Mangroves Ecosysytem Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

College of Arts and Sciences
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City,
Philippines 6000

College : College of Arts and Sciences

Program : Masters in Environmental Biology

Course : EBio 4004 (Environmental Biology Field Study)

Assignment Title : Mangrove Forest Ecosystem Proposal

Submitted By : Lowel Andrew Batomalaque,

Carla Joy Salvacion,

Fidelita Baran

Lloyd Gonido

Student Number :

Submitted To : Mr. Dexter Salinas Ontoy

Submission Date : November 3, 2015

We declare that the substance of this assignment is our own, except where otherwise
acknowledged. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the assignment contains no plagiarism.
We further declare that we have not previously submitted this work, or any version of it, for
assessment in any other course or award offered by Cebu Normal University or any other





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TREES OF THE SEA: A Descriptive Study of the Mangrove Forest
Ecosystem of Inoburan
Chapter 1


Mangrove forests are known to be beneficial in shielding coastal areas from intense
weather conditions such as storm surges and tsunamis (Wetlands International, 2014). This line
of defense helps prevent, if not, minimize salt water from eating up the shoreline. Just last
November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan, with the local name ‘Yolanda’ made landfall in Eastern
Visayas that gave rise to a storm surge causing a massive destruction in the neighboring coastal
towns. The water was over four meters high, wiping nearby infrastructures out and left around
6,000 casualties. With that, the DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) has
proposed mangrove-planting activities in the region to develop a less vulnerable coastline
(Official Gazette, 2014). In fact, a study showed that those areas struck by the typhoon where
mangroves were abundant, only endured a little damage to their town (Haribon Foundation,
2014). This clearly shows that mangrove forests help stabilize our shorelines as they act as
natural buffers against flooding when sea level rises.

This is why it is important to educate the public on its wider-picture benefits rather than
the small scale benefits such as timber for construction, firewood for bakeries, and charcoal for
commercial exploits. It is important that we protect this type of ecosystem as it is home to almost
80% (MangroveWatch, 2009) of seafood species and also serves as nursery to aquatic
younglings until they are mature enough to venture out in the open sea. The decaying organic
matter from dead leaves produces food for the marine fauna. Other than coastal protection, we
benefit from mangroves through ecosystem services. In some provinces, mangrove forests are
protected and maintained, to facilitate tourism and help locals generate income. They are also big
on carbon sequestration - they could store up to fifty times more soil carbon than its upland
counterparts (MangroveWatch, 2009). It is necessary for us locals to be well-informed that it is
to our greater profit and that we have more to gain if we help preserve and cultivate mangrove
forests as we are the first to be affected come extreme weather events. It is alarming that though
natural phenomena are inevitable in hurling destruction to these forests, anthropogenic activities
still pose greater threats (DENR, 2015).The local government must also ensure that the whole
community is involved in propagation, protection, and even rehabilitation programs. Taking part
in the development makes the public feel a sense of value the ecosystem and will less likely take
part in its destruction. A healthy mangrove forest attracts more organisms, which could
contribute but not limited to a larger catch come harvest season in aquaculture. This is a win-win
situation for the people, the animals, and the environment.
Chapter II

The first objective of the study is to observe and identify the descriptive characteristics of
the area based on its topographic features (fringing, riverine, or basin (See Figure 1)), and
zonation pattern (landward, middle, and seaward) in relation to spatial distribution.

The second objective is to expound the concept of spatial density of mangroves

ecosystems in relation to Basal area / the Diameter at breast height (DBH) as based on the
following premises:

 That the tree’s height and diameter growth are directly related to a tree’s age
(Niklas and Spatz, 1999)
 That density increases as mangroves mature (Massel, Furukawa and

The third objective is to measure the species diversity of the Inoburan Mangrove Forest
through the a.) abundance, b.) richness, and c.) evenness of its mangrove species. The fourth and
the last objective is to measure and compare the physiochemical parameters (water pH, water
temperature) in the different quadrants of the area.
Figure 1 Mangrove topography by its landform (Lugo, 1974). Fringing forests are landforms
that complement marshes along seacoasts that (Lugo,
face the1974)
open sea. Therefore, trees here are exposed
to both tidal water and sea waves. Compared to the riverine forests, they do not get the same load
of upland runoff. This explains why trees here are shorter to adapt to poor nutrient supply and with
an average height of 20-25 meters. The Riverine forests are landforms that are overwhelmed by
the highest tides and are also exposed during low tides. The entry of large amounts of upland
freshwater runoff and other nutrients sustain these forests. This explains why it has more
productive trees and a higher average height of 30-35 meter. Lastly, basin forests are landforms
that compromises slightly enclosed basins that are not so often exposed to high tides during the
dry season but are inundated by tides during the wet season. These forests produce trees up to
15meters high (Tusinki, A., 2012).

