November 2019
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Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................................................. vii
1 Concept, Architecture and Life Cycle of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ............................................ 1
1.1 What is Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Hardware Components ......................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Management Nodes ................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Compute Nodes ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Storage Appliance ..................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4 Network Infrastructure ................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Software Components ......................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard ............................................................... 12
1.3.2 Password Manager (Wallet) ..................................................................................... 13
1.3.3 Oracle VM Manager ................................................................................................. 13
1.3.4 Operating Systems .................................................................................................. 13
1.3.5 Databases ............................................................................................................... 13
1.3.6 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Management Software .............................................. 17
1.3.7 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Diagnostics Tool ...................................................... 18
1.4 Provisioning and Orchestration ............................................................................................ 19
1.4.1 Appliance Management Initialization ......................................................................... 19
1.4.2 Compute Node Discovery and Provisioning ............................................................... 19
1.4.3 Server Pool Readiness ............................................................................................ 20
1.5 High Availability .................................................................................................................. 21
1.6 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup ............................................................................... 22
1.7 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader ............................................................................ 23
2 Monitoring and Managing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ............................................................... 25
2.1 Connecting and Logging in to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard ........................ 26
2.2 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Accessibility Features .......................................................... 28
2.3 Hardware View ................................................................................................................... 28
2.4 Network Settings ................................................................................................................ 32
2.5 Functional Networking Limitations ........................................................................................ 35
2.5.1 Network Configuration of Ethernet-based Systems .................................................... 36
2.5.2 Network Configuration of InfiniBand-based Systems .................................................. 38
2.6 Network Customization ....................................................................................................... 39
2.6.1 Configuring Custom Networks on Ethernet-based Systems ........................................ 40
2.6.2 Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems ...................................... 44
2.6.3 Deleting Custom Networks ....................................................................................... 49
2.7 Tenant Groups ................................................................................................................... 50
2.7.1 Design Assumptions and Restrictions ....................................................................... 50
2.7.2 Configuring Tenant Groups ...................................................................................... 50
2.8 Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 54
2.9 Health Monitoring ............................................................................................................... 57
3 Updating Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ....................................................................................... 61
3.1 Before You Start Updating .................................................................................................. 61
3.1.1 Warnings and Cautions ............................................................................................ 62
3.1.2 Backup Prevents Data Loss ..................................................................................... 64
3.2 Using the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader ............................................................. 64
3.2.1 Rebooting the Management Node Cluster ................................................................. 65
3.2.2 Installing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader .............................................. 65
3.2.3 Verifying Upgrade Readiness ................................................................................... 66
3.2.4 Executing a Controller Software Update .................................................................... 68
3.3 Upgrading the Virtualization Platform ................................................................................... 75
3.4 Upgrading Component Firmware ......................................................................................... 77
Oracle® Private Cloud Appliance
Oracle® Private Cloud Appliance
Oracle® Private Cloud Appliance
6.13 Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES ....................................................... 203
6.13.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES for Service (When
Required) ....................................................................................................................... 204
6.13.2 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components ........... 206
6.14 Servicing the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 ............................................................... 207
6.14.1 Powering Down the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 for Service (When Required) . 207
6.14.2 Service Procedures for Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components ................... 208
6.15 Servicing an Oracle Switch ES1-24 ................................................................................. 209
6.15.1 Powering Down the Oracle Switch ES1-24 for Service (When Required) .................. 209
6.15.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Switch ES1-24 Components .................................... 210
6.16 Servicing an NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch ................................. 210
6.16.1 Powering Down the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch for
Service (When Required) ................................................................................................ 210
6.16.2 Service Procedures for NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch
Components ................................................................................................................... 211
6.17 Servicing an Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 ................................................................. 211
6.17.1 Powering Down the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 for Service (When Required) .. 211
6.17.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components .................... 212
7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 215
7.1 Setting the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters ......................................... 215
7.2 Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates ..................................... 216
7.3 Configuring Appliance Uplinks ........................................................................................... 217
7.4 Configuring Data Center Switches for VLAN Traffic ............................................................ 218
7.5 Changing the Oracle VM Agent Password ......................................................................... 219
7.6 Running Manual Pre- and Post-Upgrade Checks in Combination with Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Upgrader ................................................................................................................ 219
7.7 Enabling Fibre Channel Connectivity on a Provisioned Appliance ........................................ 221
7.8 Restoring a Backup After a Password Change ................................................................... 223
7.9 Enabling SNMP Server Monitoring ..................................................................................... 225
7.10 Using a Custom CA Certificate for SSL Encryption ........................................................... 226
7.10.1 Creating a Keystore ............................................................................................. 227
7.10.2 Importing a Keystore ............................................................................................ 228
7.11 Reprovisioning a Compute Node when Provisioning Fails ................................................. 229
7.12 Deprovisioning and Replacing a Compute Node ............................................................... 230
7.13 Eliminating Time-Out Issues when Provisioning Compute Nodes ....................................... 231
7.14 Returning Oracle VM Server Pool to Operation After Network Services Restart ................... 232
7.15 Recovering from Tenant Group Configuration Mismatches ................................................ 233
7.16 Configure Xen CPU Frequency Scaling for Best Performance ........................................... 234
Index .............................................................................................................................................. 237
This document is part of the documentation library for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release 2.4, which
is available at:
The release notes provide a summary of the new features, changes, fixed bugs and known issues in
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
The licensing information user manual provides information about the various product licenses
applicable to the use of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
The installation guide provides detailed instructions to prepare the installation site and install Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance. It also includes the procedures to install additional compute nodes, and to
connect and configure external storage components.
The safety and compliance guide is a supplemental guide to the safety aspects of Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance. It conforms to Compliance Model No. ESY27.
The administrator's guide provides instructions for using the management software. It is a
comprehensive guide to how to configure, monitor and administer Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
The quick start poster provides a step-by-step description of the hardware installation and initial
software configuration of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. A printed quick start poster is shipped
with each Oracle Private Cloud Appliance base rack, and is intended for data center operators and
administrators who are new to the product.
The quick start poster is also available in the documentation library as an HTML guide, which contains
alternate text for ADA 508 compliance.
The expansion node setup poster provides a step-by-step description of the installation procedure for
an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance expansion node. A printed expansion node setup poster is shipped
with each Oracle Private Cloud Appliance expansion node.
The expansion node setup poster is also available in the documentation library as an HTML guide,
which contains alternate text for ADA 508 compliance.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance documentation is written for technicians, authorized service providers,
data center operators and system administrators who want to install, configure and maintain a private cloud
Related Documentation
environment in order to deploy virtual machines for users. It is assumed that readers have experience
installing and troubleshooting hardware, are familiar with web and virtualization technologies and have a
general understanding of operating systems such as UNIX (including Linux) and Windows.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance makes use of Oracle Linux and Oracle Solaris operating systems
within its component configuration. It is advisable that administrators have experience of these operating
systems at the very least. Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is capable of running virtual machines with a
variety of operating systems including Oracle Solaris and other UNIXes, Linux and Microsoft Windows.
The selection of operating systems deployed in guests on Oracle Private Cloud Appliance determines the
requirements of your administrative knowledge.
Related Documentation
Additional Oracle components may be included with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance depending on
configuration. The documentation for such additional components is available as follows:
If your appliance contains components that are not mentioned below, please
consult the related documentation list for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release
• Oracle VM
Provide feedback about this documentation at:
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which
you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Document Revision
Document generated on: 2019-11-12 (revision: 1863)
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website
Chapter 1 Concept, Architecture and Life Cycle of Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance
Table of Contents
1.1 What is Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 Hardware Components ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Management Nodes ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Compute Nodes ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Storage Appliance ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2.4 Network Infrastructure ........................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Software Components ................................................................................................................. 12
1.3.1 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard ....................................................................... 12
1.3.2 Password Manager (Wallet) ............................................................................................. 13
1.3.3 Oracle VM Manager ......................................................................................................... 13
1.3.4 Operating Systems .......................................................................................................... 13
1.3.5 Databases ....................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.6 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Management Software ...................................................... 17
1.3.7 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Diagnostics Tool .............................................................. 18
1.4 Provisioning and Orchestration .................................................................................................... 19
1.4.1 Appliance Management Initialization ................................................................................. 19
1.4.2 Compute Node Discovery and Provisioning ....................................................................... 19
1.4.3 Server Pool Readiness .................................................................................................... 20
1.5 High Availability .......................................................................................................................... 21
1.6 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup ....................................................................................... 22
1.7 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader .................................................................................... 23
This chapter describes what Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is, which hardware and software it consists of,
and how it is deployed as a virtualization platform.
Aside from the risks created by technical complexity and lack of expertise, companies also suffer from
an inability to deploy new infrastructure quickly enough to suit their business needs. The administration
involved in the deployment of new systems, and the time and effort to configure these systems, can
amount to weeks. Provisioning new applications into flexible virtualized environments, in a fraction of the
time required for physical deployments, generates substantial financial benefits.
Modular Implementation of a Complete Stack
configured. It enables the operation of the entire system as a single unit, not a series of individual servers,
network hardware and storage providers. Installation, configuration, high availability, expansion and
upgrading are automated and orchestrated to an optimal degree. Within a few hours after power-on, the
appliance is ready to create virtual servers. Virtual servers are commonly deployed from virtual appliances,
in the form of Oracle VM templates (individual pre-configured VMs) and assemblies (interconnected groups
of pre-configured VMs).
Ease of Use
The primary value proposition of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is the integration of components and
resources for the purpose of ease of use and rapid deployment. It should be considered a general purpose
solution in the sense that it supports the widest variety of operating systems, including Windows, and any
application they might host. Customers can attach their existing storage or connect new storage solutions
from Oracle or third parties.
Support for Previous Generations of Hardware Components
Management Nodes
For details about how high availability is achieved with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, refer to
Section 1.5, “High Availability”.
When you power on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for the first time, you can change the factory
default IP configuration of the management node cluster, so that it can be easily reached from your data
center network. The management nodes share a Virtual IP, where the management web interface can be
accessed. This virtual IP is assigned to whichever server has the master role at any given time. During
system initialization, after the management cluster is set up successfully, the master management node
loads a number of Oracle Linux services, in addition to Oracle VM and its associated MySQL database
– including network, sshd, ntpd, iscsi initiator, dhcpd – to orchestrate the provisioning of all system
components. During provisioning, all networking and storage is configured, and all compute nodes are
discovered, installed and added to an Oracle VM server pool. All provisioning configurations are preloaded
at the factory and should not be modified by the customer.
For details about the provisioning process, refer to Section 1.4, “Provisioning and Orchestration”.
Compute Nodes
For hardware configuration details of the compute nodes, refer to Server Components in the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard allows the administrator to monitor the health and status
of the compute nodes, as well as all other rack components, and perform certain system operations. The
virtual infrastructure is configured and managed with Oracle VM Manager.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance offers modular compute capacity that can be increased according to
business needs. The minimum configuration of the base rack contains just two compute nodes, but it can
be expanded by one node at a time up to 25 compute nodes. Apart from the hardware installation, adding
compute nodes requires no intervention by the administrator. New nodes are discovered, powered on,
installed and provisioned automatically by the master management node. The additional compute nodes
are integrated into the existing configuration and, as a result, the Oracle VM server pool offers increased
capacity for more or larger virtual machines.
As a further expansion option, the Oracle Server X8-2 compute nodes can be ordered with pre-installed
fibre channel cards, or equipped with fibre channel cards after installation. Once these compute nodes
are integrated in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment, the fibre channel HBAs can connect
to standard FC switches and storage hardware in your data center. External FC storage configuration is
managed through Oracle VM Manager. For more information, refer to the Fibre Channel Storage Attached
Network section of the Oracle VM Concepts Guide.
When using expansion nodes containing fibre channel cards in a system with
InfiniBand-based network architecture, the vHBAs must be disabled on those
compute nodes.
Because of the diversity of possible virtualization scenarios it is difficult to quantify the compute capacity as
a number of virtual machines. For sizing guidelines, refer to the chapter entitled Configuration Maximums
in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software continues to provide support for previous
generations of the ZFS Storage Appliance installed in the base rack. However, there are functional
differences between the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, which is part of systems with an Ethernet-
based network architecture, and the previous models of the ZFS Storage Appliance, which are part of
systems with an InfiniBand-based network architecture. For clarity, this section describes the different
storage appliances separately.
Storage Appliance
A portion of the disk space, 3TB by default, is made available for customer use and is sufficient for an
Oracle VM storage repository with several virtual machines, templates and assemblies. The remaining
part of approximately 100TB in total disk space can also be configured as a storage repository for virtual
machine resources. Further capacity extension with external storage is also possible.
The hardware configuration of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 is as follows:
• Two clustered storage heads with two 14TB hard disks each
• One fully populated disk chassis with twenty 14TB hard disks
• Four cache disks installed in the disk shelf: 2x 200GB SSD and 2x 7.68TB SSD
• RAID-1 configuration, for optimum data protection, with a total usable space of approximately 100TB
The storage appliance is connected to the management subnet ( and the storage
subnet ( Both heads form a cluster in active-passive configuration to guarantee
continuation of service in the event that one storage head should fail. The storage heads share a single
IP in the storage subnet, but both have an individual management IP address for convenient maintenance
access. The RAID-1 storage pool contains two projects, named OVCA and OVM .
The OVCA project contains all LUNs and file systems used by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software:
• LUNs
• Locks (12GB) – to be used exclusively for cluster locking on the two management nodes
• Manager (200GB) – to be used exclusively as an additional file system on both management nodes
• File systems:
• MGMT_ROOT – to be used for storage of all files specific to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
• Incoming (20GB) – to be used for FTP file transfers, primarily for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
component backups
The OVM project contains all LUNs and file systems used by Oracle VM:
• LUNs
• iscsi_serverpool1 (12GB) – to be used as server pool file system for the Oracle VM clustered
server pool
• File systems:
• nfs_serverpool1 (12GB) – to be used as server pool file system for the Oracle VM clustered server
pool in case NFS is preferred over iSCSI
Storage Appliance
If the internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains customer-created LUNs, make sure
they are not mapped to the default initiator group. See Customer Created LUNs Are
Mapped to the Wrong Initiator Group in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release
In addition to offering storage, the ZFS storage appliance also runs the xinetd and tftpd services. These
complement the Oracle Linux services on the master management node in order to orchestrate the
provisioning of all Oracle Private Cloud Appliance system components.
The Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES installed at the bottom of the appliance rack should be
considered a 'system disk' for the entire appliance. Its main purpose is to provide storage space for the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software. A portion of the disk space is made available for customer use
and is sufficient for an Oracle VM storage repository with a limited number of virtual machines, templates
and assemblies.
The hardware configuration of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES is as follows:
• Two clustered storage heads with two 3.2TB SSDs each, used exclusively for cache
• One fully populated disk chassis with twenty 1.2TB 10000 RPM SAS hard disks
• RAID-Z2 configuration, for best balance between performance and data protection, with a total usable
space of approximately 15TB
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance base racks shipped prior to software release 2.3.3
use a Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 or Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-
ES. Those systems may be upgraded to a newer software stack, which continues
to provide support for each Oracle Private Cloud Appliance storage configuration.
The newer storage appliance offers the same functionality and configuration, with
modernized hardware and thus better performance.
The storage appliance is connected to the management subnet ( ) and the InfiniBand
(IPoIB) storage subnet ( ). Both heads form a cluster in active-passive configuration
to guarantee continuation of service in the event that one storage head should fail. The storage heads
share a single IP in the storage subnet, but both have an individual management IP address for convenient
maintenance access. The RAID-Z2 storage pool contains two projects, named OVCA and OVM .
The OVCA project contains all LUNs and file systems used by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software:
• LUNs
• Locks (12GB) – to be used exclusively for cluster locking on the two management nodes
• Manager (200GB) – to be used exclusively as an additional file system on both management nodes
• File systems:
• MGMT_ROOT – to be used for storage of all files specific to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Network Infrastructure
• Incoming (20GB) – to be used for FTP file transfers, primarily for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
component backups
The OVM project contains all LUNs and file systems used by Oracle VM:
• LUNs
• iscsi_serverpool1 (12GB) – to be used as server pool file system for the Oracle VM clustered
server pool
• File systems:
• nfs_serverpool1 (12GB) – to be used as server pool file system for the Oracle VM clustered server
pool in case NFS is preferred over iSCSI
If the internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains customer-created LUNs, make sure
they are not mapped to the default initiator group. See Customer Created LUNs Are
Mapped to the Wrong Initiator Group in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release
In addition to offering storage, the ZFS storage appliance also runs the xinetd and tftpd services. These
complement the Oracle Linux services on the master management node in order to orchestrate the
provisioning of all Oracle Private Cloud Appliance system components.
For network connectivity, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance relies on a physical layer that provides the
necessary high-availability, bandwidth and speed. On top of this, several different virtual networks are
optimally configured for different types of data traffic. Only the internal administration network is truly
physical; the appliance data connectivity uses Software Defined Networking (SDN). The appliance rack
contains redundant network hardware components, which are pre-cabled at the factory to help ensure
continuity of service in case a failure should occur.
Depending on the exact hardware configuration of your appliance, the physical network layer is either high-
speed Ethernet or InfiniBand. In this section, both network architectures are described separately in more
Network Infrastructure
Administration Network
The administration network provides internal access to the management interfaces of all appliance
components. These have Ethernet connections to the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch, and all have a
predefined IP address in the range. In addition, all management and compute nodes
have a second IP address in this range, which is used for Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)
While the appliance is initializing, the data network is not accessible, which means that the internal
administration network is temporarily the only way to connect to the system. Therefore, the administrator
should connect a workstation to the reserved Ethernet port 48 in the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP
Switch, and assign the fixed IP address to the workstation. From this workstation,
the administrator opens a browser connection to the web server on the master management node
at https:// , in order to monitor the initialization process and perform the initial
configuration steps when the appliance is powered on for the first time.
Data Network
The appliance data connectivity is built on redundant Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches in a leaf-spine
design. In this two-layer design, the leaf switches interconnect the rack hardware components, while the
spine switches form the backbone of the network and perform routing tasks. Each leaf switch is connected
to all the spine switches, which are also interconnected. The main benefits of this network architecture are
extensibility and path optimization. An Oracle Private Cloud Appliance rack contains two leaf and two spine
The Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch offers a maximum throughput of 100Gbit per port. The spine switches
use 5 interlinks (500Gbit); the leaf switches use 2 interlinks (200Gbit) and 2x2 crosslinks to the spines.
Each compute node is connected to both leaf switches in the rack, through the bond1 interface that
consists of two 100Gbit Ethernet ports in link aggregation mode. The two storage controllers are connected
to the spine switches using 4x40Gbit connections.
For external connectivity, 5 ports are reserved on each spine switch. Four ports are available for custom
network configurations; one port is required for the default uplink. This default external uplink requires
that port 5 on both spine switches is split using a QSFP+-to-SFP+ four way splitter or breakout cable. Two
of those four 10GbE SFP+ breakout ports per spine switch, ports 5/1 and 5/2, must be connected to a pair
of next-level data center switches, also called top-of-rack or ToR switches.
During the initialization process of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, several essential default networks
are configured:
• The Internal Storage Network is a redundant 40Gbit Ethernet connection from the spine switches to the
ZFS storage appliance. All four storage controller interfaces are bonded using LACP into one datalink.
Management and compute nodes can reach the internal storage over the subnet on
VLAN 3093. This network also fulfills the heartbeat function for the clustered Oracle VM server pool.
Network Infrastructure
• The Internal Management Network provides connectivity between the management nodes and
compute nodes in the subnet on VLAN 3092. It is used for all network traffic
inherent to Oracle VM Manager, Oracle VM Server and the Oracle VM Agents.
• The Internal Underlay Network provides the infrastructure layer for data traffic between compute
nodes. It uses the subnet on VLAN 3091. On top of the internal underlay network,
internal VxLAN overlay networks are built to enable virtual machine connectivity where only internal
access is required.
One such internal VxLAN is configured in advance: the default internal VM network, to which all compute
nodes are connected with their vx2 interface. Untagged traffic is supported by default over this network.
Customers can add VLANs of their choice to the Oracle VM network configuration, and define the
subnet(s) appropriate for IP address assignment at the virtual machine level.
• The External Underlay Network provides the infrastructure layer for data traffic between Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance and the data center network. It uses the subnet on VLAN 3090. On
top of the external underlay network, VxLAN overlay networks with external access are built to enable
public connectivity for the physical nodes and all the virtual machines they host.
One such public VxLAN is configured in advance: the default external network, to which all compute
nodes and management nodes are connected with their vx13040 interface. Both tagged and untagged
traffic are supported by default over this network. Customers can add VLANs of their choice to the
Oracle VM network configuration, and define the subnet(s) appropriate for IP address assignment at the
virtual machine level.
The default external network also provides access to the management nodes from the data center
network and allows the management nodes to run a number of system services. The management node
external network settings are configurable through the Network Settings tab in the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Dashboard. If this network is a VLAN, its ID or tag must be configured in the Network Setup
tab of the Dashboard.
For the appliance default networking to be configured successfully, the default external uplink must
be in place before the initialization of the appliance begins. At the end of the initialization process, the
administrator assigns three reserved IP addresses from the data center (public) network range to the
management node cluster of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance: one for each management node, and
an additional Virtual IP shared by the clustered nodes. From this point forward, the Virtual IP is used
to connect to the master management node's web server, which hosts both the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Dashboard and the Oracle VM Manager web interface.
It is critical that both spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches have two 10GbE
connections each to a pair of next-level data center switches. For this purpose, a
4-way breakout cable must be attached to port 5 of each spine switch, and 10GbE
breakout ports 5/1 and 5/2 must be used as uplinks. Note that ports 5/3 and 5/4
remain unused.
This outbound cabling between the spine switches and the data center network
should be crossed or meshed, to ensure optimal continuity of service.
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance with InfiniBand-based network architecture relies on a physical InfiniBand
network fabric, with additional Ethernet connectivity for internal management communication.
Network Infrastructure
The Ethernet network relies on two interconnected Oracle Switch ES1-24 switches, to which all other rack
components are connected with CAT6 Ethernet cables. This network serves as the appliance management
network, in which every component has a predefined IP address in the range. In
addition, all management and compute nodes have a second IP address in this range, which is used for
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) connectivity.
While the appliance is initializing, the InfiniBand fabric is not accessible, which means that the
management network is the only way to connect to the system. Therefore, the administrator should
connect a workstation to the available Ethernet port 19 in one of the Oracle Switch ES1-24 switches,
and assign the fixed IP address to the workstation. From this workstation, the
administrator opens a browser connection to the web server on the master management node at
http:// , in order to monitor the initialization process and perform the initial
configuration steps when the appliance is powered on for the first time.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance rack contains two NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion
Switches. These redundant switches have redundant cable connections to both InfiniBand ports in each
management node, compute node and storage head. Both InfiniBand switches, in turn, have redundant
cable connections to both Fabric Interconnects in the rack. All these components combine to form a
physical InfiniBand backplane with a 40Gbit (Quad Data Rate) bandwidth.
When the appliance initialization is complete, all necessary Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software
packages, including host drivers and InfiniBand kernel modules, have been installed and configured
on each component. At this point, the system is capable of using software defined networking (SDN)
configured on top of the physical InfiniBand fabric. SDN is implemented through the Fabric Interconnects.
Fabric Interconnect
All Oracle Private Cloud Appliance network connectivity is managed through the Fabric Interconnects. Data
is transferred across the physical InfiniBand fabric, but connectivity is implemented in the form of Software
Defined Networks (SDN), which are sometimes referred to as 'clouds'. The physical InfiniBand backplane
is capable of hosting thousands of virtual networks. These Private Virtual Interconnects (PVI) dynamically
connect virtual machines and bare metal servers to networks, storage and other virtual machines, while
maintaining the traffic separation of hard-wired connections and surpassing their performance.
During the initialization process of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, five essential networks, four of
which are SDNs, are configured: a storage network, an Oracle VM management network, a management
Ethernet network, and two virtual machine networks. Tagged and untagged virtual machine traffic is
supported. VLANs can be constructed using virtual interfaces on top of the existing bond interfaces of the
compute nodes.
• The storage network, technically not software-defined, is a bonded IPoIB connection between the
management nodes and the ZFS storage appliance, and uses the subnet. This
network also fulfills the heartbeat function for the clustered Oracle VM server pool. DHCP ensures that
compute nodes are assigned an IP address in this subnet.
• The Oracle VM management network is a PVI that connects the management nodes and compute
nodes in the subnet. It is used for all network traffic inherent to Oracle VM
Manager, Oracle VM Server and the Oracle VM Agents.
• The management Ethernet network is a bonded Ethernet connection between the management nodes.
The primary function of this network is to provide access to the management nodes from the data center
network, and enable the management nodes to run a number of system services. Since all compute
Software Components
nodes are also connected to this network, Oracle VM can use it for virtual machine connectivity, with
access to and from the data center network. The management node external network settings are
configurable through the Network Settings tab in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. If this
network is a VLAN, its ID or tag must be configured in the Network Setup tab of the Dashboard.
• The public virtual machine network is a bonded Ethernet connection between the compute nodes.
Oracle VM uses this network for virtual machine connectivity, where external access is required.
Untagged traffic is supported by default over this network. Customers can add their own VLANs to the
Oracle VM network configuration, and define the subnet(s) appropriate for IP address assignment at the
virtual machine level. For external connectivity, the next-level data center switches must be configured to
accept your tagged VLAN traffic.
• The private virtual machine network is a bonded Ethernet connection between the compute nodes.
Oracle VM uses this network for virtual machine connectivity, where only internal access is required.
Untagged traffic is supported by default over this network. Customers can add VLANs of their choice to
the Oracle VM network configuration, and define the subnet(s) appropriate for IP address assignment at
the virtual machine level.
Finally, the Fabric Interconnects also manage the physical public network connectivity of the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance. Two 10GbE ports on each Fabric Interconnect must be connected to redundant next-
level data center switches. At the end of the initialization process, the administrator assigns three reserved
IP addresses from the data center (public) network range to the management node cluster of the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance: one for each management node, and an additional Virtual IP shared by the
clustered nodes. From this point forward, the Virtual IP is used to connect to the master management
node's web server, which hosts both the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard and the Oracle VM
Manager web interface.
It is critical that both Fabric Interconnects have two 10GbE connections each
to a pair of next-level data center switches. This configuration with four cable
connections provides redundancy and load splitting at the level of the Fabric
Interconnects, the 10GbE ports and the data center switches. This outbound
cabling should not be crossed or meshed, because the internal connections to the
pair of Fabric Interconnects are already configured that way. The cabling pattern
plays a key role in the continuation of service during failover scenarios involving
Fabric Interconnect outages and other components.
• Resetting of the global password for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance configuration components
Password Manager (Wallet)
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard is described in detail in Chapter 2, Monitoring and
Managing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
Passwords for all accounts on all components are stored in a global Wallet, secured with 512-bit
encryption. To update the password entries, you use either the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard
or the Command Line Interface. For details, see Section 2.8, “Authentication”.
• Oracle VM Manager application: provided as an Oracle WebLogic Server domain and container.
• Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: including Application Development Framework (ADF) Release 12c, used
to host and run the Oracle VM Manager application
• MySQL 5.6 Enterprise Edition Server: for the exclusive use of the Oracle VM Manager application as a
management repository and installed on the Database file system hosted on the ZFS storage appliance.
Administration of virtual machines is performed using the Oracle VM Manager web user interface, as
described in Chapter 5, Managing the Oracle VM Virtual Infrastructure. While it is possible to use the
command line interface provided with Oracle VM Manager, this is considered an advanced activity that
should only be performed with a thorough understanding of the limitations of Oracle VM Manager running
in the context of an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
All other components run a particular revision of their respective firmware. All operating software has been
selected and developed to work together as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. When an update is
released, the appropriate versions of all software components are bundled. When a new software release
is activated, all component operating software is updated accordingly. You should not attempt to update
individual components unless Oracle explicitly instructs you to.
1.3.5 Databases
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uses a number of databases to track system states, handle
configuration and provisioning, and for Oracle VM Manager. All databases are stored on the ZFS storage
appliance, and are exported via an NFS file system. The databases are accessible to each management
node to ensure high availability.
The following table lists the different databases used by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Item Description
Type: BerkeleyDB
Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/cisco_data_network_db
on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/
cisco_data_network_db on each management node
Cisco Management Switch Defines the factory-configured map of Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch
Ports Database ports to the rack unit or element to which that port is connected. It is used
to map switch ports to machine names.
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Item Description
Oracle Private Cloud Contains the data set by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard
Appliance Setup Database setup facility. The data in this database is automatically applied by both
the active and standby management nodes when a change is detected.
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Type: BerkeleyDB
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Management Software
Item Description
Oracle VM Manager Database Used on each management node as the management database for
Oracle VM Manager. It contains all configuration details of the Oracle VM
environment (including servers, pools, storage and networking), as well
as the virtualized systems hosted by the environment.
