Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Abanilla St., Iloilo City
Grade 12, 1ST Semester, S. Y. 2018-2019
I. Instructions: Write whether the statement is TRUE or _________6. It is a kind of research that can be conducted
FALSE. Write your answers on the space provided. around one group specifically or used to compare several
_________1. Quantitative is less detailed than qualitative groups.
data and it may miss a desired response from the participant. _________7. This kind of research tests for the relationships
_________2. Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is between two variables.
recognized less. _________8. This type of research is the bedrock of most
_________3. Quantitative data collection methods include sciences, in particular the natural sciences .
various surveys - online surveys, paper surveys, mobile _________9. Rather than look solely for a statistical
surveys, etc. relationship between two variables it tries to identify,
_________4. Research is more steadfast and unbiased. specifically, how the different groups are
_________5. Quantitative Research assumes sample is affected by the same circumstance.
representative of the population. _________10. In this kind of research, the survey is
_________6. Quantitative does not diminish and rearrange a conducted on a minimum of two groups.
complex problem to a limited number of variables.
_________7. Quantitative is more detailed than qualitative III. Instructions: Underline the dependent variable and
data and it may miss a desired response from the participant. encircle the independent variable in the following
_________8. Quantitative gazes at associations between statements:
variables and can create cause and effect in highly controlled 1. The more time people spend using social media, the less
conditions. they read books.
_________9. Quantitative tests theories or hypotheses. 2. Taking a nap in the afternoon makes people more focused
_________10. Descriptive research can use statistics to take for the rest of the day.
a broad view of a finding or study. 3. Spending time with a family dog decreases the amount of
stress someone is feeling.
II. Classification. Classify what kind of quantitative research 4. Eating breakfast in the morning increases the ability to
is being describe in each statements. Write the answers on learn in school.
the spaces provided before each number. Write the letter 5. A soap manufacturer wants to prove that their detergent
only. works better to remove tough stains.
6. Orchids were studied to determine if the amount of
a. Survey Research c. Hypothesis. humidity affected the flowering of these plants.
b. Correlational Research d. Casual-Comparative Research 7. You want to see if playing music makes plants grow taller.
e. Experimental Research 8. A florist want to see if Product X will extend the life of cut
flowers so that they last longer.
_________1. It is a kind of research that looks to uncover a 9. You want to measure the effect of different amounts of
cause and effect relationship. oxygen on the rate of yeast growth.
_________2. It uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling 10. You want to see if playing music makes plants grow taller.
polls to get a sense of behavior with intense precision.
_________3. This is the research that is conducted in order IV. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the answer on the
to explain a noticed occurrence. space provided before the number.
_________4. This research is always guided specifically by a
hypothesis. 1. When considering the scope of the topic, one should
_________5. It is so called as a statement to be proven or consider its:
disproved. It is also called as an educated guess. a. Feasibility c. Manageability
b. Accessibility d. All of the above
2. Among the literatures available that can be used in 12. This is the problem or question the researcher want to
research, which are considered as the most reliable? answer in the study.
a. Magazines c. Scholarly journal articles a. Research Outline c. Research Topic
b. Newspaper d. Information from websites b. Abstract d. Research Title
3. It is a term used to describe a practice that involves
knowingly taking and using another person's work and
claiming it, directly or indirectly, as your own. V. Instructions: Classify the given items by putting them
a. Plagiarism c. Language Use under the appropriate columns. Come up with a specific topic
b. Copy and paste d. Fraud incorporating the details you have arranged in the table.
4. An important ethical issue in research wherein the writer
must avoid racially-charged, sexist, offensive language and Background Research Scope and Primary
tendencies. of the Study objectives Delimitation Beneficiaries
a. Plagiarism c. Language Use of the Study
b. Copy and paste d. Fraud
5. This is usually done due to the workload involved in
collecting and gathering data. Students tend to fabricate data
and results just to pass the course work.
a. Plagiarism c. Language Use
b. Copy and paste d. Fraud
6. A type of plagiarism that occurs when the writer is not
trying to cheat or deceive but fails to follow accepted
methods of using and revealing sources. 1. Allied health courses create multiple stressors
a. Blatant plagiarism c. All of the above 2. Anxiety affects the performance of students during
b. Technical plagiarism d. None of the above major exams
7. A type of plagiarism in which the writer tries to deceive 3. Chamomile has been found to have antibacterial
the teacher or reader - either for a grade or acclaim - into and anti-spasm properties
believing he or she is totally responsible for the content. 4. To determine whether the test taking anxiety of
a. Blatant plagiarism c. All of the above graduating students from the treatment group is
b. Technical plagiarism d. None of the above lower compared to that of the members of the
8. This part of the research paper states the contribution and control group
usefulness of the study to the society. 5. To find out if the test-taking anxiety of graduating
a. Definition of terms students significantly decreases after drinking
b. Background of the Study chamomile tea regularly.
c. Significance of the Study 6. To determine the effects of chamomile tea on the
d. Scope and Delimitation blood pressure of students during tests
9. This part of the research paper describes the field one is 7. Health professionals
researching, tells why the field is important, describes the 8. Limited to a six month experiment
current "hot topics" on the field, and states how the study 9. Students
can add to the field being research on. 10. Students from allied health courses in low
a. Definition of terms performing universities
b. Background of the Study 11. Students posted low scores in professional board
c. Significance of the Study exams
d. Scope and Delimitation 12. Teachers
10. The portion of the research paper that explains what
information or subject is being analyzed. It also allows the General Topic:
writer to explain why certain aspects were chosen and why ________________________________________
others were excluded.
a. Definition of terms Specific Topic:
b. Background of the Study ________________________________________
c. Significance of the Study
d. Scope and Delimitation
11. This part of the research paper sets the parameters or
boundaries on how certain "terms" are going to be used in
the research or study.
a. Definition of terms
b. Background of the Study
c. Significance of the Study
d. Scope and Delimitation ~END OF EXAMINATION~