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GlassFish Server Open Source Edition

Application Development Guide

Release 4.0

May 2013
This Application Development Guide describes how to
create and run Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE
platform) applications that follow the open Java standards
model for Java EE components and APIs in the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition environment. Topics include
developer tools, security, and debugging. This book is
intended for use by software developers who create,
assemble, and deploy Java EE applications using Oracle
servers and software.
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Development Guide, Release 4.0

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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv

Part I Development Tasks and Tools

1 Setting Up a Development Environment

Installing and Preparing the Server for Development ..................................................................... 1-1
High Availability Features ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
Development Tools .................................................................................................................................. 1-2
The asadmin Command..................................................................................................................... 1-2
The Administration Console ............................................................................................................ 1-3
The Migration Tool ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
The NetBeans IDE .............................................................................................................................. 1-3
The Eclipse IDE................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Debugging Tools ................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Profiling Tools .................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Sample Applications................................................................................................................................ 1-3

2 Class Loaders
The Class Loader Hierarchy ................................................................................................................... 2-1
Delegation.................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Using the Java Optional Package Mechanism.................................................................................... 2-3
Using the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism....................................................................... 2-3
Class Loader Universes ........................................................................................................................... 2-3
Application-Specific Class Loading ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Circumventing Class Loader Isolation................................................................................................. 2-5
Using the Common Class Loader .................................................................................................... 2-5
Sharing Libraries Across a Cluster .................................................................................................. 2-5
Packaging the Client JAR for One Application in Another Application ................................... 2-5
To Package the Client JAR for One Application in Another Application ................................. 2-6

3 Debugging Applications
Enabling Debugging................................................................................................................................ 3-1
To Set the Server to Automatically Start Up in Debug Mode...................................................... 3-2
JPDA Options............................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Generating a Stack Trace for Debugging............................................................................................. 3-2

Application Client Debugging .............................................................................................................. 3-2
Open Message Queue Debugging ........................................................................................................ 3-3
Enabling Verbose Mode.......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Class Loader Debugging......................................................................................................................... 3-3
GlassFish Server Logging ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
Profiling Tools........................................................................................................................................... 3-4
The NetBeans Profiler........................................................................................................................ 3-4
The HPROF Profiler........................................................................................................................... 3-4
The JProbe Profiler ............................................................................................................................. 3-6

Part II Developing Applications and Application Components

4 Securing Applications
Security Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 4-1
GlassFish Server Specific Security Features ....................................................................................... 4-2
Container Security.................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Declarative Security ........................................................................................................................... 4-2
Programmatic Security ...................................................................................................................... 4-3
Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping............................................................................. 4-4
Realm Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 4-5
Supported Realms .............................................................................................................................. 4-5
How to Configure a Realm ............................................................................................................... 4-5
How to Set a Realm for an Application or Module....................................................................... 4-6
Creating a Custom Realm ................................................................................................................. 4-6
JACC Support............................................................................................................................................ 4-8
Pluggable Audit Module Support ........................................................................................................ 4-9
Configuring an Audit Module ......................................................................................................... 4-9
The AuditModule Class ...................................................................................................................... 4-9
The server.policy File ........................................................................................................................ 4-10
Default Permissions ........................................................................................................................ 4-10
System Properties............................................................................................................................ 4-11
Changing Permissions for an Application .................................................................................. 4-11
Enabling and Disabling the Security Manager ........................................................................... 4-13
Configuring Message Security for Web Services............................................................................ 4-14
Message Security Providers........................................................................................................... 4-15
Message Security Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 4-16
Application-Specific Message Protection .................................................................................... 4-17
Understanding and Running the Sample Application .............................................................. 4-20
Programmatic Login.............................................................................................................................. 4-22
Programmatic Login Precautions ................................................................................................. 4-22
Granting Programmatic Login Permission ................................................................................. 4-23
The ProgrammaticLogin Class....................................................................................................... 4-23
User Authentication for Single Sign-on ........................................................................................... 4-24
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container.................................................... 4-25
The GlassFish Server and JSR 196................................................................................................. 4-26
Writing a Server Authentication Module .................................................................................... 4-26
Sample Server Authentication Module........................................................................................ 4-28

Compiling and Installing a Server Authentication Module ..................................................... 4-31
Configuring a Server Authentication Module ............................................................................ 4-31
Binding a Server Authentication Module to Your Application ............................................... 4-32

5 Developing Web Services

Creating Portable Web Service Artifacts.............................................................................................. 5-2
Deploying a Web Service........................................................................................................................ 5-2
The Web Service URI, WSDL File, and Test Page.............................................................................. 5-2
The Databinding Provider...................................................................................................................... 5-3
GlassFish Java EE Service Engine ......................................................................................................... 5-4
Using the jbi.xml File....................................................................................................................... 5-5

6 Configuring the Java Persistence Provider

Overview of Oracle TopLink.................................................................................................................. 6-1
Using Oracle TopLink in GlassFish Server......................................................................................... 6-2
Specifying the Database for an Application....................................................................................... 6-3
Specifying the Persistence Provider for an Application................................................................... 6-4
Primary Key Generation Defaults ........................................................................................................ 6-5
Automatic Schema Generation.............................................................................................................. 6-6
Annotations......................................................................................................................................... 6-6
Generation Options............................................................................................................................ 6-6
Restrictions and Optimizations............................................................................................................. 6-8
Oracle Database Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 6-8
Extended Persistence Context .......................................................................................................... 6-8
Using @OrderBy with a Shared Session Cache ............................................................................. 6-8
Using BLOB or CLOB Types with the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver ................................................. 6-9
Database Case Sensitivity ................................................................................................................. 6-9
Sybase Finder Limitation ............................................................................................................... 6-10
MySQL Database Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 6-10

7 Developing Web Applications

Using Servlets ........................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Caching Servlet Results ..................................................................................................................... 7-2
About the Servlet Engine .................................................................................................................. 7-4
Using JavaServer Pages ........................................................................................................................... 7-5
JSP Tag Libraries and Standard Portable Tags .............................................................................. 7-6
JSP Caching ......................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Options for Compiling JSP Files ...................................................................................................... 7-9
Creating and Managing Sessions.......................................................................................................... 7-9
Configuring Sessions ......................................................................................................................... 7-9
Session Managers ............................................................................................................................ 7-12
Using Comet ........................................................................................................................................... 7-15
Introduction to Comet .................................................................................................................... 7-15
Grizzly Comet.................................................................................................................................. 7-17
Bayeux Protocol............................................................................................................................... 7-25
Advanced Web Application Features ................................................................................................ 7-27

Internationalization Issues............................................................................................................. 7-27
Virtual Server Properties................................................................................................................ 7-28
Class Loader Delegation ................................................................................................................ 7-28
Using the default-web.xml File ................................................................................................... 7-29
Configuring Logging and Monitoring in the Web Container .................................................. 7-29
Configuring Idempotent URL Requests ...................................................................................... 7-30
Header Management ...................................................................................................................... 7-31
Configuring Valves and Catalina Listeners ................................................................................ 7-31
Alternate Document Roots ............................................................................................................ 7-31
Using a context.xml File ................................................................................................................. 7-32
Enabling WebDav ........................................................................................................................... 7-33
Using SSI........................................................................................................................................... 7-34
Using CGI ......................................................................................................................................... 7-35

8 Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

Value Added Features.............................................................................................................................. 8-1
Read-Only Beans ................................................................................................................................ 8-2
The pass-by-reference Element .................................................................................................... 8-2
Pooling and Caching.......................................................................................................................... 8-2
Priority Based Scheduling of Remote Bean Invocations .............................................................. 8-3
Immediate Flushing ........................................................................................................................... 8-4
EJB Timer Service ..................................................................................................................................... 8-4
To Deploy an EJB Timer to a Cluster .............................................................................................. 8-5
Using Session Beans ................................................................................................................................ 8-6
About the Session Bean Containers................................................................................................. 8-7
Stateful Session Bean Failover.......................................................................................................... 8-8
Session Bean Restrictions and Optimizations ............................................................................. 8-12
Using Read-Only Beans ....................................................................................................................... 8-13
Read-Only Bean Characteristics and Life Cycle ......................................................................... 8-13
Read-Only Bean Good Practices ................................................................................................... 8-14
Refreshing Read-Only Beans ......................................................................................................... 8-14
Deploying Read-Only Beans ......................................................................................................... 8-15
Using Message-Driven Beans ............................................................................................................. 8-16
Message-Driven Bean Configuration ........................................................................................... 8-16
Message-Driven Bean Restrictions and Optimizations ............................................................. 8-17

9 Using Container-Managed Persistence

GlassFish Server Support for CMP....................................................................................................... 9-1
CMP Mapping........................................................................................................................................... 9-2
Mapping Capabilities ........................................................................................................................ 9-2
The Mapping Deployment Descriptor File .................................................................................... 9-2
Mapping Considerations................................................................................................................... 9-3
Automatic Schema Generation for CMP ............................................................................................. 9-5
Supported Data Types for CMP....................................................................................................... 9-6
Generation Options for CMP............................................................................................................ 9-8
Schema Capture ..................................................................................................................................... 9-10
Automatic Database Schema Capture.......................................................................................... 9-11

Using the capture-schema Utility ................................................................................................ 9-11
Configuring the CMP Resource ......................................................................................................... 9-11
Performance-Related Features ............................................................................................................ 9-12
Version Column Consistency Checking ...................................................................................... 9-12
Relationship Prefetching ................................................................................................................ 9-13
Read-Only Beans ............................................................................................................................. 9-13
Default Fetch Group Flags................................................................................................................... 9-14
Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders.................................................................................................. 9-14
About JDOQL Queries ................................................................................................................... 9-14
Query Filter Expression.................................................................................................................. 9-15
Query Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 9-16
Query Variables............................................................................................................................... 9-16
JDOQL Examples ............................................................................................................................ 9-16
CMP Restrictions and Optimizations ............................................................................................... 9-17
Disabling ORDER BY Validation.................................................................................................. 9-18
Setting the Heap Size on DB2 ........................................................................................................ 9-18
Eager Loading of Field State.......................................................................................................... 9-18
Restrictions on Remote Interfaces................................................................................................. 9-18
PostgreSQL Case Insensitivity ...................................................................................................... 9-19
No Support for lock-when-loaded on Sybase ............................................................................ 9-19
Sybase Finder Limitation ............................................................................................................... 9-19
Date and Time Fields ...................................................................................................................... 9-19
Set RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS to false on MSSQL ............................................................................ 9-20
MySQL Database Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 9-20

10 Developing Java Clients

Introducing the Application Client Container ................................................................................ 10-1
ACC Security ................................................................................................................................... 10-2
ACC Naming ................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Application Client Annotation...................................................................................................... 10-2
Java Web Start.................................................................................................................................. 10-2
Application Client JAR File ........................................................................................................... 10-2
Developing Clients Using the ACC................................................................................................... 10-2
To Access an EJB Component From an Application Client ...................................................... 10-3
To Access a JMS Resource From an Application Client ............................................................ 10-5
Using Java Web Start ...................................................................................................................... 10-6
Using the Embeddable ACC........................................................................................................ 10-14
Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script .................................................. 10-15
Using the package-appclient Script ......................................................................................... 10-16
The client.policy File................................................................................................................ 10-16
Using RMI/IIOP Over SSL .......................................................................................................... 10-16
Connecting to a Remote EJB Module Through a Firewall ...................................................... 10-17
Specifying a Splash Screen........................................................................................................... 10-18
Setting Login Retries..................................................................................................................... 10-18
Using Libraries with Application Clients.................................................................................. 10-19
Developing Clients Without the ACC............................................................................................. 10-19
To access an EJB component from a stand-alone client........................................................... 10-19

To access an EJB component from a server-side module ........................................................ 10-20
To access a JMS resource from a stand-alone client ................................................................. 10-22

11 Developing Connectors
Connector Support in the GlassFish Server..................................................................................... 11-2
Connector Architecture for JMS and JDBC ................................................................................. 11-2
Connector Configuration ............................................................................................................... 11-2
Advanced Connector Configuration Options.................................................................................. 11-3
Thread Associations........................................................................................................................ 11-3
Security Maps .................................................................................................................................. 11-4
Work Security Maps ....................................................................................................................... 11-4
Overriding Configuration Properties........................................................................................... 11-4
Testing a Connector Connection Pool.......................................................................................... 11-5
Flushing a Connector Connection Pool ....................................................................................... 11-5
Handling Invalid Connections ...................................................................................................... 11-5
Setting the Shutdown Timeout ..................................................................................................... 11-6
Specifying the Class Loading Policy ............................................................................................ 11-7
Using Last Agent Optimization of Transactions ........................................................................ 11-7
Disabling Pooling for a Connection.............................................................................................. 11-7
Using Application-Scoped Connectors........................................................................................ 11-7
Inbound Communication Support .................................................................................................... 11-8
Outbound Communication Support ................................................................................................. 11-8
Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter ............................................... 11-8

