Syllabus For Philippine Literature 2019

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College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology

San Jose Campus



A premier higher education institution that develops locally responsive, globally competitive, innovative professionals and life-long learners.
OMSC is committed to produce intellectual and human capital by developing excellent graduates through outcomes-based instruction, relevant research, responsive
technical advisory services, sustainable production, community engagement and sustainable production.
The College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology aims to provide excellent education to students equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in their specialized

COURSE TITLE: Philippine Literature

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This three-unit course deals with the study of literary genres as exemplified by selected literary texts from the different regions of the
Philippines. This is designed for the furtherance of the students’ communication skills in both English and Filipino and to foster critical understanding and
appreciation of how the Filipino people give expression to their experiences.
The BSIT graduates are expected to become globally competent, innovative, and socially and ethically responsible computing professionals engaged in life-long
learning endeavors. They are capable of contributing to the country’s national development goals.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Critical, analytical and creative thinking.

 Capacity to personally interpret the human experience.
 Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical standards.
 Ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development.
 Working effectively in a group.
COURSE OUTCOMES: (knowledge, values and skills all learners are expected to demonstrate at the end of the course)
 Define and appreciate Literature.
 Identify the different literary genres.
 Familiarize with the different provinces of each region in the Philippines.
 Sharpen the imagination of the learners through literary pieces presented.
 Strengthen the students’ communication skills through different activities.
 Analyze and criticize different literary genres.
 Appreciate different literary forms and figures/playwrights.
Week Desired Learning Course Textbooks/ References Teaching/Learning Resource Assessment
Outcomes Content Activities Materials
 Recite with Orientation  OMSC Student  Interactive Discussion  laptop and  Oral recitation
understanding and Handbook projector/ tv
explain the VMGO of  OMSC’s  UNESCO Publications  student
the Institution and the VMGO and Board. (2011). Retrieved handbook
college and College and from
department’s goals and Department’
objectives. s Goals and ew/fileadmin/MULTIM
 Familiarize with Objectives. EDIA/HQ/BSP/GENDE
different R.A. R/GE%20Guidelines%2
 Orientation 0December%202_FINA
on Gender L.pdf.
t, and
R.A. 7877,
R.A. 9211,
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

and R.A.

 Define literature. Introduction to  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive Discussion  Workbook in  Graded

 Identify the different Study of Workbook in Philippine Philippine recitation
literary genres. Philippine Literature. Occidental Literature.  Quiz on
Literature Mindoro State College.  laptop and Introduction
San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/ tv about Literature
 Definition and literary
 Importance  Menoy, J. (2014). genres
of Literature Philippine Literature for
to Filipino Today’s Generation.
students. Manila: Books Atbp.
 Types of Publishing Corp. (p.1).
 Types of  Viar, O. & Ravino, M.C.
Poetry (2006). Treasures of
Philippine Regional
Literatures. Manila: Rex
Book Store. (p. 1).

Familiarize with the Region I  Yabes, L. (2010).  Interactive Discussion  Workbook in  Graded
provinces of Region I Philippines Short  Group reporting Philippine Recitation
 Recognize some literary  Bigong Pag- Stories. (p. 273).  Group activities Literature  Group
works and figures of asa  laptop and Powerpoint
Ilocos.  My Father  Lacia, F., Libunao, L. , projector/ Presentation
 Dramatize some of the Goes to Fabella, M. & Buhain, smart tv  Roleplay
interesting events in the Court V. (2015). The presentation
 The Literatures of the about My Father
Graduation Philippines, Third Goes to Court
 Strengthen their writing  Literary Edition. Manila: Rex  Poem recital of
skill through essay. Review: Book Store. (p.4). Bigong Pag-asa
Reading a  Writing an essay
poem on different
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Literary  Jose, F. (2014). Masa: issues

