AIBEPreparatory Materials Book 2
AIBEPreparatory Materials Book 2
AIBEPreparatory Materials Book 2
All India Bar Examination
Preparatory Material
Book 2 of 2
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All India Bar Examination:
Preparatory Materials, Book 2
Table of Contents
12 Administrative Law 1
13 Company Law 22
14 Environmental Law 41
15 Family Law 63
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 1
issue ‘Orders’ to regulate various things. Such observance of rules of natural justice like
an order may have a legislative character if it hearing, whereas authorities discharging
is general or affecting a class of persons, in legislative or administrative functions
which case it must be published in the normally need not adhere to natural justice
5 Gazette, but it may also be administrative if it but only to procedure required by their 5
is directed to a specified individual in which parent statute or law.
case general publication is not necessary. • Scope of Judicial Review: In general, the
This has led to an emerging modern trend of broadest review is conducted of
abandonment of this formalistic classification adjudicatory functions, while narrower
10 in favour of an approach which is based on review is possible of administrative action, 10
the merits of each individual case. This and even narrower review of legislative
modern approach to Administrative Law is function.
firmly established in the U.K. through case
law (Notion that fair hearing reserved for Delegated Legislation
15 quasi-judicial function “scotched as heresy” 15
per Lord Denning in R v. Gaming Board Ex p. The majority of administrative action which
Benaim and Khaida, [1970] 2 QB 417 at 430; affects our day-to-day life is effectuated
“Fancied distinction” between administrative through delegated legislation. Salmond
and quasi-judicial function rejected in Leech v. describes delegated legislation as “that which
20 Parkhurst Prison Deputy Governor, [1988] AC proceeds from any authority other than the 20
533 at 566, 579) and in leading authorities like sovereign power and is therefore dependent
De Smith’s Judicial Review, 6th Edn., where the for its continued existence and validity on
chapter on “Classification of Functions” has some superior or supreme
been removed from the main text and authority” (Salmond, Jurisprudence, 12th Edn.
included only as an appendix of historical p.6).
25 interest. 25
The rationale for delegating legislative power
In India, however, despite some judgments has been explained by the Supreme Court:
bypassing the classificatory approach (S. C. &
Weaker Section Welfare Association v. State of • Technical complexity of the subject matter
Karnataka, (1999) 2 SCC 604: In a challenge to which may make it impossible for the
30 the rescinding of a prior notification, the legislature to plan for all eventualities; 30
Supreme Court ignored the legislative nature • Executive may require time to experiment,
of an administrative action, and applied the and then fill gaps left by original
test of fair hearing and natural justice legislation;
normally reserved for actions of quasi-judicial • Time saving by passing skeletal legislation
35 nature), the predominant approach remains and leaving details to be worked out by 35
the classificatory one. local authorities on the ground.
(Agriculture Market Committee v. Shalimar
As each of these functions involve their own Chemical Works Ltd., (1997) 5 SCC 516)
effects and characteristics, classification
40 assumes practical significance for the In practice, the term ‘delegated legislation’ is 40
following reasons, which are illustrative but used in two senses:
not exhaustive:
• The exercise by a subordinate agency or its
• Publication: Legislative orders need to be further sub-delegate, of legislative power
45 published in Official Gazettes as they are of delegated to it by the legislature; 45
general application, whereas quasi-judicial • The subsidiary rules themselves made by
and administrative orders being specific, the subordinate agency pursuant to clause
need only to be communicated to the (i).
50 affected individuals. 50
• Procedure: Quasi-judicial functions require Administrative Law concerns itself with the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 4
first sense, that is, the process of exercise of which could not be delegated, while the
delegated power, rather than the content of the power to fill up details or supplement
power itself. legislation could be validly delegated.
5 Delegated legislation can take various forms, Essential Legislative Function and Excessive 5
such as Rules, Regulations, Bye-Laws, and Delegation
Orders. These expressions are sometimes used
interchangeably. In a reply to the Committee “Essential Legislative Function” means the
on Subordinate Legislation, the Ministry of determination of legislative policy and legal
10 Law explained the difference between these principles which are to control given cases, 10
terms as follows: “Generally, statutes provide and which must provide a standard to guide
for power to make Rules where the general delegated officials who implement the law
policy has been specified in the statute but the (Harishankar Bagla v. State of M.P., AIR 1954 SC
details have been left to be specified by the 465, 468). The delegated authority must only
15 Rules. Usually, technical or other matters, implement stated policy, but if there is 15
which do not affect the policy of the abdication of legislative power by transferring
legislation, are included in Regulations. Bye- policy formulation role to the delegate, then
laws are usually matters of local importance, there is excessive delegation, which will be
and the power to make bye-laws is generally invalidated by the court. (Mahe Beach Trading
20 given to the local authorities.” (7th Report VI Co. v. Union Territory of Pondicherry, (1996) 3 20
Lok Sabha p.3) It has been opined that ‘Rules’ SCC 741)
denote delegated legislation generated by
government departments, whereas Put simply, the test is to examine whether the
‘Regulations’ and ‘Bye-Laws’ denote policy has been fixed by the legislature, and
delegated legislation framed by statutory the delegated authority has been given
25 corporations. (M.P. Jain and S.N. Jain, sufficient guidance and channeliation for 25
Principles of Administrative Law, Vol.1, 6th Edn., exercise of power of delegated legislation
p.53) (Consumer Action Group v. State of Tamil Nadu,
(2002) 7 SC 425). This guidance may be found
Delegated Legislation: Origin and Principles in the enabling provision which permits
delegation, subject-matter, scheme, other
30 Prior to Independence, delegated legislation in provisions of the Statute including its 30
India was on an unsure legal footing. preamble, and the facts and circumstances in
Although upheld by the Privy Council (Queen the background of which the Statute is
v. Burah, (1878) 5 IA 178), the Federal Court of enacted.
India narrowed the scope of delegated
35 legislation (Jatindra Nath v. Province of Bihar, Illustration: S.5(2)(b), Gold Control Act, 1968 35
AIR 1949 FC 175; Emperor v. Benorilal Sharma, which authorised the Administrator to
AIR 1943 FC 36). This narrow interpretation regulate various activities related to gold “so
created practical problems in administration far as it appeared to him necessary and
and required correction upon attaining expedient for carrying out the provisions of
40 Independence and the coming into force of the the Act” was held invalid for excessive 40
Constitution. delegation, as power delegated was
‘legislative’ in nature and was controlled by
The President of India by reference under A. no guidance or canalization in scheme,
143 sought the opinion of the Supreme Court context or other sections of the Act.
45 on this issue. The Supreme Court firmly (Harakchand v. Union of India, AIR 1970 SC 45
established the validity of delegated 1453)
legislation in In Re Delhi Laws Act (1912), AIR
1951 SC 332. In upholding delegated The concept of Excessive Delegation will now
50 legislation, the Supreme Court introduced the be examined in the context of some typical 50
concept of “Essential Legislative Function” instances of delegated legislation:
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 5
delegate. While such legislation should be three-stage analysis: First, they determine the
invalid as it violates the principles of meaning, scope and extent of rule-making
delegation, in modern practice there are a power conferred by the Act. In doing so, they
number of statutes which lay down only make reference to the provisions, Preamble,
5 the barest possible policy guidance and Objects and Reasons, and background of the 5
leave enormous discretion to the delegate legislation. Second, they determine the
not only on matters of detail, but also on meaning and scope of the delegated
matters of policy choice. Courts sometimes legislation. Finally, they test the delegated
uphold skeletal legislation, which can only legislation against the parent Act to examine
10 be justified on the ground of expediency. whether the Rule in question has some nexus 10
with the underlying policy of the Act.
Illustration: S.3(1)(a), Imports & Exports It is important to note that while adjudging
Control Act, 1947 authorised the Central the vires of delegated legislation, courts do not
Government to prohibit or restrict import make a subjective evaluation of the policy
15 and export of goods of any specified underlying the Act, and will not substitute 15
description, despite the Act not explicitly their opinion as to policy for that of the
stating any policy. The Supreme Court legislature. Courts are only concerned
upheld the delegation of power by referring whether the impugned delegated legislation
to the predecessor Act, which contained a falls within the rule making power conferred
20 policy statement. (Bhatnagars & Co. v. Union on the delegate by the Statute. (Shri Sitaram 20
of India, AIR 1957 SC 478) Sugar Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, (1990) 3 SCC
230, 254-57)
Judicial Control of Delegated Legislation:
Ultra Vires If a Rule is wrongly stated to be framed under
a particular provision of a statute, but
25 Delegated Legislation can be judicially otherwise falls within the competence of the 25
assailed on two grounds: as being rule making authority, wrong labelling will
unconstitutional, and as being ultra vires its not render the Rule ultra vires. (Indian
parent Act. A challenge on the basis of Aluminium Co v. Kerala S. E. B., AIR 1975 SC
constitutionality is more properly a subject of 1967)
Constitutional Law, and will not be dealt with
30 here. The doctrine of ultra vires has two forms: It is important to note that in practice, there is 30
substantive and procedural. a presumption of validity of delegated
legislation, and courts lean towards
Substantive Ultra Vires interpreting delegating provisions in parent
statutes broadly so as to uphold Rules framed
35 This doctrine is concerned with the scope and thereunder. (Hoffman La Roche v. Secretary of 35
extent of power conferred by the parent State for Industry, (1975) AC 295, 366)
statute, and envisages that power conferred by Moreover, delegating provisions in Acts are
delegated legislation which goes beyond what themselves framed in broad, general terms,
is authorised by the parent Act can be giving ample scope and discretion to
40 declared void. Delegated legislation must delegated authority. 40
satisfy the following tests: (i) it must conform
to the provisions of the statute under which it A common method of delegation is to first
is framed, and (ii) it must come within the give a general Rule-making power for the
scope and purview of the rule-making power purposes of the Act, and then to lay down
45 conferred by the parent Act on the authority without prejudice to the generality of the 45
framing the rule. (General Officer, Commanding- previous clause, specific heads for which the
in-Chief v. Subhash Chandra Yadav, (1988) 2 SCC delegate may make Rules. It has been held
351) that the specificity in the second clause is only
50 illustrative, and does not restrict the 50
In applying this principle, courts undertake a generality of the Rule-making power. So if a
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 7
Rule does not fall under a specific head, but • Rule 41-A of the Karnataka Cinema
can be justified under the general Rule- (Regulation) Rules imposed a restriction on
making power, it will be upheld. (Emperor v. cinemas on only showing four shows in a
Sibnath Banerji, AIR 1945 PC 156, 160) day. S.19 of the parent Act conferred a
5 However, the reverse is not true, so if the power to frame Rules to carry out the 5
specific head itself does not relate to the purposes of the Act. The Rule was upheld
general power conferred by the Act, such as covered by S.19, as the power was wide
delegation will be ultra vires. (Regina v. St enough to cover all aspects related to film
Aloysius Higher Elementary School, AIR 1971 SC exhibition, including the number of hours
10 1920) films could be exhibited. (Minerva Talkies v. 10
State of Karnataka, (1988) Supp SCC 176)
Keeping these principles in mind, the
following are some illustrations of operation Procedural Ultra Vires
of this principle:
15 There are various procedures to be followed 15
Cases where delegated legislation held Ultra Vires: in the process of rule-making, some of which
are mandatory and some of which are merely
• Licensing power under the Cinematograph directory. Directory procedural norms can be
Act was given to District Magistrates, who substantially complied with, but mandatory
20 could grant licenses “subject to control of norms must be strictly observed, failing which 20
the Government”. The Government framed delegated legislation will be held bad for
Rules in effect transferring the licensing procedural ultra vires. While exhaustive
power to itself and rendering the instances of procedural ultra vires cannot be
Magistrate virtually redundant. Such a Rule given, and each case must be considered on its
was ultra vires as the Act contemplated a own merits to determine whether the specific
25 licensing authority distinct from the procedure concerned is mandatory or 25
Government. (State of Gujarat v. Krishna directory, some recurring examples may be
Cinema, AIR 1971 SC 1650) examined:
• Under the Land Ceiling Act, a State
government framed Rules prohibiting • Publication
transfer of any land subservient to tea
30 plantations. This Rule held ultra vires as the Unlike the Statutory Instruments Act, 1946 30
Act did not delegate any power to enact in the U.K., there is no general statute in
prohibition on transfers of land, nor did India regulating publication of delegated
such prohibition advance any purpose of legislation. Many statutes, however, require
the Act. (Kunj Behari Lal Butail v. State of publication of rules in the Official Gazette,
35 Himachal Pradesh, (2000) 3 SCC 40) and even otherwise rules are published as a 35
matter of practice. The Supreme Court has
Cases where delegated legislation held Intra Vires: settled the issue by holding that publication
in Official Gazette is a mandatory
• Rule 8-C of the Tamil Nadu Mines and requirement in Harla v. State of Rajasthan,
40 Minerals Rules banned mining leases in AIR 1951 SC 467. Further, in case of 40
favour of private persons and conferred a delegation by the Central Government, Rule
monopoly on government corporations. It 319 of the Lok Sabha Rules of Procedure
was contended that Act only gave power to requires all delegated legislation created as a
regulate, not prohibit, and grant of result of delegation by Parliament to be
45 monopoly being a legislative function, the numbered centrally and published 45
same could not be achieved through immediately.
subordinate legislation. The Court upheld
the Rules on the ground that it furthered If no mode of publication is prescribed then
50 the policy objectives of the Act. (State of the usual mode of publication in the Gazette 50
Tamil Nadu v. Hind Stone, (1981) 2 SCC 205) can be followed (State of Maharashtra v.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 8
Memoranda, Policy statements, Manuals, and summarised by the maxim ‘Delegatus Non
Press Notes. These have been called ‘quasi- Potest Delegare’, that is, a delegate cannot
legislation’ (Megarry, Administrative Quasi- further delegate unless expressly or impliedly
Legislation, 60 LQR 125 (1944)). authorised to do so by the parent law.
5 Illustration: Even though no express power to 5
Directions are nowadays regularly used to sub-delegate was granted by the Andhra
prescribe procedural norms and to fill gaps in Pradesh Markets Act, 1966, the High Court
the field of discretionary power of officials. upheld sub-delegation by implication from S.
The important characteristics of 57(3) thereof. (Alapati Seshadri Rao v.
10 administrative instructions are that (i) unlike Agriculture Marketing Committee, Guntur, AIR 10
delegated legislation, they need not be issued 1977 AP 322)
under statutory power but under the general
executive power under A.73 (for the Union) or However, as sub-delegation dilutes both
A.162 (for the States); (ii) they are subordinate accountability and oversight of the original
15 to delegated legislation - that is, a Rule can administrative authority, safeguards are 15
override a direction, but a direction can only necessary. The sub-delegate should not act
supplement a Rule, not override it; and (iii) beyond the scope of the power delegated to
while delegated legislation binds both the him, the sub-delegation should not be vague
administration and citizens, directions / and should be canalized, and sub-delegated
20 administrative instructions in general are not legislation should be mandatorily published 20
binding or enforceable through a court, subject to be operative. (Narendra Kumar v. Union of
to some exceptions. India, AIR 1960 SC 430)
Directions are sometimes treated by courts as Having considered various aspects of the
enforceable when they contain a statement of legislative function of the administration, we
25 administrative policy and are not repugnant to will now consider the non-legislative aspects. 25
any statutory provision, or when they have
been continuously acted upon by the Natural Justice
government and it would be unfair not to give
a citizen the benefit of estoppel based on such Rules of Natural Justice are essentially
directions. procedural rules that ensure fairness in the
30 process of exercise of governmental power. As 30
Illustration: (i) Where a Memorandum stated by the United States Supreme Court,
promised certain benefits to ex-servicemen “the history of liberty has largely been the
who accepted re-employment, the history of observance of procedural
Respondent, who was re-employed safeguards” (Per Jackson, J, in Shaughnessy v.
35 thereunder, was entitled to claim salary United States, 345 US 206 (1953)). 35
fixation according to the Memorandum, even In Administrative Law, natural justice is a well
though it was in the nature of administrative defined concept that embraces two
instruction only. (Union of India v. K. P. Joseph, fundamental rules of fair procedure: (i) Every
AIR 1973 SC 303); and (ii) Rights acquired by man has the right to be heard in his defence,
40 employees over a period of 20 years, though or ‘audi alteram partem’; and (ii) No man shall 40
under Directions only, cannot be withdrawn be a judge in his own cause, or ‘nemo debit esse
by the Government, which is estopped from judex in propria causa’.
doing so. (P. Tulsi Das v. Government of Andhra
Pradesh, (2003) 1 SCC 364) While earlier the tendency was to confine
45 applicability of the rules of natural justice to 45
Sub-Delegation of Legislative Powers administrative actions classified as “quasi-
judicial”, since the decision in Ridge v.
Sub-delegation is the further delegation of Baldwin, [1964] AC 40, the need to restrict
50 power by a delegate to another person or expanding governmental power has resulted 50
agency. The basic principle in this process is in an imposition of requirements of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 10
through personal hearing, or through written the proposed assessment. (Dhakeshwari Cotton
representation. Administrative authorities are Mills Ltd. v. C. I. T., AIR 1955 SC 65)
required to give reasonable opportunity of
being heard, but what constitutes reasonable Disclosure of Materials
5 opportunity in a given circumstance is a 5
flexible concept, and the same will be An adjudicatory body must decide a case only
adjudged by courts depending upon the on the basis of relevant materials placed
context, facts, and circumstances of the case. before it, and the affected person should be
apprised of such materials and given an
10 There is no right of oral hearing in all opportunity to rebut and explain the same. 10
circumstances, and in many cases courts have Whether copies of the material relied upon
held that the submission of a written must be supplied, or whether it is sufficient to
representation is sufficient compliance of convey the gist or allow inspection of the
natural justice. (Union of India v. Jesus Sales material, will depend on the facts of the case.
15 Corporation, (1996) 4 SCC 69) The necessity of For example, in disciplinary proceedings 15
oral hearing would depend on the nature of against civil servants, the relevant material
the enquiry, the nature of facts involved, the and even a preliminary inquiry report must be
circumstances of the case, and the nature of supplied to the accused officer if relied upon
the deciding authority. For example, where by the disciplinary authority. (Union of India v.
20 complex questions of fact involving technical Mohd. Ramzan Khan, (1991) 1 SCC 588) 20
problems arise, or when detailed evidence is However, the principle of disclosure is limited
required to be taken from witnesses, an oral to relevant and material documents alone, and
hearing may become necessary. Some documents not relied upon by the
instances where oral hearing were required adjudicating body need not be supplied to the
are given as follows: (i) When excise duty was affected person. (Krishna Chandra Tandon v.
25 imposed on a company on the ground that it Union of India, (1974) 4 SCC 374) Natural 25
manufactured a particular chemical justice is also infringed if the adjudicatory
composition, and the company disputed the body decides a matter on the basis of
same, but the government did not give an confidential information not disclosed to the
opportunity for personal hearing before affected party (Officer denied a senior certain
upholding levy of duty, such action was information, on the basis of a confidential
30 quashed, inter alia, as it raised technical report which was not supplied to him, while 30
questions which should have been decided juniors were given that information. The
after taking expert evidence. (Travancore Court quashed the order for non-disclosure of
Rayons v. Union of India, AIR 1971 SC 862); (ii) relevant material. (Vijay Kumar v. State of
When determining the question of Indian Maharashtra, AIR 1988 SC 2060)
35 citizenship of a person and passing a 35
deportation order against her, a personal Right of Cross-Examination
hearing is necessary. (Union of India v. Chand
Putli, AIR 1973 All 362); (iii) Disciplinary Whether this right is available to a person
proceedings against civil servants normally undergoing an administrative adjudication
40 require a personal hearing. (Chandra Kanti Das will depend on the facts and circumstances of 40
v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1981) 2 SCC 704); (iv) each individual case. In general, the right to
Personal hearing is normally insisted upon in cross examine has been given in the following
disciplinary actions against professionals by cases: (i) Inquiry by employer for taking
their concerned association. (In Re: An disciplinary action against employees in
45 Advocate, AIR 1989 SC 245); Institute of labour matters (Rohtas Industries v. Workmen, 45
Chartered Accountants of India v. L. K. Ratna, (1977) 2 SCC 153); (ii) Disciplinary
AIR 1987 SC 71); and (v) In tax matters, since proceedings against government servants; (iii)
tribunals discharge quasi-judicial functions, Disciplinary proceedings by a statutory
50 they must give adequate right of personal corporation against its employees; and (iv) 50
hearing so that the assessee can fully object to Tax cases. If the adjudicatory authority
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 12
Instances of application of Rules of Natural private parties. The former category cannot
Justice be removed without following the due
process of law, including the observance of
Having examined in detail the specific content rules of natural justice and hearing, failing
5 of the two limbs of natural justice, the which they legally remain in office, while 5
practical application of the rules of natural the latter enjoy no such protection.
justice may be illustrated:
Illustration: An order passed by the
• Formation of Prima Facie opinion and Grant of Chancellor of a University against a teacher
10 Sanction: In general, there is no provision on the recommendation of the University 10
for being heard at the stage of formation of Service Commission without affording an
opinion. For example, at the stage of opportunity of hearing to the affected
forming a prima facie opinion regarding teacher was held bad for violating natural
guilt leading to the registration of an F.I.R., justice. (Jagdish Pandey v. Chancellor,
15 there is no right of hearing before the Kurukshetra University, AIR 1968 SC 353) 15
investigating officer. Similarly, with regard
to a grant of sanction to prosecute officials, Illustration: The benefit of the rules of
it has been held that this is a purely natural justice was extended to employees
administrative act not involving a lis of a statutory corporation, despite the fact
20 between parties, and as such there is no that they did not have any rules governing 20
right of hearing at that stage. (State of Bihar their service. (Uttar Pradesh Warehousing
v. P. P. Sharma, (1992) Supp (1) SCC 222, 268) Corporation v. Vijaya Narain Vajpayee, 1980 (1)
• Academic Discipline: Disciplinary actions LLJ 222)
against students such as expulsion,
suspension, or cancellation of examination Courts have, however, held that orders of
25 result, entail severe civil consequences for compulsory retirement in public interest not 25
students, and consequently courts have amounting to dismissal, and orders refusing
normally required the right of hearing to be to extend probation, can be passed without
given to the affected student. extending the right of hearing, as it is
neither a punishment nor is any stigma
Illustration: When a student’s examination attached to such order. (Baikuntha Nath Das
30 was cancelled by the School Board on the v. Chief Medical Officer, Baripada, AIR 1992 SC 30
ground that she did not have sufficient 1029)
attendance, the court quashed the order as
the student had not been given a hearing • Licensing and Commercial Regulation:
before the decision which affected her Licensing is an extensively used
35 academic career. (Board of High School & administrative tool to regulate many 35
Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh v. Chitra, activities, ranging from trade and
AIR 1970 SC 1039) commerce to membership of professional
associations. Courts show a strong
• Dismissal from Service: The important disposition to bring the various aspects of
40 distinction to be drawn here is between licensing, such as grant, renewal, 40
‘office’, which gives its holder a status the revocation, and suspension, within the
law will protect specifically, and mere ambit of natural justice.
‘employment’ under a contract of service.
Under the former category fall government Illustration: An order refusing to grant
45 servants protected by A.311(2) of the license for liquor manufacture was 45
Constitution, whose office is governed by challenged; the Court quashed the order
statutory rules, as well as other employees even though it characterised it as
of statutory corporations in respect of ‘administrative’, as insufficient right of
50 whom service rules may not have been hearing was given to the party whose rights 50
framed. The latter are people employed by were affected. (Chingleput Bottlers v. Majestic
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 15
Bottling Co., (1984) 3 SCC 258) However, the adjudicate these judicially. (H. P. C. L. v.
power of the transport authorities to limit Darius Shapur Chenai, AIR 2005 SC 3520)
the number of carriages under the Motor
Vehicles Act, 1939, was held not to be quasi- • Powers of Search and Seizure: Search and
5 judicial, and was held to be a matter of seizure are drastic instances of sovereign 5
policy, thereby denying the operators any policing power, and constitute a grave
right of hearing. (Mohd. Ibrahim v. S. T. A. invasion of personal property and the
Tribunal, (1970) 2 SCC 233) This decision, reputational rights of a person. On account
which appears constrained by the pre-Ridge of a need for prompt action, the power to
10 v. Baldwin classificatory approach, may be search can be exercised without following 10
contrasted with R v. Liverpool Corporation, the rules of natural justice, but power to
(1972) 2 QB 299, wherein a decision of a local confiscate cannot be exercised without
authority to increase the number of taxicabs observance of such rules.
without giving the local taxicab association a
15 right of hearing was quashed by Denning, Illustration: Under S.110, Customs Act, 15
M. R. for non-compliance with natural customs officials may search and seize
justice. imported goods if they have “reason to
believe” they were illegally imported.
• Blacklisting: Blacklisting means However, if no notice of confiscation is
20 disqualifying a person guilty of some served upon the owner within six months, 20
wrongdoing for certain future purposes. As the goods must be returned. This six-month
blacklisting has severe civil consequences period can be extended “on sufficient cause”
for the future business of the affected being shown, and the power to extend time
person, the prevailing judicial view is that is to be exercised quasi-judicially with due
she must get a right of hearing before a final regard for the principles of natural justice.
25 decision is taken. (Eurasian Equipment Co. Assistant Collector of Customs, Calcutta v. 25
Ltd. v. State of West Bengal, (1975) 1 SCC 70) Charan Das Malhotra, AIR 1972 SC 689)
• Property Rights: Property rights being
constitutional rights under A.300-A, natural Judicial Control of Administrative
justice must be afforded to persons whose Adjudication
property rights are affected by
30 administrative action, such as land Administrative adjudication means the 30
acquisition notifications or property system of deciding disputes by bodies other
demolition orders. than regular courts. This alternative form of
adjudication can take the form of tribunals, or
Illustration: Notifications were issued under a even administrative officers exercising quasi-
35 Slum Area Improvement Act, upon issuance judicial powers. ‘Tribunal’ has been given a 35
of which residents of that area were wide interpretation, and it has been held to
subjected to severe restrictions on property include any body displaying the following
rights. The notifications and vires of the Act three characteristics: (i) it should have the
were challenged, and the Supreme Court trappings of a court; (ii) it should be
40 upheld the Act subject to an implied constituted by the State; and (iii) it should be 40
condition that residents would be given invested with the State’s inherent judicial
hearing before any such notification was power (Per Gajendragadkar, CJ in Engineering
issued. (Government of Mysore v. J. V. Bhat, Mazdoor Sabha v. Hind Cycles, AIR 1963 SC 874)
AIR 1975 SC 596) Tribunals can be of the following types:
45 45
Illustration: The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 • Tribunals constituted under A.323A of the
gives a right of hearing and filing of Constitution to decide disputes pertaining
objections against proposed acquisition to to recruitment and conditions of service of
50 land owners under S.5-A, and imposes a government servants, such as the Central 50
duty upon the Collector to hear and and State Administrative Tribunals;
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 16
• Tribunals constituted under A.323B of the substitute for High Courts, and their decisions
Constitution to decide disputes pertaining would remain reviewable in writ jurisdiction.
to taxes, foreign exchange, customs,
industrial and labour disputes, land Some principles of judicial review of decisions
5 reforms, urban land ceiling, election of of tribunals and administrative adjudicatory 5
legislators, foodstuffs and incidental bodies, emerging from judicial dicta can be
matters; and summarised as follows:
• Other tribunals established by statutes such
as the Competition Commission, the • The fundamental principle of judicial
10 National Company Law Tribunal, and the review of tribunals and administrative 10
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. officials acting quasi-judicially, is that
review power is not akin to appellate
These tribunals and administrative officers power. Courts do not re-examine the
must act judicially in the discharge of their findings of fact reached on an appreciation
15 duties. They are bound by the same principles of evidence, and it has been said that 15
of natural justice, fair hearing, lack of bias, and tribunals have the power to decide rightly
reasonableness in action as other as well as wrongly.
administrative agencies, only with greater • However, a writ of certiorari can be issued
judicial scrutiny thereof. Their constituent to correct errors of jurisdiction committed
20 enactments may lay down certain procedural by inferior courts or tribunals; these are 20
guidelines, but apart from these they are also cases where orders are passed by inferior
bound to follow the principles of the Evidence courts or tribunals wrongly assuming
Act and the Civil Procedure Code and the jurisdiction where they have none, or
normal judicial canons of res judicata and stare acting in excess of jurisdiction conferred, or
decisis to ensure uniformity. as a result of failure to exercise jurisdiction.
25 25
Although tribunals enjoy the same status as Illustration: Where an industrial tribunal
that of a High Court and comprise a mix of entertained a dispute which was not
judicial and administrative persons, the industrial, it was held to act in excess of its
question arises whether tribunals are a jurisdiction. (Newspapers Ltd. v. State
substitute for High Courts. In S. P. Sampath Industrial Tribunal, AIR 1957 SC 532)
30 Kumar v. Union of India, (1987) 1 SCC 124, A. 30
323-A was assailed as violative of the basic • In order to determine whether a tribunal
structure of the Constitution on the ground has committed an error of jurisdiction, it is
that it took away judicial review by High essential for reviewing courts to determine
Courts under Aa.226 and 227. A division the scope of its jurisdiction. Jurisdiction
35 bench of the Supreme Court held that may be dependent on the existence of 35
tribunals were intended as a substitute for certain facts, which are called
High Courts, and therefore judicial review “jurisdictional facts”, or may be dependent
was not being denied. As this decision caused on the interpretation of a legal provision,
some disquiet, the question came up again an error in construing which is referred to
40 before a Constitution Bench of the Supreme as “error of law going to jurisdiction”. 40
Court in L. Chandra Kumar v. Union of India, • If a tribunal wrongly decides a
(1997) 3 SCC 261. It was held that the portion jurisdictional fact, then it would be
of A.323-A that excluded the jurisdiction of assuming a jurisdiction not vested in it and
High Courts under A.226 was its actions will be quashed in judicial
45 unconstitutional, and that writs and appeals review. 45
would lie against decisions of a tribunal to the
High Court concerned, from which appeal Illustration: Where a rent tribunal having
could further be preferred to the Supreme power to reduce rents of dwelling houses
50 Court under A.136. Thus, the Court took the mistakenly makes a factual finding that a 50
view that tribunals could not be a complete property is a dwelling house whereas it is
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 17
actually let for commercial purposes, its judicial review. This approach was first
orders will be void as it has wrongly adopted in Anisminic Ltd. v. Foreign
assumed jurisdiction by incorrectly deciding Compensation Commission, [1969] 2 AC 147,
a jurisdictional fact. R v. Hackney Rent which has now become firmly entrenched in
5 Tribunal Ex p. Keats, [1951] 2 KB 15) the U.K. (Boddington v. British Transport 5
Police, [1999] 2 AC 143; Pearlman v. Harrow
• If a tribunal commits an error of law which School Governors, [1979] QB 56) and has been
goes to its jurisdiction, courts will judicially cited by our Supreme Court as well (Mukand
review and quash the action. Ltd. v. Mukand Staff & Officers Association,
10 AIR 2004 SC 3905). 10
Illustration: Where a rent tribunal had power
to reduce rent in cases where premium had • With regard to non-jurisdictional facts, in
been paid, but payments made to a landlord general, incorrect findings by tribunals will
were on account of work done by her, which not be interfered with as they have the
15 in the eyes of law were not premium, then liberty to decide rightly and wrongly. 15
the treatment of such amounts as premium However, if the error of fact is wholly
for purpose of rent reduction was an error of perverse, or if the tribunal had erroneously
law going to jurisdiction, and the order was refused to admit admissible and material
quashed. (R v. Fulham Rent Tribunal Ex p. evidence, or had erroneously admitted
20 Phillipe, [1950] 2 All ER 211) inadmissible evidence which has 20
influenced the impugned finding (Syed
• A tribunal may also commit errors of law Yakoob v. K. S. Radhakrishnan, AIR 1964 SC
that are “within its jurisdiction”, that is, 477), or if its finding is based on no
which do not vitiate jurisdiction. The evidence (Gopala Genu Wagaley v.
traditional approach to such errors of law Nageshwardeo, (1978) 2 SCC 47), then such
25 within jurisdiction was that they were errors of non-jurisdictional fact will be 25
judicially reviewable only if they were corrected in judicial review. It must be
“apparent on the face of the record”. This borne in mind that the adequacy or
phrase is hard to define, but it may be said sufficiency of evidence led on a point and
to include such errors as are self-evident the inference of fact to be drawn from the
and demonstrable from the record before said finding are within the exclusive
30 the court, which do not require detailed jurisdiction of the tribunal, and these 30
examination to unearth and which cause cannot be agitated before a court.
prejudice to the affected party.
Judicial Control of Administrative
Illustration: When the transport authority Discretion
35 rejected an application for issuance of a stage 35
permit on the ground that the applicant Administrative action is inevitably
company had a branch office at another discretionary to some extent, but discretionary
place, but having a branch office at another power has the potential of being abused.
place was not made a disabling condition by There are two grounds on which discretionary
40 the statute, the decision was vitiated by an power may be invalidated: (i) abuse of 40
error apparent on the face of the record and discretionary power, and (ii) failure to exercise
quashed. (K. M. Shanmugam v. SVS (P.) Ltd., discretionary power.
AIR 1963 SC 1626)
Abuse of Discretionary Power
45 The modern trend, however, firmly 45
established in the U.K. and gaining currency The classical statement of the grounds of
in India, is to eliminate the distinction judicial review of abuse of discretion was
between errors of law going to jurisdiction made in Council of Civil Service Unions v.
50 and errors of law within jurisdiction, and to Minister for Civil Service, [1985] AC 374 (also 50
make all errors of law by tribunals subject to called the G. C. H. Q. case), which has been
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 18
by the Act. (State of Bombay v. K. P. Krishnan, person applied to the Development Authority
AIR 1960 CS 1223) for the allotment of a house plot. While others
who applied after him got plots, he was not
Absence of Material allotted land. The court held he had a
5 legitimate expectation that he would be 5
Taking a decision in the absence of cogent allotted land in accordance with the
material upon which to form a subjective Authority’s policy. (Sachindra Kumar v. Patna
opinion is indicative of non-application of Regional Development Authority, AIR 1994 Pat
mind and will be invalid. While Courts will 128)
10 not scrutinise the sufficiency of materials, they 10
can examine whether any material existed Failure to Exercise Discretion
before the authority on the basis of which an
impugned decision could be taken. The second ground for invalidating exercise of
discretionary power is failure to exercise the
15 Illustration: Under the Foreign Exchange same. This has various aspects: 15
Regulation Act, the Director of Enforcement
was empowered to send a case for trial, if in Mechanical Exercise of Power
her subjective discretion, the penalty she was
empowered to impose was insufficient. It was If an authority passes orders without
20 held that discretion to send the case could considering the facts and circumstances of the 20
only be exercised on the basis of cogent case, or solely on the recommendation of
materials before the Director. (Rayala some other person, it is said to act
Corporation Ltd. v. Director of Enforcement, AIR mechanically.
1970 SC 494)
Illustration: A preventive detention order
25 Absurdity or Perversity passed by the Home Secretary solely on the 25
recommendation of the police without
Courts will quash administrative decisions independently analysing the case was struck
which are palpably oppressive, absurd or down as mechanical exercise of power.
perverse if they are such as no reasonable man (Emperor v. Sibnath Banerji, AIR 1945 PC 156)
would reach on the basis of materials before
30 the authority. Acting Under Dictation 30
Administrative authorities illegally fetter their When a High Court considers a violation of
own discretion when they impose policies on fundamental rights, the subject of the writ
5 themselves to regulate their exercise of must be ‘State’ as understood for the purposes 5
discretion and seek to apply such policies of Part III of the Constitution. But while
rigidly to all cases, irrespective of the merits of considering an infraction of any other legal
individual cases. This principle does not right, the jurisdiction of the High Court is
preclude the government from issuing general more expansive and writs will lie against
10 policies to guide discretion, particularly when private bodies providing public utility service 10
it has to process multiple cases, but such a or other public function, or to private persons
policy should be reasonable, just, and non- or companies when they discharge some duty
arbitrary, and should provide flexibility to under a statute.
consider individual cases if required.
15 Illustration: When a college principal adopted High Courts are also bound by the normal 15
an inflexible rule to only consider those rules of writ jurisdiction, such as res judicata,
medical certificates submitted exhaustion of remedies, locus standi, laches,
contemporaneously with illness for the and question of fact.
purpose of exemption from attendance, it was
20 held that she had fettered her discretion. Writ and Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme 20
(Kumkum Khanna v. Mother Aquinas, Principal, Court
Jesus & Mary College, AIR 1976 Del 35)
The power of the Supreme Court under A.32
Remedies to protect fundamental rights through its writ
jurisdiction are plenary and not fettered by
25 Having discussed the rules of Administrative legal restraints. A.142 empowers the Supreme 25
Law, judicial remedies for redressal of breach Court to do complete justice in all cases, and it
of these rules are briefly outlined: can adopt any procedure to protect
fundamental rights.
Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts
The distinction from High Courts is that the
30 Under A.226 of the Constitution, every High Supreme Court’s jurisdiction is restricted to 30
Court has the power throughout the territories cases of violations of fundamental rights,
where it exercises jurisdiction, to issue to any which can only be filed against parties coming
person, administrative authority or within the expanded definition of State and its
Government, appropriate directions, orders or instrumentalities under A.12 of the
35 writs, including writs in the nature of Constitution, but within this jurisdiction, the 35
mandamus, certiorari, habeas corpus, quo power of the Supreme Court to hear matters
warranto, and prohibition, for the enforcement and mould relief is untrammelled.
of rights or for any other purpose. Apart from its extraordinary original writ
High Courts have expansive powers to correct jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has appellate
40 errors in administrative action, and unlike the jurisdiction under A.136, wherein special 40
Supreme Court, which can only be leave to appeal against decisions of the High
approached against violations of fundamental Courts can be sought.
rights, High Courts can be approached for
violations of all legal rights. (Bengal Immunity The salient features of typical prerogative
45 Co. v. State of Bihar, AIR 1955 SC 661) writs are as follows: 45
Writ jurisdiction, however, is discretionary
jurisdiction, and unlike an appellate court, a • Habeas Corpus: This writ is used to secure
writ court has discretion to refuse to grant the release of a person unlawfully detained
50 relief in appropriate cases if it feels that the by governmental authorities, and flows 50
infraction by the government is not serious from the fundamental right to life and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 21
• Quo Warranto: This writ is used to review
executive action in matters of making
appointments to public offices under
5 statutory provisions. The appointment of a 5
specific person can be challenged on the
ground that she is not qualified to hold the
office or suffers from some other legal flaw.
• Mandamus: This writ is a command issued
10 by the Court directing a public authority to 10
perform her public duty required of her by
the law, which that authority was refusing
to perform.
• Certiorari: This writ is in the nature of
15 supervisory jurisdiction, wherein a High 15
Court or the Supreme Court can quash a
decision of a public authority which has
transgressed its jurisdiction.
• Prohibition: This writ is similar to certiorari,
20 but only differs as to the stage when it is 20
issued. It pertains to the stage before
proceedings complained of have been
completed, and the object is to prevent
wrong before it can happen.
25 x-x 25
30 30
35 35
40 40
45 45
50 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 22
All India Bar Examination identity from the members who compose it.
Preparatory Materials
Illustration: S owned 99.9% shares of a
Subject 13: Company Law company X, and the remaining shares of the
5 company were owned by the family members 5
The Indian Companies Act, 1956, as amended of S. Upon liquidation, the creditors of the
(“the Act”), together with the rules and company claimed that S and X were the same
regulations framed thereunder, is the principal entity. The court held that, upon
legislation regulating matters relating to incorporation, X would have a separate
10 companies in India. identity distinct from S, who was the owner of 10
company X. Due to this, S would not be liable
Chapter 1: Introduction for debts incurred by X. (Salomon v. Salomon,
1897 AC 22)
Definition of a Company
15 In certain exceptional circumstances, however, 15
The word “company” has no strictly technical the courts ignore the separate identity of the
or legal meaning. (Stanley, Re, [1906] 1 Ch 131) company and impose liability on the members
or managers who are responsible for the
In general, “company” refers to a group of actions of the company. This is known as the
20 persons who have incorporated themselves doctrine of “lifting of the corporate veil”. 20
into a distinct legal entity for purposes of
achieving identified common targets. Certain instances where courts have applied
the doctrine of lifting of the corporate veil are:
The Act defines the term ‘company’ to mean a
company formed and registered under the • If there is a danger to public interest.
25 Act. (S.3(1)) 25
Illustration: A company, X, was incorporated
Features of a Company in England to sell tyres manufactured in
Germany by a German company. The shares
Upon incorporation, a company has an of X were held by the German company and
independent corporate existence. A company all the directors of X were German nationals,
30 is a ‘legal person’ and is capable of having its resident in Germany. During the First World 30
own assets and liabilities. A company has the War, X instituted a suit for recovery of trade
capacity to own property, to sue and be sued, debts from an English customer. The court
borrow money, have a bank account and enter held that though X was incorporated in
into contracts in its own name. England, it was controlled by residents of an
35 enemy nation. Allowing X to recover trade 35
A company has perpetual succession; that is, debts would amount to transferring money
even if the membership of a company changes to an enemy nation which would be against
from time to time, such changes will not affect the public policy. (Daimler Co. Ltd. v.
the company’s continuity. Continental Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd., [1916] 2
40 AC 307) 40
Illustration: X, a company, has three
shareholders. Upon the death of one of the • To avoid tax evasion or circumvention of
shareholders named A, the shares held by A tax obligation.
were inherited by her son. The change in
45 shareholding structure will not have any Illustration: D, a wealthy person, held her 45
impact on the existence of company. investments through various companies for
purposes of avoiding tax liabilities. The
Lifting of the Corporate Veil companies had no business apart from
50 holding investments on D’s behalf. The 50
A company has a separate and distinct legal court disregarded the corporate identity of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 23
the companies and imposed a tax liability on deposits from any persons other than its
D. (Dinshaw Maneckjee Petit, Re., AIR 1927 members, directors, or their relatives.
Bom 371).
A private company must have a minimum of
5 • In case of fraud or improper conduct. two members. 5
The Act defines a public company to mean a
Illustration: L agreed to sell a certain land to J.
company which is not a private company. (S.3
Subsequently L changed her mind. To avoid
selling the land to J, L incorporated a
10 company and transferred the land to the 10
A public company must have a minimum of
company. In a suit for specific performance,
seven members. There is no limit to the
the court disregarded the corporate identity
maximum number of members that a public
of the company and ordered the company to
company may have. Moreover, a public
transfer the land to J. (Jones v. Lipman, (1962)
company is required to have a minimum
15 All ER 342) 15
paid-up capital of five lakh rupees or such
higher amount as may be prescribed;
• If the statute itself contemplates lifting of
furthermore, the term ‘public company’
the corporate veil.
includes a private company which is a
subsidiary of a company other than a private
20 Illustration: Provisions of the Foreign 20
Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (“the FERA”)
permitted non-resident Indians to hold up to
Limited and Unlimited Company
1% shares of Indian companies. S, a non-
resident Indian, incorporated 13 companies
A limited company may be of two kinds: (a)
and used the companies to purchase shares
company limited by shares; or (b) company
25 of an Indian company beyond the 25
limited by guarantee.
permissible limit of 1%. The court ignored
the corporate identity of the companies and
In companies limited by shares, the liability of
held the transactions to be in violation of the
the members of the company is restricted to
provisions of the FERA. (Life Insurance
the amount of share capital unpaid by the
Corporation v. Escorts Ltd., [1986] 1 SCC 264)
members. Members have no liability when
30 30
they hold fully paid-up shares. Note that most
Chapter 2: Kinds Of Companies
companies are incorporated as a company
limited by shares.
Private Company and Public Company
In companies limited by guarantee, the
35 S.3(1)(iii) of the Act defines a private company 35
liability of the members of the company is
to mean a company which has a minimum
limited to the fixed amount, as prescribed in
paid-up capital of one lakh rupees or such
the Memorandum of Association of the
higher amount as may be prescribed, and
company, which the members of the company
which, by its articles of association:
undertake to pay upon liquidation of the
40 40
company. The liability of the members to pay
• Restricts the right of members to transfer its
the guaranteed amount as specified in the
Memorandum of Association arises only
• Limits the number of its members to fifty. In
when the company goes into liquidation.
determining this number of fifty, employee-
45 members and ex-employee members are 45
In unlimited companies, the liability of its
not considered;
members in unlimited.
• Prohibits an invitation to the public to
subscribe to its shares or the debentures;
50 and 50
• Prohibits any invitation or acceptance of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 24
Government Company
If Company B is a subsidiary of Company A,
A government company is a company in and Company C is a subsidiary of Company
which at least 51 percent of the total paid-up B, then Company C and Company B are both
5 share capital is held by the Central subsidiaries of Company A. 5
Government, one or more State Government
(s) or jointly by the Central Government and Listed Company
one or more State Governments. (S.617)
A listed company is a public company whose
10 Illustration: The following are some examples shares or other securities (like debentures) are 10
of ‘government companies’: Bharat Heavy listed on a stock exchange in India and can be
Electricals Limited, Coal India Limited, Food freely traded through the stock exchange on
Corporation of India, National Aviation which they are listed.
Company of India Limited, Oil and Natural
15 Gas Corporation, and Steel Authority of India. Illustration: The following are examples of 15
listed companies: Reliance Industries Limited,
In the recent past, several government whose shares are listed on the Bombay Stock
companies have been in the news due to the Exchange Limited (“BSE”) and the National
efforts of the Central Government to reduce its Stock Exchange Limited (“NSE”), and the
20 shareholding in such companies (generally State Bank of India Limited, whose shares are 20
referred to as “disinvestment”). listed on the BSE and the NSE.
To obtain registration of a company, its • Registered Office: The second clause of the
10 founding members must file an application, MoA must specify the State in which the 10
along with the prescribed documents, with the registered office of the company will be
relevant RoC. Upon satisfaction of all situated.
conditions, the RoC issues a Certificate of
Incorporation to the Company. In the A company may change its registered office
15 Certificate of Incorporation, the RoC certifies within a State upon approval from its 15
that the company is incorporated and, in case shareholders. Shifting of the registered office
of a limited company, that the company is from one State to another requires approval
limited. (S.34(1)) from the shareholders of the company and
the Company Law Board. (S.17)
20 The Certificate of Incorporation is conclusive 20
evidence of the fact that all the requirements • Objects: In the third clause, the MoA must
of the Act have been complied with in respect state the objects for which the company is
of the company’s registration. (S.35) proposed to be established. The Objects
clause must be divided into three sub-
A private company can commence business clauses, namely: the main objects, the other
25 from the date of its incorporation. (S.149(7)) objects, and the States to which the objects 25
A public company can commence business
only upon receipt of a Certificate for A company can change its objects only in so
Commencement of Business from the RoC. (S. far as the change is necessary to (S.17(1)):
30 • Carry on the business of the company in 30
Memorandum of Association (“MoA”): a more economically or efficient
The MoA of the company contains the
fundamental conditions upon which the Illustration: A company sought to amend
35 company is allowed to be incorporated. It sets its MoA to enable it to pay remuneration 35
forth the area of operation of the company. to its managers. The court allowed such an
amendment on the ground that it was
The Act prescribes that the MoA of the necessary for efficient management of the
Company must contain the following company. (Scientific Poultry Breeders
40 provisions: Association, Re, 1933 Ch 227) 40
• Name: The first clause of the MoA must • Attain the main purpose of the company
state the name of the company. The Act by new or improved means;
prescribes that the last word of the name of • Enlarge or change the local area of
45 a limited company must be “Limited” and operation of the company; 45
the last words of the name of a private • Carry some business which, under the
company must be “Private Limited”. existing circumstances, may be
combined with the company’s business;
50 Illustration: The name “XYZ Industries the new business must not be 50
Limited” suggests that it is a limited inconsistent with the existing business.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 26
• Liability: The fourth clause must state the Illustration: A and B are members of a
nature of liability that the members of the company named ABC Pvt. Ltd. A and B have
company will incur; for instance, whether disputes regarding (i) transfer of the shares of
or not the members of the company have ABC Pvt. Ltd.; and (ii) transfer of a
30 limited liability, and whether the liability is commercial land owned by A to a third party. 30
limited by contribution towards share The dispute regarding the transfer of shares
capital or guarantee. (S.13) will be governed by the provisions of the
• Capital: The last clause of the MoA must Articles. The dispute over transfer of land,
state the amount of nominal capital of the however, will not be governed by the Articles
35 company and the number and value of the since it does not concern the rights of A and B 35
shares into which the capital is divided. (S. with respect to the company ABC Pvt. Ltd.
The Articles may be amended upon approval
The capital clause of the MoA may be of the shareholders of the Company. (S.31)
40 changed upon approval of the shareholders 40
of the company. Doctrine of Constructive Notice
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 27
Illustration: The Articles of a company debentures only with the approval of the
stipulated that all deeds of the company must shareholders of the company by way of a
be signed by the managing director, the shareholders’ resolution. The directors of the
secretary and a working director of the company issued debentures to themselves
5 company. The plaintiff accepted a deed from without obtaining the sanction of the 5
the company that was signed only by the shareholders. The court held that the directors
secretary and a working director and was not could not claim remedy pursuant to the
signed by the managing director. The court doctrine of indoor management because as
held that the deed was invalid and the directors of the company, they had the
10 plaintiff had no remedy, because had the knowledge about restrictions on the 10
plaintiff consulted the Articles of the company, borrowing powers of the company. (Howard v.
the plaintiff would have detected the defect in Patent Manufacturing Co., (1888) 38 Ch D 156)
the deed. (Kotla Venkataswamy v. Rammurthy,
AIR 1934 Mad 597) Chapter 4: Share Capital
15 15
Doctrine of Indoor Management A company’s Capital must be divided into
shares of a fixed amount. The Act permits
The doctrine of indoor management is an issuance of two kinds of shares, namely
exception to the doctrine of constructive “equity shares” and “preference shares”.
20 notice. As per this doctrine, an outsider 20
dealing with a company is entitled to presume Every person holding share(s) in a company is
that the internal working of the company is in entitled to receive a Share Certificate from the
conformity with the provisions of the public company certifying the number of share(s)
documents of the company. (Royal British Bank held by such person in the company. A Share
v. Turquand, [1856] 119 ER 886) Certificate is issued under the common seal of
25 the company and is prima facie evidence of the 25
Illustration: The Articles of a company title of the member to such shares. (S.84)
provided that its directors may borrow funds
from time to time, subject to authorisation by In accordance with the provisions of the
the shareholders of the company. The directors [Indian] Depositories Act, 1996, as amended,
of the company borrowed funds from the companies have the option of issuing shares
30 plaintiff without obtaining proper sanction in “dematerialised form”. Dematerialisation 30
from the shareholders. The shareholders of the refers to the process under which Share
company challenged the borrowing Certificates of the shareholders are converted
transaction. The court held that since the into electronic form and credited to the
Articles authorised the directors to borrow shareholder’s account that is maintained with
35 funds, the plaintiff had the right to infer that a depository participant. Thus, no Share 35
the directors were acting within their Certificate is issued to the shareholder in case
authority and had approval of the of dematerialised shares. Such shares exist in
shareholders. The transaction was held to be the form of entries in the books of the relevant
binding on the company. (Royal British Bank v. depository.
40 Turquand, (1856) 119 ER 886) 40
Equity Shares
This doctrine does not provide protection in
certain cases, such as where the affected party Equity share capital is defined under the Act
had knowledge of irregularity, where the act as meaning all share capital which is not
45 of an officer of a company is clearly outside preference share capital. (S.85(2)) 45
the powers of such an officer, or in case of
forgery. Equity shares are also referred to as “ordinary
shares”. Companies also have the right to
50 Illustration: The Articles of a company issue different classes of equity shares with 50
stipulated that the company could issue differential rights as to dividend or voting,
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 28
The Act prohibits issuance of irredeemable Shares of a company are movable property
preference shares or shares that are and are capable of being transferred in the
redeemable after expiry of a period of 20 years manner provided by the Articles of the
40 from the date of their issue. (S.80-A) company. (S.82) 40
The terms of issue of the preference shares In a private company, the Articles may impose
may stipulate when the preference shares will restrictions on the rights of the members of
be redeemable and whether they will be the company to transfer shares. A private
45 redeemable at the option of the shareholder or agreement between the shareholders of a 45
the company. Prior to redemption of the private company, that imposes restrictions on
preference shares, the following conditions the members’ right to transfer shares, is
must be satisfied: binding on the company only if the provisions
50 of the agreement are incorporated in the 50
• The preference shares to be redeemed must Articles. (V. B. Rangaraj v. V. B. Gopalakrishnan,
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 29
it on the date due, or redeem its debentures director, then at least one-third of the board
on the date due, or pay dividends, and of directors must comprise of independent
such failure continues for more than one directors.
5 The Listing Agreements specify the criterion 5
A private company must have a minimum of that must be satisfied for a person to be
two directors and a public company must deemed as an independent director.
have a minimum of three directors.
• Managing Director: A managing director is a
10 Term of Appointment whole-time director who is entrusted with 10
substantial powers of management of the
In private companies, the term of appointment company which would not otherwise be
of the directors may be fixed by the exercisable by her. (S.2(26))
shareholders at the time of appointment or it
15 may be specified in the Articles. Unless A managing director can be appointed only 15
specified otherwise in the Articles, directors of if the Articles of the company provide for
private companies are not liable to retire by such appointment. The powers and duties of
rotation. In public companies, only one-third a managing director may be enumerated in
of the total number of directors can be the Articles of the company, the board
20 appointed on permanent basis. The remaining resolution pursuant to which the managing 20
directors are liable to retire on rotational basis. director is appointed, or in the agreement
(S.255) executed by the company in relation to the
appointment of the managing director.
The shareholders of a company have the right
to remove a director from her office prior to Powers of Directors
25 expiration of her period of office. (S.284) 25
The Act authorises the board of directors to
Kinds of Directors exercise all such powers and to do all such
acts and things as the company is authorised
• Whole-time Director: Whole-time directors to exercise and do. (S.291)
are directors who are in whole-time
30 employment of the company. The directors have wide powers over the 30
• Independent Directors: Independent directors operation and management of the company,
are directors who, apart from receiving subject only to such restrictions as are
director’s remuneration, do not have any contained in the Act and the MoA or the
material pecuniary relationship or Articles of the company.
35 transaction with the company, its 35
management or its subsidiaries which may The Act prescribes that the following powers
affect their independence of judgment. can be exercised by the directors only by
means of a board resolution, approved at a
The Listing Agreements of the stock meeting of the board of directors:
40 exchanges in India mandate that every listed 40
company in India must have a certain • To make “calls” on shareholders in
minimum number of independent directors respect of money unpaid on their shares.
on its board of directors. (Clause 49 of the • To authorise buy-back of securities.
Listing Agreement) • To issue debentures.
45 • To borrow moneys otherwise than on 45
The Listing Agreement provides that if the debentures.
chairman of the board is an executive • To invest the funds of the company.
director, then at least half of the directors on • To make loans.
50 the board must be independent directors. If 50
the chairman of the board is a non-executive The Act imposes certain restrictions on the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 31
powers of the board of directors of a public has a fiduciary obligation towards the
company. company and is under a duty to act in the
best interest of the company. Duty of good
The board of directors of a public company faith implies that all the actions of the
5 cannot exercise the following powers unless directors must be for the benefit of the 5
specifically authorised by the shareholders of company and the shareholders of the
the company in a general meeting: company.
• Sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the If a director takes an action which is not
10 whole, or substantially the whole, of the beneficial for the company or its members, 10
undertaking of the company. the director can be held liable for breach of
• Remit, or give time for the re-payment of, her fiduciary duty towards the company.
any debt due by a director.
• Invest the amount of compensation Illustration: X, a director of a company, was
15 received by the company in respect of aware that the value of the assets of the 15
compulsory acquisition in securities other company was 650,000 Pounds. She,
than trust securities. however, allowed the assets of the company
• Borrow moneys, where the moneys to be to be sold for a consideration of 350,000
borrowed together with the moneys already Pounds. Thus, the assets of the company
20 borrowed by the company, will exceed the were sold at lesser value and the company 20
aggregate of the paid-up capital of the incurred a loss. X was held liable for breach
company and its free reserves. This of fiduciary duty towards the company.
excludes temporary loans obtained from (Aviling Barford Ltd. v. Perion Ltd., 1989 BCLC
the company's bankers in the ordinary 626 Ch D)
course of business.
25 • Contribute, to charitable and other funds, • Duty of Care, Diligence and Skill: A director 25
not directly relating to the business of the is under an obligation to perform her
company or the welfare of its employees, duties with reasonable care, skill and
any amount exceeding Rupees Fifty diligence. The courts have held that a
Thousand Only in one financial year. director is not expected to exhibit
extraordinary skill or diligence. The
30 Duties and Liabilities of Directors director, however, is expected to exhibit 30
such “skill as may reasonably be expected
The Act prescribes various statutory from a person of his knowledge and
obligations that must be performed by the experience”.
directors of a company. Such statutory
35 obligations include the duty to make statutory A director can be held liable for negligence if 35
filings within the time prescribed by the Act, she fails to discharge her duties with
duty to attend board meetings (S.283(1)(g)), reasonable diligence.
duty to convene shareholders meetings (Ss.
165, 166 and 169), duty to approve the annual Illustration: The directors of a company
40 financial statement of the company (S.215), released funds of the company to pay the 40
and the duty to appoint auditors of the company’s debts without ascertaining
company (S.233B). The Act imposes liability whether or not the company was under any
on the directors in case they fail to comply obligation to pay any debts. The directors
with their obligations stipulated under the were held liable for negligence. (Selanjor
45 Act. United Rubber Estates Ltd. v. Cradock, (1968) 2 45
All ER 1073)
Apart from the statutory obligations, the
duties of directors include: • Duty to disclose interest: A director is under
50 an obligation to ensure that she does not 50
• Duty of Good Faith: A director of a company place she in a situation where her personal
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 32
interests may conflict with her duties entered into certain transactions on behalf of
towards the company. the company despite having the knowledge
that such transactions were not authorised by
A director who is interested in any matter the Articles of the Company. Upon being
5 that is being discussed by the board of challenged by the shareholders, the court 5
directors, must disclose her interest to the directed the directors to restore the funds of
other directors on the board. The interested the company. (Jehangir R. Modi v. Shamji Ladha,
director must not take part in any discussion [1866-67] 4 Bom HCR 185)
pertaining to such matters and must refrain
10 from voting on the same. (Ss.299 and 300) A director may also be held criminally liable 10
for offences committed by the company, if it
Illustration: X was a director in Company A. can be proved that the directors actively aided
X was also the chairman of Company B. The in commission of the offence.
board of directors of Company A considered
15 and approved a resolution for purchasing Illustration: The directors of Company X 15
office furniture for Company A. During the issued cheques for payments to the customers
board meeting, X did not disclose that she of the company despite having the knowledge
was the chairman of Company B and thus, that the company did not have funds in its
had substantial interest in the purchase bank accounts. In a case for dishonour of
20 contract being awarded to Company B. cheques, the directors shall be liable and may 20
Upon being challenged, the court set aside be prosecuted under the relevant provisions
the purchase contract and held that X had of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
breached her duty to disclose her interest in
the matter. (Aberdeen Railway Ltd. v. Blaikie, Chapter 6: Management of a Company
(1854) 1 Mcy 461)
25 Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company 25
S.201 of the Act provides that any provision in
the Articles of a company that seeks to exclude A meeting of the board of directors of the
the liability of the directors for negligence, company must be held at least once in every
default, misfeasance, breach of duty or breach three months and at least four such meetings
of trust, is void. must be held in each year. The Articles govern
30 the manner in which a board meeting must be 30
At the same time, S.633 of the Act provides called and conducted.
statutory protection to the directors against
liability of actions taken in good faith. The Act authorises companies to hold board
meetings at any location as the directors may
35 Illustration: The managing director of a deem fit, including outside India. The Act 35
company failed to file the cost audit report of provides that the physical presence of at least
the company within the prescribed time. The two directors or one-third of the total strength
delay of 24 days was, however, attributable to of the board, whichever is higher, is
labour problems within the company. The compulsory to constitute a quorum for a
40 managing director was not held liable for the Board meeting. (S.287) 40
delay in filing the report. (G. Ramesh v.
Registrar of Companies, (2007) 112 Comp Cases The Act does not authorise conducting of
450 (Mad)) board meeting by way of teleconferencing or
video conferencing.
45 The directors can be held personally liable for 45
their actions that are ultra vires; that is, beyond Unless the Articles specify otherwise,
the scope of the Act or the Articles and MoA of decisions at board meetings are taken by a
the company. majority vote.
50 50
Illustration: The directors of Company X The Act specifies that minutes of all meetings
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 33
of the board of directors must be duly meeting will be held, the businesses that
recorded in the books of the company. are proposed to be transacted at the
meeting and a statement setting forth all
Shareholders’ Meeting material facts regarding, and the rationale
5 for, each of the businesses proposed to be 5
Shareholders’ meetings are also referred to as transacted at the meeting.
“general meetings”. • The Act specifies that in case of a public
company, at least five members, and in the
Every company is under an obligation to hold case of a private company, at least two
10 at least one meeting of its shareholders every members of the company, must be 10
year, in which meeting the annual financial physically present to constitute a valid
statement of the company is placed before the quorum.
shareholders. This meeting is known as the
“annual general meeting” or “AGM”. The Act Illustration: In a shareholders’ meeting, only
15 prescribes that the gap between two AGMs one member was physically present. The 15
must not exceed fifteen months. The AGM member, however, held valid proxies for
must be held during business hours on a day other members of the company. The court
which is not a public holiday, and at the held that a valid quorum was not present for
registered office of the company or at a place the shareholders’ meeting. (Sharp v. Dawes,
20 within the city where the registered office of 36 LT 188) 20
the company is located.
Voting at a Shareholders’ Meeting
All shareholder meetings, other than an AGM,
are known as “extra-ordinary general Shareholders are entitled to discuss each
meetings” or “EGMs”. An EGM may be called proposed resolution and suggest amendments
25 at any time as the board of directors may to it, prior to it being put to vote. 25
deem fit.
Every equity shareholder is entitled to vote on
Requisites of a Valid Shareholders’ Meeting all shareholder resolutions. To begin with,
voting on resolutions takes place by show of
• A shareholders’ meeting must be called by hands. Upon show of hands, each member
30 proper authority. has one vote. 30
Illustration: The Articles of Company A If the shareholders are not satisfied by the
provide that every shareholders’ meeting results of the voting by show of hands, then a
must be called by way of a board resolution. requisite number of shareholders may
35 If valid quorum was not present at the board demand a “poll”; the number of votes cast for 35
meeting at which the resolution to call the and against a resolution must be recorded. In
shareholders meeting was approved, then case of a poll, the voting right of shareholders
the shareholders meeting would be deemed is proportionate to the respective paid-up
to be improperly convened. shares held by them.
40 40
• Due notice of the proposed shareholders’ A member may vote either in person or
meeting must be given to all the members through a proxy. (S.176)
of the company. The Act stipulates that the
notice must be in writing and, unless Ordinary and Special Resolutions
45 specifically waived by the shareholders by 45
way of a resolution or a provision in the A resolution is said to be an ordinary
Articles, must be given at least 21 day’s resolution when the total number of votes cast
prior to the date of meeting. in favour of the resolution, is more than the
50 • The notice must clearly specify the number of votes cast against the resolution. 50
following: the time and place where the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 34
The scheme must then be approved by a informed the depositors that the companies
majority representing three-fourths in value of were running at a loss. A scheme of
the creditors or members, as the case may be, arrangement was drawn up which envisaged
of the company and, thereupon, sanctioned by payment to depositors at lesser interest. The
5 the court. (S.391(2)) Such an order of the court depositors approved the scheme. The court, 5
sanctioning the scheme is binding on all the however, held that the approval of the
creditors or class of creditors, all the members depositors was obtained by giving inadequate
or class or members, as the case may be, and information. The court further held that the
also on the company, or, in the case of a scheme was unreasonable, and was intended
10 company which is being wound up, on the to defraud the depositors. Consequently, the 10
liquidator and contributories of the company. court did not sanction the scheme. (Premier
(S.391(2)) Motors (P.) Ltd. v. Ashok Tandon, (1971) 41
Comp Cases 656 All)
A scheme sanctioned by the court does not
15 operate as a mere agreement between the Reconstruction refers to a process where a 15
parties; it becomes binding on the company, company’s business and undertaking are
the creditors and the shareholders, and has transferred to another company, formed for
statutory force. It cannot be altered except that purpose, such that the new company
with the sanction of the court, even if the carries substantially the same business as the
20 shareholders and creditors acquiesce in such old company, and the same persons are 20
alteration. (J. K. (Bombay) Pvt. Ltd. v. New interested in it as in the case of the old
Kaiser-I-Hind Spinning and Weaving Co. Ltd., company.
1970 (40) Comp. Cas 689)
A company may decide to undergo
The Act gives wide discretionary powers to reconstruction for various reasons, such as, to
25 the court in sanctioning of a scheme of extend its operations, reorganise the rights of 25
compromise or arrangement, including the its members or creditors, amalgamation with
power to convene meetings of members or one or more companies.
creditors, to examine the reasonableness of the
scheme, to request for further information or Amalgamation refers to the process where
documents, and to enforce the scheme. two or more companies are joined to form a
30 third entity, or one is absorbed into or blended 30
As a summary, S.391 provides the method with another company. (Somayajula v. Hope
which has to be followed to put a scheme Prudhomme & Co. Ltd., [1963] 2 Comp LJ 61)
between a company and its creditors or any
class of creditors, or its members or any class Upon completion of the amalgamation, the
35 of members, or, in the case of a company being assets and liabilities of the amalgamating 35
wound up, its liquidator, into effect. The company are transferred to and vested in the
courts have wide discretion in deciding amalgamated company in accordance with
whether or not to allow a scheme under S.391, the terms of the scheme.
since this is necessary to protect the minority’s
40 interests and to ensure that the scheme is Illustration: Company A owed Company X 40
otherwise fair and legal, and that it is not Rupees Ten lakhs. Company X amalgamated
motivated by some illegitimate or unfair into Company Y. Upon amalgamation,
reasons. Once the court sanctions the scheme, Company X ceased to exist, and all the rights
and the order of the court is filed with the and liabilities of Company X were transferred
45 Registrar of Companies, the scheme is given to Company Y. Pursuant to the amalgamation, 45
effect from the date it was arrived at. Company Y will have the right to recover
Rupees Ten lakhs from Company A.
Illustration: Two companies took deposits from
50 the public at an interest rate of 12%. When the Wide powers are given to the courts under S. 50
deposits began to mature the companies 394 to facilitate the reconstruction and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 36
amalgamation of companies. This Section acts “Unpaid Dividend Account” of the company.
as the ‘Single-Window Clearance’ for merger
and amalgamation activities, rather than have If the dividend amount remains unclaimed for
parties making a number of different seven years, it is transferred to the Investor
5 applications before the courts for the purposes Education and Protection Fund established by 5
of each different activity. S.394 relieves the the Central Government. Amounts accrued in
burden upon the parties to a scheme of having this Fund are utilised by the Government to
to make a number of different applications promote investor awareness, and to protect
before the court. The court may, however, the interests of investors.
10 enquire into the various circumstances 10
surrounding the scheme, to ensure that Illustration: Funds from the Investor Education
nothing that is being done through the scheme and Protection Fund are being utilised to
is against public interest. support a case filed on behalf of the public
shareholders of Satyam Computer Services
15 Chapter 8: Dividends, Accounts and Audit Ltd., who are seeking damages for loss 15
incurred, due to the financial fraud committed
Dividends by the promoters of Satyam Computer
Services Ltd.
Dividend refers to that portion of the
20 corporate profit that is set aside by the Accounts and Audit 20
company, and declared as liable to be
distributed amongst the shareholders of the Every company is under an obligation to keep
company. (Bacha F. Guzdar v. Commissioner of proper books of account at its registered
Income Taxes, AIR 1955 SC 74) office. (S.209)
25 Dividends can be paid only out of the profits The books of account of the company must 25
of the company. The Act provides that explain the transactions and the financial
dividends may be paid out of the following position of the company, in a true and fair
sources: manner.
• Profits of the company, for the year for The auditors of a company have an obligation
30 which dividends are to be paid; to examine the books and accounts of the 30
• Undistributed profits of the company, of the company and issue a report stating whether
previous financial years; and or not the accounts have been kept in
• Money provided by the Central or State accordance with the provisions of the Act and
Government for payment of dividends, whether or not they give a true picture of the
35 pursuant to a guarantee. affairs of the company. 35
long as they are acting within the powers to company’s statutory records, is
conferred on them under the Articles”. (Foss v. infringed.
Harbottle, (1843) 67 ER 189)
The Act provides for special provisions to
5 Illustration: Company A made a profit in a safeguard the interests of minority 5
year. The directors of the company, however, shareholders and prevent mismanagement of
decided to invest the profits for the benefit of a company.
the company, instead of paying dividends to
the shareholders. The minority shareholders Prevention of Oppression
10 challenged this action. The court refused to 10
intervene in the matter. (Burland v. Earle, (1902) If the affairs of the company are being
AC 83) conducted in a manner prejudicial to the
public interest or in a manner oppressive to
There are the certain exceptions to the rule of any member(s), then the minority
15 majority supremacy, and shareholders can shareholders may seek appropriate remedy 15
bring a suit against the company and its from the court. (S.397)
officers in the following circumstances:
Illustration: The life insurance business of
• When the acts of the officers are ultra vires Company A was acquired by Company B on
20 the Act, the Articles, or the MoA. payment of compensation. The majority 20
shareholders of Company A refused to
Illustration: The directors of Company A distribute the compensation to all the
invested the funds of the company in a shareholders and passed a new shareholders
manner that was contrary to the provisions resolution approving investment of the
of the MoA. A, a shareholder, brought a suit compensation funds into new business of
25 against the directors, challenging their Company A. Upon being challenged, the 25
actions. The suit was decreed in the favour of court held the actions of the majority
the plaintiff. (Bharat Insurance Co. Ltd. v. shareholders of Company A to be
Kanhaiya Lal, AIR 1935 Lah 792) “oppression”. (Mohan Lal Chandumall v. Punjab
Co. Ltd., AIR 1961 Punj 485)
• When the majority shareholders act in a
30 fraudulent manner. Minor acts of mismanagement are not 30
regarded as “oppression”.
Illustration: The majority of the members of
Company A were substantial shareholders in Illustration: The minority shareholders of
Company B. In a general meeting of Company A filed a case against the directors
35 Company A, the majority shareholders and majority shareholders of the company on 35
approved a resolution authorising the ground that petrol consumption was not
compromise of an action against Company being checked properly. The court held that
B. The resolution approved by the majority this could not be a ground for “oppression”.
shareholders was prejudicial to Company A, (Lalita Rajya Lakshmi v. Indian Motors Co., AIR
40 and favourable to Company B. Upon being 1962 Cal 127) 40
challenged by the minority shareholders of
Company A, the court set aside the actions of Prevention of Mismanagement
majority shareholders. (Menier v. Hooper’s
Telegraph Works Ltd., (1874) 9 Ch App 350) S.398 of the Act provides relief in cases of
45 “mismanagement” of the company. In an 45
• When an act that requires a special action for “mismanagement”, the petitioner
resolution as per the Articles is done on the must establish that the affairs of the company
basis of a mere ordinary resolution. are being conducted in a manner prejudicial
50 • When the rights of a shareholder, such as to the interests of the company, or to public 50
the right to vote, or the right to have access interest.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 38
A company, being an artificial person, cannot • There is a deadlock amidst the members of
die. A company can, however, be dissolved the management of the company.
35 and struck off the Register of Companies. The 35
proceeding by which a company is dissolved Illustration: A company had two directors
is known as “winding up”. and shareholders with equal management
and voting rights. The two directors became
A company may be wound up in any of the hostile to each other and disagreed on all the
40 following manners: decisions pertaining to the company. The 40
court held that there was a complete
Compulsory Winding Up by the Court deadlock in the management and the
company must be wound-up. (Yenidje
A process where a company is wound up, Tobacco Co. Ltd., Re, (1916) 2 Ch 426)
45 upon an order of the court, is known as 45
‘compulsory winding up’. An application for • When the object for which a company was
compulsory winding up of a company may be incorporated, has failed.
brought by the company, its creditors, its
50 members, the RoC, Central Government or the Illustration: A company was incorporated for 50
State Government on any of the following purposes of manufacturing coffee from
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 39
• When it has been proved that carrying on If the Articles of a company prescribe a
10 the business of the company will lead to duration for operation of the company, or if 10
further losses. the Articles provide that the company shall be
• When the company was formed to carry a dissolved upon occurrence of an event, then
fraudulent activity. upon satisfaction of such a condition, only an
ordinary shareholders’ resolution will be
15 Illustration: Company X was engaged in the required for commencing the winding up 15
business of purchasing and developing land proceedings. In all other cases a special
and selling the same as plots. Upon resolution of the shareholders is required to
investigation, it was discovered that the commence voluntary winding up.
company was involved in fraudulent
20 transactions and was selling plots over The primary difference between voluntary 20
which it did not have valid title. The court and compulsory winding up is that almost the
ordered winding up of Company X on the entire process in the case of voluntary
ground that since it was involved in large- winding up does not require court
scale public deception, it had no right to supervision. Only the relevant documents are
exist. required to be filed with the court to obtain an
25 order of dissolution when the winding up is 25
• When “oppression” or “mismanagement” complete.
has been established.