12 Developing Lifecycle Listeners

Server Life Cycle Events ...................................................................................................................... 12-1
The LifecycleListener Interface .......................................................................................................... 12-2
The LifecycleEvent Class ................................................................................................................... 12-2
The Server Lifecycle Event Context ................................................................................................... 12-2
Deploying a Lifecycle Module ........................................................................................................... 12-3
Considerations for Lifecycle Modules .............................................................................................. 12-3

13 Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications

Overview of OSGi Application and GlassFish Server .................................................................. 13-1
Benefits of Using OSGi in Enterprise Java Applications ........................................................... 13-2
Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server ..................................................... 13-2
Developing Plain OSGi Bundles ................................................................................................... 13-3
Developing Web Application Bundles ........................................................................................ 13-5
Developing EJB Application Bundles .......................................................................................... 13-7
Deploying OSGi Bundles in GlassFish Server ............................................................................... 13-8

Part III Using Services and APIs

14 Using the JDBC API for Database Access

Statements............................................................................................................................................... 14-1
Using an Initialization Statement.................................................................................................. 14-2

Setting a Statement Timeout.......................................................................................................... 14-2
Statement Leak Detection and Leaked Statement Reclamation ............................................... 14-2
Statement Caching .......................................................................................................................... 14-3
Statement Tracing ........................................................................................................................... 14-3
Connections ............................................................................................................................................ 14-5
Transparent Pool Reconfiguration................................................................................................ 14-5
Disabling Pooling ............................................................................................................................ 14-6
Associating Connections with Threads ....................................................................................... 14-6
Custom Connection Validation..................................................................................................... 14-7
Sharing Connections ....................................................................................................................... 14-8
Marking Bad Connections ............................................................................................................. 14-8
Handling Invalid Connections ...................................................................................................... 14-8
Connection Wrapping........................................................................................................................... 14-9
Wrapping Connections................................................................................................................... 14-9
Obtaining a Physical Connection From a Wrapped Connection ........................................... 14-10
Using the Connection.unwrap() Method ................................................................................. 14-10
Allowing Non-Component Callers.................................................................................................. 14-10
Using Application-Scoped Resources ............................................................................................. 14-11
Restrictions and Optimizations........................................................................................................ 14-11
Disabling Stored Procedure Creation on Sybase...................................................................... 14-11

15 Using the Transaction Service

Handling Transactions with Databases ............................................................................................ 15-1
Using JDBC Transaction Isolation Levels.................................................................................... 15-1
Using Non-Transactional Connections ........................................................................................ 15-3
Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans ................................................................................ 15-4
Flat Transactions ............................................................................................................................. 15-4
Global and Local Transactions ...................................................................................................... 15-4
Commit Options .............................................................................................................................. 15-5
Bean-Level Container-Managed Transaction Timeouts............................................................ 15-5
Handling Transactions with the Java Message Service ................................................................. 15-6
Transactions and Non-Persistent Messages ................................................................................ 15-6
Using the ConfigurableTransactionSupport Interface............................................................... 15-6
The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and UserTransaction 15-6

16 Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface

Accessing the Naming Context........................................................................................................... 16-1
Portable Global JNDI Names......................................................................................................... 16-2
GlassFish Server V2 Vendor-Specific Global JNDI Names....................................................... 16-2
Disabling GlassFish Server V2 JNDI Names............................................................................... 16-3
Accessing EJB Components Using the CosNaming Naming Context ....................................... 16-3
Accessing EJB Components in a Remote GlassFish Server....................................................... 16-4
Naming Environment for Lifecycle Modules ............................................................................. 16-5
Configuring Resources......................................................................................................................... 16-5
External JNDI Resources ................................................................................................................ 16-5
Custom Resources........................................................................................................................... 16-5

Built-in Factories for Custom Resources...................................................................................... 16-6
Using Application-Scoped Resources .......................................................................................... 16-7
Using a Custom File .............................................................................................. 16-8
Mapping References ............................................................................................................................. 16-8

17 Using the Java Message Service

Using Application-Scoped JMS Resources ...................................................................................... 17-1
Load-Balanced Message Inflow.......................................................................................................... 17-1
Authentication With ConnectionFactory ......................................................................................... 17-2
Delivering SOAP Messages Using the JMS API ............................................................................ 17-2
To Send SOAP Messages Using the JMS API ............................................................................. 17-2
To Receive SOAP Messages Using the JMS API......................................................................... 17-4

18 Using the JavaMail API

Introducing JavaMail............................................................................................................................ 18-1
Creating a JavaMail Session................................................................................................................ 18-2
JavaMail Session Properties................................................................................................................ 18-2
Looking Up a JavaMail Session.......................................................................................................... 18-2
Sending and Reading Messages Using JavaMail ........................................................................... 18-2
To Send a Message Using JavaMail.............................................................................................. 18-2
To Read a Message Using JavaMail.............................................................................................. 18-3
Using Application-Scoped JavaMail Resources.............................................................................. 18-4

List of Examples
13–1 Example of a WAB Using CDI ............................................................................................... 13-7

List of Figures

List of Tables
2–1 Oracle GlassFish Server Class Loaders................................................................................... 2-2
4–1 Predefined System Properties ............................................................................................... 4-11
4–2 Message Security Provider Properties ................................................................................. 4-16
6–1 The asadmin deploy and asadmin deploydir Generation Options .................................. 6-7
6–2 The asadmin undeploy Generation Options.......................................................................... 6-7
7–1 The cache Attributes ................................................................................................................. 7-7
7–2 The flush Attributes ................................................................................................................. 7-8
7–3 Object Types Supported for Java EE Web Application Session State Failover.............. 7-11
7–4 SSIServlet init-param Values ............................................................................................ 7-35
7–5 CGIServlet init-param Values ............................................................................................ 7-36
8–1 Object Types Supported for Java EE Stateful Session Bean State Failover........................ 8-9
9–1 Java Type to JDBC Type Mappings for CMP......................................................................... 9-6
9–2 Mappings of JDBC Types to Database Vendor Specific Types for CMP ........................... 9-7
9–3 The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml Generation Elements ............................................................. 9-8
9–4 The asadmin deploy and asadmin deploydir Generation Options for CMP .................. 9-9
9–5 The asadmin undeploy Generation Options for CMP....................................................... 9-10
10–1 Owned JNLP File Content ................................................................................................... 10-13
10–2 Defaulted JNLP File Content............................................................................................... 10-13
10–3 Merged JNLP File Content .................................................................................................. 10-14
15–1 Transaction Isolation Levels.................................................................................................. 15-2


This Application Development Guide describes how to create and run Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications that follow the open Java standards
model for Java EE components and APIs in the Oracle GlassFish Server environment.
Topics include developer tools, security, and debugging. This book is intended for use
by software developers who create, assemble, and deploy Java EE applications using
Oracle servers and software.
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition (GlassFish Server) documentation set.
GlassFish Server 4.0 is developed through the GlassFish project open-source
community at The GlassFish project provides a
structured process for developing the GlassFish Server platform that makes the new
features of the Java EE platform available faster, while maintaining the most important
feature of Java EE: compatibility. It enables Java developers to access the GlassFish
Server source code and to contribute to the development of the GlassFish Server. The
GlassFish project is designed to encourage communication between Oracle engineers
and the community.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ GlassFish Server Documentation Set
■ Related Documentation
■ Typographic Conventions
■ Symbol Conventions
■ Default Paths and File Names
■ Documentation, Support, and Training
■ Searching Oracle Product Documentation
■ Documentation Accessibility

GlassFish Server Documentation Set

The GlassFish Server documentation set describes deployment planning and system
installation. For an introduction to GlassFish Server, refer to the books in the order in
which they are listed in the following table.

Book Title Description
Release Notes Provides late-breaking information about the software and the
documentation and includes a comprehensive, table-based
summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java
Development Kit (JDK), and database drivers.
Quick Start Guide Explains how to get started with the GlassFish Server product.
Installation Guide Explains how to install the software and its components.
Upgrade Guide Explains how to upgrade to the latest version of GlassFish Server.
This guide also describes differences between adjacent product
releases and configuration options that can result in
incompatibility with the product specifications.
Deployment Planning Guide Explains how to build a production deployment of GlassFish
Server that meets the requirements of your system and enterprise.
Administration Guide Explains how to configure, monitor, and manage GlassFish Server
subsystems and components from the command line by using the
asadmin utility. Instructions for performing these tasks from the
Administration Console are provided in the Administration
Console online help.
Security Guide Provides instructions for configuring and administering GlassFish
Server security.
Application Deployment Explains how to assemble and deploy applications to the
Guide GlassFish Server and provides information about deployment
Application Development Explains how to create and implement Java Platform, Enterprise
Guide Edition (Java EE platform) applications that are intended to run
on the GlassFish Server. These applications follow the open Java
standards model for Java EE components and application
programmer interfaces (APIs). This guide provides information
about developer tools, security, and debugging.
Embedded Server Guide Explains how to run applications in embedded GlassFish Server
and to develop applications in which GlassFish Server is
High Availability Explains how to configure GlassFish Server to provide higher
Administration Guide availability and scalability through failover and load balancing.
Performance Tuning Guide Explains how to optimize the performance of GlassFish Server.
Troubleshooting Guide Describes common problems that you might encounter when
using GlassFish Server and explains how to solve them.
Error Message Reference Describes error messages that you might encounter when using
GlassFish Server.
Reference Manual Provides reference information in man page format for GlassFish
Server administration commands, utility commands, and related
Message Queue Release Describes new features, compatibility issues, and existing bugs for
Notes Open Message Queue.
Message Queue Technical Provides an introduction to the technology, concepts, architecture,
Overview capabilities, and features of the Message Queue messaging
Message Queue Explains how to set up and manage a Message Queue messaging
Administration Guide system.

Book Title Description
Message Queue Developer's Describes the application programming interface in Message
Guide for JMX Clients Queue for programmatically configuring and monitoring Message
Queue resources in conformance with the Java Management
Extensions (JMX).
Message Queue Developer's Provides information about concepts and procedures for
Guide for Java Clients developing Java messaging applications (Java clients) that work
with GlassFish Server.
Message Queue Developer's Provides programming and reference information for developers
Guide for C Clients working with Message Queue who want to use the C language
binding to the Message Queue messaging service to send, receive,
and process Message Queue messages.

Related Documentation
The following tutorials explain how to develop Java EE applications:
■ Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform
( For beginning Java
EE programmers, this short tutorial explains the entire process for developing a
simple enterprise application. The sample application is a web application that
consists of a component that is based on the Enterprise JavaBeans specification, a
JAX-RS web service, and a JavaServer Faces component for the web front end.
■ The Java EE 7 Tutorial
( This
comprehensive tutorial explains how to use Java EE 7 platform technologies and
APIs to develop Java EE applications.
Javadoc tool reference documentation for packages that are provided with GlassFish
Server is available as follows.
■ The API specification for version 7 of Java EE is located at
■ The API specification for GlassFish Server 4.0, including Java EE 7 platform
packages and nonplatform packages that are specific to the GlassFish Server
product, is located at
Additionally, the Java EE Specifications
might be useful.
For information about creating enterprise applications in the NetBeans Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), see the NetBeans Documentation, Training &
Support page (
For information about the Java DB database for use with the GlassFish Server, see the
Java DB product page
The Java EE Samples project is a collection of sample applications that demonstrate a
broad range of Java EE technologies. The Java EE Samples are bundled with the Java
EE Software Development Kit (SDK) and are also available from the Java EE Samples
project page (

Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.

Typeface Meaning Example

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, Edit your .login file.
and directories, and onscreen
Use ls a to list all files.
computer output
machine_name% you have mail.
AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with machine_name% su
onscreen computer output
AaBbCc123 A placeholder to be replaced with The command to remove a file is rm filename.
a real name or value
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new terms, and terms Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
to be emphasized (note that some
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
emphasized items appear bold
online) Do not save the file.

Symbol Conventions
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.

