Decision Criteria
1. What is Dollarama’s growth strategy and financing needs over the coming years?
2. Why might Dollarama prefer an LBO to going public through an IPO at this time?
3. Assess the attractiveness of Dollarama as an LBO candidate using the criteria
outlined on page 4 of the Tuck “Note on Leveraged Buyouts” in the casebook.
4. Who is Bain Capital? Why might Bain be a better partner for Larry Rossy than other
private equity firms?
5. Briefly lay out Bain’s strategy from entry to exit.
6. What range of EV/EBITDA entry and exit multiples might be appropriate for
modeling the Dollarama LBO? Defend your choice.
7. How does adding debt affect the value of Dollarama? What internal rate of return
(IRR) can Bain earn by simply adding leverage?
8. What other steps must Bain take to achieve their return objectives with Dollarama?
How will these changes affect Bain’s IRR?