All configuration and management tasks must be performed using the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard and the Command Line Interface. Do not
attempt to run any processes directly without explicit instruction from an Oracle
Support representative. Attempting to do so may render your appliance unusable.
Besides the Dashboard and CLI, this software also includes a number of Python applications that run on
the active management node. These applications are found in /usr/sbin on each management node
and some are listed as follows:
• pca-backup: the script responsible for performing backups of the appliance configuration as described
in Section 1.6, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup”
• pca-check-master: a script that verifies which of the two management nodes currently has the master
• ovca-daemon: the core provisioning and management daemon for the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
• pca-dhcpd: a helper script to assist the DHCP daemon with the registration of compute nodes
• pca-diag: a tool to collect diagnostic information from your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, as
described in Section 1.3.7, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Diagnostics Tool”
• pca-factory-init: the appliance initialization script used to set the appliance to its factory
configuration. This script does not function as a reset; it is only used for initial rack setup.
• pca-redirect: a daemon that redirects HTTP or HTTPS requests to the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Dashboard described in Section 1.3.1, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard”
• ovca-remote-rpc: a script for remote procedure calls directly to the Oracle VM Server Agent.
Currently it is only used by the management node to monitor the heartbeat of the Oracle VM Server
• ovca-rpc: a script that allows the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software components to
communicate directly with the underlying management scripts running on the management node
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Diagnostics Tool
Many of these applications use a specific Oracle Private Cloud Appliance library that is installed in /usr/
lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovca/ on each management node.
• pca-diag
When you enter this command, without any additional arguments, the tool retrieves a basic set of files
that provide insights into the current health status of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. You can run
this command on all management and compute nodes. All collected data is stored in /tmp, compressed
into a single tarball (ovcadiag_<node-hostname>_<ID>_<date>_<time>.tar.bz2).
• pca-diag version
When you enter this command, version information for the current Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
software stack is displayed. The version argument cannot be combined with any other argument.
• pca-diag ilom
When you enter this command, diagnostic data is retrieved, by means of ipmitool, through the
host's ILOM. The data set includes details about the host's operating system, processes, health
status, hardware and software configuration, as well as a number of files specific to the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance configuration. You can run this command on all management and compute
nodes. All collected data is stored in /tmp, compressed into a single tarball (ovcadiag_<node-
• pca-diag vmpinfo
When using the vmpinfo argument, the command must be run from the master
management node.
When you enter this command, the Oracle VM diagnostic data collection mechanism
is activated. The vmpinfo3 script collects logs and configuration details from the
Oracle VM Manager, and logs and sosreport information from each Oracle VM
Server or compute node. All collected data is stored in /tmp, compressed into two
tarballs: ovcadiag_<node-hostname>_<ID>_<date>_<time>.tar.bz2 and
To collect diagnostic information for a subset of the Oracle VM Servers in the environment,
you run the command with an additional servers parameter: pca-diag vmpinfo
Diagnostic collection with pca-diag is possible from the command line of any node in the system. Only
the master management node allows you to use all of the command line arguments. Although vmpinfo
is not available on the compute nodes, running pca-diag directly on the compute can help retrieve
important diagnostic information regarding Oracle VM Server that cannot be captured with vmpinfo.
The pca-diag tool is typically run by multiple users with different roles. System administrators or field
service engineers may use it as part of their standard operating procedures, or Oracle Support teams
may request that the tool be run in a specific manner as part of an effort to diagnose and resolve reported
Provisioning and Orchestration
hardware or software issues. For additional information and instructions, also refer to the section “Data
Collection for Service and Support” in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.
The necessary Oracle Linux services are started as the server comes up to runlevel 3 (multi-user mode
with networking). At this point, the management node executes a series of system health checks. It verifies
that all expected infrastructure components are present on the appliance administration network and in the
correct predefined location, identified by the rack unit number and fixed IP address. Next, the management
node probes the ZFS storage appliance for a management NFS export and a management iSCSI LUN with
OCFS2 file system. The storage and its access groups have been configured at the factory. If the health
checks reveal no problems, the ocfs2 and o2cb services are started up automatically.
With mutual exclusion established between both members of the management cluster, the master
management node continues to load the remaining Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services, including
dhcpd, Oracle VM Manager and the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance databases. The virtual IP address
of the management cluster is also brought online, and the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard
is activated. The static Apache web server now redirects to the Dashboard at the virtual IP, where the
administrator can access a live view of the appliance rack component status.
Once the dhcpd service is started, the system state changes to Provision Readiness, which means it is
ready to discover non-infrastructure components.
Server Pool Readiness
NFS share, containing the state and configuration details of each node in the system, including MAC
addresses, IP addresses and host names. The discovery process of a node begins with a DHCP request
from the ILOM. Most discovery and provisioning actions are synchronous and occur sequentially, while
time consuming installation and configuration processes are launched in parallel and asynchronously.
The DHCP server hands out pre-assigned IP addresses on the appliance administration network ( ). When the Node Manager has verified that a node has a valid service tag for use with
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, it launches a series of provisioning tasks. All required software resources
have been loaded onto the ZFS storage appliance at the factory.
Provisioning Tasks
The provisioning process is tracked in the node database by means of status changes. The next
provisioning task can only be started if the node status indicates that the previous task has completed
successfully. For each valid node, the Node Manager begins by building a PXE configuration and forces
the node to boot using Oracle Private Cloud Appliance runtime services. After the hardware RAID-1
configuration is applied, the node is restarted to perform a kickstart installation of Oracle VM Server.
Crucial kernel modules and host drivers are added to the installation. At the end of the installation process,
the network configuration files are updated to allow all necessary network interfaces to be brought up.
Once the internal management network exists, the compute node is rebooted one last time to reconfigure
the Oracle VM Agent to communicate over this network. At this point, the node is ready for Oracle VM
Manager discovery.
As the Oracle VM environment grows and contains more and more virtual machines and many different
VLANs connecting them, the number of management operations and registered events increases rapidly.
In a system with this much activity the provisioning of a compute node takes significantly longer, because
the provisioning tasks run through the same management node where Oracle VM Manager is active.
There is no impact on functionality, but the provisioning tasks can take several hours to complete. It is
recommended to perform compute node provisioning at a time when system activity is at its lowest.
When the Node Manager detects a fully installed compute node that is ready to join the Oracle VM
environment, it issues the necessary Oracle VM CLI commands to add the new node to the Oracle VM
server pool. With the discovery of the first node, the system also configures the clustered Oracle VM server
pool with the appropriate networking and access to the shared storage. For every compute node added to
Oracle VM Manager the IPMI configuration is stored in order to enable convenient remote power-on/off.
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance expects that all compute nodes in one rack initially belong to a single
clustered server pool with High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS) enabled.
When all compute nodes have joined the Oracle VM server pool, the appliance is in Ready state, meaning
virtual machines (VMs) can be deployed.
When an expansion compute node is installed, its presence is detected based on the DHCP request from
its ILOM. If the new server is identified as an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance node, an entry is added in
the node database with "new" state. This triggers the initialization and provisioning process. New compute
nodes are integrated seamlessly to expand the capacity of the running system, without the need for
manual reconfiguration by an administrator.
High Availability
Synchronization Service
As part of the provisioning process, a number of configuration settings are applied, either globally or
at individual component level. Some are visible to the administrator, and some are entirely internal
to the system. Throughout the life cycle of the appliance, software updates, capacity extensions and
configuration changes will occur at different points in time. For example, an expansion compute node
may have different hardware, firmware, software, configuration and passwords compared to the servers
already in use in the environment, and it comes with factory default settings that do not match those of
the running system. A synchronization service, implemented on the management nodes, can set and
maintain configurable parameters across heterogeneous sets of components within an Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance environment. It facilitates the integration of new system components in case of capacity
expansion or servicing, and allows the administrator to streamline the process when manual intervention is
required. The CLI provides an interface to the exposed functionality of the synchronization service.
When the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is first initialized, the o2cb service is started on each
management node. This service is the default cluster stack for the OCFS2 file system. It includes a node
manager that keeps track of the nodes in the cluster, a heartbeat agent to detect live nodes, a network
agent for intra-cluster node communication and a distributed lock manager to keep track of lock resources.
All these components are in-kernel.
Additionally, the ovca service is started on each management node. The management node that obtains
control over the cluster lock and is thereby promoted to the master or active management node, runs the
full complement of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services. This process also configures the Virtual IP
that is used to access the active management node, so that it is 'up' on the active management node and
'down' on the standby management node. This ensures that, when attempting to connect to the Virtual IP
address that you configured for the management nodes, you are always accessing the active management
In the case where the active management node fails, the cluster detects the failure and the lock is
released. Since the standby management node is constantly polling for control over the lock file, it detects
when it has control of this file and the ovca service brings up all of the required Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance services. On the standby management node the Virtual IP is configured on the appropriate
interface as it is promoted to the active role.
When the management node that failed comes back online, it no longer has control of the cluster lock file.
It is automatically put into standby mode, and the Virtual IP is removed from the management interface.
This means that one of the two management nodes in the rack is always available through the same IP
address and is always correctly configured. The management node failover process takes up to 5 minutes
to complete.
Compute Node Failover
The Oracle VM Manager database files are located on a shared file system exposed by the ZFS storage
appliance. The active management node runs the MySQL database server, which accesses the database
files on the shared storage. In the event that the management node fails, the standby management node is
promoted and the MySQL database server on the promoted node is started so that the service can resume
as normal. The database contents are available to the newly running MySQL database server.
The Oracle VM Concepts Guide provides good background information about the principles of high
availability. Refer to the section How does High Availability (HA) Work?.
Storage Redundancy
Further redundancy is provided through the use of the ZFS storage appliance to host storage. This
component is configured with RAID-1 providing integrated redundancy and excellent data loss protection.
Furthermore, the storage appliance includes two storage heads or controllers that are interconnected
in a clustered configuration. The pair of controllers operate in an active-passive configuration, meaning
continuation of service is guaranteed in the event that one storage head should fail. The storage heads
share a single IP in the storage subnet, but both have an individual management IP address for convenient
maintenance access.
Network Redundancy
All of the customer-usable networking within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is configured for
redundancy. Only the internal administrative Ethernet network, which is used for initialization and ILOM
connectivity, is not redundant. There are two of each switch type to ensure that there is no single point
of failure. Networking cabling and interfaces are equally duplicated and switches are interconnected as
described in Section 1.2.4, “Network Infrastructure”.
During initialization, a crontab entry is created on each management node to perform a global backup twice
in every 24 hours. The first backup runs at 09h00 and the second at 21h00. Only the active management
node actually runs the backup process when it is triggered.
To trigger a backup outside of the default schedule, use the Command Line
Interface. For details, refer to Section 4.2.4, “backup”.
Backups are stored on the MGMT_ROOT file system on the ZFS storage appliance and are accessible on
each management node at /nfs/shared_storage/backups. When the backup process is triggered,
it creates a temporary directory named with the time stamp for the current backup process. The entire
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader
directory is archived in a *.tar.bz2 file when the process is complete. Within this directory several
subdirectories are also created:
• data_net_switch: used only on systems with Ethernet-based network architecture; contains the
configuration data of the spine and leaf switches
• mgmt_net_switch: used only on systems with Ethernet-based network architecture; contains the
management switch configuration data
• nm2: used only on systems with InfiniBand-based network architecture; contains the NM2-36P Sun
Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch configuration data
• opus: used only on systems with InfiniBand-based network architecture; contains the Oracle Switch
ES1-24 configuration data
• ovca: contains all of the configuration information relevant to the deployment of the management
nodes such as the password wallet, the network configuration of the management nodes, configuration
databases for the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services, and DHCP configuration.
• ovmm: contains the most recent backup of the Oracle VM Manager database, the actual source data
files for the current database, and the UUID information for the Oracle VM Manager installation. Note
that the actual backup process for the Oracle VM Manager database is handled automatically from within
Oracle VM Manager. Manual backup and restore are described in detail in the section entitled Backing
up and Restoring Oracle VM Manager, in the Oracle VM Manager Administration Guide.
• ovmm_upgrade: contains essential information for each upgrade attempt. When an upgrade is initiated,
a time-stamped subdirectory is created to store the preinstall.log file with the output from the pre-
upgrade checks. Backups of any other files modified during the pre-upgrade process, are also saved in
this directory.
• xsigo: used only on systems with InfiniBand-based network architecture; contains the configuration data
for the Fabric Interconnects.
• zfssa: contains all of the configuration information for the ZFS storage appliance
The backup process collects data for each component in the appliance and ensures that it is stored in a
way that makes it easy to restore that component to operation in the case of failure .
Taking regular backups is standard operating procedure for any production system. The internal backup
mechanism cannot protect against full system failure, site outage or disaster. Therefore, you should
consider implementing a backup strategy to copy key system data to external storage. This requires what
is often referred to as a bastion host: a dedicated system configured with specific internal and external
For a detailed description of the backup contents, and for guidelines to export internal backups outside the
appliance, refer to the Oracle technical white paper entitled Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup Guide.
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader
or manual steps. The new design has better error handling and protection against terminal crashes, ssh
timeouts or inadvertent user termination. It is intended to reduce complexity and improve the overall
upgrade experience.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader was built as a modular framework. Each module consists
of pre-checks, an execution phase such as upgrade or install, and post-checks. Besides the standard
interactive mode, modules also provide silent mode for programmatic use, and verify-only mode to run pre-
checks without starting the execution phase.
The first module developed within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader framework, is the
management node upgrade. With a single command, it guides the administrator through the pre-upgrade
validation steps – now included in the pre-checks of the Upgrader –, software image deployment, Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software update, Oracle Linux operating system Yum update, and
Oracle VM Manager upgrade.
For software update instructions, see Chapter 3, Updating Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
For specific Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader details, see Section 3.2, “Using the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Upgrader”.
Chapter 2 Monitoring and Managing Oracle Private Cloud
Table of Contents
2.1 Connecting and Logging in to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard ................................ 26
2.2 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Accessibility Features .................................................................. 28
2.3 Hardware View ........................................................................................................................... 28
2.4 Network Settings ........................................................................................................................ 32
2.5 Functional Networking Limitations ................................................................................................ 35
2.5.1 Network Configuration of Ethernet-based Systems ............................................................ 36
2.5.2 Network Configuration of InfiniBand-based Systems .......................................................... 38
2.6 Network Customization ............................................................................................................... 39
2.6.1 Configuring Custom Networks on Ethernet-based Systems ................................................ 40
2.6.2 Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems .............................................. 44
2.6.3 Deleting Custom Networks ............................................................................................... 49
2.7 Tenant Groups ........................................................................................................................... 50
2.7.1 Design Assumptions and Restrictions ............................................................................... 50
2.7.2 Configuring Tenant Groups .............................................................................................. 50
2.8 Authentication ............................................................................................................................. 54
2.9 Health Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 57
Monitoring and management of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is achieved using the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Dashboard. This web-based graphical user interface is also used to perform the initial
configuration of the appliance beyond the instructions provided in the Quick Start poster included in the
packaging of the appliance.
Before starting the system and applying the initial configuration, read and
understand the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes. The section Known
Limitations and Workarounds provides information that is critical for correctly
executing the procedures in this document. Ignoring the release notes may cause
you to configure the system incorrectly. Bringing the system back to normal
operation may require a complete factory reset.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard allows you to perform the following tasks:
• Initial software configuration (and reconfiguration) for the appliance using the Network Environment
window, as described in Section 2.4, “Network Settings”.
• Hardware provisioning monitoring and identification of each hardware component used in the appliance,
accessed via the Hardware View window described in Section 2.3, “Hardware View”.
• Resetting the passwords used for different components within the appliance, via the Password
Management window, as described in Section 2.8, “Authentication”.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software includes functionality that is currently not available
through the Dashboard user interface:
• Backup
Connecting and Logging in to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard
The configuration of all components within Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is automatically backed
up based on a crontab entry. This functionality is not configurable. Restoring a backup requires the
intervention of an Oracle-qualified service person. For details, see Section 1.6, “Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Backup”.
• Update
The update process is controlled from the command line of the master management node, using the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader. For details, see Section 1.7, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Upgrader”. For step-by-step instructions, see Chapter 3, Updating Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
• Custom Networks
In situations where the default network configuration is not sufficient, the command line interface allows
you to create additional networks at the appliance level. For details and step-by-step instructions, see
Section 2.6, “Network Customization”.
• Tenant Groups
The command line interface provides commands to optionally subdivide an Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance environment into a number of isolated groups of compute nodes. These groups of servers are
called tenant groups, which are reflected in Oracle VM as different server pools. For details and step-by-
step instructions, see Section 2.7, “Tenant Groups”.
Where, manager-vip refers to the shared Virtual IP address that you have configured for your
management nodes during installation. By using the shared Virtual IP address, you ensure that you always
access the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard on the active management node.
Connecting and Logging in to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard
If you are following the installation process and this is your first time accessing the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, the Virtual IP address in use by the
master management node is set to the factory default . This is
an IP address in the internal appliance management network, which can only be
reached if you use a workstation patched directly into the available Ethernet port 48
in the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch.
The default user name is admin and the default password is Welcome1. For
security reasons, you must set a new password at your earliest convenience.
You must ensure that if you are accessing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Dashboard through a firewalled connection, the firewall is configured to allow TCP
traffic on the port that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard is using to
listen for connections.
Enter your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard administration user name in the User Name field.
This is the administration user name you configured during installation. Enter the password for the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard administration user name in the Password field.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard makes use of cookies in order to
store session data. Therefore, to successfully log in and use the Oracle Private
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Accessibility Features
Cloud Appliance Dashboard, your web browser must accept cookies from the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard host.
When you have logged in to the Dashboard successfully, the home page is displayed. The central part of
the page contains Quick Launch buttons that provide direct access to the key functional areas.
From every Dashboard window you can always go to any other window by clicking the Menu in the top-left
corner and selecting a different window from the list. A button in the header area allows you to open Oracle
VM Manager.
During particular maintenance tasks, such as upgrading management nodes, you may need to disable
compute node provisioning temporarily. This Disable CN Provisioning button at the top of the page
allows you to suspend provisioning activity. When compute node provisioning is suspended, the button
text changes to Enable CN Provisioning and its purpose changes to allow you to resume compute node
provisioning as required.
Rolling over each item in the graphic with the mouse raises a pop-up window providing the name of the
component, its type, and a summary of configuration and status information. For compute nodes, the pop-
Hardware View
up window includes a Reprovision button, which allows you to restart the provisioning process if the node
becomes stuck in an intermittent state or goes into error status before it is added to the Oracle VM server
pool. Instructions to reprovision a compute node are provided in Section 7.11, “Reprovisioning a Compute
Node when Provisioning Fails”.
The Reprovision button is to be used only for compute nodes that fail to complete
provisioning. For compute nodes that have been provisioned properly and/or host
running virtual machines, the Reprovision button is made unavailable to prevent
incorrect use, thus protecting healthy compute nodes from loss of functionality, data
corruption, or being locked out of the environment permanently.
Alongside each installed component within the appliance rack, a status icon provides an indication of
the provisioning status of the component. A status summary is displayed just above the rack image,
indicating with icons and numbers how many nodes have been provisioned, are being provisioned, or are
in error status. The Hardware View does not provide real-time health and status information about active
components. Its monitoring functionality is restricted to the provisioning process. When a component has
been provisioned completely and correctly, the Hardware View continues to indicate correct operation even
if the component should fail or be powered off. See Table 2.1 for an overview of the different status icons
and their meaning.
For real-time health and status information of your active Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance hardware, after provisioning, consult the Oracle VM Manager or Oracle
Enterprise Manager UI.
The Hardware View provides an accessible tool for troubleshooting hardware components within the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and identifying where these components are actually located within the
Hardware View
rack. Where components might need replacing, the new component must take the position of the old
component within the rack to maintain configuration.
Hardware View
Network Settings
To avoid network interference and conflicts, you must ensure that the data center network does not overlap
with any of the infrastructure subnets of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance default configuration. These
are the subnets and VLANs you should keep clear:
• – internal machine administration network: connects ILOMs and physical hosts
• – internal management network: traffic between management and compute nodes
• – underlay network for east/west traffic within the appliance environment
• – storage network: traffic between the servers and the ZFS storage appliance
Each /21 subnet comprises the IP ranges of eight /24 subnets or over 2000 IP
addresses. For example: corresponds with all IP addresses
from to
VLANs 3090-3093 are already in use for tagged traffic over the /21 subnets
listed above.
The Network Environment window is divided into three tabs: Management Nodes, Data Center Network,
and DNS. Each tab is shown in this section, along with a description of the available configuration fields.
You can undo the changes you made in any of the tabs by clicking the Reset button. To confirm the
configuration changes you made, enter the Dashboard Admin user password in the applicable field at the
bottom of the window, and click Apply Changes.
Network Settings
When you click Apply Changes, the configuration settings in all three tabs are
applied. Make sure that all required fields in all tabs contain valid information before
you proceed.
Figure 2.4 shows the Management Nodes tab. The following fields are available for configuration:
• Management Node 1:
• IP Address: Specify an IP address within your datacenter network that can be used to directly access
this management node.
• Host Name: Specify the host name for the first management node system.
• Management Node 2:
• IP Address: Specify an IP address within your datacenter network that can be used to directly access
this management node.
• Host Name: Specify the host name for the second management node system.
• Management Virtual IP Address: Specify the shared Virtual IP address that is used to always access
the active management node. This IP address must be in the same subnet as the IP addresses that you
have specified for each management node.
Figure 2.5 shows the Data Center Network tab. The following fields are available for configuration:
Network Settings
• Management Network VLAN: The default configuration does not assume that your management
network exists on a VLAN. If you have configured a VLAN on your switch for the management network,
you should toggle the slider to the active setting and then specify the VLAN ID in the provided field.
When a VLAN is used for the management network, and VM traffic must be
enabled over the same network, you must manually configure a VLAN interface
on the vx13040 interfaces of the necessary compute nodes to connect them to
the VLAN with the ID in question. For instructions to create a VLAN interface on a
compute node, refer to the Oracle VM documentation.
• Domain Name: Specify the data center domain that the management nodes belong to.
• Netmask: Specify the netmask for the network that the Virtual IP address and management node IP
addresses belong to.
• Default Gateway: Specify the default gateway for the network that the Virtual IP address and
management node IP addresses belong to.
• NTP: Specify the NTP server that the management nodes and other appliance components must use to
synchronize their clocks to.
Figure 2.6 shows the Data Center Network tab. The following fields are available for configuration:
Functional Networking Limitations
• DNS Server 1: Specify at least one DNS server that the management nodes can use for domain name
You must enter the current Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Admin account password to make changes to
any of these settings. Clicking the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the page saves the settings that
are currently filled out in all three Network Environment tabs, and updates the configuration on each of the
management nodes. The ovca services are restarted in the process, so you are required to log back in to
the Dashboard afterwards.
In terms of functionality, practically all networks operate either at the appliance level or the virtualization
level. Each has its own administrative interface: Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard and CLI
on the one hand, and Oracle VM Manager on the other. However, the network configuration is not as
clearly separated, because networking in Oracle VM depends heavily on existing configuration at the
infrastructure level. For example, configuring a new public virtual machine network in Oracle VM Manager
Network Architecture Differences
requires that the hosts or compute nodes have network ports already connected to an underlying network
with a gateway to the data center network or internet.
A significant amount of configuration – networking and other – is pushed from the appliance level to
Oracle VM during compute node provisioning. This implies that a hierarchy exists; that appliance-level
configuration operations must be explored before you consider making changes in Oracle VM Manager
beyond the standard virtual machine management.
This section is split up by network architecture to avoid confusion. Refer to the subsection that applies to
your appliance.
By default, a fully provisioned Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is ready for virtual machine deployment. In
Oracle VM Manager you can connect virtual machines to these networks directly:
• default_external, created on the vx13040 VxLAN interfaces of all compute nodes during
• default_internal, created on the vx2 VxLAN interfaces of all compute nodes during provisioning
Also, you can create additional VLAN interfaces and VLANs with the Virtual Machine role. For virtual
machines requiring public connectivity, use the compute nodes' vx13040 VxLAN interfaces. For
internal-only VM traffic, use the vx2 VxLAN interfaces. For details, see Section 5.6, “Configuring
Network Resources for Virtual Machines”.
Do not create virtual machine networks using the ethx ports. These are detected
in Oracle VM Manager as physical compute node network interfaces, but they are
not cabled. Also, the bondxports and default VLAN interfaces (tun-ext, tun-
int, mgmt-int and storage-int) that appear in Oracle VM Manager are part
of the appliance infrastructure networking, and are not intended to be used in VM
network configurations.
Virtual machine networking can be further diversified and segregated by means of custom networks,
which are described below. Custom networks must be created in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
CLI. This generates additional VxLAN interfaces equivalent to the default vx13040 and vx2. The
custom networks and associated network interfaces are automatically set up in Oracle VM Manager,
where you can expand the virtual machine network configuration with those newly discovered network
• Custom Network
Network Configuration of Ethernet-based Systems
Custom networks are infrastructure networks you create in addition to the default configuration. These
are constructed in the same way as the default private and public networks, but using different compute
node network interfaces and terminating on different spine switch ports. Whenever public connectivity
is required, additional cabling between the spine switches and the next-level data center switches is
Because they are part of the infrastructure underlying Oracle VM, all custom networks must be
configured through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI. The administrator chooses between three
types: private, public or host network. For detailed information about the purpose and configuration of
each type, see Section 2.6, “Network Customization”.
If your environment has additional tenant groups, which are separate Oracle VM server pools, then a
custom network can be associated with one or more tenant groups. This allows you to securely separate
traffic belonging to different tenant groups and the virtual machines deployed as part of them. For details,
see Section 2.7, “Tenant Groups”.
Once custom networks have been fully configured through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI, the
networks and associated ports automatically appear in Oracle VM Manager. There, additional VLAN
interfaces can be configured on top of the new VxLAN interfaces, and then used to create more VLANs
for virtual machine connectivity. The host network is a special type of custom public network, which
can assume the Storage network role and can be used to connect external storage directly to compute
• Network Properties
The network role is a property used within Oracle VM. Most of the networks you configure, have the
Virtual Machine role, although you could decide to use a separate network for storage connectivity or
virtual machine migration. Network roles – and other properties such as name and description, which
interfaces are connected, properties of the interfaces and so on – can be configured in Oracle VM
Manager, as long as they do not conflict with properties defined at the appliance level.
Modifying network properties of the VM networks you configured in Oracle VM Manager involves
little risk. However, you must not change the configuration – such as network roles, ports and so on
– of the default networks: eth_management, mgmt_internal, storage_internal, underlay_external,
underlay_internal, default_external, and default_internal. For networks connecting compute nodes,
including custom networks, you must use the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI. Furthermore, you
cannot modify the functional properties of a custom network: you have to delete it and create a new one
with the required properties.
The maximum transfer unit (MTU) of a network interface, standard port or bond, cannot be modified. It is
determined by the hardware properties or the SDN configuration, which cannot be controlled from within
Oracle VM Manager.
• VLAN Management
With the exception of the underlay VLAN networks configured through SDN, and the appliance
management VLAN you configure in the Network Settings tab of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Dashboard, all VLAN configuration and management operations are performed in Oracle VM Manager.
These VLANs are part of the VM networking.
Network Configuration of InfiniBand-based Systems
By default, a fully provisioned Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is ready for virtual machine deployment. In
Oracle VM Manager you can connect virtual machines to these networks directly:
• vm_public_vlan, created on the bond4 interfaces of all compute nodes during provisioning
• vm_private, created on the bond3 interfaces of all compute nodes during provisioning
Also, you can create additional VLAN interfaces and VLANs with the Virtual Machine role. For virtual
machines requiring public connectivity, use the compute nodes' bond4 ports. For internal-only VM
traffic, use the bond3 ports. For details, see Section 5.6, “Configuring Network Resources for Virtual
Do not create virtual machine networks using the ethx ports. These are detected
in Oracle VM Manager as physical compute node network interfaces, but they
are not cabled. Also, most network interfaces are combined in pairs to form bond
ports, and are not intended to be connected individually.
Virtual machine networking can be further diversified and segregated by means of custom networks,
which are described below. Custom networks must be created in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
CLI. This generates additional bond ports equivalent to the default bond3 and bond4. The custom
networks and associated bond ports are automatically set up in Oracle VM Manager, where you can
expand the virtual machine network configuration with those newly discovered network resources.
• Custom Network
Custom networks are infrastructure networks you create in addition to the default configuration. These
are constructed in the same way as the default private and public networks, but using different compute
node bond ports and terminating on different Fabric Interconnect I/O ports. Whenever public connectivity
is required, additional cabling between the I/O ports and the next-level data center switches is required.