Symbol Description Example Meaning

[ ] Contains optional ls [-l] The -l option is not required.
arguments and
command options.
{ | } Contains a set of -d {y|n} The -d option requires that you
choices for a required use either the y argument or the
command option. n argument.
${ } Indicates a variable ${com.sun.javaRoot} References the value of the
reference. com.sun.javaRoot variable.
- Joins simultaneous Control-A Press the Control key while you
multiple keystrokes. press the A key.
+ Joins consecutive Ctrl+A+N Press the Control key, release it,
multiple keystrokes. and then press the subsequent
> Indicates menu item File > New > Templates From the File menu, choose
selection in a graphical New. From the New submenu,
user interface. choose Templates.

Default Paths and File Names

The following table describes the default paths and file names that are used in this

Placeholder Description Default Value

as-install Represents the base installation Installations on the Oracle Solaris operating system, Linux
directory for GlassFish Server. operating system, and Mac OS operating system:
In configuration files, as-install is user's-home-directory/glassfish3/glassfish
represented as follows:
Installations on the Windows operating system:

Placeholder Description Default Value
as-install-parent Represents the parent of the base Installations on the Oracle Solaris operating system, Linux
installation directory for GlassFish operating system, and Mac operating system:
Installations on the Windows operating system:
domain-root-dir Represents the directory in which a as-install/domains/
domain is created by default.
domain-dir Represents the directory in which a domain-root-dir/domain-name
domain's configuration is stored.
In configuration files, domain-dir is
represented as follows:
instance-dir Represents the directory for a server domain-dir/instance-name

Documentation, Support, and Training

The Oracle web site provides information about the following additional resources:
■ Documentation (
■ Support (
■ Training (

Searching Oracle Product Documentation

Besides searching Oracle product documentation from the Oracle Documentation
( web site, you can use a search engine by typing the
following syntax in the search field:

For example, to search for "broker," type the following:


Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are
hearing impaired.

Part I
Part I Development Tasks and Tools
1Setting Up a Development Environment

This chapter gives guidelines for setting up an application development environment

in the Oracle GlassFish Server. Setting up an environment for creating, assembling,
deploying, and debugging your code involves installing the mainstream version of the
GlassFish Server and making use of development tools. In addition, sample
applications are available.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Installing and Preparing the Server for Development
■ High Availability Features
■ Development Tools
■ Sample Applications

Installing and Preparing the Server for Development

For more information about GlassFish Server installation, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Installation Guide.
The following components are included in the full installation.
■ GlassFish Server core
– Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 7
– Java EE 7 compliant application server
– Administration Console
– asadmin utility
– Other development and deployment tools
– Open Message Queue software
– Java DB database, based on the Derby database from Apache
– Load balancer plug-ins for web servers
The NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) bundles the GlassFish
edition of the GlassFish Server, so information about this IDE is provided as well.
After you have installed GlassFish Server, you can further optimize the server for
development in these ways:

Setting Up a Development Environment 1-1

High Availability Features

■ Locate utility classes and libraries so they can be accessed by the proper class
loaders. For more information, see Using the Common Class Loader.
■ Set up debugging. For more information, see Debugging Applications.
■ Configure the Virtual Machine for the Java platform (JVM software). For more
information, see "Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

High Availability Features

High availability features such as load balancing and session failover are discussed in
detail in the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition High Availability Administration Guide.
This book describes the following features in the following sections:
■ For information about HTTP session persistence, see Distributed Sessions and
■ For information about checkpointing of the stateful session bean state, see Stateful
Session Bean Failover.
■ For information about failover and load balancing for Java clients, see Developing
Java Clients.
■ For information about load balancing for message-driven beans, see
Load-Balanced Message Inflow.

Development Tools
The following general tools are provided with the GlassFish Server:
■ The asadmin Command
■ The Administration Console
The following development tools are provided with the GlassFish Server or
downloadable from Oracle:
■ The Migration Tool
■ The NetBeans IDE
The following third-party tools might also be useful:
■ The Eclipse IDE
■ Debugging Tools
■ Profiling Tools

The asadmin Command

The asadmin command allows you to configure a local or remote server and perform
both administrative and development tasks at the command line. For general
information about asadmin, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
The asadmin command is located in the as-install/bin directory. Type asadmin help for
a list of subcommands.

1-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Sample Applications

The Administration Console

The Administration Console lets you configure the server and perform both
administrative and development tasks using a web browser. For general information
about the Administration Console, click the Help button in the Administration
Console. This displays the GlassFish Server online help.
To access the Administration Console, type in your browser. The
host is the name of the machine on which the GlassFish Server is running. By default,
the host is localhost. For example:

The Migration Tool

The Migration Tool converts and reassembles Java EE applications and modules
developed on other application servers. This tool also generates a report listing how
many files are successfully and unsuccessfully migrated, with reasons for migration
failure. For more information and to download the Migration Tool, see

The NetBeans IDE

The NetBeans IDE allows you to create, assemble, and debug code from a single,
easy-to-use interface. The GlassFish edition of the GlassFish Server is bundled with the
NetBeans 6.1 IDE. To download the NetBeans IDE, see
This site also provides documentation on how to use the NetBeans IDE with the
bundled GlassFish edition of the GlassFish Server.
You can also use the GlassFish Server with the Java Studio Enterprise software, which
is built on the NetBeans IDE. For more information, see

The Eclipse IDE

A plug-in for the Eclipse IDE is available at This site also provides documentation
on how to register the GlassFish Server and use GlassFish Server deployment

Debugging Tools
You can use several debugging tools with the GlassFish Server. For more information,
see Debugging Applications.

Profiling Tools
You can use several profilers with the GlassFish Server. For more information, see
Profiling Tools.

Sample Applications
Sample applications that you can examine and deploy to the GlassFish Server are
available. If you installed the GlassFish Server as part of installing the Java EE 7 SDK
bundle from Java EE 7 Downloads

Setting Up a Development Environment 1-3

Sample Applications

tml), the samples may already be installed. You can download these samples
separately from the Code Samples
ex.html) page if you installed the GlassFish Server without them initially.
Most GlassFish Server samples have the following directory structure:
■ The docs directory contains instructions for how to use the sample.
■ The build.xml file defines Ant targets for the sample.
■ The src/java directory under each component contains source code for the
■ The src/conf directory under each component contains the deployment
With a few exceptions, sample applications follow the standard directory structure
described here:
The samples-install-dir/bp-project/main.xml file defines properties common to all
sample applications and implements targets needed to compile, assemble, deploy, and
undeploy sample applications. In most sample applications, the build.xml file imports
In addition to the Java EE 7 sample applications, samples are also available at
GlassFish Samples ( and at

1-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
2Class Loaders

Understanding Oracle GlassFish Server class loaders can help you determine where to
place supporting JAR and resource files for your modules and applications. For
general information about J2SE class loaders, see Understanding Network Class
In a JVM implementation, the class loaders dynamically load a specific Java class file
needed for resolving a dependency. For example, when an instance of
java.util.Enumeration needs to be created, one of the class loaders loads the relevant
class into the environment.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ The Class Loader Hierarchy
■ Delegation
■ Using the Java Optional Package Mechanism
■ Using the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism
■ Class Loader Universes
■ Application-Specific Class Loading
■ Circumventing Class Loader Isolation

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318

For information about class loader debugging, see Class Loader Debugging.

The Class Loader Hierarchy

Class loaders in the GlassFish Server runtime follow a delegation hierarchy that is
fully described in Table 2–1.
The following table describes the class loaders in the GlassFish Server.

Class Loaders 2-1


Table 2–1 Oracle GlassFish Server Class Loaders

Class Loader Description
Bootstrap The Bootstrap class loader loads the basic runtime classes provided by the
JVM software.
Extension The Extension class loader loads classes from JAR files present in the system
extensions directory, domain-dir/lib/ext. It is parent to the Public API class
loader. See Using the Java Optional Package Mechanism.
Public API The Public API class loader makes available all classes specifically exported
by the GlassFish Server runtime for use by deployed applications. This
includes, but is not limited to, Java EE APIs and other Oracle APIs. It is
parent to the Common class loader.
Common The Common class loader loads JAR files in the as-install/lib directory,
followed by JAR files in the domain-dir/lib directory. Using domain-dir/lib
is recommended whenever possible, and required for custom login modules
and realms. It is parent to the Connector class loader. See Using the
Common Class Loader.
Connector The Connector class loader is a single class loader instance that loads
individually deployed connector modules, which are shared across all
applications. It is parent to the Applib class loader and the LifeCycleModule
class loader.
LifeCycleModule The LifeCycleModule class loader is created once per lifecycle module. Each
lifecycle module's classpath is used to construct its own class loader. For
more information on lifecycle modules, see Developing Lifecycle Listeners.
Applib The Applib class loader loads the library classes, specified during
deployment, for a specific enabled module or Java EE application; see
Application-Specific Class Loading. One instance of this class loader is
present in each class loader universe; see Class Loader Universes. It is
parent to the Archive class loader.
When multiple deployed applications use the same library, they share the
same instance of the library. One library cannot reference classes from
another library.
Archive The Archive class loader loads classes from the WAR, EAR, and JAR files or
directories (for directory deployment) of applications or modules deployed
to the GlassFish Server. This class loader also loads any application-specific
classes generated by the GlassFish Server runtime, such as stub classes or
servlets generated by JSP pages.

Note that the class loader hierarchy is not a Java inheritance hierarchy, but a delegation
hierarchy. In the delegation design, a class loader delegates class loading to its parent
before attempting to load a class itself. If the parent class loader cannot load a class, the
class loader attempts to load the class itself. In effect, a class loader is responsible for
loading only the classes not available to the parent. Classes loaded by a class loader
higher in the hierarchy cannot refer to classes available lower in the hierarchy.
The Java Servlet specification recommends that a web module's class loader look in the
local class loader before delegating to its parent. You can make this class loader follow
the delegation inversion model in the Servlet specification by setting
delegate="false" in the class-loader element of the glassfish-web.xml file. It is
safe to do this only for a web module that does not interact with any other modules.
For details, see "class-loader" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
The default value is delegate="true", which causes a web module's class loader to
delegate in the same manner as the other class loaders. You must use delegate="true"

2-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Class Loader Universes

for a web application that accesses EJB components or that acts as a web service client
or endpoint. For details about glassfish-web.xml, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.
For a number of packages, including java.* and javax.*, symbol resolution is always
delegated to the parent class loader regardless of the delegate setting. This prevents
applications from overriding core Java runtime classes or changing the API versions of
specifications that are part of the Java EE platform.

Using the Java Optional Package Mechanism

Optional packages are packages of Java classes and associated native code that
application developers can use to extend the functionality of the core platform.
To use the Java optional package mechanism, copy the JAR files into the
domain-dir/lib/ext directory, or use the asadmin add-library command with the
--type ext option, then restart the server. For more information about the asadmin
add-library command, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
For more information, see Optional Packages - An Overview
sions/extensions.html) and Understanding Extension Class Loading

Using the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism

Endorsed standards handle changes to classes and APIs that are bundled in the JDK
but are subject to change by external bodies.
To use the endorsed standards override mechanism, copy the JAR files into the
domain-dir/lib/endorsed directory, then restart the server.
For more information and the list of packages that can be overridden, see Endorsed
Standards Override Mechanism

Class Loader Universes

Access to components within applications and modules installed on the server occurs
within the context of isolated class loader universes, each of which has its own Applib
and Archive class loaders.
■ Application Universe - Each Java EE application has its own class loader universe,
which loads the classes in all the modules in the application.
■ Individually Deployed Module Universe - Each individually deployed EJB JAR
or web WAR has its own class loader universe, which loads the classes in the
A resource such as a file that is accessed by a servlet, JSP, or EJB component must be in
one of the following locations:
■ A directory pointed to by the Libraries field or --libraries option used during
■ A directory pointed to by the library-directory element in the application.xml
deployment descriptor

Class Loaders 2-3

Application-Specific Class Loading

■ A directory pointed to by the application or module's classpath; for example, a

web module's classpath includes these directories:

Application-Specific Class Loading

You can specify module- or application-specific library classes in one of the following
■ Use the Administration Console. Open the Applications component, then go to the
page for the type of application or module. Select the Deploy button. Type the
comma-separated paths in the Libraries field. For details, click the Help button in
the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin deploy command with the --libraries option and specify
comma-separated paths. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
■ Use the asadmin add-library command with the --type app option, then restart
the server. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Note: None of these alternatives apply to application clients. For

more information, see Using Libraries with Application Clients.

You can update a library JAR file using dynamic reloading or by restarting (disabling
and re-enabling) a module or application. To add or remove library JAR files, you can
redeploy the module or application.
Application libraries are included in the Applib class loader. Paths to libraries can be
relative or absolute. A relative path is relative to domain-dir/lib/applibs. If the path is
absolute, the path must be accessible to the domain administration server (DAS). The
GlassFish Server automatically synchronizes these libraries to all remote cluster
instances when the cluster is restarted. However, libraries specified by absolute paths
are not guaranteed to be synchronized.