Chapter III


1. Straw Ties

2. Sticks (for anchorage)

3. Ribbons, Pins or Masking Tape for Labelling

4. Measuring Tape

5. Meter Stick

6. Ph Meter : Ph

7. Thermometer (Temperature)

8. Distilled water, Cotton balls

9. Shovel

10. Gloves

11. Camera, Notepads, Markers: for documentation

12. GPS device

Chapter IV


A. Entry Protocol

A letter of permission was sent to the Captain of Inoburan, Naga City, Cebu. Field
guides were tapped to aid in the location of the study area.

B. Field Sampling

The four-member team surveyed the area to best select a plot dense enough to be a good
representative of the mangrove forest being studied. A transect line was created from landward
to seaward. Six plots each having a 10m x 10m area were then chosen and placed along the
transect line. Straw ties were used to marked the different quadrats. Once laid out, the trees
within the enclosure were labelled with color-coded ribbons or pins based on their regeneration
stage (seedling, sapling, and mature tree). This is to facilitate an organized process on the
following measurements.

1. Species diversity

Shannon's Index and Simpson's Index where utilize in deriving the following measures:

1.1. Species Abundance: The total number of organisms in the plot were counted, noting
down the number of seedlings, saplings, and mature trees for easy population reference. The
mangrove species present in the plot were be identified.

1.2. Species Richness: The number of different organisms were identified. Then, the total
number of each organism were counted. These numbers were then plotted in the data sheet
and were used to measure the area’s biodiversity as represented by the organisms within the

1.3. Species Evenness: The relative abundance of the different species were logged in the
data sheet. The numbers were converted to percentage to show the evenness percentage later
on in the computation. (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 2005)

2. Spatial density

2.1. Trunk diameter: A 1.4m-standard measurement for dbh (diameter in breast height) was
used. If the tree has a swelling or a bump, the measurement was made just above it. If the
tree has an irregular growth, the measurement was made above that branching. If the tree
forked and has numerous branches in the 1.4 meter line then the dbh of individual branches
were measured and average taken. The results are then processed using a one way ANOVA
unstacked with a post hoc tukey test.

B. Physiochemical gradients

1. Water Temperature
A thermometer was used in measuring the water temperature. It was submerged in the
water for three minutes. This was done three times at random areas within the quadrat. Readings
were logged in degree Celsius. The average among the three were recorded as the final value.
The results are then processed using a one way ANOVA unstacked with a post hoc tukey test.

2. Water pH
A pH meter was submerged in the water for three minutes. This was done three times at
random areas within the quadrat, making sure it was calibrated every after use by washing with
distilled water and wiping it with a cotton ball. The average among the three readings were
recorded as the final value. The results are then processed using a one way ANOVA unstacked
with a post hoc tukey test.

C. Identification and Documentation

Each tree was labelled based on its regeneration stage- be it a seedling, sapling, or mature
tree. Preliminary species identification was based on comparisons and definitions from
publications, manuals and books. Each tree were then identified based on its root type, fruit and
flower features, and leaf characteristics. The team took note of the tour guide’s identification of
an organism by its local name, compared it to manuals to confirm its accuracy, and finally
identified the species and its scientific name. Photographs were taken to further clarify with the
professor and mentors. These pictures include, but not limited to, the quadrat, processes, and the
methods done. The photos and recorded data were part of the documentation and computations.
Chapter V

A. Topographic Characteristics

The study area is located in Inoburan, Naga City, Cebu (figure 2.) with the following
coordinates: latitude 10.1871670147152° and Longitude 123.74186385577°. The Mangrove
forest ecosystem in the area is a fringing type of mangrove ecosystem (figure 1.) which are
continuous with the marshes and face the open sea.

