Scaling - Access - Impact - Realizing - Power - of - EdTech
Scaling - Access - Impact - Realizing - Power - of - EdTech
Scaling - Access - Impact - Realizing - Power - of - EdTech
Access &
Realizing the Power of EdTech
This report was produced by Omidyar Network’s Education initiative, whose mission is
to unlock human potential through learning by catalyzing people, ideas, and systems –
so every individual thrives and contributes in a changing and interdependent world.
Omidyar Network’s team included Eliza Erikson, Erin Simmons, Rebecca Hankin,
and Eshanthi Ranasinghe.
This report was prepared by RTI International. The lead author was Sarah Pouezevara (RTI),
and case study authors were RTI consultants Ignacio Jara Valdivia (Chile), Mike Michalec
(China), Talitha Amalia (Indonesia), and Sybille Fleischmann (USA). Additional technical
writing and analysis were contributed by Carmen Strigel, Kang Chang, and Luis Crouch.
The data underpinning this report come from interviews, surveys, site visits, and desk
research by a team of researchers and EdTech practitioners at Omidyar Network and
RTI International, drawing on local expertise in each of the case study countries. The
team conducted more than 100 interviews with teachers, school principals, education
administrators, policymakers, and EdTech experts and entrepreneurs throughout
September–December 2018. A separately available country report for each case study
country provides further detail on the findings and data sources for each country snapshot,
in addition to the comprehensive descriptions found in the full global report.
To receive the detailed global and country reports, please email [email protected].
Table of Exhibits
China.................................................................................................................... 14
Indonesia............................................................................................................ 16
3 | Executive Summary
Realizing the Power of EdTech
There are 250 million learners around the world who have finished their schooling – yet
aren’t able to read or write well and lack the skills they will need to succeed in the 21st
century. Additionally, around the globe are classrooms with tens of thousands of teachers
struggling to close that educational gap – but lacking the access to tools and resources
that will enable them to succeed.
The Brookings Institute described a 100-year gap,1 the century it will Omidyar Network
take for the world’s poor children to achieve educational parity with
defines Equitable
the wealthy at today’s pace. Neither our world nor those learners
EdTech as the
can wait that long: We must find ways to close that gap quickly and
efficiently, to allow all learners, educators, and educational systems promise of
to realize their full potential. technology to be
a great equalizer in
In pursuit of this goal, Omidyar Network’s Education initiative began
in 2009 to invest in education innovations with such “leapfrog”
improving quality
potential and in 2014, specifically focused some of our investments education for
on interventions powered by technology. Omidyar Network has since learners in need.
invested more than US $150 million in promising global innovations
in education across four continents.
Our efforts have been inspired by public, private, and social sector
education leaders, including bold entrepreneurs, who are unleashing the
human potential of a generation of learners through “Equitable EdTech.”
We have witnessed that Equitable EdTech models can bring students
from several years behind to on grade level, while also supporting
teachers and shifting the norm from teacher-centered instruction to
student-centered learning. We are therefore hopeful that the power of
technology, when thoughtfully employed, can serve as a great equalizer
in delivering quality education.
4 | Executive Summary
However, our experience has also taught us that scaling and sustaining
Equitable EdTech requires much more than eager learners and
motivated educators. It demands the alignment of multiple actors
across sectors in local ecosystems. This report examines such
ecosystems and how they combine the efforts of government and
education leaders, investors and philanthropists, and innovators and
Foundational Principles
1 Belief in the importance of education equity for all individuals and societies to thrive.
5 | Executive Summary
EdTech at Scale:
An Ecosystem Approach
Countries around the world are increasingly recognizing the need to improve student
learning outcomes as well as the power of technology to support that goal. That
recognition has driven education leaders to undertake a range of efforts to integrate
EdTech into their education systems, schools, and classrooms.
6 | Executive Summary
Based on these four common categories, we then developed a new model
for Equitable EdTech scaling which is shown in the EdTech Ecosystem
Model (Exhibit 1) and consists of 16 components within an EdTech
ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem that is capable of delivering impact
equitably and at scale will include most, if not all, of these elements.