Tip: You can use application-specific class loading to specify a

different XML parser than the default GlassFish Server XML parser.
You can also use application-specific class loading to access
different versions of a library from different applications.

If multiple applications or modules refer to the same libraries, classes in those libraries
are automatically shared. This can reduce the memory footprint and allow sharing of
static information. However, applications or modules using application-specific
libraries are not portable. Other ways to make libraries available are described in
Circumventing Class Loader Isolation.
One library cannot reference classes from another library.
For general information about deployment, including dynamic reloading, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

2-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Circumventing Class Loader Isolation

Note: If you see an access control error message when you try to
use a library, you may need to grant permission to the library in the
server.policy file. For more information, see Changing
Permissions for an Application.

Circumventing Class Loader Isolation

Since each application or individually deployed module class loader universe is
isolated, an application or module cannot load classes from another application or
module. This prevents two similarly named classes in different applications or
modules from interfering with each other.
To circumvent this limitation for libraries, utility classes, or individually deployed
modules accessed by more than one application, you can include the relevant path to
the required classes in one of these ways:
■ Using the Common Class Loader
■ Sharing Libraries Across a Cluster
■ Packaging the Client JAR for One Application in Another Application

Using the Common Class Loader

To use the Common class loader, copy the JAR files into the domain-dir/lib or
as-install/lib directory, or use the asadmin add-library command with the --type
common option, then restart the server. For more information about the asadmin
add-library command, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
Using the Common class loader makes an application or module accessible to all
applications or modules deployed on servers that share the same configuration.
However, this accessibility does not extend to application clients. For more
information, see Using Libraries with Application Clients.
For example, using the Common class loader is the recommended way of adding
JDBC drivers to the GlassFish Server. For a list of the JDBC drivers currently
supported by the GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release
Notes. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics
for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
To activate custom login modules and realms, place the JAR files in the domain-dir/lib
directory, then restart the server.

Sharing Libraries Across a Cluster

To share libraries across a specific cluster, copy the JAR files to the
domain-dir/config/cluster-config-name/lib directory.

Packaging the Client JAR for One Application in Another Application

By packaging the client JAR for one application in a second application, you allow an
EJB or web component in the second application to call an EJB component in the first
(dependent) application, without making either of them accessible to any other
application or module.
As an alternative for a production environment, you can have the Common class
loader load the client JAR of the dependent application as described in Using the
Common Class Loader. Restart the server to make the dependent application

Class Loaders 2-5

Circumventing Class Loader Isolation

accessible to all applications or modules deployed on servers that share the same

To Package the Client JAR for One Application in Another Application

1. Deploy the dependent application.
2. Add the dependent application's client JAR file to the calling application.
■ For a calling EJB component, add the client JAR file at the same level as the
EJB component. Then add a Class-Path entry to the MANIFEST.MF file of the
calling EJB component. The Class-Path entry has this syntax:
Class-Path: filepath1.jar filepath2.jar ...

Each filepath is relative to the directory or JAR file containing the MANIFEST.MF
file. For details, see the Java EE specification.
■ For a calling web component, add the client JAR file under the WEB-INF/lib
3. If you need to package the client JAR with both the EJB and web components, set
delegate="true" in the class-loader element of the glassfish-web.xml file.
This changes the Web class loader so that it follows the standard class loader
delegation model and delegates to its parent before attempting to load a class
For most applications, packaging the client JAR file with the calling EJB
component is sufficient. You do not need to package the client JAR file with both
the EJB and web components unless the web component is directly calling the EJB
component in the dependent application.
4. Deploy the calling application.
The calling EJB or web component must specify in its glassfish-ejb-jar.xml or
glassfish-web.xml file the JNDI name of the EJB component in the dependent
application. Using an ejb-link mapping does not work when the EJB component
being called resides in another application.
You do not need to restart the server.

2-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Debugging Applications

This chapter gives guidelines for debugging applications in the Oracle GlassFish
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Enabling Debugging
■ JPDA Options
■ Generating a Stack Trace for Debugging
■ Application Client Debugging
■ Open Message Queue Debugging
■ Enabling Verbose Mode
■ Class Loader Debugging
■ GlassFish Server Logging
■ Profiling Tools

Enabling Debugging
When you enable debugging, you enable both local and remote debugging. To start
the server in debug mode, use the --debug option as follows:
asadmin start-domain --debug [domain-name]

You can then attach to the server from the Java Debugger (jdb) at its default Java
Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) port, which is 9009. For example, for UNIX
jdb -attach 9009

For Windows:
jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:port=9009

For more information about the jdb debugger, see the following links:
■ Java Platform Debugger Architecture - The Java Debugger:
■ Java Platform Debugger Architecture - Connecting with JDB:
GlassFish Server debugging is based on the JPDA. For more information, see JPDA

Debugging Applications 3-1

JPDA Options

You can attach to the GlassFish Server using any JPDA compliant debugger, including
that of NetBeans (, Java Studio Enterprise, JBuilder,
Eclipse, and so on.
You can enable debugging even when the GlassFish Server is started without the
--debug option. This is useful if you start the GlassFish Server from the Windows Start
Menu, or if you want to make sure that debugging is always turned on.

To Set the Server to Automatically Start Up in Debug Mode

1. Use the Administration Console. Select the JVM Settings component under the
relevant configuration.
2. Check the Debug Enabled box.
3. To specify a different port (from 9009, the default) to use when attaching the JVM
software to a debugger, specify address= port-number in the Debug Options field.
4. To add JPDA options, add any desired JPDA debugging options in Debug
Options. See JPDA Options.

See Also
For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console from the JVM Settings

JPDA Options
The default JPDA options in GlassFish Server are as follows:
-Xdebug -agentlib:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009

For Windows, you can change dt_socket to dt_shmem.

If you substitute suspend=y, the JVM software starts in suspended mode and stays
suspended until a debugger attaches to it. This is helpful if you want to start
debugging as soon as the JVM software starts.
To specify a different port (from 9009, the default) to use when attaching the JVM
software to a debugger, specify address=port-number.
You can include additional options. A list of JPDA debugging options is available at

Generating a Stack Trace for Debugging

To generate a Java stack trace for debugging, use the asadmin generate-jvm-report
--type=thread command. The stack trace goes to the domain-dir/logs/server.log file
and also appears on the command prompt screen. For more information about the
asadmin generate-jvm-report command, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.

Application Client Debugging

When the appclient script executes the java command to run the Application Client
Container (ACC), which in turn runs the client, it includes on the command line the
value of the VMARGS environment variable. You can set this variable to any suitable
value. For example:

3-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Class Loader Debugging

For debugging an application client, you should set suspend to y so you can connect
the debugger to the client before any code has actually executed. Otherwise, the client
may start running and execute past the point you want to examine.
You should use different ports for the server and client if you are debugging both
concurrently. For details about setting the port, see JPDA Options.
You can also include JVM options in the appclient script directly. For information
about the appclient script, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference

Note: The Application Client Container is supported only in the

full GlassFish Server, not in the Web Profile. See Developing Java

Open Message Queue Debugging

Open Message Queue has a broker logger, which can be useful for debugging Java
Message Service (JMS) applications, including message-driven bean applications. You
can adjust the logger's verbosity, and you can send the logger output to the broker's
console using the broker's -tty option. For more information, see the Open Message
Queue Administration Guide.

Note: JMS resources are supported only in the full GlassFish

Server, not in the Web Profile. See Using the Java Message Service.

Enabling Verbose Mode

To have the server logs and messages printed to System.out on your command
prompt screen, you can start the server in verbose mode. This makes it easy to do
simple debugging using print statements, without having to view the server.log file
every time.
To start the server in verbose mode, use the --verbose option as follows:
asadmin start-domain --verbose [domain-name]

When the server is in verbose mode, messages are logged to the console or terminal
window in addition to the log file. In addition, pressing Ctrl-C stops the server and
pressing Ctrl-\ (on UNIX platforms) or Ctrl-Break (on Windows platforms) prints a
thread dump. On UNIX platforms, you can also print a thread dump using the jstack
command (see
stack.html) or the command kill -QUIT process_id.

Class Loader Debugging

To generate class loading messages, use the following asadmin create-jvm-options
asadmin create-jvm-options -verbose\:class

To send the JVM messages to a special JVM log file instead of stdout, use the
following asadmin create-jvm-options commands:

Debugging Applications 3-3

GlassFish Server Logging

asadmin create-jvm-options -XX\:+LogVMOutput

asadmin create-jvm-options -XX\:LogFile=${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/jvm.log

Note: These -XX options are specific to the OpenJDK (or Hotspot)
JVM and do not work with the JRockit JVM.

To send the GlassFish Server messages to the Administration Console instead of

stderr, start the domain in verbose mode as described in Enabling Verbose Mode.

GlassFish Server Logging

You can use the GlassFish Server's log files to help debug your applications. Use the
Administration Console. Select the Stand-Alone Instances component, select the
instance from the table, then click the View Log Files button in the General
Information page. Or select the Cluster component, select the cluster from the table,
select the Instances tab, select the instance from the table, then click the View Log Files
button in the General Information page.
To change logging settings, select Logger Settings under the relevant configuration.
For details about logging, click the Help button in the Administration Console.

Profiling Tools
You can use a profiler to perform remote profiling on the GlassFish Server to discover
bottlenecks in server-side performance. This section describes how to configure
profilers for use with GlassFish Server.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ The NetBeans Profiler
■ The HPROF Profiler
■ The JProbe Profiler
Information about comprehensive monitoring and management support in the Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition ( J2SE platform) is available at

The NetBeans Profiler

For information on how to use the NetBeans profiler, see

The HPROF Profiler

The Heap and CPU Profiling Agent (HPROF) is a simple profiler agent shipped with
the Java 2 SDK. It is a dynamically linked library that interacts with the Java Virtual
Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI) and writes out profiling information either to a file
or to a socket in ASCII or binary format.
HPROF can monitor CPU usage, heap allocation statistics, and contention profiles. In
addition, it can also report complete heap dumps and states of all the monitors and
threads in the Java virtual machine. For more details on the HPROF profiler, see the
technical article at

3-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Profiling Tools
After HPROF is enabled using the following instructions, its libraries are loaded into
the server process.

To Use HPROF Profiling on UNIX

1. Use the Administration Console. Select the JVM Settings component under the
relevant configuration. Then select the Profiler tab.
2. Edit the following fields:
■ Profiler Name - hprof
■ Profiler Enabled - true
■ Classpath - (leave blank)
■ Native Library Path - (leave blank)
■ JVM Option - Select Add, type the HPROF JVM option in the Value field, then
check its box. The syntax of the HPROF JVM option is as follows:
-Xrunhprof[:help]|[:param=value,param2=value2, ...]

Here is an example of params you can use:


The file parameter determines where the stack dump is written.

Using help lists parameters that can be passed to HPROF. The output is as
Hprof usage: -Xrunhprof[:help]|[:<option>=<value>, ...]

Option Name and Value Description Default

--------------------- ----------- -------
heap=dump|sites|all heap profiling all
cpu=samples|old CPU usage off
format=a|b ascii or binary output a
file=<file> write data to file java.hprof
(.txt for ascii)
net=<host>:<port> send data over a socket write to file
depth=<size> stack trace depth 4
cutoff=<value> output cutoff point 0.0001
lineno=y|n line number in traces? y
thread=y|n thread in traces? n
doe=y|n dump on exit? y

Note: Do not use help in the JVM Option field. This parameter
prints text to the standard output and then exits.
The help output refers to the parameters as options, but they are
not the same thing as JVM options.

3. Restart the GlassFish Server.

This writes an HPROF stack dump to the file you specified using the file HPROF

Debugging Applications 3-5

Profiling Tools

The JProbe Profiler

Information about JProbe from Sitraka is available at
After JProbe is installed using the following instructions, its libraries are loaded into
the server process.

To Enable Remote Profiling With JProbe

1. Install JProbe
For details, see the JProbe documentation.
2. Configure GlassFish Server using the Administration Console:
a. Select the JVM Settings component under the relevant configuration. Then
select the Profiler tab.
b. Edit the following fields before selecting Save and restarting the server:
Profiler Name - jprobe
Profiler Enabled - true
Classpath - (leave blank)
Native Library Path - JProbe-dir/profiler
JVM Option - For each of these options, select Add, type the option in the
Value field, then check its box:

Note: If any of the configuration options are missing or incorrect,

the profiler might experience problems that affect the performance
of the GlassFish Server.