• When it is important to do so, in public Illustration: The Articles of Company A
interest. provide that the company shall be dissolved
upon termination of the shareholders’
30 Illustration: Company X was engaged in the agreement between the shareholders of the 30
business of purchasing and developing land, company. Upon termination of the
and selling the purchased land as plots. shareholders’ agreement, voluntary winding
Upon investigation, it was discovered that up proceedings may be initiated by the
the company was involved in fraudulent shareholders following an ordinary resolution
35 transactions, and was selling plots of land in this regard. 35
over which it did not have valid title. The
court ordered winding up of Company X on Voluntary winding up is of two kinds:
the ground that since it was involved in members’ winding up, and creditors’ winding
large-scale public deception, it had no right up.
40 to exist. 40
If, at the time of commencing winding up
In case of compulsory winding up, the court proceedings, the board of directors of the
appoints an official liquidator for carrying the company gives a declaration certifying that
winding up proceedings. The official the company shall be able to pay its debts
45 liquidator is an officer of the court and is within a specified time, then such a winding 45
entrusted with the responsibility of realising up proceeding is known as ‘members’
money from the properties of the company winding up’. If the board of directors is
and discharging the liability of the company unable to give such a declaration, then the
50 towards such stakeholders as workmen, proceedings are known as ‘creditors’ winding 50
creditors, and the Government. up’.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 40
Payment of Liabilities
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
40 40
45 45
50 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 41
All India Bar Examination The right to life includes the right to
Preparatory Material livelihood. This right has been used to check
governmental actions with an environmental
Subject 14: Environmental Law impact that threaten to dislocate poor people
5 and disrupt their lifestyle. 5
Chapter I: Constitutional Provisions and the
Environment Illustration: Certain tribal forest dwellers were
ousted from their forestland by a government
Directive Principles of State Policy and agency in order to implement a power project.
10 Fundamental Duties The court permitted the acquisition of the 10
land only after that agency agreed to provide
Courts in India have developed the concept of certain court-approved facilities to the ousted
environmental rights, to ensure that the forest dwellers. (Banawasi Seva Ashram v. State
Directive Principles of State Policy, and the of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1987 SC 374)
15 fundamental right to life, as enshrined in the 15
Constitution of India (“the Constitution”), are The Constitution provides protection against
enforced. A.21 confers the right to life as a arbitrary permissions, granted by the
fundamental right; this has been interpreted Government, that do not provide an adequate
by the Supreme Court to include the right to a consideration of environmental impact. (A.14
20 wholesome environment. of what law-Article 14 of the Constitution is 20
with regard to Equality before the law)
Enjoyment of life, including the right to live
with human dignity, encompasses within its The Constitution (Forty Second Amendment)
ambit the protection and preservation of the Act, 1976, added A.48A to the Directive
environment, ecological balance free from Principles of State Policy and A.51A(g) to the
25 pollution of air and water, and sanitation, fundamental duties for protection and 25
without which life cannot be enjoyed. improvement of the environment:
(Virender Gaur v. State of Haryana, 1995 (2) SCC
577) • A.48A declares; “The State shall endeavour
to protect and improve the environment
Illustration: Certain companies obtained and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of
30 mining leases for the excavation of limestone. the country”. 30
The operation of these mines and • A.51A(g) imposes a responsibility on every
uncontrolled quarrying were causing danger citizen to protect and improve the natural
to the adjoining lands, water resources, environment including forests, lakes, rivers
forests, wildlife, ecology, environment, and and wildlife, and to have compassion for
35 inhabitants of the area. The lessees of the living creatures. 35
limestone quarries were directed to close
down operations permanently, after the Illustration: X, an individual, ran a factory
consideration of the review committee. The which discharged effluent water on roads
court held that the lessees had invested large and/or into the public drainage system. The
40 sums of money and expended time and effort, municipal commission sent a notice to remind 40
but that heed had to be paid to protecting and X of her fundamental duty to protect the
safeguarding the right of the people to live in environment. X cannot assert her right to
a healthy environment, with minimal carry on business without any regard to her
disturbance of ecological balance and undue fundamental duty. Such restriction placed on
45 affectation of air, water, and environment. The fundamental rights under A.19(1)(g), to carry 45
directions to close operations were valid. on trade or business, are in the interest of the
(Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State general public, and are constitutionally valid
of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1988 SC 2187 (Dehradun and no citizen can claim an absolute right to
50 Quarrying case)) carry on business, without complying with 50
the restrictions placed in this way. (Abhilash
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 42
Textile v. Rajkot Municipal Corporation, AIR prevent, and attack the causes of
1988 Guj 57) environmental pollution.
The 42nd Amendment also moved ‘forest’ and Illustration: The land in a particular area
5 ‘protection of wildlife and birds’ from the became unfit for cultivation and agriculture 5
State List to the Concurrent List. because of the operation of tanneries in that
area. A forum filed an action to stop tanneries
There is both, a constitutional indicator to the from discharging untreated effluents into
state and a constitutional duty of its citizens, agricultural fields. The Supreme Court of
10 not only to protect but also to improve the India strongly supported the application of 10
environment, and to preserve and safeguard the precautionary principle as a part of
forests, flora, and fauna, and rivers, lakes, and international customary law. The court held
other water resources in the country. that the Central Government, vested with
powers and authority to control pollution and
15 Fundamental norms, recognised by the protect the environment, had failed to exercise 15
Supreme Court to guide the development of these powers, and directed that the Central
environmental jurisprudence, include: Government ensure that all tanneries set up
common effluent treatment plants, or
• Environmental laws must be strictly individual pollution control devices, and that
20 enforced by the enforcement agencies. failure to do so would authorise the 20
(Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Superintendent of Police and the Collector /
Union of India, 1996 (5) SCC 281, 294, 301) District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner in
• The polluter pays principle: a polluter bears each of the respective districts to close the
the remedial or cleanup cost as well as the plants down. No new industries were to be
amount payable to compensate the victims permitted within listed prohibited areas.
25 of pollution. Reversing the burden of proof, the court 25
directed that the proponents of the activity
Illustration: A, a private company, which demonstrate that such activity is
operated as a chemical company, was environmentally benign. (Vellore Citizens
releasing hazardous wastes into the soil, Welfare Forum v. Union of India, AIR 1996 SC
thereby polluting a nearby village. The 2715, 2721)
30 company was being run without licenses. On 30
a motion initiated by B against A, the court Government development agencies charged
found the activity to be hazardous or with decision making ought to give due
inherently dangerous, and ordered the person regard to ecological factors including: (a) the
carrying on such activity to make good the environmental policy of the Central and state
35 loss caused to any other person by the government; (b) the sustainable development 35
activity, irrespective of whether or not she and utilisation of natural resources; and (c) the
took reasonable care in carrying on the said obligation of the present generation to
activity. preserve natural resources and pass on to
future generations an environment as intact as
40 Polluting industries are absolutely liable to the one we have inherited from the previous 40
compensate villagers in affected areas, for the generation. (State of Himachal Pradesh v. Ganesh
harm caused by these industries to soil and Wood Products, AIR 1996 SC 149, 159, 163)
underground water and hence, are bound to
take all necessary measures to remove sludge Implementation of India’s International
45 and other pollutants lying in affected areas. Obligations in Domestic Law 45
(Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Union
of India, AIR 1996 SC 1446) A.253 of the Constitution empowers
Parliament to make laws implementing
50 • The Precautionary Principle: This requires India’s international obligations, as well as 50
government authorities to anticipate, any decision made at an international
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 43
conference, association, or other body. result of which, dirty water from houses and
rainwater was accumalating in its lanes.
Entry 13 of the Union List covers participation Growth of moss and insects in the area
in international conferences, associations, and increased the possibility of an epidemic. Y, a
5 other bodies, and implementing decisions local resident, filed a writ of mandamus to 5
made thereat. A.253 read with Entry 13 would enforce the municipal corporation’s function
thus empower Parliament to enact laws on of constructing sewers and drains for
virtually any entry contained in the State List. discharge of water. The writ petition was
allowed and the municipal corporation was
10 Parliament, under A.253 read with Entry 13, directed to remove the water and filth 10
has enacted the Air (Prevention, Control, and collected in the locality by constructing sewers
Abatement of Pollution) Act, 1981, and the and drains, within three months. (Rampal v.
Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. The State of Rajasthan, AIR 1981 Raj 121)
preamble to each of these provides that these
15 Acts were passed to implement the decisions Illustration: A writ of certiorari will lie against a 15
reached at the United Nations Conference on municipal authority that permits construction
the Human Environment held at Stockholm in contrary to development rules, or acts in
1972. excess of jurisdiction or in violation of rules of
natural justice, for instance, wrongly
20 Illustration: State laws proved inadequate to sanctioning an office building in an area 20
protect coastal ecology. The Central reserved for a garden.
Government used the power vested in it by A.
253 read with Entry 13, List I, to impose When a fundamental right, which includes the
stringent national coastal development right to a wholesome environment, is
norms. The norm restricted the nature of violated, Aa.32 and 226 provide an
25 development on 3000 of land along the appropriate remedy. A.21, which guarantees 25
entire Indian coast. The affected states the fundamental right to life, includes the
questioned such assumption of power by the right to a wholesome environment. A litigant’s
Centre, since the subject was part of delegated right to a healthful environment may be
legislation. The Centre’s norms were upheld enforced by a writ petition to the Supreme
and the ruling further recognised that the Court or to a high court.
30 coastal regulations would have overriding 30
effect, and would prevail over the law made Illustration: A, an individual, was troubled by
by the legislatures of states. (S. Jagannath v. the excessive noise pollution and vibrations
Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 811, 846, (Shrimp caused by electrical motors, diesel engines,
culture case)) and generators used by a hotel, B. The high
35 court held that an affected person can 35
Constitutional Remedies maintain a writ petition, while rejecting B’s
plea that a civil suit would be a proper
Writ Jurisdiction remedy. Further, it issued several directions to
abate nuisance, with directions to the
40 Aa.32 and 226 of the Constitution empower authorities to periodically inspect B. (E. 40
the Supreme Court as well as the high courts Sampath Kumar v. Government of Tamil Nadu,
to issue writs, directions, or orders. Any 1998 AIHC 4498)
person complaining of an infringement of
fundamental rights may seek redress in either Courts have decided cases, including M. C.
45 forum. Writs of mandamus, certiorari, and Mehta v. Union of India and Others, 1988 SCR 45
prohibition are generally resorted to in (2) 530 (the Ganga Pollution case), M. C. Mehta v.
environmental matters. Union of India, AIR 1987 SC 1086 (the Shriram
Gas Leak Case), and the Bhopal Gas Leak case,
50 Illustration: A certain locality lacked a proper under writ jurisdiction. 50
drainage system for discharge of water, as a
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 44
of Goa, 1989 (1) Goa Law Times 276, 302) international conferences on environmental
protection resulted in Parliament enacting
Illustration: In pollution cases, the Supreme comprehensive laws on matters related to
Court frequently relies on the National forest, wildlife, environmental protection, and
5 Environment Engineering Research Institute, water, air, and land pollution. 5
Nagpur (“NEERI”), to submit its field report.
The Nilay Choudhary Committee was requested Environmental statutes are regarded as
to advise the court on whether Shriram’s ‘beneficial’ legislation, enacted to advance the
hazardous chemical plant should be allowed Directive Principles of State Policy, contained
10 to recommence operations in Delhi. in A.48A of the Constitution. 10
A monitoring committee was set up in the The Water (Prevention and Control of
Dehradun Quarrying case to oversee the Pollution) Act, 1974 (“the Water Act”)
running of three limestone mines that had
15 been allowed to continue operations, and to The enactment of the Water Act was India’s 15
monitor reforestation measures. first attempt at dealing with an environmental
issue. The Act prohibits the discharge of
Relief in most P.I.L. cases is obtained through pollutants into water bodies beyond a given
interim orders until a final decision is reached standard, and lays down penalties for non-
20 for redressing public grievances. compliance with its provisions. 20
The courts do not encourage all public The Water Act was amended in 1988 to
interest litigation. The Supreme Court in State conform with the provisions of the EPA, 1986.
of Uttaranchal v. Balwant Singh Chaufal, (Civil It set up the Central Pollution Control Board
Appeal No 1132 -1134 of 2002) in its judgment (“the C.P.C.B.”), which lays down standards
25 dated January 18, 2010, issued the following for the prevention and control of water 25
guidelines: pollution. At the state level, the State Pollution
Control Board (“the S.P.C.B.”) functions
• Courts must encourage genuine and bona under the direction of the C.P.C.B. and the
fide P.I.L. and effectively discourage and state government.
curb those filed for extraneous
30 considerations. The preamble to the Water Act lays down its 30
• Courts must, before entertaining a P.I.L., objectives, which include the prevention and
prima facie verify the credentials of a control of water pollution, the maintaining of
petitioner and the correctness of the wholesome water, and the establishment of
contents of the petition. Boards to carry out its objectives.
35 • Courts entertaining a P.I.L. must ensure 35
that the P.I.L. is aimed to redress genuine Illustration: A river supports an overwhelming
public harm or public injury, and that there majority of people in a town. Some industries,
is no personal gain, or private or oblique through the discharge of sewage in the river,
motive behind filing the P.I.L. were ruining the quality of water. The court
40 • Courts must also ensure that petitions filed prohibited the discharge of industrial effluents 40
by busybodies for extraneous and ulterior into the river, and directed the establishment
motives are discouraged by imposition of of monitoring stations on each of the drains
exemplary costs or by adopting similar leading to the river, and also directed the
novel methods to curb frivolous petitions administration to take effective measures
45 and petitions filed for extraneous against such industries. (News item, 45
considerations. ‘Hindustan Times,’ A. Q. F. M.; Yamuna v. C. P.
C. B., 1999 (5) SCALE 418, 419)
Chapter II: Environmental Laws in India
50 S.2(a) defines the Board to mean the Central 50
Spreading awareness and consciousness, and Board or the State Board.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 46
S.25 is an important section; it imposes industry under S.33A of the Water Act. Prior
restrictions on new outlets and new to the adoption of S.33A, a state board could
discharges. A person must obtain consent issue direct orders to polluters under S.32 of
from the state board before taking steps to the Act. A state board can exercise this power
5 establish any industry, operation, or process, if the pollution arose from any accident or 5
any treatment and disposal system, or any other unforeseen act or event.
extension or addition to such a system, which
might result in the discharge of sewage or Illustration: The S.P.C.B. issued directions to
trade effluent into a stream, well, or sewer, or Z, an industry, to ensure proper treatment and
10 onto land. storage of effluents in lagoons. Z did not 10
comply with some of the directions, and as a
Illustration: P, a company, was charged with result, some effluent reached the river
releasing untreated effluents into a nearby Yamuna and polluted the water. Despite
canal. The state board consented to the enough time given by the S.P.C.B., Z did not
15 operation on condition that P set up effluent take any remedial steps, and the S.P.C.B. 15
treatment plants within a prescribed time directed the closure of the industry under S.
limit. However, mere consent orders obtained 33A of the Water Act.
by P cannot insulate it against the
requirement of putting up the effluent The reluctance of courts to exercise broad
20 treatment plants and complying with the injunctive power under S.33 may be one 20
standards of tolerance limits prescribed. reason for granting state boards the authority
(Narula Dyeing and Printing Works v. Union of to issue directions under S.33.
India, AIR 1995 Guj 185, 191)
The state board can also apply to the courts
S.26 is with regard to existing discharge of for injunctions to prevent water pollution
25 sewage or trade effluents. under S.33 of the Act. 25
Contravention of S.25 or S.26 of the Water Act Under S.41, the penalty for failure to comply
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a with a court order under S.33, or a direction
term, which shall not be less than one and from the board under S.33A, is punishable by
half year, but which may extend to six years fines and imprisonment.
30 with a fine under S.44 of the Water Act. 30
Illustration: The S.P.C.B. directed closure of an
S.27 empowers the state board to decide on industry under S.33A. The industry refused to
whether or not to grant its consent to the obey its closure order. The state board
bringing into use of a new or altered outlet, directed the deputy commissioner to seize the
35 unless the outlet is so constructed as to unit and secure compliance. The 35
comply with any conditions imposed by the commissioner’s office moved the magistrate,
board to enable it to exercise its right to take who ordered closure. In revision, the high
samples of the effluent. court quashed the magistrate’s order holding
that the board had no power to get its closure
40 S.28 gives a remedy to any person aggrieved orders executed through the Deputy 40
by orders issued by the state board under Ss. Commissioner, but that it could initiate
25, 26, and 27. An appeal is provided against penalty proceedings under S.41. (Executive
the order under S.28, and S.58 bars the Apparel Processors v. Taluka Executive
jurisdiction of civil courts to entertain any suit Magistrate, ILR 1997 Kar 2020)
45 or proceeding against an order passed by the 45
appellate authority. Amendments in 1988 modified S.49 to allow
citizens to bring actions under the Water Act.
The Board can issue directions for closure of A complaint under the Act can be made by a
50 an industry and disconnection of electricity in board, or by any person authorised on its 50
case of persistent defiance by any polluting behalf, or by any person who has given a
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 48
Courts are still involved in enforcing S.33A as Pollution of water of a spring is punishable
the boards have no direct power to exact under S.277 of the I.P.C., whereas, pollution of
fines, order imprisonment, or otherwise waters other than springs or reservoirs will be
10 compel compliance with their directions. covered by S.290. The offence of water 10
pollution also comes within the purview of
The use of water in a manner detrimental to mischief punishable under S.426 of the I.P.C..
others creates a cause of action, which is Mischief, as defined in S.425 of the I.P.C., is
challengeable in a court of law. Regulation causing destruction of any property or any
15 and control of water by the state creates rights change in the property, destroying or 15
and obligations between states inter se. Any diminishing its value or utility, or affecting it
violation of such rights gives rise to a variety injuriously.
of litigation – civil and criminal.
S.47 of the Water Act pins liability on persons
20 Civil and Criminal Liability responsible for a company and the conduct of 20
its business, where such company has
The Water Act establishes criminal penalties committed any offence under the Water Act.
of fines and imprisonment for noncompliance
with S.33 orders, S.20 directions concerning Illustration: A, a manager of a company, was
information, S.32 emergency orders, and S. prosecuted for violation of Ss.25 and 26 of the
25 33A directions issued by a state board. Water Act. The manager argued that the 25
complaint was defective and that she was not
The Supreme Court, in Uttar Pradesh Pollution responsible for operation of the plant. The
Control Board v. Mohan Meakins Ltd., 2000 (2) court observed that a person designated as
SCALE 532, held that those who discharge manager of a company is prima facie liable
noxious polluting effluents into streams, may under S.47 whether or not the person
30 be unconcerned about the enormity of the designated as ‘manager’ was in fact overall in 30
injury they inflict on public health at large, the charge of the affairs of the factory or whether
irreparable impairment they cause on the or not the manager had any knowledge of the
aquatic organisms, and the deleteriousness violations of the Water Act.
they impose on the life and health of animals,
35 but that courts must deal with the prosecution The Act extends liability to heads of 35
for offences in such cases, in a strict manner. government departments, unless the
departmental head can prove that the offence
The statutory remedies for violation of water was committed without her knowledge or
rights are found in the EPA, the Water Act, the that she exercised due diligence to prevent the
40 Indian Penal Code, 1860 (“the I.P.C.”), and the commission of the offence. 40
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (“the
Cr.P.C.”). The Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 (“the Air Act”)
Injunctive relief can be obtained under S.133
45 of the Cr.P.C. against public nuisance caused To implement the decisions taken at the 45
due to water pollution, so long as it does not United Nations Conference on the Human
interfere with an order of a state pollution Environment held in 1972 (also known as “the
control board issued under the Water Act. Stockholm Conference”), and to counter the
50 (Nagarjuna Paper Mills Ltd. v. Sub-divisional problems associated with air pollution, 50
Magistrate, AIR 1980 SC 1622) Parliament enacted the Air Act under A.253 of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 49
the Constitution. The Act provides means for S.P.C.B. is vested with power to declare an
the control and abatement of air pollution, area as an ‘Air Pollution Control Area’, in
and establishes air quality standards. which provisions of the Air Act shall be
applicable. The board must notify such
5 Air Pollutants are defined under S.2(a) as any declaration in the Official Gazette. 5
solid, liquid, or gaseous substance (including Currently the whole state of Uttar Pradesh
noise) present in the atmosphere in such has been declared an ‘Air Pollution Control
concentrations as may be or tend to be Area.’
injurious to human beings or other living
10 creatures or plants or to the environment. Illustration: A company cannot be prosecuted 10
under the Air Act if the state board fails to
S.2(b) defines air pollution as the presence in produce before the court the Official Gazette
the atmosphere of any air pollutants. declaring the concerned area an ‘Air Pollution
Control Area’ and is unable to produce the
15 The Air Act follows the basic structure of the newspaper notifying the declaration. 15
Water Act with a Central Board and state (Dahyabhai Solanki v. N. J. Industries, 1996 (1)
boards monitoring activities and enforcing the GLH 466)
Act. Central and state boards are constituted
under Ss.3 and 4 of the Act. They were • Every industrial operator, within a
20 deemed Central and state boards for declared air pollution control area, must 20
prevention and control of air pollution. obtain a permit (consent order) from the
state board. (Ss.21(1) and (2))
The salient features of the Air Act: • The board has power to grant or refuse
consent, yet it cannot apply discretion to
• The Central Board and the state boards are exempt any industrial plant emitting
25 to perform the functions set out in Ss.16 pollutants. The state government or the 25
and 17 of the Air Act. S.17(1)(g) empowers state board cannot keep such industry out
the state boards to independently notify of the purview of the Air Act. The court can
emission standards. However, by operation review the board’s decision for consent
of S.24 of the EPA, the Environment when the interest of the community at
Protection Rule norms take precedence large is at stake. (Sugarcane G. & S.S.
30 over standards laid down by state boards. Association v. Tamil Nadu Pollution Control 30
Board, AIR 1998 SC 2614)
Illustration: X, a company, was operating in an • Within a period of four months from the
air pollution control area. The state board date of application for the permit, the
found that anti-pollution devices installed in board must complete the formalities to
35 X’s plant were ineffective and directed closure either grant, or refuse consent. During the 35
of the plant under S.31A of the Act. XYZ course of processing a consent application,
argued that the state board had failed to the board may seek any information about
prescribe any standards for emission. The the industry after giving notice in Form II.
high court found that the state board had not • Central and state boards are empowered to
40 prescribed emission standards as required give directions to industries, which, if not 40
under S.17(1)(g) of the Air Act. The court held followed, can be enforced under S.31A by
that in the absence of any such standards, no the board closing down the industry or
fault could be found in X’s operation. The withdrawing its supply of water and
standards have to be prescribed so that power. (S.22)
45 industries may ensure necessary safeguards. 45
(Mahabir Coke Industry v. Pollution Control Illustration: A ran an iron-casting unit in
Board, AIR 1998 Gau 10) residential premises without obtaining
consent under the Air Act. The matter came to
50 • Under S.19 of the Air Act, the State the knowledge of the state board. The state 50
Government in consultation with the board directed the magistrate to seal the unit.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 50
Mr. A challenged the order in an appeal under extending up to 6 years, and with fine, in case
S.31. The court held that though S.31A enables the failure continues, and an additional fine
the state board to direct closure or extending to five thousand rupees for every
discontinuance of the objectionable activity, day during which such failure continues. The
5 sealing the unit and preventing access is above terms of imprisonment in an extreme 5
unauthorised. (Gopi Nath Pvt. Ltd. v. case may extend to seven years with fine. (S.
Department of Environment, 1998 (72) DLT 536) 37)
Powers of the State Board Penalty shall also be imposed in the following
10 cases: 10
Besides providing consultation to the State
Government for declaring or restricting an • Tampering with the Board’s notice;
area as an ‘Air Pollution Control Area,’ a State • Obstructing the act of the person
Board is vested with the following powers: authorised by the Board;
15 • Damaging any work or property of the 15
• Power of entry and inspection: Any person Board;
empowered by the State Board shall have • Failure to intimate emission of air pollutant
the right to enter the industry premises for in excess of prescribed norms; and
determining the status of pollution control • Making false statements.
20 equipment or if otherwise necessary for 20
compliance with the Act, and the person Appeals
concerned from the industry shall be
bound to render assistance as deemed Any person aggrieved by an order made by a
necessary for ensuring measures, and state board under the Air Act may appeal
carrying out functions laid down in the within 30 days of receipt of the order. The
25 Act. (S.24) appeal shall be made to an appellate authority 25
• Power to take samples: The State Board or constituted by the state government. On
any person empowered by it shall have the receipt of an appeal, its disposal shall be
power to take samples of air or emission ensured as expeditiously as possible. The
from any chimney, flue, any duct, or any rules made under the Air Act provide
other outlet in such manner as may be procedures for filing an appeal.
30 prescribed. (S.26) 30
• Power to give direction: The State Board may In M. C. Mehta v. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC
issue any direction to any person, authority 734 (the Taj Trapezium case), air pollution
including closure, prohibition, or studies were conducted. The studies
regulation of any industry, and can also contained the status of ambient air quality,
35 issue directives for the stoppage or current emission scenarios, and the predicted 35
regulation of the supply of electricity, ambient air pollutant concentrations in and
water, or any other services. The direction around the growth centres in the region, along
should however be preceded by a with an effective air quality management plan
proposed directive in writing giving the to protect all sensitive receptors within the
40 opportunity of being heard unless grave redefined trapezium, including the Taj Mahal. 40
injury to the environment is likely, in which The case brought to notice such preventive
case a proposed directive may be avoided. measures as are necessary for controlling air
(S.31A) pollution, including:
45 Civil and Criminal Penalties • The introduction of the use of natural gas 45
in the replacement of dirtier fuels such as
Whoever fails to comply with provisions of coke and coal to clean the air;
Ss.21 and 22, or with directions as per S.31(A), • The lessening of the use of diesel
50 shall be punishable with minimum generators, and requiring the state to 50
imprisonment of one-and-a-half years and improve power supply to the city; and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 51
authority or authorities for the purpose of mandate provided by S.7 of the EPA. S.7
exercising and performing such of the powers prohibits any industry, operation, or process
and functions (including the power to issue which discharges or emits any environmental
directions under S.5) of the Central pollution in excess of the standards
5 Government under the EPA, and for taking prescribed. The EPR provides such standards 5
measures in respect of the matters mentioned which restrict the source from emitting or
above. The delegation of functions to such discharging environmental pollutants, fixes
authorities, however, is subject to the the pollution norms for product
supervision and control of the Central manufacturing units, and guides maintenance
10 Government. of environmental quality. 10
Illustration: Ss.5 and 3 of the EPA confer on the The schedules to the EPR lay down the
Central Government all such powers as are specific industry standards with which
necessary or expedient for the purpose of compliance is mandatory for the listed
15 protecting and improving the quality of the industries. 15
environment like issuing directions,
undertaking remedial measures, and also Illustration: Schedule I lists 89 industries, and
imposing the cost of sponsoring remedial the effluent discharge and emission standards
measures on the offender. If the government for them. Schedule IV lays down emission
20 is reluctant to perform its task in a given case, standards and noise limits for motor vehicles. 20
the court can give directions to take such Schedules III and VII prescribe national
directions as are necessary, such as setting up ambient air quality standards (“NAAQS”) in
an authority under S.3(3) to implement the respect of noise and air pollutants.
provision of the Act. (Indian Council for Enviro-
Legal Action v. Union of India, 1996 (5) SCC 281, The Central Government has the power to
25 296) impose prohibition or restriction on the 25
location of industries and the carrying on of
The Central Government may, in the exercise processes and operations in different areas.
of its powers and in the performance of its (Rule 5(3)(d) of the EPR)
functions under this Act, issue directions in
writing to any person, officer, or any The EPR are supplemented by Noise Pollution
30 authority. The power to issue directions under (Regulation and Control) Rules, which 30
this section includes the power to direct the prescribe standards in respect of noise for
closure, prohibition, or regulation of any industry, commercial, and residential areas, as
industry, or the stoppage of the supply of well as for silence zones.
electricity, water, or any other service. (S.5,
35 EPA) Hazardous Substance Regulation 35
The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 S.8 of the EPA necessitates compliance with
(“the EPR”) procedures and safeguards prescribed under
the rules regarding hazardous substances.
40 To implement the provisions of the EPA, the 40
Central Government is empowered under Ss. The Hazardous Waste (Management and
6 and 25 of the EPA to make rules in respect of Handling) Rules, 1989, fix responsibility for
a variety of things including pollution control, the proper handling, storage, and disposal of
emissions or discharge standards, hazardous hazardous waste on the person generating
45 waste, and procedural safeguards. The central such waste. 45
government, by notification in the Official
Gazette, has made the EPR for the betterment The Manufacture, Storage, and Import of
of the environment. Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, cast a
50 responsibility on industries handling 50
The EPR were framed to implement the hazardous substances (other hazardous
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 53
wilful delay or obstruction by such person offence and be liable to be proceeded against
shall be punishable under legislation. and punished accordingly. (S.16, EPA)
S.11 of the EPA empowers the Central Where an offence under the EPA has been
5 Government or an officer empowered by it, to committed by any Department of 5
take samples of air, water, soil, or other Government, the Head of the Department
substance from any premises in such manner shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and
as may be prescribed for the purpose of shall be liable to be proceeded against and
analysis. The result of such analysis is punished accordingly. (S.17, EPA)
10 admissible in legal proceedings provided the 10
sample is taken in the manner prescribed in Courts shall take cognizance of any offence
the Act. under this Act only when a complaint is made
S.23 of the EPA empowers the Central
15 Government to delegate, by notification, such • The Central Government or any authority 15
functions as it may deem necessary or or officer authorised in this behalf by that
expedient. Government; or
• Any person who has given notice of not
Illustration: The state government gave less than sixty days, in the manner
20 direction under S.5 of the EPA to an industrial prescribed, of the alleged offence and of 20
unit A to shut down operation and take her intention to make a complaint, to the
necessary steps to conform to standards Central Government or the authority or
specified by the state pollution control board. officer authorised as aforesaid.
A challenged these directions A on the ground
that the directions were issued without giving The National Environment Appellate
25 A any opportunity of being heard. It was Authority Act, 1997 (“NEAA”) 25
observed by the court that the right to file
objections or to be heard can be dispensed The NEAA requires the Union Government to
with if the Central Government is of the establish a body known as the National
opinion that continuance of the activity in Environment Appellant Authority to hear
question would cause grave injury to the appeals against orders granting
30 environment. By a notification, the Central environmental clearance in designated areas 30
Government had delegated its power to the where industry activity is proscribed or
state government. Therefore, the state restricted by regulations framed under the
government has not over stepped its EPA.
jurisdiction in giving directions to A. (Narula
35 Dyeing & Printing Works v. Union of India, AIR S.11 of the NEAA requires an appeal to be 35
1995 Guj 185) filed within 30 days of the impugned order
granting conditional or unconditional
Penalty for Contravention of the Provisions of the environmental clearance or within 90 days
Act and the Rules, Orders, and Directions where the delay is explained.
40 40
S.15 of the EPA provides that whoever fails to The appellate jurisdiction is restricted to cases
comply with or contravenes the provisions of where clearance is granted and does not
the Act, shall be punishable with extend to cases where clearance is refused.
imprisonment for a term which may extend to
45 five years with fine which may extend to one The category of aggrieved persons includes a 45
lakh rupees, or with both. person likely to be affected by the
environmental clearance and an association of
For any offence committed by a company, the persons likely to be affected by such order.
50 person in charge of the business of such 50
company shall be deemed to be guilty of the S.15 limits the jurisdiction of civil courts such
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 55
that they cannot entertain any appeal in which the village community is provided with
matters falling within the jurisdiction of the timber, other forest products, and pastures.
Appellate Authority. The rules may assign duties to the village for
the protection and improvement of the forest.
5 The Indian Forest Act, 1927 (“the Forest Act”) 5
Protected Forests
The Forest Act was enacted to preserve and
safeguard the forests in India. The Forest Act Under S.29 of the Forest Act, the state
deals with four categories of forests: government may designate any forest or
10 wasteland as a protected forest in which the 10
• Reserved Forests; government has proprietary right or rights to
• Village Forests; any part of the forest’s products. Protected
• Protected Forests; and forests cannot be created from reserve forests.
• Non-Government Forests.
15 There are fewer restrictions in a protected 15
The first three categories deal with forests forest and a village community is provided
which are governmental property, while the with timber or other forest products.
last category refers to control over forests and
lands which are not governmental property. S.31 of the Forest Act empowers the state
20 government to regulate all rights and 20
Reserved Forests privileges relating to use of the protected
S.3 of the Forest Act empowers the state
government to constitute any forest land and Non-Governmental Forests
waste land, which is property of the
25 government, as a reserve forest by making a Under S.35 of the Forest Act, the state 25
notification in the Official Gazette. government may regulate or prohibit the use
of such land or forests for activities including
In addition to notification under S.4, a timber cutting, cultivation, grazing, and
notification under S.20(1) of the Forest Act is preservation of soil.
essential for the purpose of declaring a forest
30 a reserved forest, and such notification must The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (“the 30
specify the limits of a forest and the date from FCA”)
which the forest constitutes a reserved forest.
(Mansed Oraon v. King, AIR 1951 Nag 288) In the last decade, the Supreme Court has
played a major role in bolstering activism for
35 Access to forests declared reserved forests forest conservation. In T. N.Godavarman v. 35
becomes a matter of privilege, subject to Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 1228, the Apex
permission of forest officials. Ss.6, 7, 9, and 10 court dealt with forest conservation and
of the Forest Act provide procedures for management. In this case, the specific instance
persons having right and title over land in the of tree felling was enlarged in its scope to
40 notified forest to make claims for include all states and union territories. 40
compensation. Through a series of directions, orders, and
judgments, the Supreme Court, under its writ
Village Forests jurisdiction, has interpreted the FCA to ensure
implementation in its true letter and spirit.
45 Under S.28 of the Forest Act, village forests Through the Godavarman case, the court has 45
are established when a state assigns to a provided a forum to address a range of
village community the rights over any land environmental issues, unparalleled in any
which has been constituted a reserve forest. earlier environmental litigation.
50 State governments make rules for managing 50
village forests and prescribe conditions under The courts have endeavoured to balance the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 56
call for mining, infrastructure activities, and • Any purpose other than re-afforestation.
the genuine and bona fide needs of local
inhabitants with the necessity of forest ““Non-forest purpose” does not include any
conservation. For example, wood-based work relating or ancillary to conservation, or
5 industries, despite being the major cause of development and management of forests and 5
depletion of forests in the northeast states, wildlife, namely, the establishment of check-
were allowed, considering the dependence of posts, fire lines, wireless communications, and
local people. construction of fencing, bridges, and culverts,
dams, waterholes, trench marks, boundary
10 The FCA was enacted to protect and conserve marks, pipelines, or other like purposes.” 10
forests. The Act restricts the powers of the
state in respect of de-reservation of forests The Central Government framed the Forest
and use of forestland for non-forest purposes. (Conservation) Rules, 1981 (“the FCR”), to
The term ‘non-forest purpose’ includes carry out the provisions of the FCA under the
15 clearing any forestland for cultivation of cash exercise of powers conferred by S.4 of the 15
crops, plantation crops, horticulture, or any FCA.
purpose other than re-afforestation.
Interpretation of FCA by Supreme Court in T. N.
S.2, which forms the core of the FCA, reads Godavarman Case
20 thus: 20
The Supreme Court undertook a purposive
“Notwithstanding anything contained in any interpretation of the FCA, and held that:
other law for the time being in force in a State,
no State Government or other authority shall • The word “forest” must be understood
make, except with the prior approval of the according to the dictionary meaning. The
25 Central Government, any order directing: court clarified that this description covers 25
all statutorily recognised forests, whether
• That any reserved forest (within the designated as reserved, protected or
meaning of the expression “reserved otherwise for the purpose of S.2(i) of the
forest” in any law for the time being in Act.
force in that State) or any portion thereof, • The term “forest land” as occurring in S.2
30 shall cease to be reserved; will not only include “forest” as 30
• That any forest land or any portion thereof understood in the dictionary sense, but
may be used for any non-forest purposes; also any area recorded as forest in the
• That any forest land or any portion thereof government record, irrespective of
may be assigned by way of lease or ownership.