The transect that was created is a transverse transect with base point in the landward zone
going towards the seaward zone to provide an sufficient description of the different zonation
patterns of the ecosystem. The different quadrats were laid along the transect line. Quadrant 1and
2 are located in the landward area. Quadrat 3 and 4 are in the middle area. And Quadrat 5 and 6
in the seaward area.

Figure 2. Map of Study Area in Inoburan, Naga City, Cebu. (

B. Species Density


Avicennia Avicennia Lumnitzera Rhizopora Rhizopora Rhizophora
% % % % % %
marina alba racemosa apiculata mucronata stylosa

Quadrat 1 1 4.55% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 31.82% 14 63.64% 0 0.00%

Quadrat 2 0 0.00% 10 18.52% 0 0.00% 7 12.96% 37 68.52% 0 0.00%

Quadrat 3 1 1.25% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 3.75% 0 0.00% 76 95.00%

Quadrat 4 9 11.25% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 52 65.00% 19 23.75% 0 0.00%

Quadrat 5 5 7.81% 0 0.00% 3 4.69% 36 56.25% 20 31.25% 0 0.00%

Quadrat 6 10 27.03% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 18.92% 20 54.05% 0 0.00%

As shown in the table above, there were 6 mangrove species sited among the different
quadrats (Avicenia marina, Avicenia alba, Lumitzera racemosa, Rhizopora apiculata,
Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora stylosa). The different quadrat contains differing
amount of species and its particular density. In quadrat 1, 2, and 6 the species with the highest
density is Rhizophora mucronata. Quadrats 4 and 5 are dominated by Rhizophora apiculata.
While quadrat 3 the most numerous is Rhizophora Stylosa.

Overall, the species with the highest density is Rhizophora mucronata which accounts to
33.64% of the entire mangroves in the area. While the least abundant of the species sited is
Lumitzera racemosa which accounts to only 0.86% of the entire mangroves population.
C. Biodiversity

Simpson's Simpson's
Species Shannon's Evenness Simpson's Index
AREA Index of Reciprocal
Richness Index (H) (E) (D)
Diversity (1-D) Index (1/D)

Quadrat 1 3 0.7925 0.7214 0.5083 0.4917 1.9675

Quadrat 2 3 0.8362 0.7611 0.5206 0.4794 1.9209

Quadrat 3 3 0.2266 0.2063 0.9041 0.0959 1.1061

Quadrat 4 3 0.8672 0.7894 0.4916 0.5084 2.0343

Quadrat 5 4 1.0298 0.7428 0.4224 0.5776 2.3676

Quadrat 6 3 1.0011 0.7324 0.4010 0.5990 2.4936

Based on the table shown, the area with the highest species richness is quadrant 5 with 4
mangrove species sited within the quadrant while the rest of the quadrats contain the same
number of species.
When it comes to biodiversity, the most diverse in all the quadrats using the Shannon's
index is quadrat 5 (H = 1.0298). However, in the use of Simpson's index, the quadrat with the
highest diversity is quadrat 6 ( 1-D = 0.5990). The least diverse in all the quadrats both using the
Shannon's and Simpson's Index is quadrat 3 (H = 0.2266; 1-D = 0.0959).

D. Spatial Distribution


Quadrat 1 21.71 8.269

Quadrat 2 16.29 6.626
Quadrat 3 12.81 4.843
6.75 0.00
Quadrat 4 16.78 10.009
Quadrat 5 17.14 10.46
Quadrat 6 20.65 8.309

Post hoc comparison using the Tukey's HSD test indicated that the mean score for the
basal area for quadrat 1 ( M = 21.71; SD = 8.269), qudrat 4 (M = 16.78; SD = 10.009), quadrat 5
(M = 17. 14; SD = 10.46), and quadrat 6 (M = 20.65; SD = 8.309) are significantly different
from quadrat 6 (M = 20.65; SD = 8.309). However, quadrat 2 (Mean = 16.29; SD = 6.626) is not
significantly different in any of the other quadrats.
This means that the basal area of the different quadrats are considered to be in two
distinct groupings -- group A (Q1, Q4, Q5, and Q6) and group B (Q6). Quadrat 2 fits either in
group A and group B which means that its basal area can belong to either of the two groups.

