Ejercicios Del Capítulo 6 Flujo de Potencia

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Ejercicios del capítulo 6 Flujo de potencia

6.6. In the power system network shown in Figure 51, bus 1 is a slack bus
with V1 = 1.06 0◦ per unit and bus 2 is a load bus with S2 = 280 MW + j60
Mvar. The line impedance on a base of 100 MVA is Z = 0.02+j0.04 per unit.
(a) Using Gauss-Seidel method, determine V2. Use an initial estimate of V
(0) 2 = 1.0+j0.0 and perform four iterations. (b) If after several iterations
voltage at bus 2 converges to V2 = 0.90 − j0.10, determine S1 and the real
and reactive power loss in the line.
Z12 = 0.02+j0.04
S2 = 280 MW +j60 Mvar
y12 =1/ 0.02+j0.04 = 10−j29
The per unit load at bus 2 is S2 =−280+j60/ 100 =−2.8−j0.60
Starting with an initial estimate of V (0) 2 = 1.0+j0.0, the voltage at bus 2
V (1) 2 = (−2.8+j0.60/1 .00000−j0.00000) +(10−j20) (1) / 10−j20
= 0.92000−j0.10000
V (2) 2 = (−2.8+j0.60/0 .92000+j0.10000) +(10−j20) (1)/ 10−j20
= 0.90238−j0.09808
V (3) 2 = (−2.8+j0.60/0 .90238−j0.09808) +(10−j20) (1)/ 10−j20
= 0.90050−j0.10000
(b) Assuming voltage at bus 2 converges to V2 = 0.9−j0.1
I12 = y12(V1 −V2) = (10−j20) [(1+j0) −(0.9−j0.10] = 3.0−j1.0
I21 =−I12 =−3.0+j1.0
S12 = V1I∗ 12 = (1.0+j0.0) (3.0+j1.0) = 3+j1 pu = 300 MW +j100 Mvar
S21 = V2I∗ 21 = (0.9−j0.1) (−3.0−j1.0) =−2.8−j0.6 pu =−280 MW−j60 Mvar
SL12 = S12 +S21 = (300+j100) +(−280−j60) = 20 MW +j40 Mvar.
6.7. Figure 6.6 shows the one-line diagram of a simple three-bus power
system with generation at bus 1. The voltage at bus 1 is V1 = 1.06 0◦ per
unit. The scheduled loads on buses 2 and 3 are marked on the diagram.
Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base. For the
purpose of hand calculations, line resistances and line charging
susceptances are neglected. (a) Using Gauss-Seidel method and initial
estimates of V (0) 2 = 1.0+j0and V (0) 3 = 1.0+j0, determine V2 and V3.
Perform two iterations. (b) If after several iterations the bus voltages
converge to V2 = 0.90−j0.10 pu V3 = 0.95−j0.05 pu
determine the line flows and line losses and the slack bus real and reactive
power. Construct a power flow diagram and show the direction of the line
(a) Line impedances are converted to admittances
y12 =−j30
y13 = 1 /j0.0125 =−j80
y23 = 1/ j0.05 =−j20
Ssch 2 =−(400+j320)/ 100
=−4.0−j3.2 pu
Ssch 3 =−(300+j270) /100
=−3.0−j2.7 pu
Bus 1 is taken as reference bus (slack bus). Starting from an initial estimate of V (0) 2 =
1.0+ j0.0 and V (0) 3 = 1.0+ j0.0, V2 and V3
V (1) 2 =Ssch 2 ∗ V (0) 2 ∗ +y12V1 +y23V (0) 3 y12 +y23
=−4.0+j3.2 1.0−j0+(−j30) (1.0+j0) +(−j20) (1.0+j0) −j50= 0 .936−j0.08
V (1) 3 =Ssch 3 ∗ V (0) 3 ∗ +y13V1 +y23V (1) 2 y13 +y23
=−3.0+j2.7 1−j0+(−j80) (1.0+j0) +(−j20) (0.936−j0.08) −j100 = 0 .9602−j0.046
For the second iteration we have
V (2) 2 =−4.0+j3.20 .936+j0.08 +(−j30) (1.0+j0) +(−j20) (0.9602−j0.046) −j50
V (2) 3 =−3.0+j2.70 .9602+j0.046 +(−j80) (1.0+j0) +(−j20) (0.9089−j0.0974) (−j100)
= 0 .9522−j0.0493
(b) With the knowledge of all bus voltages, the slack bus power is obtained from
P1 −jQ1 = V∗ 1 [V1(y12 +y13) −(y12V2 +y13V3)] =
1.0[1.0(−j30−j80) −(−j30) (0.9−j0.1) − (−j80) (0.95−j0.05)] = 7.0−j7.0
P1 = 7.0 pu = 700 MW and Q1 = 7.0 pu = 700 Mvar.
To find the line flows,
I12 = y12(V1 −V2) = (−j30) [(1.0+j0) −(0.90−j0.10)] = 3.0−j3.0
I21 =−I12 =−3.0+j3.0
I13 = y13(V1 −V3) = (−j80) [(1.0+j0) −(0.95−j.05)] = 4.0−j4.0
I31 =−I13 =−4.0+j4.0
I23 = y23(V2 −V3) = (−j20) [(0.90−j0.10) −(0.95−j.05)] =−1.0+j1.0
I32 =−I23 = 1.0−j1.0
The line flows are S12 = V1I∗ 12 = (1.0+j0.0) (3.0+j3) = 3.0+j3.0 pu = 300 MW +j300
S21 = V2I∗ 21 = (0.90−j0.10) (−3−j3) =−3.0−j2.4 pu =−300 MW−j240 Mvar
S13 = V1I∗ 13 = (1.0+j0.0) (4.0+j4.0) = 4.0+j4.0 pu = 400 MW +j400 Mvar
S31 = V3I∗ 31 = (0.95−j0.05) (−4.0−j4.0) =−4.0−j3.6 pu =−400 MW−j360 Mvar
S23 = V2I∗ 23 = (0.90−j0.10) (−1.0−j1.0) =−1.0−j0.80 pu =−100 MW−j80 Mvar
S32 = V3I∗ 32 = (0.95−j0.05) (1+j1) = 1.0+j0.9 pu = 100 MW +j90 Mvar
and the line losses are
SL 12 = S12 +S21 = 0.0 MW +j60 Mvar SL 13 = S13 +S31 = 0.0 MW +j40 Mvar
SL 23 = S23 +S32 = 0.0 MW +j10 Mvar
6.8. Figure 54 shows the one-line diagram of a simple three-bus power
system with generation at buses 1 and 3. The voltage at bus 1 is V1 =
1.0256 0◦ per unit. Voltage magnitude at bus 3 is fixed at 1.03 pu with a
real power generation of 300 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and 200
Mvar is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100
MVA base. For the purpose of hand calculations, line resistances and line
charging susceptances are neglected.
(a) Using Gauss-Seidel method and initial estimates of V (0) 2 = 1.0+j0and
V (0) 3 = 1.03+ j0 and keeping|V3| = 1.03 pu, determine the phasor values
of V2 and V3. Perform two iterations. (b) If after several iterations the bus
voltages converge to V2 = 1.0012436 −2.1◦ = 1.000571−j0.0366898 pu V3
= 1.036 1.36851◦ = 1.029706+j.0246 pu
determine the line flows and line losses and the slack bus real and reactive
power. Construct a power flow diagram and show the direction of the line
(a) Line impedances converted to admittances are
y12 = −j40, y13 = −j20 and
y23 =−j40.
Ssch 2 =− (400+j200) 100 =−4.0−j2.0 pu
Psch 3 = 300 100 = 3.0 pu
Bus 1 is taken as the reference bus (slack bus).
V (0) 2 = 1.0+j0.0 and V (0) 3 = 1.03+j0.0.
V (1) 2 =Ssch 2 ∗ V (0) 2 ∗ +y12V1 +y23V (0) 3 y12 +y23
=−4.0+j2.0 1.0−j0+(−j40) (1.025+j0) +(−j40) (1.03+j0) (−j80) = 1 .0025−j0.05

