Nakamura-High-Energy Ions From Near-Critical Density Plasmas Via Magnetic Vortex Acceleration-2010-Physical Review Letters
Nakamura-High-Energy Ions From Near-Critical Density Plasmas Via Magnetic Vortex Acceleration-2010-Physical Review Letters
Nakamura-High-Energy Ions From Near-Critical Density Plasmas Via Magnetic Vortex Acceleration-2010-Physical Review Letters
High-Energy Ions from Near-Critical Density Plasmas via Magnetic Vortex Acceleration
Tatsufumi Nakamura,* Sergei V. Bulanov, Timur Zh. Esirkepov, and Masaki Kando
Advanced Photon Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 8-1-7 Umemidai, Kizugawa, Kyoto 619-0215, Japan
(Received 26 April 2010; published 23 September 2010)
Ultraintense laser pulses propagating in near-critical density plasmas generate magnetic dipole vortex
structures. In the region of decreasing plasma density, the vortex expands both in forward and lateral
directions. The magnetic field pressure pushes electrons and ions to form a density jump along the vortex
axis and induces a longitudinal electric field. This structure moves together with the expanding dipole
vortex. The background ions located ahead of the electric field are accelerated to high energies. The
energy scaling of ions generated by this magnetic vortex acceleration mechanism is derived and
corroborated using particle-in-cell simulations.
Irradiation of ultraintense laser pulses onto matter gen- In this Letter, we formulate a simple model of the
erates high-energy density plasmas [1], which opened new magnetic vortex acceleration which explains a high-energy
and active research fields such as fast ignition of inertial ion generation from near-critical density plasmas. The
confinement fusion [2], laboratory astrophysics [3], and motion of magnetic dipole vortex in a nonuniform density
development of a compact source of high-energy electrons plasma is analyzed and the mechanism of resultant ion
[4], positive ions [5], negative ions [6], and photons [7]. acceleration is explained. The energy scaling of ions gen-
Generation of high-energy ions by ultraintense laser erated via this magnetic vortex acceleration is derived, and
pulses has been intensively studied due to its wide range conditions for achieving the magnetic vortex acceleration
of applications including cancer therapy [8], proton radi- are presented.
ography [9], and ion beam fast ignition [10]. Various We first show the numerical results of the magnetic
mechanisms of ion acceleration from laser plasmas have vortex acceleration by using the two-dimensional particle-
been proposed, which are target normal sheath acceleration in-cell (PIC) simulation code [24]. The simulation region is
(TNSA) [11], Coulomb explosion [12], shock acceleration 120 m in the x direction and 41:6 m in the y direction.
[13], and radiation pressure acceleration [14]. Recently, A near-critical density plasma consisting of electrons and
attention has also been paid to an ion acceleration from protons is located in 2 < xðmÞ < 99 with nonuniform
moderate or near-critical density plasmas which are con- density in the x direction and uniform density in the y
sidered to have an advantage of higher laser-plasma cou- direction. The density is 0:1nc for 2 < xðmÞ < 13, then
pling. It is suggested that ions are accelerated at the rear linearly increases to the maximum density of n1 ¼ 2nc for
surface of the moderate or near-critical density plasmas by 13 < xðmÞ < 20, then remains constant for 20<
the sheath field [15] or sheath field with its extended life- xðmÞ < 45, then linearly decreases to n2 ¼ 0:25nc for
time due to a quasistatic magnetic field generation [16–18]. 45 < xðmÞ < 54, and remains constant again for 54 <
The interactions between intense laser pulses and near- xðmÞ < 99. Here, nc ¼ m"0 !20 =e2 is the critical density,
critical density plasmas have been actively studied from m, e, "0 , and !0 represent the electron mass, electric charge,
the perspective of structure formations such as magnetized dielectric constant in vacuum, and laser angular frequency,
channels and magnetic vortices [16,19–21]. Formation and respectively. A laser pulse polarized in the y direction
motion of vortices have also been of considerable interest irradiates the target from the left boundary. The laser power
to nonlinear physics, astrophysics, and plasma physics. A is 100 TW and the pulse duration is 30 fs (FWHM). The
recent study showed that a movement of magnetic dipole laser pulse is focused at x ¼ 8 m with the spot diameter of
vortex in a nonuniform plasma generates high-energy ions 1:67 m (FWHM). The laser wavelength 0 is 0:8 m.