35 otherwise to any private person or to any • The provisions enacted in the Act for the 35
authority, corporation, agency, or any other conservation of forests must apply clearly
Organisation not owned, managed, or to all forests so understood, irrespective of
controlled by Government. the ownership of classification thereof.
• That any forest land or any portion thereof
40 may be cleared of trees which have grown The court directed each state government to 40
naturally in that land or portion, for the constitute an expert committee to:
purpose of using it for afforestation.
• Identify areas which are ‘forests’
For the purpose of this section, “non-forest irrespective of whether they are so notified,
45 purpose” means the breaking or clearing of recognised, or classified under any law, 45
any forest land or portion thereof for: and irrespective of the ownership of the
land of such forest;
• The cultivation of tea, coffee, spices, rubber, • Identify areas which were earlier forests
50 palms, oil-bearing plants, and horticultural but stand degraded, denuded, or cleared; 50
crops of medicinal plants; and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 57
• Identify areas covered by plantation trees person can enter a sanctuary or national park
belonging to the government and those only upon grant of permit for purpose of
belonging to private persons. investigation, photography, scientific research,
tourism, and transaction of lawful business.
5 Combined implications of the Godavarman 5
and Centre for Environmental Laws cases can be Illustration: An area was notified by the
summarised as follows: government of Mizoram to be a wildlife
sanctuary, but the provisions of Chapter IV of
• All state governments are restrained from the WPA were not followed. It was held that
10 using forest land for non forest purposes the authorities could not take follow-up action 10
without the prior approval of the Central to evict the persons from an area declared a
Government in accordance with the sanctuary, without adherence to the
provision of S.2(ii) of the Forest provisions of Chapter IV. (Jaladhar Chakma v.
Conservation Act, 1980; and Deputy Commissioner, Aizwal, AIR 1983 Gau
15 • Restraint on the de-reservation of any 18) 15
National Park, Sanctuary, and forest. S.27
of the Indian Forest Act vests the state National parks enjoy a higher degree of
Government with the power to de-reserve protection than sanctuaries. For instance,
a reserve forest but only after prior grazing of live stock is prohibited within a
20 approval of the Central Government. national park (S.35(7), WPA) but permissible 20
in a sanctuary (S.33, WPA).
The Wildlife (Protection Act), 1972 (“the
WPA”) The Central Government’s national wildlife
policy is given form in the National Wildlife
In 1972, India adopted a comprehensive Action Plan, 1982, for the conservation of
25 national law, the WPA to protect wild animals, wildlife, including the flora of our country. 25
birds, and their habitat. The Act adopts a two-
fold strategy of protecting: Wildlife Offences
1.Endangered species regardless of their S.9 of the WPA prohibits hunting of wild
location; and animals specified in Schedule I, II, III, or IV.
30 2.All species in designated areas such as in 30
national parks and sanctuaries. Illustration: Y went to a forest, sighted a bison,
shot it down, extracted its meat, and sold it in
The policy and object of laws of protection of the open bazaar. The remaining carcass was
wild life are the cumulative result of an buried in the ground. On receiving
35 increasing awareness of the compelling need information about the incident and upon 35
to preserve fauna and flora, some species of interrogation, Y admitted to killing of the
which are becoming extinct at an alarming bison, and was convicted for the offence of
rate due to human intervention. (State of Bihar hunting under S.9 of the WPA. (Forest Range
v. Murad Ali Khan, AIR 1989 SC 1) Officer v. Aboobacker, 1990 FLT 22 Ker HC)
40 40
The 42nd
Constitutional Amendment in 1976 The Chief Wildlife Warden may permit
moved wildlife and forest from the State List hunting in certain cases given under Ss.11 and
to the Concurrent List. 12 of the WPA.
45 In order to protect wildlife and its habitat, the Similarly, S.17 of the WPA provides protection 45
State government can declare any area of to specified plants. It imposes such restrictions
adequate ecological, faunal, floral, as are necessary for protection of any specified
geomorphological, natural, or zoological plant in a forest area.
50 significance as a sanctuary under S.18 of the 50
WPA, and as a national park under S.35. A S.27 of the WPA provides that no person shall
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 58
cause any damage in a sanctuary or tease or ecology cannot be permitted. Even the
molest any wildlife animal. Entry with a international ban on the trade of ivory of the
weapon, causing fire, or using injurious African elephants was likely to exert pressure
substances are all prohibited in a sanctuary or on the Indian elephant. (Ivory Traders and
5 national park. (Ss.27 and 35(8), WPA) Manufactures Association v. Union of India, AIR 5
1997 Del 267)
S.40 of the WPA prohibits possession of
wildlife and/or derivatives without valid Illustration: The Bombay High Court was
authorisation. Thus, all animal articles, and approached to prevent trafficking and cruel
10 trophy or uncured trophy, derived from any treatment of wild birds. The petition named 10
animal specified in Schedule I, or Part II of places where the illegal market flourished.
Schedule II, can only be kept if a written The court constituted a committee to ensure
permission to do so has been obtained. compliance with the Wildlife Act and directed
police to take immediate steps to prevent
15 Illustration: The Range Officers of a wildlife trade in birds and animals. (Viniyog Parivar 15
sanctuary seized a number of captive animals, Trust v. Union of India, AIR 1998 Bom 71)
including a hyena and a leopard from the
custody of H. H claimed that she was Where an offence against this Act has been
operating a zoo and was therefore entitled to committed by a company under S.58, every
20 possess the animals. H failed to establish that person who, at the time the offence was 20
she acquired animals from an authorised committed, was in charge of, and was
person or another zoo. Therefore, the responsible to, the company for the conduct of
presumption under S.57 of the Act was that H the business of the company as well as the
was in unlawful possession. (Jaydev Kundu v. company, would be deemed to be guilty of the
State of West Bengal, 97 CWN 403) offence, and would be liable to be proceeded
25 against and punished accordingly, unless she 25
S.49 of the WPA imposes a prohibition on proves that the offence was committed
trade or commerce in scheduled species or without her knowledge or that she exercised
derivatives. all due diligence to prevent the commission of
such offence.
Illustration: D was exhibiting for sale, articles
30 made of snake and lizard skins. D could not S.39 of the WPA provides that every wild 30
produce a licence for dealing in such articles animal, animal article, trophy or ivory in
and admitted the recovery. It was found that respect of which an offence is committed, and
the Act does not extend to all types of lizards vehicle, vessel, weapon, or tool that has been
and snakes but applies only to scheduled used for committing an offence and that has
35 species. D was acquitted, since the articles been seized, shall be the property of the 35
were not made from the skins of scheduled Government.
Illustration: Some petitioners challenged the
40 provision banning trade in imported ivory General penalties for violation of the WPA, 40
and articles on the grounds that it violated and for trade and offence committed in
their fundamental right to carry on trade respect of animals in Schedule I, or Part II of
guaranteed under A.19(1)(g) of the Schedule I, include imprisonment of three to
Constitution. The court held that the seven years with fine. The wildlife offences
45 prohibition was justified since the sale of that involve species listed in the Schedule are 45
ivory by the dealers would encourage non-bailable and cognizable.
poaching and killing of elephants to replenish
the stocks held by petitioners. Trade and The provision to eliminate human
50 business at the cost of disrupting life forms intervention within national parks and 50
and linkages necessary for biodiversity and sanctuaries operates harshly against forest
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 59
Facts: On December 1984, highly toxic Methyl In Keshub Mahindra v. State of Madhya Pradesh
45 Iso-Cyanate (“MIC”), which had been J.T., 1996 (8) SCC 136, criminal charges were 45
manufactured and stored in Union Carbide brought against former Union Carbide India
Corporation’s (“U.C.C.”) chemical plant in Limited employees for causing death by
Bhopal, escaped into the atmosphere, and negligence. On June 7, 2010, eight officials of
50 killed over 3,500 people and seriously injured Union Carbide India Limited were convicted 50
about 2 lakh others. for the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster only for
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 60
5 The Bhopal disaster raised complex legal, The word ‘accident’ as defined in the PLIA 5
moral, and ethical questions about the includes an accident involving a fortuitous,
liability of parent companies for their sudden, or unintentional occurrence while
subsidiaries, of transnational companies handling any hazardous substance resulting
engaged in hazardous activities, and of the in continuous, intermittent, or repeated
10 government caught between attracting exposure to death of or injury to any person, 10
industry to invest in business development or damage to any property, but does not
while simultaneously protecting the include an accident by reason only of war or
environment and citizens. radioactivity.
15 Parliament enacted the EPA in the wake of the Along with the insurance premium, every 15
Bhopal tragedy. The EPA confers the power to owner must make a contribution to the
strengthen and regulate the operation of Environmental Relief Fund established by the
hazardous industries and to control pollution. Central Government. The PLIA was amended
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, was in 1992, and the Central Government was
20 also enacted to ensure that immediate relief is authorised to establish the Environmental 20
given through compensation to victims of Relief Fund to make relief payments.
industrial accidents.
Chapter III: Judicial Remedies and
Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 (“the Procedures
25 Citizens have three civil remedies to obtain 25
The Act covers accidents involving hazardous redressal:
substances, insurance coverage for the
persons affected by accidents occurring while • A common law tort action against the
handling any hazardous substances, and for polluter;
matters connected therewith or incidental • A writ petition under Aa.2 and 226 of the
30 thereto. Constitution of India; and 30
• In the event of damage from a hazardous
The EPA defines ‘hazardous substance’ as any industry accident, an application for
substance or preparation which, by reason of compensation under the Public Liability
its chemical or physico-chemical properties or Insurance Act, 1991, or the National
35 handling, is liable to cause harm to human Environment Tribunal Act, 1995. 35
beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-
organisms, property, or the environment. The Law of torts provides for the oldest of the
legal remedies to abate pollution. The
To achieve this object, the act imposes no-fault majority of the cases under the law of torts are
40 liability upon the owner of the hazardous classified under the categories of: 40
substance and requires the owner to
compensate the victims irrespective of any • Nuisance: Remedy for private nuisance is
default or neglect on the owner’s part. by way of bringing an action for injunctive
relief as well as damages.
45 The maximum relief under the PLIA act for 45
injury or death is Rs. 25,000/- and the limits Illustration: The smoke and fumes from Z’s
for compensation in respect of damage to chimney, which were interfering with the
private property is Rs.6,000/-. A victim comfort of Y (Z’ s neighbour) were enough
50 reserves the right, however, to claim to constitute private nuisance. Z’s defence 50
additional relief under any other law. that the nuisance existed long before Y came
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 61
to live in the neighbourhood, does not from pursuing such acts. Injunctions are of
relieve the offender. The court ordered Z to two types:
seal the holes of the chimney facing Y’s
property. (B. Venkatappa v. B. Lovis, AIR 1986 • Temporary; and
5 AP 239) • Perpetual. 5
30 30
35 35
40 40
45 45
50 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 63
Hindu law in India is the set of personal laws • Second, if, at the time of the performance of
that are applicable to Hindus. The term the marriage rites, either of the parties has
10 ‘Hindu’ has been defined broadly, and a spouse living and the earlier marriage 10
includes Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. It also had not already been set aside, the later
applies, unless proved otherwise, to people marriage is void ab initio.
domiciled in India who are not Muslim, • Third, the parties should be mentally
Christian, Parsi, or Jewish by religion. sound. This is important to ensure that
15 parties are capable of giving consent to the 15
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 marriage. There may arise situations,
however, wherein a person may have been
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (“the HMA”) capable of consenting to the marriage but
was enacted to amend and codify the laws subsequently suffers from a mental
20 relating to marriage among Hindus. The disorder, thereby rendering that person 20
HMA does not apply to the Scheduled Tribes unfit for marriage and procreation.
that are included within the meaning of A.366
of the Constitution of India (“the Illustration: A married B as per Hindu laws
Constitution”). and customs. Subsequently, A has recurrent
bouts of epilepsy. This marriage is now
25 S.4 of the HMA gives overriding application to voidable at B’s instance. 25
the provisions of the HMA in respect of any of
the matters dealt with therein. It is a codifying • Fourth, the bridegroom and bride should
enactment that supersedes all prior law and have completed the ages of 21 and 18,
lays down the law relating to marriage. Thus, respectively. Marriages not satisfying this
in matters governed by the enactment, appeal requirement may be annulled by a decree
30 to any rule of law previously applicable to of nullity under S.12(1)(c). A marriage 30
Hindus is now permissible only if no solemnised in violation of this requirement
provision for the same is made in the HMA. is not void or even voidable, but is
(Rohini Kumari v. Narendra Singh, AIR 1972 SC punishable as an offence under S.18 of the
459) HMA.
35 Ss.5 and 7 of the HMA lay down the • Fifth, no marriage is valid if it is made 35
conditions and ceremonial requirements of a between parties related to each other
Hindu marriage: within the prohibited degrees of
relationship (defined in S.2(g)) or by a
• First, the marriage must be solemnised in sapinda relationship (defined in S.2(f))
40 accordance with the customary rites and unless such marriage is sanctioned by the 40
ceremonies of either party. Unless the custom or usage governing both the
marriage is celebrated or performed with parties. The custom which permits a
proper ceremonies and due form, it is not marriage between persons who are within
considered ‘solemnised’. (Priya Bala v. the degrees of prohibited relationship must
45 Suresh Chandra, AIR 1971 SC 1153) There fulfil the requirements of a valid custom. 45
must be substantial compliance with those (defined in S.3(a)) (Shakuntala Devi v. Amar
rites and ceremonies of marriage in the Nath, AIR 1982 P&H 221)
customary law of either party that are
50 deemed absolutely necessary. There is an extremely strong presumption in 50
favour of the validity of a marriage and the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 64
1534) To amount to cruelty, the acts must be Hindu merely because she professes a
of a more serious nature than mere wear theoretical allegiance to another faith, or is
and tear of married life. (Savitri Pandey v. an ardent admirer and advocate of such
Prem Chandra Pandey, AIR 2002 SC 591) religion and its practices. If, however, she
5 renounces her religion by a clear act of 5
Illustration: A and B have been married for 10 renunciation and adopts the other religion
years. For the past 8 years, B has exhibited by undergoing a formal conversion, she
indifference to A’s health in addition to would cease to be a Hindu within the
treating her with callous neglect and extreme meaning of S.13(1)(ii) of the HMA.
10 boorishness. B also uses every opportunity to • Fifth, the respondent spouse has been of 10
harass A, sometimes even in public. B also incurably unsound mind or suffering from
ill-treats their children. A will be granted a a mental disorder as set out in S.13(1)(iii).
decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty as The mental disorder must be of such a
the cumulative effect of these acts results in degree that it mitigates against the
15 the reasonable apprehension in A’s mind that continuance of marriage. (B. N. Panduranga 15
cohabitation with B is detrimental to her. Shet v. S. N. Vijayalakshmi, AIR 2003 Kant
357) The onus of proving incurable
Illustration: A and B are married. A wants to unsoundness of mind rests with the
have children. The fact that B deliberately petitioner. To bring a case within the ambit
20 and consistently refuses to fulfil this wish of this clause, it is not necessary that the 20
amounts to cruelty. (Forbes v. Forbes, [1955] 2 mental disorder be incurable. It should,
All ER 774) however, be of such magnitude and type
that the petitioner cannot reasonably be
Illustration: A and B are married. B enjoys expected to live with the respondent.
drinking with friends and gets inebriated Decisions on this topic turn on the peculiar
25 twice a month. A will not be granted a facts and circumstances of each case. 25
divorce on grounds of cruelty as mere • Sixth, the respondent spouse has been
drunkenness does not amount to cruelty. suffering from a virulent and incurable
(Harjit Kaur v. Roop Lal, AIR 2004 P&H 22) form of leprosy.
But, persistent drunkenness even after • Seventh, the respondent spouse has been
warnings that such action causes pain and suffering from a communicable venereal
30 misery on the other spouse may amount to disease. It is not a defence to urge that the 30
cruelty. disease was innocently contracted or that it
is curable. The ground is satisfied if it is
• Third, the respondent spouse has deserted shown that the disease is in a
the petitioner for a continuous period of communicable form and it is not necessary
35 two years. The essence of desertion is the that it should have been communicated to 35
unilateral, intentional, and permanent the petitioner.
abandonment of one spouse by the other • Eighth, the respondent spouse has
without reasonable cause. The deserting renounced the world by entering any
spouse must prove factum of separation and religious order. Under Hindu law, this
40 the deserted spouse must show absence of action is tantamount to civil death. The 40
conduct giving reasonable cause and respondent spouse must have performed
absence of consent. The petitioner must the requisite rituals and formalities for
prove the offence of desertion beyond all entering that religious order.
reasonable doubt. It is essential that the • Ninth, the respondent spouse has not been
45 deserted spouse should, at all times, affirm heard of as being alive for a period of seven 45
the marriage; otherwise desertion ceases years or more. S.108 of the Indian Evidence
and becomes separation by consent. Act, 1872, lays down that in the absence of
• Fourth, the respondent spouse has ceased evidence to the contrary, a person is
50 to be a Hindu by conversion to another deemed to be dead if she has not been seen 50
religion. A person does not cease to be a nor heard from for a period of seven years
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 66
or more by people who would have decisions to divorce are not taken rashly. The
ordinarily seen or heard from her. proviso to S.14, however, confers discretion on
• Tenth, there has been an irretrievable the court to entertain a petition for divorce
breakdown of the marriage between the prior to the completion of one year of
5 parties. Pursuant to the Supreme Court’s marriage. 5
direction to the Central Government in
Naveen Kohli v. Neelu Kohli, AIR 2006 SC The obligation of the husband to provide for
1675, the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, his wife’s maintenance and support does not
2010, amended the HMA to include end with the passing of a decree for divorce. S.
10 ‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’ as a 25 of the HMA confers power upon the court 10
ground for divorce in Hindu law. to grant a right to either spouse to claim
permanent alimony and maintenance under
In cases of court-ordered judicial separation, it. This right is statutory and cannot be
either party may apply to the court for a contracted away, for example, through
15 decree of divorce by showing that there has prenuptial agreements. 15
been no resumption of cohabitation between
the parties for a period of one year or upwards Hindu Succession Act, 1956
after the passing of the decree for judicial
separation. (S.13(1A)(i), HMA) The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (“the HSA"),
20 lays down a uniform and comprehensive 20
In cases of restitution of conjugal rights, either system of intestate succession and applies,
party may apply to the court for a decree for inter alia, to persons governed by the
divorce by showing that there has been no Mitakshara and Dayabhaga schools, as also to
restitution of conjugal rights as between the those previously governed by the
parties to the marriage for a period of one year Marumakkattayam, Alyasantana, and Nambudri
25 or upwards after the passing of the decree. systems of Hindu law. 25
(S13(1A)(ii), HMA)
S.4 of the HSA gives overriding effect to the
In addition to the grounds mentioned above, a provisions of the Act. It abrogates all the rules
wife can seek divorce on the ground that the of the law of succession applicable to Hindus,
husband has, since the solemnisation of whether by virtue of any text or custom, in
30 marriage, been guilty of rape, sodomy, or respect of all matters governed by the HSA. 30
bestiality. It is not necessary that the husband The HSA also supersedes any other law
be convicted of these offences; the wife may contained in any legislation in force
file for divorce at any time that the husband immediately before it came into force.
faces trial for such ofeences. However if the
35 husband has been charged with, or convicted Succession to a Hindu’s property is governed 35
of, an attempt to commit these offences, that by the provisions in Chapter II of the HSA. On
would not b ea ground for divorce. the death of a Hindu, the people who are her
nearest heirs succeed and become entitled at
S.13B of the HMA allows for divorce by once to her property and may succeed
40 mutual consent if the petition for divorce is simultaneously to it. 40
jointly presented to the court by both parties
to the marriage. This petition must clearly S.5 declares that the HSA cannot be applied to
show that the parties have been living parties married under the Special Marriage
separately for a period of at least one year, that Act, 1954. Succession, in such cases, is
45 they have not been able to live together, and regulated by the Indian Succession Act, 1925. 45
that they have mutually agreed that their As per S.6 of the HSA, a daughter of a
marriage be dissolved. coparcener in a joint Hindu family governed
by Mitakshara law is a coparcener in her own
50 There can be no petition for divorce within right and enjoys rights equal to the son of 50
one year of marriage. This is to ensure that such coparcener. Thus, a woman can now be
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 67
karta of her joint Hindu family. She may succeed in order of the nine entries in which
dispose of any property that she is entitled to they are grouped and in accordance with the
in this manner by testamentary disposition. S. rule laid down in S.11 of the Act. No question
6(3) stipulates that on the death of a of computation of the shares of the heirs so
5 coparcener, there shall be a deemed division listed can arise when there is only one heir 5
(notional partition) of the property to which who is entitled to take the property by virtue
such coparcener is entitled, as if a partition of her belonging to a prior Entry than any heir
had taken place. As per S.6(4), the doctrine of specified in a subsequent Entry. But, where
pious obligation is abrogated to the extent that there is more than one heir of the intestate (all
10 the specified heirs are not liable to satisfy listed in the same Entry) entitled to take the 10
debts solely on that ground. property, the computation of their shares is in
accordance with the simple rule of equal
S.8 of the HSA lays down the general rules of distribution of the property among them.
succession in the case of males. Legal heirs of
15 deceased males, under the Act, are divided Illustration: A dies, leaving a brother’s son and 15
into four categories: a sister’s sons and daughters. They are all
heirs in Entry IV of Class II and will take A’s
• Heirs in Class I of the Schedule or property simultaneously and in equal shares.
‘simultaneous heirs’;
20 • Heirs in Class II of the Schedule; Illustration: A dies, leaving three daughter’s 20
• Agnates defined in S. 2(a); and daughter’s daughters and a daughter’s son’s
• Cognates defined in S. 2(c). son, the former being the granddaughters of
his predeceased daughter D, and the latter
Property first devolves on the 12 preferential being the grandson of another predeceased
heirs mentioned in Class I of the Schedule to daughter, D1. The distribution will not be
25 the Act, and failing such heirs, upon the according to the branches of the daughters D 25
second set of heirs, and failing such heirs, and D1 but all four heirs will share equally,
upon agnates and then cognates. The that is, each of them will take one-fourth of
expression ‘property’ in this section includes the property of the intestate.
self-acquired property, interest in a Mitakshara
coparcenary property, ancestral property, and S.8(c) of the HSA explicitly declares that
30 agricultural land. failing all Class I and II heirs of the intestate, 30
her property devolves upon agnates and
The distribution of property among the first cognates. The order of succession is to be
set of preferential heirs is to be in accordance worked out in accordance with the rules laid
with the rules laid down in S.10 of the HSA. down in Ss.12 and 13. S.12 of the HSA lays
35 Male and female heirs are treated as equal. down three rules of preference, which govern 35
the order of succession among agnates and
Illustration: A dies leaving his widow W, a cognates. S.13 states the rules in accordance
daughter D, a son S1, and the two sons (SS1 with which degrees of relationship between
and SS2) and daughter (SD) of a predeceased the intestate and her agnates or cognates are
40 son. W, D, and S1 will each take one share, to be computed. The degree of relationship 40
that is, one-fourth each; and SS1, SS2, and SD may be of ascent or descent or both.
will together take one-fourth. The portion for
each of them will be one-twelfth the property Illustration: The competing heirs are two
left by A. agnates, for example, brother’s son’s daughter
45 and paternal uncle’s son. The former, who 45
Failing all heirs of the intestate specified in only has two degrees of ascent, is preferred to
Class I of the Schedule, property devolves the latter, who has three degrees of ascent.
upon the heirs specified in the nine Entries in
50 Class II of the Schedule. Class II heirs do not Illustration: The competing heirs are two 50
succeed simultaneously, but rather, they collateral cognates, for example, brother’s
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 68
daughter’s daughter; and mother’s sister’s simultaneously with the intestate’s husband,
son. The former, who has only two degrees of if alive.
ascent, is preferred to the latter that has three
degrees of ascent, regardless of the fact that Illustration: A dies leaving her husband H; her
5 she is female. sons S1 and S2; her grandson SS (son of 5
predeceased son S); WS3, the widow of S3, a
Any property possessed by a female Hindu, predeceased son; two daughters D1 and D2;
howsoever acquired, is now held by her as her DD, the daughter of D, a predeceased
absolute property and she has full power to daughter; and B her brother. All of them,
10 deal with it or dispose of it by will as she likes. except WS3 and B will succeed to A’s 10
(S.14, HSA). property, howsoever acquired as heirs
included in Entry (a) of S.15(1). They will take
S.15 provides a definite and uniform scheme simultaneously and to the exclusion of WS3
of succession to the property of a female and B. WS3, who is an heir under Entry (b),
15 Hindu who dies intestate. This section groups and B, an heir under Entry (d), are not entitled 15
heirs of a female intestate into five categories: to succeed as there are Entry(a) heirs.
• Sons, daughters, children of any Thus, S1, S2, SS, D1, D2, DD, and H who
predeceased son or predeceased daughter succeed simultaneously, will each take one-
20 and her husband. They take seventh share. If S had more children, they 20
simultaneously. Failing all heirs in this would have only taken one share between
category, her property devolves upon the themselves and could not have claimed an
heirs of her husband. equal share with S1 and the others. In their
• Heirs of her husband. case, the distribution would have been per
• Mother and father of the intestate. stirpes and not per capita. (S.19)
25 • Heirs of the intestate’s father 25
• Heirs of the intestate’s mother Illustration: A dies leaving her son S by her
first husband and property that she inherited
The basis of inheritance of a female Hindu’s from her second husband B. The property will
property who dies intestate is the source from devolve upon S under Entry (a) and not upon
which she came into possession of the the heirs of B. (Rama Ananda v. Bhima, AIR
30 property. This informs the manner of 1969 Bom 205) 30
inheritance and devolution of that property.
(Bhagat Ram v. Teja Singh, AIR 2002 SC 1) Illustration: A dies leaving SSS, the son of a
predeceased son of a predeceased son and
In the case of a female dying intestate and SDS, the son of a predeceased daughter of a
35 without issue, the property inherited by her predeceased son, and HB the brother of her 35
from her father or mother will revert to the husband H. A’s property will devolve on SSS
heirs of the father in existence at the time of alone as the heir of her husband under Entry
her death and not upon the husband or the (b) of S.15(1). SSS is the heir of H as specified
heirs of the husband as per the general order in Class I of the Schedule to S.8, and SDS and
40 of succession. Similarly, property inherited HB are H’s heirs specified in Class II of the 40
from her husband or father-in-law will revert Schedule. Thus, SSS will exclude SDS and HB.
to the heirs of the husband in existence at the
time of her death and not upon the heirs of the S.18 provides that full blood heirs are
father or mother. preferred to those related by half-blood. S.19
45 goes on to provide that if two or more heirs 45
If, however, the female dies leaving a son or a succeed together to the property of an
daughter or a child, male or female, of a intestate, they take the property per capita.
predeceased son or daughter, then all her And S.20 states that a child who is born after
50 property, howsoever acquired, devolves upon the death of its mother has the same right to 50
such issue, and such issue takes the property inherit property as if it had been born before
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 69
the death of the intestate. property for more than five years, or lease the
property for more than one year after the
The Hindu Inheritance (Removal of child turns 18.
Disabilities) Act, 1928, provides that no
5 person, other than a person who is and has Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 5
been from birth, a lunatic or idiot, shall be (“the HAMA”)
excluded from inheritance or any share of joint
family property by reason of any disease, The HAMA applies to Hindus, including
deformity, or physical or mental defect. Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. It amends and
10 codifies the law relating to adoptions and 10
Any Hindu, male or female, may dispose off, maintenance. It also gives an overriding
by will or other testamentary disposition, any application to the provisions on the two
property in accordance with the provisions of subjects.
the Indian Succession Act, 1925. This power of
15 testamentary disposition is, however, subject The requirements of a valid adoption under 15
to the rights of maintenance of persons who the HAMA are:
are entitled to claim maintenance as
dependants of the testator or testatrix. (S.30) • The person adopting must have the right to
take and be lawfully capable of taking a
20 Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 son or daughter in adoption. (Ss.7 and 8, 20
(“the HMGA”) HAMA);
• The person giving in adoption must be
The HMGA defines a minor as a person under lawfully capable of doing so. (S.9, HAMA);
the age of 18. (S.4(a)) A guardian is the • The person adopted must be lawfully
caretaker of a minor, her property, or both. capable of being taken in adoption. (S.10,
25 Categories of guardians include a natural HAMA); and 25
guardian, a guardian appointed by way of a • The conditions relating to adoption
will by the mother or father, a guardian including actual giving and taking of a
appointed by the court, and a person who child with the intention of transferring the
qualifies as a guardian according to the Court child from the family of its birth must be
of Wards. (S.4(b), HMGA) complied with. (S.11, HAMA)
30 30
If the father is alive, he is the natural guardian Failure to comply with S.11 will render the
of his minor son and unmarried daughter. It is adoption null and void.
only after his death that the mother becomes
the natural guardian. If, however, the minor is Every male Hindu who is of sound mind, and
35 below the age of five, the mother will be the has attained majority may lawfully take a son 35
natural guardian in her lifetime, followed by or daughter in adoption provided he has no
the father after her death. In the case of Hindu son or daughter, grandson or
illegitimate children, the mother is the natural granddaughter, or great-grandson or great-
guardian in her lifetime, followed by the granddaughter, natural or adopted living at
40 father. (S.6, HMGA) the time of adoption; and if he has a wife 40
living, he can adopt only with her consent. (S.
The powers of a natural guardian are listed in 7 read with S.11)
S.8 of the HMGA. A natural guardian can
acquire property for the benefit of the minor. A female Hindu who is of sound mind, and
45 The natural guardian can take actions that will has attained the age of majority may take a 45
benefit and protect the minor and the minor’s son or daughter in adoption to herself and in
property. However, the guardian cannot sign a her own right. If she is married, she cannot
personal covenant for the minor. The guardian adopt a son or daughter during the lifetime of
50 cannot sell, mortgage, or give away any part her husband, unless the husband is of 50
of the minor’s immovable property, lease the unsound mind or has renounced the world. A
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 70
An adopted child is deemed to be the child of Chapter III of the HAMA codifies the law of
her adoptive parents for all purposes with maintenance applicable to Hindus. A wife is
effect from the date of adoption. Thus, the entitled to live separately from her husband
40 adoptee can no longer claim any right to and claim maintenance from him: 40
succeed in the property of her natural father
or mother or any of the relations in the family • If he is guilty of desertion (as under the
of birth. From the date of adoption, all the ties HMA);
of the child in her birth family become • If he has treated her with cruelty (as under
45 severed, and are replaced by the ties created in the HMA); 45
the adoptive family. (S.12, HAMA) There are, • If he is suffering from a virulent form of
however, three qualifications to this rule: leprosy;
• If he has any other wife living;
50 • The adopted child is not divested of any • If he keeps a concubine in the same house 50
property already vested in her before the in which his wife is living or habitually
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 71
same legal status as other codified statutes. A converted to Islam and married C, a
The development of the law is largely on the Muslim. On A’s death, property will only pass
basis of judicial precedent, which in recent to C and not to B. (Chedabaram v. Ma Nyien,
times has been subject to review by the courts. ILR (1928) 6 Ran 243)
5 S.2 of the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) 5
Application Act, 1937, provides that all If a Muslim husband renounces Islam, his
questions regarding intestate succession, marriage with his Muslim wife is dissolved
personal property inherited or obtained under ipso facto. This is not the case if a Muslim wife
contract or gift, or any other provision of renounces Islam. The Muslim wife’s marriage
10 personal law, marriage, dissolution of is dissolved by apostasy only if the wife had 10
marriage, maintenance, dower, guardianship, been converted to Islam from some other faith
gifts, trusts and trust properties and wakfs, and then subsequently she renounces Islam.
applicable to Muslims in India, shall be
governed by the Muslim Personal Law, or Schools of Muslim Law
15 Sharia. This Act, therefore, provided statutory 15
recognition to certain Islamic laws and makes There are two schools of Muslim law, that is,
it applicable to all Muslims in India. Sunni and Shia. The four sub-schools of Sunni
A person is a Muslim either by birth or law are: the Hanafi school; the Maliki school;
conversion. A person who is born a Muslim the Shafei school; and the Hanbali school, each
20 remains so until she renounces the religion by named after the imams that founded them. 20
an unequivocal renunciation of Islam. It is not Though these schools differ in detail, their
necessary for such a person to observe any basic doctrines are essentially the same. In
particular rites or ceremonies. On conversion India, there is a presumption that parties are
to Islam, converts, regardless of what their Sunni belonging to the Hanafi school, since
previous religion was, are presumed to have, this is the case with most Indian Muslims.
25 from the moment of conversion, renounced (Bafatun v. Bilaiti Khanum, 1903 30 Cal. 683) 25
their earlier religion and substituted Islam in The three sub-schools of Shia law are: the
its place. However, conversion must be bona Ithna-Ashari school; the Ismaili school; and the
fide, and not a conversion with the purpose of Zaidy school. As most Shias are Ithna-Asharis,
evading any unfavourable personal law that the presumption is that a Shia is governed by
would have been applicable otherwise. the Ithna-Ashari exposition of the law.
30 (Akbarally v. Mahomedally, (1932) 34 Bom LR 30
Conversion from Islam 655)
Conversion or apostasy from Islam may be Applicability of the law of the different
express, by the utterance of the phrase ‘I schools is decided as follows:
35 hereby renounce Islam’ or by conduct, for 35
example, using grossly disrespectful language • When the parties to a suit are Muslims of
against the Prophet Mohammad or joining the same school, the law of that school will
enemies that are at war with Muslims. apply;
According to traditional Muslim law, if a • If they do not belong to the same school,
40 Muslim converts to another religion, she is the law of the defendant will apply; 40
barred from inheriting from her Muslim • If a Muslim changes her school of law in
relatives. By application of the Freedom of Islam, in good faith, the law of the new
Religion Act, 1850, however, and school will apply with immediate effect;
subsequently, the Constitution, a convert from and
45 Islam does not lose the right of inheritance. • When a person, who has changed her 45
Further, a Hindu cannot succeed to the estate school of law in Islam dies, the law of the
of a Muslim. school which she professed at the time of
her death will be applicable as regards
50 Illustration: A and B, both Hindus, were succession. 50
married as per Hindu customs. Subsequently
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 73
For the sake of brevity, only the law of Sunnis If consent to a contract of marriage is obtained
of the Hanafi school will be discussed in this by force or fraud, such marriage is invalid
section on Muslim Law. unless ratified.
intercourse are illegitimate even if the ! Where the minor has no other
father establishes paternity. property and its sale is absolutely
necessary for her maintenance;
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) ! Where the debts of the deceased
5 Act, 1986 owner cannot otherwise be 5
This enactment protects the rights of Muslim ! Where there are legacies to be paid
women who have been divorced by, or have and no other means of paying them;
obtained divorce from, their husbands. It ! Where the produce of the property is
10 provides for the return of a Muslim woman’s not sufficient to defray the expenses 10
dower and other properties to her at the time of keeping it;
of the divorce. ! Where the property is in danger of
being destroyed; and
It also provides for courts to make provision ! Where the property has been
15 for the payment of maintenance to her. usurped, and the guardian has 15
Further, it allows her the option of being reason to fear that there is no chance
governed by S.125 of the Code of Criminal of fair restitution.
Procedure, 1973. "
Illustration: A, a Muslim, raises a loan from
20 Guardianship B. A mortgages the house belonging to C, 20
her minor ward. In case of a default, B
There is no concept of adoption under Muslim cannot proceed against the mortgaged
law. It does, however, recognise four kinds of house.
guardianship, which are especially relevant,
inter alia, to determine custody upon divorce: • Court-appointed guardian: The court
25 may appoint a guardian of the person 25
• Guardianship in marriage: This is discussed or property of a Muslim minor, if it is
in the section on ‘Marriage’. for the minor’s welfare. Such a
• Guardianship of minor for education: The right guardian may alienate the movable
to the custody of a male child until he and immovable property of her ward
completes the age of seven years and of a with the prior permission of the
30 female child until she attains puberty, court. However, she may lease the 30
belong to the mother. This holds true even property without the Court’s
after the mother is divorced. (Enamul Haque permission.
v. Bibi Taimunnisa, (1967) AP 344) Failing the • De facto guardian: A person is the de
mother, it goes to the following female facto guardian when she is neither the
35 relatives: mother’s mother howsoever high; de jure guardian nor a court- 35
father’s mother howsoever high; full sister; appointed guardian and yet she
uterine sister; consanguine sister; full voluntarily places she in charge of
sister’s daughter; uterine sister’s daughter; the minor’s person and property. All
and consanguine sister’s daughter. relations, except the father and the
40 • Guardianship of minor’s property: A minor’s paternal grandfather, and unrelated 40
property may be taken care of by three strangers can be de facto guardians.
types of guardians: Such guardians may alienate only the
minor’s movable property. Any
! Legal guardian: These guardians may alienation of the minor’s immovable
45 alienate the movable property of a minor property, without the Court’s 45
in cases of urgent necessity. They may consent, is void.
also alienate the minor’s immovable
property in the following situations: Illustration: A, a Muslim, was a member
50 of a partnership firm. A died, leaving 50
! Where double the value is obtained; behind B, his widow, and C, his minor
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 77
25 A will under Muslim law may be made either • Sharers (Quranic heirs): They are entitled to 25
orally or in writing. No particular form is a prescribed share of the inheritance.
prescribed. It need not be signed or attested. • Residuaries (Agantic heirs): They take no
The person making the will may revoke it at prescribed share but succeed to the residue
any time either orally or in writing. after the claims of the Sharers are satisfied.