E. Physiochemical Gradients

Quadrat 1 31.00 0.00
Quadrat 2 30.33 0.58
Quadrat 3 35.33 2.52
18.26 0.00
Quadrat 4 27.00 0.00
Quadrat 5 30.33 0.58
Quadrat 6 31.00 0.00

Using the post hoc comparison using the Tukey's HSD test indicates that there are three
groups of means that are significantly different from each other. The first group is that of
Quadrat 3 (M = 35.33; SD = 2.52). Second group is that of quadrats 1 (M = 31.00; SD = 0.00), 2
(M = 30.33; SD = 0.58), 5 (M = 30.33; SD = 0.58), and 6 (M = 31.00; SD = 0.00). And the third
group is that of Quadrat 4 (M = 27.00; SD = 0.00).
The results indicate that although there is a significant differences in the readings of
temperatures in the different quadrats. Some quadrats exhibit similarities in the means of their
temperature readings.

Quadrat 1 6.77 0.32
Quadrat 2 6.83 0.31
Quadrat 3 7.03 0.15
12.44 0.00
Quadrat 4 8.00 0.00
Quadrat 5 7.30 0.10
Quadrat 6 7.40 0.26
With the use of a post hoc comparison test using Tukey's HSD test, three groups of data
where formed. Group A which includes quadrat 4 (M = 8.00; SD = 0.00) and quadrat 6 (M =
7.40, SD = 0.26). Group C includes quadrat 1 (M= 6.77; SD = 0.32), quadrat 2 (M = 6.83; SD =
0.31), quadrat 3 (M = 7.03; SD = 0.15); quadrat 5 (M = 7.30; SD = 0.10). Quadrats belonging to
Group B overlaps and are not significantly different with either group A or Group C. The data
that is similar with group A is quadrat 6. While the data that overlaps with group C is quadrat 2,
3, and 5.

The above results means that, the only significcantly different in all the quadrats are
quadrat 4 and 1. Quadrat 2, 3, 5, and 6 share similar characteristics.

The mangrove ecosystem of Inoburan, Naga City, Cebu host 6 species out of the 33
mangrove species in the entire Philippine (Primavera, J.H., 2009) This fringing mangrove
ecosystem is covered with high density of trees. Although it may be assumed that increase in
density would be a factor that can result to an increase in competition, the area did not show any
signs of degradation in the growth of mangroves. This could be attributed by the fact that high
density of mangroves, in contrast to most beliefs, are actually beneficial as it creates a higher rate
of accretion of nutrient rich sediments which allows a greater chance of survival for the plants in
a marine aquatic environment (Kumara, M.P. et. al, 2010).
The 6 species noted in the area (Avicenia marina, Avicenia alba, Lumitzera racemosa,
Rhizopora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora stylosa) are consistent to the
description of Primavera (2009) and Bunt (1996) regarding the zonation pattern of the different
mangroves from landward to seaward. However, the area is highly dominated by Rhizophora
mucronata species. Although the study has not intensively dealt with the cause of this
dominance, Smith (1987) proposed that seed predation is one of the main contributory factor in
the dominance and distribution of mangrove species. Aside from this, other factors that has
probably lead to the dominance of certain species would account to competition and seed
dispersal (Sitnik, M.)
The area also hosts a variety of sea creatures (small fishes, snails, shrimps, etc) proving
the fact that mangroves ecosystems are very essential habitats for marine animals. Beck, et al
(2001) proposed the idea that mangroves provide a conducive breeding ground and nursery to
different aquatic animals as it has a high abundance in food, has a lower predation pressure as
the area is shallow, and turbid with lesser visibility allowing the young animals to hide, and has
complex physical structures that would create barriers to predators. As mentioned by Primavera
(1997) and Vance, et. al (1996), the pnuematophores and prop roots of mangroves form intricate
structures that prevents larger fishes from eating the smaller ones.
Although there are certain fluctuations and variations in the physiochemical parameters
tested in Inoburan, the area in general provides a satisfactory condition for the mangroves to
grow. Water temperature is one very essential element in the distribution of mangroves.
Mangroves proliferate in areas where there is no sudden drop of temperature below 19°C (66°F)
(Waisel 1972) as they are easily damaged when the temperature fluctuates below 10°C even for
very short periods of time. Thus, the average temperature (30.33°C) in the area is optimum for
the trees' growth and development. In addition, the average water pH reading in the area (7.22)
falls within the optimum range for the mangroves to successfully thrive as mangroves can
tolerate pH in between 6 to 9 (Sato, 1998).
Chapter VII

Philippines has a coastline that stretches for around 18, 000 km and with a vast area
covered with mangroves totaling to 500, 000 hectares in the early 1900s (Brown and Fisher,
1920). Part of the total area covered with mangrove is the coastline of Inoburan, Naga City,

The area is considered as a having a fringing type of topography. And of the numerous
species of mangroves seen in the country, the area consists of six types of mangroves (Avicenia
marina, Avicenia alba, Lumitzera racemosa, Rhizopora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and
Rhizophora stylosa).

