Cisco - Asegurando Router Old Services
Cisco - Asegurando Router Old Services
Cisco - Asegurando Router Old Services
• Disable old services
• Disable / configure insecure services – old protocols can become a
hazard and an added threat to your infrastructure's compromise
1. Disable ICMP messages on the interfaces
2. Disable Multicast Route Caching
3. Disable Cisco Discovery Protocol
4. Disable / control HTTP access
5. Disable / control SNMP access
6. Disable Small Services
7. The QUICK N DIRTY Script
router(config)#ip http ?
access-class Restrict http server access by access-class
authentication Set http server authentication method
client Set http client parameters
max-connections Set maximum number of concurrent http server
path Set base path for HTML
port Set http server port
secure-ciphersuite Set http secure server ciphersuite
secure-client-auth Set http secure server with client
secure-port Set http secure server port number for listening
secure-server Enable HTTP secure server
secure-trustpoint Set http secure server certificate trustpoint
server Enable http server
timeout-policy Set http server time-out policy parameters
router(config)# No snmp-server