Revit-Ar-2016 Basics PDF
Revit-Ar-2016 Basics PDF
Revit-Ar-2016 Basics PDF
2016 Basics
From the Ground Up
Elise Moss
Authorized Author
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Lesson 2
Mass Elements
Mass Elements are used to give you a conceptual idea of the space and shape of a
building without having to take the time to put in a lot of detail. It allows you to create
alternative designs quickly and easily and get approval before you put in a lot of effort.
Massing Tools
Model by Face:
Converts a face into a Roof, Curtain Wall System, Wall, or Floor.
Masses can be used to create a component that will be used in a project, such as a
column, casework, or lighting fixture, or they can be used to create a conceptual building.
Revit Architecture Basics
Exercise 2-1
Drawing Name: shapes.rfa
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Mass Elements
You won’t see the Create Form tool on the ribbon unless a sketch
is selected.
Revit Architecture Basics
9. Switch to a 3D view.
Mass Elements
13. Hold down the CONTROL key and select the Axis Line
(this is a reference line) and the sketch.
Revit Architecture Basics
The most common error when creating a sweep is to make the profile too big for the
path. If the profile self-intersects as it travels along the path, you will get an error
message. Try making the profile smaller to create a successful sweep.
19. Our final shape will be a BLEND or LOFT.
A blend is created using two or more open
or closed sketches. Each sketch must be
placed on a different reference plane or
Hold down the CONTROL key and select
the three arcs.
Mass Elements
Challenge Task:
Can you create the four basic shapes from scratch?
Create an extrude, revolve, sweep and blend using New→Conceptual Mass from the
Applications menu.
Steps to make an Extrude:
1. Set your active plane using the Set Work Plane tool.
2. Create a single polygonal sketch with no gaps or self-intersecting lines.
3. Select the sketch.
4. Create Form→Solid Form.
5. Green Check to finish the mass.
Steps to make a Revolve:
1. Set your active plane using the Set Work Plane tool.
2. Switch to a 3D view.
3. Draw a reference line to be used as the axis of revolution.
4. Pick one the planes defined by the reference line as the active plane to place your
5. Create a single polygonal sketch – no gaps, overlapping or self-intersecting lines
– for the revolve shape.
6. Hold down the CONTROL key and select BOTH the sketch and reference line. If
the reference line is not selected, you will get an extrude.
7. Create Form→Solid Form.
8. Green Check to finish the mass.
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements
Exercise 2-2
Create a Conceptual Model
Drawing Name: default.rte [metric default.rte]
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
This tutorial uses metric or Imperial units. Metric units will be designated in brackets.
Locate the Imperial Templates folder Locate the Metric Templates folder under
under ProgramData/Autodesk/RAC 2016. ProgramData/Autodesk/RAC 2016.
Revit Architecture Basics
If you accidentally picked Metric when you wanted Imperial or vice versa, you can
change the units at any time. Revit will automatically switch any dimensions over to the
active units.
To change Project Units, go to the Manage Ribbon.
Select Settings→Project Units.
Mass Elements
In the Options bar located on the lower left of the screen, enable Make Plan View.
The Options bar can be located below the ribbon or at the bottom of the screen.
11. Pick to place the end point to position the level indicator
above the other indicators.
12. Basically, you place a new level by picking two points at the desired height.
Right click and select Cancel twice to exit the Level command.
Revit is always looking for references even among annotations, you will notice that
your level tags snap and lock together so when you move one to the right or left, all
those in line with it will follow.
The jogged line allows the user to create a jog if desired.
If you need to adjust the position of the tag, just click on the line, 3 blue grips will
appear. These can be clicked and dragged as needed. You can also right click on a
level tag and select ‘Hide annotation in view’ and the tag and level line will
disappear in that view only.