Because they are part of the infrastructure underlying Oracle VM, all custom networks must be
configured through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI. The administrator chooses between three
types: private, public or host network. For detailed information about the purpose and configuration of
each type, see Section 2.6, “Network Customization”.
If your environment has tenant groups, which are separate Oracle VM server pools, then a custom
network can be associated with one or more tenant groups. This allows you to securely separate traffic
belonging to different tenant groups and the virtual machines deployed as part of them. For details, see
Section 2.7, “Tenant Groups”.
Once custom networks have been fully configured through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI, the
networks and associated ports automatically appear in Oracle VM Manager. There, additional VLAN
interfaces can be configured on top of the new bond ports, and then used to create more VLANs for
virtual machine connectivity. The host network is a special type of custom public network, which can
assume the Storage network role and can be used to connect external storage directly to compute
Network Customization
• Network Properties
The network role is a property used within Oracle VM. Most of the networks you configure, have the
Virtual Machine role, although you could decide to use a separate network for storage connectivity or
virtual machine migration. Network roles – and other properties such as name and description, which
interfaces are connected, properties of the interfaces and so on – can be configured in Oracle VM
Manager, as long as they do not conflict with properties defined at the appliance level.
Modifying network properties of the VM networks you configured in Oracle VM Manager involves little
risk. However, you must not change the configuration – such as network roles, ports and so on – of the
default networks: mgmt_public_eth,,, vm_public_vlan and vm_private. For
networks connecting compute nodes, including custom networks, you must use the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance CLI. Furthermore, you cannot modify the functional properties of a custom network: you have
to delete it and create a new one with the required properties.
The maximum transfer unit (MTU) of a network interface, standard port or bond, cannot be modified.
It is determined by the hardware properties or the Fabric Interconnect configuration, which cannot be
controlled from within Oracle VM Manager.
• VLAN Management
With the exception of the appliance management VLAN, which is configured in the Network Settings tab
of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, all VLAN configuration and management operations
are performed in Oracle VM Manager. These VLANs are part of the VM networking.
Do not modify the network configuration while upgrade operations are running.
No management operations are supported during upgrade, as these may lead to
configuration inconsistencies and significant repair downtime.
Network Architecture Differences
• The maximum number of custom external networks is 7 per tenant group or per
compute node.
• The maximum number of custom internal networks is 3 per tenant group or per
compute node.
• The maximum number of VLANs is 256 per tenant group or per compute node.
• Only one host network can be assigned per tenant group or per compute node.
Creating custom networks requires use of the CLI. The administrator chooses between three types: a
network internal to the appliance, a network with external connectivity, or a host network. Custom networks
appear automatically in Oracle VM Manager. The internal and external networks take the virtual machine
network role, while a host network may have the virtual machine and storage network roles.
The host network is a particular type of external network: its configuration contains additional parameters
for subnet and routing. The servers connected to it also receive an IP address in that subnet, and
consequently can connect to an external network device. The host network is particularly useful for direct
access to storage devices.
This section is split up by network architecture to avoid confusion. Refer to the subsection that applies to
your appliance.
For all networks with external connectivity, the spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch ports must be
specified so that these are reconfigured to route the external traffic. These ports must be cabled to
create the physical uplink to the next-level switches in the data center. Refer to Section 7.3, “Configuring
Appliance Uplinks”for detailed information.
Creating a Custom Network on an Ethernet-based System
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
# ssh [email protected]
Configuring Custom Networks on Ethernet-based Systems
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
3. If your custom network requires public connectivity, you need to use one or more spine switch ports.
Verify the number of ports available and carefully plan your network customizations accordingly. The
following example shows how to retrieve that information from your system:
PCA> list network-port
Status: Success
4. For a custom network with external connectivity, configure an uplink port group with the uplink ports you
wish to use for this traffic. Select the appropriate breakout mode
PCA> create uplink-port-group MyUplinkPortGroup '1:1 1:2' 10g-4x
Status: Success
The port arguments are specified as 'x:y' where x is the switch port number
and y is the number of the breakout port, in case a splitter cable is attached to
the switch port. The example above shows how to retrieve that information.
You must set the breakout mode of the uplink port group. When a 4-way
breakout cable is used, all four ports must be set to either 10Gbit or 25Gbit.
When no breakout cable is used, the port speed for the uplink port group should
be either 100Gbit or 40Gbit, depending on connectivity requirements. See
Section 4.2.9, “create uplink-port-group” for command details.
Network ports can not be part of more than one network configuration.
Configuring Custom Networks on Ethernet-based Systems
• rack_internal_network
• external_network
• host_network
• For an external network, specify a network name and the spine switch port group to be configured for
external traffic.
• For a host network, specify a network name, the spine switch ports to be configured for external
traffic, the subnet, and optionally the routing configuration.
In this example the additional network and routing arguments for the host
network are specified as follows, separated by spaces:
• = netmask
The subnet prefix and netmask are used to assign IP addresses to servers
joining the network. The optional route gateway and destination parameters
are used to configure a static route in the server's routing table. The route
destination is a single IP address by default, so you must specify a netmask if
traffic could be intended for different IP addresses in a subnet.
Configuring Custom Networks on Ethernet-based Systems
6. Connect the required servers to the new custom network. You must provide the network name and the
names of the servers to connect.
Network_Name MyPublicNetwork
Trunkmode None
Description None
Ports ['1:1', '1:2']
vNICs None
Status ready
Network_Type external_network
Compute_Nodes ovcacn07r1, ovcacn08r1, ovcacn09r1
Prefix None
Netmask None
Route Destination None
Route Gateway None
Status: Success
As a result of these commands, a VxLAN interface is configured on each of the servers to connect
them to the new custom network. These configuration changes are reflected in the Networking tab and
the Servers and VMs tab in Oracle VM Manager.
For example, if the compute node with internal IP address were
connected to the host network used for illustration purposes in this procedure, it
would receive the address in the host network.
Figure 2.7 shows a custom network named MyPublicNetwork, which is VLAN-capable and uses the
compute node's vx13041 interface.
Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems
8. To disconnect servers from the custom network use the remove network command.
Before removing the network connection of a server, make sure that no virtual
machines are relying on this network.
When a server is no longer connected to a custom network, make sure that its
port configuration is cleaned up in Oracle VM.
Status: Success
For all networks with external connectivity the Fabric Interconnect I/O ports must be specified so that these
are reconfigured to route the external traffic. These ports must be cabled to create the physical uplink to
the next-level switches in the data center.
Creating a Custom Network on an InfiniBand-based System
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems
# pca-admin
Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.2
3. If your custom network requires public connectivity, you need to use one or more Fabric Interconnect
ports. Verify the number of I/O modules and ports available and carefully plan your network
customizations accordingly. The following example shows how to retrieve that information from your
Status: Success
PCA> list network-port --filter-column Type --filter nwEthernet* --sorted-by State
Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems
Status: Success
• rack_internal_network
• external_network
• host_network
• For an external network, specify a network name and the Fabric Interconnect port(s) to be configured
for external traffic.
The port arguments are specified as 'x:y' where x is the I/O module slot
number and y is the number of the port on that module. The example above
shows how to retrieve that information.
I/O ports can not be part of more than one network configuration.
If, instead of using the CLI interactive mode, you create a network in a single
CLI command from the Oracle Linux prompt, you must escape the quotation
marks to prevent bash from interpreting them. Add a backslash character
before each quotation mark:
• For a host network, specify a network name, the Fabric Interconnect ports to be configured for
external traffic, the subnet, and optionally the routing configuration.
In this example the additional network and routing arguments for the host
network are specified as follows, separated by spaces:
• = netmask
Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems
The subnet prefix and netmask are used to assign IP addresses to servers
joining the network. The optional route gateway and destination parameters
are used to configure a static route in the server's routing table. The route
destination is a single IP address by default, so you must specify a netmask if
traffic could be intended for different IP addresses in a subnet.
5. Connect the required servers to the new custom network. You must provide the network name and the
names of the servers to connect.
Network_Name MyPublicNetwork
Trunkmode True
Description User defined network
Ports ['4:2', '5:2']
vNICs ovcacn09r1-eth8, ovcacn07r1-eth8, ovcacn08r1-eth8
Status ready
Network_Type external_network
Compute_Nodes ovcacn07r1, ovcacn08r1, ovcacn09r1
Prefix None
Netmask None
Route Destination None
Route Gateway None
Status: Success
Configuring Custom Networks on InfiniBand-based Systems
As a result of these commands, a bond of two new vNICs is configured on each of the servers
to connect them to the new custom network. These configuration changes are reflected in the
Networking tab and the Servers and VMs tab in Oracle VM Manager.
For example, if the compute node with internal IP address were
connected to the host network used for illustration purposes in this procedure, it
would receive the address in the host network.
Figure 2.8 shows a custom network named MyPublicNetwork, which is VLAN-enabled and uses the
compute node's bond5 interface consisting of Ethernet ports (vNICs) eth8 and eth8B.
7. To disconnect servers from the custom network use the remove network command.
Before removing the network connection of a server, make sure that no virtual
machines are relying on this network.
When a server is no longer connected to a custom network, make sure that its
port configuration is cleaned up in Oracle VM.
Status: Success
Deleting Custom Networks
Before deleting a custom network, make sure that all servers have been
disconnected from it first.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
3. Verify that all servers have been disconnected from the custom network. No vNICs or nodes should
appear in the network configuration.
Network_Name MyPublicNetwork
Trunkmode None
Description None
Ports ['1:1', '1:2']
vNICs None
Status ready
Network_Type external_network
Compute_Nodes None
Prefix None
Netmask None
Route_Destination None
Route_Gateway None
Tenant Groups
Status: Success
If a custom network is left in an invalid or error state, and the delete command
fails, you may use the --force option and retry.
Regardless of tenant group membership, all compute nodes are connected to all of the default Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance networks. Custom networks can be assigned to multiple tenant groups. When a
compute node joins a tenant group, it is also connected to the custom networks associated with the tenant
group. When you remove a compute node from a tenant group, it is disconnected from those custom
networks. A synchronization mechanism, built into the tenant group functionality, keeps compute node
network connections up to date when tenant group configurations change.
When you reprovision compute nodes, they are automatically removed from their tenant groups, and
treated as new servers. Consequently, when a compute node is reprovisioned, or when a new compute
node is added to the environment, it is added automatically to Rack1_ServerPool. After successful
provisioning you can add the compute node to the appropriate tenant group.
Do not modify the tenant group configuration while upgrade operations are running.
No management operations are supported during upgrade, as these may lead to
configuration inconsistencies and significant repair downtime.
Configuring Tenant Groups
You must not modify the server pool in Oracle VM Manager because this causes
inconsistencies in the tenant group configuration and disrupts the operation of the
synchronization service and the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI. Only server
pool policies may be edited in Oracle VM Manager.
For detailed information about the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI tenant group
commands, see Chapter 4, The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Command Line
Interface (CLI).
The command output samples in this section reflect the network configuration on
an Ethernet-based system. The network-related properties of a tenant group look
slightly different on an InfiniBand-based system.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
Name myTenantGroup
Default False
Tenant_Group_ID 0004fb00000200008154bf592c8ac33b
Servers None
State ready
Tenant_Group_VIP None
Tenant_Networks ['storage_internal', 'mgmt_internal', 'underlay_internal', 'underlay_external',
'default_external', 'default_internal']
Pool_Filesystem_ID 3600144f0d04414f400005cf529410003
Status: Success
Configuring Tenant Groups
The new tenant group appears in Oracle VM Manager as a new server pool. It has a 12GB server pool
file system located on the internal ZFS storage appliance.
If a compute node is currently part of another tenant group, it is first removed from that tenant group.
Custom networks can be added to the tenant group as a whole. This command creates synchronization
tasks to configure custom networks on each server in the tenant group.
Name myTenantGroup
Default False
Tenant_Group_ID 0004fb00000200008154bf592c8ac33b
Servers ['ovcacn07r1', 'ovcacn09r1']
State ready
Tenant_Group_VIP None
Tenant_Networks ['storage_internal', 'mgmt_internal', 'underlay_internal', 'underlay_external',
'default_external', 'default_internal', 'myPublicNetwork']
Pool_Filesystem_ID 3600144f0d04414f400005cf529410003
Status: Success
The new tenant group corresponds with an Oracle VM server pool with the same name and has a
pool file system. The command output also shows that the servers and custom network were added
These configuration changes are reflected in the Servers and VMs tab in Oracle VM Manager. Figure 2.9
shows a second server pool named MyTenantGroup, which contains the two compute nodes that were
added as examples in the course of this procedure.
Configuring Tenant Groups
The system does not create a storage repository for a new tenant group. An
administrator must configure the necessary storage resources for virtual machines
in Oracle VM Manager. See Section 5.7, “Viewing and Managing Storage
Status: Success
Name myTenantGroup
Default False
Tenant_Group_ID 0004fb00000200008154bf592c8ac33b
Servers ['ovcacn07r1', 'ovcacn09r1']
State ready
Tenant_Group_VIP None
Tenant_Networks ['storage_internal', 'mgmt_internal', 'underlay_internal', 'underlay_external',
'default_external', 'default_internal', 'myPublicNetwork']
Pool_Filesystem_ID 3600144f0d04414f400005cf529410003
Status: Success
A custom network that has been associated with a tenant group can be removed again. The command
results in serial operations, not using the synchronization service, to unconfigure the custom network on
each compute node in the tenant group.
PCA> remove network-from-tenant-group myPublicNetwork myTenantGroup
Status: Success
Use Oracle VM Manager to prepare the compute node for removal from the tenant group. Make
sure that virtual machines have been migrated away from the compute node, and that no storage
repositories are presented.
PCA> remove server ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
When you remove a compute node from a tenant group, any custom network associated with the
tenant group is automatically removed from the compute node network configuration. Custom networks
that are not associated with the tenant group are not removed.
Before attempting to delete a tenant group, make sure that all compute nodes have been removed.
PCA> delete tenant-group myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
When the tenant group is deleted, operations are launched to remove the server pool file system LUN
from the internal ZFS storage appliance. The tenant group's associated custom networks are not
2.8 Authentication
The Password Management window is used to reset the global Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password
and to set unique passwords for individual components within the appliance. All actions performed via this
tab require that you enter the current password for the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance admin user in the
field labelled Current PCA Admin Password:. Fields are available to specify the new password value and
to confirm the value:
• Current PCA Admin Password: You must provide the current password for the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance admin user before any password changes can be applied.
• New Password: Provide the value for the new password that you are setting.
• Verify Password: Confirm the new password and check that you have not mis-typed what you intended.
The window provides a series of check boxes that make it easy to select the level of granularity that
you wish to apply to a password change. By clicking Select All you can apply a global password to all
components that are used in the appliance. This action resets any individual passwords that you may have
set for particular components. For stricter controls, you may set the password for individual components by
simply selecting the check box associated with each component that you wish to apply a password to.
When applying a password change, allow 10 minutes for the change to take effect.
Do not attempt any further password changes during this 10 minute delay.
• Select All: Apply the new password to all components. All components in the list are selected.
• Oracle VM Manager/PCA admin password: Set the new password for the Oracle VM Manager and
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard admin user.
• Oracle MySQL password: Set the new password for the ovs user in MySQL used by Oracle VM
• Oracle WebLogic Server password: Set the new password for the weblogic user in WebLogic Server.
• Oracle Data Network Leaf Switch admin password: Set the new password for the admin user for the
leaf Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.
• The Leaf Switch root password check box sets the password for the root user
for the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switches.
• The Leaf Switch ILOM admin password check box sets the password for the
admin user for the ILOM of the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion
• The Leaf Switch ILOM operator password check box sets the password
for the operator user for the ILOM of the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand
Expansion Switches.
• Oracle Management Network Switch admin password: Set the new password for the admin user for
the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch.
On InfiniBand-based systems, this setting applies to the root user for the Oracle
Switch ES1-24 switches.
• Oracle Data Network Spine Switch admin password: Set the new password for the admin user for the
spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.
• The Spine Switch admin password check box sets the password for the
admin user for the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15s.
• The Spine Switch recovery password sets the password for recovery
operations on the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15s. This password is used
in the case of a corruption or when the admin password is lost. The Fabric
Interconnects can be booted in 'recovery mode' and this password can be used
to access the recovery mode menu.
• The Spine Switch root password check box sets the password for the root
user for the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15s.
• Oracle ZFS Storage root password: Set the new password for the root user for the ZFS storage
• PCA Management Node root password: Set the new password for the root user for both management
• PCA Compute Node root password: Set the new password for the root user for all compute nodes.
• PCA Management Node SP/ILOM root password: Set the new password for the root user for the
ILOM on both management nodes.
• PCA Compute Node SP/ILOM root password: Set the new password for the root user for the ILOM on
all compute nodes.
The functionality that is available in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard is equally available via
the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI as described in Section 4.2.30, “update password”.
Health Monitoring
The inventory database is populated with information about the various components installed in the rack,
including the IP addresses to be used for monitoring. With this information, the ping manager pings all
known components every 3 minutes and updates the inventory database to indicate whether a component
is pingable and when it was last seen online. When errors occur they are logged in the monitor database.
Error information is retrieved from the component ILOMs.
For troubleshooting purposes, historic health status details can be retrieved through the CLI support mode
by an authorized Oracle Field Engineer. When the CLI is used in support mode, a number of additional
commands are available; two of which are used to display the contents of the health monitoring databases.
• Use show db inventory to display component health status information from the inventory database.
The appliance administrator can retrieve current component health status information from the Oracle
Linux command line on the master management node, using the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Health
Check utility. The Health Check utility is built on the framework of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Upgrader, and is included in the Upgrader package. It detects the appliance network architecture and runs
the sets of health checks defined for the system in question.
Checking the Current Health Status of an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log in to the active management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
After detecting the rack type, the utility executes the applicable health checks.
Beginning PCA Health Checks...
Health Monitoring
3. When the health checks have been completed, check the report for failures.
Check Management Nodes Are Running Passed
Check Support Packages Passed
Check PCA DBs Exist Passed
PCA Config File Passed
Check Shares Mounted on Management Nodes Passed
Check PCA Version Passed
Check Installed Packages Passed
Check for OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 - Security Update Passed
Management Nodes Have IPv6 Disabled Passed
Check Oracle VM Manager Version Passed
Oracle VM Manager Default Networks Passed
Repositories Defined in Oracle VM Manager Passed
PCA Services Passed
Oracle VM Server Model Passed
Network Interfaces on Compute Nodes Passed
Oracle VM Manager Settings Passed
Check Network Leaf Switch Passed
Check Network Spine Switch Failed
All Compute Nodes Running Passed
Test for ovs-agent Service on Compute Nodes Passed
Test for Shares Mounted on Compute Nodes Passed
Check for bash ELSA-2014-1306 - Security Update Passed
Check Compute Node's Active Network Interfaces Passed
Checking for xen OVMSA-2014-0026 - Security Update Passed
Overall Status Failed
4. If certain checks have resulted in failures, review the log file for additional diagnostic information.
Search for text strings such as "error" and "failed".
# grep -inr "failed" /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/log/pca_healthcheck_2019_10_04-12.09.45.log
726:[2019-10-04 12:10:51 264234] INFO (healthcheck:254) Check Network Spine Switch Failed -
Health Monitoring
731: Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 North-South Management Network Port-channel check [FAILED
733: Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 Multicast Route Check [FAILED
742: Spine Switch ovcasw23r1 North-South Management Network Port-channel check [FAILED
750:[2019-10-04 12:10:51 264234] ERROR (precheck:148) [Check Network Spine Switch ()] Failed
955:[2019-10-04 12:12:26 264234] INFO (precheck:116) [Check Network Spine Switch ()] Failed
# less /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/log/pca_healthcheck_2019_10_04-12.09.45.log
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 North-South Management Network Port-channel check [FAILED]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 OSPF Neighbor Check [OK]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 Multicast Route Check [FAILED]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 PIM RP Check [OK]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 NVE Peer Check [OK]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 Spine Filesystem Check [OK]
Spine Switch ovcasw22r1 Hardware Diagnostic Check [OK]
5. Investigate and fix any detected problems. Repeat the health check until the system passes all checks.
Chapter 3 Updating Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Table of Contents
3.1 Before You Start Updating .......................................................................................................... 61
3.1.1 Warnings and Cautions .................................................................................................... 62
3.1.2 Backup Prevents Data Loss ............................................................................................. 64
3.2 Using the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader ..................................................................... 64
3.2.1 Rebooting the Management Node Cluster ......................................................................... 65
3.2.2 Installing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader ..................................................... 65
3.2.3 Verifying Upgrade Readiness ........................................................................................... 66
3.2.4 Executing a Controller Software Update ............................................................................ 68
3.3 Upgrading the Virtualization Platform ........................................................................................... 75
3.4 Upgrading Component Firmware ................................................................................................. 77
3.4.1 Firmware Policy ............................................................................................................... 77
3.4.2 Install the Current Firmware on All Compute Nodes ........................................................... 78
3.4.3 Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ............................ 78
3.4.4 Upgrading the Cisco Switch Firmware .............................................................................. 82
3.4.5 Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware ................. 85
3.4.6 Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware ................................................. 88
Due to the nature of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance – where the term appliance is key – an update
is a delicate and complicated procedure that deals with different hardware and software components at
the same time. It is virtually impossible to automate the entire process, and more importantly it would be
undesirable to take the appliance and the virtual environment it hosts out of service entirely for updating.
Instead, updates can be executed in phases and scheduled for minimal downtime. The following table
explains how an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance update handles different levels or areas of appliance
All the software included in a given release of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software is tested to
work together and should be treated as one package. Consequently, no appliance component should
Warnings and Cautions
be updated individually, unless Oracle provides specific instructions to do so. All Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance software releases are downloaded as a single large .iso file, which includes the items listed
The appliance update process must always be initiated from the master
management node.
Minimum Release
If your system is currently running an earlier version, please refer to the Update
chapter of the Administrator's Guide for Release 2.3. Follow the appropriate
procedures and make sure that your appliance configuration is valid for the Release
2.4.2 update.
No Critical Operations
When updating the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software, make sure that no
provisioning operations occur and that any externally scheduled backups are
suspended. Such operations could cause a software update or component firmware
upgrade to fail and lead to system downtime.
YUM Disabled
Firmware Policy
No Backup
Warnings and Cautions
updating the Controller Software. For instructions, refer to the support note with Doc
ID 2597439.1. See also Section 7.10.1, “Creating a Keystore”.
Proxy Settings
If direct public access is not available within your data center and you make use
of proxy servers to facilitate HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic, it may be necessary to
edit the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance system properties, using the CLI on each
management node, to ensure that the correct proxy settings are specified for a
download to succeed from the Internet. This depends on the network location from
where the download is served. See Section 7.2, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Updates” for more information.
If the internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains customer-created LUNs, make sure
they are not mapped to the default initiator group. See Customer Created LUNs Are
Mapped to the Wrong Initiator Group in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release
When updating the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software to Release
2.4.x, Oracle VM Manager is unavailable for the entire duration of the update. The
virtualized environment remains functional, but configuration changes and other
management operations are not possible.
Compute Node Upgrade ONLY Through Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI
Post-Update Synchronization
Once you have confirmed that the update process has completed, it is advised
that you wait a further 30 minutes before starting another compute node or
management node software update. This allows the necessary synchronization
tasks to complete.
If you ignore the recommended delay between these update procedures there could
be issues with further updating as a result of interference between existing and new
Backup Prevents Data Loss
If you use Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in to monitor your
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment, always back up the oraInventory Agent data to /nfs/
shared_storage before updating the controller software. You can restore the data after the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance software update is complete.
For detailed instructions, refer to the Agent Recovery section in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in
With the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader, the two management node
upgrade processes are theoretically separated. Each management node upgrade is
initiated by a single command and managed through the Upgrader, which invokes
the native Oracle VM Manager upgrade mechanisms. However, you must treat the
upgrade of the two management nodes as a single operation.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader manages the entire process to
upgrade both management nodes in the appliance. Under no circumstances
should you perform any management operations – through the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Dashboard or CLI, or Oracle VM Manager – while the Upgrader
process is running, and until both management nodes have been successfully
upgraded through the Upgrader. Although certain management functions cannot be
programmatically locked during the upgrade, they are not supported, and are likely
to cause configuration inconsistencies and considerable repair downtime.
Once the upgrade has been successfully completed on both management nodes,
you can safely execute appliance management tasks and configuration of the
virtualized environment.
As of Release 2.3.4, a separate command line tool is provided to manage the Controller Software update
process. A version of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader is included in the Controller Software
.iso image. However, Oracle recommends that you download and install the latest stand-alone version of
the Upgrader tool on the management nodes. The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader requires only
a couple of commands to execute several sets of tasks, which were scripted or manual steps in previous
releases. The Upgrader is more robust and easily extensible, and provides a much better overall upgrade
Rebooting the Management Node Cluster
A more detailed description of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader is included in the introductory
chapter of this book. Refer to Section 1.7, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader”.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into both management nodes using the IP
addresses you configured in the Network Setup tab of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard.
If you use two separate consoles you can view both side by side.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
2. Run the command pca-check-master on both management nodes to verify which node owns the
master role.
3. Reboot the management node that is NOT currently the master. Enter init 6 at the prompt.
4. Ping the machine you rebooted. When it comes back online, reconnect using SSH and monitor system
activity to determine when the secondary management node takes over the master role. Enter this
command at the prompt: tail -f /var/log/messages. New system activity notifications will be
output to the screen as they are logged.
5. In the other SSH console, which is connected to the current active management node, enter init 6 to
reboot the machine and initiate management node failover.
The log messages in the other SSH console should now indicate when the secondary management
node takes over the master role.
6. Verify that both management nodes have come back online after reboot and that the master role has
been transferred to the other manager. Run the command pca-check-master on both management
If this is the case, proceed with the software update steps below.
1. Log into My Oracle Support and download the latest version of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
The Upgrader can be found under patch ID 28900934, and is included in part 1 of a series of
downloadable zip files. Any updated versions of the Upgrader will be made available in the same
Verifying Upgrade Readiness
To obtain the Upgrader package, download this zip file and extract the file
2. Copy the downloaded *.rpm package to the master management node and install it.
Always download and use the latest available version of the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Upgrader.
3. If the version of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader you downloaded, is newer
than the version shipped in the Controller Software ISO, then upgrade to the newer version.
From the directory where the *.rpm package was saved, run the command rpm -U
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader verifies the version of the Upgrader installed on the
second management node. Only if the version in the ISO is newer, the package on the second
management node is automatically upgraded in the process. If you downloaded a newer version, you
must upgrade the package manually on both management nodes.
1. Go to Oracle VM Manager and make sure that all compute nodes are in Running status. If any server
is not in Running status, resolve the issue before proceeding. For instructions to correct the compute
node status, refer to the support note with Doc ID 2245197.1.
2. Perform the required manual pre-upgrade checks. Refer to Section 7.6, “Running Manual Pre- and
Post-Upgrade Checks in Combination with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader” for instructions.
3. Log in to My Oracle Support and download the required Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software
Verifying Upgrade Readiness
You can find the update by searching for the product name “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance”, or for the
Patch or Bug Number associated with the update you need.
Read the information and follow the instructions in the readme file very
carefully. It is crucial for a successful Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller
Software update and Oracle VM upgrade.
4. Make the update, a zipped ISO, available on an HTTP or FTP server that is reachable from your
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Alternatively, if upgrade time is a major concern, you can download
the ISO file to the local file system on both management nodes. This reduces the upgrade time for
the management nodes, but has no effect on the time required to upgrade the compute nodes or the
Oracle VM database.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader downloads the ISO from the specified location and
unpacks it on the management node automatically at runtime.
5. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log in to the master management node through
its individually assigned IP address, not the shared virtual IP.
During the upgrade process, the interface with the shared virtual IP address is
shut down. Therefore, you must log in using the individually assigned IP address
of the management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
6. From the master management node, run the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader in verify-only
mode. The target of the command must be the stand-by management node.
The console output below is an example. You may see a different output,
depending on the specific architecture and configuration of your appliance.
Executing a Controller Software Update
PCA Management Node Pre-Upgrade Checks Passed
Validate the Image Provided Passed
Internal ZFSSA Available Space Check Passed
OS Check Passed
Password Check Passed
OSA Disabled Check Passed
Overall Status Passed
7. As the verification process runs, check the console output for test progress. When all pre-checks have
been completed, a summary is displayed. A complete overview of the verification process is saved in
the file /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/log/pca_upgrader_<date>-<time>.log.
Some pre-checks may result in a warning. These warnings are unlikely to cause issues, and therefore
do not prevent you from executing the upgrade, but they do indicate a situation that should be
investigated. When an upgrade command is issued, warnings do cause the administrator to be
prompted whether to proceed with the upgrade, or quit and investigate the warnings first.
8. If pre-checks have failed, consult the log file for details. Fix the reported problems, then execute the
verify command again.