This study builds on previous education innovation literature, filling what we saw as an
important and practical gap: describing what is necessary to scale and sustain EdTech to
advance equitable, high-quality education.
Existing guidelines that describe necessary conditions for the effective integration of technology
in classrooms or government policy (e.g., ICT-in-Education Toolkit developed by infoDev, UNESCO,
AED and Knowledge Enterprise).4
Other ecosystem frameworks that describe EdTech innovations and entrepreneurship (e.g.,
Navitas Ventures’ “Global EdTech Ecosystems 1.0: Connecting the World of Education
Other models that describe scaling and sustaining digital services, including in other sectors
(e.g., Digital Impact Alliance’s “Beyond Scale” guidelines).6
Prior research that discusses the core ingredients of scaling education innovations (e.g., Brookings’
“Millions Learning: Scaling Up Quality Education in Developing Countries”).7
7 | Executive Summary
Guide to Using This Report
8 | Executive Summary
9 | Executive Summary
1.2 There is an objective and simple way for users
to select products that meet their needs.
1.1 Businesses have a cost-efficient marketing,
sales, and distribution mechanism for reaching
customers, whether business to government
(B2G) or business to consumer (B2C).
10 | Executive Summary
school connectivity.
3.3 Education curriculum and policy include expectations
TE for basic technology literacy for all teachers and students.
3.4 Equitable opportunity sources of funding exist for
EdTech purchases and implementation support.
11 | Executive Summary
ENLACES (2006)
ENLACES (2000) launches PLAN MoE (2008) delivers
provides free TEC to strengthen resources to schools
training to half a the access and for Educational
million adults in the ENLACES (2005) use of technology Improvement Plans,
basic use of reaches all in schools; more which helps activate
100 ENLACES (1995) technology over the schools in the teacher training a market of EdTech
The MoE initiates begins the national decade as part of a country. is offered. providers.
ENLACES program expansion of EdTech national digitization
(1997) The use of ICT Telecommunications Creation of a national (2012) Average CONNECTED TO LEARN MoE (2018)
and related skills is company CTC (1998) educational portal number of students plan (2016) delivers invests $67M
incorporated into donates internet (2001), EDUCARCHILE per computer in laptops to all USD in laptops
the design of a new connections via helps teachers secondary education students who start for students’
curricular framework telephone line to all and students has dropped from 44 7th year in municipal homes and
for the country. urban schools in the take advantage in 2000 to 4.7. schools. $13M USD in
country. of educational EdTech for
resources available on schools.
the internet.
12 | Executive Summary
Ecosystem Profile
1.1 2.4
4.4 3.1
Although attention has AND STRATEGY
4.3 3.2
been paid to developing Growth of EdTech
teacher skills along with largely driven by central
hardware connectivity, 4.2 3.3 government, introduced in
transformative 4.1 3.4 a gradual planned manner.
pedagogical use Education standards and
remains limited. value placed on basic
digital literacy.
Key Takeaways
INSPIRATION: EdTech can scale through programs that deliberately combine hardware
with implementation support and teacher training.
EXPLORATION: How to move more rapidly from technology literacy to EdTech for
transformative, personalized learning.
13 | Executive Summary
The Chinese
E-Learning China
Technology Education
MoE School-to- standardization EdTech Standards for Modernization
100 National Education School Project Committee (2001)is Teachers (2004): MoE 2030 Policy
Reform (1993): Full Launch (2000): established to develops education 4G is launched (2017).
implementation of Plan to bring develop a technology 3G is launched (2014).
in China (2009).
education and 90% of Chinese framework for online primary and
improvement of primary and learning systems secondary school
50 education quality secondary schools and standards. teachers.
across all regions. within a decade.