When the server starts up with this configuration, you can attach the profiler.
3. Set the following environment variable:

See Step 6 for instructions on how to create the JPL file.

4. Start the server instance.
5. Launch the jpprofiler and attach to Remote Session. The default port is 4444.
6. Create the JPL file using the JProbe Launch Pad. Here are the required settings:
a. Select Server Side for the type of application.
b. On the Program tab, provide the following details:
Target Server - other-server
Server home Directory - as-install
Server class File - com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EERunner
Working Directory - as-install

3-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Profiling Tools

Classpath - as-install/lib/appserv-rt.jar
Source File Path - source-code-dir (in case you want to get the line level details)
Server class arguments - (optional)
Main Package - com.sun.enterprise.server
You must also set VM, Attach, and Coverage tabs appropriately. For further
details, see the JProbe documentation. After you have created the JPL file, use
this an input to JPROBE_ARGS_0.

Debugging Applications 3-7

Profiling Tools

3-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Part II
Part II Developing Applications and Application
Securing Applications

This chapter describes how to write secure Java EE applications, which contain
components that perform user authentication and access authorization for the business
logic of Java EE components.
For information about administrative security for the Oracle GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide.
For general information about Java EE security, see "Security" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Security Goals
■ GlassFish Server Specific Security Features
■ Container Security
■ Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping
■ Realm Configuration
■ JACC Support
■ Pluggable Audit Module Support
■ The server.policy File
■ Configuring Message Security for Web Services
■ Programmatic Login
■ User Authentication for Single Sign-on
■ Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318

Security Goals
In an enterprise computing environment, there are many security risks. The goal of the
GlassFish Server is to provide highly secure, interoperable, and distributed component
computing based on the Java EE security model. Security goals include:
■ Full compliance with the Java EE security model. This includes EJB and servlet
role-based authorization.

Securing Applications 4-1

GlassFish Server Specific Security Features

■ Support for single sign-on across all GlassFish Server applications within a single
security domain.
■ Support for web services message security.
■ Security support for application clients.
■ Support for several underlying authentication realms, such as simple file and
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Certificate authentication is also
supported for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) client authentication. For Solaris, OS
platform authentication is supported in addition to these.
■ Support for declarative security through GlassFish Server specific XML-based role
■ Support for Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) pluggable
authorization as included in the Java EE specification and defined by Java
Specification Request (JSR) 115
■ Support for Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers as
included in the Java EE specification and defined by JSR 196
■ Support for Web Services Interoperability Technologies (WSIT) as described in
Metro Users Guide (

GlassFish Server Specific Security Features

The GlassFish Server supports the Java EE security model, as well as the following
features which are specific to the GlassFish Server:
■ Message security; see Configuring Message Security for Web Services
■ Single sign-on across all GlassFish Server applications within a single security
domain; see User Authentication for Single Sign-on
■ Programmatic login; see Programmatic Login

Container Security
The component containers are responsible for providing Java EE application security.
The container provides two security forms:
■ Declarative Security
■ Programmatic Security
Annotations (also called metadata) enable a declarative style of programming, and so
encompass both the declarative and programmatic security concepts. Users can specify
information about security within a class file using annotations. When the application
is deployed, this information can either be used by or overridden by the application or
module deployment descriptor.

Declarative Security
Declarative security means that the security mechanism for an application is declared
and handled externally to the application. Deployment descriptors describe the Java
EE application's security structure, including security roles, access control, and
authentication requirements.

4-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Container Security

The GlassFish Server supports the deployment descriptors specified by Java EE and
has additional security elements included in its own deployment descriptors.
Declarative security is the application deployer's responsibility. For more information
about GlassFish Server deployment descriptors, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.
There are two levels of declarative security, as follows:
■ Application Level Security
■ Component Level Security

Application Level Security

For an application, roles used by any application must be defined in @DeclareRoles
annotations in the code or role-name elements in the application deployment
descriptor (application.xml). Those role names are scoped to the EJB XML
deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml and glassfish-ejb-jar.xml files) and to the
servlet XML deployment descriptors (web.xml and glassfish-web.xml files). For an
individually deployed web or EJB module, you define roles using @DeclareRoles
annotations or role-name elements in the Java EE deployment descriptor files web.xml
or ejb-jar.xml.
To map roles to principals and groups, define matching security-role-mapping
elements in the glassfish-application.xml, glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, or
glassfish-web.xml file for each role-name used by the application. For more
information, see Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping.

Component Level Security

Component level security encompasses web components and EJB components.
A secure web container authenticates users and authorizes access to a servlet or JSP by
using the security policy laid out in the servlet XML deployment descriptors (web.xml
and glassfish-web.xml files).
The EJB container is responsible for authorizing access to a bean method by using the
security policy laid out in the EJB XML deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml and
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml files).

Programmatic Security
Programmatic security involves an EJB component or servlet using method calls to the
security API, as specified by the Java EE security model, to make business logic
decisions based on the caller or remote user's security role. Programmatic security
should only be used when declarative security alone is insufficient to meet the
application's security model.
The Java EE specification defines programmatic security as consisting of two methods
of the EJB EJBContext interface and two methods of the servlet HttpServletRequest
interface. The GlassFish Server supports these interfaces as specified in the
For more information on programmatic security, see the following:
■ The Java EE Specification
■ Programmatic Login

Securing Applications 4-3

Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping

Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping

For applications, you define roles in @DeclareRoles annotations or the Java EE
deployment descriptor file application.xml. You define the corresponding role
mappings in the GlassFish Server deployment descriptor file
glassfish-application.xml. For individually deployed web or EJB modules, you
define roles in @DeclareRoles annotations or the Java EE deployment descriptor files
web.xml or ejb-jar.xml. You define the corresponding role mappings in the GlassFish
Server deployment descriptor files glassfish-web.xml or glassfish-ejb-jar.xml.
For more information regarding Java EE deployment descriptors, see the Java EE
Specification. For more information regarding GlassFish Server deployment
descriptors, see "Elements of the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Each security-role-mapping element in the glassfish-application.xml,
glassfish-web.xml, or glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file maps a role name permitted by
the application or module to principals and groups. For example, a
glassfish-web.xml file for an individually deployed web module might contain the

A role can be mapped to either specific principals or to groups (or both). The principal
or group names used must be valid principals or groups in the realm for the
application or module. Note that the role-name in this example must match the
@DeclareRoles annotations or the role-name in the security-role element of the
corresponding web.xml file.
You can also specify a custom principal implementation class. This provides more
flexibility in how principals can be assigned to roles. A user's JAAS login module now
can authenticate its custom principal, and the authenticated custom principal can
further participate in the GlassFish Server authorization process. For example:
<principal-name class-name="CustomPrincipalImplClass">

You can specify a default principal and a default principal to role mapping, each of
which applies to the entire GlassFish Server instance. The default principal to role
mapping maps group principals to the same named roles. Web modules that omit the
run-as element in web.xml use the default principal. Applications and modules that
omit the security-role-mapping element use the default principal to role mapping.
These defaults are part of the Security Service, which you can access in the following

4-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Realm Configuration

■ In the Administration Console, select the Security component under the relevant
configuration. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin set command. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual. For example, you can set the default principal as follows.
asadmin set
asadmin set

You can set the default principal to role mapping as follows.

asadmin set
asadmin set

Realm Configuration
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Supported Realms
■ How to Configure a Realm
■ How to Set a Realm for an Application or Module
■ Creating a Custom Realm

Supported Realms
The following realms are supported in the current release of the GlassFish Server:
■ file - Stores user information in a file. This is the default realm when you first
install the GlassFish Server.
■ ldap - Stores user information in an LDAP directory.
■ jdbc - Stores user information in a database.
In the JDBC realm, the server gets user credentials from a database. The GlassFish
Server uses the database information and the enabled JDBC realm option in the
configuration file. For digest authentication, a JDBC realm should be created with
jdbcDigestRealm as the JAAS context.
■ certificate - Sets up the user identity in the GlassFish Server security context,
and populates it with user data obtained from cryptographically verified client
■ solaris - Allows authentication using Solaris username+password data. This realm
is only supported on the Solaris operating system, version 9 and above.
For information about configuring realms, see How to Configure a Realm.

How to Configure a Realm

You can configure a realm in one of these ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Security component under the relevant
configuration and go to the Realms page. For details, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin create-auth-realm command to configure realms on local
servers. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Securing Applications 4-5

Realm Configuration

How to Set a Realm for an Application or Module

The following deployment descriptor elements have optional realm or realm-name
data subelements or attributes that override the domain's default realm:
■ glassfish-application element in glassfish-application.xml
■ web-app element in web.xml
■ as-context element in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
■ client-container element in sun-acc.xml
■ client-credential element in sun-acc.xml
If modules within an application specify realms, these are ignored. If present, the
realm defined in glassfish-application.xml is used, otherwise the domain's default
realm is used.
For example, a realm is specified in glassfish-application.xml as follows:

For more information about the deployment descriptor files and elements, see
"Elements of the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Creating a Custom Realm

You can create a custom realm by providing a custom Java Authentication and
Authorization Service (JAAS) login module class and a custom realm class. Note that
client-side JAAS login modules are not suitable for use with the GlassFish Server.
To activate the custom login modules and realms, place the JAR files in the
domain-dir/lib directory or the class files in the domain-dir/lib/classes directory. For
more information about class loading in the GlassFish Server, see Class Loaders.
JAAS is a set of APIs that enable services to authenticate and enforce access controls
upon users. JAAS provides a pluggable and extensible framework for programmatic
user authentication and authorization. JAAS is a core API and an underlying
technology for Java EE security mechanisms. For more information about JAAS, refer
to the JAAS specification for Java SDK, available at
For general information about realms and login modules, see the section about
working with realms, users, groups, and roles in "Introduction to Security in the Java
EE Platform" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
For Javadoc tool pages relevant to custom realms, go to and click on the package.
Custom login modules must extend the class. This class
implements Custom login modules must not
implement LoginModule directly.
Custom login modules must provide an implementation for one abstract method
defined in AppservPasswordLoginModule:

4-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Realm Configuration

abstract protected void authenticateUser() throws LoginException

This method performs the actual authentication. The custom login module must not
implement any of the other methods, such as login, logout, abort, commit, or
initialize. Default implementations are provided in AppservPasswordLoginModule
which hook into the GlassFish Server infrastructure.
The custom login module can access the following protected object fields, which it
inherits from AppservPasswordLoginModule. These contain the user name and
password of the user to be authenticated:
protected String _username;
protected String _password;

The authenticateUser method must end with the following sequence:

String[] grpList;
// populate grpList with the set of groups to which
// _username belongs in this realm, if any

Custom realms must extend the class and

implement the following methods:
public void init(Properties props) throws BadRealmException,

This method is invoked during server startup when the realm is initially loaded. The
props argument contains the properties defined for this realm. The realm can do any
initialization it needs in this method. If the method returns without throwing an
exception, the GlassFish Server assumes that the realm is ready to service
authentication requests. If an exception is thrown, the realm is disabled.
public String getAuthType()

This method returns a descriptive string representing the type of authentication done
by this realm.
public abstract Enumeration getGroupNames(String username) throws
InvalidOperationException, NoSuchUserException

This method returns an Enumeration (of String objects) enumerating the groups (if
any) to which the given username belongs in this realm.
Custom realms that manage users must implement the following additional methods:
public abstract boolean supportsUserManagement();

This method returns true if the realm supports user management.

public abstract Enumeration getGroupNames() throws BadRealmException;

This method returns an Enumeration of all group names.

public abstract Enumeration getUserNames() throws BadRealmException;

This method returns an Enumeration of all user names.

public abstract void refresh() throws BadRealmException;

This method refreshes the realm data so that new users and groups are visible.
public abstract void persist() throws BadRealmException;

Securing Applications 4-7

JACC Support

This method persists the realm data to permanent storage.

public abstract User getUser(String name) throws NoSuchUserException,

This method returns the information recorded about a particular named user.
public abstract void addUser(String name, String password, String[] groupList)
BadRealmException, IASSecurityException;

This method adds a new user, who cannot already exist.

public abstract void removeUser(String name) throws NoSuchUserException,

This method removes a user, who must exist.

public abstract void updateUser(String name, String newName, String password,
String[] groups) throws NoSuchUserException, BadRealmException,

This method updates data for a user, who must exist.