9. Repeat this process until no more pre-check failures are reported. When the system passes all pre-
checks, it is ready for the Controller Software update.
No upgrade procedure can be executed without completing the pre-checks. Therefore, the upgrade
command first executes the same steps as in Section 3.2.3, “Verifying Upgrade Readiness”. After
successful verification, the upgrade steps are started.
The console output shown throughout this section is an example. You may see a
different output, depending on the specific architecture and configuration of your
After a keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C) the Upgrader continues the current phase of
the process. If pre-checks are in progress, they are all completed, but the upgrade
phase does not start automatically after successful completion of all pre-checks. If
Executing a Controller Software Update
the upgrade phase is in progress at the time of the keyboard interrupt, it continues
until upgrade either completes successfully or fails.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log in to the master management node through
its individually assigned IP address, not the shared virtual IP.
During the upgrade process, the interface with the shared virtual IP address is
shut down. Therefore, you must log in using the individually assigned IP address
of the management node.
The default root password is Welcome1. For security reasons, you must set a
new password at your earliest convenience.
2. From the master management node, run the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader with the
required upgrade parameters. The target of the command must be the stand-by management node.
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# pca-check-master
Warning: The management precheck completed with warnings.
It is safe to continue with the management upgrade from this point
or the upgrade can be halted to investigate the warnings.
Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y
After successfully completing the pre-checks, the Upgrader initiates the Controller Software update on
the other management node. If any errors occur during the upgrade phase, tasks are rolled back and
the system is returned to its original state from before the upgrade command.
Executing a Controller Software Update
PCA Management Node Pre-Upgrade Checks Passed
Validate the Image Provided Passed
Internal ZFSSA Available Space Check Passed
PCA Management Node Upgrade Passed
Disable PCA Backups Passed
Restore PCA Backups Passed
Upgrade is complete Passed
Overall Status Passed
PCA Management Node Pre-Upgrade Checks Passed
PCA Management Node Upgrade Passed
PCA Post-Upgrade Checks Passed
When the ISO is copied to the local file system of both management nodes, the
management node upgrade time is just over 1 hour each. The duration of the
entire upgrade process depends heavily on the size of the environment: the
number of compute nodes and their configuration, the size of the Oracle VM
database, etc.
If you choose to copy the ISO locally, replace the location URL in the
pca_upgrader command with -l file:///<path-to-iso>/
Executing a Controller Software Update
3. Monitor the progress of the upgrade tasks. The console output provides a summary of each executed
task. If you need more details on a task, or if an error occurs, consult the log file. You can track
the logging activity in a separate console window by entering the command tail -f /nfs/
shared_storage/pca_upgrader/log/pca_upgrader_<date>-<time>.log. The example
below shows several key sections in a typical log file.
# tail -f /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/log/pca_upgrader_2019_09_26-12.10.13.log
debugfs: quit
[2019-09-26 12:10:13 44526] INFO (util:520) This node ( is the master
[2019-09-26 12:10:14 44526] DEBUG (run_util:17) Writing 44633 to /var/run/ovca/upgrader.pid
[2019-09-26 12:10:14 44633] DEBUG (process_flow:37) Execute precheck steps for component: management
[2019-09-26 12:10:25 44633] INFO (precheck:159) [Validate the Image Provided
(Verify that the image exists and is correctly named)] Passed
[2019-09-26 12:10:25 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:471) Checking the existence of default OVMM networks.
[2019-09-26 12:10:25 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:2248) Checking for PCA services.
[2019-09-26 12:10:25 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1970) Checking if there are multiple tenant groups.
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ovcasw16r1.
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ilom-ovcasn02r1
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ilom-ovcamn06r1
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ovcacn09r1.
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ovcacn08r1.
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck_utils:1334) Checking hardware faults on host ilom-ovcacn08r1
[2019-09-26 12:10:32 44633] INFO (precheck:159) [Hardware Faults Check (Verifying that there are no
hardware faults on any rack component)] Passed
The check succeeded. There are no hardware faults on any rack component.
[2019-09-26 12:10:53 44633] INFO (precheck:159) [OS Check (Checking the management nodes
and compute nodes are running the correct Oracle Linux version)] Passed
The check succeeded on the management nodes. The check succeeded on all the compute nodes.
Executing a Controller Software Update
[2019-09-26 12:11:02 44633] DEBUG (process_flow:98) Successfully completed precheck. Proceeding to upgrade.
[2019-09-26 12:11:02 44633] DEBUG (process_flow:37) Execute upgrade steps for component: management
[2019-09-26 12:25:04 44633] DEBUG (mn_upgrade_steps:237) Verifying ISO image version
[2019-09-26 12:25:04 44633] INFO (mn_upgrade_steps:243) Successfully downloaded ISO
[2019-09-26 12:25:17 44633] INFO (mn_upgrade_utils:136) /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/scripts/
1.2-89.el6/remote_yum_setup -t 2019_09_26-12.10.13 -f /nfs/shared_storage/pca_upgrader/pca_upgrade.repo
Successfully setup the yum config
[2019-09-26 12:35:40 44633] INFO (util:520) This node ( is the master
[2019-09-26 12:35:40 44633] INFO (mn_upgrade_utils:706) Beginning Oracle VM upgrade on ovcamn06r1
Oracle VM upgrade script finished with success
Oracle VM Manager Release 3.4.6 Installer
Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
Verifying upgrading prerequisites ...
Installation Summary
Database configuration:
Database type : MySQL
Database host name : localhost
Database name : ovs
Database listener port : 1521
Database user : ovs
Executing a Controller Software Update
Username : admin
Core management port : 54321
UUID : 0004fb0000010000f1b07bf678cf43d6
There are no default passwords for any users. The passwords to use for Oracle VM Manager,
Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server have been set by you during this installation.
In the case of a default install, all passwords are the same.
Oracle VM Manager upgrade complete.
When the upgrade tasks have been completed successfully, the master management node is rebooted,
and the upgraded management node assumes the master role. The new master management node's
operating system is now up-to-date, and it runs the new Controller Software version and upgraded
Oracle VM Manager installation.
To monitor the reboot process and make sure the node comes back online as
expected, log in to the rebooting management node ILOM.
4. Log into the upgraded management node, which has now become the master management node. Use
its individually assigned IP address, not the shared virtual IP.
Executing a Controller Software Update
5. From the new master management node, run the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader command
again. The target of the command must be the stand-by management node, which is the original
master management node from where you executed the command for the first run.
root@ovcamn06r1 ~]# pca_upgrader -U -t management -c ovcamn05r1 -g 2.4.2 \
-l http://<path-to-iso>/ovca-2.4.2-b000.iso.zip
Warning: The management precheck completed with warnings.
It is safe to continue with the management upgrade from this point
or the upgrade can be halted to investigate the warnings.
Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y
Overall Status Passed
PCA Management Node Pre-Upgrade Checks Passed
PCA Management Node Upgrade Passed
PCA Post-Upgrade Checks Passed
The upgrade steps are executed the same way as during the first run. When the second management
node is rebooted, the process is complete. At this point, both management nodes run the updated
Oracle Linux operating system, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software, and Oracle VM
Manager. The high-availability cluster configuration of the management nodes is restored, and all
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and Oracle VM Manager management functionality is operational
again. However, do not perform any management operations until you have completed the required
manual post-upgrade checks.
6. Perform the required manual post-upgrade checks on management nodes and compute nodes. Refer
to Section 7.6, “Running Manual Pre- and Post-Upgrade Checks in Combination with Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Upgrader” for instructions.
When the management node cluster upgrade is complete, proceed with the following tasks:
• Compute node upgrades, as described in Section 3.3, “Upgrading the Virtualization Platform”.
Upgrading the Virtualization Platform
After the controller software update on the management nodes, Oracle VM Manager displays events
indicating that the compute nodes are running outdated version of Oracle VM Server. These events are
informational and do not prevent any operations, but it is recommended that you upgrade all compute
nodes to the new Oracle VM Server Release at your earliest convenience.
The Oracle VM Server upgrade was intentionally decoupled from the automated controller software update
process. This allows you to plan the compute node upgrades and the migration or downtime of your virtual
machines in steps and outside peak hours. As a result, service interruptions for users of the Oracle VM
environment can be minimized or even eliminated. By following the instructions in this section, you also
make sure that previously deployed virtual machines remain fully functional when the appliance update to
the new software release is complete.
During an upgrade of Oracle VM Server, no virtual machine can be running on a given compute node.
VMs using resources on a shared storage repository can be migrated to other running compute nodes. If a
VM uses resources local to the compute node you want to upgrade, it must be shut down, and returned to
service after the Oracle VM Server upgrade.
When you install Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software Release 2.4.x, the management
nodes are set up to run Oracle VM Manager 3.4.x. Compute nodes cannot be upgraded to the
corresponding Oracle VM Server Release with the Oracle VM Manager web UI. You must upgrade them
using the update compute-node command within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI.
Upgrading a Compute Node to a Newer Oracle VM Server Release
Execute this procedure on each compute node after the software update on the
management nodes has completed successfully.
If compute nodes are running other packages that are not part of Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance, these must be uninstalled before the Oracle VM Server upgrade.
1. Make sure that the appliance software has been updated successfully to the new release.
You can verify this by logging into the master management node and entering the following command
in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI:
# pca-admin
Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.2
PCA> show version
Version 2.4.2
Build 000
Date 2019-10-10
Upgrading the Virtualization Platform
Status: Success
Leave the console and CLI connection open. You need to run the update command later in this
For details, see Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”.
3. Migrate all running virtual machines away from the compute node you want to upgrade.
Information on migrating virtual machines is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section
entitled Migrate or Move Virtual Machines.
Information on using maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section
entitled Edit Server.
a. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server
in the management pane toolbar.
b. Select the Server in Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into
maintenance mode. Click OK.
5. Run the Oracle VM Server update for the compute node in question.
a. Return to the open management node console window with active CLI connection.
b. Run the update compute-node command for the compute nodes you wish to update at this time.
Run this command for one compute node at a time.
Status: Success
This CLI command invokes a validation mechanism, which verifies critical requirements that a
compute node must meet to qualify for the Oracle VM Server 3.4.x upgrade. It also ensures that all
the necessary packages are installed from the correct source location, and configured properly.
c. Wait for the command to complete successfully. The update takes approximately 30 minutes for
each compute node.
As part of the update procedure, the Oracle VM Server is restarted but remains in maintenance
Upgrading Component Firmware
If the compute node does not reboot during the update, you must restart it
from within Oracle VM Manager.
6. Return to Oracle VM Manager to take the compute node out of maintenance mode.
a. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server
in the management pane toolbar.
The Oracle VM Server rejoins the server pool as a fully functioning member.
7. Repeat this procedure for each compute node in your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
The appliance software update is now complete. Next, perform the required post-upgrade verification
steps. The procedure for those additional manual verification tasks is documented in the Post Upgrade
section of the support note with Doc ID 2242177.1.
After successful completion of the post-upgrade verification steps, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is
ready to resume all normal operations.
If a specific or additional procedure to upgrade the firmware of an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
hardware component is available, it appears in this section. For components not listed here, you may
follow the instructions provided in the product documentation of the subcomponent. An overview of the
documentation for appliance components can be found in the Preface of this book and on the index page
of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Documentation Library.
Install the Current Firmware on All Compute Nodes
However, the firmware upgrades, which are provided as part of the .iso file of a given controller software
release, are no longer optional.
As part of the test process prior to a software release, combinations of component firmware are tested
on all applicable hardware platforms. This allows Oracle to deliver a fully qualified set of firmware for the
appliance as a whole, corresponding to a software release. In order to maintain their Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance in a qualified state, customers who upgrade to a particular software release, are expected to
also install all the qualified firmware upgrades delivered as part of the controller software.
The firmware versions that have been qualified by Oracle for a given release are listed in the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes for that release. Please refer to the Release Notes for the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software release running on your system, and open the chapter
Firmware Qualification.
Oracle periodically releases firmware patches for many products, for example to
eliminate security vulnerabilities. It may occur that an important firmware patch is
released for a component of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance outside of the normal
Controller Software release schedule. When this occurs, the patches go through the
same testing as all other appliance firmware, but they are not added to the qualified
firmware list or the installation .iso for the affected Controller Software release.
For firmware upgrade instructions, refer to the Administration Guide of the server series installed in your
appliance rack.
3.4.3 Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance.
During this procedure, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services on the
management nodes must be halted for a period of time. Plan this upgrade carefully,
so that no compute node provisioning, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance configuration
changes, or Oracle VM Manager operations are taking place at the same time.
Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
Detailed information about software upgrades can be found in the Oracle ZFS
Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual (document ID: F13771). Refer to the
section “Upgrading the Software”.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains two
clustered controllers in an active/passive configuration. You may disregard the
upgrade information for standalone controllers.
1. Before initiating the upgrade on the storage controllers, follow the preparation instructions in the
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Customer Service Manual. Refer to the section entitled “Preparing for a
Software Upgrade”.
2. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
3. Unzip the firmware package included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image.
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
[root@ovcamn05r1 ak]# unzip /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/storage/AK_NAS/p29943222_20131_Gene
Archive: /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/storage/AK_NAS/p29943222_20131_Generic.zip
extracting: ak-nas-2013.
inflating: OS8.8.6_Readme.html
4. Download the software update package to both storage controllers. Their management IP addresses
are and
a. Log on to one of the storage controllers using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh [email protected]
b. Enter the following series of commands to download the software update package from the shared
storage directory to the controller.
ovcasn01r1:> maintenance system updates download
ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> \
set url=http://
url = http://
ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set user=root
user = root
ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> set password
Enter password:
password = ********
ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates download (uncommitted)> commit
Transferred 157M of 484M (32.3%) ...
c. Wait for the package to fully download and unpack before proceeding.
5. Check the storage cluster configuration and make sure you are logged on to the standby controller.
ovcasn02r1:> configuration cluster show
description = Ready (waiting for failback)
peer_asn = 8a535bd2-160f-c93b-9575-d29d4c86cac5
Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
peer_hostname = ovcasn01r1
peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
peer_description = Active (takeover completed)
a. Display the available operating software versions and select the version you downloaded.
c. At the end of the upgrade, when the controller has fully rebooted and rejoined the cluster, log back
in and check the cluster configuration. The upgraded controller must still be in the state "Ready
(waiting for failback)".
7. From the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance master management node, stop the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance services.
Do not skip this step. Executing the storage controller operating software
upgrade while the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance services are running, will
result in errors and possible downtime.
a. Check the storage cluster configuration. Make sure you are logged on to the active controller.
Upgrading the Operating Software on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
b. Display the available operating software versions and select the version you downloaded.
ovcasn01r1:> maintenance system updates
ovcasn01r1:maintenance system updates> show
d. At the end of the upgrade, when the controller has fully rebooted and rejoined the cluster, log back
in and check the cluster configuration.
ovcasn01r1:> configuration cluster show
description = Ready (waiting for failback)
peer_asn = 34e4292a-71ae-6ce1-e26c-cc38c2af9719
peer_hostname = ovcasn02r1
peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
peer_description = Active (takeover completed)
The last upgraded controller must now be in the state "Ready (waiting for failback)". The controller
that was upgraded first, took over the active role during the upgrade and reboot of the second
controller, which held the active role originally.
9. Now that both controllers have been upgraded, verify that all disks are online.
ovcasn01r1:> maintenance hardware show
chassis-000 1906NMQ803 ok Oracle Oracle Storage DE3-24C 1906NMQ803 7200
disk-000 HDD 0 ok WDC W7214A520ORA014T 001851N3VKLT 9JG3VKLT 7200
disk-001 HDD 1 ok WDC W7214A520ORA014T 001851N5K85T 9JG5K85T 7200
disk-002 HDD 2 ok WDC W7214A520ORA014T 001851N5MPXT 9JG5MPXT 7200
disk-003 HDD 3 ok WDC W7214A520ORA014T 001851N5L08T 9JG5L08T 7200
disk-004 HDD 4 ok WDC W7214A520ORA014T 001851N42KNT 9JG42KNT 7200
10. Initiate an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance management node failover and wait until all services are
restored on the other management node. This helps prevent connection issues between Oracle VM
and the ZFS storage.
a. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
Upgrading the Cisco Switch Firmware
c. Log on to the other management node and wait until the necessary services are running.
11. When the storage controller cluster has been upgraded, remove the shared storage directory you
created to make the unzipped package available.
# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/ak
# ls
ak-nas-2013. OS8.8.6_Readme.html
# rm ak-nas-2013. OS8.8.6_Readme.html
rm: remove regular file `ak-nas-2013.'? yes
rm: remove regular file `OS8.8.6_Readme.html'? yes
# cd ..
# rmdir ak
Upgrading the Firmware of all Cisco Leaf, Spine, and Management Switches
1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
2. Verify that the new Cisco NX-OS firmware image is available on the appliance shared storage. During
the Controller Software update, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader copies the file to this
Upgrading the Cisco Switch Firmware
6. Install the Cisco NX-OS software that was copied to the bootflash location. When prompted about the
disruptive upgrade, enter y to continue with the installation.
Upgrading the Cisco Switch Firmware
BIOS: version 05.38
NXOS: version 7.0(3)I7(7)
BIOS compile time: 06/12/2019
NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.7.0.3.I7.7.bin
NXOS compile time: 8/28/2019 16:00:00 [08/29/2019 00:41:42]
This step does not apply to the appliance internal management network switch
(Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch). Proceed to the next step.
Use the command shown below. The output values should match this example.
ovcasw15r1# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id : 2
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok <---- verify this field
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive <----- verify this field
Configuration consistency status : success <----- verify this field
Per-vlan consistency status : success <----- verify this field
Type-2 consistency status : success <----- verify this field
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 27
Peer Gateway : Enabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware
9. Log out of the switch. The firmware has been upgraded successfully.
10. Proceed to the next Cisco switch in the appliance. Upgrade the switches, one at a time, in this order:
Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the Sun Datacenter
InfiniBand Switch 36 Product Notes for Firmware Version 2.2 (document ID:
E76431). Refer to the section “Upgrading the Switch Firmware”.
It is recommended that you back up the current configuration of the NM2-36P Sun
Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switches prior to performing a firmware upgrade.
Backup and restore instructions are provided in the maintenance and configuration
management sections of the Oracle ILOM Administration Guide that corresponds
with the current ILOM version used in the switch. For example:
1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware
2. Unzip the firmware package included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image.
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# mkdir /nfs/shared_storage/yum/nm2
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cd /nfs/shared_storage/yum/nm2
[root@ovcamn05r1 nm2]# unzip /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/NM2-36P/p22173626_218_Gener
Archive: /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/NM2-36P/p22173626_218_Generic.zip
inflating: license.txt
inflating: readme_SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1.txt
creating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/pkey_filter.pl
creating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-ILOM-CONTROL-MIB.mib
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-FABRIC-MIB.mib
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/sundcs_36p_repository_2.1.8_1.pkg
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB.mib
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-DCS-IB-MIB.txt
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/SUN-PLATFORM-MIB.mib
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p/ENTITY-MIB.mib
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1_metadata.xml
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1/README_pkey_filter
inflating: SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.8-1_THIRDPARTYLICENSE.pdf
The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case,
abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.
6. Connect to the ILOM and start the firmware upgrade procedure. Press "Y" when prompted to load the
[root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# spsh
Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version ILOM 3.0 r47111
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware
Setting up environment for firmware upgrade. This will take few minutes.
Starting SUN DCS 36p FW update
Performing operation: I4 A
I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4):
Upgrade started...
Upgrade completed.
INFO: I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4) succeeded
Summary of Firmware update
I4 update succeeded on : A
I4 already up-to-date on : none
I4 update failed on : none
Performing operation: SUN DCS 36p firmware update
SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.1.8-1:
Upgrade started...
Upgrade completed.
INFO: SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.1.8-1 succeeded
Firmware update is complete.
ILOM will be restarted and will take 2 minutes to come up.
You will need to reconnect to Integrated Lights Out Manager.
7. Reconnect to the InfiniBand switch to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that the
SubnetManager remains disabled.
The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case,
abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.
8. When the first InfiniBand switch has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online,
connect to the other InfiniBand switch, with IP address, and execute the same
9. When both InfiniBand switches have been upgraded, remove the shared storage directory you created
to make the unzipped package available.
Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware
Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the XgOS User's
Guide (document ID: E53170). Refer to the section “System Image Upgrades”.
For detailed information, refer to the section “Saving and Restoring Your
Configuration” in the XgOS User's Guide (document ID: E53170).
1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.
2. Copy the firmware package from the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance software image to the Yum
repository share.
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cp /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/ \
OFI/xsigo-4.0.12-XGOS.xpf /nfs/shared_storage/yum/
Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware
5. Check the master configuration and the state of the SubnetManager. Optionally run the additional
diagnostics command for more detailed information.
admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics sm-info
- SM is running on ovcasw22r1
- SM Lid 39
- SM Guid 0x139702010017b4
- SM key 0x0
- SM priority 0
MAD stats
QP0 MADs outstanding : 0
QP0 MADs outstanding (on wire) : 0
QP0 MADs rcvd : 6323844
QP0 MADs sent : 6323676
QP0 unicasts sent : 2809116
QP0 unknown MADs rcvd : 0
SA MADs outstanding : 0
SA MADs rcvd : 120021107
SA MADs sent : 120024422
SA unknown MADs rcvd : 0
SA MADs ignored : 0
Subnet flags
Sweeping enabled : 1
Sweep interval (seconds) : 10
Ignore existing lfts : 0
Subnet Init errors : 0
In sweep hop 0 : 0
First time master sweep : 0
Coming out of standby : 0
Known SMs
Port GUID SM State Priority
--------- -------- --------
0x139702010017b4 Master 0 SELF
0x139702010017c0 Standby 0
OpenSM $
Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware
http:// forcebaseos
You have begun to upgrade the system software.
Please be aware that this will cause an I/O service interruption
and the system may be rebooted.
The following software will be installed:
1. XgOS Operating System software including SCP Base OS
2. XgOS Front-panel software
3. XgOS Common Chassis Management software on IOC
4. XgOS VNIC Manager and Agent software
5. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software
6. XgOS VHBA and VHBA-2 Manager and Agent software
7. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
8. XgOS VN4x10G and VN2x10G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
9. XgOS VHBA-3 Manager and Agent software
10. XgOS VHBA 2x 8G FC Manager and Agent software
Are you sure you want to update the software (y/n)? y
Running verify scripts...
Running preunpack scripts...
Running preinstall scripts...
Installing Base OS - please wait...
LABEL=/dev/uba /mnt/usb vfat rw 0 0
Rootfs installation successful
The installer has determined that a reboot of the Base OS is required (HCA driver changed)
The installer has determined that a cold restart of the Director is necessary
Installing package...
Running postinstall scripts...
Installation successful. Please stand by for CLI restart.
admin@iowa[xsigo] Rebooting OS. Please log in again in a couple of minutes...
Xsigo system is being shut down now
Connection to closed.
After reboot, it takes approximately 10 minutes before you can log back in. The upgrade resets the
admin user's password to the default "admin". It may take several attempts, but login with the default
password eventually succeeds.
7. Reconnect to the Fabric Interconnect to change the admin and root passwords back to the setting from
before the firmware upgrade.
When you log back in after the firmware upgrade, you may encounter messages
similar to this example:
These messages indicate failed login attempts from other Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance components. They disappear after you set the passwords back to
their original values.
Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware
8. Reconnect to the Fabric Interconnect to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that all
vNICs and vHBAs are in up/up state.
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh [email protected]
admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show system version
Build 4.0.12-XGOS - (buildsys) Fri Jun 22 04:42:35 UTC 2018
9. When the first Fabric Interconnect has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online,
connect to the other Fabric Interconnect, with IP address, and execute the same
Chapter 4 The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Command Line
Interface (CLI)
Table of Contents
4.1 CLI Usage .................................................................................................................................. 94
4.1.1 Interactive Mode .............................................................................................................. 94
4.1.2 Single-command Mode ..................................................................................................... 96
4.1.3 Controlling CLI Output ..................................................................................................... 96
4.1.4 Internal CLI Help ............................................................................................................. 98
4.2 CLI Commands .......................................................................................................................... 99
4.2.1 add compute-node ........................................................................................................... 99
4.2.2 add network ................................................................................................................... 100
4.2.3 add network-to-tenant-group ........................................................................................... 101
4.2.4 backup .......................................................................................................................... 102
4.2.5 configure vhbas ............................................................................................................. 103
4.2.6 create lock ..................................................................................................................... 104
4.2.7 create network ............................................................................................................... 105
4.2.8 create tenant-group ........................................................................................................ 106
4.2.9 create uplink-port-group .................................................................................................. 107
4.2.10 delete config-error ........................................................................................................ 108
4.2.11 delete lock ................................................................................................................... 109
4.2.12 delete network ............................................................................................................. 110
4.2.13 delete task ................................................................................................................... 111
4.2.14 delete tenant-group ...................................................................................................... 112
4.2.15 delete uplink-port-group ................................................................................................ 113
4.2.16 deprovision compute-node ............................................................................................ 114
4.2.17 diagnose ...................................................................................................................... 116
4.2.18 get log ......................................................................................................................... 119
4.2.19 list ............................................................................................................................... 120
4.2.20 remove compute-node .................................................................................................. 126
4.2.21 remove network ........................................................................................................... 127
4.2.22 remove network-from-tenant-group ................................................................................ 128
4.2.23 reprovision ................................................................................................................... 129
4.2.24 rerun ............................................................................................................................ 130
4.2.25 set system-property ...................................................................................................... 131
4.2.26 show ............................................................................................................................ 133
4.2.27 start ............................................................................................................................. 138
4.2.28 stop ............................................................................................................................. 139
4.2.29 update appliance .......................................................................................................... 140
4.2.30 update password .......................................................................................................... 140
4.2.31 update compute-node ................................................................................................... 142
All Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line utilities are consolidated into a single command line
interface that is accessible via the management node shell by running the pca-admin command located
at /usr/sbin/pca-admin. This command is in the system path for the root user, so you should be able
to run the command from anywhere that you are located on a management node. The CLI provides access
to all of the tools available in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, as well as many that do not
have a Dashboard equivalent. The design of the CLI makes it possible to script actions that may need
to be performed more regularly, or to write integration scripts with existing monitoring and maintenance
software not directly hosted on the appliance.
CLI Usage
It is important to understand that the CLI, described here, is distinct from the Oracle VM Manager
command line interface, which is described fully in the Oracle VM documentation available at http://
In general, it is preferable that CLI usage is restricted to the active management node. While it is possible
to run the CLI from either management node, some commands are restricted to the active management
node and return an error if you attempt to run them on the passive management node.
• Command is the command type that should be initiated. For example list;
• Command_Target is the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance component or process that should be affected
by the command. For example management-node, compute-node, task etc;
• <Arguments> consist of positioning arguments related to the command target. For instance, when
performing a reprovisioning action against a compute node, you should provide the specific compute
node that should be affected as an argument for this command. For example: reprovision
compute-node ovcacn11r1;
• Options consist of options that may be provided as additional parameters to the command to affect
its behavior. For instance, the list command provides various sorting and filtering options that can be
appended to the command syntax to control how output is returned. For example: list compute-
node --filter-column Provisioning_State --filter dead. See Section 4.1.3, “Controlling
CLI Output” for more information on many of these options.
The CLI includes its own internal help that can assist you with understanding the commands, command
targets, arguments and options available. See Section 4.1.4, “Internal CLI Help” for more information
on how to use this help system. When used in interactive mode, the CLI also provides tab completion to
assist you with the correct construction of a command. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more
information on this.
It is possible to identify that you are in a CLI shell running in interactive mode as the shell prompt is
indicated by PCA>.
Example 4.1 An example of interactive mode usage of the CLI
# pca-admin
Interactive Mode
Status: Success
PCA> exit
To exit from the CLI when it is in interactive mode, you can use either the q, quit, or exit command, or
alternatively use the Ctrl+D key combination.
Tab-completion is configured to work at all levels within the CLI and is context sensitive. This means that
you can press the tab key to complete or prompt for commands, command targets, options, and for certain
option values. For instance, pressing the tab key twice at a blank prompt within the CLI automatically lists
all possible commands, while pressing the tab key after typing the first letter or few letters of a command
automatically completes the command for you. Once a command is specified, followed by a space,
pressing the tab key indicates command targets. If you have specified a command target, pressing the tab
key indicates other options available for the command sequence. If you press the tab key after specifying a
command option that requires an option value, such as the --filter-column option, the CLI attempts to
provide you with the values that can be used with that option.
The <tab> indicates where the user pressed the tab key while in an interactive CLI session. In the final
example, the command target is automatically completed by the CLI.
Single-command Mode
To run the CLI in single-command mode, simply include the full command syntax that you wish to execute
as parameters to the pca-admin command.
