The GD-04K Universal GSM Communicator and Controller
The GD-04K Universal GSM Communicator and Controller
The GD-04K Universal GSM Communicator and Controller
− by SMS instructions which can be independently pre-set for switching ON / OFF each
relay output. Both relays can work in status or pulse mode, the mode is selectable in
the settings. If pulse mode is selected then based on an activation command the output
will be switched for an interval between 1 s to 10 hrs.
− Dialling in. Both relays (X and Y) can be controlled by dialling in from a known
telephone number. Up to 100 numbers can be stored in the communicator.
The GD-04K doesn´t pick up an incoming call, but just verifies the caller’s telephone
number. If the caller’s telephone number is authorised, the call is rejected and the relay
is activated / deactivated as required (when the Impulse reaction is set then for a
predefined time).
− Dialling in with limited use. While entering authorised telephone numbers the limit of
their use can also be defined for each of them. When the usage limit of a pre-defined
number is reached then any other calls are ignored. Reactivation can only be allowed
by an administrator (by SMS). This function is suitable as a subscription for entrance to
garages and so on.
− Sending an SMS report when some of the inputs (A – D) are activated / deactivated
(connected or disconnected to / from GND). Each input has an option to edit the texts
which are reported. An SMS can be sent to all telephone numbers stored in the
communicator. For a higher alert notice an SMS report can also be followed by calling the
numbers to which SMS reports have been sent.
− Status monitoring. By the SMS command “STATUS”, the status of all inputs and
outputs can be checked when needed. This way it is for example possible to check the
status of connected devices for which each status change is not required to be reported.
Caution: The GD-04K is not meant to be and is not certified as a security device to protect
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2. Device description
Figure 1: 1 – GSM antenna; 2 – Mini USB connector for PC connection; 3 – Reset jumper;
4 – SIM card slot; 5 – LED indicators; 6 – Flexible tabs; 7 – Connector for backup battery –
the GD-04A cover; 8 – Output relay fuses; 9 – Input / output and power terminals
Terminal descriptions:
Low voltage terminals:
+12 V Terminal for 12 V DC connection from included adapter (or another
external power supply which provides a current of at least 0.5 A)
GND The common terminal for inputs A, B, C, D and GND for 12 V
A, B, C, D input terminals:
Power terminals:
X1, X2 (RELAY X) NO contact of the power relay, 230 V / 2.5 A.
Y1,Y2 (RELAY Y) NO contact of the power relay, 230 V / 2.5 A.
LED indicators:
Red indicates GSM module incoming activity
Green indicates GSM module outgoing activity + RESET indication
Common properties:
Power: Connect the supplied mains adapter to the +12 V and GND terminals (the
wire with a grey stripe is for the +12 V terminal). When another power supply is used,
it must provide 12 V DC and a current of at least 500 mA. Don´t turn it on yet.
− The 2-pin connector (7) on the GD-04K module serves for connection of the backup
− The built-in battery is charged from the main unit and is fully charged in approximately
72 hours.
− The backup module only supplies the GD-04K communicator and its output relays.
However it doesn´t supply external devices connected to the +12 V terminal.
− The GD-04K module sends the SMS report “POWER FAILURE” in the case of a
mains failure or disconnection after 30 minutes and “POWER SUPPLY
RESTORED” when the mains is recovered after 5 minutes to all service
telephone numbers (see the 6. Settings chapter). Both texts are editable.
− If the backup battery is discharged the module is shut down (both relays are switched
off). When the mains power is recovered the relays’ previous status is restored and the
backup battery is charged.
5. Initial powering up
1. Turn the power on, the red LED starts flashing to indicate logging the module on to
the GSM network (if it doesn´t, check the power supply connection).
2. The red LED indicator goes off when the device is logged into the GSM network
(it takes typically 1 minute). When it keeps flashing, there is some problem blocking
6. Settings
− Connect a PC using the supplied USB cable with the miniUSB connector (2) on the
communicator´s main board.
− Start the GD-Link 2.1.0 SW or higher.
− According to the settings, the required
action in the initial window can be
chosen or the communicator
is connected automatically.