Post Mao Era Begins Tech Oriented National Teacher MoE develops National Ten Year 13th 5-year
(1978): Launch of Partners in Learning Education Network Training Programs on Development Plan Education
economic reform Project (2003): Coalition Plan EdTech (2005). for ICT and Education Development Plan
policy that includes Microsoft launches (2003)Establishes 2010-2020 (2012) (2017) aims to
realignment of first large-scale PPP national teacher training MoE Medium- and emphasizes digital improve ICT
national education in China’s K-12 program and teacher Long-Term National ICT divide with goal to infrastructure and
system. education space. education network to in Education Master Plans provide all schools develop policies that
include distance learning (2010) marks emphasis with broadband enable ICT use in
of teachers. on ICT in education. internet by 2020. education.
14 | Executive Summary
Ecosystem Profile
4.4 3.1
Several government AND STRATEGY
4.3 3.2
initiatives are focused Over the past two
on teacher training, decades, the focus has been
including the National 4.2 3.3 on education access
Teacher Training Project. 4.1 3.4 and equity, including enhanced
However, urban/rural use of technology-enabled
inequities in teacher instruction. However, restrictive and
capabilities remain. unpredictable regulations will likely
hamper private participation in EdTech.
Key Takeaways
INSPIRATION: There are business models for EdTech entrepreneurs that leverage
widespread access to mobile internet and performance pressure generated by cultural
values and academic standards.
REPLICATION: Virtual and blended models of instruction enable content and instruction
to reach rural and traditionally underserved schools with equal access to quality content.
EXPLORATION: How to move beyond use of technology for test preparation and ensure
that the power of EdTech is being leveraged for transformative learning.
15 | Executive Summary
USAID support MoEC’s Strategic
(2009): Online Plan (2010-2014)
professional aimed to provide Universal Service
development and improve quality Obligation for
100 TV Edukasi Zenius founded
program for 60 of educational schools program
educational (2007) as a
technology infrastructure by begins (2015):
television station tutoring center
trainers in six strengthening and Government adopts
is opened by the and goes on to
ICT Vision and Jardiknas launched Budget cuts OER Initiative Ruang Guru Indonesia has more
The Centre for (2006) National to school begins (2012) by founded (2014) than 30 EdTech
Information and education network connectivity adoption of the as a platform providers (2018)
Communication to connect all the initiatives UNESCO 2012 to connect with support from
Technology for state’s educational (2011). Paris Declaration tutors to public and major
Education institutions. on OER, setting students. private partners
(Pustekkom) are groundwork for under dedicated
established (1978). OER policy. body - BEKRAF.
16 | Executive Summary
Ecosystem Profile
1.1 2.4
4.4 3.1
EdTech use is driven AND STRATEGY
4.3 3.2
by personal digital National policy articulated
literacy. Direct capacity an EdTech vision, including
building is limited, as is 4.2 3.3 infrastructure and capacity
research, evaluation, 4.1 3.4 development. National policy did
and communication. not provide funding or accountability
for EdTech implementation.
Key Takeaways
INSPIRATION: Even in large countries with challenging geography, near universal access
to the internet can be within reach of all learners.
EXPLORATION: How to harness the enthusiasm for mobile apps, social media, and
EdTech outside of the classroom and channel it toward transformative use in schools.
17 | Executive Summary
More than 35 years of high-level policy initiatives backed by funding have resulted in
large-scale access to EdTech infrastructure. Direct marketing by major US hardware
manufacturers and software companies has accelerated the growth of one-to-one laptop
programs and content adoption, but effectiveness varies greatly. Transformative and
equitable impact is more apparent in virtual learning programs that leverage widespread
internet access and bridge home and school learning. This includes teacher professional
development and mentoring platforms, and open educational resources. The EdTech
market is estimated to have reached over US $9 billion with products increasingly
catering to students’ individual needs.
(1994). technologies.