The CLI returns its output for any command in JSON format if the --json option is specified when a
command is run. Typically this option may be used when running the CLI in single-command mode. An
example follows:
# pca-admin list compute-node --json
"00:10:e0:e5:e6:ce": {
"name": "ovcacn12r1",
"ilom_state": "running",
"ip": "",
"tenant_group_name": "Rack1_ServerPool",
"state": "RUNNING",
"networks": "default_external, default_internal",
Controlling CLI Output
"ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e5:e6:d3"
"00:10:e0:e6:8d:06": {
"name": "ovcacn07r1",
"ilom_state": "running",
"ip": "",
"tenant_group_name": "Rack1_ServerPool",
"state": "RUNNING",
"networks": "default_external, default_internal",
"ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e6:8d:0b"
"00:10:e0:e6:f9:ea": {
"name": "ovcacn11r1",
"ilom_state": "running",
"ip": "",
"tenant_group_name": "",
"state": "RUNNING",
"networks": "default_external, default_internal",
"ilom_mac": "00:10:e0:e6:f9:ef"
In some cases the JSON output may contain more information than is displayed in the tabulated output
that is usually shown in the CLI when the --json option is not used. Furthermore, the keys used in the
JSON output may not map identically to the table column names that are presented in the tabulated output.
Sorting and filtering options are currently not supported in conjunction with JSON output, since these
facilities can usually be implemented on the side of the parser. Sorting
Typically, when using the list command, you may wish to sort information in a way that makes it easier
to view items of particular interest. This is achieved using the --sorted-by and --sorted-order
options in conjunction with the command. When using the --sorted-by option, you must specify the
column name against which the sort should be applied. You can use the --sorted-order option to
control the direction of the sort. This option should be followed either with ASC for an ascending sort, or
DES for a descending sort. If this option is not specified, the default sort order is ascending.
For example, to sort a view of compute nodes based on the status of the provisioning for each compute
node, you may do the following:
PCA> list compute-node --sorted-by Provisioning_State --sorted-order ASC
Status: Success
Note that you can use tab-completion with the --sorted-by option to easily obtain the options for
different column names. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more information.
Internal CLI Help Filtering
Some tables may contain a large number of rows that you are not interested in, to limit the output to items
of particular interest you can use the filtering capabilities that are built into the CLI. Filtering is achieved
using a combination of the --filter-column and --filter options. The --filter-column option
must be followed by specifying the column name, while the --filter option is followed with the specific
text that should be matched to form the filter. The text that should be specified for a --filter may
contain wildcard characters. If that is not the case, it must be an exact match. Filtering does not currently
support regular expressions or partial matches.
For example, to view only the compute nodes that have a Provisioning state equivalent to 'dead', you could
use the following filter:
PCA> list compute-node --filter-column Provisioning_State --filter dead
Status: Success
Note that you can use tab-completion with the --filter-column option to easily obtain the options for
different column names. See Section, “Tab Completion” for more information.
Undocumented commands:
EOF exit q quit shell
The help system displays all of the available commands that are supported by the CLI. These are
organized into 'Documented commands' and 'Undocumented commands'. Undocumented commands
are usually commands that are not specific to the management of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance,
but are mostly discussed within this documentation. Note that more detailed help can be obtained for any
documented command by appending the name of the command to the help query. For example, to obtain
the help documentation specific to the list command, you can do the following:
PCA> help list
Usage: pca-admin list <Command Target> [OPTS]
Command Targets:
compute-node List computer node.
config-error List configuration errors.
lock List lock.
management-node List management node.
mgmt-switch-port List management switch port.
network List active networks.
CLI Commands
--json Display the output in json format.
--less Display output in the less pagination mode.
--more Display output in the more pagination mode.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME Export output to a file.
--sorted-by=SORTEDBY Sorting the table by a column.
Sorting order.
Table column that needs to be filtered.
--filter=FILTER filter criterion
You can drill down further into the help system for most commands by also appending the command target
onto your help query:
PCA> help reprovision compute-node
reprovision compute-node <compute node name> [options]
reprovision compute-node ovcacn11r1
Reprovision a compute node.
Finally, if you submit a help query for something that doesn't exist, the help system generates an error and
automatically attempts to prompt you with alternative candidates:
PCA> list ta
Status: Failure
Error Message: Error (MISSING_TARGET_000): Missing command target for command: list.
Command targets can be: ['update-task', 'uplink-port-group', 'config-error', 'network',
'lock', 'network-port', 'tenant-group', 'network-switch', 'task', 'compute-node',
'uplink-port', 'mgmt-switch-port', 'management-node'].
Note that there are slight differences in the CLI commands available on Ethernet-based systems and
InfiniBand-based systems. If you issue a command that is not available on your specific architecture, the
command fails.
add compute-node node tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to add one or more compute nodes
to, and node is the name of the compute node that should be added to the selected tenant group.
add network
Use the add compute-node command to add the required compute nodes to a tenant group you created.
If a compute node is currently part of another tenant group, it is first removed from that tenant group. If
custom networks are already associated with the tenant group, the newly added server is connected to
those networks as well. Use the command add network-to-tenant-group to associate a custom
network with a tenant group.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.3 Adding a Compute Node to a Tenant Group
PCA> add compute-node ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup
Status: Success
add network network-name node [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where network-name is the name of the network you wish to connect one or more servers to, and node
is the name of the server node that should be connected to the selected network.
Use the add network command to connect the required server nodes to a custom network you created.
When you set up custom networks between your servers, you create the network first, and then add the
required servers to the network. Use the create network command to configure additional custom
The following table shows the available options for this command.
add network-to-tenant-group
Option Description
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.4 Connecting a Compute Node to a Custom Network
PCA> add network MyNetwork ovcacn09r1
Status: Success
add network-to-tenant-group network-name tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --
more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where network-name is the name of an existing custom network, and tenant-group-name is the name
of the tenant group you wish to associate the custom network with.
Use the add network-to-tenant-group command to connect all member servers of a tenant group to
a custom network. The custom network connection is configured when a server joins the tenant group, and
unconfigured when a server is removed from the tenant group.
This command involves verification steps that are performed in the background.
Consequently, even though output is returned and you regain control of the CLI,
certain operations continue to run for some time.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
Option Description
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.5 Associating a Custom Network with a Tenant Group
PCA> add network-to-tenant-group myPublicNetwork myTenantGroup
Validating servers in the tenant group... This may take some time.
The job for sync all nodes in tenant group with the new network myPublicNetwork has been submitted.
Please look into "/var/log/ovca.log" and "/var/log/ovca-sync.log" to monitor the progress.
Status: Success
4.2.4 backup
Triggers a manual backup of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
The backup command can only be executed from the active management node; not
from the standby management node.
backup [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
Use the backup command to initiate a backup task outside of the usual cron schedule. The backup task
performs a full backup of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance as described in Section 1.6, “Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance Backup”. The CLI command does not monitor the progress of the backup task itself, and
exits immediately after triggering the task, returning the task ID and name, its initial status, its progress and
start time. This command must only ever be run on the active management node.
You can use the show task command to view the status of the task after you have initiated the backup.
See Example 4.44, “Show Task” for more information.
There are no further options for this command.
Example 4.6 Running a backup task
PCA> backup
The backup job has been submitted. Use "show task <task id>" to monitor the progress.
configure vhbas
Status: Success
configure vhbas { ALL | node } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where node is the compute node name for the compute node for which the vHBAs should be configured,
and ALL refers to all compute nodes provisioned in your environment.
This command creates the default virtual host bus adapters (vHBAs) for fibre channel connectivity, if they
do not exist. Each of the four default vHBAs corresponds with a bond on the physical server. Each vHBA
connection between a server node and Fabric Interconnect has a unique mapping. Use the configure
vhbas command to configure the virtual host bus adapters (vHBA) on all compute nodes or a specific
subset of them.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
ALL | node Configure vHBAs for all compute nodes or for one or more
specific compute nodes.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.7 Configuring the vHBAs for Specific Compute Nodes
PCA> configure vhbas ovcacn11r1 ovcacn14r1
Compute_Node Status
------------ ------
ovcacn14r1 Succeeded
ovcacn11r1 Succeeded
2 rows displayed
Status: Success
create lock
Never use locks without consultation or specific instructions from Oracle Support.
create lock { all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | database | install | manufacturing
| mn_upgrade | provisioning | service } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
Use the create lock command to temporarily disable certain appliance-level functions. The lock types
are described in the Options.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
all_provisioning Suspend all management node updates and compute node
provisioning. Running tasks are completed and stop before the
next stage in the process.
A daemon checks for locks every few seconds. Once the lock
has been removed, the update or provisioning processes
continue from where they were halted.
cn_upgrade Prevent all compute node upgrade operations.
database Impose a lock on the databases during the management node
update process. The lock is released after the update.
install Placeholder lock type. Currently not used.
manufacturing For usage in manufacturing.
This lock type prevents the first boot process from initiating
between reboots in the factory. As long as this lock is active,
the ovca service does not start.
mn_upgrade Prevent all management node upgrade operations.
provisioning Prevent compute node provisioning. If a compute node
provisioning process is running, it stops at the next stage.
A daemon checks for locks every few seconds. Once the lock
has been removed, all nodes advance to the next stage in the
provisioning process.
service Placeholder lock type. Behavior is identical to manufacturing
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
create network
Option Description
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.8 Imposing a Provisioning Lock
PCA> create lock provisioning
Status: Success
create network network-name { rack_internal_network | external_network port-group
| host_network port-group prefix netmask [route-destination gateway] } [ --json ] [ --
less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where network-name is the name of the custom network you wish to create.
If the network type is external_network, then the spine switch ports used for public connectivity must
also be specified as port-group. For this purpose, you must first create an uplink port group. See
Section 4.2.9, “create uplink-port-group” for more information.
If the network type is host_network, then additional arguments are expected. The subnet arguments are
mandatory; the routing arguments are optional.
• prefix: defines the fixed part of the host network subnet, depending on the netmask
• netmask: determines which part of the subnet is fixed and which part is variable
• [route-destination]: the external network location reachable from within the host network, which
can be specified as a single valid IPv4 address or a subnet in CIDR notation.
• [gateway]: the IP address of the gateway for the static route, which must be inside the host network
The IP addresses of the hosts or physical servers are based on the prefix and netmask of the host
network. The final octet is the same as the corresponding internal management IP address. The routing
information from the create network command is used to configure a static route on each compute node
that joins the host network.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
create tenant-group
Option Description
{ rack_internal_network | The type of custom network to create. The options are:
external_network | host_network }
• a network internal to the rack
Example 4.9 Creating an Internal Custom Network
PCA> create network MyPrivateNetwork rack_internal_network
Status: Success
create tenant-group tenant-group-name [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
create uplink-port-group
where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group – and server pool – you wish to add to the
Use the create tenant-group command to set up a new placeholder for a separate group of compute
nodes. The purpose of the tenant group is to group a number of compute nodes in a separate server
pool. When the tenant group exists, add the required compute nodes using the add compute-node
command. If you want to connect all the members of a server pool to a custom network, use the command
add network-to-tenant-group.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Status: Success
create uplink-port-group port-group-name ports { 10g-4x | 25g-4x | 40g | 100g } [ --json ]
[ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where port-group-name is the name of the uplink port group, which must be unique. An uplink port
group consists of a list of ports operating in one of the available breakout modes.
Use the create uplink-port-group command to configure the ports reserved on the spine switches
for external connectivity. Port 5 is configured and reserved for the default external network; ports 1-4 can
delete config-error
be used for custom external networks. The ports can be used at their full 100Gbit bandwidth, at 40Gbit,
or split with a breakout cable into four equal breakout ports: 4x 10Gbit or 4x 25Gbit. The port speed is
reflected in the breakout mode of the uplink port group.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
ports To create an uplink port group, you must specify which ports
on the spine switches belong to the port group. Ports must
always be specified in adjacent pairs. They are identified by
their port number and optionally, separated by a colon, also
their breakout port ID. Put the port identifiers between quotes
as a space-separated list, for example: '1 2' or '3:1 3:2'.
{ 10g-4x | 25g-4x | 40g | 100g } Set the breakout mode of the uplink port group. When a 4-
way breakout cable is used, all four ports must be set to either
10Gbit or 25Gbit. When no breakout cable is used, the port
speed for the uplink port group should be either 100Gbit or
40Gbit, depending on connectivity requirements.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
delete config-error id [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where id is the identifier for the configuration error that you wish to delete from the database.
delete lock
Use the delete config-error command to remove a configuration error from the configuration error
database. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to
continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
Once a configuration error has been deleted from the database, you may not be able to re-run the
configuration task associated with it. To obtain a list of configuration errors, use the list config-error
command. See Example 4.34, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.13 Removing a Configuration Error
PCA> delete config-error 87
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
delete lock { all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | database | install | manufacturing |
mn_upgrade | provisioning | service } [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ]
Use the delete lock command to re-enable the appliance-level functions that were locked earlier.
delete network
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
{ all_provisioning | cn_upgrade | The type of lock to be removed.
database | install | manufacturing
| mn_upgrade | provisioning | For a description of lock types, see Section 4.2.6, “create lock”.
service }
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
delete network network-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where network-name is the name of the custom network you wish to delete.
Use the delete network command to remove a previously created custom network from your
environment. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to
continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
delete task
A custom network can only be deleted after all servers have been removed from it. See Section 4.2.21,
“remove network”.
Default Oracle Private Cloud Appliance networks are protected and any attempt to delete them will fail.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
delete task id [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
delete tenant-group
where id is the identifier for the task that you wish to delete from the database.
Use the delete task command to remove a task from the task database. This is a destructive operation
and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag
to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
delete tenant-group tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --
more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group – and server pool – you wish to add to the
delete uplink-port-group
Use the delete tenant-group command to remove a previously created, non-default tenant group
from your environment. All servers must be removed from the tenant group before it can be deleted. When
the tenant group is deleted, the server pool file system is removed from the internal ZFS storage.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
delete uplink-port-group port-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [
--more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where port-group-name is the name of the uplink port group you wish to remove from the environment.
deprovision compute-node
Use the delete uplink-port-group command to remove a previously created uplink port group from
your environment. If the uplink port group is used in the configuration of a network, this network must be
deleted before the uplink port group can be deleted. Otherwise the delete command will fail.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.19 Deleting an Uplink Port Group
PCA> delete uplink-port-group myUplinkPortGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
deprovision compute-node compute-node-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ]
[ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where compute-node-name is the name of the compute node you wish to remove from the appliance
deprovision compute-node
Use the deprovision compute-node command to take an existing compute node out of the appliance
in such a way that it can be repaired or replaced, and subsequently rediscovered as a brand new
component. The compute node configuration records are removed cleanly from the system.
For deprovisioning to succeed, the compute node ILOM password must be the
default Welcome1. If this is not the case, the operation may result in an error. This
also applies to reprovisioning an existing compute node.
By default, the command does not continue if the compute node contains running VMs. The correct
workflow is to impose a provisioning lock before deprovisioning a compute node, otherwise it is
rediscovered and provisioned again shortly after deprovisioning has completed. When the appliance is
ready to resume its normal operations, release the provisioning lock again. For details, see Section 4.2.6,
“create lock” and Section 4.2.11, “delete lock”.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Status: Success
4.2.17 diagnose
Performs various diagnostic checks against the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for support purposes.
diagnose { ilom | software | hardware | rack-monitor } [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --
more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
The following table describes each possible target of the diagnose command.
Use the diagnose command to initiate a diagnostic check of various components that make up Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance.
A large part of the diagnostic information is stored in the inventory database and the monitor database.
The inventory database is populated from the initial rack installation and keeps a history log of all the rack
components. The monitor database stores rack component events detected by the monitor service. Some
of the diagnostic commands are used to display the contents of these databases.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
Option Description
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
--tests=TESTS Returns the output of specific tests you designate, rather than
running the full set of tests.
--version=VERSION Defines what version of software the command will run on. The
default version is 2.4.2, but you can run the command on other
version you specify here.
Example 4.21 Running the ILOM Diagnostic
PCA> diagnose ilom
Checking ILOM health............please wait..
Status: Success
get log
Status: Success
Status: Success
Currently the spine or data switch is the only target component supported with this
get log component [ --confirm ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where component is the identifier of the rack component from which you want to retrieve the log files.
Use the get log command to collect the log files of a given rack component or set of rack components
of a given type. The command output indicates where the log files are saved: this is a directory on the
internal storage appliance in a location that both management nodes can access. From this location you
can examine the logs or copy them to your local system so they can be included in your communication
with Oracle.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.24 Collecting the Log Files from the Spine Switch
Note that the CLI uses 'data_switch' as the internal alias for a spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switch.
PCA> get log data_switch
Log files copied to: /nfs/shared_storage/incoming
Status: Success
4.2.19 list
The list command can be used to list the different components and tasks within the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance. The output displays information relevant to each component or task. Output from the list
command is usually tabulated so that different fields appear as columns for each row of information relating
to the command target.
list { backup-task | compute-node | config-error | lock | management-node | mgmt-switch-
port | network | network-card | network-port | network-switch | ofm-network | opus-port
| server-profile | storage-network | task | tenant-group | update-task | uplink-port |
uplink-port-group | wwpn-info } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME
] [ [ --sorted-by SORTEDBY | --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ] ] [ [ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN | --filter
where SORTEDBY is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and
SORTEDORDER can be either ASC for an ascending sort, or DES for a descending sort. See Section,
“Sorting” for more information.
where FILTERCOLUMN is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and
FILTER is the text that you wish to match to perform your filtering. See Section, “Filtering” for more
The following table describes each possible target of the list command.
Note that you can use tab completion to help you correctly specify the object for the different command
targets. You do not need to specify an object if the command target is system-properties or
Use the list command to obtain tabulated listings of information about different components or activities
within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. The list command can frequently be used to obtain identifiers
that can be used in conjunction with many other commands to perform various actions or to obtain more
detailed information about a specific component or task. The list command also supports sorting and
filtering capabilities to allow you to order information or to limit information so that you are able to identify
specific items of interest quickly and easily.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
{ backup-task | compute-node | The command target to list information for.
config-error | lock | management-
node | network | network-card |
network-port | ofm-network | opus-
port | server-profile | storage-
network | task | tenant-group |
update-task | wwpn-info }
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
[ --sorted-by SORTEDBY ] Sort the table by the values within a particular column in the
table, specified by replacing SORTEDBY with the name of the
column that should be used to perform the sort.
Option Description
[ --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ] Used to specify the sort order, which can either be ASC for an
ascending sort, or DES for a descending sort. You must use the
--sorted-by option in conjunction with this option.
[ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN ] Filter the table for a value within a particular column in the
table, specified by replacing FILTERCOLUMN with the name of
the column that should be used to perform the sort. You must
use the --filter option in conjunction with this option.
[ --filter FILTER ] The filter that should be applied to values within the column
specified by the --filter-column option.
Example 4.25 List all management nodes
PCA> list management-node
Status: Success
Status: Success
Status: Success
4 rows displayed
Status: Success
Example 4.29 List the Network Ports Configured on the Spine Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches
PCA> list network-port
Status: Success
Example 4.30 List Ports on the Management Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch Using a Filter
Note that the CLI uses the internal alias mgmt-switch-port. In this example the command displays all
internal Ethernet connections from compute nodes to the Cisco Nexus 9348GC-FXP Switch. A wildcard is
used in the --filter option.
PCA> list mgmt-switch-port --filter-column=Hostname --filter=*cn*r1
25 rows displayed
Status: Success
Status: Success
Status: Success
Status: Success
remove compute-node
Status: Success
remove compute-node node tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ]
[ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where tenant-group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to remove one or more compute
nodes from, and node is the name of the compute node that should be removed from the selected tenant
Use the remove compute-node command to remove the required compute nodes from their tenant
group. Use Oracle VM Manager to prepare the compute nodes first: make sure that virtual machines have
been migrated away from the compute node, and that no storage repositories are presented. Custom
networks associated with the tenant group are removed from the compute node, not from the tenant group.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.35 Removing a Compute Node from a Tenant Group
PCA> remove compute-node ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup
remove network
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
remove network network-name node [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [
where network-name is the name of the network from which you wish to disconnect one or more servers,
and node is the name of the server node that should be disconnected from the selected network.
Use the remove network command to disconnect server nodes from a custom network you created. In
case you want to delete a custom network from your environment, you must first disconnect all the servers
from that network. Then use the delete network command to delete the custom network configuration.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.36 Disconnecting a Compute Node from a Custom Network
PCA> remove network MyNetwork ovcacn09r1
remove network-from-tenant-group
remove network-from-tenant-group network-name tenant-group-name [ --confirm ] [ --
force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where network-name is the name of a custom network associated with a tenant group, and tenant-
group-name is the name of the tenant group you wish to remove the custom network from.
Use the remove network-from-tenant-group command to break the association between a custom
network and a tenant group. The custom network is unconfigured from all tenant group member servers.
This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue,
unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.37 Removing a Custom Network from a Tenant Group
PCA> remove network-from-tenant-group myPublicNetwork myTenantGroup
Status: Success
4.2.23 reprovision
The reprovision command can be used to trigger reprovisioning for a specified compute node within the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
reprovision { compute-node } node [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ] [
--force ] [ --save-local-repo ]
where node is the compute node name for the compute node that should be reprovisioned.
Use the reprovision command to reprovision a specified compute node. The provisioning process is
described in more detail in Section 1.4, “Provisioning and Orchestration”.
The reprovision command triggers a task that is responsible for handling the reprovisioning process
and exits immediately with status 'Success' if the task has been successfully generated. This does not
mean that the reprovisioning process itself has completed successfully. To monitor the status of the
reprovisioning task, you can use the list compute-node command to check the provisioning state of
the servers. You can also monitor the log file for information relating to provisioning tasks. The location
of the log file can be obtained by checking the Log_File parameter when you run the show system-
properties command. See Example 4.43, “Show System Properties” for more information.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
compute-node The command target to perform the reprovision operation
--save-local-repo Skip the HMP step in the provisioning process in order to save
the local storage repository.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format.
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
Option Description
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.38 Reprovisioning a Compute Node
4.2.24 rerun
Triggers a configuration task to re-run on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
rerun { config-task } id [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where id is the identifier for the configuration task that must be re-run.
Use the rerun command to re-initiate a configuration task that has failed. Use the list config-error
command to view the configuration tasks that have failed and the associated identifier that you should use
in conjunction with this command. See Example 4.34, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
config-task The command target to perform the rerun operation against.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
set system-property
set system-property { ftp_proxy | http_proxy | https_proxy | log_count |
log_file | log_level | log_size | timezone } value [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where value is the value for the system property that you are setting.
Use the set system-property command to set the value for a system property on the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance.
The set system-property command only affects the settings for the
management node where it is run. If you change a setting on the active
management node, using this command, you should connect to the passive
management node and run the equivalent command there as well, to keep the two
systems synchronized. This is the only exception where it is necessary to run a CLI
command on the passive management node.
You can use the show system-properties command to view the values of various system properties
at any point. See Example 4.43, “Show System Properties” for more information.
Changes to system-properties usually require that you restart the service for the
change to take effect. To do this, you must run service ovca restart in the
shell of the active management node after you have set the system property value.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
ftp_proxy Set the value for the IP address of an FTP Proxy
http_proxy Set the value for the IP address of an HTTP Proxy
https_proxy Set the value for the IP address of an HTTPS Proxy
log_count Set the value for the number of log files that should be retained
through log rotation
log_file Set the value for the location of a particular log file.
set system-property
Option Description
Example 4.40 Changing the location of the sync service log file
PCA> set system-property log_file syncservice sync/ovca-sync.log
Status: Success
Sync.Log_Level DEBUG
Diagnosis.Log_File /var/log/ovca-diagnosis.log
Diagnosis.Log_Level DEBUG
Status: Success
Log configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.1, “Setting
the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters”.
Proxy configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.2,
“Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates”.
Example 4.42 Configuring the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Time Zone
PCA> set system-property timezone US/Eastern
Status: Success
4.2.26 show
The show command can be used to view information about particular objects such as tasks, rack layout
or system properties. Unlike the list command, which applies to a whole target object type, the show
command displays information specific to a particular target object. Therefore, it is usually run by specifying
the command, the target object type and the object identifier.
show { cloud-wwpn | compute-node | network | rack-layout | server-profile | storage-
network | system-properties | task | tenant-group | version | vhba-info } object [ --json ]
[ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
Where object is the identifier for the target object that you wish to show information for. The following
table provides a mapping of identifiers that should be substituted for object, depending on the command
Note that you can use tab completion to help you correctly specify the object for the different command
targets. You do not need to specify an object if the command target is system-properties or
Use the show command to view information specific to a particular target object, identified by specifying
the identifier for the object that you wish to view. The exception to this is the option to view system-
properties, for which no identifier is required.
Frequently, the show command may display information that is not available using the list command in
conjunction with its filtering capabilities.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
cloud-wwpn | compute-node | The command target to show information for.
network | rack-layout | server-
profile | storage-network |
system-properties | task | tenant-
group | version | vhba-info
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.43 Show System Properties
This command only displays the system properties for the management node
where it is run. If the system properties have become unsynchronized across
the two management nodes, the information reflected by this command may not
apply to both systems. You can run this command on either the active or passive
management node if you need to check that the configurations match.
HTTP_Proxy None
HTTPS_Proxy None
FTP_Proxy None
Log_File /var/log/ovca.log
Log_Level DEBUG
Log_Size (MB) 250
Log_Count 5
Timezone Etc/UTC
Backup.Log_File /var/log/ovca-backup.log
Backup.Log_Level DEBUG
Cli.Log_File /var/log/ovca-cli.log
Cli.Log_Level DEBUG
Sync.Log_File /var/log/ovca-sync.log
Sync.Log_Level DEBUG
Diagnosis.Log_File /var/log/ovca-diagnosis.log
Diagnosis.Log_Level DEBUG
Monitor.Log_File /var/log/ovca-monitor.log
Monitor.Log_Level INFO
Snmp.Log_File /nfs/shared_storage/logs/ovca_snmptrapd.log
Snmp.Log_Level DEBUG
Status: Success
Task_Name backup
Progress 70
Start_Time 05-27-2019 09:59:36
End_Time None
Pid 1503341
Result None
Status: Success
Status: Success
Network_Name default_external
Trunkmode None
Description None
Ports ['5:1', '5:2']
vNICs None
Status ready
Network_Type external_network
Compute_Nodes ovcacn12r1, ovcacn07r1, ovcacn13r1, ovcacn14r1, ovcacn10r1, ovcacn09r1, ovcacn11r1
Netmask None
Route_Destination None
Route_Gateway None
Status: Success
Name myTenantGroup
Default False
Tenant_Group_ID 0004fb0000020000155c15e268857a78
Servers ['ovcacn09r1', 'ovcacn10r1']
State ready
Tenant_Group_VIP None
Tenant_Networks ['myPublicNetwork']
Pool_Filesystem_ID 3600144f0d29d4c86000057162ecc0001
Status: Success
Network_Name myHostNetwork
Trunkmode None
Description None
Ports ['1', '2']
vNICs None
Status ready
Network_Type host_network
Compute_Nodes ovcacn42r1, ovcacn01r2, ovcacn02r2
Prefix 10.10.10
Status: Success
Cloud_Name Cloud_A
WWPN_List 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1A,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:18, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:16,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:14, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:12,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:10, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0E,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0A,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:08, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:06,
50:01:39:70:00:58:91:04, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:02,
Status: Success
Status: Success
Version 2.4.1
Build 819
Date 2019-06-20
Status: Success
4.2.27 start
Starts up a rack component.
The start command is deprecated. It will be removed in the next release of the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller Software.
start { compute-node CN | management-node MN } [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where CN refers to the name of the compute node and MN refers to the name of the management node to
be started.
Use the start command to boot a compute node or management node. You must provide the host name
of the server you wish to start.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
compute-node CN | management-node Start either a compute node or a management node. Replace
MN CN or MN respectively with the host name of the server to be
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
4.2.28 stop
Shuts down a rack component or aborts a running task.
The stop commands to shut down rack components are deprecated. It will be
removed in the next release of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Controller
stop { compute-node CN | management-node MN | task id | update-task id } [ --json ] [ --less
] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where CN or MN refers to the name of the server to be shut down, and id refers to the identifier of the task
to be aborted.
Use the stop command to shut down a compute node or management node or to abort a running task.
Depending on the command target you must provide either the host name of the server you wish to shut
down, or the unique identifier of the task you wish to abort. This is a destructive operation and you are
prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override
the prompt.
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
compute-node CN | management-node Shut down either a compute node or a management node.
MN Replace CN or MN respectively with the host name of the
server to be shut down.
update appliance
Option Description
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.53 Aborting a Task
PCA> stop task 341d45b5424c16
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
Release 2.4.1 is for factory installation only. It cannot be used for field updates or
upgrade operations on existing appliance environments.
update password { LeafSwitch-admin | MgmtNetSwitch-admin | SpineSwitch-admin | mgmt-
root | mysql-appfw | mysql-ovs | mysql-root | ovm-admin | spCn-root | spMn-root | spZfs-
root | system-root | wls-weblogic | zfs-root } [ PCA-password target-password ] [ --
confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --tee=OUTPUTFILENAME ]
where PCA-password is the current password of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance admin user, and
target-password is the new password to be applied to the target rack component.