− If the setting is modified offline without
a connected GD-04K, then to go
online press the button “Online” on
the upper toolbar when the unit is
Figure 2
Users A tab to set up to 100 users with telephone numbers, reports and
authorisation to control.
Inputs A tab where all parameters related to inputs A, B, C, D can be configured
such as texts for reporting via SMS, etc.
Output A tab where all parameters related to the X and Y outputs can be configured
such as texts for controlling the outputs, reactions, etc.
Settings A tab which includes advanced settings of the communicator, for example
service telephone numbers, pre-paid SIM card credit balance checking, etc.
Texts A tab meant for editing system texts reported via SMS according to user
requirements. Default texts are in the English language.
Information A tab where production codes and the registration key are stored. The reg
key is necessary to perform remote access via GD-Link 2.1.0
software (or higher).
Events Displays the event history with the date of creation and source of event.
Note: For detail descriptions of all options the software has Tooltips. They are visible when
you move the mouse cursor over any parameter.
Figure 3
Figure 4
The MyJABLOTRON web application is provided for free. Access to MyJABLOTRON
(device registration and account creation) can be performed by a user on his own or by the
installation company who installed the GD-04K module.
Registration procedure:
During registration you can login to an already existing account or you can create a brand
new account.
9. After a programming SMS has been received the GD-04K switches off both relays (X
and Y).
7. Remote control
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If you do decide to use a pre-paid SIM card, the device can check the credit balance
automatically. The communicator checks (at a pre-defined frequency) the credit balance
and if the credit is lower than the preset minimum, then the current credit balance is
forwarded to the service telephone number. For correct functioning it has to be set
according to the parameters given by your GSM provider. Setting is performed by the
PC, CRD, xxxx, dd, hhh, pp
PC is the programming password
CRD is the command for getting the credit balance
xxxx is the USSD command for credit balance requirement, depends on the GSM
dd is the period, how often the credit balance is checked (in days)
hhh is the minimum credit balance
pp is the position of the credit info in the text in the GSM provider’s answer
Example: To check for a minimum credit of 30 EUR once a week set like this:
To erase automatic credit balance checking, program all options to 0, this way:
Warning: The examples mentioned here for credit balance checking might not work if the
GSM provider changes their format. Check the way to get a credit balance and in which
format the GSM provider answers the request.
9. Factory reset
Can be performed remotely by the SMS instruction PC, RST, where PC is the
programming password – see table 1.
Another option is to perform it using the RESET jumper (placed next to the SIM card
− Turn the power off (backup cover as well, if used).
− Put the jumper on the RESET pins
− Turn the power on (green LED starts flashing) and
− Wait until the LED indicates permanently (after approx. 5 sec), then take the jumper off
the reset pins.
When a reset is performed all settings are erased, including telephone numbers and
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10. Technical specifications
Power 10.5 ÷ 15 V DC
Consumption in standby approx. 25 mA (+17 mA per relay)
Max. device consumption during GSM communication 200 mA
GSM module operation band E-GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
GSM RF output power 2 W for GSM 850 / 900
1 W for GSM 1800 / 1900
Triggering of inputs A, B, C, D connection to GND
X and Y outputs load:
- resistive load max. 2.5 A / 250 V AC
- inductive (capacitive), bulb load max. 0.5 A / 250 V AC
Safety EN 60950-1
EMC EN 301489-7, EN 55022 and EN 61000-6-3
Radio emissions ETSI EN 301511
Operational environment II. Indoor general (-10 °C to +40 °C)
Dimensions (no antenna) 76 x 110 x 33 mm
GSM antenna connection by SMA connector
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after use.
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11. Table 1 – SMS programming instructions overview
A programming SMS always has to begin with the password (see 6.4).
Example: PC, ARX, heating ON, DRX, heating OFF
Purpose / Factory
Instruction Description
function settings
X and Y relay control
SMS to switch ARX, xxx..x For relay Y enter ARY, xxx..x = text None
relay ON up to 30 characters,
Erase text by entering ARX,
Example: ARY,ventilation ON
SMS to switch DRX, xxx..x For relay Y enter DRY, xxx..x = text None
relay OFF up to 30 characters,
Erase text by entering DRX,
Example: DRY, ventilation OFF
Relay switch-on TMX, t..t For relay Y enter TMY, t..t = switch 0
period on time in seconds or minutes (m) or (no limit)
hours (h) from 1 to 10 hrs (3600 = 60
m = 1 h). When time is set then the
relay starts working as a timer switch,
activated via switch-on SMSes or
dialling-in, deactivated by time-limit
expiration or via switch-off SMSes.