National Commission on Race to the Top (2009), Common Core State Department of ConnectEd initiative
Excellence in Education publishes a $4.35 billion Standards released Education (2012, (2013) to improve
“A Nation at Risk” (1983) which Department of (2010) for math and 2013) issued broadband access
recommends all high school Education competitive English. EdTech approximately and strengthen
graduates understand grant created to spur providers designed $500 million to 21 teacher capacity to
computers, electronics, and innovation and their offerings for the school districts to use digital tools.
related technologies. reforms in state and new standards. drive innovations
local K-12 education. in personalized
18 | Executive Summary
Ecosystem Profile
1.1 2.4
4.4 3.1
NGO partners and 4.3 POLICY AND
coalitions, empowered 3.2
by visionary leaders and Successive federal
policy initiatives spread 4.2 3.3 policies and initiatives
awareness, training, and 4.1 articulated a vision for EdTech
support for transforming backed by funding. Common
education through Core academic standards pressured
technology. districts to improve.
Key Takeaways
EXPLORATION: How to measure the impact of EdTech at scale, other than using
standardized tests or isolated pilots.
19 | Executive Summary
Ecosystem in Action:
Applying the Model Across Countries
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to scaling EdTech, but rather several routes that
can lead to meaningful access and effective use. One of the exciting strengths of this
model is that it applies across very different country experiences and journeys to scale
EdTech in an equitable manner. This variety we hope will enable many countries and
stakeholders to find relevant and practical recommendations that they can pursue.
Exhibit 2 presents findings for each of the case study countries, Methodology
including country-specific EdTech-scaling ecosystem profiles. We also
The four case studies
show a timeline of the important policies and initiatives that drove
vary in terms of the types
EdTech scaling against the backdrop of each country’s expanding of EdTech that scaled
internet access. Finally, for each country, we highlight an inspiring successfully along with
practice, a replicable practice, and a practice to explore further. the key drivers in the
ecosystem. We weighted
As shown in the country snapshots (Exhibit 2), Chile and the USA each factor of the system
each have a long history of access to EdTech, largely via school-based relative to the degree to
computer labs and classroom devices and provision of basic technology which it was influential in
skills to teachers and students. In contrast, China and Indonesia rely the equitable scaling of
EdTech in each country.
heavily on more recent advancements in mobile technology and
This weighting was
affordable mobile data, allowing them to create access at home and developed via an iterative
promote the large-scale use of EdTech for learning and test preparation. approach by country-
Each of the four countries has reached significant scale in access to specific experts who each
hardware and products, positioning educators and learners to realize gathered data from dozens
the promise of effective use and impact at scale. of EdTech stakeholders.
The four case study countries – Chile, China, Indonesia, and the
USA – represent vastly different population sizes, education system
characteristics, and economic indicators. Exhibit 4 provides an overview
of relevant case study country demographics and indicators.
20 | Executive Summary
EdTech in Use:
Translating Access into Impact
Access, effective use, and impact are three important principles to consider for scaling of
Equitable EdTech. Access includes the access to technology or technology product; effective
use includes the use of that technology or product; and impact includes the positive,
transformative benefits from the use of that technology or product. Each of these points can
be translated into phases of a country’s journey toward scaled impact on learning.
Often, the term “scale-up” is oversimplified to mean an increase in size “I’ve seen schools
or quantity, usually through an expanded number of users. In the case that have really
of EdTech, scaling up usually means increasing access to the exact same limited resources
product, service, or model to more users to improve economies of scale. in terms of tech
Yet, one of the most common misconceptions in EdTech is assuming
tools, but with
that scaling a promising product in one context will naturally result in its
really forward-
effective, impactful use in another.
thinking leadership
To achieve transformative and equitable use of EdTech at scale, what and professional
needs to go to scale is not a specific product or service but, instead, development, they
the related impact from its effective use. Thus, effective scale-up can do amazing
that creates impact might require considerable redesign of EdTech things.”
products, services, and models of implementation to better meet the
– USA, Consortium on
needs of diverse users and their contexts. School Networking
In the Ecosystem Change Model (Exhibit 3), we positioned each of the
four countries – Chile, China, Indonesia, and the USA – based on their
progress through the key three phases of equitable adoption: scaling
(1) access, (2) use, and (3) impact. The intention is not to make an
absolute judgment, but rather to highlight that using EdTech to advance
equitable, high-quality education is a process that may take years of
aligned efforts across the four main ecosystem categories.