The different zonations of the area showed different characteristics when it comes to the
different types of mangroves and the density of these mangroves. Although no specific
patterning has been observed in the biodiversity when it comes to the difference in zonation, it is
can be noted that the area with the highest diversity are in the areas that are the most seaward.

When it comes to the basal area, some areas are similar in their means but others are
significantly different with quadrat 1 having the largest mean in basal area indicating that more
mature trees are present in this quadrat compared to other quadrats.

The physiochemical aspects (water temperature and pH) of the area showed significant
difference in general though in comparison with the different quadrats, some are similar and
other are significantly different but it does not show any significant patterning with relation to
the different zonations in the area.
Chapter VIII

Book References
 Brown, W.H. and A.F. Fisher. 1920. Philippine Mangrove Swamps. Minor Products
of Philippine Forests Vol. I, 22, DANR, Bureau of Forestry Bul. No. 17.
 Beck, M.W., Heck, K.L., Able, K.W., Childers, D.L., Eggleston, D.B., Gillanders, B.M.,
Halpern, B., Hays, C.G., Hoshino, K., Minello, T.J., Orth, R.J., Sheridan, P.F. &
Weinstein, M.P. (2001) The identification, conservation and management of estuarine
and marine nurseries for fish and invertebrates. Bioscience, 51, 633–641.
 Bunt J., 1996, Mangrove Zonation: An Examination of Data from SeventeenRiverine
Estuaries in Tropical Australia, Annals of Botany 78: 331 - 341
 Kumara, M.P., Jayatissa, L.P., Krauss, K.W., Phillips, D.H. & Huxham, M. (2010) High
mangrove density enhances surface
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level rise. Oecologia, 164, 545–553.
 Primavera, J.H. (1997) Fish predation on mangrove-associated penaeids – the role of
structures and substrate. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 215, 205–
 Primavera, J.H., 2009, Guide to Philippine Mangroves, Zoological Society of London
Philippines, Iloilo City
 Smith, T. 1987, Seed Predation in Relation to Tree Dominance and Distribution in
Mangrove Forests, The ecological Society of America
 Vance, D.J., Haywood, M.D.E., Heales, D.S., Kenyon, R.A., Loneragan, N.R. &
Pendrey, R.C. (1996) How far do prawns and fish move into mangroves? Distribution of
juvenile banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis and fish in a tropical mangrove forest in
northern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 131, 115–124.
 Waisel, Y. 1972. The biology of halophytes. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Internet Sources

 DENR, 2015, Mangrove forests, Available at:

(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 Student Handout 1A: How to Caculate Biodiversity
(Accessed: November 3, 2015)
 Biofilms and Biodiversity : Hot to calculate Biodiversity?
(Accessed: November 3, 2015)
 Haribon Foundation, 2014, The importance of mangrove forests, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984, Handbook for Mangrove area management, Available at:
 Lugo, 1974, The Ecology of Mangroves, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 MangroveWatch, 2009, Mangroves defined, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 2005, Research Protocols:
Calculating habitat richness and evenness, Available at:
(Accessed: November 4, 2015)
 Niklas and Spatz, 1999, Implications for coastal forest management, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 Official Gazette, 2014, Typhoon Yolanda: A year later, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 Sato, G., 1998, The Manzanar Mangrove Initiative: An Economic Incentive Driven
Approach to End Global Warming
(Accessed: November 4, 2015)
 Sitnik, M., Mangrove Ecology: A Manual for Field Course
(Accessed: November 4, 2015)
 Tusinki, A.2012, The Role of Mangroves in the Design of Coastal Dikes: Hydrodynamic
and Cost Related Aspects, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)
 Wetlands International, 2014, Mangrove forests, Available at:
(Accessed: September 30, 2015)

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