Review: Isang Nobela. (p.349). concerning
Guidelines teenagers.
for Reading  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Quiz on literary
 Literary Workbook in Philippine pieces, history
Review: Literature. Occidental and provinces of
Annotating a Mindoro State College. Region 1
text San Jose, Occ. Mindoro.
 Identify the provinces of Region II  Viar, O. & Ravino, M.C.  Discussion  Workbook in  Group
Region II. (2006). Treasures of  Group reporting Philippine Powerpoint
 Analyze a poem.  The Nunuk Philippine Regional  Group activity Literature Presentation
 Describe the topography on the Hill Literatures. Manila: Rex  laptop and  Oral Recitation
of Batanes.  Literary Book Store. (p. 69). projector/ (Describe the
 Sharpen imagination by Review:  Joaquin, J. (2013). smart tv topography of
drawing pictures from Reading and Workbook in Philippine  illustration Batanes)
literary genres. Understandi Literature. Occidental board,  Poster
 Share ideas and insights ng a Poem Mindoro State College. coloring presentation
about the meaning and San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. materials
significance of a poem.
 Identify the provinces of Cordillera  Revel, N. (2013). Songs  Discussion  Workbook in  Graded
Central Luzon and its Administrative of Memory in Islands of  Group reporting Philippine Recitation
literature. Region Southeast Asia. (p.190).  Group activity Literature  Group
 Analyze and present the  Joaquin, J. (2013).  laptop and powerpoint
plot and conflict of the  Hudhud Workbook in Philippine projector/ tv presentation
epic.  Literary Literature. Occidental  Presentation of
Review: Plot Mindoro State College. the plot and
and Conflict San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. conflict of the
epic discussed.
 Quiz on literary
pieces, history
and provinces of
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Seatwork
(Analysis of the
plot and conflict
of the epic)
 Enumerate some of the Region III  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Discussion  Workbook in  Quiz on literary
influences brought by the Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine pieces, history
Americans to our culture.  Si Miss Literature. Occidental  Brainstorming Literature and provinces of
 Identify and reflect on the Phathupats Mindoro State College.  laptop and Region 3
values and behavior of  Literary San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/ tv  Oral Recitation
the characters from the Review:  Group
story. Structure powerpoint
and Writing presentation
about the  Group
Character Presentation
about the values
and behavior of
the characters in
the story and the
attitudes and
values which
symbolize a
 Identify the provinces of Region IV  Goyo: The Boy General  Interactive Discussion  Workbook in  Quiz on literary
Southern Tagalog as (2018)  Group reporting Philippine pieces, history
well as its literary forms  Makamisa  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Film viewing Literature and provinces of
and figures.  Goyo: The Workbook in Philippine  laptop and Region 4
Week  Form sound judgment Boy Literature. Occidental projector/sma  Graded
8 about the factors that General Mindoro State College. rt tv recitation
precipitated the (2018) film San Jose, Occ. Mindoro.  Jerrol  Group
Philippine Revolution of by Tarog’s powerpoint
1896.  Literary Goyo: The presentation
Review:  Reaction paper
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

Type of Boy General  Midterm Project

Characters Movie (Roleplay)

 Midterm
 Recognize the provinces Region V  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Group
and playwrights of Bicol Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine powerpoint
Region.  To The Man Literature. Occidental  Individual activity Literature presentation
 Analyze the connotation I Married Mindoro State College.  laptop and  Poem recital
and denotation of the  Literary San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma  Graded
words, which are the Review: rt tv recitation
requisites for critical Denotation  Poem-writing
reading. and
 Read closely the poem Connotation
by extracting significant  Revolt from
meaning of the poem. Hymen
 Write a paraphrase of  Literary
the poem. Review:
Types of
 Literary
g a Poem
 Enumerate the National Capital  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Quiz on literary
playwrights and Region Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine pieces, history
cities/towns of NCR. Literature. Occidental  Group activity Literature and provinces of
 Sing a song and  Magnificenc Mindoro State College.  laptop and National Capital
appreciate its essence e (Estrella San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma Region
and significance. D. Alfon)  Manila Standard. Net rt tv  Oral recitation
 Write a simple  Ang Huling (2018). Ang Huling El  speaker  Chorus singing
explication of a literary El Bimbo Bimbo: A story on  music video
piece. friendship told through of Huling El
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Literary iconic ‘90s hits. Bimbo of  Group

Review: Retrieved from: Eraserheads powerpoint
Simple presentation
Literary  Reaction paper
Criticism 2581 (Literary
 Eraserheads (1995). Ang criticism)
Huling El Bimbo.
Retrived from
 Get acquainted with the Region VI.  Espina, L., Plasencia, N.  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Oral recitation
playwrights, literary & Ramos, V. (2009).  Group reporting Philippine  Group
forms and provinces  The Epic of Literatura ng Iba’t-Ibang  Group activity Literature powerpoint
Labaw Rehiyon ng Pilipinas.  laptop and presentation
Western Visayas.
Donggon Manila: Mindshapers projector/sma  Story web
 Listen purposively and  Literary Co., Inc. (p.173). rt tv output and
12 exert more effort in Review:  Joaquin, J. (2013). presentation
addressing the ideas that Foreshadowi Workbook in Philippine
may arise in the class ng Literature. Occidental
 Narrate the story with the Mindoro State College.
use of a well-planned San Jose, Occ. Mindoro.
story web.
 Familiarize with the Region VII.  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Quiz on literary
poets, literary genres, and  Letter to Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine pieces, history
provinces of Central Pedro, U.S. Literature. Occidental Literature and provinces of
Visayas. Citizen, also Mindoro State College.  laptop and Region 7
 Determine how diction Called Pete San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma  Graded recitation
and tone reveal the  Literary rt tv  Group
speaker’s attitude on a Review: powerpoint
certain subject and Diction and presentation
situation Tone  Seatwork (Make
 Appreciate the a short note of
contributions made by hope and
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