21 | Executive Summary
Realizing Equitable EdTech impact at scale is a journey. All four
countries have made major strides in this direction, and their current
positions in the model are neither inherently good nor bad. Common
components driving the scale-up of EdTech use and, subsequently,
impact across countries include:
22 | Executive Summary
Millions Number of schools Constant 2010 USD (in billions) Constant 2010 USD
1,386 514,000 3
17,305 53,129
219,878 4
326 15,059
264 98,4565
1,090 4,131
18 11,8582 272
Percent of GDP Primary to post secondary, Countries are ranked relative to each other with 1 representing the
non-tertiay, annual USD highest performer and 73 representing the lowest
5.35% 8
4.10% 9
MATH 50 6 66 40
READING 42 27 67 24
3.58%10 4.99%11
2,415 13
1,479 SCIENCE 45 10 65 25
In the USA, established EdTech providers secured multi-year contracts, with
extensions only being available from the provider. Connection to other systems of
these proprietary models could be costly, time-consuming, imperfect, or impossible.
Lack of interoperability also made data analysis across systems difficult and can
hinder the implementation of personalized learning. This situation is changing as
districts are increasingly requesting interoperability from EdTech providers. Advocacy
groups such as Project Unicorn are focused on advocacy and public education about
data interoperability. Government education officials should be aware of total cost
of ownership issues related to data and hardware interoperability and strive to set
standards for investment to optimize.
24 | Executive Summary
Enable Business Models
Identify, support, and promote sustainable and responsible EdTech business models.
Develop public goods and platforms that facilitate government and school purchase
of EdTech solutions at scale.
Identify creative, multi-year financing strategies that help bridge startup gaps;
incentivize designing products for smaller, underserved markets.
In Chile’s open EdTech marketplace, procurement is facilitated through a central online
platform managed by the central government where schools can directly choose
and purchase from approved suppliers. When EdTech companies achieve large sales
either through business-to-government or business-to-consumer models, including
“freemium” licensing, it is more likely they will have funds to invest in further content
development for smaller markets.
Build capacity in financial planning and negotiation skills with EdTech partners relating
to equitable, affordable licensing, subscriptions, and support.
EdTech can flourish where leaders have practical skills to promote and implement
relevant agendas. In Kenya, presidential leadership drove the expansion of eGovernment
services which has laid groundwork for the school-based integration of EdTech. Each
year, 400 IT graduates are mentored through the private sector and government under
the Presidential Digital Talent Programme. With private sector investment, awardees
are placed in internships with specialized training, certification, and mentorship, while
contributing to public-sector EdTech and eGovernment development. At the end of the
program, a culminating innovation showcase awards EdTech and GovTech products that
have the best potential for impact and business returns.
25 | Executive Summary
Sustain Change with Human Capacity and
Long-Term Policy
Promote the importance of pairing infrastructure investments with interventions
in policy, business models, and capacity building.
Support and advocate for strategic, long-term planning based on a vision for
EdTech use.
While a basic IT backbone of electricity and internet might be a minimum standard for
every school, only long-term policies and sustained human capacity-building efforts
will enable that infrastructure to be transformative.
In 2014, Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest public school district in
the USA, ended a controversial one-to-one laptop program designed to equip 650,000
students with iPads and custom digital curriculum. Soon after the contract was
awarded, it was discontinued: Devices broke; students hacked the system to bypass the
security filters; teachers were ill prepared to integrate the iPads with their classroom
instruction, and the digital curriculum was incomplete. iPads without keyboards proved
ill-suited to the needs of secondary school students to use the technology for writing.
The effort is an example of what can happen when large technology purchases are
made without sufficient input, coordination, piloting, and research to ensure that
investments are aligned to specific needs and use cases. Other experiences from the
USA, documented by Project RED, for example, demonstrate better models of one-to-
one technology programs.
26 | Executive Summary
Create Objective Evidence and Platforms for Selection
Stimulate demand for quality EdTech by sponsoring rigorous evidence and platforms
for selecting quality products or services.
Invest in communication platforms that share evidence in accessible ways with relevant
stakeholders, such as school and district managers.