Use the update password command to modify the password for one or more components within the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether
or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
Optionally you provide the current Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password and the new target
component password with the command. If not, you are prompted for the current password of the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance admin user and for the new password that should be applied to the target.
update password
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
LeafSwitch-admin Sets a new password for the admin user on the leaf Cisco
Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.
MgmtNetSwitch-admin Sets a new password for the admin user on the Cisco Nexus
9348GC-FXP Switch.
SpineSwitch-admin Sets a new password for the admin user on the spine Cisco
Nexus 9336C-FX2 Switches.
mgmt-root Sets a new password for the root user on the management
mysql-appfw Sets a new password for the appfw user in the MySQL
update compute-node
Option Description
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
update compute-node { node } [ --confirm ] [ --force ] [ --json ] [ --less ] [ --more ] [ --
where node is the identifier of the compute node that must be updated with the Oracle VM Server version
provided as part of the appliance software ISO image. Run this command for one compute node at a time.
Use the update compute-node command to install the new Oracle VM Server version on the selected
compute node or compute nodes. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether
or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.
update compute-node
The following table shows the available options for this command.
Option Description
--confirm Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable
the confirmation prompt when you run this command.
--force Force the command to be executed even if the target is in an
invalid state. This option is not risk-free and should only be
used as a last resort.
--json Return the output of the command in JSON format
--less Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the less command on the Linux
command line. This option allows both forward and backward
navigation through the command output.
--more Return the output of the command one screen at a time
for easy viewing, as with the more command on the Linux
command line. This option allows forward navigation only.
--tee=OUTPUTFILENAME When returning the output of the command, also write it to the
specified output file.
Example 4.55 Upgrade a Compute Node to Oracle VM Server Release 4.2.x
PCA> update compute-node ovcacn10r1
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success
Chapter 5 Managing the Oracle VM Virtual Infrastructure
Table of Contents
5.1 Guidelines and Limitations ........................................................................................................ 146
5.2 Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI ........................................................................... 149
5.3 Monitoring Health and Performance in Oracle VM ...................................................................... 149
5.4 Creating and Managing Virtual Machines ................................................................................... 150
5.5 Managing Virtual Machine Resources ........................................................................................ 153
5.6 Configuring Network Resources for Virtual Machines .................................................................. 155
5.6.1 Configuring VM Network Resources on Ethernet-based Systems ...................................... 155
5.6.2 Configuring VM Network Resources on InfiniBand-based Systems .................................... 158
5.7 Viewing and Managing Storage Resources ................................................................................ 161
5.7.1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 ............................................................................. 161
5.7.2 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES and Earlier Models .............................................. 162
5.8 Tagging Resources in Oracle VM Manager ................................................................................ 163
5.9 Managing Jobs and Events ....................................................................................................... 163
Access to the Oracle VM Manager web user interface, command line interface
and web services API is provided without restrictions. The configuration of Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance components within Oracle VM Manager is automatic and
handled by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance provisioning process. Altering
the configuration of these components directly within Oracle VM Manager is not
supported and may result in the malfunction of the appliance.
• DO NOT rename host names of compute names or other Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance components.
Use of Oracle VM Manager in the context of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance should
be limited to the management and creation of virtual machines.
Guidelines and Limitations
Management of virtual machines and your Oracle VM environment is achieved using the Oracle VM
Manager Web UI (User Interface). While Oracle VM Manager does provide a command line interface
and web services API, use of these on your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance should only be attempted by
advanced users with a thorough understanding of Oracle VM and the usage limitations within an Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance context.
The information provided in here, is a description of the Oracle VM Manager Web UI within the context
of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Where particular actions within the Oracle VM Manager Web UI
are referenced, a link to the appropriate section within the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide is provided.
The complete Oracle VM Manager User's Guide is available at this URL: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/
When consulting the Oracle VM documentation directly, keep in mind the limitations
imposed by using it within Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. More details about the
use of the Oracle VM documentation library can be found in About the Oracle VM
Documentation Library.
New users of Oracle VM who want to learn the fundamentals of creating and maintaining a virtualized
environment should consult the Oracle VM Concepts Guide. It describes the concepts on which the Oracle
VM components and functionality are based, and also links to operational procedures in the Oracle VM
Manager User's Guide.
The Oracle VM Manager Web UI is available at the virtual IP address that you configured for your
management nodes during installation. This virtual IP address is automatically assigned to whichever
management node is currently the master or active node within the cluster. If that management node
becomes unavailable, the standby management node is promoted to the active role and takes over the
IP address automatically. See Section 1.5, “High Availability” for more information on management node
The Oracle VM Manager Web UI is configured to listen for HTTPS requests on port 7002.
The following actions must not be performed, except if Oracle gives specific instructions to do so.
Do Not:
Guidelines and Limitations
• attempt to add, remove, rename or otherwise modify server pools or their configuration;
• attempt to change the configuration of server pools corresponding with tenant groups configured through
the appliance controller software (except for DRS policy setting);
• attempt to modify or remove the existing local disk repositories or the repository named Rack1-
• attempt to delete or modify any of the preconfigured default networks, or custom networks configured
through the appliance controller software;
• attempt to modify or delete any existing Storage elements that are already configured within Oracle VM,
or use the reserved names of the default storage elements – for example OVCA_ZFSSA_Rack1 – for any
other configuration;
• attempt to configure global settings, such as YUM Update, in the Reports and Resources tab (except
for tags, which are safe to edit);
• attempt to select a non-English character set or language for the operating system, because this is not
supported by Oracle VM Manager – see support note with Doc ID 2519818.1.
If you ignore this advice, the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance automation, which uses specific naming
conventions to label and manage assets, may fail. Out-of-band configuration changes would not be known
to the orchestration software of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. If a conflict between the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance configuration and Oracle VM configuration occurs, it may not be possible to recover
without data loss or system downtime.
There is a known issue with the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader, which
stops the upgrade process if Service VMs are present. For the appropriate
workaround, consult the support note with Doc ID 2510822.1.
Regardless of which interface you use to access the Oracle VM functionality directly, the same restrictions
apply. In summary, you may use the Web UI, CLI or WSAPI for the operations listed below.
Use the Oracle VM Interfaces for:
About the Oracle VM Documentation Library
It is critical that you understand the scope of Oracle VM within the specific context of Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance. A major objective of the appliance is to orchestrate or fully automate a number of Oracle VM
operations. It also imposes restrictions that do not exist in other Oracle VM environments, on infrastructure
aspects such as server hardware, networking and storage configuration. Consequently, some chapters
or even entire books in the Oracle VM documentation library are irrelevant to Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance customers, or should not be used because they describe procedures that conflict with the way
the appliance controller software configures and manages the Oracle VM infrastructure.
This list, which is not meant to be exhaustive, explains which parts of the Oracle VM documentation should
not be referenced because the functionality in question is either not supported or managed at the level of
the appliance controller software:
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance always contains a clustered pair of management nodes with Oracle
VM Manager pre-installed. When you power on the appliance for the first time, the compute node
provisioning process begins, and one of the provisioning steps is to install Oracle VM Server on the
compute nodes installed in the appliance rack. The installation of additional compute nodes and
upgrades of the appliance software are orchestrated in a similar way.
Although the getting started guide is an excellent way to progress through the entire chain of operations
from discovering the first Oracle VM Server to the point of accessing a fully operational virtual machine, it
does not help the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance user, who only needs Oracle VM Manager in order to
create and manage virtual machines.
• Administration Guide
This guide describes a number of advanced system administration tasks, most of which are performed
at the level of the virtualization platform. The information in this book may be useful for specific
configurations or environments, but we recommend that you consult with Oracle subject matter experts
to avoid making changes that adversely affect the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment.
The recommended interface to manage the Oracle VM environment within Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance is the Oracle VM Manager Web UI. The CLI and WSAPI should be used with care, within the
limitations described in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance documentation. They can be safely used in a
programmatic context, for example to automate operations related to the virtual machine life cycle (which
includes create, clone, start, stop, migrate VMs, pinning CPUs, uploading templates and ISOs, and so
Since Oracle VM Manager is the preferred interface to manage the virtualized environment, this chapter
provides links to various sections of the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide in order to help Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance users perform the necessary tasks. The book is closely aligned with the structure of the
Web UI it describes, and the sections and links in this chapter conveniently follow the same basic outline.
Where the Oracle VM Manager functionality overlaps with the default Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
configuration the document indicates which operations are safe and which should be avoided.
Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI
Where, manager-vip refers to the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation. By using the virtual IP address, you ensure that
you always access the Oracle VM Manager Web UI on the active management node.
You must ensure that if you are accessing Oracle VM Manager through a firewalled
connection, the firewall is configured to allow TCP traffic on the port that Oracle VM
Manager is using to listen for connections.
Enter your Oracle VM Manager administration user name in the Username field. This is the administration
user name you configured during installation. Enter the password for the Oracle VM Manager
administration user name in the Password field.
The Oracle VM Manager Web UI makes use of cookies in order to store session
data. Therefore, to successfully log in and use the Oracle VM Manager Web UI your
web browser must accept cookies from the Oracle VM Manager host.
The Statistics subtabs available on the Health tab provides statistical information, including graphs that
can be refreshed with short intervals or at the click of a button, for CPU and memory usage and for file
system utilization. These statistics can be viewed at a global scale to determine overall usage, or at the
detail level of a category of resources or even a single item.
The Server and VM Statistics subtab can display information per server to see the performance of each
individual compute node, or per virtual machine to help track the usage and resource requirements for any
of the virtual machines within your environment. The File System Statistics subtab displays storage space
utilization information, organized by storage location, and allows you to track available space for individual
file systems over time.
For detailed information on using the Health tab, please refer to the section entitled Health Tab in the
Oracle VM Manager User's Guide.
In addition to the Health tab you can also monitor the status of many resource categories through the Info
perspective or Events perspective. When you select these perspectives in the Management pane, the
type of information displayed depends on the active item in the Navigation pane on the left hand side.
Both the Info perspective and the Events perspective are common to many elements within the Oracle VM
Manager Web UI.
The following sections in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide provide detailed information about both
perspectives, using the server pool item as an example:
Creating and Managing Virtual Machines
Virtual machines require most installation resources to be located in the storage repository, managed by
Oracle VM Manager, with the exception of mounted ISO files for paravirtualized guests. See Section 5.5,
“Managing Virtual Machine Resources” for more information on importing these resources into the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance repository.
The following list provides an outline of actions that you can perform in this tab, with links to the relevant
documentation within the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide:
You can create a virtual machine following the instructions provided in the section entitled Create Virtual
You do not need to create any additional server pools. You need only ensure that your installation media
has been correctly imported into the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance repository.
You can view information about your virtual machine or access virtual machine events by following the
information outlined in the section entitled View Virtual Machine Events.
You can edit virtual machine parameters as described in the section entitled Edit Virtual Machine.
Creating and Managing Virtual Machines
• For more information about the use of the VM console, refer to the section entitled Launch Console.
• For more information about the use of the VM serial console, refer to the section entitled Launch Serial
• Migrate or move a virtual machine between repositories, between servers, and to or from the
Unassigned Virtual Machines folder
Further information is provided in the section entitled Migrate or Move Virtual Machines.
It is possible to create alternate repositories if you have extended the system with external storage.
If you have an additional repository, this function can be used to move a virtual machine from one
repository to another.
Because there is only a single server pool available in a default Oracle Private Cloud Appliance base
rack, migration of virtual machines can only be achieved between servers and between a server
and the Unassigned Virtual Machines folder. Migration between server pools is possible if you have
customized the default configuration by creating tenant groups. See Section 2.7, “Tenant Groups” for
more information.
For more information about CPU compatibility groups, please refer to the section
entitled Server Processor Compatibility Perspective.
Creating and Managing Virtual Machines
For more information about the Unassigned Virtual Machines folder, refer to the section entitled
Unassigned Virtual Machines Folder.
You can prevent virtual machines from running on the same physical host by adding them to an anti-
affinity group. This is particularly useful for redundancy and load balancing purposes.
Further information about anti-affinity groups is provided in the section entitled What are Anti-Affinity
Groups? in the Oracle VM Concepts Guide.
For instructions to create and manage anti-affinity groups, refer to the section entitled Anti-Affinity
Groups Perspective in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide.
Further information is provided in the section entitled Clone a Virtual Machine or Template.
You can create a clone customizer to set up the clone parameters, such as networking, and the virtual
disk, and ISO resources. For more information about clone customizers, please refer to the section
entitled Manage Clone Customizers.
Exporting a virtual appliance lets you reuse virtual machines with other instances of Oracle VM, or with
other virtualization environments that support the Open Virtualization Format (OVA). You can export one
or more virtual machines to a virtual appliance. Further information is provided in the section entitled
Export to Virtual Appliance.
If you have installed Oracle VM Guest Additions within your virtual machine, you can use the Oracle
VM Messaging framework to send messages to your virtual machines to trigger actions within a virtual
machine. Refer to the section entitled Send VM Messages for more information.
Managing Virtual Machine Resources
Using local storage on the compute nodes has implications that you should take
into account when planning the deployment of your virtual environment. For
• If a compute node becomes unavailable, its locally stored virtual machines and
resources cannot be restored or migrated to another compute node for continued
• The virtual machines and resources in local storage repositories are not protected
by automatic failover and high-availability mechanisms normally offered by a
clustered Oracle VM server pool with shared storage repository.
Additional repositories should be configured using external storage solutions. If the system contains an
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, extra disk trays can be installed to provide the space for additional
repositories. For information about extending the storage capacity of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, see
Section 5.7, “Viewing and Managing Storage Resources”.
Managing Virtual Machine Resources
The Repositories tab is used to manage virtual machine resources, such as installation media and virtual
disks. From this tab, it is possible to create, import or clone Oracle VM templates, virtual appliances and
ISO image files. It is also possible to create, modify, or clone virtual disks here. The following list provides
an outline of actions that you can perform in this tab, with links to the relevant documentation within the
Oracle VM Manager User's Guide:
• Manage Virtual Machine Templates
• Import a template
• Edit a template
• Clone a VM or template
• Move a template
• Delete a template
All documentation for these actions can be found in the section entitled VM Templates Perspective.
For specific information about virtual appliances offered through Oracle Technology Network, refer to
Virtual Appliances from Oracle.
All documentation for these actions can be found in the section entitled Virtual Appliances Perspective.
For specific information about virtual appliances offered through Oracle Technology Network, refer to
Virtual Appliances from Oracle.
• Import an ISO
• Edit an ISO
• Clone an ISO
• Delete an ISO
All documentation for these actions can be found in the section entitled ISOs Perspective.
Virtual Appliances from Oracle
All documentation for these actions can be found in the section entitled Virtual Disks Perspective.
For detailed information, including documentation specific to the virtual appliances, refer to the Oracle VM
Virtual Appliances overview page on Oracle Technology Network.
For Oracle VM instructions related to virtual appliances, follow the links provided above.
For more general information about the use of virtual appliances and templates, refer to the chapter
Understanding Repositories in the Oracle VM Concepts Guide. The most relevant sections are:
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance exists in two different types of network architecture. One is built around
a physical InfiniBand fabric; the other relies on physical high speed Ethernet connectivity. While the two
implementations offer practically the same functionality, the configuration of default networks is different
due to the type of network hardware. As a result, the procedures to create VLAN networks for virtual
machine traffic are different as well.
This section is split up by network architecture to avoid confusion. Refer to the subsection that applies to
your appliance.
Configuring VM Network Resources on Ethernet-based Systems
This is a private network providing connectivity between the management nodes and compute nodes,
using VLAN 3092. It is used for all network traffic inherent to Oracle VM Manager, Oracle VM Server and
the Oracle VM Agents.
This is a private network used exclusively for traffic to and from the ZFS storage appliance. Both
management nodes and compute nodes can reach the internal storage on VLAN 3093. The network also
fulfills the heartbeat function for the clustered Oracle VM server pool.
• default_external
This default network is the standard choice for virtual machines requiring external network connectivity. It
supports both tagged and untagged traffic. For untagged traffic it uses the Oracle VM standard VLAN 1,
meaning no additional configuration is required.
If you prefer to use VLANs for your VM networking, configure the additional VLAN interfaces and
networks of your choice as follows:
The process for creating VLAN Interfaces is described in detail in the Oracle VM Manager User's
Guide in the section entitled Create VLAN Interfaces.
2. Click Create VLAN Interface. In the navigation tree of the Create VLAN Interfaces window, select
the vx13040 VxLAN interface of each compute node in the default Rack1_ServerPool.
3. In the next step of the wizard, add the VLAN IDs you require. When you complete the wizard, a new
VLAN interface for each new VLAN ID is configured on top of each compute node interface you
4. Create a new Oracle VM network with the VM role, on the VLAN interfaces for each VLAN tag you
created. Each new network should contain the VLAN interfaces associated with a particular VLAN ID;
for example all VLAN interfaces with ID 11 on top of a vx13040 interface.
You can filter the VLAN interfaces by ID to simplify the selection of the VLAN
interfaces participating in the new network.
The process for creating networks with VLAN interfaces is described in the Oracle VM Manager
User's Guide in the section entitled Create New Network.
To start using the new network at the VM level, edit the necessary VMs and
assign a VNIC to connect to the new network.
Configuring VM Network Resources on Ethernet-based Systems
• default_internal
This default network is intended for virtual machines requiring network connectivity to other virtual
machines hosted on the appliance, but not external to the appliance. For untagged traffic it uses the
Oracle VM standard VLAN 1. To use the VLANs of your choice, configure the additional VLAN interfaces
and networks as follows:
The process for creating VLAN Interfaces is described in detail in the Oracle VM Manager User's
Guide in the section entitled Create VLAN Interfaces.
2. Click Create VLAN Interface. In the navigation tree of the Create VLAN Interfaces window, select
the vx2 VxLAN interface of each compute node in the default Rack1_ServerPool.
3. In the next step of the wizard, add the VLAN IDs you require. When you complete the wizard, a new
VLAN interface for each new VLAN ID is configured on top of each compute node network port you
4. Create a new VLAN network with the VM role for each VLAN tag you added. Each new network
should contain the VLAN interfaces associated with a particular VLAN ID; for example all VLAN
interfaces with ID 1001 on top of a vx2 interface.
You can filter the VLAN interfaces by ID to simplify the selection of the VLAN
interfaces participating in the new network.
The process for creating networks with VLAN interfaces is described in the Oracle VM Manager
User's Guide in the section entitled Create New Network.
For more information about Oracle Private Cloud Appliance network configuration, see Section 1.2.4,
“Network Infrastructure”.
For example, if you configured networking for virtual machines in such a way that
they can obtain an IP address in the subnet, IP conflicts and security
issues are likely to occur.
Configuring VM Network Resources on InfiniBand-based Systems
9000. Note that this is a change at the VM level; the compute node interfaces are
set to accommodate 9000 bytes already, and must never be modified. Connectivity
between VMs and external systems may also benefit from the higher MTU,
provided this is supported across the entire network path.
Do not edit or delete any of the networks listed here. Doing so may cause your appliance to malfunction. In
an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance context, use the Networking tab to configure and manage Virtual NICs
and VLANs for use by your virtual machines.
This is a private network used exclusively for Oracle VM management traffic. Both management nodes
and all compute nodes are connected to this network through their bond0 interface.
This is a private IPoIB network used exclusively for traffic to and from the ZFS storage appliance. Both
management nodes and both storage controllers are connected to this network through their bond1
• vm_public_vlan
This default network is the standard choice for virtual machines requiring external network connectivity. It
supports both tagged and untagged traffic. For untagged traffic it uses the Oracle VM standard VLAN 1,
meaning no additional configuration is required.
Configuring VM Network Resources on InfiniBand-based Systems
If you prefer to use VLANs for your VM networking, configure the additional VLAN interfaces and
networks of your choice as follows:
The process for creating VLAN Interfaces is described in detail in the Oracle VM Manager User's
Guide in the section entitled Create VLAN Interfaces.
2. Click Create VLAN Interface. In the navigation tree of the Create VLAN Interfaces window, select
the bond4 port of each compute node in the default Rack1_ServerPool.
3. In the next step of the wizard, add the VLAN IDs you require. When you complete the wizard, a new
VLAN interface for each new VLAN ID is configured on top of each compute node network port you
4. Create a new VLAN network with the VM role for each VLAN tag you added. Each new network
should contain the VLAN interfaces associated with a particular VLAN ID; for example all VLAN
interfaces with ID 11 on top of a bond4 port.
You can filter the VLAN interfaces by ID to simplify the selection of the VLAN
interfaces participating in the new network.
The process for creating networks with VLAN interfaces is described in the Oracle VM Manager
User's Guide in the section entitled Create New Network.
For details, see Section 7.4, “Configuring Data Center Switches for VLAN Traffic”.
• vm_private
This default network is intended for virtual machines requiring network connectivity to other virtual
machines hosted on the appliance, but not external to the appliance. For untagged traffic it uses the
Oracle VM standard VLAN 1. To use the VLANs of your choice, configure the additional VLAN interfaces
and networks as follows:
The process for creating VLAN Interfaces is described in detail in the Oracle VM Manager User's
Guide in the section entitled Create VLAN Interfaces.
Configuring VM Network Resources on InfiniBand-based Systems
2. Click Create VLAN Interface. In the navigation tree of the Create VLAN Interfaces window, select
the bond3 port of each compute node in the default Rack1_ServerPool.
3. In the next step of the wizard, add the VLAN IDs you require. When you complete the wizard, a new
VLAN interface for each new VLAN ID is configured on top of each compute node network port you
4. Create a new VLAN network with the VM role for each VLAN tag you added. Each new network
should contain the VLAN interfaces associated with a particular VLAN ID; for example all VLAN
interfaces with ID 1001 on top of a bond3 port.
You can filter the VLAN interfaces by ID to simplify the selection of the VLAN
interfaces participating in the new network.
The process for creating networks with VLAN interfaces is described in the Oracle VM Manager
User's Guide in the section entitled Create New Network.
• mgmt_public_eth
This network is automatically created during the initial configuration of the appliance. It uses the public
network that you configured in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. The primary function of
this network is to provide access to the management nodes from the data center network, and enable
the management nodes to run a number of system services. As long as you have not configured this
network with a VLAN tag, it may also be used to provide external untagged network access to virtual
machines. The subnet associated with this network is the same as your data center network.
Always use the vm_public_vlan network as your first VM network option. The
mgmt_public_eth is unavailable for VM networking when configured with a
management VLAN. When no management VLAN is configured, it is restricted to
untagged VM traffic, and should only be considered if the circumstances require
For more information about Oracle Private Cloud Appliance network configuration, see Section 1.2.4,
“Network Infrastructure”.
For example, if you configured networking for virtual machines in such a way that
they can obtain an IP address in the subnet, IP conflicts and security
issues are likely to occur.
Viewing and Managing Storage Resources
VMs and external systems may also benefit from the higher MTU, provided this is
supported across the entire network path.
Do not edit or delete any of the networks listed here. Doing so may cause your appliance to malfunction. In
an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance context, use the Networking tab to configure and manage Virtual NICs
and VLANs for use by your virtual machines.
Compute node provisioning relies on the internal ZFS file server and its exported
storage. Changing the configuration will cause issues with provisioning and server
pool clustering.
There are functional differences between the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, which is part of
systems with an Ethernet-based network architecture, and the previous models of the ZFS Storage
Appliance, which are part of systems with an InfiniBand-based network architecture. For clarity, this section
describes the Oracle VM storage resources separately for the different storage appliances.
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES and Earlier Models
Information on expanding your Oracle VM environment with storage repositories located on the external
storage is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide. Refer to the section entitled Storage Tab.
You are also fully capable of using other networked storage, available on the public network or a custom
network, within your own Virtual Machines.
Figure 5.4 A view of the Storage tab (with Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2)
Information on expanding your Oracle VM environment with storage repositories located on the external
Fibre Channel or InfiniBand storage is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide. Refer to the
section entitled Storage Tab. You are also fully capable of using other networked storage, available on the
public network or a custom network, within your own Virtual Machines.
Tagging Resources in Oracle VM Manager
Figure 5.5 A view of the Storage tab (with Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES)
You are able to create, edit and delete tags, by following the instructions in the section entitled Tags.
You can also use this tab to generate XML reports about Oracle VM objects and attributes. For details,
refer to the section entitled Reports.
Since the Recurring Jobs, described in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide, are all automated and
handled directly by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, you must not edit any of the settings for recurring
Chapter 6 Servicing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Components
Table of Contents
6.1 Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) .......................................................................................... 166
6.1.1 Understanding Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) ......................................................... 166
6.1.2 ASR Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 167
6.1.3 Setting Up ASR and Activating ASR Assets .................................................................... 167
6.2 Replaceable Components ......................................................................................................... 168
6.2.1 Rack Components ......................................................................................................... 168
6.2.2 Oracle Server X8-2 Components .................................................................................... 169
6.2.3 Oracle Server X7-2 Components .................................................................................... 170
6.2.4 Oracle Server X6-2 Components .................................................................................... 171
6.2.5 Oracle Server X5-2 Components .................................................................................... 172
6.2.6 Sun Server X4-2 Components ........................................................................................ 173
6.2.7 Sun Server X3-2 Components ........................................................................................ 173
6.2.8 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 Components ......................................................... 174
6.2.9 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES Components ....................................................... 175
6.2.10 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components ..................................................... 176
6.2.11 Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components ............................................................. 178
6.2.12 Oracle Switch ES1-24 Components .............................................................................. 179
6.2.13 NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Components .............................. 179
6.2.14 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components .............................................................. 180
6.3 Preparing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for Service ................................................................ 181
6.4 Servicing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Rack System ........................................................ 182
6.4.1 Powering Down Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (When Required) .................................... 182
6.4.2 Service Procedures for Rack System Components .......................................................... 183
6.5 Servicing an Oracle Server X8-2 ............................................................................................... 184
6.5.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X8-2 for Service (When Required) ..................................... 184
6.5.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Server X8-2 Components ................................................. 185
6.6 Servicing an Oracle Server X7-2 ............................................................................................... 186
6.6.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X7-2 for Service (When Required) ..................................... 186
6.6.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Server X7-2 Components ................................................. 188
6.7 Servicing an Oracle Server X6-2 ............................................................................................... 188
6.7.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X6-2 for Service (When Required) ..................................... 189
6.7.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Server X6-2 Components ................................................. 190
6.8 Servicing an Oracle Server X5-2 ............................................................................................... 191
6.8.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X5-2 for Service (When Required) ..................................... 191
6.8.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Server X5-2 Components ................................................. 192
6.9 Servicing a Sun Server X4-2 ..................................................................................................... 193
6.9.1 Powering Down Sun Server X4-2 for Service (When Required) ........................................ 193
6.9.2 Service Procedures for Sun Server X4-2 Components ..................................................... 195
6.10 Servicing a Sun Server X3-2 ................................................................................................... 196
6.10.1 Powering Down Sun Server X3-2 for Service (When Required) ....................................... 196
6.10.2 Service Procedures for Sun Server X3-2 Components ................................................... 197
6.11 Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 .................................................................. 198
6.11.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 for Service (When Required) .... 198
6.11.2 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 Components ..................... 200
6.12 Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES ............................................................... 201
6.12.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES for Service (When Required) . 201
6.12.2 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES Components ................... 202
6.13 Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES ............................................................... 203
Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR)
6.13.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES for Service (When Required) . 204
6.13.2 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components ................... 206
6.14 Servicing the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 ....................................................................... 207
6.14.1 Powering Down the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 for Service (When Required) ......... 207
6.14.2 Service Procedures for Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components ........................... 208
6.15 Servicing an Oracle Switch ES1-24 ......................................................................................... 209
6.15.1 Powering Down the Oracle Switch ES1-24 for Service (When Required) ......................... 209
6.15.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Switch ES1-24 Components ............................................ 210
6.16 Servicing an NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch ......................................... 210
6.16.1 Powering Down the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch for Service
(When Required) .................................................................................................................... 210
6.16.2 Service Procedures for NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch
Components ........................................................................................................................... 211
6.17 Servicing an Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 ......................................................................... 211
6.17.1 Powering Down the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 for Service (When Required) .......... 211
6.17.2 Service Procedures for Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components ........................... 212
This chapter explains the service procedures for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance in case a failure occurs.
Optionally, you can configure the system with Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR), which generates a
service request with Oracle automatically when it detects a hardware malfunction. Certain components of
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance are customer-replaceable. These are listed in this chapter, along with the
necessary instructions.
Oracle is continuously analyzing and improving the ASR fault rules to enhance the Oracle support
experience. This includes adding, modifying and removing rules to focus on actionable events from ASR
assets while filtering non-actionable events. For up-to-date fault coverage details, please refer to the
Oracle Auto Service Request documentation page.