Revit Architecture Basics
Exercise 2-3
Adding an In-Place Mass
Drawing Name: ex2-2.rvt
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Revit uses three different family categories. System families are families which are
defined inside the project, such as floors, walls, and ceilings. Model families are
external files which can be loaded into the project, such as doors, windows, and
furniture. The third family category is in-place masses, which are families created
5. Masses, by default, are invisible. However, in
order to create and edit masses you need to see
what you are doing. Revit brings up a dialog to
let you know that the software is switching the
visibility of masses to ON, so you can work.
Press Close.
If you don’t want to bugged by this dialog, enable the Don’t show me this message
again option.
Mass Elements
Enable Chain in the Options bar located on the bottom of the screen.
This allows you to draw lines without always having to pick the start point.
If you hold down the SHIFT key while you draw, this puts you in orthogonal mode.
9. Create the shape shown.
The left figure shows the units in Imperial units (feet and inches).
The right figure shows the units in millimeters.
You can draw using listening dimensions or enter the dimension values as you draw.
Revit doesn’t have a CLOSE command for the LINE tool unlike AutoCAD, so you do
have to draw that last line.
10. Exit out of drawing mode by right click and select Cancel twice, selecting ESC on
the keyboard or by selecting the Modify button on the ribbon.
11. Switch to a 3D view.
Activate the View ribbon and select 3D View.
You can also switch to a 3D view from the Quick Access toolbar by
selecting the house icon.
Revit Architecture Basics
Object tracking will only work if the sketch objects are active and
available in the current sketch. You can use Pick to copy entities into the
current sketch.
Mass Elements
Exercise 2-4
Modifying Mass Elements
Drawing Name: ex2-3.rvt
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Show Mass
Modify Mass
Create Form
Save View
1. Open ex2-3.rvt.
2. If you don’t see the mass, Show Mass on the Massing & Site ribbon
to turn mass visibility ON.
Some students may experience this issue if they close the file and then re-open it for
a later class.
3. Activate the East Elevation.
4. We see that top of the building does not align with Level 3.
To adjust the horizontal position of the level lines, simply select the line and use the
grip to extend or shorten it.
Revit Architecture Basics
When using Align, the first element selected acts as the source, the second element
selected shifts position to align with the first element.
7. Select the top level line (Level 3)
then select the top of the extrusion.
Right click and select Cancel twice
to exit the Align command.
10. Select In-Place Mass from the Massing & Site ribbon.
Mass Elements
Uncheck Make surface from closed loops on the Options bar. Enable Chain.
16. When you see the large X and the tooltip says Intersection, you
will have located the intersection.
Pick to locate the center of the circle at the intersection.
17. Enter a radius of 16′-0″ [4880].
Cancel out of the command.
When you used the Pick Line tool, you copied those lines into the current sketch.
Once the lines were part of the current sketch, they could be used for object
18. Select the circle sketch so it is highlighted.
19. Select the Draw Mirror Axis tool on the Modify panel.
Revit Architecture Basics
25. A small toolbar will appear with two options for extruding
the circle.
Select the option that looks like a cylinder.
Mass Elements
29. A small toolbar will appear with two options for extruding
the circle.
Select the option that looks like a cylinder.
Revit Architecture Basics
You can also press the Delete key on the keyboard or use the Delete tool on the
Modify panel.
33. Select Finish Mass.
If you do not delete the lines before you finish the mass, you will get an
error message.
Mass Elements
39. Select the top of the two towers as the edges to be shifted.
Right click and select CANCEL twice to exit the command or press ESC.
41. Use the ViewCube located in the upper right of the screen to orbit
the model.
Pick a mass element to activate the element’s grips. You can use the
grips to change the element’s shape, size, and location.
You can only use the View→Orient menu to activate 3D views
when you are already in 3D view mode.
Revit Architecture Basics
Exercise 2-5
Create Wall by Face
Drawing Name: ex2-4.rvt
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Wall by Face
Show Mass
You can add doors and windows to your conceptual model to make it easier to visualize.
1. Open ex2-4.rvt.
2. Activate the 3D Ortho view under 3D Views.
Mass Elements
Some students will accidentally pick the same face more than once. You will see an
error message that you have overlapping/duplicate walls. Simply delete the extra
8. Select any visible mass.
Right click and select Hide in
View→ Category.