In the case study countries, there were no perfect examples of quality platforms or
certification labels that help objectively select EdTech based on evidence – each had certain
limitations. For example, Chile’s Mercado Publico only updates with new suppliers every four
years; in the USA EdTech product catalogues are either too complex for many teachers to
use, not objective or comprehensive enough, or not based on credible user reviews (which
often have more weight than experimental evidence or product marketing).
Establish and disseminate best practice guidelines on important issues such as privacy
and data security in EdTech.
Develop and deliver training for teachers, administrators, IT support, and EdTech leaders.
Any ecosystem involves multiple entities acting together to achieve a common goal.
Across countries, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have been instrumental actors
in supporting use and maintenance of EdTech. In Chile, the Enlaces network established
school infrastructure and use at scale through government and university collaboration. In
the USA, NGOs, empowered through government initiatives like “Future Ready Schools”
and ConnectEd, supported schools with grant writing, training, content, implementation
support, self-assessment rubrics, and evaluations. In Indonesia and China, NGOs and
business coalitions spread awareness and advocated for effective EdTech use. Across
case study countries, partnerships between telecom companies, hardware manufacturers,
content publishers, and educators have contributed to the scaling of EdTech access.
27 | Executive Summary
Top Three Actions for Government Stakeholders
1. Establish, communicate, and sustain a vision for transformative, Equitable EdTech use.
XX Create a long-term vision, embodied in written policy, and (if applicable) supported
by strong legislation so that the vision can survive changes in administrations. It should be a
well-branded initiative that can be easily communicated to and by parents and school leaders.
XX Describe what technology is recommended, for whom, why, and how it should be
XX Ensure the vision aligns with funding opportunities for implementation. Also ensure it is
integrated into teacher preparation programs and is updated regularly based on evidence
of past practice, horizon scanning of current local and global innovations, and future thinking.
XX Encourage local innovations to support the development of products and services that are
more relevant in the environment.
XX Support EdTech businesses at the early stages through seed funding, innovation hubs,
competitions, and partnerships. The majority of countries that have scaled equitable access
to EdTech have had this government support.
XX Continue to strive for universal access to basic infrastructure, including internet connectivity.
Although connectivity is not always necessary during product use, it has the benefit of
creating opportunities for teacher professional development around product use, more
efficient distribution and support for EdTech products, research and evaluation, product
selection, and opportunities for more transformative use of EdTech through communication
and collaboration among learners.
XX Explore Universal Service Funds, block grants, flexible decentralized funding, and
public-private partnerships with telecom companies. These examples are strategies used
outside of basic government funding for infrastructure.
XX Advocate for evidence-based government policy, strategy, and resource allocation benefiting
appropriate EdTech.
XX Bridge the gaps between users, decentralized education authorities, and central policy
to build common understanding of policies that help or prevent EdTech scale-up.
XX Engage in visioning exercises, planning, resource allocation, and major procurement decisions.
28 | Executive Summary
2. Build the capacity among stakeholders.
XX Provide training on adapting and adjusting implementation models to the needs of particular
groups in the form of organized training, virtual communities of practice, or guidelines for
implementation and performance monitoring.
XX Produce unbiased product reviews and regular communication about the realities of EdTech
implementation – both positive and negative.
XX Contribute to convenings of EdTech users and stakeholders to share lessons and stimulate
user-based design..
XX Sponsor development and maintenance of platforms for selecting and comparing features
and evidence of good EdTech practice.
XX Fund or provide thought leadership and best practice on important issues that are perhaps
under-addressed (because they are not revenue-generating), such as privacy, data security,
internet safety, health concerns, and eWaste.
3. Support EdTech business models that reach the most marginalized with both capital
and counsel.
XX Support EdTech entrepreneurs with patient capital, opportunities for stop-gap research and
development funding, and grants for product development or adaptation for the needs of the
most marginalized.
XX Identify diverse sources of revenue, establish efficient sales and product distribution strategies
that promote equitable access to EdTech.
