Theory - Grade 1

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What is Naadam ? What are the types of Naadam ?

Naadam is the musical sound. The sound that is pleasing to the ear is nadam .

Nadam can be classified into : Aahatam and Anaahatam

Aahatam : The Sabda or sound which is melodious and sweet when we sing by
frequency of voice , equalised to frequency and sruthi is called as Aahata naadam
The sound becomes nadam through five efforts :
1. Dipta - Opening the mouth
2. Ayata - Attempt to bring out the sound
3. Mrudu - Creating the sound
4. Madhyama – Enlarging the sound
5. Karuna - reducing the volume and singing in tune with Sruthi
For example , Eg: Singing and sound that is created on instruments

Anaahatam : The sabda which is created as a part which is not equalised to

frequencies and sruthi is called Anaahata naadam
For example :
1. In the rainy season water flows from the roofs into the vessel below and a
sound is created.

It is said that `naadam' is the basis of `shruthi' (Musical tone), `shruthi' give rise to
`swaram' (musical notes) and `swaram' give rise to `raagam' (musical scale).
`Raagam and taalam' are the basis of Indian classical music. `Taalam' is the rhythm
maintained by the singer .
What is Sruthi ?

It is an audible sound which can be heard distinctly. It is also called as pitch. The
term sruthi is made of two words. Sru in sanskrit means ‘ to hear ‘ .

Sruthi is generally compared to vedas . Whether we sing or play any instrument

Sruthi is the most important factor.

“Sruthi Maathaha Laya Pitaha” - Sruthi is considered as mother of music

where as laya (rhythm) is the father.

Each Swara sthana has its own sruthi .

What is a Swaram ?
It is a musical note which is pleasing to the ears. The word SWARAM is a
combination of two words Swayam and Ranjakam . Swayam means its own and
Ranjakam means it sweetness . SWA +RAM = Swaram , means that which makes
its own sweetness
What are Sapta Swaras ?

There are seven basic swaras in music known as Saptha(7) Swarams in our system
of music.
They are:
S.No Sapta Name of the swara Human body from which Origin of sound
Swaras the sound comes in nature
1 S Shadjam Nabhi(Stomach) Sound
produced by
Peacock when
it rain showers
2 R Rishabham Chest Lowing of Cow
when calling
her calf
3 G Gandharam Neck Bleat of Goat
4 M Madhyamam Throat Cry uttered by
Heron (Konga)
5 P Panchamam Nose Indian
6 D Daivatham Between teeth Neigh if horse
7 N Nishadam Upper lip , behind upper Yelling of
teeth elephant

Sapta Swaras are divided into two types.

1 . Prakruthi Swaras (Sa , Pa )
2. Vikruthi Swaras ( Ri , Ga, Ma, Da, Ni)
What is Arohanam and Avarohanam ? What is Moorchana ?
Arohanam is the ascending order of Swaras
Avarohanam is the decending order of Swaras

Arohanam and Avarohanam together is called as Moorchana

What is Tristhayi ?

Sthayi means octave. A series of Seven swaras starting from S and ending with N
is said to be one sthayi . There are five sthayis in Indian classical music.

In practice we come across three sthayi . Hence the name Tristhayi (In Sanskrit Tri
means 3)

Mandra Sthayi -A Sthayi which is below Madhya Sthayi .Can be called as a lower
octave. Denoted by a dot below the swaram

Madhya Sthayi - A Sthayi which is below Taara Sthayi . Can be called as middle
octave. There will not aby dot either above or below the swaram

Taara sthayi - A stayi which is above Madhya Sthayi . Can be called as Higher
octave. There will be a dot above the Swaram

Anu – Mandra sthayi is the sthayi below mandra sthayi , denoted by two dots
below the swaram

Ati taara sthayi is the sthayi above taara sthayo and is denoted by to dots above
the swaram
Anumandra and Ati taara sthayi is very difficult to sing by human voice but can be
played on musical instruments.
What is Purvangam ?
The group of first 4 swaras of sapta swaras is called as Purvangam .
Sa , Ri , Ga, Ma are the purvanga Swaras

What is Uttarangam ?
The group of last three swaras is called as Uttarangam .
Pa, Da , Ni are uttaranga swaras

What is Dhaatu?
The Swara (musical note )part of a musical composition or song is called as

What is Maathu ?
The Sahitya(Lyric) part of a musical composition is called as Maathu.

What is Akshara kaala ?

Unit time in music is called as Akshara kaala
What is Talam ?
Talam is a musical time or measure. Tala is like a backbone of a composition.
Setting the letters in a measured time is called as Taala . There are seven talams in
carnatic music. They are Dhruva, Matya, Rupaka , Jhampe, Triputa, Eka

What is Avartham ?
One complete rotation of talam is called as Avartham .

What are Taalangas or parts of talam ?

Parts of Talam are called as Talangas. There are six talangas in music. They are
called as Shadangas (6 angas in sanskrit )

They are :
Anu drutham : Having one beat with a duration of one akshara kaala . Its symbol
is ( or c

Drutham : Having one beat and a waving of the hand with a duration of two
akshara kaalas. Its symbol is 0

Laghu: A beat with finger counts commencing from little finger , with counts
depending on Laghu jathis . Its symbol is I3(Tisra jathi) , I4(Chatursrasra Jathi),
I5(Khanda jathi) , I7(Misra jathi) , I9( Sankeerna Jathi)
Guru : Having a duration of Eight akshara kaalams , its symbol is 8
Plutham : Having a duration of 12 akshara kaalams , its Symbol is 8 0
Kakapadam : Having a duration of 16 akshara kaalams and its symbol is +

Sapta talams with their Angas :

Dhruva Matya Roopakascha Jhampa Triputa Evacha |

Ata taalaika taalascha Sapta taala prakeerthitaha ||

Dhruva Talam - 1 0 1 1
Matya talam – 1 0 1
Rupaka Talam – 0 1
Jhampe talam- 1 C 0
Triputa talam – 1 0 0
Ata taalam - 1 1 0 0
Eka taalam - 1

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