinc, aluminum, lead and iron ore. It is also developing
commercial power stations in India in Orissa (2,400 MW)
and Punjab (1,980 MW). It is listed on the London Stock
Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.

Cairn India granted a loan of $1.25 billion to its parent Vedanta for a
term of two years as a part of Cairn’s treasury operations. Cairn had
committed $800 million loan in the first quarter of 2014-15. As per the
loan agreement, Cairn India will be getting the interest of 300 basis
points above the benchmark London Interbank offered Rate. The
reason for this quoted by the company officials is that the company
had a cash surplus and therefore it decided to extend loan to its
parent company. The only problem it suffered was that the
shareholders’ approval wasn’t taken (as they were required to take
under Clause 49 of Listing Agreement).


Vedanta uses its stated strength of assets optimization and cost

reduction to perhaps extract more profits creates cash flows.

First Sesa Goa is offering to buy minimum 20% from public. Then
based on the response, Vedanta will buy 40-51% from Cairn India Ltd.

Then in this case Vedanta holds only 60% shares in Cairn India. If we
suppose that they buy 51% from cairn and then float minimum 20%
public buy tender, and they get more than 20%, they will end up
holding more than 70% which is may be out of reach of Vedanta

The gravity of the Deal was so huge that it saw a rare move by Mr.
James Cameron, Prime Minister of United Kingdom who wrote to Mr.
Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, specifically addressing the
deadlock that the Deal encountered. Mr. Cameron highlighted the need
for greater transparency  and  predictability  in  India’s  policy 
environment  to  enhance  trade  and  investment.

“The new Act is now operational, having wide and far ranging impacts.
It significantly raises the bar on governance. Companies have to start
aligning their systems and processes to comply with the new Act. The
final Rules have made some very significant changes and it is
heartening to note that the ministry has taken into account several of
the recommendations made by the corporate sector in finalizing these
Rules, keeping in mind the practical difficulties that would have been
faced by the corporate sector in implementation.”[4]

The changes in the final Rules address the concerns and genuine
hardship that companies faced in financing their subsidiaries. The new
requirement provides safe harbor with respect to both loans and
guarantees given by a holding company to its wholly owned

Excluding redeemable preference shares from the definition of total

share capital is a positive development, especially since redeemable
preference shares are more akin to debt than equity. However, it
would have assisted if the MCA had specified the treatment of
optionally convertible preference shares.

We welcome the MCA’s move permitting companies to align their

depreciation policy for tangible assets in line with the useful life of the
asset, as is the case internationally. Further, the requirement to
disclose justification for deviation will also, in a transparent manner,
provide reasons to the users of financial statements. Revenue-based
amortization, will maintain status quo for companies having toll road

Therefore, the 2013 Act is a culmination of several years of discussion

on how to shape the corporate law in India. The 2013 Act provided a
fillip to the governance environment in companies. The rationalization
and reliefs provided in the final Rules will surely go a long way in
assisting companies implement this new Act.

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