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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

DOI 10.1007/s10854-015-3629-4

Piezoelectric materials for high temperature transducers

and actuators
T. Stevenson1 • D. G. Martin2 • P. I. Cowin2 • A. Blumfield3 • A. J. Bell1 •

T. P. Comyn2 • P. M. Weaver3

Received: 14 April 2015 / Accepted: 10 August 2015 / Published online: 25 August 2015
Ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract Piezoelectric sensors and actuators are a mature 1 Introduction

technology, commonplace amongst a plethora of industrial
fields including automotive, maritime and non-destructive Piezoelectric sensors have been proven to offer excellent
testing. However the environments that these devices are resolution, temperature stability, sensitivity and low cost
required to serve in are becoming more demanding, with integration properties compared to the other devices for
temperatures being driven higher to increase efficiencies measuring charge, voltage and frequency dependent
and reduce shut-downs. Materials to survive these tem- mechanisms [1, 2]. To this end piezo-based sensors, actu-
peratures have been the focus of many research groups ators and transducers make up a significant and growing
over the last decade, but there still remains no standard for [$15bn market, being widely used throughout a variety of
the measurement of piezoelectric materials at high tem- industries from ultrasonic motors and pumps, optical image
perature. This is required to effectively determine compa- stabilization, automotive fuel injection, industrial condition
rable Figures of Merit into which devices can be monitoring and acoustic non-destructive testing. With the
successfully designed. As part of a recent European effort global requirement for increased efficiency and safety
to establish metrological techniques for high temperature many of these applications are required to operate hotter
evaluation of electro-mechanical properties, we present and for longer, creating harsh environments in which
here a review of the most promising high temperature critical assets are located [1, 3, 4].
polycrystalline materials. Where their properties allow For example, conventional ultrasonic pulse-echo mea-
operation above that of the ubiquitous commercial material surement for determination of wall thickness of pipes and
lead zirconate titanate, as well as work done to modify a vessels as a direct indication of corrosion has distinct
promising high temperature system, for use as a material advantages over other non-destructive evaluation (NDE)
standard. techniques, including a low cost and direct measurement
method with good resolution. It is already well established
but limited to operating temperatures \260 °C [5] due to
the majority of devices relying on the ubiquitous piezo-
electric ceramic ‘lead zirconate titanate’ or PZT, to pro-
duce and detect the acoustic signal. Significant effort has
gone into developing new materials to meet the increasing
demand for piezoelectric elements that can withstand ele-
& T. Stevenson
[email protected]
vated temperature ranges. Particularly within 350–600 °C
where acoustic sensing would be applicable to condition
Institute for Materials Research, University of Leeds, monitoring in pressurized water reactors [6], flow moni-
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK toring in oil and gas plant, and position sensing in aero-
Ionix Advanced Technologies Ltd., Leeds LS2 9DF, UK space, offering but a few of the commercial incentives that
The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington TW11 0LW, are still accessible with relatively simple device packaging
UK [4].

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267 9257

The destructive effects of erosion and corrosion alone properties. This notion of the dipoles tendency to randomize
cost pipeline operators billions of pounds per year in with increasing temperature degrades the piezoelectric
unscheduled plant shutdowns and lost production, where it properties termed ‘thermal ageing’, which historically
is estimated 25 % of these costs could be avoided by limits the operating temperature to a more temperature
continuous monitoring at these demanding temperatures, stable range which is much less than TC [12]. This opera-
over risk based inspection observation. tional limit where the material effectively becomes de-
The materials developed for use in these high temper- poled, is defined as Td [13] and is typically measured by
ature (HT) applications range in composition, form and the small signal resonance method [11, 14] to determine
structure, but importantly all aim to have as high a piezo- piezoelectric activity as a function of increasing
electric operation temperature above the mainstay PZT temperature.
system as possible.
Significant work has been undertaken on developing
high temperature single crystals [1, 7] such as quartz, 2.2 Dielectric constant
lithium niobate [8], langasite [9] and gallium orthophos-
phate [2] to achieve extremely high temperature stability The complex a.c. permittivity e* is measured from the
and operation, but typically suffer from high production complex impedance of a sample:
costs, low mechanical strength and very low piezoelectric e ¼ e0  e00 ð1Þ
activity which limits their use as replacements to PZT
transducer elements in the \600 °C range. where e0 and e00 are the real and imaginary parts respec-
The focus of this work however is in polycrystalline tively. The relative permittivity, or dielectric ‘‘constant’’ er,
materials, which are most likely to be commercially relates to the sample capacitance and is given by the real
adopted for use in industrial applications due to their low part of the complex permittivity:
cost of processing and ease of integration into common
electrical devices. We offer an overview of these materials er ¼ ð2Þ
suitable for HT operation as part of a recent European e0
effort to standardize the characterization techniques and where e0 is the vacuum permittivity. e0 is referred to as the
material properties of high temperature piezoelectrics dielectric permittivity in this paper. Dielectric losses are
(http://projects.npl.co.uk/METCO/) [3, 10], as well as a expressed by the loss tangent, or dissipation factor, tan d:
development of an existing compound to fit the use of the
tan d ¼ e00 =e0 ð3Þ
metrology project and as an commercially viable system.

