This document provides a checklist for students to follow when writing their personal project report. The report should be organized into 4 sections that correspond to the 4 objectives of the MYP projects framework: investigating, planning, taking action, and reflecting. Each section lists the evidence and discussion points that must be included to demonstrate achievement of the relevant objective. For example, in the planning section students must provide evidence of their planning process, criteria development, and self-management skills. Overall, the report allows students to reflect on their learning and skill development through completing the personal project.
This document provides a checklist for students to follow when writing their personal project report. The report should be organized into 4 sections that correspond to the 4 objectives of the MYP projects framework: investigating, planning, taking action, and reflecting. Each section lists the evidence and discussion points that must be included to demonstrate achievement of the relevant objective. For example, in the planning section students must provide evidence of their planning process, criteria development, and self-management skills. Overall, the report allows students to reflect on their learning and skill development through completing the personal project.
Original Description:
Source: MYP Projects: Further Guidance for Projects (2014)
This document provides a checklist for students to follow when writing their personal project report. The report should be organized into 4 sections that correspond to the 4 objectives of the MYP projects framework: investigating, planning, taking action, and reflecting. Each section lists the evidence and discussion points that must be included to demonstrate achievement of the relevant objective. For example, in the planning section students must provide evidence of their planning process, criteria development, and self-management skills. Overall, the report allows students to reflect on their learning and skill development through completing the personal project.
This document provides a checklist for students to follow when writing their personal project report. The report should be organized into 4 sections that correspond to the 4 objectives of the MYP projects framework: investigating, planning, taking action, and reflecting. Each section lists the evidence and discussion points that must be included to demonstrate achievement of the relevant objective. For example, in the planning section students must provide evidence of their planning process, criteria development, and self-management skills. Overall, the report allows students to reflect on their learning and skill development through completing the personal project.
The personal project report should be presented in identifiable sections, following the MYP projects objectives. The report must include evidence for all strands of each criterion.
Section 1—Objective A: Investigating
This is your introduction. You started the project by investigating, but you may have followed the inquiry cycle (inquiry, action, reflection) more than once in order to strengthen, extend or refine your inquiry. Define a clear goal and global In my report: context for the project, based on personal interests • I give the precise meaning of the goal of my project; I explain “what I wanted to achieve; when, where, how and why I wanted to achieve it” • I define the global context that best applies to my project and explain its connection • I describe what makes my project personal: the experiences, interests and ideas that make it important to me • I explain why my goal is challenging—in particular, why it is challenging for me. Identify prior learning and subject- • I identify what I already knew about this topic/project and the specific knowledge relevant to the sources of my knowledge project • I identify what I learned in MYP subject groups before the project started, and how this was helpful. Demonstrate research skills • I outline the research skills I had when I started the project • I discuss the research skills I developed through the project. Section 2—Objective B: Planning This includes all the work you did to plan and organize your project towards a product/outcome. Develop criteria for the In my report: product/outcome • I refer to the criteria I developed to evaluate the project product/outcome • If I made changes to my criteria during the project, I explain the changes and why I made them. Plan and record the development • I provide evidence of my planning through timelines, process of the project milestones or other tools/strategies • I use my chosen planning tools to record my progress throughout the project’s development • If I alter my plan, I explain the changes and why I made them. Demonstrate self-management • I outline the self-management skills I had when I started the skills project • I discuss the self-management skills I developed through the project. Section 3—Objective C: Taking action This is the main “doing” part of your project—the action part of the inquiry cycle—where the product/outcome is developed and completed. Create a product/outcome in In my report: response to the goal, global context and criteria • I use the success criteria I developed to decide how well I achieved my goal • I explain the connection between my product/outcome and the global context that my project explores • I use the success criteria I developed to make reasonable judgments about the product’s quality/outcome’s success. Demonstrate thinking skills • I outline the thinking skills I had when I started the project • I discuss the thinking skills I developed through the project. Demonstrate communication and • I outline the communication and social skills I had when I social skills started the project • I discuss the communication and social skills I developed through the project. Section 4—Objective D: Reflecting This is the point when you look back over the project and evaluate your development. You may have reflected during the process of the project and you can refer to this here too. Evaluate the quality of the In my report: product/success of the outcome against their criteria • if I made changes to my goal during the project, I explain the changes and why I made them • I evaluate the product/outcome against the criteria I established • I identify the possible improvements to the product/outcome. Reflect on how completing the • I demonstrate a deeper knowledge and understanding of my project has extended their topic and my identified global context knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context • I base my reflection on evidence, including my process journal. Reflect on their development as IB • I discuss my strengths and weaknesses in completing the learners through the project project • I identify challenges and the solutions I developed to meet them • I identify how I have developed as a learner (using the IB learner profile as appropriate) • I report on any opportunities the project gave me to share any expert ATL skills with other students who needed more practice • I consider the possible impact the project could have on my future learning.