Note: The array passed to the commitUseAuthentication method

should be newly created and otherwise unreferenced. This is
because the group name array elements are set to null after
authentication as part of cleanup. So the second time your custom
realm executes it returns an array with null elements.
Ideally, your custom realm should not return member variables
from the authenticate method. It should return local variables as
the default JDBCRealm does. Your custom realm can create a local
String array in its authenticate method, copy the values from the
member variables, and return the String array. Or it can use clone
on the member variables.

JACC Support
JACC (Java Authorization Contract for Containers) is part of the Java EE specification
and defined by JSR 115 ( JACC
defines an interface for pluggable authorization providers. Specifically, JACC is used
to plug in the Java policy provider used by the container to perform Java EE caller
access decisions. The Java policy provider performs Java policy decisions during
application execution. This provides third parties with a mechanism to develop and
plug in modules that are responsible for answering authorization decisions during
Java EE application execution. The interfaces and rules used for developing JACC
providers are defined in the JACC 1.0 specification.
The GlassFish Server provides a simple file-based JACC-compliant authorization
engine as a default JACC provider, named default. An alternate provider named
simple is also provided. To configure an alternate provider using the Administration
Console, open the Security component under the relevant configuration, and select the
JACC Providers component. For details, click the Help button in the Administration

4-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Pluggable Audit Module Support

Pluggable Audit Module Support

Audit modules collect and store information on incoming requests (servlets, EJB
components) and outgoing responses. You can create a custom audit module.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Configuring an Audit Module
■ The AuditModule Class
For additional information about audit modules, see Audit Callbacks

Configuring an Audit Module

To configure an audit module, you can perform one of the following tasks:
■ To specify an audit module using the Administration Console, open the Security
component under the relevant configuration, and select the Audit Modules
component. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ You can use the asadmin create-audit-module command to configure an audit
module. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

The AuditModule Class

You can create a custom audit module by implementing a class that extends
For Javadoc tool pages relevant to audit modules, go to and click on the package.
The AuditModule class provides default "no-op" implementations for each of the
following methods, which your custom class can override.
public void init(Properties props)

The preceding method is invoked during server startup when the audit module is
initially loaded. The props argument contains the properties defined for this module.
The module can do any initialization it needs in this method. If the method returns
without throwing an exception, the GlassFish Server assumes the module realm is
ready to service audit requests. If an exception is thrown, the module is disabled.
public void authentication(String user, String realm, boolean success)

This method is invoked when an authentication request has been processed by a realm
for the given user. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted
or denied.
public void webInvocation(String user, HttpServletRequest req, String type,
boolean success)

This method is invoked when a web container call has been processed by
authorization. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or
denied. The req object is the standard HttpServletRequest object for this request. The
type string is one of hasUserDataPermission or hasResourcePermission (see JSR 115
public void ejbInvocation(String user, String ejb, String method, boolean success)

Securing Applications 4-9

The server.policy File

This method is invoked when an EJB container call has been processed by
authorization. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or
denied. The ejb and method strings describe the EJB component and its method that is
being invoked.
public void webServiceInvocation(String uri, String endpoint, boolean success)

This method is invoked during validation of a web service request in which the
endpoint is a servlet. The uri is the URL representation of the web service endpoint.
The endpoint is the name of the endpoint representation. The success flag indicates
whether the authorization was granted or denied.
public void ejbAsWebServiceInvocation(String endpoint, boolean success)

This method is invoked during validation of a web service request in which the
endpoint is a stateless session bean. The endpoint is the name of the endpoint
representation. The success flag indicates whether the authorization was granted or

The server.policy File

Each GlassFish Server domain has its own global J2SE policy file, located in
domain-dir/config. The file is named server.policy.
The GlassFish Server is a Java EE compliant application server. As such, it follows the
requirements of the Java EE specification, including the presence of the security
manager (the Java component that enforces the policy) and a limited permission set for
Java EE application code.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Default Permissions
■ System Properties
■ Changing Permissions for an Application
■ Enabling and Disabling the Security Manager

Default Permissions
Internal server code is granted all permissions. These are covered by the
AllPermission grant blocks to various parts of the server infrastructure code. Do not
modify these entries.
Application permissions are granted in the default grant block. These permissions
apply to all code not part of the internal server code listed previously. The GlassFish
Server does not distinguish between EJB and web module permissions. All code is
granted the minimal set of web component permissions (which is a superset of the EJB
minimal set). Do not modify these entries.
A few permissions above the minimal set are also granted in the default
server.policy file. These are necessary due to various internal dependencies of the
server implementation. Java EE application developers must not rely on these
additional permissions. In some cases, deleting these permissions might be
appropriate. For example, one additional permission is granted specifically for using
connectors. If connectors are not used in a particular domain, you should remove this
permission, because it is not otherwise necessary.

4-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
The server.policy File

System Properties
The following predefined system properties, also called variables, are available for use
in the server.policy file. The system property most frequently used in
server.policy is ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}. For more information about system
properties, see the asadmin create-system-properties command in the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Table 4–1 Predefined System Properties

Property Default Description
com.sun.aas.installRoot depends on Specifies the directory where the GlassFish Server is
operating system installed.
com.sun.aas.instanceRoot depends on Specifies the top level directory for a server instance.
operating system
com.sun.aas.hostName none Specifies the name of the host (machine).
com.sun.aas.javaRoot depends on Specifies the installation directory for the Java runtime.
operating system
com.sun.aas.imqLib depends on Specifies the library directory for the Open Message Queue
operating system software.
com.sun.aas.configName server-config Specifies the name of the configuration used by a server
com.sun.aas.instanceName server1 Specifies the name of the server instance. This property is not
used in the default configuration, but can be used to
customize configuration.
com.sun.aas.clusterName cluster1 Specifies the name of the cluster. This property is only set on
clustered server instances. This property is not used in the
default configuration, but can be used to customize
com.sun.aas.domainName domain1 Specifies the name of the domain. This property is not used
in the default configuration, but can be used to customize

Changing Permissions for an Application

The default policy for each domain limits the permissions of Java EE deployed
applications to the minimal set of permissions required for these applications to
operate correctly. Do not add extra permissions to the default set (the grant block with
no codebase, which applies to all code). Instead, add a new grant block with a
codebase specific to the applications requiring the extra permissions, and only add the
minimally necessary permissions in that block.
If you develop multiple applications that require more than this default set of
permissions, you can add the custom permissions that your applications need. The
com.sun.aas.instanceRoot variable refers to the domain-dir. For example:
grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/-" {

You can add permissions to stub code with the following grant block:
grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/generated/-" {

Securing Applications 4-11

The server.policy File

In general, you should add extra permissions only to the applications or modules that
require them, not to all applications deployed to a domain. For example:
grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/MyApp/-" {

For a module:
grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/MyModule/-" {

Note: Deployment directories may change between GlassFish

Server releases.

An alternative way to add permissions to a specific application or module is to edit the

granted.policy file for that application or module. The granted.policy file is located
in the domain-dir/generated/policy/app-or-module-name directory. In this case, you
add permissions to the default grant block. Do not delete permissions from this file.
When the GlassFish Server policy subsystem determines that a permission should not
be granted, it logs a server.policy message specifying the permission that was not
granted and the protection domains, with indicated code source and principals that
failed the protection check. For example, here is the first part of a typical message:
JACC Policy Provider: PolicyWrapper.implies, context(null)-
permission((java.util.PropertyPermission write))
domain that failed(ProtectionDomain
(file:/E:/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/cejug-clfds/ ... )

Granting the following permission eliminates the message:

grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/cejug-clfds/-" {
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "write";

Note: Do not add to the

server.policy file for application code. Doing so completely
defeats the purpose of the security manager, yet you still get the
performance overhead associated with it.

As noted in the Java EE specification, an application should provide documentation of

the additional permissions it needs. If an application requires extra permissions but
does not document the set it needs, contact the application author for details.
As a last resort, you can iteratively determine the permission set an application needs
by observing AccessControlException occurrences in the server log.
If this is not sufficient, you can add the JVM option
to the domain. Use the following asadmin create-jvm-options command, then restart
the server:

4-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
The server.policy File

asadmin create-jvm-options

For more information about the asadmin create-jvm-options command, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
You can use the J2SE standard policytool or any text editor to edit the server.policy
file. For more information, see
For detailed information about policy file syntax, see
For information about using system properties in the server.policy file, see
For detailed information about the permissions you can set in the server.policy file,
The Javadoc for the Permission class is at

Enabling and Disabling the Security Manager

The security manager is disabled by default.
In a production environment, you may be able to safely disable the security manager if
all of the following are true:
■ Performance is critical
■ Deployment to the production server is carefully controlled
■ Only trusted applications are deployed
■ Applications don't need policy enforcement
Disabling the security manager may improve performance significantly for some types
of applications.
To enable the security manager, do one of the following:
■ To use the Administration Console, open the Security component under the
relevant configuration, and check the Security Manager Enabled box. Then restart
the server. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the following asadmin create-jvm-options command, then restart the server:
asadmin create-jvm-options

To disable the security manager, uncheck the Security Manager Enabled box or use the
corresponding asadmin delete-jvm-options command. For more information about
create-jvm-options and delete-jvm-options, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual.
If the security manager is enabled and you are using the Java Persistence API by
calling Persistence.createEMF(), the EclipseLink persistence provider requires that
you set the JVM option to true as follows:

Securing Applications 4-13

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

asadmin create-jvm-options

If the security manager is enabled and you are using the Java Persistence API by
injecting or looking up an entity manager or entity manager factory, the EJB container
sets this JVM option for you.

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

In message security, security information is applied at the message layer and travels
along with the web services message. Web Services Security (WSS) is the use of XML
Encryption and XML Digital Signatures to secure messages. WSS profiles the use of
various security tokens including X.509 certificates, Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML) assertions, and username/password tokens to achieve this.
Message layer security differs from transport layer security in that it can be used to
decouple message protection from message transport so that messages remain
protected after transmission, regardless of how many hops they travel.

Note: Message security (JSR 196) is supported only in the full

GlassFish Server, not in the Web Profile.

Note: In this release of the GlassFish Server, message layer

annotations are not supported.

For more information about web services, see Developing Web Services.
For more information about message security, see the following:
■ "Introduction to Security in the Java EE Platform" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial
■ GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide
■ JSR 196 (, Java
Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers
■ The Liberty Alliance Project specifications at
■ The Oasis Web Services Security (WSS) specification at
■ The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Security Profile (BSP)
specification at
■ The XML and Web Services Security page at
■ The WSIT page at
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Message Security Providers
■ Message Security Responsibilities
■ Application-Specific Message Protection
■ Understanding and Running the Sample Application

4-14 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Message Security for Web Services

Message Security Providers

When you first install the GlassFish Server, the providers XWS_ClientProvider and
XWS_ServerProvider are configured but disabled. You can enable them in one of the
following ways:
■ To enable the message security providers using the Administration Console, open
the Security component under the relevant configuration, select the Message
Security component, and select SOAP. Then select XWS_ServerProvider from the
Default Provider list and XWS_ClientProvider from the Default Client Provider
list. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ You can enable the message security providers using the following commands.
asadmin set
asadmin set

For more information about the asadmin set command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The example described in Understanding and Running the Sample Application uses
the ClientProvider and ServerProvider providers, which are enabled when the Ant
targets are run. You don't need to enable these on the GlassFish Server prior to running
the example.
If you install the OpenSSO, you have these additional provider choices:
■ AMClientProvider and AMServerProvider - These providers secure web services
and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages using either WS-I BSP or
Liberty ID-WSF tokens. These providers are used automatically if they are
configured as the default providers. If you wish to override any provider settings,
you can configure these providers in message-security-binding elements in the
glassfish-web.xml, glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, and
glassfish-application-client.xml deployment descriptor files.
■ AMHttpProvider - This provider handles the initial end user authentication for
securing web services using Liberty ID-WSF tokens and redirects requests to the
OpenSSO for single sign-on. To use this provider, specify it in the
httpservlet-security-provider attribute of the glassfish-web-app element in
the glassfish-web.xml file.
Liberty specifications can be viewed at
sources/specifications.php. The WS-I BSP specification can be viewed at
For more information about the GlassFish Server deployment descriptor files, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
For information about configuring these providers in the GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide. For additional information about
overriding provider settings, see Application-Specific Message Protection.
You can create new message security providers in one of the following ways:
■ To create a message security provider using the Administration Console, open the
Security component under the relevant configuration, and select the Message

Securing Applications 4-15

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

Security component. For details, click the Help button in the Administration
■ You can use the asadmin create-message-security-provider command to create
a message security provider. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual.
In addition, you can set a few optional provider properties using the asadmin set
command. For example:
asadmin set

The following table describes these message security provider properties.