2.3 Piezoelectric coefficients

2 Material properties, constants and definitions
Perhaps the most ubiquitous figure of merit for piezoelec-
2.1 Curie point and operating temperature tric materials used throughout the literature is the piezo-
electric charge coefficient (dij), which describes the
Ferroelectrics typically maintain their spontaneous polar- relationship between the direct (Eq. 4a), or converse
ization and post-poling piezoelectric properties with (Eq. 4b), piezoelectric effect where the application of a
increasing temperature until reaching the Curie point (TC). mechanical stress is converted to an electrical charge (in C/
At this point the crystal structure transforms into a higher N) or an applied electric field converted to mechanical
symmetry phase, which relinquishes the asymmetry and strain respectively (m/V).
alignment of dipoles subsequently causing the material to
lose its piezoelectric activity. The increasing temperature D ¼ dT þ e T E ð4aÞ
effectively ‘softens’ the lattice that increases the ease at E
x ¼ s T þ dE ð4bÞ
which the material can be polarized thus plotting dielectric
permittivity versus temperature is a standard method of The stress (T) and strain (x) components are tensor
defining the Curie point. By recording the capacitance on magnitudes, with the origins and more complex orienta-
cooling and defining the point at which it reaches a max- tion-dependent matrix of these coefficients found in detail
imum, immediately prior to the ferroelectric phase transi- elsewhere [15]. However, for simplicity and due to sym-
tion, can be defined as TC [11]. metry, a reduced notation can be used (Eq. 5), where the
The thermal re-randomization of the ferroelectric spon- three direction is defined as in the direction of poling, with
taneously formed dipoles also requires the material to be 1 and 2 orthogonal to this vector. For the example of the
poled at T \ TC in order to restore the piezoelectric converse effect, the (d33) describes the strain induced from

9258 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

the same surface as the applied electric field, and in parallel given by Eq. (7) [1], where the resonant and anti-resonant
to the poling direction. frequencies are defined by maximum and minimums of
xi ¼ dij Ej ð5Þ impedance (Z) at zero reactance respectively.
The charge coefficient can be measured by direct or 2 fr
keff ¼1 ð7Þ
converse effect methods such as resonance [11, 14, 16] and fa
Berlincourt methods respectively, although resonance is
The variation of the electromechnical coupling factor
preferred and standardized [11, 15]. The magnitude of the
and other coeffecients for various modes as a function of
charge coefficient in HT materials can range greatly, from
temperature for piezoelectric materials, and the principles
\10 pC/N in non-perovskite crystals such as quartz [12],
of measurement are discussed further in Refs. [3, 20].
gallium orthophosphate and langasite [1], and exceed
103 pC/N in ferroelectric single crystals such as PbYbO3–
PbTiO3 [17] and BiScO3–PbTiO3 [18]. 2.5 Resistivity and RC time constant
An important consideration for transducers is the volt-
age coefficient (gij) in V/N (Eq. 6). This constant is The electrical resistivity (q) of the material is an important
inversely related to the dielectric permittivity by the charge property that is strongly affected by temperature. Polari-
coefficient and is typically temperature invariant due to the sation changes resulting from an applied stress will, over a
relationship in Eqs. (4a, 4b). period of time, be nulled by charge movement due to
conduction within the material. The rate at which this
gij ¼ dij =e0ij ð6Þ occurs is determined by the time constant (s) of the circuit
In resonance measurements, piezoelectric properties are formed by the sample’s capacitance (C) and its electrical
commonly expressed as complex coefficients with the resistance (R). R is dependent on the conductivity of the
imaginary part relating to losses, both dielectric and material and the sample dimensions. At high frequency, the
mechanical. For assessing the piezoelectric properties rate of change of charge due to the changing applied stress
using the above equations (and for electromechanical is much faster than the time constant, so charge compen-
coupling factor described in Sect. 2.4) we use the real parts sation due to conductivity is negligible. At low frequency,
of the coefficients obtained from resonance measurements. however, the signal from a sensor or generator may be
At high temperature the dominant factor in the losses is the significantly attenuated. An indication of the minimum
high electrical conductivity (see Sect. 2.5). We therefore useful frequency, or lower limiting frequency (fLL) is given
use electrical measurements (see Sect. 2.2) in discussion of by the reciprocal of the time constant (Eq. 8), representing
losses in this paper. an attenuation of the signal by a factor of 2. RC time
constants for PZT at room temperature are typically[100 s
2.4 Electromechanical coupling factor [20] (fLL \ 0.01 Hz). The capacitance of a ferroelectric
material is also strongly temperature dependent, so the
The fraction of electrical energy that can be converted into temperature dependence of fLL combines the effects of both
mechanical energy, or vice versa, is defined as the elec- capacitance and resistance, providing a useful figure of
tromechanical coupling factor (k2). As this conversion is merit for sensor or transducer applications.
never complete, k is always \1, and as such is a limiting 1 1
fLL ¼ ¼ ð8Þ
factor to attaining high charge coefficients in typically 2pRC 2pe0 q
stiffer (or less compliant) polycrystalline materials. This
In this work resistivity was determined from AC fields
relationship also means the electromechanical coupling
below 0.01 Hz.
factor is relatively temperature insensitive as d, e0 and
compliance (s) all increase with temperature, until perma-
nent depoling occurs. 2.6 Thermal coefficient of expansion
Electromechanical coupling factors are typically found
to be in the range of \0.1 for quartz [1], \0.5 for lead free A further consideration for high temperature piezoelectric
polycrystalline materials [19], 0.8–0.4 for PZT and [0.8 materials for use in high temperature devices is the ther-
for single crystals [1]. mal coefficient of expansion (TCE) (a) given in m/m K, or
The electromechanical coupling factor can be calculated K-1, and is typically temperature dependent [21]. TCE is
by the piezoelectric resonance method [11, 14] by mea- required to match appropriate electrodes and package the
surement of the resonant (fr) and anti-resonant (fa) fre- piezo-elements into a device to meet tolerances. For
quencies of the desired vibration mode [11]. An effective example the TCE of PZT and other piezo-oxides parallel
coefficient can be expressed at any fundamental resonance to the poled direction is in the order of -1 to