If there are no Sharers, the entire
30 But, if the marriage of a Muslim has been held inheritance devolves upon this class of 30
under the Special Marriages Act, 1954, then heirs. Note that Sunni laws and Shia laws
such a Muslim cannot execute a will under the differ in this regard.
Muslim law as the provisions of the Indian • Distant kindred (Uterine heirs): They are
Succession Act, 1925, shall be applicable in blood relatives who are neither Sharers nor
35 such cases. Residuaries. They include the ascendants 35
and descendants of the deceased;
There are, however, certain restrictions laid descendants of parents; and descendants of
down in making the will. A Muslim cannot grandparents.
bequeath her property in favour of someone
40 who is an heir at the time of the death of the Illustration: A Muslim man dies leaving 40
testator, unless the other heirs consent to the behind his father F, mother M, father’s father
bequest after the death of the testator. FF, mother’s mother MM, two daughters D1
and D2, and son’s daughter SD. Thus, F gets
If the heirs do not question the will for a very 1/6 as sharer since the deceased has children
45 long time and the legatees take and enjoy the surviving him. FF does not get anything as he 45
property, the conduct of such heirs will is excluded by F. M also gets 1/6 as the
amount to consent. Once an heir gives her deceased has children. MM is excluded by M.
consent to the bequest, she cannot rescind it Both D1 and D2 get 2/3 as sharers while SD is
50 later on. excluded by D1 and D2. 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 78
Illustration: A Muslim woman dies leaving have been solemnised in accordance with the
behind her mother, father, and husband. The provisions of S.5 of the CMA by a person duly
husband is entitled to ½ as sharer whereas the authorised to do so.
father gets 1/3 and the mother gets 1/6.
5 The State Government concerned has the 5
Illustration: A Sunni man dies leaving behind authority to grant and revoke licences granted
his widow W, a daughter D, and his mother. in favour of certain persons for the
W gets 1/8, the mother would get 1/6 but this solemnisation of marriages under the CMA.
is increased to 7/32 (as residuary), and the (S.5(5), CMA) As per the provisions contained
10 daughter’s share ½ is increased to 21/32 (as in the CMA, the marriage must be performed 10
residuary). in a particular form duly entered in the
Marriage Register, maintained for this
Illustration: A Sunni woman dies leaving purpose. The factum of marriage can be
husband, H, and daughter, D. H gets ¼ as proved by producing the entries from this
15 sharer while D gets ¾ (1/2 as sharer and ¼ by register. Other evidence can also be produced 15
return). for this purpose and may include eye-witness
accounts, subsequent conduct of the couple
Note that step-children do not inherit from living as husband and wife, and admission of
step-parents, and vice-versa. either spouse to marriage.
20 20
Christian Law Conditions for marriage: For marriages among
Indian Christians, it must be proved that the
The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 (“the age of the bridegroom is not below 18 years
CMA”), defines the term ‘Christian’ as a and that of the bride is not below 15 years.
person professing the Christian religion. The Neither party should have a wife or husband
25 term ‘Indian Christian’ includes Christian living. The parties to the marriage have to 25
descendants of native Indians converted to take oath in the name of “Almighty God” and
Christianity, as well as ordinary converts. (S. 3, in the name of “Lord Jesus Christ” before the
CMA) Marriage Officer and at least two witnesses.
(S. 60, CMA)
Illustration: A, born to Hindu parents was
30 baptised at birth and attended a Christian Time and place of marriage: As a general rule, 30
school but did not profess the Christian faith. every Christian marriage must be solemnised
He got married as per Hindu ceremonies and between 6:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. at a Church
rites. He is not a Christian because baptism by (Ss. 10 and 11, CMA). S.69 of the CMA
itself does not amount to conversion. punishes any person, who is not licensed and
35 who solemnises a marriage beyond these 35
Illustration: A, a person born to Christian hours, outside the Church in the absence of
parents, is Christian regardless of whether she the witnesses, with up to three years
professes the Christian faith. She continues to imprisonment. There are, however, special
be Christian until she converts to another licences granted by each State Government
40 religion by following that religion’s that may permit a clergyman of the Church to 40
procedures for conversion. solemnise a Christian marriage in
contravention of these sections. (S. 11, CMA)
Marriages solemnised by licensed Ministers of
45 The Christian law of marriage in India is Religion: Under Part III, one of the persons 45
governed by the CMA. Certain conditions intending marriage must give notice in
have been laid down for a marriage to be valid writing to the Minister of Religion who she
under the CMA. The parties to the marriage desires to solemnise the marriage. (S. 12,
50 should be Christian or at least one of them CMA) 50
must be a Christian and the marriage should
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 79
D’Souza v. Blanche Agnela Piedade, (1999) Court under the provisions of the Guardians
DMC 22) and Wards Act, 1890, to obtain an order of
guardianship for the minor child. Orders
Illustration: A and B were married in under that Act, however, would not apply
5 accordance with Christian laws. once the child became a major, thereby 5
Subsequently, B converted to Islam and disentitling the child from the benefits
invited A to convert with him. A can file for enjoyed by an adopted son or daughter.
Thus, Christians in India can now adopt
10 • A wife may also present a petition for the children by resort to S.41 of the Juvenile 10
dissolution of her marriage on the ground Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
that the husband has, since the 2006, read with the Guidelines and Rules
solemnisation of the marriage, been guilty issued by various State Governments.
of rape, sodomy, or bestiality.
15 • S.10A inserted by the Indian Divorce Succession 15
(Amendment) Act, 2001, allows for divorce
by mutual consent. The Indian Succession Act, 1925 (“the
• A husband or a wife may present a petition Succession Act”), is the law relating to
to the court to declare their marriage null succession applicable to the great majority of
20 and void on the following grounds (S.19, Christians in India. 20
Divorce Act):
By virtue of the provisions of the Goa, Daman
• Impotence; and Diu (Administration) Act, 1962, the
• That the parties are within the Portuguese Civil Code is applicable in Goa. In
prohibited degrees of consanguinity or Pondicherry, the French Civil Code still
25 affinity (Chapter IV of the Indian survives as per the provisions of the Treaty of 25
Succession Act, 1925); Cession. Further, the Garos of Meghalaya are
• That either party was a lunatic or idiot at also not subject to the provisions of the Indian
the time of marriage; or Succession Act and they follow their
• That there was a valid marriage in customary matrilineal system of inheritance.
existence with a previous spouse who This protection is granted by the Constitution
30 was living at the time of marriage. and also by S.29(2) of the Succession Act. 30
If a person has not made a testamentary
Children of such annulled marriages are disposition of her property which is capable
treated as legitimate children for the purposes of taking effect, she is deemed to have died
of succession. intestate in respect of her entire estate. (S.30,
35 Succession Act) 35
In any suit for divorce or nullity, the wife may
apply to the court for alimony pending the Ss.31 to 49 of the Succession Act lay down the
decree of the suit (S.36, Divorce Act). On such rules for distribution of property belonging to
decree, the Court has the power to order Christians and Jews.
40 permanent alimony (S.37, Divorce Act). Courts 40
are also granted the power under Chapter XI The property of an intestate primarily
to make provision regarding the custody of devolves upon the spouse, or upon those who
the children of divorcees. are kindred of the deceased, in accordance
with Chapter II of the Succession Act.
45 Adoption 45
Illustration: A left no children, but left eight
There is no specific statute enabling or grandchildren and two children of a deceased
regulating adoption among Christians in grandchild. The property is divided into nine
50 India. In the past, persons who wished to parts, one of which is allotted to each 50
adopt a minor child usually approached the grandchild and the remaining one-ninth is
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 81
divided equally between the two great- months or fine up to Rs.200/-, or both.
Illustration: A married C, the mother of his
Illustration: A dies intestate leaving his mother son’s wife, as per Parsi law. This marriage is
5 and two brothers of full blood and a half- invalid as A and C are within the prohibited 5
sister. The mother takes one-fourth, each degrees of relationship set forth in Schedule I
brother takes one-fourth and the half-sister of the PMDA. The priest who solemnised this
(uterine) takes one-fourth. marriage is also liable to punishment under
the PMDa.
10 Illustration: A dies intestate leaving his great- 10
grandfather, uncles and aunts, and no other Every marriage must be certified and
relatives. They all take equal shares. registered in accordance with S.6.
The following are some of the grounds for
Other Personal Laws divorce available to married Parsis (S.32,
15 PMDA): 15
Parsi Zoroastrians
• Adultery;
The word ‘Parsi’ has been defined to mean • Bigamy, rape or any unnatural offence
Parsi Zoroastrian. The children of a Parsi under S.377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860;
20 father and a non-Parsi mother are Parsi • Causing grievous hurt to the plaintiff; 20
provided they are admitted to the Parsi • Cruelty;
religion and profess the Zoroastrian faith. The • Defendant has been imprisoned for a
children of a Parsi mother and non-Parsi period of seven years or more;
father, however, would not be Parsi. (Sir • Desertion for at least two years;
Dinshaw Maneckji v. Sir Jamshedji, 33 ILR Bom • Incurable unsound mind for at least two
25 509) years; 25
• Infecting the plaintiff with a venereal
Indian Parsis are governed by the Parsi disease;
Marriage and Divorce Act, 1937 (“the • The bride was pregnant by some other
PMDA”), in matters relating to marriage and person at the time of marriage;
divorce. • Unsound mind that the petitioner was
30 unaware of at the time of marriage; 30
A Parsi marriage is invalid if: • Wilful non-consummation of marriage
within one year of marriage; or
• The contracting parties are related to each • Conversion to another religion.
other in any of the degrees of consanguinity
35 or affinity set forth in Schedule I of the Illustration: A and B were married in 35
PMDA; accordance with Parsi law. After their
• The marriage is not solemnised according marriage, A alleged that B was neglecting her
to the Parsi ceremony of ‘Ashirvad’ by a and spending all of his money on unnecessary
priest in the presence of two Parsi luxury and vices. They also quarrelled a lot.
40 witnesses; or There is no ground for divorce that is 40
• If the contracting parties are underage, that satisfied. (Pestonji Kekobad Bharucha v. Aloo,
is, the male has not completed 21 years of AIR 1983 Bom 117)
age, and the female has not completed 18
years of age. If consummation of the marriage is impossible
45 due to natural causes, the marriage may be 45
The children of an invalid marriage are declared null and void at the instance of either
legitimate. party. If a husband or wife has been
continually absent from the other for seven
50 A Parsi priest who solemnises an invalid years and no one has seen or heard from the 50
marriage is liable to imprisonment up to six missing spouse in that period, the marriage
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 82
shall, at the instance of either party, be Muslim women, there is also no statute
dissolved. Under Parsi law, both the husband providing for any matrimonial relief to an
and the wife are entitled to alimony pendent aggrieved party to a Jewish marriage. The
lite if unable to support himself/herself. nature and the incidence of a Jewish marriage
5 There is no provision for adoption under Parsi and the matrimonial relief to which a Jewish 5
law. Therefore, Parsi couples wishing to adopt husband or wife would be entitled, must
must do so under S.41 of the Juvenile Justice therefore be ascertained from their personal
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. law. (Mozelle Robin Solomon v. Lt. Col. R. J.
Solomon, (1979) 81 Bom LR 578)
10 Intestate succession is governed by Chapter III Courts have jurisdiction to entertain suits for 10
of the Succession Act: divorce between Jews. The law to be applied
in such cases is the Jewish law with such
• For the purposes of succession, there is no adaptation to the circumstances of the case as
distinction between those who are actually justice may require. In the event of any
15 born in the lifetime of the deceased and dispute, the custom of the Jewish community 15
those who, at the date of her death were in will be considered before any ruling on the
utero. (S.50(a), Succession Act) matter may be pronounced. (Bachel Benjamin v.
• A lineal descendant of an intestate who has Benjamin Solomon Benjamin, AIR 1926 Bom
died in the lifetime of the intestate, without 169)
20 leaving a widow or widower or any lineal 20
descendants, is not to be taken into account x-x
when determining succession to the
property of the intestate. (S.50(b),
Succession Act)
• Where a widow or widower of any relative
25 of an intestate has remarried in the lifetime 25
of that intestate, she/he is not entitled to
receive the intestate’s property. (S.50(c),
Succession Act)
• If a Parsi dies intestate leaving behind:
45 Jews 45
right to development, the right to a healthy respect for international law and treaty
environment, and collective rights are obligations… ” Further, A.253 vests Parliament
bracketed as third generation rights. While with the power to make laws to implement
civil and political rights are mostly negative international treaties or conventions.
5 rights, in that they require the State to refrain International law can be incorporated within 5
from curtailing rights, economic, social, and domestic law through automatic
cultural rights are positive rights as they incorporation or transformation. If there is no
require the State to take active steps to conflict between the domestic law and
implement the rights. obligations under a treaty, the latter
10 automatically becomes a part of domestic law. 10
Such a classification of human rights militates In the case of transformation, domestic
against the indivisibility and interdependence legislation must be enacted to give effect to
of human rights. The Vienna Declaration and the obligations.
Programme of Action, 1993, urged the
15 international community to “treat human rights These constitutional provisions indicate that 15
globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same international law can be incorporated into
footing, and with the same emphasis.” The right Indian law by transformation, and the
to education, which is regarded as both a civil Supreme Court of India (“the Supreme
and political right, and as an economic, social, Court”) has ruled that the “making of law…is
20 and cultural right, illustrates the indivisibility necessary when the treaty or agreement operates to 20
of rights. restrict the rights of citizens or others or modifies
the laws of the State. If the rights of the citizen and
Implementation of International Human others which are justiciable are not affected, no
Rights Law under the Constitution of India legislative measure is needed to give effect to the
agreement or treaty.” (Maganbhai Ishwarbhai
25 As of June 2010, India has ratified the Patel v. Union of India, (1970) 3 SCC 400) 25
following six international human rights law
covenants: In the event of a conflict between domestic
law and international conventions, the former
• The Convention on the Elimination of All shall prevail. (Gramophone Company of India
Forms of Racial Discrimination (“the Ltd. v. Birendra Bahadur Pandey, AIR 1984 SC
30 CERD”); 667) Courts should interpret domestic 30
• The ICCPR; legislation in light of international obligations.
• The ICESCR; (Jolly George Verghese v. Bank of Cochin, AIR
• The Convention on the Elimination of All 1980 SC 470)
forms of Discrimination against Women,
35 1979 (“the CEDAW”); In Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1997 SC 35
• The Convention on the Rights of the Child, 3011, the Supreme Court held that if there is a
1989 (“the CRC”); and void in domestic law, international
• The Convention on the Rights of Persons conventions can be relied on to fill the gap,
with Disabilities (“the CPRD”). provided that they are not inconsistent with
40 the Indian Constitution or with domestic law. 40
India has also ratified the two optional The Supreme Court placed reliance on the
protocols to the CRC, and is a signatory to the CEDAW and proceeded to lay down
Convention against Torture and other Cruel, guidelines to prevent the sexual harassment of
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or women at the workplace.
45 Punishment, 1984 and the International 45
Convention for the Protection of All Persons Illustration: A young man who was picked up
from Enforced Disappearance, 1992. by the police for questioning in connection
with a theft was later found dead near a
50 A.51(c) of the Constitution of India (“the railway track. The victim’s mother 50
Constitution”) requires the State to “foster approached the courts claiming compensation
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 85
for the violation of the right to life under A.21 and untouchability, which are enforceable
of the Constitution. A.9(5) of the ICCPR against private individuals and the State.
entitles victims of unlawful arrest or detention
to an enforceable right to compensation. The violation of fundamental rights can be
5 Relying on this provision, the court arrived at remedied by filing a writ petition before the 5
the position that monetary compensation can Supreme Court and High Courts under Aa.32
be ordered under Aa.32 and 226 of the and 226, respectively. Remedies for the
Constitution for contravention of a enforcement of fundamental rights and
fundamental right. (Nilabati Behera v. State of judicial review form an essential component
10 Orissa, AIR 1993 SC 1960) of the Indian Constitution. 10
Human Rights and the Constitution Fundamental rights are not, however, absolute
in nature, and are subject to well-defined
The fundamental rights enshrined in Part III ‘reasonable restrictions’. With the exception of
15 of the Constitution have been described as the the right to life and the protection with respect 15
basic human rights by the Supreme Court of to conviction for offences, all other rights may
India. The rights have been categorised as be suspended when a proclmation of
right to equality, right to fundamental emergency is in effect. (A.359 of the
freedoms, right against exploitation, right to Constitution of India)
20 freedom of religion, cultural and educational 20
rights, and right to constitutional remedies. Right to Equality
Fundamental rights, which, with some
exceptions, are primarily enforceable against The right to equality and non-discrimination
the State, however, are not merely confined to is contained in Aa.14, 15, and 16 of the
the rights expressly stipulated in Part III of the Constitution. These provisions are
25 Constitution. (Unni Krishnan, J. P. v. State of supplementary to each other. A.14, which 25
Andhra Pradesh, 1993 AIR SC 217) The guarantees equality before the law and the
Supreme Court has creatively interpreted equal protection of the law to all persons
several rights, such as the right to education within India, is also available to non-citizens.
(prior to the 86th Amendment to the The principle of equality, however, does not
Constitution), the right to health, the right to imply that every law must have a universal
30 information, the right to food, privacy, and application for all, despite the different 30
others, within the paradigm of fundamental situations, positions, and needs of persons.
rights. The law acknowledges that certain classes of
persons require separate treatment. The State
A.13 of the Constitution ensures the is permitted to make reasonable classifications
35 justiciability and enforceability of the of persons provided that the classification is 35
fundamental rights. The Article declares all “…based upon some real and substantial
pre-Constitutional laws that are inconsistent distinction bearing a reasonable and just relation
with fundamental rights to be void. A.13(2) to the object sought to be attained, and the
further enumerates that the State will “not classification cannot be made arbitrarily and
40 make any law which takes away or abridges without any substantial basis.” (State of Bombay 40
the rights conferred” by Part III. It further v. F. N. Balsara, AIR 1951 SC 318)
adds that any such law, which is in
contravention of the Constitution, will be Formal and Substantive Equality
declared void.
45 The Constitution of India recognises both 45
Fundamental rights, which are enforceable formal and substantive equality. Formal
against the State and its instrumentalities, are equality is based on the Aristotelian concept
understood as vertical in nature. These are as that likes must be treated alike. Equal
50 opposed to horizontal rights, such as the treatment of persons not similarly placed 50
prohibition against child labour, exploitation, results in greater discrimination and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 86
inequality. For instance, a racially neutral law down by the Supreme Court or the High
could have an unequal impact on a certain Courts. Despite this stipulation, courts have
class of persons. Substantive equality thus refrained from striking down or declaring any
focuses on the equality of results, which takes provision of personal law unconstitutional.
5 into perspective the differing social and Instead, the Courts have read down and 5
economic status of persons. Protective interpreted the provision allegedly in conflict
discrimination, like the prohibition on women with fundamental rights, in a manner that it
working at night or in bars, though it appears ceases to be in conflict with the fundamental
to be a positive or a protective step, invariably rights. In John Vallamattom v. Union of India,
10 causes greater hardship and discrimination AIR 2003 SC 2902, however, the court declared 10
against women by denying them their right to S.118 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925,
livelihood. which restricted Indian Christians from
bequeathing property for charitable or
Illustration: The Punjab Excise Act, 1914, religious purposes, as being arbitrary,
15 prohibited women from being employed in unreasonable, discriminatory, and therefore 15
any part of the premises in which liquor or an unconstitutional and violative of A.14 of the
intoxicating drug was being consumed by the Constitution.
public. Although the objective of the law was
to ensure the safety of women in public Illustration: AYZ filed a petition to strike down
20 spaces, it reflected gender stereotyping and S.6(a) of the Hindu Minority and 20
resulted in “invidious discrimination Guardianship Act, 1956, and S.19(b) of the
perpetrating sexual differences.” The court Guardian and Wards Act, 1890, as violative of
struck down the impugned section of the Act Aa.14 and 15 of the Constitution. Under Ss.6
as being violative of Aa.19(1)(g), 14, and 15 of (a) and 19(b), only the father of a Hindu minor
the Constitution. The Court observed, “Instead could be the natural guardian. The mother
25 of prohibiting women’s employment in the bars could become the natural guardian only 25
altogether the state should focus on factoring in ‘after’ the lifetime of the father. The petitioner
ways through which unequal consequences of sex argued that the provision was discriminatory
differences can be eliminated. It is the State's duty towards women and deprived mothers’
to ensure circumstances of safety which inspire guardianship rights, responsibilities, and
confidence in women to discharge the duty freely in authority in relation to her own children
30 accordance to the requirements of the profession during the lifetime of the father. The court 30
they choose to follow.”(Anuj Garg v. Hotel agreed that “…gender equality is one of the basic
Association of India, AIR 2008 SC 663) principles of the Constitution and in the event the
word 'after' is to be read to mean a disqualification
Non-Discrimination of a mother to act as a guardian during the lifetime
35 of the father, the same would definitely run counter 35
A.15(1) of the Constitution prohibits the State to the basic requirement of the constitutional
from discriminating against any citizen on the mandate and would lead to a differentiation
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of between male and female.” The court interpreted
birth, or any of them. A.15(2) further prohibits the word 'after' to mean not after the death of
40 individuals and the State from discriminating the father, but in his absence, temporary or 40
on the grounds only of religion, race, caste, otherwise, or total apathy of the father
sex, place of birth, or any of them, with regard towards the child, or inability of the father by
to access to shops, hotels, and places of public reason of ailment to act as a natural guardian.
entertainment, use of wells, tanks, bathing (Githa Hariharan v. Reserve Bank of India, AIR
45 ghats, roads, and places of public resort 1999 SC 1149) 45
maintained wholly or partly out of State funds
or dedicated to the use of the general public. Constitutional Safeguards for Women, Children,
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Socially
50 The Constitution provides that any law which and Educationally Backward Classes 50
violates any fundamental right can be struck
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 87
Whereas the right to equality prohibits Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
discrimination on the basis of sex or caste, Aa. who were promoted, though they had not
15(3), 15(4), and 15(5) empower the State to passed the prescribed tests. XYZ filed a
make special provisions for women and petition challenging the constitutionality of
5 children, socially and educationally backward Rule 13AA on the ground that it was violative 5
classes of citizens, and the Scheduled Castes of A.16 of the Constitution. The apex court
and the Scheduled Tribes. These provisions held that Aa.14 and 16 permit reasonable
seek to eliminate the socio-economic classification having a nexus to the objects to
backwardness of these classes and are a form be achieved. The court remarked, “[t]he
10 of positive discrimination. A.16 ensures guarantee of equality before the law or the 10
equality of opportunity for all citizens in equal opportunity in matters of employment
employment or appointment to any office is a guarantee of something more than what is
under the State. The Article enables the State required by formal equality. It implies
to make employment reservations in differential treatment of persons who are
15 government jobs in favour of any backward unequal.” The Supreme Court upheld the 15
classes which have not been adequately validity of Rule 13AA justified under A.16(1)
represented by the State. In Indra Sawhney v. of the Constitution and within the purview of
Union of India, AIR 1993 SC 477 (Mandal A.16(4). The Court reiterated the necessity of
Commission case), the court addressed the substantive equality as opposed to formal
20 constitutional validity of 27% reservation for equality. It observed that equality of 20
socially and educationally backward classes in opportunity implies fair opportunity to all
civil posts and services in the Government of sections of society by eradicating the
India. The court laid down essential rules and handicaps of a particular section of the society.
limitations on reservations, such as: What A.14 or A.16 forbids is hostile
discrimination and not reasonable
25 • Reservation measures can be made by the classification. Classification is implicit in the 25
Legislature by law or by the executive; concept of equality because equality means
• A.16(4) is not an exception to A.16(1), and equality to all and not merely to the advanced
reservation of posts for a certain class is in and educated sections of the society. (State of
the nature of a reasonable classification for Kerala & Another v. N. M. Thomas, AIR 1976 SC
ensuring equality of opportunity; 490)
30 • Backwardness under A.16(4) is mainly 30
social and need not be both social and Right to Fundamental Freedoms
• The socially advanced members of A.19 guarantees Indian citizens six rights: the
backward classes, identified as the creamy right to freedom of speech and expression; the
35 layer, should be excluded from the right to peaceful assembly; the right to form 35
reservations and reservations should not associations or unions; the right to move
exceed 50% in any one year; and freely thoroughout the country; the right to
• Reservations cannot be applied to reside and settle in any part of the country;
promotions and merit alone would be and the right to practise any profession and
40 considered for certain posts and services. carry on any occupation or business. These 40
freedoms that are a testament to the
Illustration: Rule 13A of the Kerala State democratic values of India are subject to
Subordinate Services Rules, 1958, made it certain limitations. For instance, the
obligatory for an employee to pass Parliament or the State legislatures can
45 departmental tests for promotion. On request, impose restrictions on the right to freedom of 45
the State introduced Rule 13AA, which further speech and expression, on account of security
exempted the Scheduled Castes and the of the State, the sovereignty and integrity of
Scheduled Tribes from passing the tests for a India, friendly relations within foreign states,
50 period of two years. XYZ was not promoted public order, decency, or morality, or in 50
despite passing the said test, as opposed to the relation to contempt of court, defamation or
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 88
with fellow human beings.” The court upheld the Girls Act, 1956), to suppress trafficking of
right of the detainee to meet her family and women for the purpose of prostitution, the
friends. It held the said clauses to be violative Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976,
of Aa.14 and 21 and unconstitutional and void to prevent the economic exploitation of the
5 as they permitted only one interview in a vulnerable, and the Child Labour (Prohibition 5
month to a detainee and regulated the right of and Regulation Act), 1986, to prohibit the
a detainee to have an interview with a legal employment of children in specified
adviser of her choice. (Francis Coralie Mullin v. occupations.
Union Territory of Delhi, AIR 1981 SC 746)
10 Illustration: M was working as a construction 10
Illustration: Right to Health labourer and was being paid remuneration
below the minimum wage. This amounts to
D suffered serious injuries after falling off a ‘forced labour’ under A.23, and M has the
train. D was denied treatment in six hospitals right to approach the court under A.32 or A.
15 on account of either non-availability of a 226. (People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. 15
vacant bed or lack of medical facilities Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 1473 (Asiad case))
required for the treatment. D contended that
the non-availability of medical facilities had Freedom of Religion
resulted in the denial of D’s fundamental right "
20 guaranteed under A.21. The court declared Aa.25 - 28 of the Constitution govern the right 20
that A.21 imposes an obligation on the State to to freedom of religion. A.25 guarantees to
safeguard the right to life of every person. The every person the freedom of conscience and
hospitals run by the State and the medical the right to profess, practise, and propagate
staff are duty bound to provide medical religion freely. This right is subject to public
treatment to preserve life. The failure to order, morality, and health. This right does not
25 provide timely medical treatment to a person prevent the State from enacting laws to 25
in need of such treatment results in violation regulate or restrict any economic, financial,
of the right to life guaranteed under A.21. The political, or secular activity associated with
court ordered the State to compensate the religious practice or laws to provide for social
petitioner for the breach of the right welfare and reform.
guaranteed under A.21 of the Constitution. It
30 further directed the State to formulate a plan The right to propagate religion does not 30
for providing services to ensure availability of include the right to convert and forceful
medical care, and the implementation of the conversion interferes with an individual’s
plan. (Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity & ‘freedom of conscience’. (Rev. Stainislaus v.
Others v. State of West Bengal & Another, AIR State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1977 SC 908)
35 1996 SC 2426) 35
Illustration: P, Q, and R, who belonged to the
Right Against Exploitation sect of Jehovah’s Witnesses, were expelled
from school because they refused to sing the
Aa.23 and 24 protect the vulnerable from National Anthem at school. They, however,
40 exploitation by the State and by private would stand respectfully when the Anthem 40
individuals. A.23 prohibits trafficking of was being sung. The court held that
human beings and other forms of forced compelling students to sing the National
labour. A.24 prohibits employment of children Anthem would contravene their right to
below 14 years of age in factories, mines or freedom of religion and the right to freedom
45 any other hazardous employment. of speech and expression. (Bijoe Emmanuel v. 45
State of Kerala, AIR 1987 SC 748)
In furtherance of the above prohibitions,
Parliament enacted laws such as the Immoral Cultural and Educational Rights
50 Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (replaced the 50
Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women and A.29(1) recognises the right of a section of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 92
The JJ Act sets out a “child-friendly” Welfare Committee, which can pass orders to
procedure to be followed while dealing with place the child in a children’s home or shelter
juveniles in conflict with the law and children home to secure her safety and well-being.
in need of care and protection. The former has
5 been defined to mean, “A juvenile who is alleged The JJ Act is a secular legislation, and 5
to have committed an offence and has not provides for adoption, foster care,
completed the eighteenth year of age as on the date sponsorship, or placement at an after-care
of commission of such offence”. organisation with the aim of securing the
rehabilitation and social integration of
10 The JJ Act stipulates the orders that can be children residing in children’s or special 10
passed by the Juvenile Justice Board (“the homes.
JJB”). No order sentencing the juvenile to
death or imprisonment can be passed. Illustration: Mr. and Mrs. V, a Hindu couple
wished to adopt S, a girl child who had been
15 It is notable that the claim of juvenility can be surrendered to a nursing home by her parents 15
raised “at any stage, even after final disposal at birth. They also had a daughter of their
of the case” (S.7A, JJ Act). Furthermore, in own. The adoption was challenged as being in
cases pending before the JJ Act, 2000, came contravention of the Hindu Adoption and
into effect, courts can continue with the Maintenance Act, 1956 (“the HAMA”), which
20 proceedings and upon arriving at the prohibits a person having a living daughter 20
conclusion that the offence has been from adopting a daughter. Unlike the HAMA,
committed, should forward the juvenile to the under S.41(6)(b) of the JJ Act, a person having
JJB for orders (S.20, JJ Act). a biological son or daughter can adopt a child
of the same sex. The court adopted a
Illustration: D was 16 years, 10 months, and 20 harmonious construction of these two laws
25 days old when he allegedly kidnapped and and held that where a child falls within the 25
murdered a person. The offence was description of “orphaned, abandoned or
committed in 1995 when the Juvenile Justice surrendered child,” the provisions of the JJ
Act, 1986, was in force. This Act defined Act would apply. (In re: Adoption of Payal, 2009
“juvenile” to mean “a boy who has not (111) BomLR 3816)
attained the age of sixteen years…” In 2003, D
30 was convicted and sentenced to life The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) 30
imprisonment. In his appeal, D claimed that Rules, 2007, (“the Rules”) set out 14
since he was a “juvenile in conflict with law”, principles, which the Child Welfare
the sentencing would have to be in accordance Committee and Juvenile Justice Board must
with the 2000 Act (the JJ Act). The court held abide by while implementing the Rules. Some
35 that on a combined reading of Ss. 7 and 20 of of the key principles are the presumption of 35
the JJ Act, it was clear that if a person was innocence, right to be heard, best interest,
below the age of 18 years on the date of the safety, family responsibility, equality and non-
commission of the offence, the JJ Act, would discrimination, right to privacy and
apply. (Imtiyaz Hussain v. State of Maharashtra, confidentiality, institutionalisation to be a step
40 (2008) 110 BomLR 1645) of last resort, repatriation and restoration, and 40
a fresh start.
“Child in need of care and protection” has
been broadly defined to include orphaned, Principle of Best Interest of the Child
abandoned, or surrendered child; child who is
45 or is likely to be subjected to abuse, neglect, The key principles entrenched in the CRC are 45
sexual abuse, or trafficking; a child who is the principles of non-discrimination, best
terminally ill or child with disabilities and no interest, child participation, and the right to
caregiver; or a child who is a victim of armed life. The principle of best interest of the child
50 conflict, civil commotion or natural disaster. is also contained in the Hindu Minority and 50
Such a child can be brought before the Child Guardianship Act, 1956, and the Guardians
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 96
and Wards Act, 1890, and has been regularly modesty of a woman (S. 345, IPC) and
relied on by courts while deciding on custody unnatural sexual offences (S.377, IPC) shall be
matters. held in-camera. Further, while holding the
trial of child sexual abuse or rape, a screen
5 Illustration: A filed a habeas corpus petition should be placed so that the victim cannot see 5
before the court seeking custody of his the accused and the victim should be allowed
daughter, claiming that she had been sufficient breaks while giving testimony.
abducted by B, his wife, and her parents. A Questions relating to the incident must be
also alleged that B was suffering from a given in writing to the Presiding Officer who
10 mental ailment which rendered her unsuitable must then put it to the victim, “in a language 10
for custody. The court observed that “in case of which is clear and is not embarrassing.” (Sakshi v.
dispute between the mother and father regarding Union of India, AIR 2004 SC 3566)
the custody of their child, the paramount
consideration is welfare of the child and not the Applicability and Enforcement of Human
15 legal right of either of the parties.” Applying this Rights 15
principle, the court allowed B to retain the
custody of the child. (Rajesh K. Gupta v. Ram Right to Constitutional Remedies
Gopal Agarwala, AIR 2005 SC 2426)
A.32 of the Constitution encompasses the
20 Protection Against Violence critical right to a remedy for violation of 20
fundamental rights. A.32(1) guarantees the
The provisions of the CRC require India to right to approach the Supreme Court directly
enact laws and take other appropriate and A.32(2) empowers the court to issue
measures to protect children from “all forms of directions or orders or writs such as habeas
physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, corpus, mandamus, certiorari, quo warranto, and
25 neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or prohibition. The High Court can also be 25
exploitation including sexual abuse…” Further, approached under A.226. This right may,
the CRC expressly prohibits a child from however, be suspended by way of a
being subjected to torture or inhuman presidential order when a proclamation of
treatment. The dignity of the child must be emergency under A.352 of the Constitution is
respected and secured. in effect.
30 30
Illustration: S, an eleven-year-old girl, was A petition may be filed by the person whose
made to crouch in an uncomfortable position rights have been violated or any public
under the hot sun for two consecutive days in spirited individual. The court may also
school as punishment for failure to recite exercise its suo motu powers and take
35 alphabets. She later slipped into a coma and cognizance of a violation. 35
passed away. Corporal punishment in schools
is an affront to the dignity of a child and Public Interest Litigation
interferes with the right to education flowing
from the right to life. (Parent’s Forums for In cases where the enforcement of a
40 Meaningful Education v. Union of India, AIR fundamental right is involved, a public 40
2001 Del 212) interest litigation (“a PIL”) can be filed in the
Supreme Court under A.32. A writ petition
The Indian legal framework does not provide can be filed in the High Court under A.226 on
for child sexual abuse as a distinct offence. It is many grounds, aside from the violation of a
45 dealt with under provisions relating to rape, Fundamental Right. 45
hurt, and outraging the modesty of a woman.
Taking into account the unease and discomfort PILs, which have been used to protect the
faced by a child victim of sexual abuse, the rights of the disadvantaged and to ensure
50 apex court has laid down that along with rape access to justice, relax the traditional concept 50
trials, the trial of the offences of outraging the of locus standi, which permits only persons
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 97
whose rights have been affected to approach had been violated and that “[w]here public
the Court. Following the Emergency of functionaries are involved and the matter relates to
1975-1977, non-adversarial litigation has the violation of the fundamental rights or the
emerged as a custodian of the basic human enforcement of public duties, the remedy would
5 rights of the people. From upholding the still be available under the Public Law 5
personal liberty of undertrials (Hussainara notwithstanding that a suit could be filed for
Khatoon & Others v. Home Secretary, State of damages under Private Law.” (Chairman, Railway
Bihar, 1979 AIR 1819), rehabilitation of child Board v. Chandrima Das, AIR 2000 SC 988)
prostitutes (Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, AIR
10 1997 SC 3019), to the release of bonded labour Compensation is not, however, ordered in 10
(Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1984) every case of violation of fundamental rights.