When a hardware problem is detected, ASR Manager submits a service request to Oracle Support
Services. In many cases, Oracle Support Services can begin work on resolving the issue before the
administrator is even aware the problem exists.
ASR detects faults in the most common hardware components, such as disks, fans, and power supplies,
and automatically opens a service request when a fault occurs. ASR does not detect all possible hardware
faults, and it is not a replacement for other monitoring mechanisms, such as SMTP and SNMP alerts,
ASR Prerequisites
within the customer data center. It is a complementary mechanism that expedites and simplifies the
delivery of replacement hardware. ASR should not be used for downtime events in high-priority systems.
For high-priority events, contact Oracle Support Services directly.
An email message is sent to both the My Oracle Support email account and the technical contact for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance to notify them of the creation of the service request. A service request may
not be filed automatically on some occasions. This can happen because of the unreliable nature of the
SNMP protocol or a loss of connectivity to ASR Manager. Oracle recommends that customers continue to
monitor their systems for faults and call Oracle Support Services if they do not receive notice that a service
request has been filed automatically.
• technical contact person at the customer site who is responsible for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
• valid shipping address at the customer site where the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is located, so
that parts are delivered to the site where they must be installed
• Make sure that Oracle Java - JDK 7 (1.7.0_13 or later) or Oracle Java 8 (1.8.0_25 or later) is installed
on both management nodes in your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Check the version installed on the
system by entering the following command at the Oracle Linux prompt: java -version.
If the installed version does not comply with the ASR prerequisites, download a compatible Java version,
unpack the archive in /opt/ and install it on both management nodes.
If necessary, you can download the latest version from the Java SE Downloads
page: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/.
For example, try curl to test whether you can access https://support.oracle.com.
Replaceable Components
ASR Manager (ASRM) can be registered as a stand-alone ASRM, pointing directly to My Oracle Support,
or as a relay to another ASRM in your network. Even if other systems at your site already use an ASRM,
you can choose to register the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance ASRM as stand-alone. This means it
communicates directly with the Oracle backend systems, which is the standard registration method.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components that are qualified as ASR assets are the compute nodes
and the ZFS Storage Appliance. The two management nodes must not be activated.
The ASR activation mechanism for compute nodes requires operations in two separate locations. First the
compute node ILOMs are configured to send SNMP traps to the ASR Manager when a failure occurs. Then
the ASR Manager is configured to recognize the ILOMs as assets and accept their input.
The ZFS Storage Appliance runs its own ASR Manager, and relays its ASR data to the Oracle backend
systems through the outbound connection of the master management node. To achieve this, Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance relies on the tinyproxy HTTP and HTTPS proxy daemon. ASR requires
tinyproxy version 1.8.3 or later to be installed and properly configured on both management nodes.
Detailed installation and configuration instructions are available from My Oracle Support. Refer to the
support note with Doc ID 2560988.1.
• A part designated as a CRU can be replaced by a person who is not an Oracle-qualified service
All CRUs and FRUs are listed and identified in this chapter, but the servicing instructions included in
this Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide are focused primarily on CRUs. For FRU
replacement, please contact Oracle.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Oracle Server X8-2 Components
For rack-level component servicing instructions, see Section 6.4, “Servicing the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Rack System”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Oracle Server X7-2 Components
For Oracle Server X8-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.5, “Servicing an Oracle Server
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Oracle Server X6-2 Components
For Oracle Server X7-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.6, “Servicing an Oracle Server
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Oracle Server X5-2 Components
For Oracle Server X6-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.7, “Servicing an Oracle Server
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Sun Server X4-2 Components
For Oracle Server X5-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.8, “Servicing an Oracle Server
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
For Sun Server X4-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.9, “Servicing a Sun Server X4-2”.
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 Components
The following table lists the replaceable components of the Sun Server X3-2 management and compute
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
For Sun Server X3-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.10, “Servicing a Sun Server X3-2”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES Components
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
For Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.11, “Servicing
the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
For Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES component servicing instructions, see Section 6.12, “Servicing
the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES”.
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components
The following table lists the replaceable components of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components
For Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES component servicing instructions, see Section 6.13, “Servicing
the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Oracle Switch ES1-24 Components
For Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.14, “Servicing the
Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
For Oracle Switch ES1-24 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.15, “Servicing an Oracle Switch
Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components
The following table lists the replaceable components of the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Table 6.13 Replaceable NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Components
For NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch component servicing instructions, see
Section 6.16, “Servicing an NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch”.
For the current list of replacement parts and their manufacturing part numbers,
refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components list in the Oracle System
You access the Oracle System Handbook using this link: https://support.oracle.com/
Click Current Systems, then click your generation of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Hardware to open the main product page in the System Handbook.
Preparing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for Service
For Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 component servicing instructions, see Section 6.17, “Servicing an
Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15”.
Safety Precautions
For your protection, observe the following safety precautions when servicing your equipment:
• Follow all standard cautions, warnings, and instructions marked on the equipment and described in the
following documents:
• The printed document Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems (7063567)
• The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Safety and Compliance Guide (E88194-02)
• Follow the safety guidelines described in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide
Equipment Damage
Take antistatic measures and do not touch components along their connector
Wear an antistatic wrist strap and use an antistatic mat when handling components such as drive
assemblies, boards, or cards. When servicing or removing rack node components, attach an antistatic
strap to your wrist and then to a metal area on the chassis. Then disconnect the power cords from the
component. Following this practice equalizes the electrical potentials between you and the component.
An antistatic wrist strap is not included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance shipment.
Place ESD-sensitive components such as the motherboard, memory, and other PCB cards on an
antistatic mat.
Servicing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Rack System
• A disposable ESD mat (shipped with some replacement parts or optional system components)
Whenever a hardware system must be powered down, make sure that the virtual
machines hosted by that system are shut down first. If you power down the
appliance with running virtual machines, these will be in an error state when the
system is returned to operation.
• Stop Server
1. Log in to Oracle VM Manager and open the Servers and VMs tab.
2. Using the navigation tree, select each virtual machine and click Stop to shut it down gracefully.
If the applications hosted by your VMs require the services and machines to be shut down in a
particular order, respect those requirements just like you would with physical machines.
Once the VMs have been shut down, you can proceed to power off the compute nodes.
3. Using the navigation tree, select each compute node and click Stop Server to shut it down gracefully.
4. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node at the
management virtual IP address. Stop Oracle VM Manager by entering the command service ovmm
1. If, at this point, any compute nodes have not shut down properly, press the Power button on the
running compute nodes in order to shut them down gracefully.
2. Press the Power button on the management nodes in order to shut them down gracefully.
Once the servers are powered off, you can proceed to power off the storage appliance.
Service Procedures for Rack System Components
3. Press the Power button on the storage server heads attached to the chassis of the storage device.
The Ethernet switches do not have power switches. They power off when power
is removed, by way of the power distribution unit (PDU) or at the breaker in the
data center.
1. Toggle the power distribution unit (PDU) circuit breakers of both PDUs to the On position.
2. Wait at least two minutes to allow the PDUs to complete their power-on sequence.
Wait approximately two minutes until the power-on self-test completes, and the Power/OK LED on the
front panel lights and remains lit.
The management node that completes booting first assumes the master role.
Compute nodes do not power on automatically like the internal ZFS Storage
Appliance, switches and other components. Make sure that the management
nodes and internal storage are up and running, then manually power on the
compute nodes.
5. When the management nodes are up, press the Power button on the compute nodes.
The compute node ILOM policy for automatic power-on is disabled, and must
remain disabled, to prevent a server from booting prematurely and disrupting the
correct boot order of the appliance components.
When all compute nodes are up, verify the status of all system components in Oracle VM Manager.
If no components are in error state, the appliance is ready to resume normal operation.
Servicing an Oracle Server X8-2
6.5.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X8-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle Server X8-2 to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
Placing a compute node into maintenance mode
Before an Oracle Server X8-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. Information on
maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section entitled Edit Server.
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
Service Procedures for Oracle Server X8-2 Components
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Oracle Server X8-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Oracle Server X8-2 Service Manual (part no. E93386).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
An immediate power down might corrupt system data, therefore, only use this
procedure to power down the server after attempting the graceful power down
3. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 15.9 kg (35.0 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Oracle Server X8-2 Service Manual (part no. E93386).
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
3. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Servicing an Oracle Server X7-2
protects your virtual infrastructure against data corruption, and allows it to remain in service as long as the
configuration of your environment allows it.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
6.6.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X7-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle Server X7-2 to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
Placing a compute node into maintenance mode
Before an Oracle Server X7-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. Information on
maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section entitled Edit Server.
Powering Down Oracle Server X7-2 for Service (When Required)
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Oracle Server X7-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Oracle Server X7-2 Service Manual (part no. E72445).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
An immediate power down might corrupt system data, therefore, only use this
procedure to power down the server after attempting the graceful power down
3. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 15.9 kg (35.0 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Oracle Server X7-2 Service Manual (part no. E72445).
Service Procedures for Oracle Server X7-2 Components
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
3. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Powering Down Oracle Server X6-2 for Service (When Required)
6.7.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X6-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle Server X6-2 to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
Placing a compute node into maintenance mode
Before an Oracle Server X6-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. Information on
maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section entitled Edit Server.
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Oracle Server X6-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Oracle Server X6-2 Service Manual (part no. E62171).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
System data may become corrupted during an immediate power down. Use this
task only after attempting to power down the server gracefully.
3. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
Service Procedures for Oracle Server X6-2 Components
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 18.1 kg (39.9 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Oracle Server X6-2 Service Manual (part no. E62171).
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
3. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Servicing an Oracle Server X5-2
6.8.1 Powering Down Oracle Server X5-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle Server X5-2 to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
The management nodes are not placed in maintenance node for servicing. If you
need to power down the master management node, bring it offline as described
below and wait for the other management node to take over the master role. If you
need to power down the secondary management node, no additional steps are
Before an Oracle Server X5-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. Information on
maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide section entitled Edit Server.
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
Service Procedures for Oracle Server X5-2 Components
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Oracle Server X5-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Oracle Server X5-2 Service Manual (part no. E48320).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
System data may become corrupted during an immediate power down. Use this
task only after attempting to power down the server gracefully.
3. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 18.1 kg (39.9 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Oracle Server X5-2 Service Manual (part no. E48320).
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
3. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Servicing a Sun Server X4-2
protects your virtual infrastructure against data corruption, and allows it to remain in service as long as the
configuration of your environment allows it.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
6.9.1 Powering Down Sun Server X4-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Sun Server X4-2 to be powered down, follow
these instructions:
The management nodes are not placed in maintenance node for servicing. If you
need to power down the master management node, bring it offline as described
Powering Down Sun Server X4-2 for Service (When Required)
below and wait for the other management node to take over the master role. If you
need to power down the secondary management node, no additional steps are
Before a Sun Server X4-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. For details, refer
to the section “Placing an Oracle VM Server into Maintenance Mode” in the Oracle VM Manager User's
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Sun Server X4-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Sun Server X4-2 Service Manual (part no. E38041).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
System data may become corrupted during an immediate power down. Use this
task only after attempting to power down the server gracefully.
3. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
Service Procedures for Sun Server X4-2 Components
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 18.1 kg (39.9 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Sun Server X4-2 Service Manual (part no. E38041).
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
3. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Servicing a Sun Server X3-2
6.10.1 Powering Down Sun Server X3-2 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Sun Server X3-2 to be powered down, follow
these instructions:
The management nodes are not placed in maintenance node for servicing. If you
need to power down the master management node, bring it offline as described
below and wait for the other management node to take over the master role. If you
need to power down the secondary management node, no additional steps are
Before a Sun Server X3-2 compute node can be powered down, it must be placed into maintenance
mode from within Oracle VM Manager. As a result, all virtual machines running on the compute node are
automatically migrated to other servers in the Oracle VM server pool, if they are available. For details, refer
to the section “Placing an Oracle VM Server into Maintenance Mode” in the Oracle VM Manager User's
For details, refer to the section “Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”” in the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide.
Replace manager-vip with the virtual IP address, or corresponding host name, that you have
configured for your management nodes during installation.
b. Enter the Oracle VM Manager user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.
2. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in
the management pane toolbar.
Service Procedures for Sun Server X3-2 Components
3. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click
4. When the Sun Server X3-2 is ready to rejoin the Oracle VM server pool, perform the same procedure
and clear the Maintenance Mode check box.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Preparing for
Service” in the Sun Server X3-2 Service Manual (part no. E22313).
The easiest way is to press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
2. Perform immediate shutdown only if the system does not respond to graceful power-down tasks.
System data may become corrupted during an immediate power down. Use this
task only after attempting to power down the server gracefully.
4. Disconnect the power cables and data cables from the server.
5. Most service operations can be performed while the server is in the maintenance position.
However, if necessary, remove the cable management arm (CMA) and pull the server out of the rack.
The server weighs approximately 18.1 kg (39.9 lb). Two people are required to
dismount and carry the chassis.
These steps briefly describe the procedure. For detailed instructions, refer to the chapter “Returning the
Server to Operation” in the Sun Server X3-2 Service Manual (part no. E22313).
1. If the top cover was removed to service a component, reinstall the top cover on the server.
4. Return the server to its normal operational position in the rack, making sure the CMA is correctly
Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2
protects your virtual infrastructure against data corruption, and allows it to remain in service as long as the
configuration of your environment allows it.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
6.11.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 for Service
(When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 to be
powered down, follow these instructions:
Powering down the storage head/controller
Because the storage controllers are clustered, there is no loss of access to storage when one controller is
powered down for service. Performing a graceful shutdown ensures that data is saved and not corrupted,
Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 for Service (When Required)
and that resources are assigned to the other controller in the storage head cluster. Power down a controller
for component replacement using one of the following methods:
• Log in to the UI by using the server's IP address in the appliance management network:
2. Log in as root, using the system-wide Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password.
• Alternatively, SSH in to the storage appliance as root, and enter the command maintenance system
If graceful shutdown as described above is not possible, use the power button:
• Use a pen or non-conducting pointed object to press and release the Power button on the front panel.
• SSH or use a serial connection to log in to the service processor (SP), and then issue the command
stop /SYS.
• If the server did not respond, initiate an emergency shutdown. Press and hold the Power button for at
least four seconds until the Power/OK status indicator on the front panel flashes, indicating that the
storage controller is in standby power mode. To completely remove power, disconnect the AC power
cords from the rear panel of the storage controller.
All replaceable components in the disk shelf are hot-swappable. The disk shelf itself
does not need to be powered down for the replacement of defective components.
The disk shelf must not be operated without all components in place.
1. Connect any storage head power and data cables you removed to service a component.
2. Power on the server by pressing the Power button on the front panel.
If you are not physically located at the system, use either of these ILOM methods instead:
Click Host Management > Power Control, and in the Actions list click Power On.
Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 Components
3. When the controller is powered on and the power-on self-test (POST) code checkpoint tests have
completed, the green Power/OK status indicator on the front panel lights and remains lit.
4. If you performed a graceful shutdown earlier, return resources to the server that was just serviced.
a. Log into the web UI for the server that was not serviced.
c. Click Failback.
For information about configuring the clustered servers and attached disk
shelves, see the “Oracle ZFS Storage System Administration Guide” for the
appropriate software release.
If you need to execute a service procedure that interrupts the connection between
virtual machines and their virtual disks, shut down the virtual machines in Oracle
VM Manager prior to servicing the storage hardware. Disconnecting a running
virtual machine from its disks may cause data corruption.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.22 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 Components
Replaceable Part(s) Hot-Swap URL
Storage head hard drives Yes https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Disk shelf drives Yes https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Fan modules Yes https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Storage head power supplies Yes https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Disk shelf power supplies Yes https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Memory modules No https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
(Oracle-qualified service
technician only)
PCI Express cards No https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F13758_01/html/F13771/
Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES
6.12.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES for Service
(When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES to be
powered down, follow these instructions:
Powering down the storage head/controller
Because the storage controllers are clustered, there is no loss of access to storage when one controller is
powered down for service. Performing a graceful shutdown ensures that data is saved and not corrupted,
and that resources are assigned to the other controller in the storage head cluster. Power down a controller
for component replacement using one of the following methods:
• Log in to the UI by using the server's IP address in the appliance management network:
2. Log in as root, using the system-wide Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password.
• Alternatively, SSH in to the storage appliance as root, and enter the command maintenance system
If graceful shutdown as described above is not possible, use the power button:
• Use a pen or non-conducting pointed object to press and release the Power button on the front panel.
• SSH or use a serial connection to log in to the service processor (SP), and then issue the command
stop /SYS.
• If the server did not respond, initiate an emergency shutdown. Press and hold the Power button for at
least four seconds until the Power/OK status indicator on the front panel flashes, indicating that the
storage controller is in standby power mode. To completely remove power, disconnect the AC power
cords from the rear panel of the storage controller.
Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES Components
All replaceable components in the disk shelf are hot-swappable. The disk shelf itself
does not need to be powered down for the replacement of defective components.
The disk shelf must not be operated without all components in place.
1. Connect any storage head power and data cables you removed to service a component.
2. Power on the server by pressing the Power button on the front panel.
If you are not physically located at the system, use either of these ILOM methods instead:
Click Host Management > Power Control, and in the Actions list click Power On.
3. When the controller is powered on and the power-on self-test (POST) code checkpoint tests have
completed, the green Power/OK status indicator on the front panel lights and remains lit.
4. If you performed a graceful shutdown earlier, return resources to the server that was just serviced.
a. Log into the web UI for the server that was not serviced.
c. Click Failback.
For information about configuring the clustered servers and attached disk
shelves, see the “Oracle ZFS Storage System Administration Guide” for the
appropriate software release.
Servicing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES
If you need to execute a service procedure that interrupts the connection between
virtual machines and their virtual disks, shut down the virtual machines in Oracle
VM Manager prior to servicing the storage hardware. Disconnecting a running
virtual machine from its disks may cause data corruption.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.23 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES Components
Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES for Service (When Required)
This section provides instructions to service replaceable components (CRUs/FRUs) in the Oracle ZFS
Storage Appliance ZS3-ES. Before starting any service procedure, read and follow the guidelines in
Section 6.3, “Preparing Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for Service”.
6.13.1 Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES for Service
(When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES to be
powered down, follow these instructions:
Powering down the storage head/controller
Performing a graceful shutdown ensures that data is saved and not corrupted, and that resources are
assigned to the other controller in the storage head cluster. This is the preferred method for powering down
a controller for component replacement.
1. Ensure that Ethernet cables are connected from your network to the NET-0 port on the back of each
2. Direct your web browser to the server to be serviced by using either the IP address or host name
assigned to the NET-0 port as follows: https://ipaddress:215.
3. Log in as root, using the system-wide Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password.
6. Click the Power icon for the server and select Power off from the pull-down list.
This task forces the main power off. You might corrupt or lose system data, or lose
the server configuration (the resources assigned to it) during an immediate power
1. Press and quickly release the Power button on the front panel.
This action causes an orderly shutdown of the operating system, and the server enters the standby
power mode.
2. If the server did not respond or you need a more immediate shutdown, press and hold the Power
button for four seconds.
This forces the main power off and enters the standby power mode immediately. When the main power
is off, the Power/OK LED on the front panel begins flashing, indicating that the server is in standby
power mode.
If neither graceful shutdown nor emergency shutdown using the power button is possible, for example
because you are not physically located at the system, use the ILOM to perform an emergency shutdown.
Choose one of the following options:
This task forces the main power off. You might corrupt or lose system data, or lose
the server configuration (the resources assigned to it) during an immediate power
Powering Down the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES for Service (When Required)
In the left pane, click Host Management > Power Control, and in the Actions list click Immediate Power
Do not remove a component if you do not have an immediate replacement. The disk shelf must not be
operated without all components in place. Powering down or removing all SAS chains from a disk shelf
will cause the controllers to panic to prevent data loss. To avoid this, shut down the controllers before
decommissioning the shelf.
1. Stop all input and output to and from the disk shelf.
2. Wait approximately two minutes until all disk activity indicators have stopped flashing.
3. Place the power supply on/off switches to the "O" off position.
The disk shelf must not be operated without all components in place.
1. Reconnect the disk shelf power and data cables you removed to service a component.
2. Place the power supply on/off switches on the disk shelf to the "I" on position.
3. Wait several minutes until the boot process is complete, at which time the Power LED should be solid
4. Connect the storage head power and data cables you removed to service a component.
5. Power on the server by pressing the Power button on the front panel.
If you are not physically located at the system, use either of these ILOM methods instead:
In the left pane, click Host Management > Power Control, and in the Actions list click Power On.
6. Wait approximately two minutes until the power-on self-test (POST) code checkpoint tests have
completed, and the Power/OK LED on the front panel lights and remains lit.
7. If you performed a graceful shutdown earlier, return resources to the server that was just serviced.
a. Log into the web UI for the server that was not serviced.
Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components
c. Click Failback.
For information about configuring the clustered servers and attached disk
shelves, see the “Oracle ZFS Storage System Administration Guide” for the
appropriate software release.
If you need to execute a service procedure that interrupts the connection between
virtual machines and their virtual disks, shut down the virtual machines in Oracle
VM Manager prior to servicing the storage hardware. Disconnecting a running
virtual machine from its disks may cause data corruption.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.24 Service Procedures for Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES Components
Servicing the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320
6.14.1 Powering Down the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 for Service (When
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 to be
powered down, follow these instructions:
Powering down the storage head/controller
Powering down or removing all SAS chains from a disk shelf will cause the controllers to panic to prevent
data loss. To avoid this, shut down the controllers before decommissioning the shelf.
In a configuration with clustered storage heads, always shut down the standby head
before the active head.
• SSH into the appliance and issue the maintenance system poweroff command.
• SSH or serial console into the service processor (SP) and issue the stop /SYS command.
• Use a pen or non-conducting pointed object to press and release the Power button on the front panel.
To initiate emergency shutdown during which all applications and files will be
closed abruptly without saving, press and hold the power button for at least four
Service Procedures for Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components
seconds until the Power/OK status indicator on the front panel flashes, indicating
that the storage controller is in standby power mode.
Do not remove a component if you do not have an immediate replacement. The disk shelf must not be
operated without all components in place. Powering down or removing all SAS chains from a disk shelf
will cause the controllers to panic to prevent data loss. To avoid this, shut down the controllers before
decommissioning the shelf.
1. Stop all input and output to and from the disk shelf.
2. Wait approximately two minutes until all disk activity indicators have stopped flashing.
3. Place the power supply on/off switches to the "O" off position.
The disk shelf must not be operated without all components in place.
1. Reconnect the disk shelf power and data cables you removed to service a component.
2. Place the power supply on/off switches on the disk shelf to the "I" on position.
3. Wait several minutes until the boot process is complete, at which time the Power LED should be solid
4. Connect the storage head power cables and wait approximately two minutes until the Power/OK LED
on the front panel next to the Power button lights and remains lit.
6.14.2 Service Procedures for Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components
For parts that are not hot-swappable, power down the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 before starting the
service procedure.
If you need to execute a service procedure that interrupts the connection between
virtual machines and their virtual disks, shut down the virtual machines in Oracle
VM Manager prior to servicing the storage hardware. Disconnecting a running
virtual machine from its disks may cause data corruption.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.25 Service Procedures for Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Components
Replaceable Part(s) Hot-Swap URL
Storage head HDDs or SSDs Yes http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E28317_01/html/E38247/
Disk shelf drives Yes Refer to the section “Replacing a Drive” on this page:
Servicing an Oracle Switch ES1-24
6.15.1 Powering Down the Oracle Switch ES1-24 for Service (When Required)
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Oracle Switch ES1-24 to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
Powering down the switch
2. To power down the switch, remove the power cords from both power supplies.
2. Verify that the switch has power by checking the status LEDs.
Service Procedures for Oracle Switch ES1-24 Components
The AC LED lights green to indicate the power supply is connected to line power. A moment later, the
OK LED lights green to indicate the power supply is fully operational.
When replacing the entire switch assembly, begin by saving the configuration from
the existing component, so that you can restore the configuration after replacement.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
2. To power down the switch, remove the power cords from both power supplies.
Service Procedures for NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Components
2. Verify that the switch has power by checking the status LEDs.
The AC LED lights green to indicate the power supply is connected to line power. A moment later, the
OK LED lights green to indicate the power supply is fully operational.
When replacing the entire switch assembly, begin by saving the configuration from
the existing component, so that you can restore the configuration after replacement.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.27 Service Procedures for NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch
Replaceable Part(s) Hot-Swap URL
Power supplies Yes http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26698_01/html/E26434/
Fans Yes http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26698_01/html/E26434/
Data cables Yes http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26698_01/html/E26434/
6.17.1 Powering Down the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 for Service (When
If you need to execute a service procedure that requires the Fabric Interconnect to be powered down,
follow these instructions:
Powering down the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15
1. Press the Power button to power down the Fabric Interconnect gracefully.
2. Wait for the Status LED to switch off, indicating that the component has been powered down
Service Procedures for Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components
The Status LED blinks green, indicating that the system control processor is booting.
This indicates that the system control processor has finished booting and the Fabric Interconnect is
ready for operation.
When replacing the entire switch assembly, begin by saving the configuration from
the existing component, so that you can restore the configuration after replacement.
Generally speaking, hot-swappable components can be serviced without specific additional steps for
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Follow the applicable procedure in the Service Manual. The following table
provides links to each service procedure and indicates whether parts are hot-swappable or require the
component to be taken offline and powered down.
Table 6.28 Service Procedures for Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components
Service Procedures for Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Components
(Oracle-qualified service
technician only)
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
Table of Contents
7.1 Setting the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters ................................................. 215
7.2 Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates ............................................. 216
7.3 Configuring Appliance Uplinks ................................................................................................... 217
7.4 Configuring Data Center Switches for VLAN Traffic .................................................................... 218
7.5 Changing the Oracle VM Agent Password ................................................................................. 219
7.6 Running Manual Pre- and Post-Upgrade Checks in Combination with Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Upgrader ........................................................................................................................ 219
7.7 Enabling Fibre Channel Connectivity on a Provisioned Appliance ................................................ 221
7.8 Restoring a Backup After a Password Change ........................................................................... 223
7.9 Enabling SNMP Server Monitoring ............................................................................................ 225
7.10 Using a Custom CA Certificate for SSL Encryption ................................................................... 226
7.10.1 Creating a Keystore ..................................................................................................... 227
7.10.2 Importing a Keystore .................................................................................................... 228
7.11 Reprovisioning a Compute Node when Provisioning Fails ......................................................... 229
7.12 Deprovisioning and Replacing a Compute Node ....................................................................... 230
7.13 Eliminating Time-Out Issues when Provisioning Compute Nodes ............................................... 231
7.14 Returning Oracle VM Server Pool to Operation After Network Services Restart .......................... 232
7.15 Recovering from Tenant Group Configuration Mismatches ........................................................ 233
7.16 Configure Xen CPU Frequency Scaling for Best Performance ................................................... 234
The following instructions must be followed for each of the two management nodes in your environment.
Changing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters for a Management Node
1. Gain command line access to the management node. Usually this is achieved using SSH and logging
in as the root user with the global Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password.
2. Use the CLI, as described in Chapter 4, The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Command Line Interface
(CLI), to view or modify your appliance log settings. The CLI safely reads and edits the /etc/
ovca.conf file, to prevent the possibility of configuration file corruption.
• To view the current values for the configurable settings in the configuration file run the CLI as follows:
# pca-admin show system-properties
The service argument is the log file category to which the new log level applies. The following
services can be specified: backup, cli diagnosis, monitor, ovca, snmp, syncservice.
Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates
The LEVEL value is one of the following: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
Where PATH is the new location where the log file for the selected service is to be stored. The
following services can be specified: backup, cli, diagnosis, monitor, ovca, snmp, and syncservice.
Make sure that the new path to the log file exists. Otherwise, the log server
stops working.
The system always prepends /var/log to your entry. Absolute paths are
converted to /var/log/PATH.
During management node upgrades, the log file paths are reset to the default
3. The new log level setting only takes effect after a management node has been rebooted or the service
has been restarted by running the service ovca restart command on the active management
node shell.
The following instructions must be followed for each of the two management nodes in your environment.
Adding Proxy Settings for a Management Node
1. Gain command line access to the management node. Usually this is achieved using SSH and logging
in as the root user with the global Oracle Private Cloud Appliance password.
2. Use the CLI, as described in Chapter 4, The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Command Line Interface
(CLI), to view or modify your proxy settings. The CLI safely reads and edits the /etc/ovca.conf file,
to prevent the possibility of configuration file corruption.
• To view the current values for the configurable settings in the configuration file run the CLI as follows:
# pca-admin show system-properties
Configuring Appliance Uplinks
Where IP is the IP address of your proxy server, and PORT is the TCP port on which it is listening.