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267 9259

-10 9 10-6 K-1, or perpendicularly ?1 to ?8 9 the crystallites, or grains, ferroelectric domains exist, but as
10-6 K-1, whereas metals, i.e. gold and stainless steel for the material is divided granularly there occurs an averaging
electroding and acoustic matching layer respectively, are effect across the multiple domain directions which leaves
in the order of ?10 to ?80 9 10-6 K-1. the material polar, but with no net polarization. Application
Poled ferroelectric, piezoelectric materials are also of a high electric field, above that of the materials coercive
typically anisotropic, with a negative TCE in the poled field during ‘poling’ [15] orientates the majority of the
direction and positive orthogonal directions. TCE can be domains into a net polarization direction. As not 100 % of
measured by interferometry or dilatometry to measure the the domains align, a polycrystalline material cannot exhibit
displacement of a short-circuited piezoelectric sample, as a properties as high as a single crystal that is void of grains.
function of temperature. Polycrystalline material properties are also dependent on
other factors such as grain size, sintering temperatures and
2.7 Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) regimes, as well as defects and compositional inhomo-
geneity that affect all materials. Their advantage over
After the discovery of BaTiO3 researchers were stimulated single crystals is that the materials can be synthesized
to finding materials that exhibited piezoelectric properties cheaply and readily with great compositional control.
over a wider range of temperatures. In the 1950s [22] that
came in the form of the perovskite, lead zirconate titanate
(PZT), probably the most diversely used and popular 3.1 Single phase polycrystalline materials
commercial piezoelectric with much of its success due to
the ability to tailor its properties to specific applications by 3.1.1 Lead titanate (PT)
means of doping. Substitutionally doping on to the A or B
site alters the movement of domain boundaries and modi- Lead titanate was reported as ferroelectric in 1950 due to
fies the electrical properties, but at the cost of lowering TC. its structural analogy to BaTiO3, the prototype ferroelectric
PZT forms from the combination of ferroelectric [24], and high temperature transition from ferroelectric
PbTiO3 and antiferroelectric PbZrO3 to create a continuous tetragonal to paraelectric cubic structure at *490 °C [28].
solid solution with formula Pb(Zrx Ti1-x)O3 where But it wasn’t until 1970 that true polarization reversal by
0 \ x \ 1. The solid solutions where x \ 0.9 are all fer- electric field was accomplished and a spontaneous polar-
roelectric, with TC ranging from 220 to 490 °C depending ization of 57 lC/cm-2 was recorded in a single crystal
on composition (x = 0.9–0 respectively) [15]. [29].
The structure of PZT goes through several transitions The presence of lead is presumed to allow the ferro-
with increasing temperature, but at ambient between electric properties to be cultivated in lead titanate as it is
0.52 \ x \ 0.545 there lies a morphotropic phase bound- more deformable and polarizable than Ba and Sr in similar
ary [23] between two ferroelectric phases. Piezoelectric ferroelectric titanates, as well as the directional Pb–O bond
properties are at an optimum for most applications at this being more covalent [30]. This bond also allows lead
MPB composition [24] due to a peak in permittivity, to titanate to exhibit much larger tetragonal (space group
which the piezoelectric coefficient is proportional (Eqs. 4a, P4 mm) distortion than BaTiO3 [30], with c/a spontaneous
4b). strain (from X-ray [28] and neutron diffraction studies)
This affords MPB compositions of PZT with d33 values ratio equal to 1.063 [28, 31] at room temperature. This high
*200 pC/N [15], which can be further increased by donor structural anisotropy affects its piezoelectric and ferro-
doping, to form soft PZT’s, with ions such as Nb to exceed electric properties; such as a large d33/d31 ratio [31], which
d33 values of 350 pC/N [25] but with a reduced can be of particular use in ultrasonic applications where it
TC = 360 °C [12]. PZT suffers from rapid aging, leading has the effect of minimizing a disadvantageous cross talk
to depoling, which means it is not typically suitable for use characteristic between adjacent elements.
above *200 °C [12, 26]. The properties of PZT are Synthesis of lead titanate is made difficult by the large
summarised in Table 1. internal strains due to the anisotropic contraction of the unit
cell when cooling through TC. Tendency for inter-granular
fracture when the grain exceed 1 lm in size [32], is pro-
3 High temperature polycrystalline piezoelectric hibitive toward sintering bulk, polycrystalline materials;
materials often resulting in fine particle distributed powders being
formed (\5 lm) [31]. Despite this, the ability to induce
Polycrystalline materials must be ferroelectric in order to large internal strain and high TC makes it a very attractive
be piezoelectric [9] and constitute multiple ‘single crys- material as an end member in mixed phase piezoelectric
tallites’ sintered together to form a bulk ceramic. Within solid solutions.