2 SCR 67), the PIL has served as a “strategic For instance, in cases involving custodial
arm of the legal aid movement.” (People’s violence or death, compensation can be
Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, ordered if the violation of A.21 is “patent and
15 AIR 1982 SC 1473) The Supreme Court further incontrovertible”, is “gross and of a magnitude to 15
relaxed rules of procedure by treating letters shock the conscience of the court”, and has
reporting the violation of fundamental rights resulted in death or is supported by medical
as writ petitions. report, disability, or scars.” (Sube Singh v. State
of Haryana, (2006) 3 SCC 178)
20 Right to Compensation for Violation of 20
Fundamental Rights Quasi-Judicial Bodies And Remedies
While the Constitution does not expressly India established the National Human Rights
provide for the right to compensation for Commission (“the NHRC”) in 1993 under the
violation of fundamental rights, the Supreme Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. The
25 Court has, in pursuance of its powers under establishment of an impartial and 25
A.32, ordered compensation to redress autonomous body for protection and
violations, especially civil and political rights fulfilment of human rights was a consequence
violations. of growing human rights violence and
domestic and international pressure. The
Illustration: R was detained for more than 14 NHRC has been vested with the power to
30 years in jail after he had been acquitted. R investigate cases of human rights violations, 30
filed a habeas corpus petition seeking his to inspect existing mechanisms to protect
release and claimed compensation for the human rights, to sensitise the government to
illegal detention. Ordering compensation, the its domestic and international obligations, to
court observed, “the refusal of this Court to spread human rights awareness, and to work
35 pass an order of compensation in favour of the with civil society organisations and intervene 35
petitioner will be doing mere lip-service to his in court proceedings. In the Gujarat Best
fundamental right to liberty which the State Bakery case, the NHRC proactively filed a
Government has so grossly violated. A.21 petition before the Supreme Court to transfer
which guarantees the right to life and liberty riot cases outside Gujarat for a fair and
40 will be denuded of its significant content if the impartial trial and to ensure safety of 40
power of this Court were limited to passing witnesses. It further prayed for the setting
orders to release from illegal aside of the trial court order in the Best Bakery
detention.” (Rudul Sah v. State of Bihar, AIR case, which had wrongly acquitted all the
1983 SC 1086) accused in the case, and sought directions for
45 further investigation by an independent 45
Illustration: Ms. C, a citizen of Bangladesh, was agency and also retrial of the case in a court
gang-raped by employees of the Indian located outside Gujarat. The NHRC can take
Railways. A petition was filed under A.226 suo motu action and is vested with the power
50 claiming compensation. The court held that A. to intervene in court proceedings. 50
21, which is available to non-citizens as well,
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 98
Complaints can be registered with the NHRC ratified the relevant instruments that make it
by or on behalf of any person whose human permissible for individuals to access the
rights have been violated. The complaint can complaints’ mechanisms of treaty bodies.
be filed free of cost, thus eradicating any
5 economic barriers to access to justice. In 2006, the United Nations General Assembly 5
adopted a resolution under which the Human
In addition to the NHRC, States are under a Rights Council was constituted as a
duty to set up State Human Rights subsidiary organ of the General Assembly.
Commissions, which would work in The Council has been vested with the
10 conjunction with the NHRC and provide relief responsibility of promoting and protecting 10
in different States with regard to human rights human rights and fundamental freedoms. The
violations. Council has been empowered to examine
gross and systematic violations and make
In addition to the NHRC, there is the National recommendations thereon. Significantly,
15 Commission for Women (“the NCW”), the through the Universal Periodic Review 15
National Minorities Commissions (“the mechanism, the Council can undertake a
NCM”), the National Commission for review of the human rights record of all
Protection of Child Rights (“the NCPCR”), the countries that are members of the United
National Commission for Scheduled Castes Nations.
20 (“the NCSC”), the National Commission for 20
Scheduled Tribes (“the NCST”), and the x-x
National Commission for Backward Classes
(“the NCBC”). There are similar bodies at the
state level.
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 99
S.22(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act provides Illustration: The workmen of an industrial
that no person employed in a public utility establishment and their employer enter into
service shall go on strike in breach of contract: conciliation proceedings before a conciliation
45 officer, and during these proceedings, the 45
! Without giving the employer notice of workmen strike work. This strike is not illegal,
strike within six weeks before striking; or as the conciliation proceedings are before a
! Within fourteen days of giving such notice; conciliation officer and not a Board of
50 or Conciliation. 50
! Before the expiry of the date of strike
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 101
S.24 of the Industrial Disputes Act provides Labour Court, Tribunal, or National
that a strike in contravention of Ss.22 or 23, or Tribunal;
in contravention of an order made under Ss.10 ! During the pendency and 2 months after
or 10-A is illegal. S.26 provides for the conclusion of arbitral proceedings,
5 imprisonment up to one month and the levy when a notification has been issued by the 5
of fines up to Rs.50/- on workmen guilty of Appropriate Government under S.10-A; or
involvement in illegal strikes. ! During any period in which a settlement or
award is in operation in respect of any of
Illustration: The workmen of an industrial the matter covered by the settlement or
10 establishment strike work illegally, and the award. 10
employer seeks damages as compensation
from the workmen. A suit for damages will S.24 of the Industrial Disputes Act provides
not lie, as the remedies for illegal strikes are that a lock-out in contravention of Ss.22 or 23,
found exclusively in S.26 of the Industrial or in contravention of an order made under
15 Disputes Act. (Rothas Industries Limited v. Ss.10 or 10-A is illegal. S.26 provides for 15
Rothas Industries Staff Union, (1976) 1 LLN 165) imprisonment up to one month and the levy
of fines up to Rs.1,000/- on employers guilty
Lockouts of involvement in illegal lock-outs.
20 S.2(l) of the Industrial Disputes Act defines the Lay-offs, Retrenchment, and Closure 20
term “lock-out” as “the temporary closing of a
place of employment or the suspension of There are conditions and restrictions imposed
work, or the refusal by an employer to by the Industrial Disputes Act on industrial
continue to employ any number of persons establishments with respect to lay-offs,
employed by him” retrenchment and closure.
25 25
S.22(2) of the Industrial Disputes Act provides Lay-Offs
that no employer carrying on any public
utility service shall lock out any workmen: “Lay-off” is defined under S.2(kkk) of the
Industrial Disputes Act as the failure, refusal
! Without giving the workmen notice of lock- or inability of an employer on account of
30 out within six weeks before locking out; or shortage of power, raw materials, 30
! Within fourteen days of giving such notice; accumulation of stocks or breakdown of
or machinery, to give employment to a workman
! Before the expiry of the date of lock-out whose name is borne on the muster rolls of
specified in any such notice; or the employer’s industrial establishment, and
35 ! When any conciliation proceedings are who has not been retrenched. A lay-off is a 35
pending before a conciliation officer, and temporary act (as opposed to permanent acts
seven days after the conclusion of such such as retrenchment and closure) arising out
proceedings. of situations out of the control of the
employer. Employees must be restored to
40 While S.22(2) of the Industrial Disputes Act their full position as employees as soon as the 40
imposes restrictions on lock-outs in public reasons for the emergency have ended.
utility services, S.23 prohibits lock-out in any
industrial establishment in the following Illustration: A is employed by industry B as a
circumstances: workman. Industry B faces a shortage of
45 supplies and lays off some workmen (but not 45
! When conciliation proceedings are pending A) for a week. A meets with an accident
before a Board and till the expiry of 7 days during that week and does not report to work.
after the conclusion of such proceedings; A cannot be said to have been laid off, as a
50 ! During the pendency and 2 months after lay-off implies unemployment on account of a 50
the conclusion of proceedings before a cause which is independent of any action or
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 102
inaction on the part of the workmen. (Central permission of the appropriate Government
India Spinning, Weaving and Manufacturing before effecting any lay-offs.
Company Limited v. State Industrial Court at
Nagpur and Another, (1959) I LLJ 468 (Bom)) The powers of the appropriate Government to
5 give prior permission are quasi-judicial in 5
Chapter V-A of the Industrial Disputes Act nature, and hence the principles of natural
applies to industrial establishments justice must be applied. (Workmen v.
employing more than 50 but less than 100 Meenakshi Mills Limited, AIR 1994 SC 2696)
workmen on an average per working day in
10 the previous calendar year, and to industrial Retrenchment 10
establishments which are of seasonal character
or where work is performed intermittently. S.2(oo) of the Industrial Disputes Act
defines“retrenchment” as termination by the
S.25C of the Industrial Disputes Act provides employer of service of a workman for any
15 that such employers can lay off workmen who reason other than: 15
have completed one year of continuous
service only upon payment of compensation ! Termination as a punishment inflicted by a
equal to 50% of basic wages and dearness disciplinary action;
allowance. S.25E of the Industrial Disputes ! Voluntary retirement or retirement on
20 Act, provides, however, that lay off reaching age of superannuation; 20
compensation will not be payable if such a ! Termination on account of non-renewal of
workman refuses to accept alternate contract upon expiry;
employment offered by the employer, or if the ! Termination on grounds stipulated in the
workman does not report to the establishment contract of employment; or
at the appointed time, or if the laying-off is ! Termination on account of the continued ill
25 due to a strike or slowing down of production health of a workman. 25
by workmen in another part of the
establishment. Thus, the term ordinarily implies discharge of
surplus labour or staff, and therefore,
Illustration: A has been employed as a retrenchment is mandated by S.25G of the
shipyard worker by an industrial Industrial Disputes Act to be on the principle
30 establishment for the last twelve months. For of ‘last in first out’ in respect of each category 30
seven weeks in that period, however, due to of workman. Furthermore, if the employer
stormy weather, no shipyard work was wishes to re-employ persons post any act of
possible, and therefore, A did not perform any retrenchment, S.25H mandates that first
work. A must be considered to have been in preference must be given to retrenched
35 continuous service for those twelve months, as workmen. 35
regardless of whether any work is physically
done, A is deemed to have actually worked on S.25F of the Industrial Disputes Act provides
all those days during which A was in the that in any industrial establishment, no
employment of the employer and for which A workman in continuous service for at least a
40 has been paid wages either under contract or year may be retrenched until: (a) the workman 40
by compulsion of law. (Workmen v. has been given one month’s notice in writing
Management of American Express, AIR 1986 SC or has been paid wages in lieu of such notice;
548) (b) the workman has been paid, at the time of
retrenchment, compensation which must be
45 Chapter V-B of the Industrial Disputes Act equivalent to fifteen days' average pay for 45
provides that industrial establishments every completed year of continuous service or
employing 100 workmen or more on an any part thereof in excess of six months; and
average per working day in the previous (c) notice is served on the appropriate
50 calendar year (not being work of seasonal or Government. S.25B excludes from the term 50
intermittent nature) are required to seek prior “continuous service”, any interruptions on
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 103
Additionally, under Chapter V-B of the Industrial Tribunals are constituted by State
Industrial Disputes Act, industrial Governments under S.7A of the Industrial
establishments employing 100 workmen or Disputes Act, and have jurisdiction over:
20 more on an average per working day in the 20
previous calendar year (not being work of • Wages, including period and mode of
seasonal or intermittent nature) are required payment;
to seek prior permission of the appropriate • Compensatory and other allowances;
Government before effecting any • Hours of work and rest intervals;
retrenchment. • Leave with wages and holidays;
25 • Bonus, profit sharing, provident fund, and 25
Closure gratuity;
• Shift working changes;
“Closure”is defined under S.2(cc) of the • Classification by grades;
Industrial Disputes Act as the permanent • Rules of discipline; and
closing down of a place of employment or part • Rationalisation and retrenchment of
30 thereof. workmen. 30
40 A “Trade Union” is defined by the Trade S.15 of the Trade Unions Act specifies the 40
Unions Act as a “combination, whether objects for which the general funds of a
temporary or permanent, formed primarily for registered trade union may be spent. These
the purpose of regulating the relations objects seek to ensure that the trade union
between workmen and employers or between looks after the welfare of its members.
45 workmen and workmen, or between 45
employers and employers, or for imposing Workmen
restrictive condition on the conduct of any
trade or business, and includes any federation The term “workmen” has been defined in the
50 of two or more trade unions.” Trade Unions Act as “all persons employed in 50
trade or industry whether or not in the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 105
employment of the employer with whom the departments. Since these departments would
trade dispute arises.”#The expression "trade or be an industry or analogous to an industry,
industry" is not defined in the Trade Unions the employees in those departments would be
Act. In the absence of any definition of workmen within the meaning of the Trade
5 "industry" in the Trade Unions Act, the same Unions Act and they will be entitled to 5
considerations which have been held to be register themselves as a trade union. (Tirumala
relevant for the purpose of holding whether Tirupati Devasthanam v. Commissioner Of
an institution is an industry or not under the Labour, (1979) ILLJ 448 AP)
Industrial Disputes Act, would be equally
10 relevant for the purposes of the Trade Unions Trade Dispute 10
The definition of the term “trade dispute”
Accordingly, an activity can be regarded as an closely mirrors the definition of the term
industry, if there is a relationship of employer “industrial dispute” under the Industrial
15 and employees, and the employer is engaged Disputes Act. Therefore, as in the case of 15
in any business, trade, undertaking, industrial disputes, any party seeking to raise
manufacture or calling, and the employees, in a trade dispute must have a direct interest in
any calling, service, employment, handicraft, the subject matter of the dispute.
or industrial occupation or avocation. In order
20 that an activity may be regarded as an Immunity 20
undertaking analogous to trade or business, it
must be organised or arranged in a manner in Under certain conditions, the Trade Unions
which trade or business is generally organised Act confers immunity to the registered trade
or arranged. It must rest on co-operation unions, their members and office-bearers
between employer and employees who against certain civil and criminal actions.
25 associate together with a view to production, 25
sale or distribution of material goods or Immunity: Criminal Conspiracy in Trade
material services. It is entirely irrelevant Disputes
whether or not there is a profit motive or
investment of capital in such activity. It is also Under S.17 of the Trade Unions Act, no office-
immaterial whether its objects are charitable bearer or member of a registered trade union
30 or that it does not make profits. (Workmen of is liable to punishment under S.120B (2) of the 30
Indian Standards Institution v. Management of Indian Penal Code, 1860 in respect of any
Indian Standards Institution, AIR 1976 SC 145) agreement made between the members for the
purpose of furthering any object of the trade
Illustration: A is a religious institution whose union as set out in S.15 of the Trade Unions
35 main function is to manage the affairs of a few Act. If, however, such an agreement is in itself 35
places of worship, and to enable pilgrims to an agreement to commit an offence, no
visit places of worship and offer their prayers. immunity is available.
Although A derives enormous income from its
activities, which it utilises for various Illustration: Company A, an industry,
40 educational and religious purposes, the retrenches a number of its workmen, who 40
essential character of A is that of a religious allege that the retrenchment was illegal. As a
institution. It is not an institution where result, the retrenched workmen and members
material human needs are met. It is primarily of the trade union representing them
a spiritual institution. Therefore, A cannot be blockaded Company A’s premises, wrongfully
45 regarded as a trade or industry within the confining certain persons therein for an 45
meaning of the Trade Unions Act, 1926. extended period of time. No immunity would
Therefore, the persons employed by it are not be available to the workmen and the trade
workmen and cannot consequently register union members for the offence of wrongful
50 themselves into a trade union. However, A confinement under S.340 of the Indian Penal 50
also operates electricity and water Code, 1860, as the act itself is illegal. S.17 of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 106
the Trade Unions Act grants limited immunity the application of S.27 of the Indian Contract
to members of a trade union, but there is no Act, 1872, which otherwise renders all
immunity against prosecution for either an agreements in restraint of trade void.
agreement to commit an offence or
5 intimidation, molestation or violence, where Appropriate Government 5
they amount to an offence. (Jay Engineering
Works Limited and Others v. State Of West Bengal "Appropriate Government” for all purposes
and Others, AIR 1968 Cal 407) under the Trade Unions Act means: (i) the
Central Government in case of trade unions
10 Immunity: Immunity from Civil Suit in Certain whose objects are not confined to one state, 10
Cases and (ii) the State Governments in case of all
other trade unions. The Appropriate
Registered trade unions and their office- Government is empowered to make
bearers and members enjoy immunity from regulations in respect of certain prescribed
15 suits and other legal proceeding in Civil matters. 15
Courts in respect of any act done in
contemplation or furtherance of a trade Industrial Relations: The Industrial
dispute to which a member of the Trade Union Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
is a party on the ground only that such act
20 induces some other person to break a contract The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) 20
of employment, or that it is in interference Act, 1946 (“the Standing Orders Act”) was
with the trade, business or employment of enacted to require employers in industrial
some other person or with the right of some establishments to precisely define and make
other person to dispose of her capital or of his known to workmen the conditions of
labour as she wills. employment.
25 25
Registered trade unions are also immune from Applicability
tortious liability for any acts of their agents if
it is proved that such agents acted without the S.2(e) of the Standing Orders Act applies to
knowledge of, or contrary to express industrial establishments employing more
instructions given by, the executive of the than 100 workmen in the preceding twelve
30 trade unions. Any body that is entrusted with months. The term “industrial 30
the management of the affairs of a trade union establishment”has been defined in S.2(e) of
is the “executive”, and all members of such a the Standing Orders Act as (i) an industrial
body are termed “office bearers”. establishment as defined in the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936; (ii) a factory as defined in the
35 Illustration: A workman, even if she is a trade Factories Act, 1948; (iii) the railways; and (iv) 35
union leader, inside the factory, is bound to the establishment of a contractor who
obey the reasonable instructions given to her employs workmen to fulfil a contract with the
by the superiors and to carry out her duties owner of an industrial establishment.
duly assigned to her. Thus, a trade union
40 leader is not immune from civil or criminal Standing Orders 40
liability when she is duly discharged after
holding an enquiry into her misconduct. (West Standing orders are published documents that
India Steel Company Limited v. Azeez, 1990 LLR define with sufficient precision the conditions
142 (Ker)) of employment and prevail over the terms of
45 individual contracts of employment. (Western 45
Immunity: Special immunity India Match Company v. Workmen, AIR 1973 SC
S.19 of the Trade Unions Act provides another
50 sort of immunity. Agreements between S.2(g) provides that certain matters must 50
members of a trade union are immune from compulsorily be specified in standing orders,
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 107
establishments that are covered by such Shops • A minimum rate (whether a time rate or a
and Establishment Acts. piece rate) to apply in substitution for the
minimum rate which would otherwise be
Upon applicability, the employer is generally applicable, in respect of overtime work
5 bound to ensure that the minimum prescribed done by employees. 5
wages are paid, overtime is provided for, that
the prescribed registers are maintained, and Wages: The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
that the prescribed notices are displayed at the
premises. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 was enacted
10 to regulate the payment of wages to workers 10
Wages and to protect them against illegal deductions
or delays in the payment of wages. It is
S.2(h) of Minimum Wages Act defines "wages" applicable to all industrial establishments,
as all remuneration, capable of being factories, and other establishments, but does
15 expressed in terms of money, which would, if not apply to persons earning in excess of Rs. 15
the terms of the contract of employment, 10,000/- per month. Upon applicability, the
express or implied, were fulfilled, be payable employer is bound to ensure that the wages
to a person employed in respect of her are paid to employees, overtime is provided
employment or of work done in such for, the prescribed registers are maintained
20 employment, and includes house rent and that the prescribed notices are displayed 20
allowance, but does not include: at the premises.
! Any house-accommodation, supply of The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (“the Bonus
25 light, water, medical attendance, or Act”) provides for the payment of bonus to 25
! Any other amenity or any service persons employed in certain establishments,
excluded by general or special order of employing 20 or more persons, on the basis of
the appropriate Government; profits or on the basis of production or
productivity and for matters connected
! Any contribution paid by the employer to therewith. Once the Bonus Act is applicable,
30 any Pension Fund or Provident Fund or it continues to apply even if the number of 30
under any scheme of social insurance; employees falls below 20. The Bonus Act does
! Any travelling allowance or the value of not apply to any institution established not for
any travelling concession; purposes of profit. A minimum bonus of
! Any sum paid to the person employed to 8.33% is payable by every industry and
35 defray special expenses entailed on her by establishment under S.10 of the Payment of 35
the nature of her employment; or Bonus Act, 1965. Persons drawing salary or
! Any gratuity payable on discharge. wages not exceeding Rs.10,000/- per month in
any industry to do any skilled or unskilled,
Wage Rates manual, supervisory, managerial,
40 administrative, technical or clerical work for 40
The Minimum Wages Act provides for the hire or reward are eligible for payment of
fixing by the appropriate Government of: bonus.
10 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (“the ! Ten or more persons are or were employed 10
Gratuity Act”) provides for a scheme of for wages on any day of the preceding
compulsory payment of gratuity to employees twelve months, and in any part of which a
with at least 5 years of continuous service manufacturing process is being carried on
working in factories, mines, oil-fields, with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so
15 plantations, ports, railway companies, motor carried on, or 15
transport undertakings, shops and ! Wherein 20 or more persons are or were
establishments in which ten or more persons employed for wages, on any day of the
are employed or were employed on any day of preceding twelve months, and in any part
the preceding twelve months. of which a manufacturing process is being
20 carried on without the aid of power, or is 20
The employer would be required to pay ordinarily so carried on.
gratuity, at the rate of 15 days’ wages for every
completed year of service in excess of 6 The ESI Act does not apply to mines which
months, to every employee (other than an are subject to the operation of the Mines Act,
apprentice) with 5 years continuous service, 1952, or railway running sheds, or to factories
25 subject to a maximum amount of Rs. or establishments belonging to or under the 25
3,50,000/-. Gratuity is payable at the time of control of the government whose employees
termination of the employee’s service are otherwise in receipt of benefits
(including retrenchment) either (i) on substantially similar or superior to the
superannuation; or (ii) on retirement or benefits provided under the ESI Act.
resignation; or (iii) on death or disablement
30 due to accident or disease. The ESI Act authorises the appropriate 30
government to extend the application of the
The employer is also required to obtain ESI Act to any other establishment or class of
insurance from the Life Insurance Corporation establishments, industrial, commercial,
of India and to notify an abstract of the agricultural or otherwise.S.2(1) of the ESI Act
35 Gratuity Act in its premises. defines “Appropriate Government" to mean, 35
in respect of establishments under the control
The Gratuity Act is administered by the of the Central Government or a railway
Central Government in establishments under administration, or a major port or a mine or
its control, establishments having branches in oilfield, the Central Government, and in all
40 more than one State, major ports, mines, oil- other cases, the state government. 40
fields and railway companies and by the state
governments and Union Territory Accordingly, several States have so extended
administrations in all other cases. the application of the ESI Act, in most cases to
shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas including
45 Social Security: The Employees' State preview theatres, road motor transport 45
Insurance Act, 1948 undertakings, and newspaper establishments
employing 20 or more persons.
The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
50 (“the ESI Act”) was enacted to provide 50
medical care and cash benefits in the case of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 110
Cash benefits under the ESI Act are S.38 of the ESI Act provides that all employees
administered by the Central Government in factories or establishments to which the ESI
5 through the Employees' State Insurance Act applies shall be insured in the manner 5
Corporation, whereas the State Governments provided in the ESI Act.
and Union Territory Administrations
administer medical care. S.46 of the ESI Act provides for the benefits
which the insured persons, their dependants
10 Contribution and the persons mentioned therein shall be 10
entitled to get on happening of the events
The contribution payable to the Employees' mentioned therein, and envisages the
State Insurance Corporation in respect of an following social security benefits to affected
employee shall comprise of employer’s employees:
15 contribution and employee’s contribution at a 15
specified rate. The rates are revised from time ! Medical Benefit
to time, and presently, the employee’s ! Sickness Benefit
contribution rate is 1.75% of the wages and the ! Maternity Benefit
employer’s is 4.75% of the wages paid/ ! Disablement Benefit
20 payable in respect of the employees in every ! Dependants’ Benefit 20
wage period. Employees in receipt of a daily ! Funeral Expenses
average wage up to Rs.50/- are exempt from
payment of contribution, although their “Insured person” is defined by S.2(14) of the
employers must contribute their own share in ESI Act to mean a person who is or was an
respect of these employees. employee in respect of whom contributions
25 are or were payable under the ESI Act and 25
Under S.39 of the ESI Act, an employer is who is by reason thereof, entitled to any of the
liable to pay her contribution in respect of benefits provided by the Employees’ State
every employee, deduct employees’ Insurance Act, 1948.
contributions from wages and pay these
contributions at the specified rates to the Employment Injury Benefits
30 Employees' State Insurance Corporation 30
within 21 days of the last day of the calendar Employment injury, including occupational
month in which the contributions fall due. disease, is compensated according to a
schedule of rates proportionate to the extent
It is essential for an employer to make the of injury and loss of earning capacity.
35 contributions in order for the employees to 35
obtain benefits from the Employees' State Employment injury is defined under S.2(8) of
Insurance Corporation. Merely because a the ESI Act to mean a personal injury to an
factory or an establishment is registered with employee caused by accident or an
the Employees' State Insurance Corporation occupational disease arising out of and in the
40 would not ipso facto impose a duty on the course of her employment, being an insurable 40
Corporation to grant medical benefits to the employment, whether the accident occurs or
employee. Unless the employer fulfils its part the occupational disease is contracted within
of the legal duties imposed by the ESI Act, the or outside the territorial limits of India.
Employees' State Insurance Corporation
45 cannot be held liable to pay the benefits under The important condition for constituting an 45
the ESI Act. (Allied Industries v. Mool Chand and employment injury for claiming
Another, RLW 2007 (4) Raj 2937) compensation under the ESI Act, in respect of
the injury caused, is that it should arise out of
50 and in the course of employment, and the 50
injury must be personal to the employee and
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 111
Courts have considered the term “in the The Second Schedule to the ESI Act specifies
course of employment”, and the “doctrine of the injuries deemed to result in permanent
notional extension of employer’s premises” total disablement or permanent partial
10 has developed so as to include in those disablement. Rule 54 of the Employees' State 10
premises, an area which the workman passes Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950 provides the
and repasses in going to and in leaving the daily rate of benefit which an employee
actual place of work. Thus, there may be some would get if she suffers an employment injury.
reasonable extension in both time and place Rule 57 provides for disablement benefits.
15 and a workman may be regarded as in the Rule 58 provides for dependant’s benefits in 15
course of her employment, even though she case the injured person dies as a result of an
had not reached or had left her employer’s employment injury. Rule 60 provides for the
premises. (S. S. Manufacturing Co. v. B. V. Raja, medical benefits to an insured person who
1958 II LLJ 249) It is also well settled, however, ceases to be in an insured employment on
20 that when a workman is on a public road or account of permanent disablement. 20
public place or using public transport, she is
there as any other member of the public and is Employee!
not there in the course of her employment,
unless the very nature of her employment S.2(9) defines “employee” to mean:
makes it necessary for her to be there.
25 ! Any person employed for wages in or in 25
Thus, under the doctrine of notional connection with the work of a factory or
extension, where an obligation is present on a establishment to which the ESI Act applies
worker to discharge her duty, and she meets and:
with an accident, it is an accident in the course
of employment. ! Who is directly employed by the
30 principal employer on any work of, or 30
Illustration: A is obliged by her employers to incidental or preliminary to or
travel by a particular means of transport to connected with the work of, the factory
reach and to leave her place of work. A meets or establishment, whether such work is
with an accident while so travelling. If the done by the employee in the factory or
35 presence of the workman concerned at the establishment or elsewhere; or 35
particular point was so related to the ! Who is employed by or through an
employment, so as to come to the conclusion immediate employer on the premises of
that she was acting within the scope of the the factory or establishment or under
employment that would be sufficient to deem the supervision of the principal
40 the accident as having occurred in the course employer or her agent on work which is 40
of employment. (Chairman, Cochin Dock Labour ordinarily part of the work of the factory
Board v. P. J. George, 1976 II LLJ 65) or establishment, or which is
preliminary to the work carried on in, or
Illustration: A works as a helper in a factory incidental to, the purpose of the factory
45 covered by the Employees' State Insurance or establishment; or 45
Act, 1948. One day, while returning home ! Whose services are temporarily lent or
directly from the factory, A is attacked by let on hire to the principal employer by
assailants over a land dispute, which leaves A the person with whom the person
50 permanently disabled. A may not make a whose services are so lent or let on hire 50
valid claim to the Employees State Insurance has entered into a contract of service;
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 112
condition of injury, would constitute together satisfies a reasonable man that the work
an accident for the purposes of the Workmen’s contributed to the causing of the personal
Compensation Act. (Bai Shakri w/o Naraindas injury, it would be enough for the
Maganlal v. New Manekchowk Mills Company workman to succeed. (Bai Shakri w/o
5 Limited, (1961) ILLJ 585 Guj) Naraindas Maganlal v. New Manekchowk 5
Mills Company Limited, (1961) ILLJ 585 Guj)
Illustration: A is a workman who works at a
furnace in a factory. A has a history of Illustration: A is employed as a night
previous eye disorders, but despite knowing watchman at a pumping station where a
10 that, continues to work in an employment, process was carried on for pumping water by 10
which by the very nature of work might cause more than ten persons. One night when A is
further strain on her eyes and might thereby on duty, A complains of pain in the chest. A’s
suffer a permanent injury to A’s eyes. A will be condition deteriorates and A dies after a few
held to have suffered from injury arising out hours. The medical evidence showed that A
15 of an accident. The fact that A continued in was suffering from heart disease and that 15
employment against the advice of a doctor death was brought about by the strain caused
and also knowing that her work would cause upon A’s heart by the particular work that A
strain on her eyes, and precipitated the was doing, that is, having to stand and move
permanent injury is irrelevant. Once it is about as a watchman. A will be held to have
20 found that the work which A has been doing died of an injury by an accident falling within 20
is to be within the scope of A’s employment, the scope of S.3 of the Workmen’s
the question of negligence, great or small on Compensation Act. If a workman suffers from
A’s part is irrelevant. (Harris v. Associated a particular disease and as a result of wear
Portland Cement Manufacturers, Limited, (1939 and tear of her employment, she dies of that
A.C. 71)) disease, no liability would be fixed upon the
25 employers. If, however, the employment is a 25
“arising out of and in the course of employment” contributory cause, or if the employment has
accelerated her death, or if it would be said
Since S.3 of the Workmen’s Compensation Act that death was due not only to the disease but
provides that the accident must arise out of the disease coupled with the employment,
and in the course of the workman’s then the employer would be liable and it
30 employment, the accident, in order to give rise could then be said that death arose out of the 30
to a claim for compensation, must have some employment of the deceased. (Laxmibai v.
causal relation to the workman’s employment Chairman and Trustees, Bombay Port Trust (1954)
and must be due to a risk incidental to that ILLJ 614)
employment. The principles that courts
35 generally adopt in ascertaining this are: Social Security: The Maternity Benefit Act, 35
! There must be a causal connection between
the injury and the accident and the accident The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 was enacted
and the work done in the course of to promote the welfare of working women,
40 employment. and prohibits the working of pregnant women 40
! The onus is upon the workman to show for a specified period before and after
that it was the work and the resulting strain delivery. It also provides for maternity leave
which contributed to or aggravated the and payment of certain monetary benefits to
injury. female employees / workers subject to
45 ! It is not necessary that the workman must fulfilment of certain conditions during the 45
be actually working at the time of her death period when they are out of employment on
or that death must occur while she is account of their pregnancy. The services of a
working or had just ceased work. woman worker cannot be terminated during
50 ! Where the evidence is balanced, if the the period of her absence on account of 50
evidence shows a greater probability which pregnancy except for gross misconduct. The
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 117
if the contract was genuine. If, however, the Act, 1951, and the Contract Labour Act) make
contract was not genuine but a mere specific provisions for the welfare of female
camouflage, the so-called contract labourers employees / workers, such as provisions
would be deemed to be employees of the mandating the availability of crèches, and
5 principal employer. (Steel Authority of India v. regulating working hours for female 5
National Union Water Front, AIR 2001 3574 SC) employees / workers.
Every establishment and contractor, to whom The Child Labour (Prohibition and
the Contract Labour Act applies, has to Regulation) Act, 1986, is applicable to all
10 register or obtain a license for execution of the establishments and workshops, and prohibits 10
contract work. The interests of contract the employment of children below the age of
workers are protected in terms of wages, 14 years in notified hazardous occupations
hours of work, welfare, health and social and processes. It also regulates the
security. The amenities to be provided to employment of children in nonhazardous
15 contract labour include canteens, rest rooms, occupations and processes. 15
first aid facilities, and other basic necessities at
the work place, such as the availability of x-x
drinking water. The responsibility to ensure
payment of wages and other benefits is
20 primarily that of the contractor, and, in case of 20
default, that of the principal employer.
All India Bar Examination and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1992.
Preparatory Materials Therefore, the sources of tort law in India are
both common law and statute.
Subject 18: Law of Torts, Including Motor
5 Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection A major part of the tort law in India 5
originated from the Indian judiciary’s
Law of Torts, including Motor Vehicles acceptance and explicit endorsement of
Accidents, and Consumer Protection relevant decisions of the English courts on
similar issues. However, the Supreme Court of
10 Chapter 1: Nature of a Tort" India has stated that “[w]e have to evolve new 10
principles and lay down new norms which would
A tort is a legal wrong. Tort law is a branch of adequately deal with the new problems which arise
the civil law (as distinguished from criminal in a highly industrialised economy. We cannot
law or public law). In civil law, the dispute is allow our judicial thinking to be constricted by
15 typically between private parties (though the reference to the law as it prevails in England or for 15
government can also sue and be sued in a civil that matter in any other foreign legal order. We are
action in court). The person who commits a certainly prepared to receive light from whatever
tortious act is called a tortfeasor while the source it comes but we have to build up our own
victim of a tortious act is the plaintiff in a tort jurisprudence…..[w]e in India cannot hold our
20 case. hands back and I venture to evolve a new principle 20
of liability which English Courts have not
While tort law does involve the idea of done.” (Chief Justice Bhagwati in M. C. Mehta
obligation, the duties imposed by the law of v. Union of India, AIR 1987 SC 1086 (Oleum Gas
torts apply to everyone subject to the law of Leak Case))
the relevant jurisdiction and are not
25 voluntarily assumed obligations (such as Tort law only provides an avenue of redress 25
those of contract or trust). for the injured person - it does not provide a
guarantee of recovery. Several commentators
It is critical to note that while India’s tort law have pointed out that most injured persons in
traces its historical origin to the writ system India just bear the loss suffered and move on
and common law decisions of the English with their lives rather than investing the time,
30 courts, the sources of modern tort law in India effort, and cost involved in pursuing an 30
can be found both in judicial decisions and in uncertain remedy through tort law and the
statutes. In doctrinal contrast, the tort (délit) courts.
law of France, for example, is entirely codified,
and Article 1382 of the Civil Code of France Etymologically, the word tort derives from the
35 simply states that “[a]ny act whatever of man, Latin words ‘torquere’, ‘tortum’ and ‘tortus’ that 35
which causes damage to another, obliges the convey a meaning of ‘twisted’, and thereby
one by whose fault it occurred, to compensate linguistically connote a sense of a wrong or
it.” deviation from what is right.
40 Illustration: The tort of negligence has become Examples of torts include trespass to land, 40
a part of the applicable tort law in India trespass to chattels, conversion, detinue, false
through judicial decisions that endorsed the imprisonment and wrongful confinement,
principles of negligence laid down by the assault, battery, fraud and deceit, defamation,
English courts. Negligence, therefore, is a negligent misstatement, nuisance, invasion of
45 common law tort in India. In contrast, privacy, intentional infliction of emotional 45
remedies for statutory torts have been distress, nervous shock, and of course,
established in Indian law through provisions negligence.
in various laws, including in the Consumer
50 Protection Act, 1986, the Motor Vehicles Act, Legal scholars have attempted to provide a 50
1988, the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, satisfactory definition of the term tort, and it
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 120
is apposite here to briefly re-state a few such This fundamental distinction allows us to
attempts made at defining a tort: appreciate some primary differences between
tort and crime:
“An act which causes harm to a determinate
5 person, whether intentionally or not, not being • First, the plaintiff is usually a private party 5
the breach of a duty arising out of a personal in tort cases, whereas it is the state (on
relation or contract, and which is either behalf of society in general) that initiates
contrary to law, or an omission of a specific action against the accused in criminal
legal duty, or a violation of an absolute cases.
