Software Engineering (22413) Micro-Project Report and Functions of The Some 1.0 Rationale

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Software Engineering (22413)

Micro-project Report
Title-Study and analysis web portal with characteristics
and functions of the some
1.0 Rationale is the largest website in India . it is an Indian job portal operating
in India founded in march 1997. was founded by Indian businessman Sanjeev
Bikhchandani who started Info edge India in 1995. As of Dec 2016 had a database
of about 49.5 million registered job seekers and an average of about 11,000  resumes added daily
while about 130,000 resumes were modified daily during the Fiscal year 2013-14. during the
fiscal year 2013-14, 51,000 corporate customers paid for services like database
access listing on the site amongst others.

2.0Aim of the project

This micro-project aims to

1. Apply to multiple jobs with a single click.

2. Access unadvertised jobs.
3. Get best jobs delivered to your inbox.
4. Track job applications.
5. Apply for jobs from your mobile

We have achieved all the aims which were decided at the start of the project. We
have completed the project with achieving all the aims at the completion.

3.0 Course Outcomes Integrated

a) Select suitable software process model for software development
b) Estimate size and cost of software product
4.0 Literature Review
1. www.naukrimanagementsystem/
We used this website to search the information of the web portal. It is a website
used for finding jobs.
This is the actual web portal. We tried to use this web portal for understanding the concept
and use of the web portal.

5.0 Actual procedure followed

Actual procedure followed during the project is mentioned in the table below with
the planned start date and completed finish date.

Planned Planned Name of responsible

Team members Details of activity Start date Finish date
1. Collecting the information of 02/01/2019 9/01/2019 1.Sunil Pawar Nanaso
web portal
2.Munde Ram
2. Deciding the overall structure of 15/01/2019 30/01/2019 1.Munde Ram
the project Madhukar
2.Sunil Pawar Nanaso
3. Analyzing and studying the 05/02/2019 12/02/2019 1.Sunil Pawar Nanaso
characteristics of
2.Munde Ram
web portal
4. Collecting information about 10/02/2019 18/02/2019 1.Munde Ram
website Madhukar
2.Sunil Pawar Nanaso
5. Collecting both the analyse 19/02/2019 28/02/2019 1.Munde Ram
together and making final Madhukar
analyse of characteristics and
2.Sunil Pawar Nanaso
function of web
portal together
6. Making report 05/03/2019 10/03/2019 1.Munde Ram
2.Sunil Pawar Nanaso

6.0 Actual Resources Required

The resources used during the completion of project are mentioned in the below
table: Name of Specifications Quantity Remarks

1. Internet www.naukrimanagementsystem/ 1
2. Microsoft Word 2007 version 1

3. Desktop pc RAM 2 GB,Intel dual core processor 1

4. Laptop HP, RAM 2 GB,Intel (r) core processor 1

5. Printer Laser Jet 1

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-project
8.0 Skill Developed/ learning out of this Micro-Project
Various skills got developed in us by doing this project. This skills are
1. Analyzing any software as software engineer perspective.
2. Analyzing characteristics and features of
3. Using Web Portal.
4. Using the concept of Software Engineering in real world.
5. Efficient communication skills.

This were skills developed by us during the project.

Learning’s were about the methods to analyse any software as software
engineering perspective. We should imagine ourselves in the situation to create a software that
was a important learning.
9.0 Applications of the project
The applications of the project are:
1.Can be used widely by job seekers to find suitable job.
2.Can be accessible on Tabs and PDAs.
3.Online recruiting allow for better targeting of candidates than does advertising in general
newspapers, resulting in a greater percentage of qualified application

10. Characteristics
1. Allow employees can also upload Referral CV themselves
Having a referral can help you stand out from the crowd when you apply for a job. Hiring
managers and recruiters will likely take a closer look at candidates with whom they share a
mutual contact, and for good reason: studies have shown that hiring through employee referrals
results in faster, cheaper, and more effective hiring than relying on job sites.

2. Track all Referral data (shares , views ,applies in single place)

You can manage all your Referral data from a single interface. It’s like your Control Panel to
handle and manage your Employee referral.

a) Want to see how many employees have joined on board?

b) Wish to check jobs live on referral site.
c) View your referrals numbers till now with source wise tracking.
d) Single click action to Move jobs to referral site
e) Want to Send a referral mail to employees

3. Showcase all Referral job to employees

Every business or organization functions on its human resources and always requires great
leaders. Companies look out for employees with strong leadership skills that can bring the best
out of the people, improve work efficiency, and contribute to the overall growth of the business,
while achieving organizational goals and objectives. If you are a jobseeker looking forward to
work at a senior management position, you need to create a great resume that highlights your
leadership skills and the one that speaks to recruiters.
4. Invite Referral without posting job on naukri
You must be already aware of how you can use a Naukri job to invite referrals from
employees.What if you want to invite Referrals but do not have a job posted on Naukri .What if
there are some positions in your company which are open round-the-year and you do not want to
post a job for the same you can use the General CV option in the Naukri referral tool to invite
employee referrals for such cases.

5.Import contacts from multiple sources

Naukri Referral tool allows you Import your Contacts from multiple sources like your
Microsoft Outlook, your LinkedIn account, from excel. Contacts can be imported and
desired email-ids can be saved as contact lists in the system. Click on the tabs below to
know how to extract email contacts from various sources. LinkedIn Account Outlook
2003/2007 Outlook 2010 Upload from Excel You can easily download your LinkedIn
contacts to a "csv" file and upload the same - You can easily extract your Outlook contacts
to a "csv" file and upload these on Referral tool page

6. Set automatic reminders to employees

If you don't want to see reminders for events in the past, you can tell Outlook to automatically
dismiss reminders for past events. For example, if you're out of the office for three days, you
might not want to come back and see reminders for the meetings that took place while you were

7. Track how many Referral CV uploads by employees

Employee referral is fast becoming a cost-effective way of finding the right talent through your
employees’ network. Our Research says that every 2 out of 3 companies in India are engaging
and hiring through Employee Referral programs.
Submitted By:
1) Munde Ram Madhukar (850)
2) Pawar Sunil Nanaso (874)

Subject Teacher
Mr R .V. Mundhe

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