9260 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

3.1.2 Lead metaniobate (PN) that of quartz, BIT also suffers from low coefficients
(d33 = 3.5 pC/N) and high p-type electronic conductivity
Lead Metaniobate, Pb(NbO3)2, has component atoms with [47] (q * 500 MX m) [58], resulting in a quickly dimin-
similar ionic radii as barium titanate but forms a tungsten ishing time constant.
bronze [33], rather than perovskite, structure. This requires The BLSF group in general present high mechanical
a relatively small poling field of 2 kV/mm, to initiate the quality factors, anisotropic piezo coefficients and high TC
piezoelectric properties of the material but at relatively values, with much research on doping the basic bismuth
high temperatures of 200–250 °C [34]. Pb(NbO3)2 offers titanate solid solution, to reduce conductivity and increase
ferroelectric properties up to Tc = 550 °C [34] and highly d33, using elements such as Fe, Sr, Ca [47], La [50], Na
anisotropic room temperature piezoelectric coefficients [12] and Nb [47]. The latter at 0.74 at.% showing
(d33 = 81 pC/N, kt = 0.26 [34]) up to *300 °C where improvements in d33 to 20 pC/N at the cost of Tc by 20 °C,
tand begins to increase steadily to TC coincident with a with crucially, a [ 2 order of magnitude increase in
structural modification. This modification also exhibits a resistivity [47], and increase in coupling coefficients.
major change in CTE, from ?1.32 9 10-6 to -5.45 9 Modified bismuth titanate is a promising material and is
10-6 m/m K which makes it challenging to package indeed now well commercialized [59, 60] in proprietary
effectively. The materials ultra-low [1] Qm however makes formats, particularly as it offers HT properties and is lead
it a good choice for wide bandwidth applications if CTE free, but when incorporated into device design still requires
mismatch can be overcome. significant consideration to its large TCE mismatch to
metals, particularly for electrodes, limiting its ability to be
3.1.3 Bismuth ferrite (BF) simply swapped for PZT.

After the first observations of ferroelectricity in the 1920s 3.1.5 Summary

[35] there was an immediate interest in whether these
properties could be combined with magnetism [36] to See Table 2.
create multiferroic materials with magnetoelectric (ME)
coupling. Bismuth ferrite has undoubtedly been studied 3.2 Mixed phase polycrystalline materials
more extensively than any other ME multiferroic, being
hailed the most promising candidate for magnetoelectric Phase transitions are characteristic of ferroelectrics, with
devices in a single phase [37] due to it exhibiting both the most important in the scope of this work being between
magnetic and electric properties above room temperature. the ferroelectric and paraelectric phase at TC. Upon cooling
Bulk samples of BF were first reported in 1957 to sustain through the Curie point, the crystallographic structure of
antiferromagnetism in a rhombohedrally distorted per- the ferroelectric is associated with a small distortion of the
ovskite structure [38], and over the decades has been paraelectric structure, lowering the symmetry.
extensively researched by both magnetic and ferroelectric Many materials also undergo further transitions below
communities. The result is a material characterized with an TC, as well as within the lower symmetry ferroelectric
R3c [39] space group exhibiting ferroelectricity [40] and phase associated with an change in orientation of the polar
poor piezoelectric coefficients (d33 = 60 pm/V [37] in a axis; for example from tetragonal to rhombohedral. These
single crystal) up to a TC = 830 °C [41]. BF suffers from a are termed polymorphic phase transitions [61], and can
low resistivity as the iron can alternate between 4?, 3? occur not only with variations in temperature, but also
and 2? readily, allowing ionic conduction to dominate mechanical stress or applied electric field [62–66].
particularly at elevated temperatures (up to 400 °C) [42, Many ferroelectric solid solutions including the com-
43], but the high Curie point and perovskite structure offers mercially popular PZT possess a morphotropic phase
another popular end member for piezoelectric solid solu- boundary (MPB), an abrupt structural change with com-
tions. In fact bismuth based perovskites are some of the position [15], separating two ferroelectric phases of dif-
most popular materials for high temperature piezoelectric fering crystallographic symmetry, or polar axis rotation.
applications [44–57], For compositions near the MPB, the competing phases (and
occasionally simultaneous existence of both in a mixed
3.1.4 Bismuth titanate (BIT) phase [57] ), allow polarization rotation to occur between
the two symmetries, enhancing the piezoelectric and
Bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) is perhaps the best studied of dielectric properties. However, these enhancements at the
the compounds within the Aurivillius, bismuth based layer MPB are strongly temperature dependent [7] due to the
structure ferroelectric (BLSF) family [47]. Exhibiting dielectric permittivity and compliance components descri-
piezoelectric properties up to TC = 675 °C comparable to bed in Eqs. (4a, 4b) being temperature dependent, further