Table 4–2 Message Security Provider Properties

Property Default Description
security.config domain-dir/config/wss-s Specifies the location of the message security
erver-config-1.0.xml configuration file. To point to a configuration file in
the domain-dir/config directory, use the system
property ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/,
for example:
See System Properties.
debug false If true, enables dumping of server provider debug
messages to the server log.
dynamic.username.password false If true, signals the provider runtime to collect the
user name and password from the
CallbackHandler for each request. If false, the
user name and password for
wsse:UsernameToken(s) is collected once, during
module initialization. This property is only
applicable for a ClientAuthModule.
encryption.key.alias s1as Specifies the encryption key used by the provider.
The key is identified by its keystore alias.
signature.key.alias s1as Specifies the signature key used by the provider.
The key is identified by its keystore alias.

Message Security Responsibilities

In the GlassFish Server, the system administrator and application deployer roles are
expected to take primary responsibility for configuring message security. In some
situations, the application developer may also contribute, although in the typical case
either of the other roles may secure an existing application without changing its
implementation and without involving the developer.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Application Developer Responsibilities
■ Application Deployer Responsibilities
■ System Administrator Responsibilities

4-16 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Message Security for Web Services

Application Developer Responsibilities

The application developer can turn on message security, but is not responsible for
doing so. Message security can be set up by the system administrator so that all web
services are secured, or set up by the application deployer when the provider or
protection policy bound to the application must be different from that bound to the
The application developer is responsible for the following:
■ Determining if an application-specific message protection policy is required by the
application. If so, ensuring that the required policy is specified at application
assembly which may be accomplished by communicating with the application
■ Determining if message security is necessary at the GlassFish Server level. If so,
ensuring that this need is communicated to the system administrator, or taking
care of implementing message security at the GlassFish Server level.

Application Deployer Responsibilities

The application deployer is responsible for the following:
■ Specifying (at application assembly) any required application-specific message
protection policies if such policies have not already been specified by upstream
roles (the developer or assembler)
■ Modifying GlassFish Server deployment descriptors to specify application-specific
message protection policies information (message-security-binding elements) to
web service endpoint and service references
These security tasks are discussed in Application-Specific Message Protection. A
sample application using message security is discussed in Understanding and
Running the Sample Application.

System Administrator Responsibilities

The system administrator is responsible for the following:
■ Configuring message security providers on the GlassFish Server.
■ Managing user databases.
■ Managing keystore and truststore files.
■ Installing the sample. This is only done if the xms sample application is used to
demonstrate the use of message layer web services security.
A system administrator uses the Administration Console to manage server security
settings and uses a command line tool to manage certificate databases. Certificates and
private keys are stored in key stores and are managed with keytool. If Network
Security Services (NSS) is installed, certificates and private keys are stored in an NSS
database, where they are managed using certutil. System administrator tasks are
discussed in the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide.

Application-Specific Message Protection

When the GlassFish Server provided configuration is insufficient for your security
needs, and you want to override the default protection, you can apply
application-specific message security to a web service.

Securing Applications 4-17

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

Application-specific security is implemented by adding the message security binding

to the web service endpoint, whether it is an EJB or servlet web service endpoint.
Modify GlassFish Server XML files to add the message binding information.
Message security can also be specified using a WSIT security policy in the WSDL file.
For details, see the WSIT page at
For more information about message security providers, see Message Security
For more details on message security binding for EJB web services, servlet web
services, and clients, see the XML file descriptions in "Elements of the GlassFish Server
Deployment Descriptors" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment
■ For glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File" in GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
■ For glassfish-web.xml, see "The glassfish-web.xml File" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
■ For glassfish-application-client.xml, see "The glassfish-application-client.xml
file" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Using a Signature to Enable Message Protection for All Methods
■ Configuring Message Protection for a Specific Method Based on Digital Signatures

Using a Signature to Enable Message Protection for All Methods

To enable message protection for all methods using digital signature, update the
message-security-binding element for the EJB web service endpoint in the
application's glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. In this file, add request-protection and
response-protection elements, which are analogous to the request-policy and
response-policy elements discussed in the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Security Guide. To apply the same protection mechanisms for all methods, leave the
method-name element blank. Configuring Message Protection for a Specific Method
Based on Digital Signatures discusses listing specific methods or using wildcard
This section uses the sample application discussed in Understanding and Running the
Sample Application to apply application-level message security to show only the
differences necessary for protecting web services using various mechanisms.

To Enable Message Protection for All Methods Using Digital Signature Follow this procedure.
1. In a text editor, open the application's glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.
For the xms example, this file is located in the directory app-dir/xms-ejb/src/conf,
where app-dir is defined in To Set Up the Sample Application.
2. Modify the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file by adding the
message-security-binding element as shown:

4-18 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Message Security for Web Services

<message-security-binding auth-layer="SOAP">
<request-protection auth-source="content" />
<response-protection auth-source="content"/>

3. Compile, deploy, and run the application as described in To Run the Sample

Configuring Message Protection for a Specific Method Based on Digital Signatures

To enable message protection for a specific method, or for a set of methods that can be
identified using a wildcard value, follow these steps. As in the example discussed in
Using a Signature to Enable Message Protection for All Methods, to enable message
protection for a specific method, update the message-security-binding element for
the EJB web service endpoint in the application's glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. To this
file, add request-protection and response-protection elements, which are
analogous to the request-policy and response-policy elements discussed in the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide. The administration guide includes a
table listing the set and order of security operations for different request and response
policy configurations.
This section uses the sample application discussed in Understanding and Running the
Sample Application to apply application-level message security to show only the
differences necessary for protecting web services using various mechanisms.

To Enable Message Protection for a Particular Method or Set of Methods Using Digital Signature
Follow this procedure.
1. In a text editor, open the application's glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.
For the xms example, this file is located in the directory app-dir/xms-ejb/src/conf,
where app-dir is defined in To Set Up the Sample Application.
2. Modify the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file by adding the
message-security-binding element as shown:
<message-security-binding auth-layer="SOAP">

Securing Applications 4-19

Configuring Message Security for Web Services

<request-protection auth-source="content" />
<response-protection auth-source="content"/>

3. Compile, deploy, and run the application as described in To Run the Sample

Understanding and Running the Sample Application

This section discusses the WSS sample application. This sample application is installed
on your system only if you installed the J2EE 1.4 samples. If you have not installed
these samples, see To Set Up the Sample Application.
The objective of this sample application is to demonstrate how a web service can be
secured with WSS. The web service in the xms example is a simple web service
implemented using a Java EE EJB endpoint and a web service endpoint implemented
using a servlet. In this example, a service endpoint interface is defined with one
operation, sayHello, which takes a string then sends a response with Hello prefixed to
the given string. You can view the WSDL file for the service endpoint interface at
app-dir/xms-ejb/src/conf/HelloWorld.wsdl, where app-dir is defined in To Set Up the
Sample Application.
In this application, the client looks up the service using the JNDI name
java:comp/env/service/HelloWorld and gets the port information using a static stub
to invoke the operation using a given name. For the name Duke, the client gets the
response Hello Duke!
This example shows how to use message security for web services at the GlassFish
Server level. For information about using message security at the application level, see
Application-Specific Message Protection. The WSS message security mechanisms
implement message-level authentication (for example, XML digital signature and
encryption) of SOAP web services invocations using the X.509 and
username/password profiles of the OASIS WS-Security standard, which can be
viewed from the following URL:
The following topics are addressed here:
■ To Set Up the Sample Application
■ To Run the Sample Application

To Set Up the Sample Application

Before You Begin

To have access to this sample application, you must have previously installed the J2EE
1.4 samples. If the samples are not installed, follow the steps in the following section.

4-20 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Message Security for Web Services

After you follow these steps, the sample application is located in the directory
as-install/j2ee14-samples/samples/webservices/security/ejb/apps/xms/ or in a
directory of your choice. For easy reference throughout the rest of this section, this
directory is referred to as simply app-dir.
1. Go to the J2EE 1.4 download URL
1.html) in your browser.
2. Click on the Download button for the Samples Bundle.
3. Click on Accept License Agreement.
4. Click on the J2EE SDK Samples link.
5. Choose a location for the file.
Saving the file to as-install is recommended.
6. Unzip the file.
Unzipping to the as-install/j2ee14-samples directory is recommended. For
example, you can use the following command.
unzip -d j2ee14-samples

To Run the Sample Application

1. Make sure that the GlassFish Server is running.
Message security providers are set up when the Ant targets are run, so you do not
need to configure these on the GlassFish Server prior to running this example.
2. If you are not running HTTP on the default port of 8080, change the WSDL file for
the example to reflect the change, and change the file to reflect
the change as well.
The WSDL file for this example is located at
app-dir/xms-ejb/src/conf/HelloWorld.wsdl. The port number is in the following
<service name="HelloWorld">
<port name="HelloIFPort" binding="tns:HelloIFBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>

Verify that the properties in the as-install/samples/ file are set

properly for your installation and environment. If you need a more detailed
description of this file, refer to the "Configuration" section for the web services
security applications at
3. Change to the app-dir directory.
4. Run the following Ant targets to compile, deploy, and run the example
a. To compile samples:
b. To deploy samples:

Securing Applications 4-21

Programmatic Login

ant deploy
c. To run samples:
ant run
If the sample has compiled and deployed properly, you see the following response
on your screen after the application has run:
run:[echo] Running the xms program:[exec] Established message level
security : Hello Duke!
5. To undeploy the sample, run the following Ant target:
ant undeploy

All of the web services security examples use the same web service name
(HelloWorld) and web service ports. These examples show only the differences
necessary for protecting web services using various mechanisms. Make sure to
undeploy an application when you have completed running it. If you do not, you
receive an Already in Use error and deployment failures when you try to deploy
another web services example application.

Programmatic Login
Programmatic login allows a deployed Java EE application or module to invoke a
login method. If the login is successful, a SecurityContext is established as if the
client had authenticated using any of the conventional Java EE mechanisms.
Programmatic login is supported for servlet and EJB components on the server side,
and for stand-alone or application clients on the client side. Programmatic login is
useful for an application having special needs that cannot be accommodated by any of
the Java EE standard authentication mechanisms.

Note: Programmatic login is specific to the GlassFish Server and

not portable to other application servers.

The following topics are addressed here:

■ Programmatic Login Precautions
■ Granting Programmatic Login Permission
■ The ProgrammaticLogin Class

Programmatic Login Precautions

The GlassFish Server is not involved in how the login information (user, password) is
obtained by the deployed application. Programmatic login places the burden on the
application developer with respect to assuring that the resulting system meets security
requirements. If the application code reads the authentication information across the
network, the application determines whether to trust the user.
Programmatic login allows the application developer to bypass the GlassFish
Server-supported authentication mechanisms and feed authentication data directly to
the security service. While flexible, this capability should not be used without some
understanding of security issues.
Since this mechanism bypasses the container-managed authentication process and
sequence, the application developer must be very careful in making sure that

4-22 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Programmatic Login

authentication is established before accessing any restricted resources or methods. It is

also the application developer's responsibility to verify the status of the login attempt
and to alter the behavior of the application accordingly.
The programmatic login state does not necessarily persist in sessions or participate in
single sign-on.
Lazy authentication is not supported for programmatic login. If an access check is
reached and the deployed application has not properly authenticated using the
programmatic login method, access is denied immediately and the application might
fail if not coded to account for this occurrence. One way to account for this occurrence
is to catch the access control or security exception, perform a programmatic login, and
repeat the request.

Granting Programmatic Login Permission

The ProgrammaticLoginPermission permission is required to invoke the
programmatic login mechanism for an application if the security manager is enabled.
For information about the security manager, see The server.policy File. This
permission is not granted by default to deployed applications because this is not a
standard Java EE mechanism.
To grant the required permission to the application, add the following to the
domain-dir/config/server.policy file:
grant codeBase "file:jar-file-path" {

The jar-file-path is the path to the application's JAR file.