Revit Architecture Basics
This will turn off the visibility of all entities located below Level 2.
Each view has its own settings. We turned off the visibility of masses on Level 1, but
we also need to turn off the visibility of masses on the Level 2 view.
Mass Elements
18. On the ribbon: Toggle the Show Mass by View Settings tool to
turn the visibility of masses OFF.
21. When you select to trim, be sure to select the section you want to keep.
22. Select the arc and wall indicated.
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements
Exercise 2-6
Adding Doors and Windows
Drawing Name: ex2-5.rvt
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Load from Library
You can add doors and windows to your conceptual model to make it easier to visualize.
1. Open ex2-5.rvt.
2. Activate Level 1 under Floor Plans.
Browse to the Doors folder under the Imperial or Metric library – use Imperial if
you are using Imperial units or use Metric if you are using Metric units.
Revit Architecture Basics
As you highlight each file in the folder, you can see a preview of the
For Imperial Units: Highlight the 84” x 80” type and press OK.
For Metric Units: Highlight 2100 x 2000m type and press OK.
Mass Elements
Browse to the Windows folder under the Imperial or Metric library – use Imperial if
you are using Imperial units or use Metric if you are using Metric units.
15. For Imperial Units:
Locate the Casement with Trim.rfa file.
Revit Architecture Basics
From the drop-down list, select the 24″ x 48″ size for the
Casement with Trim window.
17. Place the window 6′-6″ [3000 mm] from the inner left wall.
Right click and select Cancel to exit the command.
21. Select the midpoint of the window as the basepoint for the array.
Enable Group and Associate. This assigns the windows placed to a group and allows
you to edit the array.
Mass Elements
Set the array quantity to 5 on the options bar located on the bottom of the screen.
Enable Last.
Pick a point 49′-0″ [14,935.20] from the first selected point to the right.
You will see a preview of how the windows will fill the space.
Press ENTER to accept.
Cancel out of the command.
25. Select the Measure tool on the Quick Access toolbar.
26. Check the distance between the windows and you will
see that they are all spaced equally.
Revit Architecture Basics
30. Left pick anywhere in the graphics window to complete the command.
You will get an error message, and the windows will not array properly if you do not
have the angle set to 90 degrees or your walls are different lengths.
31. Switch to a 3D View.
Mass Elements
Exercise 2-7
Creating a Conceptual Mass
Drawing Name: New Conceptual Mass
Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Load from Library
Aligned Dimension
Flip Orientation
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements
Remember the permanent dimensions are driven by the values of the temporary
dimensions. To set the temporary dimension values, select the reference planes.
11. Activate the Insert ribbon.
Select Load Family from Library→Load Family.
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements
Revit Architecture Basics
If you need to adjust the position of the cylinder: Set the Offset to -5′ 0″.
This aligns the top of the cylinder with the top of the box.
33. Select Place on Work Plane on the Placement panel.
Mass Elements
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements
Exercise 2-8
Using a Conceptual Mass in a Project
Drawing Name: New
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Load from Library
Revit Architecture Basics
6. Activate Level 1.
8. Locate ex2-7.rfa.
Press Open.
Mass Elements
15. Select the Wall by Face tool from the Architecture ribbon.
Revit Architecture Basics
17. Select the Roof by Face tool on the Build panel on the
Architecture ribbon.
Mass Elements
Revit Architecture Basics
Mass Elements - Additional Projects
Additional Projects
2) Make the shape shown using a Blend. The base is a rectangle and the top is a
circle located at the center of the rectangle.
Revit Architecture Basics
Lesson 2 Quiz
Lesson 2 Quiz
True or False
Revit Architecture Basics
12. Revit comes with many pre-made mass shapes. Select the mass shape NOT
available in the Revit mass library:
1) T; 2) T; 3) T; 4) T; 5) T; 6) E; 7) E; 8) B; 9) B; 10) A; 11) A; 12) B