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267 9261

Table 1 Summary of typical lead zirconate titanate material classes

Material Summary of lead zirconate titanate materials
FEa Structure db33 (pC/N) kbt qb (X m) Tet. c/a ratiob Temp. TC (°C) Max op. temp. (°C)

PZT Navy Type II (Soft) Yes Perovskite \600 \0.6 \1011 1.013 V. Low 340 200
PZT Navy Type III (Hard) Yes Perovskite \300 \0.5 \1011 1.022 Low 305 220
Room temperature data taken from [27]
a b
Ferroelectric, at ambient temperature

Table 2 Properties of selected polycrystalline piezoelectric materials with operating temperatures above PZT
Material Polycrystalline piezoelectric ceramics
FEa Structure d33 (pC/N)b kbt q (X m)b RC constant (s)b Temp. stability TC (°C) Td (°C)

PbTiO3 Yes Perovskite – – V. low – Low 490 400

Pb(NbO3)2 Yes W bronze 81 \0.3 1010 \25 Low 550 300
BiFeO3 Yes Perovskite – – 1010 \25 Low 830 400
Bi4Ti3O12 Yes Aurivillius 3.5 \0.15 107 \5 Low 675 675
Bi4Ti2.86Nb0.14O12 Yes Aurivillius 20 \0.3 109 Med 655 655
Referenced within the text
a b
Ferroelectric, at ambient temperature

enhanced at the crystallographic boundary do to the a = 1.02 [15]) or the lead titanate end member (c/
increased electrical and mechanical degrees of freedom a = 1.063 [31] ) as well as other compositions in the BFPT
inherent with the presence of two different polar phases space, it is easy to see how this could have effect on the
that can change with minimal energy. For optimal utility of physical properties.
these materials in application it is preferable they exhibit as In fact this tetragonal distortion, plus the significant
linear a temperature dependence as possible. difference in molar volume between the tetragonal and
rhombohedral phases, 39.4 and 37.5 cm3 respectively (a
3.2.1 Bismuth ferrite lead titanate (BFPT) difference of ca. 5 %) [71], has such an effect on the
system that much of the literature reports difficulty in
In 1964, Fedulov et al. [67] published work that combined producing dense bulk ceramics. This is due to the huge
his work on the Curie temperature of BiFeO3 [68] and anisotropic strain induced lattice distortion and mismatch,
PbTiO3 to map the complete phase diagram of the solid causing the material to intergranularly fracture upon
solution xBiFeO3–(1-x)PbTiO3. It has since been shown cooling from the sinter [31, 69, 72] in much the same way
that the BF rhombohedrally R3c distorted perovskite forms as the PbTiO3 end member. Despite this, it is recognized
a polycrystalline solid solution with tetragonally distorted that the material is so ferroelectrically hard due to this
P4 mm PT across 0 \ x \ 1. The mixing of the two end strain, that when successfully formed it has not been pos-
members is akin to PZT, but with the BF Curie point being sible to successfully saturate and ‘pole’ the MPB compo-
significantly higher than lead zirconate, offering a MPB at sition [73]. Piezoelectric data in the Tables are instead
x * 0.7 with TC = 635 °C [67]. taken from high field measurements.
As is observed in lead zirconate titanate (PZT), the Doping of the BFPT system [74] with elements such as
morphotropic phase boundary in BFPT displays an increase Mg [75], Ga [76], La [77] and lead zirconate [51] have
in dielectric permittivity and piezoelectric activity [57]. successfully reduced the c/a ratio allowing the material to
This is attributed to the unusual, and relatively large be poled and exhibit useful piezoelectric coefficients with
internal tetragonal lattice strain c/a ratio = 1.18 for increased resistivity and that are relatively stable up to
x = 0.7 [69], which is significantly higher than that temperatures\350 °C. However, the doping regimes come
observed for barium titanate (c/a = 1.01 [70] ), PZT (c/ at the cost of reducing TC.

