Unciano Colleges Inc. Sta. Mesa Manila
Unciano Colleges Inc. Sta. Mesa Manila
Unciano Colleges Inc. Sta. Mesa Manila
Partial fulfillment
Of the
“Unang yakap”
How to do the proper procedure of newborn
“Unang Yakap”
>Do the hand washing
>Double gloving
>Put the baby at the mother’s abdomen between the breast immediately.
>Use blanket to dry the baby at least 30 seconds. : To stimulate the baby to breath.
>Do not wipe off the vernix caseosa : to provide natural protective cover of the baby.
>Do not wash the baby within 6 hours: to prevent hypothermia and infection.
>Initiate skin to skin contact: put the baby at the abdomen or between the breast.
>Use second linen to cover’s the baby’s back: To keep the baby's warm.
>Do not cut the cord immediately: allow cord pulsations to stop without milking.
>Apply skin to skin contact: check the mother’s condition then deliver the placenta.
We researched a video about “Unang yakap” and we watched several times as we are
watching, we familiarized and write the procedure on how to do proper care of new born
Assigning role to our members for the role play that we will perform.
Jefferson – OB/doctor
Lilibeth - Pediatrician
Janine – Mother/Patient
Jesus – Handle/assist
1. Gloves 3pairs
2. Blanket 2pcs.
3. Bonnet 1pc.
4. Cord Care set
5. Erythromycin
6. Vitamin K
7. Hepatitis B
-We made a documentation of the process on the new program of the DOH “Unang
Goals of Department of Health (DOH)
“Unang Yakap”
Collecting data:
Transitional phase:
This is the last bit of stretching that must be done before birth.
Mood change
Desire to push
Meconium staining
Prolapsed cord
Perineal cleansing
Notify physician .
The fetal heart tones are the best indicator of fetal condition.
The location they are best heard can be an indicator of fetal position.
Just prior to birth may be in midline just over the pubic bone.
Average range for normal FHT’s is 120 to 160 beats per minute.
Variable decels do not show any typical pattern in relation to the contractions.
Continue to assess vital signs of mother and baby more often as labor progresses.
Dilated anus
Notify physician
Danger Signals
Persistent tachycardia
Persistent bradycardia
Assisted Deliveries
Forceps may assist mother in delivery to shorten the 2nd stage of labor.
Airway clearance and establishment of independent respirations are the first priority.
Assessment of Neonate
Rating of less than 3 is s severely depressed baby who will require intervention.
Prophylactic Care
Eye treatment
To prevent bleeding problems in newborn.
Baby’s footprints and mother’s thumb prints are used, as well as a photo.
Pitocin hastens delivery of the placenta and is usually given at this point.
Stage Three
Schultze Mechanism--80% of the time the shiny fetal surface is seen first.
Duncan Mechanism—20% of the time the dull maternal surface escapes first.
For abnormalities
For completness
Careful observation and assessment is of utmost importance and may be done every 15
Lochial flow
Perineal assessment