Functional Coverage Commands in Questasim

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Verification with Functional Coverage

SystemVerilog Functional Coverage Flow

‘ coverage report’, and/or save off coverage to the Unified Coverage DataBase (UCDB) with the
‘coverage save’ command. The UCDB can then be used for reporting, merging, ranking, or other
types of verification analysis.

Configuring Covergroups, Coverpoints, and Crosses

To set values for these variables from the Questa SIM command line interface or a .do file, use
the change command. For example:
change covervar.type_option.weight 20

a type_option is not accessible with the type name and "::" in the command line interface.

Functional Coverage Computation

Predefined Coverage Methods
The SystemVerilog LRM defines two built-in methods (get_coverage() and get_inst_coverage()),
applied at the the covergroup, coverpoint, and cross scope.
Predefined Coverage System Function
the $get_coverage() built-in system function as "the overall coverage of all coverage group
Numerator = sum over all covergroup types of ( type::get_coverage() value *
type::type_option.weight )
Denominator = sum over all covergroup types of ( type::type_option.weight )

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