When the time is set to 0 then relay
behaves as a toggle contact: on, off,
on, …
Example: TMX, 710123456, 5m
Telephone ADX, x..x,x..x For relay Y enter ADY, x..x = tel. None
numbers number, can be entered up to 100
authorised for tel. numbers (in a single instruction or
relay control gradually). The numbers are added
to the list of authorised numbers.
Example: add new numbers for
relay X control:
ADX, 710123456, +420710234567
Telephone LDX, x..x,n, For relay Y enter LDY, x..x, n where: None
numbers x..x,n x..x = tel. number (up to 100 tel.
authorised for numbers can be added), numbers
relay control are added to the list of authorised
with a validity numbers,
limit n = limit in the number of calls (1 to
99), exceeding the limit removes the
number from the list and reports this
to the service number by SMS
“number erased”.
Example: add the numbers for relay
X control for a maximum of 31 calls:
LDX, 710123456, 31
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Erasing tel. EDX, x..x, x..x For relay Y enter EDY, x..x = tel. None
numbers number (up to 100 number can be
authorised for erased).
relay control Example: erase telephone number
for controlled relay X by dialling in:
EDX, 710123456
SMS reporting initiated by triggering of the A – D inputs
Input activation ATA, xx..x For B input enter ATB etc., xxx..x = A1,
text text, up to 30 characters B1,
To erase text: ATA , , (no text = no C1,
activation reporting) D1
Example: ATC, heating on
Input DTA, xx..x For B input enter DTB etc., xxx..x = A0,
deactivation text, up to 30 characters B0,
text To erase text enter: DTA , , (no text C0,
= no deactivation reporting) D0
Example: DTC, heating off
Telephone TNA, x..x, x..x For B input enter TNB etc., x..x = None
numbers for tel. number, up to 100 for each
input reports input. All previously stored numbers
are erased. To erase all numbers
for input enter: TNA,.,
Example: TND, 710123456,
710234567, 710345678 sets the
GD-04K to report input D events to
2 numbers
Input – event DNA, n For B input enter DNB etc., n = 1 Disabled
calls (ON), 0 (OFF). If set to ON, every
SMS report is followed by a call.
Example: DND, 1
Other functions
New NPC, xx…x xx…x = new programming PC
programming password, from 2 to up to 30
password characters
Example: NPC, MARTIN27
SMS to get STS, xx..x xxx..x = text, up to 30 characters* STATUS
GD-04K status – Example: STS, HOW ARE YOU
text change
Service STN, x..x, x..x xxx..x = tel. number, Up to 2 None
telephone numbers can be set, previously set
numbers numbers are erased. Service
numbers are used to report faults:
Other events – see Optional
To erase the service number enter:
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Optional DIP,a,b,c,d,e,f,g Parameter a to f values can be: 0000000
functions 1=ON, 0=OFF, x=unchanged. All disabled
Description of the parameters:
a Forward unrecognised SMSes
to the service number
b Periodic calls to the service
number every 24 hours (from
the moment of being set)
c Forward all SMSes to the
service number
d Max. 10 SMSes within 15
minutes (all subsequent SMS
requests ignored for the next 1
e SMS reporting of relay control
by dialling in
f SMS reporting of relay control
by SMS (e.g. „heating OFF “ OK
g Not used (always enter 0)
Example: DIP,1,x,x,x,x,1,x
GSM module GSM The GD-04K will log out and then
restart log in to the GSM network. This can
be useful after a blocked SIM card
has been unblocked. A restart is
also triggered by briefly connecting
the RESET jumper while the
GD-04K is being powered up.
Information PC DINFO Module sends back the SMS with
about the information about HW, FW,
communicator registration key, GSM signal
strength and also IMEI.
Reset RST Resets the GD-04K to the factory
default settings – it can also be
performed by connecting the
RESET jumper during powering up -
(disconnect the jumper after approx.
5 s)
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