Filipino overseas to our encouragement

country. for a friend or
relative abroad.)
 Identify the different Region VIII.  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Graded recitation
literary genres, writers,  Like a Joke Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine  Group
and provinces of Eastern That seems Literature. Occidental  Think-Pair-Share Literature powerpoint
Visayas. True Mindoro State College.  Group activity  laptop and presentation
Week  Analyze the meaning and  Literary San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma  Group poem
14 real essence of the poem Review: rt tv writing
including the biggest Imagery
issues attached to it.
 Create a group poem out
of the suggested issues
 Identify the provinces of Region IX:  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Discussion  Workbook in  Group
Region 9 as well as the  The White Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine powerpoint
literary forms and Horse of Literature. Occidental Literature presentation
figures. Alih Mindoro State College.  laptop and  Rubrics on
 Analyze the characters’  Literary San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma recitation
speech, action, and Review: rt tv  Quiz on
thoughts then make Judgment characters’
conclusions about their about the speech, action,
behavior in the story. Qualities of and thoughts
the analysis.
 Identify the literary Autonomous  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Graded recitation
figures, literary forms, Region in Workbook in Philippine  Group reporting Philippine  Group
and provinces of ARMM Mindanao Literature. Occidental  Brainstorming Literature powerpoint
 Analyze the validity of the Mindoro State College.  laptop and presentation
claims as revealed by the  The Quarrel San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/sma  Quiz on validity
characters in the selection. between the rt tv of claims as
East and revealed by the
West characters in the
Bachelors selection.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Literary
Point of
 Familiarize with the Region X  Viar, O. & Ravino, M.C.  Interactive discussion  Workbook in  Graded recitation
literary form and (2006). Treasures of  Group reporting Philippine  Quiz on Lesson
provinces of region.  Pilandok Philippine Regional Literature 15
 Identify abstract Crosses a Literatures. Manila: Rex  laptop and
Week concepts, ideas opinions River Book Store. projector/sma
17 from the selection.  Joaquin, J. (2013). rt tv
Workbook in Philippine
Literature. Occidental
Mindoro State College.
San Jose, Occ. Mindoro.
 Identify the provinces of Region XI, XII,  Joaquin, J. (2013).  Discussion  Workbook in  Graded
Region 11, 12 & 13, their & XIII Workbook in Philippine  Group Reporting Philippine Recitation
literary forms and Literature. Occidental Literature  Chapter Quiz
writers.  North Mindoro State College.  laptop and  Project: Film
 Familiarize with the Cotabato: San Jose, Occ. Mindoro. projector/smart Making of their
selected literary pieces Myth and tv chosen literary
from other countries. Legend piece
 Legend of  Final Exam
Rio Grande
in North
 Literary
Reality and
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Espina, L., Plasencia, N. & Ramos, V. (2009). Literatura ng Iba’t-Ibang Rehiyon ng Pilipinas. Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc
 Joaquin, J. (2013). Workbook in Philippine Literature. Occidental Mindoro State College. San Jose, Occ. Mindoro.
 Lacia, F., Libunao, L. , Fabella, M. & Buhain, V. (2015). The Literatures of the Philippines, Third Edition. Manila: Rex Book Store.
 Menoy, J. (2014). Philippine Literature for Today’s Generation. Manila: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp
 Revel, N. (2013). Songs of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia.
 Sayno, A. (2004). Philippine Literature. Bulacan: Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
 UNESCO Publications Board. (2011). Priority Gender Equality Guidelines. Retrieved from
 Viar, O. & Ravino, M.C. (2006). Treasures of Philippine Regional Literatures. Manila: Rex Book Store.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS  Roleplay (Midterm Project)

 Film (Final Project)

Class Standing =50%

Mid-Term/Final Examination =40%
Project =10%

*Final Rating = Midterm (40%) + Final Term (60%)

1. Students having seven (7) absences without valid reasons will be dropped from the class. Students are required to
present admit to class slip from the Office of Student Affairs and Services after being absent in the previous meeting.
2. Three (3), not necessarily consecutive, tardiness without further notice is equivalent to one (1) absence.
Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

Prepared by: Noted: Approved:


Program Head, BSIT

Faculty Recommending Approval:
MARICRIS M. USITA, EdD Vice President for Academic
CHRISTY MARIA C. SANCHEZ Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology Affairs
_July 30, 2019 Date _________________
Date Date

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