[22], where a rapidly varying magnetic field due to vortex The mesh size is x ¼ y ¼ 0 =40, which resolves the
motion produces a strong electric field. Although a motion sharp density spike generated in the plasma. The electron
of the dipole vortex is quite complicated, energetic ions can initial temperature is 500 eV, and ions are initially cold.
be generated by controlling the plasma and laser condi- At each simulation boundary, absorbing conditions are
tions. A relevant experiment using cluster-gas targets adopted for both particles and fields.
showed that relatively high-energy ions are generated A magnetic dipole vortex is formed inside the plasma
from a small area [23]. The above model is considered as when the laser energy is almost depleted. The distribution of
a responsible mechanism, and the derivation of the energy the magnetic field of the vortex at t ¼ 220 fs is plotted in
scaling which is needed for the further enhancement of the Fig. 1(a), where the maximum magnetic field intensity
ion energy has been left as a future work. reaches 1.2 gigagauss (GG). In this simulation, the dipole
30 10.0
(a) 0.32
y µ
45 50 55 60 65
x µ
Electric field
ion 30
Ion/electron denisty
5 e-field 20
0 0
FIG. 1 (color online). The distributions of magnetic field Bz in −10
gigagauss at (a) t ¼ 220 fs and (b) t ¼ 300 fs. A magnetic dipole 45 50 55 60 65
vortex is formed at the end of the high density region, and it x µ
expands as it moves in the density decreasing region. The solid
gray (red) line in (a) shows a density distribution of initial plasma. FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Distribution of ion density normal-
ized by the critical density at t ¼ 320 fs. (b) Distributions of ion
vortex is formed at the end of the high density region, and electron density, and longitudinal electric field along the
i.e., x 45 m. After its formation, the magnetic dipole vortex axis. The ion and electron density is normalized by the
vortex moves down the density gradient with expanding in critical density, and electric field is in TV=m.
both forward and lateral directions. It expands in the for-
ward direction due to the decrease of plasma density and in dipole vortex to form a circular current. This charge sepa-
the lateral direction due to the force acting on the vortex in ration at the spike induces the electrostatic field.
the rn direction [25]. The expansion leads to decreas- Both the electric field and the ion density spike move
ing of the magnetic field as shown in Fig. 1(b) with its value together with the expanding magnetic dipole vortex with
equal to roughly 500–600 MG. As the magnetic dipole the velocity Vsp . The ions located ahead of the spike are
vortex expands, the magnetic pressure pushes electrons reflected by the moving potential and gain velocity which
and ions out of the region which is filled with the magnetic is roughly twice the Vsp . In the simulation, Vsp 0:28c and
field, i.e., outside the vortex and along the vortex axis. We the maximum ion energy is Ei ¼ 175 MeV. The ion
note that the vortex structure is different from the bubble energy spectrum at t ¼ 500 fs is plotted in Fig. 3(a). The
structure which is formed by electrons kicked aside by laser high-energy component with Ei 60 MeV, which is ac-
pulse and dragged back by electric field. The electron celerated at the vortex front, shows a rather flat profile
evacuation from the bubble induces electric field which is which seems more favorable for the applications than the
utilized for an effective electron acceleration [26], but its exponentially decreasing distribution observed in experi-
action on ion is negligible for the considered laser power. ments using thin-foil targets. The total energy converted
The vortex is formed when the laser pulse is almost depleted into this component is 3.5% of the input laser energy; the
and it dwells in plasma being sustained by the magnetic corresponding ion number is estimated as 6 109 .
field, which is utilized for an effective ion acceleration. Figure 3(b) shows the time history of the maximum ion
The ion density distribution at t ¼ 340 fs is plotted in energy. Ion acceleration starts soon after the vortex ex-
Fig. 2(a), where the density is normalized by the critical pands in the lower density region and finishes within less
density. An ion shell surrounding the vortex and an ion wall than 100 fs. The ion phase plot in the ðx; px Þ plane at
along the vortex axis are formed. The distributions of ion t ¼ 340 fs is shown in Fig. 3(c). It is observed that ions
density, electron density, and longitudinal electric field are accelerated to high energy locally at the vortex front
along the vortex axis are plotted in Fig. 2(b). Ions are where the ion spike is formed. The angular spread of
highly accumulated at the head of the vortex, forming a accelerated ions is evaluated by using the standard devia-
density jump shown as a spike at x 57:5 m. Electrons tion as 8.0 for EðMeVÞ > 150 and 12.4 for 100 <
are distributed in both the front and rear sides of the density EðMeVÞ < 150, which is comparable or smaller than those
spike. In front of the spike, for 57:5 < xðmÞ 60:0, only of ions generated from thin-foil targets [27].
electrons are accumulated and ion density remains un- We estimate the maximum energy of ions generated via
changed. Those electrons are moving in the forward direc- the magnetic vortex acceleration. The transverse size of the
tion with relativistic speed being driven by the magnetic magnetic vortex formed in the high-density region, shown
week ending
(c) where the last form is an approximation for n1 n2 and
aL 1. The energy is determined by the vector potential at
Ion momentum