9262 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

Many of the doping regimes have already proved suc- 3.2.3 Potassium bismuth titanate-bismuth ferrite lead
cessful enough to be patented and employed in high tem- titanate (BF-KBT-PT)
perature devices, making them commercially available in
the Europe, China and the US. They offer operating tem- Mixed phase solutions such as x(K0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–(1-x)
peratures up to 330 °C, with piezoelectric coefficients of (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 (KNBT) and the ternary system with
d33 = 120–180 pC/N [77]. BaTiO3 have been extensively researched as lead free
alternatives in recent years [84, 85], but are deemed
3.2.2 Bismuth scandate lead titanate (BSPT) unsuitable alternatives to lead-based perovskites due to
their poor electrical properties in relation to PZT, as well as
More recently, solid solutions of bismuth based lead tita- low paraelectric phase transitions, degrading the piezo-
nate materials were investigated by Eitel et al. [48] at Penn electric properties at relatively low elevations in tempera-
State University, USA, resulting in a correlation of MPB tures above ambient.
Curie temperature with the end member tolerance factors, Combining BF with KBT has been investigated as
predicting that solutions with a t \ 1 are in general more recently as 2010 [86] combining tetragonally and rhom-
likely to follow a trend and exhibit an increased TC. bohedrally distorted perovskite end members, much in the
The three end members with the lowest value of t were same way as BFPT and PZT, but fell short of providing
BiScCO3, BiInO3 and BiYbO3 which upon synthesizing useful electrical properties at increased temperatures, due
each with PbTiO3, was found that phase pure perovskite to a lack of long range ferroelectric order, instead forming
could not be formed with the exception of xBiScO3– nano-polar regions which cannot sustain a net polarisation
(1-x)PbTiO3 (BSPT) which formed a pure, stable structure once the applied field was removed. However work by
when x \ 0.5. Bennett et al. [13], have shown that even a relatively
The subsequent MPB composition at x * 0.36 displays modest addition of lead titanate (27.5 %) compared to that
a c/a ratio = 1.02 [78] offering a lower, but still significant, found in PZT ([60 %) has the effect of locking in the
tetragonal strain than the PbTiO3 end member and required long range ferroelectric order and yielding a
Tc = 450 °C, whilst offering room temperature d33 of 460 d33 = 205 pC/N, d31 = -41.9 pC/N and Tc = 575 °C at
pC/N [78] and kp = 0.59 [79]/kt = 0.49 [80]. the ternary MPB. These properties seem promising for a
Since the initial measurements of BSPT, many research high temperature, lead light, low cost, piezoelectric mate-
groups have tried to increase both the low resistivity rial, as they persist in a relatively stable manner with
inherent with the BiScO3 end member, and electrical temperature variation. Although a polymorphic phase
properties by varying grain size [52] and introducing transition at *350 °C subsequently causes de-poling (Td),
dopants [26, 54, 81], but as yet there have been no sig- limiting the operating temperature to\330 °C, it is thought
nificant improvements without a dramatic loss in TC and kp a doping regime could push this de-poling temperature
[82]. higher, although perhaps at the reduction of TC.
An additional factor that needs addressing with BSPT is Despite this, it is perhaps the strain generated in the
the cost of scandium oxide being orders of magnitude BF0.575–KBT0.15–PT0.275 material that is the most
greater than conventional polycrystalline materials [74] striking feature, and of most interest for the scope of this
which has led to groups around the world looking at project, being 0.805 %. As an actuator, this composition
replacing some of the Sc with Fe2O3 [83] as well as whole exhibits the largest strain of any polycrystalline material
solid solutions, including modified BiFeO3 [55, 82] and published in the literature to date, and occurs from a partial
Bi(Ni,Ti)O3 [53]. phase transformation on poling combined with the pres-
Low processing yields due to reactivity with alkali salts ence of NPR’s within the local ferroelectric structure.
in some systems has also led to further work in the In and Tailoring of the ternary system also allows a material to
Yb based materials, where there has since been shown that be optimized according to the application [87], which
0.15BiInO3–0.85PbTiO3 modified with 1.5 at.% Nb, makes offers flexibility and tunability as does PZT, but at sig-
an excellent candidate for elevated temperature sensor nificantly higher operating temperatures.
devices, with the dopant stabilizing the perovskite phase
and achieving relatively stable high temperature properties; 3.2.4 Summary
d33 = 60 pC/N (at ambient) up to a Tc = 542 °C but with
poor resistivity of 260 kX m at 400 °C [49]. See Table 3.