10 right.” (Pollock) • Second, intention is not necessarily a 10
requirement for all torts (for example,
“A civil wrong independent of contract for negligence does not require intention to be
which the appropriate remedy is an action for established) while intention or motive are
unliquidated damages.” (Ratanlal and necessary elements for any crime to be
15 Dhirajlal) established. 15
• Third, criminal law in India always
“A term applied to a miscellaneous and more manifests in the form of statutes, whereas
or less unconnected group of civil wrongs tort law in India usually manifests in the
other than breach of contract for which a court form of case law or common law.
20 of law will afford a remedy in the form of an Therefore, the primary lawmaker in 20
action for damages.” (William Prosser) criminal cases is usually the legislature,
whereas the primary lawmaker in tort
It is important here to elaborate the major cases is usually the court.
differences between tort law and criminal law, • Fourth, the standard of proof in criminal
and between tort and contract, which the cases is ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’
25 above definitions directly or indirectly whereas the standard of proof in tort cases 25
reference. is ‘by a preponderance of probabilities /
Tort and Crime • Finally, damages (as compensation) are
usually awarded to the successful plaintiff
The law of delict (the forerunner to the in tort cases whereas the appropriate
30 modern idea of tort), protects the interests of response towards the guilty person under 30
injured individuals and determines whether criminal law is usually punishment.
and when redress may be claimed. In contrast,
criminal law subjects the wrongdoer to a Illustration: First, A unintentionally but
sanction (as punishment) in order to prevent negligently injures B, and second, C
35 the repetition of the act and to deter others intentionally shoots at and injures D. In the 35
from committing the same act. first case involving a tort, plaintiff-victim B
proceeds against injurer-defendant A in court
Illustration: The Indian Penal Code, 1860, through a tortious claim for unliquidated
criminalises public nuisance and provides for damages where the standard of proof is by a
40 a punishment for anyone found guilty of preponderance of evidence in support of B’s 40
committing a public nuisance (S.268 read with claim. In the second case, the prosecutor-state
S.290). Therefore, public nuisance is a crime in (on behalf of society in general) presses
India, and those responsible for a public criminal charges against accused-defendant C
nuisance can be punished under the criminal (for attempted murder, for example) so as to
45 law. By contrast, the tort of private nuisance punish C (through imprisonment and/or a 45
(which is a violation of a person’s enjoyment monetary penalty). The standard of proof
of her property) gives the affected person the required to establish that C did indeed
standing to pursue a civil action for damages commit the crime is that of beyond reasonable
50 and/or injunctive relief. doubt. 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 121
The publication, in 1881, of Oliver Wendell the well known in consimili casu clause of
Holmes, Jr.’s The Common Law represents, Edward I’s Statute of 1285, Westminster II,
arguably, one of the first relatively modern Chapter 24) that enabled a remedy for all
efforts to analyse the fundamental problems of other cases not involving violence (by force or
5 the common law, including tort law, in broad arms) but nonetheless causing injury or loss to 5
historic-philosophical terms. the plaintiff.
For our purposes here, it is useful to briefly Together, the actions (or writs) of trespass and
highlight the connection between modern tort trespass on the case covered the whole field of
10 law and the history of the action of trespass, tortious liability. 10
and then comment briefly on the origins of
tort law in India. Illustration: The difference between trespass
and trespass on the case is illustrated by the
Early English law did not distinguish between classic example provided by the English case
15 torts and crimes, and the early remedies for of Leame v. Bray, (1803) 3 East 593. A throws a 15
supposed wrongs included waging private heavy wooden log onto the road. If B is struck
wars known as feuds. The early history of the by the rolling log, B could seek remedy
law of torts, after its separation from the ideas through a trespass action against A since the
of crime and criminal law, is intricately injury was direct and immediate. If, however,
20 connected with the history of the action of B comes along later and is hurt by stumbling 20
early trespass (that originated as a personal over the stationary log on the road, B could
remedy in the English courts during the 13th only maintain an action of trespass on the
century). case.
cases adjudicated in independent India is losses, which are bound to occur in society. In
surprisingly low. Over the last three decades, most tort actions coming before courts, the
however, the Indian judiciary has steadily plaintiff is seeking monetary compensation
developed the jurisprudence of tort law in (damages) for the injury she has suffered, and
5 India. this fact strongly emphasises the function and 5
aim of tort law in allocating or redistributing
It is also important to reiterate that it is loss.
entirely up to the Indian courts to decide
whether to apply an English tort principle if Illustration: A suffers serious physical injury
10 justice demands it in a certain situation, either due to the negligent driving of B. As a result 10
entirely, or with appropriate modifications. of this injury, A will be unable to work until
she recovers. A will also have to spend money
Illustration: The Indian Supreme Court devised on medical treatment of the injury. In the
the absolute liability standard by modifying absence of tort law, these monetary losses
15 the strict liability standard as laid down by the would belong entirely to A. A’s tort claim 15
English courts. Another example pertains to against B for damages allows A to transfer,
the tort of slander, which is not always allocate, or redistribute these losses to B who
actionable per se (without proof of damage) was responsible for the injury in the first
under English law, but is actionable per se place.
20 under Indian law. Slander is the transitory 20
form of the tort of defamation. Defamation is a In cases where the plaintiff is seeking an
tortious act of communication that causes injunction to prevent the occurrence of harm
someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in in the future, the “preventive” function and
contempt, lowered in the estimation of the aim of tort law predominates.
community, or to lose employment status or
25 earnings, or to otherwise suffer a damaged Illustration: A files a suit for private nuisance 25
reputation. against B who operates a highly polluting
chemical factory with extremely noisy
Chapter 3: Aims of Tort Law machinery right next to A’s house in a
residential area. The remedy that A seeks
Commentators have suggested and argued a through her tort claim is an injunction that
30 number of aims of tort law. The aims include forbids or prevents B from continuing with B’s 30
corrective justice, distributive justice, chemical factory at its current location.
economic efficiency, avoidance of future costs,
fairness and equity, a rationalised system for Chapter 4: Conceptions of Tortious Liability
treatment of bad luck, and so on. While a
35 detailed discussion of these accounts is not Elements of a Tort that Create Liability 35
necessary for our present purposes, it is useful
to note the learned observations of Winfield in Analytically, a tort is constituted of three basic
this regard when she states that it is not elements: wrong, harm, and an appropriate
possible to assign any one aim to the law of relationship between the injurer's wrong and
40 tort, especially when one considers that the the harm to the victim. Once these conditions 40
subject comprehends situations as disparate as are met in any specific case, tort law enables
A carelessly running B down in the street the victim-plaintiff to shift her losses to the
(negligence), C calling D a thief (defamation), injurer-defendant. The conditions for shifting
E giving bad investment advice to F (negligent losses from victim-plaintiffs to injurer-
45 misstatement), and G selling H’s car when she defendants are expressed through “liability 45
has no authority to do so (conversion). rules” that vary from one tort to another and
also from one legal jurisdiction to another.
Winfield asserts that at a very general level,
50 however, it is possible to say that tort is Illustration: A hits and badly injures B with her 50
concerned with the allocation or prevention of car while driving negligently. The wrong here
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 124
is A’s driving negligently. The harm is the and therefore not acting negligently. A is
serious injury to B. The appropriate strictly liable to B for the injury B suffers.
relationship between the injurer's wrong and
the harm to the victim is borne out by the fact We will return to the crucial ideas of fault
5 that it was A’s negligent driving that caused or liability and strict liability in greater detail in 5
resulted in the injury to B. The law of the final section of this module.
negligence enables victim-plaintiff B to
recover compensatory damages from injurer- Vicarious Liability
defendant A on account of A being liable for
10 the tort of negligence. A unique form of liability that deserves 10
mention here is the concept of vicarious
Winfield’s definition of tortious liability is liability wherein a person can be held liable
useful here: “tortious liability arises from the for the conduct of another person. Vicarious
breach of a duty primarily fixed by law; this duty is liability may be defined as the liability that a
15 towards persons generally and its breach is supervisory party (such as an employer) bears 15
redressible by an action or unliquidated damages.” for the actionable conduct of a subordinate or
associate (such as an employee) based on the
It is important to note that the liability rules relationship between the two parties.
(for each of the torts) constitute the main
20 substantive content of tort law. Vicarious liability is a form of strict (and 20
secondary) liability originating from the
Distinguishing Fault Liability and Strict Liability common law doctrine of agency that broadly
states that the superior is responsible for the
Tort law distinguishes between two basic acts of the subordinate. This type of liability
kinds of liability: fault liability and strict can also be traced to the old Latin doctrine of
25 liability. Conventionally, under fault liability, ‘respondeat superior’, which roughly translates 25
the plaintiff establishes fault by showing that to ‘let the master / superior answer’.
she was wronged by the defendant and that in
doing so the defendant acted wrongfully, that Illustration: A’s servant B negligently injures
is, without justification or excuse. visitor C while cleaning A’s house. A is
vicariously liable to C for the tortious act of
30 Illustration: A punches B in the face and badly her servant B. 30
injures her. A is liable to B for her fault in
committing the tort of battery. For the A few terms that prominently feature in cases
intentional tort of battery to be established, it involving vicarious liability that require a
is necessary that the defendant has the intent brief explanation are:
35 to cause a harmful or offensive touching of the 35
plaintiff’s person, and that the defendant does • Principal or Employer: One who retains the
cause a harmful or offensive touching of the services of others (Agents or Employees) to
plaintiff’s person. carry out her work.
• Agent: One retained to carry out the work
40 Conversely, under strict liability, the person of a Principal. 40
does not have to establish the fault of the • Independent Contractor: A subordinate
defendant, though a judgment of strict who is usually subject to less oversight or
liability does not necessarily mean that the monitoring than an Agent.
defendant has acted innocently or justifiably. • Employee: A subordinate who is usually
45 subject to less oversight than an Agent and 45
Illustration: A’s dangerous dog somehow more oversight than an Independent
breaks its leash and bites her neighbour, B, Contractor.
despite A taking the necessary precautions of
50 buying the strongest available leash and To establish vicarious liability, the courts must 50
constructing a high wall around her house, find first that there exists a relationship of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 125
employee and employer. It is important to negligence since the tortious act did not occur
note that the torts of independent contractors during the course of A’s employment (which
generally do not impose vicarious liability on was that of a bus conductor and not that of a
employers, with some exceptions in the case bus driver).
5 of non-delegable duties and also inherently 5
dangerous activities. (Honeywill and Stein Ltd v. The vicarious liability of an employer for torts
Larkin Brothers Ltd., (1934) 1 KB 191) committed by employees should not be
confused with the liability an employer has
Illustration: A hires an independent contractor for her own torts. An employer whose
10 B to erect a fence around her property. B employee commits a tort may be herself liable 10
negligently injures C while erecting the fence. for negligence in hiring or supervising the
A is not vicariously liable to C for the tortious employee. But, an employer, who was not
act of B. negligent in hiring or supervising the
employee, may still be held vicariously liable
15 While no one test can cover all types of for the injury to a third party caused by her 15
employment, historically, the test for employee’s negligence.
establishing a relationship of employer and
employee has centred on identifying the Some classic categories of vicarious liability
existence of control between the supposed include:
20 employer and the employee in a form of 20
master and servant relationship. (Yewens v. • Liability of the principal for the tortious act of
Noakes, (1880) 6 QBD 530) The control test the agent: When a principal authorises her
imposed liability on the employer when the agent to perform any act, the principal
employer ordered or dictated what work was becomes liable for the tortious act of such
to be done and how it was to be done. agent, provided that such act occurs in the
25 course of performance of the agent’s 25
Illustration: A hires B to get rid of all the duties.
monkeys that have begun to invade her large • Liability of firm partners for the tortious act of
farm property without any further directions one partner: Partners of a firm are
on how this is to be done. B is not A’s responsible to the same extent as the
employee but only an independent contractor defaulting partner when the tortious act
30 since A does not have control over how the occurs in the normal course of business of 30
work is to be done. that partnership. The liability thus arising
will be joint and several.
An employer is normally held vicariously • Liability of the master for the tortious act of the
liable for the acts of the employee only when servant: The master is liable for the tortious
35 the tort is committed by the employee in the act of her servant provided that such 35
course of her employment. A preferred test of wrongful act occurs within the course of
the courts for connecting torts to the course of the servant’s performance of the master’s
employment (formulated by Salmond), states business or orders.
that an employer will be held liable for either
40 a wrongful act that they have authorised, or While historically most actions alleging 40
for a wrongful and unauthorised mode of vicarious liability for intentional torts have
performing an act that was authorised. failed, English law has relatively recently
(Limpus v. London General Omnibus Co., (1862) 1 recognised (in a case involving vicarious
H & C 526; Century Insurance Co v. Northern liability for sexual abuse) that where an
45 Ireland Road Transport Board, (1942) AC 509) intentional tort committed by an employee is 45
closely connected to her duties, her employer
Illustration: A is the conductor of a bus owned may be found vicariously liable. (Lister v.
by B in Lucknow. One day, A drives the bus Hesley Hall Ltd, (2001) UKHL 22)
50 negligently and injures several people on the 50
road. B will not be vicariously liable for A’s Illustration: A owns a nightclub where her
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 126
torts, abstract torts, property torts, no intention to cause a tiger to escape from
constitutional torts, statutory torts, economic her centre and attack B.
torts, mass torts, and torts in international
human rights law. Please note that these are Physical Torts
5 not strict legal categories but rather a 5
convenient way of understanding the diverse Denote all those torts that cause physical hurt
kinds of torts that the law encounters. to the body of one or more other persons.
Physical torts can include both intentional
Intentional Torts torts and unintentional torts that involve
10 physical hurt to one or more persons. Classic 10
Denote intentional acts that can reasonably be examples of physical torts would be battery,
foreseen to cause harm to one or more false imprisonment, and negligence involving
individuals, and that indeed do so. physical hurt to another person.
15 Intentional torts in India include torts against Illustration: A intentionally punches B in the 15
the person such as assault, battery, false face and breaks her nose. A is liable for the
imprisonment and wrongful confinement, physical tort of battery.
intentional infliction of emotional distress, and
fraud, and also torts against property such as Illustration: A locks B in her room and refuses
20 trespass to land, trespass to chattels, and to open the door for several hours even when 20
conversion. B pleads to be released. A is liable for the
physical tort of false imprisonment. For the
Illustration: A intentionally punches B in the physical/intentional tort of false
face and breaks her nose. A is liable for the imprisonment to be established, it is necessary
intentional tort of battery. that the defendant intentionally causes the
25 total restraint on the freedom of movement of 25
Unintentional Torts the plaintiff without any lawful justification.
(See Davidson v. Chief Constable of North Wales
Denote all those torts that are not intentionally & Another, (1994) 2 All ER 597)
committed by the tortfeasor. Most
unintentional torts are therefore accidents Abstract Torts
30 (usually cases of negligence), but this category 30
also includes torts falling under the rubric of ‘Abstract Torts’ denote torts that cause
‘strict liability’ or ‘absolute liability’. damage to the mind or to reputation.
Illustration: On learning that she has passed Examples of abstract torts include defamation,
35 the bar examination, A joyfully but carelessly copyright infringement, and restriction of 35
swings her arms around and in the process competition. In most jurisdictions, abstract
accidentally hits B in the face and breaks B’s torts usually have a requirement of intention
nose. A is liable for the unintentional tort of to commit the tortious act.
40 Illustration: A writes an article in a leading 40
Illustration: A is the owner of a tiger national newspaper that B has been constantly
rehabilitation centre near the outskirts of cheating on her husband and is also infected
Trivandrum. If a particularly strong tiger with several sexually transmitted diseases.
escapes from the centre and attacks a passerby These allegations are not true and A spreads
45 B, A will be absolutely liable to B under Indian this misinformation purely because she hates 45
tort law even if A was as careful as she could B for personal reasons. A is liable for the
have been, and was not negligent in planning abstract tort of defamation (specifically libel).
the safety measures and the strength of the
50 cages. This absolute liability tort is also an Illustration: B has been running a restaurant in 50
example of an unintentional tort, since A had Bangalore for many years that has acquired
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 128
fame for its delicious tandoori chicken. A property by denying possession, damaging
opens a restaurant in another part of the property, or destroying the property.
Bangalore and advertises her tandoori chicken
preparation as “the original B’s recipe Constitutional Torts
5 tandoori chicken.” A’s tandoori chicken, 5
however, is of very poor quality, and as a Denote violations of the Constitution (or
result of the confusion arising from the words infringements of constitutionally guaranteed
“the original B’s recipe tandoori chicken” rights), where the plaintiff-victim is awarded
printed in A’s advertisements and menus, compensatory damages from the State (most
10 many people in Bangalore also stop visiting paradigmatically) in a civil action before a 10
B’s restaurant. This results in a significant loss civil court.
of earning to B. A is liable for the abstract
tortious act of copyright infringement. In India, A.300 of the Constitution provides
that the Government may sue or be sued.
15 Property Torts 15
Landmark cases including Rudul Shah v. State
Denote torts that involve a wrong interference of Bihar AIR 1983 SC 1806; Sebastian M.
with the lawful property rights of the plaintiff. Hongray v. Union of India, AIR 1984 SC 571,
Bhim Singh v. State of Jammu & Kashmir, AIR
20 Examples of property torts include trespass to 1986 SC 494, and Nilabati Behera v. State of 20
land, trespass to chattels (personal property), Orissa, AIR 1993 SC 1960, represent the
and conversion. In most jurisdictions, these important place that constitutional torts have
property torts usually have a requirement of come to occupy in our tort and constitutional
intention to commit the tortious act. jurisprudence.
Statutory torts can be found in legislation and Certain torts of negligence in economic
regulations dealing with a variety of things contexts are also sometimes included by
including consumer protection and product commentators under the category of economic
5 liability, occupiers’ liability, food safety, health torts. 5
and environmental protection, and railways
accident liability. Following the House of Lords decision in
OBG Limited v. Allan, (2007) UK HL 21,
One notable example from Indian law is the liability for economic torts (under English
10 Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (“the law) arises when a person intends to do a 10
Consumer Protection Act”), that creates a wrongful act.
framework for remedies against deficiency in
goods or services. S.14(1)(d) of the Consumer Illustration: A tells B that a third party C is
Protection Act enables the District Forum to creditworthy and emphatically encourages B
15 issue an order to the product manufacturer or to lend money to C despite knowing very well 15
service provider “to pay such amount as may that C is actually broke and already heavily in
be awarded by it as compensation to the debt. Relying on A’s statements, B loans a
consumer for any loss or injury suffered by the large sum of money to C and consequently
consumer.” loses it with no possibility of recovering the
20 same from C. Here, A is liable for the 20
Statutory torts could be intentional torts or economic torts of deceit and malicious
unintentional torts depending on the statute in falsehood.
Illustration: A knows that B owes a contractual
Illustration: A buys a new pair of shoes from obligation to C, and procures or induces B to
25 the manufacturer B’s factory outlet in Jaipur. breach the said obligation such that C incurs 25
However, the shoes still have some harmful damage as a result. A is liable to C for the
chemical on them and A’s feet develop a economic tort of inducing breach of contract.
painful rash that eventually results in A’s left
foot getting paralyzed. B is liable to A for the Illustration: A and B have an agreement that
injury and loss under the statutory tort regime B’s truck company will transport freshly
30 developed through the Consumer Protection harvested vegetables from A’s farm to the 30
Act. vegetable market in Gangtok every Sunday. A
third party C threatens B that she will stop
Economic Torts and burn B’s trucks if any of them are found
to be transporting A’s goods. B is frightened
35 Denote civil wrongs that involve interference and consequently refuses to transport any of 35
with a person’s trade, business, or economic A’s vegetables, which results in huge losses to
interests. A. Here, C is liable to A for the economic tort
of intimidation.
Economic torts feature in the doctrine of
40 restraint of trade, and in competition law and Illustration: A and B are rival airplane 40
anti-trust law. manufacturers. On the day before an
important international air exhibition in
Examples of economic torts include civil which B’s new airplane model is to be
conspiracy (simple or unlawful) in an launched, A illegally enters B’s factory and
45 economic or business context, deceit, replaces the engine in B’s new airplane model 45
malicious falsehood, inducing breach of with an older and less efficient one. As a
contract, intimidation (in an economic result, B’s airplane under-performs at the
context), unlawful interference with trade exhibition, and many orders for the airplane
50 (also referred to as causing loss by unlawful are consequently cancelled. A is liable for the 50
means), and negligent misstatement. economic tort of unlawful interference with
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 130
trade or causing loss by unlawful means. continues to remain highly debated and in
considerable flux. For example, the tort of
Mass Torts trespass retains considerable antiquity going
back several centuries while legislators,
5 Denote civil actions involving numerous courts, and scholars continue to deliberate 5
victim-plaintiffs against one or more (usually about relatively modern (and disputed) torts
corporate or state) defendants. Mass torts such as the invasion of privacy, torture, sexual
include mass disaster torts, mass toxic torts, harassment, and cyber-damage.
and mass product liability torts.
10 Modern developments in science and 10
Illustration: The Bhopal chemical plant of a technology, changing perceptions of morality
multinational chemical company D develops a and culture, and complex advances in
leak (due to negligent safety standards) that economic and social policy necessitate that
releases poisonous chemicals into the tort law too constantly evolve and re-define
15 atmosphere, groundwater, and soil, and that itself to adequately deal with the full 15
consequently results in thousands of deaths spectrum of losses and misfortunes arising
and many more injuries to the residents (then from legal wrongs.
and future) of Bhopal. D is absolutely liable in
the mass tort litigations that follow. “Truly speaking the entire law of torts is founded
20 and structured on morality. Therefore, it would be 20
Illustration: G is a major pharmaceutical primitive to close strictly or close finally the ever
company that develops a sedative drug that is expanding and growing horizon of tortuous
sold on the marketplace for three years. It is liability.” (Jay Laxmi Salt Works (P.) Ltd. v. State
soon discovered that G’s sedative drug results of Gujarat, (1994) 4 SCC 1)
in severe birth defects in newborn children
25 whose mothers had consumed the drug "The categories of negligence are never 25
during pregnancy. The tragic side-effects of closed." (Lord Macmillan in Donoghue v.
the drug were not discovered during field Stevenson, [1932] AC 532)
trials because of G’s negligent safety
standards. G is liable in the mass tort Chapter 6: Strict / Absolute Liability
litigations that follow.
30 Strict Liability: The Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher 30
Torts in International Human Rights
The landmark case of Rylands v. Fletcher, 1868
These denote those wrongs that international (19) LT 220, established the strict liability
human rights instruments and policies standard that continues to hold sway in
35 provide civil redress for. Examples of these Anglo-American tort law. 35
kinds of international tortious claims include
demands for reparations for torture, war The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher provides that a
crimes, genocide, illegal renditions, and person, who for her own purpose brings on to
environmental pollution. her land and collects and keeps there anything
40 likely to do mischief, must keep it at her peril 40
Another important instrument worth and, if she fails to do so and it escapes, is
mentioning here is an American legislation – prima facie liable for the damage which is the
the Alien Tort Claims Act, 1789, which grants natural consequence of its escape.
jurisdiction to US Federal Courts over "any
45 civil action by an alien for a tort only, The liability under this rule is strict and it is 45
committed in violation of the law of nations or no defence that the thing escaped without that
a treaty of the United States." person’s wilful act, default, or neglect, or even
that she had no knowledge of its existence.
50 Importantly, the domain of tort law is in no 50
way clearly circumscribed or defined and This rule applies only to non-natural uses of
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 131
the land and it does not apply to things dangerous activity, the enterprise is strictly
naturally on the land, or where the escape is and absolutely liable to compensate all those
due to an act of God or an act of a stranger or who are affected by the accident and such
the default of the person injured, or where the liability is not subject to any of the exceptions
5 thing which escapes is present by the consent which operate vis-a-vis the tortious principle 5
of the person injured, or, in certain cases, of strict liability under the rule in Ryland v.
where there is statutory authority. Fletcher.
Illustration: A keeps a large dangerous dog The Supreme Court further added that the
10 inside a closed area on her property. B enters measure of compensation in cases of absolute 10
A’s property and unlocks the gate to the liability must be correlated to the magnitude
closed area before leaving A’s property. A few and capacity of the enterprise involved.
minutes later, the dog escapes and bites B
right outside A’s property. A is not liable to B Illustration: A is injured by the poisonous gas
15 under strict liability because it was B’s default that leaks from B’s chemical factory that 15
that led to the dog’s escape from A’s property. manufactures pesticides and insecticides. B is
absolutely liable to A for the loss suffered by
Courts have interpreted Rylands v. Fletcher to A.
impose strict liability if harm results from a
20 miscarriage of an unusual, extraordinary, Illustration: B’s chemical factory manufactures 20
exceptional, or inappropriate activity in light poisonous pesticides and insecticides. One
of the place and manner in which the activity day, lightning strikes a tank on B’s property
is conducted. Therefore, the primary basis of and this leads to a leakage of a poisonous gas
strict liability is the creation of extraordinary that injures A. Under Rylands v. Fletcher, B
risk. would not be strictly liable to A since the
25 escape of the poisonous gas is due to an act of 25
The American Restatement on the Law of God. However, under Indian law, B will be
Torts has accepted Rylands in limited form by absolutely liable to A for the injury suffered by
limiting it to ultra-hazardous activities, A.
defined as those “necessarily involving a risk
of serious harm to the person, land, or chattels Chapter 7: The Tort of Negligence
30 of another which cannot be eliminated by the 30
exercise of the utmost care.” The tort of negligence occurs when the
defendant’s conduct imposes an unreasonable
Absolute Liability: The Rule in M. C. Mehta v. risk upon the plaintiff, which results in injury
Union of India to the plaintiff. The negligent tortfeasor’s
35 mental state of intentionality is irrelevant as 35
The decision of the Indian Supreme Court in regards the tort of negligence. Therefore,
M. C. Mehta v. Union of India, AIR 1987 SC 1086 while negligence is not an intentional tort, it
(Oleum Gas Leak case), established the unique does incur fault liability.
standard of absolute liability in India.
40 The essential difference between the absolute The components of a negligent action are: 40
liability standard and the strict liability
standard is that absolute liability is not subject • Duty: There is a legal duty for the
to any of the exceptions expressly listed in defendant to behave according to a certain
Rylands v. Fletcher. standard that will avoid unreasonable risk
45 to others. 45
The rule in the Oleum Gas Leak case provides • Failure to conform: The defendant’s
that where an enterprise is engaged in a behaviour / conduct does not conform to
hazardous or inherently dangerous activity, this standard.
50 and harm results to anyone through the • Proximate cause: There must be a 50
operation of such hazardous or inherently sufficiently close causal link between the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 132
defendant’s negligent act and the plaintiff’s as of the time it occurred, imposed an
injury and resulting harm. unreasonable risk of harm.
• Actual damage: The plaintiff must actually
suffer a loss or damage of a legally The Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur
5 recognised kind. 5
The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur (translated as
Illustration: A is driving her car but keeps “the thing speaks for itself”) creates a strong
looking at her mobile phone or the car stereo inference in favour of the plaintiff that
and does not pay adequate attention to the negligence has indeed taken place. Once the
10 road. A’s car hits and injures a pedestrian B. doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applies, it requires 10
The requirements of the tort of negligence are no further showing of how exactly the
satisfied because A (while driving) owes a defendant was responsible for the negligence
duty of care to pedestrians on the road. A’s because the elements of duty of care and
failure to pay attention to the road is a failure breach can be inferred from the very nature of
15 to confirm to the duty of care, which is the the accident. 15
proximate cause of a legally recognised injury
to B. Finally, B has been injured and therefore Illustration: A goes to her doctor after an
there is actual damage. appendectomy (removal of appendix)
complaining of a pain in her stomach and
20 Standard of Care in Negligence abdominal area. The X-ray shows that a 20
metallic object of the size and shape of a
In tort law, the standard of care is the degree medical scalpel is in her abdomen. The thing
of prudence and caution that a reasonable speaks for itself and it shows that the doctor
individual must display when discharging a who carried out the appendectomy was
duty of care under similar circumstances. It is negligent.
25 important to note that the reasonable person 25
standard is an objective standard that is Res ipsa loquitur does not usually fully reverse
different from the average person standard. the burden of proof under English law or
The key question involved in determining the Indian law. For the doctrine to apply, three
standard of care in tort cases is: “What is it to conditions are usually required to be met:
be a reasonable person of ordinary prudence?”
30 • The injury or accident in question is of a 30
Illustration: A starts a fire at her campsite in the kind that ordinarily does not occur without
forest. She then packs and leaves her camp- negligence.
site without putting out the fire, which in turn
leads to a major forest fire causing a lot of Illustration: Doctor B carries out a surgery
35 damage. A will be liable for her negligent on patient A’s brain when the patient has 35
action because a reasonable person under complained of a pain in her right foot.
similar circumstances would have put out the
fire before leaving the area. • The injury or loss is caused by an
instrumentality within the exclusive
40 Two important points to note while control of the defendant. 40
determining or analysing the requisite
standard of care in a particular instance: Illustration: A, a railway guard posted at a
train crossing, neglects to switch the signals
• The plaintiff must show that the or close the gate. As a result, two trains
45 defendant’s conduct imposed an crash, causing considerable damage. Res ipsa 45
unreasonable risk of harm on the plaintiff. loquitur applies as the injury was caused by
• It is not enough for the plaintiff to merely an instrumentality within the exclusive
show that the defendant’s conduct resulted control of the defendant railway.
50 in the plaintiff’s injury. The plaintiff must 50
show that the defendant’s conduct, viewed • The injury is not due to any voluntary
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 133
30 • The Implicated Duty: Who owes a duty to Illustration: A brandishes a large knife and 30
whom? What is the content of this duty? rushes towards B while screaming that she
• The Breach: Was the duty breached? By will kill B. B strikes A to prevent her from
whom? In what manner? Who has the stabbing her. B will be able to successfully
burden of proving the breach? use the defence of self-defence against A’s
35 • The Harm: Did the breach of the duty tort claim for battery. 35
result in harm? To whom? In what
manner? • Defence of others: The law may not
• Ownership of the Harm: Who can be said attribute liability to the defendant who
to own the harm in question? Was the carries out the tortious act while
40 harm foreseeable? Was the harm defending some other third-person 40
avoidable? What was the cause-in-fact of against a real threat. It is important to
the harm? What was the proximate cause note that the decision to defend the
of the harm? other person must be a reasonable one.
45 • If a prima facie case for tort does exist, what Illustration: A brandishes a large knife and 45
are the defences available (to the injurer- rushes towards B’s infant son C while
defendant) for the tort in question? screaming that she will kill C. B strikes A
Defences that might be available for the tort to prevent her from stabbing C. B will be
50 in question include: able to successfully use the defence of 50
‘defence of others’ against A’s tort claim
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 134
This is expressed by the statement “but for • Negligence involves conduct that creates
X no Y” where X represents the cause being liability because it falls short of what a
analysed and Y represents the harm or reasonable person would do to protect
injury to the plaintiff. For the defendant to another person from the foreseeable risks
5 be held liable, the plaintiff must establish of harm. 5
that but for the defendant's conduct or
activity, the plaintiff would not have been Chapter 9: The Consumer Protection Act,
injured. (Barnett v. Chelsea & Kensington 1986
Hospital, (1969) 1 QB 428)
10 The Consumer Protection Act is an example of 10
Illustration: A negligently forgets to replace legislation that creates a statutory regime for
the cover over a large drain on the pavement redress of legal injury caused to consumers of
of the road. B falls into the drain and injures goods and services in India.
herself. A’s action is the cause-in-fact of B’s
15 injury and satisfies the “but for” test. S.2(d) of the Consumer Protection Act defines 15
a “consumer” as any person who:
• The proximate cause: This represents one of
several but-for causes that is so proximate • Buys any goods for a consideration which
or closely responsible for the injury that the has been paid or promised or partly paid
20 author(s) of such a proximate cause ought and partly promised, or under any system 20
to be held responsible in tort. The of deferred payment and includes any user
proximate cause test is a useful way of of such goods other than the person who
establishing causation when several causes buys such goods for consideration paid or
satisfy the but-for test. promised or partly paid or partly
promised, or under any system of deferred
25 Illustration: A, as a prank, pulls the chair payment when such use is made with the 25
from under B as B is about to sit down. approval of such person, but does not
When B hits the floor, a rare expensive include a person who obtains such goods
painting falls from the wall and gets badly for resale or for any commercial purpose;
damaged. Both A’s action and B’s hitting the or
floor are but-for causes of the damage to the • Hires or avails of any services for a
30 painting. The court must now examine consideration which has been paid or 30
whether A’s action represents a proximate promised or partly paid and partly
cause of the painting’s damage or not. This promised, or under any system of deferred
will involve considerations of such things payment and includes any beneficiary of
including foreseeability, possibility of such services other than the person who
35 prevention, and the natural course of events. 'hires or avails of the services for 35
consideration paid or promised, or partly
An Overview of when Fault Liability Applies paid and partly promised, or under any
system of deferred payment, when such
Fault liability in tort arises from the breach of services are availed of with the approval of
40 a duty not to harm faultily. Fault liability the first mentioned person but does not 40
under common law arises in the following include a person who avails of such
three scenarios: services for any commercial purposes.
• Intentional torts (also called wilful torts in Illustration: A buys a laptop from the
45 some jurisdictions) are torts committed manufacturer B for Rs.25,000/-. C avails of a 45
with a general or specific intent. home-cleaning service from D’s company for
• Recklessness in tort law involves those acts Rs.7,000/- a month. A and C are ‘consumers’
(of the defendant) that evidence a conscious within the meaning of S.2(d) of the Consumer
50 disregard of a substantial risk of real harm Protection Act. 50
to the plaintiff.
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The Consumer Protection Act provides a Illustration: A buys a car from manufacturer B
mechanism through which consumers can for Rs.15 lakh. Any consumer complaint
obtain a remedy for any defect in good, relating to the car should be appropriately
deficiency in services, or any other unfair pursued in the District Forum that has a
5 trade practice that has resulted in a legal jurisdiction to entertain complaints where the 5
injury to them. S.2(f) defines a ‘defect’ as “any value of the goods or services and the
fault, imperfection or shortcoming in the compensation claimed does not exceed Rs.20
quality, quantity, potency, purity or standard lakh.
which is required to be maintained by or
10 under any law for the time being in force Illustration: A buys a car from manufacturer B 10
under any contract, express or implied or as is for Rs.25 lakh. Any consumer complaint
claimed by the trader in any manner relating to the car should be pursued in the
whatsoever in relation to any goods.” S.2(g) State Forum that has a jurisdiction to entertain
defines ‘deficiency’ as “any fault, complaints where the value of the goods or
15 imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in services and the compensation claimed 15
the quality, nature and manner of performance exceeds Rs.20 lakh but does not exceed
which is required to be maintained by or Rupees 1 crore.
under any law for the time being in force or
has been undertaken to be performed by a Illustration: A buys a customised car from
20 person in pursuance of a contract or otherwise manufacturer B for Rs.1 crore 5 lakh. Any 20
in relation to any service.” S.2(r) defines the consumer complaint relating to the car should
term ‘unfair trade practice’. be pursued in the National Forum that has a
jurisdiction to entertain complaints where the
Illustration: A buys a kilogram of rice from B value of the goods or services and the
for Rs.20/-. The rice sold to A is rotten and full compensation exceeds Rupees 1 crore.
25 of insects. The rice sold by B to A is defective. 25
From the perspective of tort law, the most
Illustration: A hires B to manage the important provision is contained in S.14(1)(d)
information technology system in her of the Consumer Protection Act, which
company (including protecting the system enables the District Forum to issue an order to
from any unauthorised access and virus). B the product manufacturer or service provider
30 does not install any protective software and “to pay such amount as may be awarded by it 30
soon all computers in A’s office crash. B’s as compensation to the consumer for any loss
service to A is deficient. or injury suffered by the consumer.”
The agencies established by the Consumer Illustration: A buys a laptop from B for Rs.
35 Protection Act include a Consumer Disputes 40,000/-. A week later, the laptop explodes 35
Redressal Forum to be known as the "District while A is using it and causes severe burns to
Forum" established by the State Government A. B will be liable to A for the loss suffered by
in each district of the State, a Consumer A.
Disputes Redressal Commission to be known
40 as the "State Commission" established by the S.15 of the Consumer Protection Act provides 40
State Government in the State, and a National that any person aggrieved by an order made
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission to by the District Forum may prefer an appeal
be known as the “National Commission” against such order to the State Commission
established by the Central Government. The within a period of thirty days from the date of
45 jurisdiction of the District Forum, the State the order. S.19 provides that any person 45
Commission, and the Nation Commission, is aggrieved by an order made by the State
pecuniary jurisdiction as per the limits Commission may prefer an appeal against
provided in Ss.11, 17, and 21 of the Consumer such order to the National Commission within
50 Protection Act, 1986. a period of thirty days from the date of the 50
order. S.23 provides that any person aggrieved
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 138
10 Taxation, in its basic form, is a compulsory Direct taxes are taxes that are imposed on 10
exaction from individuals and entities by the persons, usually based on their ability to pay,
Government to raise finances. It is often used and calculated on their income, expenditure
as a policy tool to influence manufacture, or net wealth (for example, Income-tax,
provision, and consumption of goods and Wealth-tax, Gift-tax).