Q (1) 3 =− {V (0) 3∗ [V (0) 3 (y13 +y23) −y13V1 −y23V (1) 2]} =−{(1.03−j0) [(1.03+j0)
(−j60) −(−j20) (1.025+j0) −(−j40) (1.0025−j0.05)]} = 1.236

The value of Q (1) 3 is used as Qsch 3 for the computation of voltage at bus 3. The
complex voltage at bus 3, denoted by V (1) c3, is calculated
V (1) c3 =Ssch 3 ∗ V (0) 3 ∗+y13V1 +y23V (1) 2 y13 +y23 =3.0−j1.236 1.03−j0+(−j20)
(1.025+j0) +(−j40) (1.0025−j0.05) (−j60) = 1 .0300+j0.0152
Since for the second iteration, we have
V (2) 2 =Ssch 2 ∗ V (1) 2 ∗ +y12V1 +y23V (1) 3 y12 +y23 =−4.0+j2.01 .0025+j.05 +
(−j40) (1.025) +(−j40) (1.0299+j0.0152) (−j80) = 1 .0001−j0.0409
Q (2) 3 =− {V (1) 3∗ [V (1) 3 (y13 +y23) −y13V1 −y23V (2) 2]} =−{(1.0299−j0.0152)
[(1.0299+j0.0152) (−j60) −(−j20) (1.025+j0) −(−j40) (1.0001−j0.0409)} = 1.3671
V (2) c3 =Ssch 3 ∗ V (1) 3 ∗ +y13V1 +y23V (2) 2 y13 +y23=3.0−j1.36711 .0299−j0.0152
+(−j20) (1.025) +(−j40) (1.0001−j.0409) (−j60) = 1 .0298+j0.0216

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