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267 9263

Table 3 Properties of selected mixed phase polycrystalline piezoelectric materials with operating temperatures above PZT
Material Mixed phase polycrystalline materials
FEa Structure db33 (pC/N) kbt qb (X m) Tet. c/a ratio Temp. stability TC (°C) Max op. temp. (°C)

BFPTc Yes Perovskite 160d 0.28 1010 1.187 Med 635 –

Doped BFPT Yes Perovskite 120 0.31 1011 1.045 Med 420 330
Nb doped BIPTc Yes Perovskite 60 0.38 1.08 Med 542 380
c 10
BSPT Yes Perovskite 450 0.49 10 1.02 Med 450 350
BF-KBT-PTc Yes Perovskite 205 0.36 1010 1.035 Med 575 320
a b c d
Ferroelectric, at ambient temperature, MPB compositions, High field

4 Modification of BF-KBT-PT for high

temperature metrology 40000

4.1 Experimental

Intensity / arb

Modestly (\5 %) donor doped modified ceramic powders

of the 0.567BF-0.188KBT-0.245PT (D2) ternary system

[87] were prepared by conventional solid-state synthesis, as

it was expected to improve the resistivity and offer stable
high temperature properties for metrology. Herein, this
material nomenclature will be D2?, where as reported 0
elsewhere in detail, stoichiometric quantities of the starting
reagents were mixed with yttria stabilized zirconia balls in 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

isopropyl alcohol using a high energy bead mill (Willy A. d-space / Å

Bachofen, Basel, Switzerland) for 30 min, followed by
Fig. 1 X-ray diffraction pattern of the un-modified D2 (black dotted)
drying and sieving through 200 lm. The subsequent and modified D2? (solid red) KBT-BF-PT morphotropic phase
powder was calcined at 800 °C for 4 h in covered cru- boundary system. A difference plot is shown below (solid blue), and
cibles. Binder was subsequently added and the powder rhombohedral (subscript R) and tetragonal (subscript T) phases
pressed into 12 mm diameter pellets and sintered at identified (Color figure online)
1050 °C for 2 h, before being ground and polished with
SiC (Buehler, Germany) to 1 mm thick. Finished pellets
were electroded by sputtering with 50 nm of Ti, and meet the requirements for the various vibration modes
200 nm of Au as layers (Quorum Technologies ltd. Lewes, described in BS EN 50324-1 [11]. This included a longi-
UK). Density was measured using the Archimedes method tudinal length mode bar, transverse length plate and
and established to be 7700 kg/m3. thickness shear plate, with a radial mode served by the as-
Samples were poled at 6 kV/mm at 100 °C in silicone made discs.
oil for 10 min before being left for 24 h and subsequent Each geometry was placed into a modified TA Instru-
measurements taken. The current was recorded throughout ments Thermal Mechanical Analyser (TMA) at NPL
to determine high field resistivity. X-ray diffraction (Phil- (Fig. 2), connected to an Agilent 4294a impedance analy-
lips X’Pert MPD, Almelo, The Netherlands) was used to ser, with frequency sweeps controlled with LabVIEW
identify the crystal structure on poled non-electroded (National Instruments, TX, USA) at 20 °C steps when
samples (Fig. 1). heated at 2 °C/min. Calibration runs were taken across the
Parallel capacitance (CP) was measured at 1 kHz– frequency limits of the 4294a in open and short configu-
1 MHz as a function of temperature using an Agilent ration for fixture compensation in post processing.
4294A, with a non-inductively wound furnace. The TC was The frequency range and parameters set for each
determined from the maximum in calculated dielectric geometry are outlined in Table 4, and analysis conducted
permittivity (Eq. 2) upon cooling (at 2 °C/min) from by identification of fs and fp from maxima and minima in
600 °C on un-poled samples. The operating temperature conductance and resistance respectively [88]. Impedance
was defined as Td, and characterized from resonance, spectroscopy was completed on un-poled discs at 50 °C
where three geometries were cut from discs and poled to intervals, with data collected from frequencies spanning