29 | Executive Summary
A Promising Future for Students
EdTech has the exciting potential to enable transformative learning experiences for students in
all corners of the globe. Impact Investors, like Omidyar Network, are taking lead roles alongside
government and public education leaders.
The world needs to take a holistic, ecosystem approach to deliver on its promises to prepare future
citizens for a global, ever-changing society. The current systems do not enable all learners to realize
their full potential, to break cycles of poverty, or to engage as active and empowered participants
in the future of work. We hope you take inspiration from the ecosystem model, the four case study
countries, and your local colleagues, and that they empower you, in your local context, to unleash
equitable and quality learning.
To learn more, or to receive the detailed global and country reports, please email
[email protected] and follow #EquitableEdTech.
30 | Executive Summary
1. Jenny Perlman Robinson, Rebecca Winthrop, and Eileen McGivney, “Millions Learning: Scaling Up Quality Education in Developing Countries”
(Washington: Brookings Institution, 2016).
2. J-PAL Evidence Review, “Will Technology Transform Education for the Better?” (Cambridge, MA: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab,
3. A concept used in lean ecosystem development, a branch of Lean Startup, as described by Cicero in the Platform Design Toolkit. See Cicero
Platform Design Toolkit:
4. infoDev, UNESCO, AED and Knowledge Enterprise, “ICT-in-Education Toolkit” (2007).
5. Navitas Ventures, “Global EdTech Ecosystems 1.0: Connecting the World of Education Technology” (2018).
6. Digital Impact Alliance, “Beyond Scale” (2017).
7. Jenny Perlman Robinson, Rebecca Winthrop, and Eileen McGivney, “Millions Learning: Scaling Up Quality Education in Developing Countries”
(Washington: Brookings Institution, 2016).
8. Through user-generated reviews, quality labels, or independent awards based on credible evidence generation.
Page 23, Exhibit 4: Case Study Country Demographics
1. he World Bank. (2017). World Bank open data: Population, total. [Data file]. Retrieved from
2. C
entro de Estudios, Ministerio de Educación. (2018). Resumen estadístico de la educación 2016.
Retrieved from
3. O
ECD. (2016). Education in China: A snapshot. Retrieved from
4. Dapodikbud, T. (2018). Jendela Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan: Indonesia Tahun 2018. Retrieved from
5. G
lander, M. (2017). Selected statistics from the public elementary and secondary education universe: School year 2015–16. Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
6. T
he World Bank. (2018). World Bank open data: GDP (constant 2010 US$). [Data file]. Retrieved from
7. T
he World Bank. (2017). World Bank open data: GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$). [Data file]. Retrieved from
8. E
conomic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean. (2018). Chile: National socio-demographic profile.
9. OECD. (2014). Retrieved from
10. T
he World Bank. (2015). Improving teaching and learning in Indonesia. Retrieved from
11. The World Bank. (2014). World Bank open data: Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP). [Data file].
Retrieved from
12. OECD. (2018). iLibrary: Education spending (indicator). [Data file].
13. M
inistry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. (2018). MOE releases education spending statistics for 2017.
Author calculated average expenditure including elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school in USD.
Retrieved from
14. OECD. (2016). PISA 2015 results: Excellence and equity in education, (Vol. 1). Paris, France: PISA, OECD Publishing.
15. R
TI analysis using PISA 2015 Assessment results (OECD, 2016). Ratio of PISA scores in science, reading, and math between the average 90th
percentile score to the average 10th percentile score.
16. T
he World Bank. (2017). World Bank open data: Individuals using the Internet (% of population). [Data file]. Retrieved from
17. U
NESCO Institute for Statistics. (2018). Sustainable development goal 4: 4.a.1 proportion of schools with access to basic facilities, all schools.
Retrieved from
18. H
inostroza, J. E., Labbé, C., & Claro, M. (2005). ICT in Chilean Schools: Students’ and teachers’ access and use of ICT. Human Technology, 1(2),
19. T
he World Bank. (2017). World Bank open data: Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people). [Data file]. Retrieved from
31 | Executive Summary