15 services. Taxes are characterised by their 15
mandatory nature and the lack of any need for Indirect taxes, on the other hand, are taxes
correlation between the amount paid and the imposed on goods, services, transactions, or
value of the public services financed by the activities. They are usually collected by an
tax. intermediary, such as the seller or service
20 provider, from the person on whom the tax 20
Under the Constitution, taxes are levied by the burden finally falls. Examples of indirect taxes
Union or the States, depending on the entries include sales tax, excise duty, and customs
in the Seventh Schedule. Further, A.265 states, duty.
“No tax shall be levied or collected except by
authority of law.” Here, ‘law’ means a law Proportional, Progressive, and Regressive Taxation
25 enacted by a legislature. (Ghulam Hussain v. 25
State of Rajasthan, AIR 1963 SC 379) An Proportional taxation is where the quantum of
executive order, a rule that goes beyond the tax is a proportion of the sum sought to be
powers under the statute, or a custom, are not taxed, where such proportion remains
‘law’. constant despite the sum.
30 Tax is imposed on the occurrence of a “taxable Progressive taxation is where the tax rate 30
event”. The taxable event for income tax, for increases with the sum taxed, so that as the
instance, is the earning of income; the taxable sum taxed increases, a larger portion of each
event for excise duty is manufacture; and the additional unit taxed is to be paid as tax.
taxable event for service tax is the provision of
35 service. Regressive taxation is where the tax rate 35
decreases as the sum becomes larger.
Taxing statutes typically have a “charging
provision” that identifies the taxable event, and In some cases, like professional tax, the tax
related provisions regarding computation. rate is a fixed amount payable each year. Such
40 These provisions are to be interpreted strictly. a tax is not proportional, progressive, or 40
If a person has not been brought within the regressive, but is known as a flat tax.
ambit of the provision strictly, she cannot be
taxed at all. (I. R. v. Countess of Longford, 13 Chapter 3: Direct Taxes
T.C. 573 (HL)) There are also machinery
45 provisions that provide for assessment, Income Tax 45
collection, adjudication, and appeals. These
are to be interpreted so as to make the Legislation
machinery workable. (United Provinces v. C. I.
50 T., 204 ITR 794) Income-tax is levied under the Income-Tax 50
Act, 1961 (“the IT Act”), that replaced the
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 140
Indian Income-Tax Act, 1922. It has been provision. The classic definition of “income”
passed under Entry 82 of List I of the Seventh is:
Schedule to the Constitution, which provides
for “Taxes on income other than agricultural “Income… connotes a periodical monetary
5 income”. This exemption for “agricultural return ‘coming in’ with some sort of 5
income” is reflected in S.10(1) of the IT Act. regularity, or expected regularity, from
definite sources… excluding anything in the
Charging Provision nature of a mere windfall… Thus income has
been linked pictorially to the fruit of a tree, or
10 Income-tax is charged under S.4 of the IT Act: the crop of a field. It is the produce of 10
something which is loosely spoken of as
“(1) Where any Central Act enacts that income- ‘capital’.” (C. I. T. v. Shaw Wallace, 59 I.A. 206)
tax shall be charged for any assessment year at
any rate or rates, income-tax at that rate or those This dictum, however, has been whittled
15 rates shall be charged for that year in accordance down in a variety of judgments, and it is 15
with, and subject to the provisions (including accepted today that anything which can be
provisions for the levy of additional income- properly described as income and taxed under
tax) of, this Act in respect of the total income of the IT Act, unless expressly exempted, is
the previous year of every person:” “income”. (Emil Webber v. C. I. T., 200 ITR 483
20 (SC)). The term is wide enough to include 20
The key terms in this section are: income from unlawful businesses also.
(Minister of Finance v. Smith, 1927 A.C. 193)
• “Central Act”: This refers to the custom that
it is the Finance Act, passed pursuant to the The Court has held in many judgments that
budget, that sets out the rate of income-tax only “real income” of a person can be taxed
25 payable that year. under the IT Act. If it is not income of the 25
• “Every person”: includes persons that are assessee at all, no income-tax liability arises.
defined in S.2(31) - “A person, an (Godhra Electric Company v. C. I. T., (1997) 4
individual, a company, a firm, an SCC 530)
association of persons, a local authority, and
every artificial juridical person not falling Illustration: An electricity company, P Ltd.,
30 within any of the above categories.” receives amounts from its customers and 30
• The income taxed is the income of the makes profits. Under a particular legislation,
“previous year” (defined in S.3) and not of there is an obligation to refund ⅓ rd of excess
the assessment year. The tax is ‘assessed profit to the consumers. The liability to refund
and paid in the next succeeding year upon ⅓ rd was set apart to a “Consumer Benefit
35 the results of the year before’. (Indian Iron v. Reserve Account”. Even though it was part of 35
C. I. T., 11 ITR 328). However, the law to be such a reserve account, it was liable to be
applied is the law in force during the returned to the consumers and therefore did
assessment year. (Reliance v. C. I. T., 120 ITR not form part of P Ltd.’s real profits, and
921). Therefore, the liability to tax arises by cannot be brought to tax. (Poona Electric Supply
40 virtue of the charging section, when the v. C. I. T., 57 ITR 521) 40
previous year closes, although the
quantification of the amount is done later.
(Wallace Bros. v. C. W. T., 16 ITR 240) Capital and Revenue Receipts
• The “total income” (defined in S.5) of the
45 person is brought to tax. Receipts that arise out of the normal course of 45
an assessee’s business are called “revenue
Income receipts” and the receipts that are not from the
assessee’s regular course of business are
50 Income is defined under S.2(24) of the IT Act, “capital receipts”. Under the IT Act, broadly, 50
and has a wide definition under that only revenue receipts are taxed as income,
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 141
unless the capital receipts are chargeable as Co., an automobile manufacturer, buys
“capital gains”. machinery from W Co. For Z Co., the
expenditure is a capital expenditure, while for
Illustration: A, a teacher in a school, receives a W Co., the receipt is a revenue receipt.
5 salary each month. It is a revenue receipt. A 5
receives a large sum of money under a will Profits and gains that arise from transactions
from her uncle. That is a capital receipt. that are incidental to, or closely associated
with the business of an assessee, are revenue
Illustration: B Co. engages in the stationery receipts.
10 business. It receives money for the sale of 10
property. That is a capital receipt. Illustration: The sale and purchase of shares by
a stock-broker on her own account, profits
If B Co. was in the real estate business, the sale from foreign exchange transactions of a bank,
of land would amount to a revenue receipt. If and income to a company from letting out its
15 B Co. sold its office premises and made a gain, houses to its employees, are all revenue 15
it would be a capital receipt, since the land receipts.
was held and dealt with as a capital
investment outside its trade. The recurring or lump-sum nature of the
receipt is irrelevant to determining the nature
20 Illustration: C Co., which engaged in the of receipt. Advances against royalties received 20
business of being a selling agent for a colliery, by authors, for instance, would be a revenue
had to, in the course of its business, purchase receipt in their hands. If a payment is
wagons on behalf of its clients. Anticipating a measured by the estimated annual profit or
rise in prices due to war, it purchased a large yield, then it is revenue. Similarly, what is
number of wagons and sold them at a great relevant is the nature of the transaction, and
25 profit. This profit is revenue, since it is in the not the name given to it by the parties. 25
ordinary course of business. (Benyon and Co. v.
Ogg, 7 T.C. 125) Illustration: ABC Co. is the sole selling agent
for XYZ Co. Any compensation it receives for
As a broad rule, a receipt that is in the nature the termination of the agency is a capital
of a fixed capital is not taxable, but when it receipt. (Under S.28 of the IT Act, however, it
30 refers to circulating capital or stock-in-trade, it is made taxable.) If ABC Co. had many 30
is taxable. (John Smith v. Moore, 12 T.C. 266 agencies and one of them were terminated,
(HL)) the compensation received would be a
revenue receipt.
Illustration: A company manufactured fireclay
35 goods, and was a lessee of certain fireclay Illustration: A doctor, under her contract with 35
fields. This field was acquired by a railway a hospital, is restrained from practising in that
company under a statute, and compensation locality for five years and receives a
was paid. The receipt was held to be a capital compensation for this restraint. It is a capital
receipt since it was made for the loss of a receipt. Under the doctor’s employment
40 fireclay field, which was a capital asset. The agreement, however, the doctor is entitled to a 40
fact that such payment was calculated on the “non-practising allowance” for agreeing to
profits that could have been earned did not practice only in the hospital. That is a revenue
make it a revenue receipt. (Glenboig Fireclay Co. receipt.
v. I. R., 12 T.C. 427)
45 “Previous Year”, “Assessment Year”, “Financial 45
The nature of the receipt depends only on its Year”
character in the hands of the recipient and not
on its character in the hands of the payee. S.3 of the IT Act provides:
50 50
Illustration: W Co. is a dealer in machinery. Z “For the purposes of this act, “previous year”
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 142
means the financial year immediately she fulfils one of the “resident” criterion, and
preceding the assessment year:” she has been a non-resident for nine out of the
last ten years preceding the relevant previous
S.2(9) defines assessment year as the period of year, or she has been in India for less than 729
5 twelve months beginning every April 1. days in the seven years preceding the relevant 5
previous year.
Finally, while the IT Act does not define
“financial year”, the Companies Act, 1956, If she does not fall within either of the above
defines it as the period in respect of which the categories, she is classified as a non-resident.
10 profit and loss account is laid by the company 10
before the annual general meeting. Such In the case of a company, an “Indian
period need not be exactly one year. The company”, as defined by S.2(26) of the IT Act,
General Clauses Act, 1897 defines it as the is always resident in India. In the case of a
period starting from April 1 and ending with foreign company, according to S.6(3), if the
15 March 31. However it does define assessment whole of the control and management of the 15
and previous year. “assessment year” means company is exercised from India during that
the period of twelve months commencing on previous year, it is resident in India.
the 1st day of April every year while previous
year is defined as the financial year Total Income
20 immediately preceding the assessment year. 20
The “total income” of a “resident” under S.5
In the case of businesses or professions that (1) of the IT Act includes income that is:
are newly set up, the assessment year or
[previous year is taken as between the date on • Received or deemed to be received in
which the business is set up, up to the date on India; or
25 which the financial year ends. • Accrues or arises to her in India; or 25
• Accrued or arises to her outside India.
Illustration: Y joins the Bar on December 4,
2009. Her previous year, for the assessment A person who is not ordinarily resident in
year 2010-11, will be between December 4, India would be taxed only on the first two
2009 and March 31, 2010. points above.
30 30
Illustration: Z Co. commences business on A non-resident is taxed only on income that is
December 26, 2008, and closes its account either received, deemed to be received, or
book for the financial year 2008-09 on accrues or is deemed to accrue in India.
December 31, 2009. .In the present case the
35 previous year will include period up to March Receipt, Accrual 35
31, 2010 and the assessment year will start
from April 1, 2010 for a period of twelve “Receipt” refers to the physical receipt of the
months thereafter. income in the hands of the assessee, or by
someone on behalf of the assessee. Two pieces
40 Resident, Not Ordinarily Resident and Non- of information need to be understood in the 40
Resident (S.6) case of receipt – the place of receipt, and the
time of receipt. The amount is received by the
A person is resident in India if she is in India assessee when it is put in her control.
for a period or periods aggregating to more Therefore, the place of receipt of a cheque by
45 than 182 days during the previous year, or she post would be the place where the cheque is 45
has been in India for more than 365 days in received by the assessee, and the time of
the four years preceding the previous year, receipt of such amount would be the time of
and at least sixty days in the previous year. receipt of the cheque and not the time of
50 encashment. 50
A person is not-ordinarily-resident in India if
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 143
public utility. The expression ‘general public wages, annuity or pension, gratuity, and fees,
utility’ has been interpreted to mean even a commissions, perquisites or profits, in lieu of
segment of society and not necessarily the salary in addition to salary or wages, amongst
whole of mankind. As long as the object is not other sums. For an income under this head,
5 to benefit specified individuals, but a class of there must be an employer-employee 5
persons, it would come under this definition. relationship between the payer and the
Accordingly, a chamber of commerce (C. I. T. assessee. Therefore, a contract of service leads
v. Andhra Chamber of Commerce, 55 ITR 722) to a salary, but a contract for services does not
and State Bar Councils (C. I. T. v. Bar Council of lead to a salary.
10 Maharashtra, 130 ITR 28) have been held to 10
come within the definition of a “charitable Illustration: F is a Director in G Ltd. and
purpose”. Where some objects of a trust are receives remuneration for her services. If G is
charitable, and some are not, the dominant a full-time director and works under the
purpose of the trust is to be considered. control of the organisation, G’s remuneration
15 is a “salary”. (C. I. T. v. Navnitlal Sakarlal, 247 15
Chapters VI-A and VII of the IT Act list out ITR 70) However, if F is a Chartered
various incomes that are to be deducted from Accountant acting as an independent director
the total income. These are, in effect, incomes on the Board, the remuneration received by
that are not liable to tax. There is a distinction her is only “profits and gains of business or
20 between exemptions and deductions, though profession”. 20
the effect of both is to relieve a sum of tax. A
sum exempt from tax does not form part of Illustration: GS is the Advocate-General of
the total income at all, and is exempted from Tamil Nadu. GS is not an employee of the
the charge of tax. A deductible sum is allowed Government, but merely performing
to be deducted when computing taxable professional services for it. GS’ remuneration
25 income, but is not exempted from the charge as Advocate-General is not salary. (C. I. T. v. 25
of income tax. Govind Swaminathan, 233 ITR 264)
This is important for two reasons – first, the Salaries are chargeable to tax at the time when
rate of tax payable is determined by the total they are due or when they are received,
income, and second, in several cases, whichever is earlier.
30 calculations are to be made on the total 30
income. The “deductions” are used in Illustration: A Co. is unable to pay salaries to
computing the “total income” brought to tax, its employees in 2009-10. B Co. pays salaries
but the “exemptions” are completely in advance for six months in January 2010.
excluded. Both sums will be brought to tax in
35 Assessment Year 2010-11. 35
Heads of Income
“Perquisites” defined under S.17(2) are taxed
Under S.14, all incomes are classified into five under “salaries”, and so are “profits in lieu of
heads: salary”.
40 40
• Salaries (Ss.15 – 17) Income from House Property
• Income from House property (Ss.22 – 27)
• Profits and Gains of Business or Profession Even though the head uses the term “house
(Ss.28 - 44DA) property”, the tax is levied on the “annual
45 • Capital gains (Ss.45 – 55A) value” of a property consisting of a “building” 45
• Income from other sources (Ss.56 – 59) and “land appurtenant thereto” owned by the
assessee that is not occupied by her for the
Salaries purposes of a business or profession.
50 50
“Salaries” are defined under S.17 to include “Building” is a term that signifies some
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 145
measure of permanence. Therefore, even huts devoting time, attention, and labour of a
may be buildings, but circus tents or person either on her own, or by employing
exhibition structures are not buildings. Lawns, other persons with a motive to make profits.
gardens, and parking lots attached to the The provision defines “business” as any trade,
5 buildings are covered within the meaning of commerce, or manufacture, or any adventure 5
“land appurtenant thereto”. A person is the in the nature of a trade.
“owner” of a property as long as that person is
entitled to receive income from it. There is no “Profession” is defined in S.2(36) to include a
need for a registered deed in that person’s vocation. Therefore, not only activities carried
10 favour. (C. I. T. v. Podar Cement Ltd., 266 ITR out by knowledge acquired through a 10
625) S.27 lists some special cases in which professed study, but also on account of inborn
persons are deemed to be owners of the talent or skill, would qualify as a
property. “profession”. For example, philosopher and
musician would be included within the
15 The “annual value” of the property is defined definition of profession. 15
in S.23 as the sum for which the property
might reasonably be expected to let from year Income under this head, according to S.145, is
to year. Whether the sum is actually earned computed using the method of accounting
from the property is irrelevant to this section. employed regularly by the assessee. Further,
20 Therefore, even a vacant property is subjected the guidelines given in the detailed provisions 20
to “income from house property”. of Ss.30 to 43D are followed.
However, the annual value of property that is Current Repairs and Capital Expenditure
occupied by the assessee herself, or which is
not occupied by her due to her employment in Subject to the conditions in S.30 and S.31,
25 another place, is considered as zero, in rents, insurance, and repairs of the premises 25
accordance with S.23, unless the assessee is of business or profession, or machinery, plant,
deriving some benefit from the property. and furniture are allowable deductions.
The taxes levied by a local authority are Only “current repairs”, however, and not
deducted from the annual value. Under S.24 “capital expenditure” is allowed as a
30 (a), a flat 30% is deducted. Subject to certain deduction under this provision. If an asset is 30
conditions, the interest payable on capital restored to its normal or original condition by
borrowed to buy or construct the property, incurring certain expenditure that does not
make repairs, or reconstructions on the enhance the efficiency beyond the normal
property is also deducted. These deductions efficiency, then such expenditure is “current
35 are also available when the annual value is repairs”. On the other hand, if a new and 35
zero under S.23, in which case the income enduring advantage ensues from an
from house property is taken as a loss. expenditure with respect to a building or
machinery, it would amount to a capital
Profits and Gains of Business or Profession expenditure.
40 40
Under S.28 of the IT Act, the profits and gains Illustration: V is a restaurant that is partially
of a business or profession are brought to tax. destroyed in a fire. Furniture and other
The other sub-sections of the provision list out equipment, including air-conditioning are
other incomes charged under this provision, replaced. This is within the definition of
45 such as the compensation received upon “current repairs”, since the object of the 45
termination and modification of certain expenditure is to regain the original efficiency.
contracts, and other sums. (C. I. T. v. Volga Restaurant, 253 ITR 405)
50 “Business”, defined in S.2(13), can be Illustration: The spare parts of a power loom in 50
understood as an activity that is carried out by a textile mill are faulty. The engineer suggests
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 146
their replacement with a much more powerful business purpose. (See C. I. T. v. Prem
part. This expenditure would be capital Engineering, 285 ITR 554 and C. I. T. v. Abhishek
expenditure and not “current repairs”. Industries, 286 ITR 1)
Management. This expenditure is not of a company and so on, are not “transfers” under
revenue nature since it has nothing to do with Ss.46 and 47.
the business of the firm. (C. I. T. v. Hindustan
Hosiery, 209 ITR 383) Computation of Capital Gains
5 5
Under the explanation to S.37(1), an Computation of Capital Gains is done under
expenditure incurred by the assessee for any S.48 of the IT Act, which holds that the gains
purpose which is an offence, or which is from the transfer of the capital asset shall be
prohibited by law, is not deductible. It follows the full value derived from the transfer minus:
10 that interest for delayed payment of tax, 10
which is not penal, is deductible, whereas • The expenditure incurred for such transfer;
penalty for non-payment of tax is not • The cost of acquisition of the transfer; and
deductible, since that is a penal payment. • The cost of improvements to the capital
(Lakshmandas v. C. I. T., 254 ITR 799) asset.
15 15
Capital Gains Short-Term and Long-Term Capital Gains
S.45 imposes capital gains tax on any “profits If the capital asset is sold more than thirty-six
or gains” that arise from the “transfer” of a months after its acquisition, such a transfer
20 “capital asset” during the relevant previous results in a long-term capital gain. Else, the 20
year. gain is a short-term capital gain. These two
gains are taxed at different rates, and certain
“Capital asset” is defined in S.2(14) as procedural rules vary for the two classes of
property of any kind held by the assessee, gains.
whether or not connected with her profession
25 or business. Examples include certain kinds of Income from Other Sources 25
property, including stock-in-trade,
consumables, and raw materials used in the The incomes that are not covered under any of
business or profession, personal effects of the other heads, such as incomes from
movable nature held for personal use, dividends, from keyman insurance policies,
agricultural land in India (except that winnings from lotteries, interest on securities,
30 mentioned in S.2(1A)), and certain hiring out of a building with machinery, and 30
Government Bonds. so on, are covered under this head.
The term ‘manufacture’ implies the bringing Illustration: A company manufactured a turbo-
into existence of a new substance. It does not alternator that was made of a turbine and an
45 merely mean a change in the substance, alternator. But, as a turbo-alternator, it could 45
however small the change may be, but entails not be taken to the market as such, and
an element of marketability. The Supreme therefore, did not amount to ‘manufacture’.
Court in Union of India v. Delhi Cloth and (Triveni Engineering v. C. C. E., 120 ELT 273)
50 General Mills, 1 ELT 199, quoted with approval 50
the following definition:
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 149
the goods.
Service Tax
Customs duty is a tariff or tax imposed on the
5 Service Tax is levied by the Union on services import of goods. As in the case of excise, the 5
under its residuary powers under Entry 96 of tax is not imposed on the goods, but on the
List I of the Seventh Schedule of the activity of import. Customs duties are levied
Constitution of India. Although Entry 92-C of under the Customs Act, 1962, read with the
the List does mention “Taxes on services”, the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (“CTA”).
10 Entry has not been notified till date. 10
Types of Customs Duties
The types of customs duties imposed in India
Service Tax was introduced in India through are:
15 the Finance Act, 1994 (“the FA, 1994”), and 15
continues to be levied under that Act. No • Basic Customs Duty: Basic customs duty is
separate legislation exists, to this day, dealing leviable under S.12 of the Customs Act.
with service tax. Normally, it is levied on an ad-valorem
basis. In certain instances, the duty is
20 Taxable Event, Charging Provision prescribed on a “so many rupees per 20
kilogram” measure.
The taxable event in service tax is the • Additional duty: Any article imported into
provision of a ‘taxable service’. Under S.66, India, shall, in addition be subject to a
which is the charging provision, service tax is countervailing duty (“CVD”) equal to an
levied on any ‘taxable service’ as defined excise duty for the time being under S.3(1)
25 under S.65(105) of the FA, 1994. After the of the CTA. 25
introduction of S.66A, services that are • Additional Duty to balance the excise duty on
provided from outside India to a recipient in raw materials: Under S.3(3) of the CTA, in
India are taxable under the Act. Tax is addition to the CVD, on some special
calculated on the consideration paid for the items, an additional duty is imposed to
service. balance the excise duty paid on raw
30 materials and certain inputs. 30
Taxable Service • Additional duty in lieu of sales tax / VAT:
Under S.3(5) of the CTA, the Central
Only services that are listed in S.65(105) of the Government can impose an additional
FA, 1994, are liable to service tax. The section duty to counter-balance sales tax, VAT,
35 stipulates that any services that are “provided, local taxes, or other similar taxes. 35
or to be provided” in relation to a variety of • Protective Duty: In the interests of certain
items are taxed in India. industries, under S.6 of the CTA, the
Government can impose a protective duty
The Supreme Court has held in iMagic Creative on the good.
40 v. C. C. T., (2008) 2 SCC 614, that payments of • Safeguard Duty: If the Central Government, 40
sales tax and service tax are mutually after enquiries, feels that certain articles are
exclusive. If service tax is paid on a imported in quantities that are harmful to
transaction, then no sales tax can be imposed domestic industry, then a safeguard duty
on the same transaction. Many transactions, can be imposed on such articles under S.8B
45 however, especially financial leasing, hire of the CTA. 45
purchase, and certain software contracts, • Safeguard Duty on China: On certain goods
continue to be liable to both sales and service from China as above.
tax. • CVD on subsidised article: If an article is
50 subsidised in the country of its 50
Customs Duty manufacture, then the Government can
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 151
30 30
35 35
40 40
45 45
50 50
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 153
All India Bar Examination rules that will bind all states that are parties to
Preparatory Materials them. A number of contemporary treaties,
such as the Geneva Conventions (1949) and
Subject 20: Public International Law the United Nations Convention on the Law of
5 the Sea (1982), have more than 150 parties to 5
International law is that body of law them, reflecting both their importance and the
composed of principles and rules of conduct evolution of the treaty as a method of general
which States recognise as binding, and legislation in international law. Other
therefore, commonly observe in their relations significant treaties include the Convention on
10 with each other. Note that ‘State’ in this the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime 10
module refers to a sovereign political entity, of Genocide (1948), the Vienna Convention on
or, as it are commonly referred to, a ‘country’. Diplomatic Relations (1961), the Antarctic
As such, international law may be referred to Treaty (1959), and the Rome Statute
as ‘public international law’ and is in contrast establishing the International Criminal Court
15 to ‘private international law.’ Public (1998). 15
international law refers to rules, laws, and
principles of general application that deal Countries that do not sign and ratify a treaty
with the conduct of States and international are not bound by its provisions. Treaty
organisations among themselves, as well as provisions can, however be the basis of
20 the relationships between States and international custom in certain circumstances, 20
international organisations with persons, provided that the provision is “of a
whether natural or juridical. Private fundamentally norm-creating character.” (North
international law, on the other hand, refers Sea Continental Shelf case, ICJ Reports, (1969),
primarily to the resolution of conflict of laws p. 3)
in the international setting and involves
25 determining the law of which State is Customary International Law: In international 25
applicable in specific situations. law, a rule of custom evolves from the practice
of States. There must be evidence of
Sources of International Law substantial uniformity of practice by a
substantial number of States.
A.38(1) of the 1946 Statute of the International
30 Court of Justice (“the Statute of the ICJ”) Illustration: The customary rule (now 30
identifies the sources of international law as: superseded), that States had the right to
exclusive fishing within a twelve nautical mile
• International conventions (treaties); zone, emerged from the practice of states.
• International custom, as evidence of a (Fisheries Jurisdiction cases (United Kingdom v.
35 general practice accepted as law; Iceland; Germany v. Iceland), ICJ Reports (1974), 35
• The general principles of law recognised by p. 3)
civilised nations;
• Judicial decisions and the teachings of the For a custom to be accepted and recognised,
most highly qualified publicists of the the other major powers in that field must
40 various nations as subsidiary means for the concur with it. Other countries may propose 40
determination of rules of law. ideas and institute pressure, but without the
concurrence of those most interested, it cannot
Conventions (also known as treaties): Those amount to a rule of customary law.
agreements whereby States establish their
45 position in international law on a particular Where a new rule is created, acquiescence is 45
topic or establish new rules to guide them for assumed from actual agreement or from lack
the future in their international conduct. Such of interest. But, if the new practice is not
law-making treaties require the participation consistent with an established customary rule,
50 of a large number of States, and may produce and a State is a persistent objector to the new 50
practice, the practice may either not be
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 154
regarded as evidence of a new custom or the Academic writings play a useful role in
persistent objector may be regarded as having stimulating thought about the values and
established an exception to the new customary aims of international law as well as pointing
rule. out the defects that exist within the system,
5 and making suggestions for the future. 5
For the creation of a new rule of custom, in
addition to practice, there must also be a Other Sources of International Law: General
general recognition by States that the practice Assembly Resolutions, even if they are not
is settled enough to amount to an obligation binding, may sometimes have normative
10 binding on States under international law. value. They can, in certain circumstances, 10
This is known as opinio juris. This is the factor provide evidence that is important for
that turns usage into custom and renders it a establishing the existence of a rule or the
part of international law. (Nicaragua v. United emergence of an opinio juris. To establish
States of America, ICJ Reports (1986), p. 14) whether this is true of a General Assembly
15 resolution, it is necessary to look at its content 15
General Principles of Law: International courts and the conditions of its adoption; it is also
and tribunals attempt to fill the gaps in necessary to see whether an opinio juris exists
international law by borrowing concepts from as to its normative character. A series of
domestic law if they can be applied to resolutions may show the gradual evolution
20 relations between States. Such concepts are of the opinio juris required for the 20
chiefly with regard to procedure and evidence, establishment of a new rule. (Legality of the
(Corfu Channel case, ICJ Reports (1949), p. 4), or Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, ICJ Reports
based on analogies drawn from private law, (1996), p. 70)
such as good faith. (Nuclear Tests case, ICJ
Reports (1974), p. 253), and estoppel (Temple Non-binding instruments or documents such
25 case, ICJ Reports (1962) p. 6) as the Helsinki Accord of 1975, or non-binding 25
provisions in treaties form a special category
Judicial Decisions: A.38 of the ICJ Statute termed ‘soft law’. While soft law may not
provides that the judgments of courts and have the ordinary force of law, it is still
tribunals are a subsidiary source of considered a source of international law.
international law. However, they are only
30 persuasive authority. Most cases involving Jurisdiction 30
points of international law are often first
presented in domestic courts. The effect of A State may exercise jurisdiction and thereby
such decisions of domestic courts on a override the interests of a competing state if
particular legal point can be evidence of there is a close connection between the subject
35 custom, although it is possible that domestic matter and the State. 35
courts may interpret international law
inaccurately. Territorial Principle: A State is free to legislate
and enforce legislation within its territory,
Teachings of the Most Highly-Qualified Writers: except when that freedom is restricted by
40 The role played by writers on international treaty. It can enforce its legislation on any 40
law is also subsidiary, though in the formative person within its territory, including foreign
days of international law, their views may nationals. A State’s laws apply to ships flying
have been more influential than they are its flag or aircraft registered with it, and on
today. Treatises on international law are used persons on board these carriers. This is the
45 as a method of discovering what the law is on primary basis for jurisdiction. 45
any particular point. These textbooks are
important as they help to arrange and put into Illustration: Scottish courts exercised
focus the structure and form of international jurisdiction over the bombers of the airplane
50 law. They also help to understand the nature, that exploded over the Scottish town of 50
history, and practice of international law. Lockerbie. (Lockerbie case, ICJ Reports (1992) p.
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Entry into Force: In the absence of any Invalidity of Treaties: A.44 of the Vienna
provision or agreement regarding when a Convention, 1969, provides that a State may
25 treaty will become operative, it will enter into only withdraw from or suspend the operation 25
force as soon as consent to be bound by the of a treaty in respect of the treaty as a whole.
treaty has been established for all the A.45 provides that a ground for invalidity,
negotiating States. (A.24, Vienna Convention, termination, withdrawal, or suspension may
1969) no longer be invoked by the State where after
becoming aware of the facts, it expressly
30 Illustration: The Geneva Convention on the agreed that the treaty is valid or remains in 30
High Seas, 1958, provides for entry into force force, or where by reason of its conduct, it
on the thirtieth day following the deposit of may be deemed to have acquiesced in the
the twenty-second instrument of ratification validity of the treaty or its continuance in
with the United Nations Secretary-General. force.
35 35
Treaties and Domestic Law: A.26 of the Vienna A State cannot plead a breach of its internal
Convention, 1969, contains the fundamental laws as to the making of treaties as a valid
principle of the law of treaties: every treaty in excuse for condemning a treaty. (Article 46,
force is binding upon the parties to it and Vienna Convention, 1969)
40 must be performed in good faith (pacta sunt 40
servanda). If new legislation or modifications A State may only invoke an error in a treaty as
to existing laws are necessary in order to invalidating its consent to be bound by the
comply with a new treaty, the State must treaty if the error relates to a fact or situation
ensure that this has been done by the time the which was assumed by that State to exist at
45 treaty enters into force for it. (A.27, the Vienna the time when the treaty was concluded and 45
Convention, 1969) which formed an essential basis of its consent
to be bound by the treaty (A.48, Vienna
Interpretation: Aa.31 to 33 of the Vienna Convention, 1969)
50 Convention, 1969, are concerned with 50
interpretation. Aa.31 lays down the Where a State’s consent to be bound by a
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! All India Bar Examination: Preparatory Materials! 158
treaty has been caused by the fraudulent Where the carrying out of the terms of the
conduct of another negotiating State, that State agreement becomes impossible because of the
may invoke the fraud as invalidating its permanent destruction or disappearance of an
consent to be bound. (A.49, Vienna object indispensable for the execution of the
5 Convention, 1969) treaty, a party may validly terminate or 5
withdraw from it. (A.61, Vienna Convention,
Where a negotiating State directly or indirectly 1969)
corrupts the representative of another State in
order to obtain the consent of the latter to the Dispute Settlement: If a dispute has not been
10 treaty, that corruption may be invoked as resolved within twelve months by the means 10
invalidating the consent to be bound. (A.50, specified in A.33 of the United Nations
Vienna Convention, 1969) (“UN”) Charter, then further procedures will
be followed. If the dispute concerns Aa.53 or
Where consent has been obtained by coercing 64 (jus cogens), any one of the parties may, by a
15 the representative of a State, whether by acts written application, submit it to the 15
or threats directed at her, it shall be without International Court of Justice (“the ICJ”) for a
any legal effect. (A.51, Vienna Convention, decision unless the parties by common
1969) consent submit the dispute to arbitration. If
the dispute concerns other issues in the
20 A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, Convention, any one of the parties may, by 20
it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general request to the UN Secretary-General, set in
international law. (A.53, Vienna Convention, motion the conciliation procedure laid down
1969) If a new peremptory norm of general in the Annex to the Convention. (A.66, Vienna
international law emerges, any existing treaty Convention, 1969)
which is in conflict with that norm becomes
25 void and terminates. (A.64, Vienna Topics in International Law 25
Convention, 1969)
International law, being a body of law that has
An invalid treaty is void and without legal been in development over hundreds of years,
force. Acts performed in good faith before the has been categorised into various sub-topics.
invalidity was invoked are not rendered These include:
30 unlawful by reason only of the invalidity of 30
the treaty. (Article 69, Vienna Convention, • International humanitarian law or the laws
1969) of war;
• The law of the sea;
Termination of Treaties: A treaty may be • International civil aviation;
35 terminated or suspended in accordance with a • International criminal law; 35
specific provision in that treaty, or at any time • International economic law; and
by consent of all the parties after consultation. • International environmental law.
(Aa.54 and 57) If a treaty contains no such
provision, a State may only denounce International Humanitarian Law (“IHL”)
40 (bilateral treaty) or withdraw (multilateral 40
treaty) from that treaty. (A.56, Vienna IHL consists of the following:
Convention, 1969)
• The rules on how hostilities can be
A material breach of a treaty consists of either conducted in a lawful manner (Hague Law
45 a repudiation of the treaty not permitted by consisting of the Hague Conventions of 45
the Convention or the violation of a provision 1899 and 1907); and
• The rules governing the treatment of non-
essential to the accomplishment of the object
or purpose of the treaty. (A.60(3), Vienna combatants (The Geneva Law Conventions
50 Convention, 1969) and three Additional Protocols). 50
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Even when a State is not a party to an IHL The fundamental rule expressed in A.48 of
treaty, it will be bound by those of its rules Additional Protocol I is that armed forces
that are now considered a part of customary must distinguish between civilians and
international law, such as the original Hague militants, and between civilian and military
5 Law and Geneva Law Conventions (except for objectives, and direct their operations only 5
Additional Protocols I and II). (Legal against military objectives.
Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, ICJ Reports All war crimes are crimes for which there is
(2004) p. 89) universal jurisdiction.
10 10
IHL deals with international armed conflicts. Law of the Sea
The legal distinction between international
and internal armed conflicts, however, is The first successful attempt to codify the law
becoming smaller. (Tadic, 105 ILR 453 p. 489) of the seas was the 1958 UN Convention on
15 the Law of the Sea, but the most important 15
The central principle of IHL is that only those aspects of the law are now set out in the UN
acts as are necessary to defeat the enemy are Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 (“the
permissible, while the means and the objects UNCLOS”). The law is a mixture of treaty
against which they are used are restricted. The and established or emerging customary
20 basic rules for land warfare apply also to international law, that has developed over 20
warfare at sea or in the air. centuries. For those states that are parties to
the 1958 Convention, the UNCLOS replaces it.
A.35 of the Additional Protocol I prohibits the As most of the UNCLOS represents
use of arms, projectiles and material and methods customary international law, even non-parties,
of warfare of a nature to cause superfluous injury such as Iran and the United States of America,
25 or unnecessary suffering. are bound by those provisions. 25
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Agencies such as the United Nations A.24 of the UN Charter gives the Security
Environment Programme (“the UNEP”), the Council the primary responsibility for the
United Nations High Commissioner for maintenance of international peace and
45 Refugees (“the UNHCR”), and the United security. The Security Council has the power 45
Nations Children’s Fund (“the UNICEF”) are to impose legally binding measures on all UN
not specialised agencies of the UN, but are members. Most Council resolutions contain
bodies set up by the UN General Assembly, only recommendations and are informally
50 and lack separate international legal referred to as ‘Chapter VI resolutions’ as 50
personality. resolutions made under that chapter of the
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40 40
45 45
50 50
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