9264 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

in agreement, within the error of the measurement, with the

un-doped variant [87]. Derived dielectric permittivity from
the measured parallel capacitance (CP) on cooling from
600 °C exhibits a peak for 1 kHz at 467 °C for TC in the
D2? system (Fig. 3), which indicates a 45 °C increase in
the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition TC from
D2. However an increase in TC for the D2? material is not
expected compared with typical doping studies [49, 89] of
similar materials.
Resistivity data supports this, with the doping regime
exhibiting an order of magnitude increase in volume resis-
tivity across the temperature range measured (22–400 °C)
(Fig. 4), where the D2 material exhibits a resistivity of 3050
X m at 400 °C, which equates to a fLL = 2.2 kHz; Suffi-
ciently in excess of the 1 kHz measurement, to prevent the
Fig. 2 Photograph of the experimental setup with the oven removed material from charging fully and represented by the
increasing tand loss. For the D2? material, the increased
10 MHz–0.01 Hz at 10 points per decade using a ModuLab resistivity maintains a fLL = 527 Hz at 400 °C (Fig. 5), but
MTS (Solartron Analytical, UK), with data fitted to a circle extrapolates to 1 kHz around the assumed TC at 467 °C.
from Z0 /Z00 plots for analysis (Table 5). This indicates that the conductivity mechanism is domi-
nating the capacitance measurement, rather than a true
4.2 Results and discussion ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition. This obviously
indicates further work is required to establish a true TC, and
X-ray diffraction reveals a mixed, rhombohedrally and that the resistivity as a function of temperature is likely to
tetragonally distorted, perovskite phase structure with no provide the frequency dispersion observed in Fig. 3.
discernable insoluble phases. It is observed that little has Importantly for this work, the piezoelectric properties
been modified by the addition of the donor dopant, with the calculated from resonance determine a room temperature
tetragonal a and c lattice vectors varying insignificantly, kt = 0.5 and kp = 0.36. The effect of temperature on d31
retaining a spontaneous strain of 3.5 % as per the un- from resonance is shown in Fig. 6 where the near linear
modified D2 material. It is expected then that the Berlin- proportional increase is ideal for the purposes of both
court measured d33 should remain approximately the same metrology and device integration. A de-poling temperature
between D2 and D2? as these are intrinsically linked. is determined at Td = 416 °C where the piezoelectric
Indeed a value of 197 pC/N is measured for a disc, which is properties cease, and are independent of conductivity,

Table 4 Summary of geometries used for piezoelectric resonance analysis for the D2 and D2? materials
Geometry Thickness Width Length Poled length Frequency sweep Ambient
(t) (mm) (w) (mm) (l) (mm) (mm) (kHz) keff

Radial mode 1 12 (dia) – 1 160–205 0.32

Longitudinal length 1 1 2.5 2.5 550–800 0.46
Transverse length 1 3 15 1 85–120 0.24
Thickness shear 4 0.2 14 4 2500–5000 0.46

Table 5 Summary of the modified D2? material from this work

Material FEa Structure db33 (pC/N) kbt qb (X m) Tet. c/a ratio Temp. stability TC (°C) Max op. temp. (°C)

Modified KBT-BF-PTc D2? Yes Perovskite 180 0.5 1011 1.035 Med 467 380
a b c
Ferroelectric, at ambient temperature, MPB composition

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267 9265

20000 2.0
18000 1 kHz 1.8 0.4
10 kHz
100 kHz 1.6 300

calculated d31(- pC/N)

1 MHz
14000 1.4 0.3 250
12000 1.2

tan δ
10000 1.0

8000 0.8 150
6000 0.6 100
4000 0.4
2000 0.2
0 0.0 0.0 0
300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3 Relative permittivity (from parallel capacitance) and dielectric Fig. 6 Planar electromechanical coupling factor from a disc of D2?
loss as a function of temperature over a range of frequencies from 1 material (black circles), where a sample was re-poled and second run
kHZ–1 MHz for the modified D2? material taken (red crosses) and calculated d31 (blue line) from the first run as
a function of temperature (Color figure online)
[9] PZT-5A where the resonance measurements undertaken are at fre-
1010 BSPT 64 quencies much greater than the fLL for the de-poling
109 D2+
Resistivity (Ω.m)

[43] A disc used for calculating the planar measurements was

108 [24]
subsequently re-poled after the permittivity measurement,
and re-tested using the resonance method. It is shown that
106 the material exhibits excellent agreement for the calculated
105 kp as the first run, indicating that the temperature excur-
[9] sions have little effect on the materials composition and
103 structure. A maximum long term operating temperature
was therefore established as 380 °C.
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
103/Temperature (K-1) 4.3 Conclusions

Fig. 4 Volume resistivity as a function of temperature for a range of High temperature piezoelectric materials are developing
piezoelectric materials from the literature and this work. Material
references can be found in the text
into a mature technology, with increasing requirement in a
number of important applications. To meet this demand
and to successfully engineer new products based on these
materials requires reliable tools and standards for measur-
ing piezoelectric coupling at high temperature. Validation
D2+ of these methods will require high coupling materials that
are sufficiently stable up to high temperature to perform
100 comparisons with low uncertainty of measurement. These
attributes are also beneficial in an engineering context to
fLL (Hz)

provide stable performance over a wide temperature range.

1 Here we present a donor doped modified MPB composition
of polycrystalline KBT-BF-PT, D2?, which displays rela-
100m tively stable piezoelectric properties. Relative improvements
to the charge and electromechanical coupling coefficients,
enable good signal to noise analysis from resonance tech-
1m niques, and the increased resistivity over the un-modified
100 200 300 400 material represents good applicability for both sensing and
Temperature (°C) actuation modes across a broad frequency scale [27]. This new
Fig. 5 The calculated lower limit frequency for the D2 and D2?
material is comparable in high temperature properties to
materials as a function of temperature BSPT and BIT in the literature, and benefits from similar

9266 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:9256–9267

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