If your proxy server expects a user name and password, these should be
provided when the proxy service is accessed. Do not specify credentials
as part of the proxy URL, because this implies that you send sensitive
information over a connection that is not secure.
3. Setting any single parameter automatically rewrites the configuration file and the proxy settings become
active immediately.
For the purpose of high availability, uplink ports are always configured in pairs on each spine switch. Each
port pair must operate in one of these modes, using the appropriate transceivers and cables:
For custom networks through spine switch ports 1-4, the port pairs and their mode of operation are
configured through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI. The configuration of the default uplink ports on
spine switch port 5 cannot be modified: it operates in 4x 10Gbit mode with ports 5/1 and 5/2 cross-cabled
to the ToR switches, while ports 5/3 and 5/4 remain unused.
Spine switch ports 1 and 2, and ports 3 and 4, must be configured at the same time. If one port uses a
breakout cable, then the other port must also be set up that way. All four ports on the same breakout cable
must be set to the same speed, but different breakout cables can be set up for different speeds.
Configuring Data Center Switches for VLAN Traffic
Each port pair on each individual spine switch must be cross-connected to two ToR
switches. Each port pair that is configured for external connectivity – identically
on both spine switches by definition – corresponds with a separate VLAN. The
deduplication of ports and switches is primarily for redundancy; the VLANs already
separate traffic.
The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance network infrastructure supports the use of VLANs by default. For this
purpose, the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15s are set to trunking mode to allow tagged data traffic.
Do not configure any type of link aggregation group (LAG) across the 10GbE ports:
LACP, network/interface bonding or similar methods to combine multiple network
connections are not supported.
You may implement VLANs for logical separation of different network segments, or to define security
boundaries between networks with different applications – just as you would with physical servers instead
of virtual machines.
However, to allow virtual machines hosted by the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance to communicate with
systems external to the appliance, you must update the configuration of your next-level data center
switches accordingly.
• The switch ports on the receiving end of the outbound appliance connections must be part of each VLAN
used within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance environment.
Changing the Oracle VM Agent Password
• The same ports must also be part of the network(s) connecting the external systems that your virtual
machines need to access. For example, WAN connectivity implies that virtual machines are able to
reach the public gateway in your data center. As an alternative to VLAN tagging, Layer 3 routing can be
used to connect to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.
Instructions to change the Oracle VM Agent password can be found at the following location: Change
Oracle VM Agent Passwords on Oracle VM Servers in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide for Release
Start by running the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader in verify-only mode. The steps are described
in Section 3.2.3, “Verifying Upgrade Readiness”. Fix any issues reported by the Upgrader and repeat the
verification procedure until all checks complete without errors. Then, proceed to the manual pre-upgrade
Performing Manual Pre-Upgrade Checks
Enter the WebLogic password when prompted. If the password is incorrect, the ovm_admin command
fails and exits with return code 1. If the password is correct, the command lists the users and exits with
return code of 0. In the event of an incorrect password, login to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance web
interface and change the wls-weblogic password to the expected password.
2. Check that no external storage LUNs are connected to the management nodes.
Verify that none of your external storage LUNs are visible from either management node. For more
details, refer to the support note with Doc ID 2148589.1.
If your system is InfiniBand-based and there are no Fibre Channel cards installed in the Fabric
Interconnects , you can skip this check.
Depending on the exact upgrade path you are following, xinetd may be upgraded. In this case,
modified settings are automatically reset to default. Make a note of your custom inet settings and
verify them after the upgrade process has completed. These setting changes are stored in the file /
Running Manual Pre- and Post-Upgrade Checks in Combination with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrader
As the root user on the master management node, download and run the script
number_of_jobs_and_objects.sh. It is attached to the support note with Doc ID 2442664.1 for
Controller Software release 2.3.4, or support note Doc ID 2605884.1 for Controller Software release
2.4.2. It returns the number of objects and the number of jobs in the database. Make a note of these
Reboot the master management node to ensure that the standby management node is capable of
taking over the master role.
6. Check the NFS protocol used for the internal ZFS Storage Appliance.
On both management nodes, run the command nfsstat -m. Each mounted share should use the
NFSv4 protocol.
If a proxy is configured for YUM, comment out or remove that line from the file.
When you have submitted your system to all pre-upgrade checks and you have verified that it is ready for
upgrade, execute the controller software update. The steps are described in Section 3.2.4, “Executing a
Controller Software Update”. After successfully upgrading the controller software, proceed to the manual
post-upgrade checks for management nodes and compute nodes.
Performing Manual Post-Upgrade Checks on the Management Nodes
If the names of the Unmanaged Storage Arrays are no longer displayed correctly after the upgrade,
follow the workaround documented in the support note with Doc ID 2244130.1.
In the Oracle VM Manager web UI, verify that none of these occur:
3. Check the status of all components in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard.
Verify that a green check mark appears to the right of each hardware component in the Hardware View,
and that no red error icons are present.
4. Check networks.
Verify that all networks – factory default and custom – are present and correctly configured.
Refer to the support note with Doc ID 2314504.1. Apply the corresponding steps and reboot the
compute node after the change has been made permanent.
Enabling Fibre Channel Connectivity on a Provisioned Appliance
Run the command rpm -q fm. If the package is not installed, run the following command:
# chkconfig ipmi on; service ipmi start; LFMA_UPDATE=1 /usr/bin/yum install fm -q -y -\-nogpgcheck
Start a test virtual machine and verify that networks are functioning. Migrate the virtual machine to a
compatible compute node to make sure that live migration works correctly.
However, for Oracle Server X8-2 and newer compute nodes, Fibre Channel
connectivity through the Fabric Interconnects is not supported. Instead, you must
use the (optional) physical FC HBA expansion cards. Refer to the section Extending
Storage Capacity of Ethernet-based Systems in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Installation Guide.
If you ordered an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance without factory-installed Fibre Channel I/O modules
and you decide to add external Fibre Channel storage at a later time, when the rack has already been
provisioned, your installation must meet these requirements:
• The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance controller software must be at Release 2.1.1 or later.
• A total of four Fibre Channel I/O modules must be installed in slots 3 and 12 of each Oracle Fabric
Interconnect F1-15.
Installation information for the optional Fibre Channel I/O modules can be found in the section entitled
Installing Optional Fibre Channel I/O Modules in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide.
This section provides detailed CLI instructions to configure the storage clouds and vHBAs associated with
Fibre Channel connectivity.
Configuring Storage Clouds and vHBAs for Fibre Channel Connectivity
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
Enabling Fibre Channel Connectivity on a Provisioned Appliance
Network_Name Description
------------ -----------
0 rows displayed
Status: Success
Compute_Node Status
------------ ------
ovcamn05r1 Succeeded
ovcamn06r1 Succeeded
2 rows displayed
Status: Success
Network_Name Description
------------ -----------
Cloud_A Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify
Cloud_B Default Storage Cloud ru22 port2 - Do not delete or modify
Cloud_C Default Storage Cloud ru15 port1 - Do not delete or modify
Cloud_D Default Storage Cloud ru15 port2 - Do not delete or modify
4 rows displayed
Status: Success
6. If the 4 storage clouds have been configured correctly, configure the vHBAs on all compute nodes.
PCA> configure vhbas ALL
Compute_Node Status
------------ ------
ovcacn07r1 Succeeded
ovcacn08r1 Succeeded
ovcacn36r1 Succeeded
ovcacn37r1 Succeeded
20 rows displayed
Status: Success
7. Verify that all clouds and vHBAs have been configured correctly.
PCA> list wwpn-info
Restoring a Backup After a Password Change
Status: Success
Network_Name Cloud_A
Description Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify
Ports ovcasw22r1:12:1, ovcasw22r1:3:1
vHBAs ovcacn07r1-vhba01, ovcacn08r1-vhba01, ovcacn10r1-vhba01, [...]
Status: Success
Network_Name Cloud_B
Description Default Storage Cloud ru22 port2 - Do not delete or modify
Ports ovcasw22r1:12:2, ovcasw22r1:3:2
vHBAs ovcacn07r1-vhba02, ovcacn08r1-vhba02, ovcacn10r1-vhba02, [...]
Status: Success
Network_Name Cloud_C
Description Default Storage Cloud ru15 port1 - Do not delete or modify
Ports ovcasw15r1:12:1, ovcasw15r1:3:1
vHBAs ovcacn07r1-vhba03, ovcacn08r1-vhba03, ovcacn10r1-vhba03, [...]
Status: Success
Network_Name Cloud_D
Description Default Storage Cloud ru15 port2 - Do not delete or modify
Ports ovcasw15r1:12:2, ovcasw15r1:3:2
vHBAs ovcacn07r1-vhba04, ovcacn08r1-vhba04, ovcacn10r1-vhba04, [...]
Status: Success
The system is now ready to integrate with external Fibre Channel storage. For detailed information and
instructions, refer to the section entitled Adding External Fibre Channel Storage in the Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance Installation Guide.
Restoring a Backup After a Password Change
mismatch, Oracle VM Manager cannot connect to its database and cannot be started, so you must first
make sure that the passwords are identical.
The steps below are not specific to the case where a password changed occurred
after the backup. They apply to any restore operation.
As of Release 2.3.1, which includes Oracle VM Manager 3.4.2, the database data
directory cleanup is built into the restore process, so that step can be skipped.
1. Create a manual backup of the Oracle VM Manager MySQL database to prevent inadvertent data loss.
On the command line of the active management node, run the following command:
2. In the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, change the Oracle MySQL database password back
to what it was at the time of the backup.
3. On the command line of the active management node, as root user, stop the Oracle VM Manager and
MySQL services, and then delete the MySQL data.
# service ovmm stop
# service ovmm_mysql stop
# cd /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data
# rm -rf appfw ibdata ib_logfile* mysql mysqld.err ovs performance_schema
Enabling SNMP Server Monitoring
$ su root
# service ovmm_mysql start
# service ovmm start
After both services have restarted successfully, the restore operation is complete.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the management node.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
• net-snmp-5.5-60.0.1.el6.x86_64.rpm
• net-snmp-libs-5.5-60.0.1.el6.x86_64.rpm
• net-snmp-utils-5.5-60.0.1.el6.x86_64.rpm
• ovca-snmp-0.9-3.el6.x86_64.rpm
• lm_sensors-libs-3.1.1-17.el6.x86_64.rpm
Using a Custom CA Certificate for SSL Encryption
SNMP is now ready for use on this management node. Besides the standard Oracle Linux MIBs, these
are also available:
• ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::ovcaVersion
• ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::ovcaSerial
• ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::ovcaStatus
• ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::nodeTable
Usage examples:
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public -O e ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::ovcaVersion
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public -O e ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::ovcaStatus
# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public -O e ORACLE-OVCA-MIB::nodeTable
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the compute node. It can be accessed
through the appliance internal management network.
ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcacn27r1 ~]#
2. Create an SNMP configuration file: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and make sure this line is included:
rocommunity public
5. Repeat this procedure on all other compute nodes installed in your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
Creating a Keystore
By default, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and Oracle VM Manager use a self-signed SSL certificate
for authentication. While it serves to provide SSL encryption for all HTTP traffic, it is recommended that
you obtain and install your own custom trusted certificate from a well-known and recognized Certificate
Authority (CA).
Both the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard and the Oracle VM Manager web interface run on
Oracle WebLogic Server. The functionality to update the digital certificate and keystore is provided by the
Oracle VM Key Tool in conjunction with the Java Keytool in the JDK. The tools are installed on the Oracle
Private Cloud Appliance management nodes.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the management node.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
3. Create a new keystore. Transfer ownership to user oracle in the user group dba.
# /u01/app/oracle/java/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias ca -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-keypass Welcome1 -storetype jks -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass Welcome1
# chown oracle.dba mykeystore.jks
4. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR). Transfer ownership to user oracle in the user group dba.
# /u01/app/oracle/java/bin/keytool -certreq -alias ca -file pcakey.csr \
-keypass Welcome1 -storetype jks -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass Welcome1
# chown oracle.dba pcakey.csr
6. For the signed files returned by the CA, transfer ownership to user oracle in the user group dba.
# chown oracle.dba ca_cert_file
# chown oracle.dba ssl_cert_file
Importing a Keystore
9. Use the setsslkey command to configure the system to use the new keystore.
# /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_upgrade/bin/ovmkeytool.sh setsslkey
Path for SSL keystore: /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/domains/ovm_domain/security/mykeystore.jks
Keystore password:
Alias of key to use as SSL key: ca
Key password:
Updating keystore information in WebLogic
Oracle MiddleWare Home (MW_HOME): [/u01/app/oracle/Middleware]
WebLogic domain directory: [/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/domains/ovm_domain]
Oracle WebLogic Server name: [AdminServer]
WebLogic username: [weblogic]
WebLogic password: [********]
WLST session logged at: /tmp/wlst-session5820685079094897641.log
11. Test the new SSL configuration by logging into the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. From
there, proceed to Oracle VM Manager with the button "Login to OVM Manager". The browser now
indicates that your connection is secure.
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the management node.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
3. Use the setsslkey command to configure the system to use the new keystore.
# /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_upgrade/bin/ovmkeytool.sh setsslkey
Path for SSL keystore: /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/domains/ovm_domain/security/mykeystore.jks
Keystore password:
Alias of key to use as SSL key: ca
Key password:
Updating keystore information in WebLogic
Reprovisioning a Compute Node when Provisioning Fails
5. Test the new SSL configuration by logging into the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard. From
there, proceed to Oracle VM Manager with the button "Login to OVM Manager". The browser now
indicates that your connection is secure.
3. Roll over the compute nodes that are in Error status or have become stuck in the provisioning process.
Deprovisioning and Replacing a Compute Node
4. If the compute node provisioning is incomplete and the server is in error status or stuck in an
intermittent state for several hours, click the Reprovision button in the pop-up window.
5. When the confirmation dialog box appears, click OK to start reprovisioning the compute node.
If compute node provisioning should fail after the server was added to the Oracle VM server pool,
additional recovery steps could be required. The cleanup mechanism associated with reprovisioning may
be unable to remove the compute node from the Oracle VM configuration. For example, when a server is in
locked state or owns the server pool master role, it must be unconfigured manually. In this case you need
to perform operations in Oracle VM Manager that are otherwise not permitted. You may also need to power
on the compute node manually.
Removing a Compute Node from the Oracle VM Configuration
For detailed instructions, see Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”.
2. Go to the Servers and VMs tab and verify that the server pool named Rack1_ServerPool does
indeed contain the compute node that fails to provision correctly.
3. If the compute node is locked due to a running job, abort it in the Jobs tab of Oracle VM Manager.
Detailed information about the use of jobs in Oracle VM can be found in the Oracle VM Manager User's
Guide. Refer to the section entitled Jobs Tab.
Refer to the section entitled Edit Server Pool in the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide. When editing the
server pool, move the compute node out of the list of selected servers. The compute node is moved to
the Unassigned Servers folder.
Refer to the Oracle VM Manager User's Guide and follow the instructions in the section entitled Delete
When the failing compute node has been removed from the Oracle VM configuration, return to the
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Dashboard, to reprovision it. If the compute node is powered off and
reprovisioning cannot be started, power on the server manually.
For detailed instructions, see Section 5.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”.
2. Migrate all virtual machines away from the compute node you wish to deprovision. If any VMs are
running on the compute node, the deprovision command fails.
Eliminating Time-Out Issues when Provisioning Compute Nodes
3. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the active management node, then
launch the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance command line interface.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# pca-admin
Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.4.2
4. Lock provisioning to make sure that the compute node cannot be reprovisioned immediately after
5. Deprovision the compute node you wish to remove. Repeat for additional compute nodes, if necessary.
Status: Success
6. When the necessary compute nodes have been deprovisioned successfully, release the provisioning
lock. The appliance resumes its normal operation.
When the necessary repairs have been completed, or when the replacement compute nodes are ready,
install the compute nodes into the rack and connect the necessary cables. The controller software detects
the new compute nodes and automatically launches the provisioning process.
The maximum task durations have been configured to reliably accommodate a standard base rack setup.
At a given point, however, the complexity of the existing configuration, when replicated to a large number
of compute nodes, increases the duration of tasks beyond their standard time-out. As a result, provisioning
failures occur.
Because many provisioning tasks have been designed to use a common time-out mechanism, this
problem cannot be resolved by simply increasing the global time-out. Doing so would decrease the overall
performance of the system. To overcome this issue, additional code has been implemented to allow a
Returning Oracle VM Server Pool to Operation After Network Services Restart
finer-grained definition of time-outs through a number of settings in a system configuration file: /var/lib/
If you run into time-out issues when provisioning additional compute nodes, it may be possible to resolve
them by tweaking specific time-out settings in the configuration. Depending on which job failures occur,
changing the storage_refresh_timeout, discover_server_timeout or other parameters could
allow the provisioning operations to complete successfully. These changes would need to be applied on
both management nodes.
Please contact your Oracle representative if your compute nodes fail to provision due to time-out issues.
Oracle product specialists can analyse these failures for you and recommend new time-out parameters
When network services are restarted on the master management node, the connection to the Oracle VM
management network ( bond0 ) is lost. By design, the bond0 interface is not brought up automatically on
boot, so that the virtual IP of the management cluster can be configured on the correct node, depending on
which management node assumes the master role. While the master management node is disconnected
from the Oracle VM management network, the Oracle VM Manager user interface reports that the compute
nodes in the server pool are offline.
The management node that becomes the master, runs the Oracle VM services necessary to bring up the
bond0 interface and configure the virtual IP within a few minutes. It is expected that the compute nodes in
the Oracle VM server pool return to their normal online status in the Oracle VM Manager user interface. If
the master management node does not reconnect automatically to the Oracle VM management network,
bring the bond0 interface up manually from the Oracle Linux shell.
Execute this procedure ONLY when so instructed by Oracle Support. This should
only be necessary in rare situations where the master management node fails to
connect automatically. You should never manually disconnect or restart networking
on any node.
Manually Reconnecting the Master Management Node to the Oracle VM Management Network
1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the disconnected master management
node on the appliance management network.
# ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
[root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
Recovering from Tenant Group Configuration Mismatches
When the interface reconnects successfully to the Oracle VM management network, the console output
looks similar to this:
# ifconfig bond0
bond0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:97:4E:B0:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::213:97ff:fe4e:b002/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:62191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:9183 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:4539474 (4.33 MB) TX bytes:1853641 (1.77 MB)
If you have inadvertently modified the configuration of a tenant group in Oracle VM Manager, follow the
instructions in this section to correct the inconsistent state of your environment.
If the operations described below do not resolve the issue, it could be necessary to
reprovision the affected compute nodes. This can result in downtime and data loss.
To correct this situation, first remove the server from the tenant group again in Oracle VM Manager. Then
add the server to the tenant group again using the correct method, which is through the Oracle Private
Cloud Appliance CLI. See Section 2.7.2, “Configuring Tenant Groups”.
As a result, Oracle VM Manager and Oracle Private Cloud Appliance are in sync again.
Configure Xen CPU Frequency Scaling for Best Performance
been removed, and the custom network configuration associated with the tenant group is not removed from
the server.
At this point, Oracle Private Cloud Appliance assumes that the server is still a member of the tenant group,
and any attempt to remove the server from the tenant group through the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
CLI results in an error:
PCA> remove server ovcacn09r1 myTenantGroup
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Failure
Error Message: Error (SERVER_001): Exception while trying to
remove the server ovcacn09r1 from tenant group myTenantGroup.
ovcacn09r1 is not a member of the Tenant Group myTenantGroup.
To correct this situation, use Oracle VM Manager to add the previously removed server to the tenant group
again. Then use the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance CLI to remove the server from the tenant group. See
Section 2.7.2, “Configuring Tenant Groups”. After the remove server command is applied successfully,
the server is taken out of the tenant group, custom network configurations are removed, and the server
is placed in the Unassigned Servers group in Oracle VM Manager. As a result, Oracle VM Manager and
Oracle Private Cloud Appliance are in sync again.
Certain versions of Oracle VM Server have the Current Governor set to ondemand by default, which
dynamically scales the CPU clock based on the load. Oracle recommends that on Oracle Private Cloud
Appliance compute nodes you run the Current Governor with the performance setting. Particularly if you
find that systems are not performing as expected after an upgrade of Oracle VM Server, make sure that
the Current Governor is configured correctly.
To verify the Current Governor setting of a compute node, log in using SSH and enter the following
command at the Oracle Linux prompt:
]# xenpm get-cpufreq-para
cpu id : 0
affected_cpus : 0
cpuinfo frequency : max [2301000] min [1200000] cur [2301000]
scaling_driver : acpi-cpufreq
scaling_avail_gov : userspace performance powersave ondemand
current_governor : performance
scaling_avail_freq : *2301000 2300000 2200000 2100000 2000000 1900000 1800000 1700000 1600000 1500000 140000
scaling frequency : max [2301000] min [1200000] cur [2301000]
turbo mode : enabled
The command lists all CPUs in the compute node. If the current_governor parameter is set to anything
other than performance, you should change the Current Governor configuration.
Configure Xen CPU Frequency Scaling for Best Performance
1. Add the xen cpu frequency setting to the /etc/default/grub template file, as shown in this
GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN="dom0_mem=max:6144M allowsuperpage dom0_vcpus_pin dom0_max_vcpus=20 cpufreq=xen:perfor
management network, 32
Index management node, 32
NTP, 32
Oracle Server X8-2replaceable components, 169
proxy, 216
public network, 32
A contrast, 28
accessibility, 28 CRU servicing
appliance NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion
architecture, 1 Switch, 210
backup, 22 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15, 211
hardware, 1, 2 Oracle Server X5-2, 191
high availability, 21 Oracle Server X6-2, 188
overview, 1, 1 Oracle Server X7-2, 186
provisioning, 1, 19 Oracle Server X8-2, 184
software, 1, 12 Oracle Switch ES1-24, 209
software update, 23 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES, 203
upgrader tool, 23 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES, 201
ASR Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, 198
introduction, 166 rack parts, 182
prerequisites, 167 Sun Server X3-2, 196
setup and asset activation, 167 Sun Server X4-2, 193
understanding ASR, 166 Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320, 207
authentication, 54 custom networking, 39
Auto Service Request configure on Ethernet architecture, 40
introduction, 166 configure on InfiniBand architecture, 44
prerequisites, 167 create and delete custom network, 39
setup and asset activation, 167
understanding ASR, 166
B Dashboard, 25, 32, 54
Hardware View, 28
backup, 22, 25
login, 26
restore after password change, 223
software, 12
data center connectivity
C configure uplinks, 217
certificate database
SSL encryption with custom CA certificate, 226 failover, 21
change password databases
Oracle VM Agent, 219 software, 14
compute node deprovision compute node, 230
deprovisioning, 230
failover, 22
provisioning, 19
provisioning failure, 229 electrostatic discharge safety, 181
replacement or repair, 230 ES1-24 switch
server information, 150 component servicing instructions, 209
time-outs when provisioning, 231 external networking
upgrade Oracle VM Server, 75 configure uplinks, 217
upgrade virtualization platform, 75 external storage
compute nodes enable fibre channel on provisioned appliance, 221
hardware, 5
configuration, 25 F
DNS, 32 Fabric Interconnect F1-15
initial setup, 32 component servicing instructions, 211
logging, 215 replaceable components, 180
failover N
compute node, 22
database, 22
configuration, 25
management node, 21
functional limitations, 35
networking, 22
limitations Ethernet architecture, 36
storage, 22
limitations InfiniBand architecture, 38
fibre channel
monitoring, 25
enable on provisioned appliance, 221
network customization, 39
font size, 28
configure on Ethernet architecture, 40
configure on InfiniBand architecture, 44
H create and delete custom network, 39
hardware, 2 Network Environment, 32
compute nodes, 5 networking
health monitoring, 57 configure uplinks, 217
identifying, 28 Ethernet architecture, 8
management nodes, 4 failover, 22
monitoring, 28 hardware, 8
networking, 8 InfiniBand architecture, 10
status, 28 proxy, 216
storage, 5 server pool offline after network restart, 232
view, 28 using VLANs, 218
health monitoring, 57 NM2-36P InfiniBand switch
high availability, 21 component servicing instructions, 210
replaceable components, 180
InfiniBand switch O
component servicing instructions, 210 operating systems
replaceable components, 180 software, 13
initial setup, 25 Oracle Server X5-2
component servicing instructions, 191
J replaceable components, 172
jobs and events, 163 Oracle Server X6-2
component servicing instructions, 188
replaceable components, 171
L Oracle Server X7-2
logging component servicing instructions, 186
configure, 215 replaceable components, 170
Oracle Server X8-2
M component servicing instructions, 184
management node Oracle VM, 145
failover, 21 Events, 163
initial setup, 32 Events perspective, 149
provisioning, 19 health, 149
update appliance controller software, 64 Info perspective, 149
management nodes Jobs, 163
hardware, 4 limitations, 146
monitoring, 57 login, 149
enabling SNMP, 225 monitoring, 149
hardware, 25, 28, 149 networking, 155
Oracle VM, 149 Reports and Resources, 163
Oracle VM Events perspective, 149 repositories, 153
Oracle VM Info perspective, 149 server pool offline after network restart, 232
virtual machine, 149 Servers and VMs, 150
storage, 161 Sun Server X3-2, 173
tagging, 163 Sun Server X4-2, 173
Oracle VM Agent Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320, 178
change password, 219 reset, 54
Oracle VM Manager
adding expansion nodes, 20 S
restore backup after password change, 223
server pool, 20
electrostatic discharge, 181
server pool mismatch with tenant group, 233
service precautions, 181
software, 13
screen reader, 28
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES
server pool
component servicing instructions, 203
offline after network restart, 232
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES, 7
tenant group configuration mismatch, 233
component servicing instructions, 201
service, 166
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, 5
ASR prerequisites, 167
component servicing instructions, 198
ASR setup and asset activation, 167
Auto Service Request, 166
P electrostatic discharge, 181
password, 54 preparations, 181
change Oracle VM Agent password, 219 replaceable components, 168
password change safety precautions, 181
failure restoring backup, 223 servicing Fabric Interconnect parts, 211
password management, 54 servicing NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand
password manager, 13 Expansion Switch parts, 210
power off procedure servicing Oracle Server X5-2 parts, 191
servicing, 182 servicing Oracle Server X6-2 parts, 188
provisioning, 19 servicing Oracle Server X7-2 parts, 186
compute node discovery, 19 servicing Oracle Server X8-2 parts, 184
compute node failure, 229 servicing Oracle Switch ES1-24 parts, 209
eliminate time-out issues, 231 servicing Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES
expansion node, 20 parts, 203
initialization, 19 servicing Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES
server pool configuration, 20 parts, 201
proxy servicing Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2 parts,
configure, 216 198
servicing rack parts, 182
R servicing Sun Server X3-2 parts, 196
servicing Sun Server X4-2 parts, 193
servicing Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 parts, 207
component servicing instructions, 182
understanding ASR, 166
replaceable components, 168
servicing the system
replaceable components
powering down, 182
NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion
Switch, 179
enable, 225
Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15, 180
software, 12
Oracle Server X5-2, 172
Dashboard, 12
Oracle Server X6-2, 171
databases, 13
Oracle Server X7-2, 170
operating systems, 13
Oracle Server X8-2, 169
Oracle VM Manager, 13
Oracle Switch ES1-24, 179
wallet, 13
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES, 176
software update, 23, 61
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS5-ES, 175
update appliance controller software, 64
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS7-2, 174
rack infrastructure, 168
upgrade existing compute node with new Oracle VM import, 150
Server, 75 installation media, 153
upgrader tool, 23, 64 ISOs, 153
SSL management, 145, 150
using custom certificate, 226 messaging, 150
storage migrate, 150
adding, 161 resources, 153
configuration, 161 templates, 153
enable fibre channel on provisioned appliance, 221 virtual appliances, 153
failover, 22 virtual disks, 153
hardware, 5 VNICs, 155
Storage Appliance VLAN
component servicing instructions, 198, 201, 203, 207 enabling VLAN traffic, 218
replaceable components, 174, 175, 177, 178
Sun Server X3-2 W
component servicing instructions, 196 wallet
replaceable components, 174 software, 13
Sun Server X4-2
component servicing instructions, 193
replaceable components, 173
ZFS Storage Appliance
Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320
component servicing instructions, 198, 201, 203, 207
component servicing instructions, 207
replaceable components, 174, 175, 177, 178
switch ES1-24
component servicing instructions, 209
replaceable components, 179
tagging resources, 163
tenant group
recovering from configuration mismatches, 233
update, 61
update appliance controller software, 64
upgrade Oracle VM Server, 75
upgrade virtualization platform, 75
upgrader tool, 23, 64
upgrader tool, 23
installation, 65
pre-checks, 66
update appliance controller software, 64, 68
upgrade readiness, 66
usage, 64
accepted configurations, 217
virtual machine
clone, 150
clone customizer, 153
console, 150
create, 150
delete, 150