The ProgrammaticLogin Class

The class enables a user to perform
login programmatically.
For Javadoc tool pages relevant to programmatic login, go to and click on the package.
The ProgrammaticLogin class has four login methods, two for servlets or JSP files and
two for EJB components.
The login methods for servlets or JSP files have the following signatures:
public java.lang.Boolean login(String user, String password,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

public java.lang.Boolean login(String user, String password,

String realm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, boolean errors)
throws java.lang.Exception

The login methods for EJB components have the following signatures:
public java.lang.Boolean login(String user, String password)

public java.lang.Boolean login(String user, String password,

String realm, boolean errors) throws java.lang.Exception

Securing Applications 4-23

User Authentication for Single Sign-on

All of these login methods accomplish the following:

■ Perform the authentication
■ Return true if login succeeded, false if login failed
The login occurs on the realm specified unless it is null, in which case the domain's
default realm is used. The methods with no realm parameter use the domain's default
If the errors flag is set to true, any exceptions encountered during the login are
propagated to the caller. If set to false, exceptions are thrown.
On the client side, realm and errors parameters are ignored and the actual login does
not occur until a resource requiring a login is accessed. A java.rmi.AccessException
with COBRA NO_PERMISSION occurs if the actual login fails.
The logout methods for servlets or JSP files have the following signatures:
public java.lang.Boolean logout(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)

public java.lang.Boolean logout(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response, boolean errors)
throws java.lang.Exception

The logout methods for EJB components have the following signatures:
public java.lang.Boolean logout()

public java.lang.Boolean logout(boolean errors)

throws java.lang.Exception

All of these logout methods return true if logout succeeded, false if logout failed.
If the errors flag is set to true, any exceptions encountered during the logout are
propagated to the caller. If set to false, exceptions are thrown.

User Authentication for Single Sign-on

The single sign-on feature of the GlassFish Server allows multiple web applications
deployed to the same virtual server to share the user authentication state. With single
sign-on enabled, users who log in to one web application become implicitly logged
into other web applications on the same virtual server that require the same
authentication information. Otherwise, users would have to log in separately to each
web application whose protected resources they tried to access.
A sample application using the single sign-on scenario could be a consolidated airline
booking service that searches all airlines and provides links to different airline web
sites. After the user signs on to the consolidated booking service, the user information
can be used by each individual airline site without requiring another sign-on.
Single sign-on operates according to the following rules:
■ Single sign-on applies to web applications configured for the same realm and
virtual server. The realm is defined by the realm-name element in the web.xml file.
For information about virtual servers, see "Administering Internet Connectivity"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
■ As long as users access only unprotected resources in any of the web applications
on a virtual server, they are not challenged to authenticate themselves.

4-24 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

■ As soon as a user accesses a protected resource in any web application associated

with a virtual server, the user is challenged to authenticate himself or herself,
using the login method defined for the web application currently being accessed.
■ After authentication, the roles associated with this user are used for access control
decisions across all associated web applications, without challenging the user to
authenticate to each application individually.
■ When the user logs out of one web application (for example, by invalidating the
corresponding session), the user's sessions in all web applications are invalidated.
Any subsequent attempt to access a protected resource in any application requires
the user to authenticate again.
The single sign-on feature utilizes HTTP cookies to transmit a token that associates
each request with the saved user identity, so it can only be used in client environments
that support cookies.
To configure single sign-on, set the following virtual server properties:
■ sso-enabled - If false, single sign-on is disabled for this virtual server, and users
must authenticate separately to every application on the virtual server. The default
is false.
■ sso-max-inactive-seconds - Specifies the time after which a user's single sign-on
record becomes eligible for purging if no client activity is received. Since single
sign-on applies across several applications on the same virtual server, access to
any of the applications keeps the single sign-on record active. The default value is
5 minutes (300 seconds). Higher values provide longer single sign-on persistence
for the users at the expense of more memory use on the server.
■ sso-reap-interval-seconds - Specifies the interval between purges of expired
single sign-on records. The default value is 60.
Here are example asadmin set commands with default values:
asadmin set"true"
asadmin set
asadmin set

For more information about the asadmin set command, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Reference Manual.

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

You can use JSR 196 in the web tier to facilitate the injection of pluggable
authentication modules within the servlet constraint processing engine. The GlassFish
Server includes implementations of a number of HTTP layer authentication
mechanisms such as basic, form, and digest authentication. You can add alternative
implementations of the included mechanisms or implementations of new mechanisms
such as HTTP Negotiate/SPNEGO, OpenID, or CAS.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ The GlassFish Server and JSR 196
■ Writing a Server Authentication Module

Securing Applications 4-25

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

■ Sample Server Authentication Module

■ Compiling and Installing a Server Authentication Module
■ Configuring a Server Authentication Module
■ Binding a Server Authentication Module to Your Application

The GlassFish Server and JSR 196

The GlassFish Server implements the Servlet Container Profile of JSR 196, Java
Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers. JSR 196 defines a standard
service provider interface (SPI) that extends the concepts of the Java Authentication and
Authorization Service (JAAS) to enable pluggability of message authentication
modules in message processing runtimes. The JSR 196 standard defines profiles that
establish contracts for the use of the SPI in specific contexts. The Servlet Container
Profile of JSR 196 defines the use of the SPI by a Servlet container such that:
■ The resulting container can be configured with new authentication mechanisms.
■ The container employs the configured mechanisms in its enforcement of the
declarative servlet security model (declared in a web.xml file using
security-constraint elements).
The JSR 196 specification defines a simple message processing model composed of
four interaction points:
1. secureRequest on the client
2. validateRequest on the server
3. secureResponse on the server
4. validateResponse on the client
A message processing runtime uses the SPI at these interaction points to delegate the
corresponding message security processing to authentication providers, also called
authentication modules, integrated into the runtime by way of the SPI.
A compatible server-side message processing runtime, such as the GlassFish Server
servlet container, supports the validateRequest and secureResponse interaction
points of the message processing model. The servlet container uses the SPI at these
interaction points to delegate the corresponding message security processing to a
server authentication module (SAM), integrated by the SPI into the container.

Writing a Server Authentication Module

A key step in adding an authentication mechanism to a compatible server-side
message processing runtime such as the GlassFish Server servlet container is acquiring
a SAM that implements the desired authentication mechanism. One way to do that is
to write the SAM yourself.
A SAM implements the
interface as defined by JSR 196. A SAM is invoked indirectly by the message
processing runtime at the validateRequest and secureResponse interaction points. A
SAM must implement the five methods of the ServerAuthModule interface:
■ getSupportedMessageTypes — An array of Class objects where each element
defines a message type supported by the SAM. For a SAM to be compatible with
the Servlet Container Profile, the returned array must include the
HttpServletRequest.class and HttpServletResponse.class objects.

4-26 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

■ initialize(MessagePolicy requestPolicy, MessagePolicy responsePolicy,

CallbackHandler Map options) — The container calls this method to provide the
SAM with configuration values and with a CallbackHandler. The configuration
values are returned in the policy arguments and in the options Map. The SAM uses
CallbackHandler to access services, such as password validation, provided by the
■ AuthStatus validateRequest(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject
clientSubject, Subject serviceSubject) — The container calls this method to
process each received HttpServletRequest. The request and its associated
HttpServletResponse are passed by the container to the SAM in the messageInfo
argument. The SAM processes the request and may establish the response to be
returned by the container. The SAM uses the provided Subject arguments to
convey its authentication results. The SAM returns different status values to
control the container's invocation processing. The status values and the
circumstances under which they are returned are as follows:
– AuthStatus.SUCCESS is returned when the application request message is
successfully validated. The container responds to this status value by using
the returned client Subject to invoke the target of the request. When this
value is returned, the SAM (provided a custom AuthConfigProvider is not
being used) must use its CallbackHandler to handle a
CallerPrincipalCallback using the clientSubject as an argument to the
– AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE indicates that message validation is incomplete
and that the SAM has established a preliminary response as the response
message in messageInfo. The container responds to this status value by
sending the response to the client.
– AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE indicates that message validation failed and that
the SAM has established an appropriate failure response message in
messageInfo. The container responds to this status value by sending the
response to the client.
– AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS is not typically returned. This status value
indicates the end of a multi-message security dialog originating after the
service interaction and during the processing of the application response. The
container responds to this status value by sending the response to the client.
The validateRequest method may also throw an AuthException to indicate that
the message processing by the SAM failed without establishing a failure response
message in messageInfo.
■ secureResponse(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject serviceSubject) — The
container calls this method before sending a response, resulting from an
application invocation, to the client. The response is passed to the SAM in the
messageInfo argument. In most cases, this method should just return the SEND_
SUCCESS status.
■ cleanSubject(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject subject) — This method
removes the mechanism-specific principals, credentials, or both from the subject.
This method is not currently called by the container. A legitimate implementation
could remove all the principals from the argument subject.
See the Servlet Container Profile section in the JSR 196 specification for additional
background and details.

Securing Applications 4-27

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

Sample Server Authentication Module

The class is a sample SAM implementation. Notice that the sample
implements the five methods of the ServerAuthModule interface. This SAM
implements an approximation of HTTP basic authentication.
package tip.sam;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.catalina.util.Base64;

public class MySam implements ServerAuthModule {

protected static final Class[]

supportedMessageTypes = new Class[]{

private MessagePolicy requestPolicy;

private MessagePolicy responsePolicy;
private CallbackHandler handler;
private Map options;
private String realmName = null;
private String defaultGroup[] = null;
privte static final String REALM_PROPERTY_NAME =
private static final String GROUP_PROPERTY_NAME =
private static final String BASIC = "Basic";
static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER =
static final String AUTHENTICATION_HEADER =

public void initialize(MessagePolicy reqPolicy,

MessagePolicy resPolicy,
CallbackHandler cBH, Map opts)
throws AuthException {
requestPolicy = reqPolicy;
responsePolicy = resPolicy;
handler = cBH;
options = opts;
if (options != null) {
realmName = (String)

4-28 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

if (options.containsKey(GROUP_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
defaultGroup = new String[]{(String)

public Class[] getSupportedMessageTypes() {

return supportedMessageTypes;

public AuthStatus validateRequest(

MessageInfo msgInfo, Subject client,
Subject server) throws AuthException {
try {

String username =
processAuthorizationToken(msgInfo, client);
if (username ==
null && requestPolicy.isMandatory()) {
return sendAuthenticateChallenge(msgInfo);

username, client, msgInfo);
return AuthStatus.SUCCESS;

} catch (Exception e) {
AuthException ae = new AuthException();
throw ae;

private String processAuthorizationToken(

MessageInfo msgInfo, Subject s)
throws AuthException {

HttpServletRequest request =

String token =

if (token != null && token.startsWith(BASIC + " ")) {

token = token.substring(6).trim();

// Decode and parse the authorization token

String decoded =
new String(Base64.decode(token.getBytes()));

int colon = decoded.indexOf(':');

if (colon <= 0 || colon == decoded.length() - 1) {
return (null);

String username = decoded.substring(0, colon);

Securing Applications 4-29

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

// use the callback to ask the container to

// validate the password
PasswordValidationCallback pVC =
new PasswordValidationCallback(s, username,
decoded.substring(colon + 1).toCharArray());
try {
handler.handle(new Callback[]{pVC});
} catch (Exception e) {
AuthException ae = new AuthException();
throw ae;

if (pVC.getResult()) {
return username;
return null;

private AuthStatus sendAuthenticateChallenge(

MessageInfo msgInfo) {

String realm = realmName;

// if the realm property is set use it,
// otherwise use the name of the server
// as the realm name.
if (realm == null) {

HttpServletRequest request =

realm = request.getServerName();

HttpServletResponse response =

String header = BASIC + " realm=\"" + realm + "\"";

response.setHeader(AUTHENTICATION_HEADER, header);
return AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE;

public AuthStatus secureResponse(

MessageInfo msgInfo, Subject service)
throws AuthException {
return AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS;

public void cleanSubject(MessageInfo msgInfo,

Subject subject)
throws AuthException {
if (subject != null) {

4-30 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

private static final String AUTH_TYPE_INFO_KEY =


// distinguish the caller principal

// and assign default groups
private void setAuthenticationResult(String name,
Subject s, MessageInfo m)
throws IOException,
UnsupportedCallbackException {
handler.handle(new Callback[]{
new CallerPrincipalCallback(s, name)
if (name != null) {
// add the default group if the property is set
if (defaultGroup != null) {
handler.handle(new Callback[]{
new GroupPrincipalCallback(s, defaultGroup)
m.getMap().put(AUTH_TYPE_INFO_KEY, ""MySAM");

Note that the initialize method looks for the and
properties. The property configures the default group assigned as a result
of any successful authentication. The property defines the realm value
sent back to the browser in the WWW-Authenticate challenge.

Compiling and Installing a Server Authentication Module

Before you can use the sample SAM, you need to compile, install, and configure it.
Then you can bind it to an application.
To compile the SAM, include the SPI in your classpath. When the GlassFish Server is
installed, the JAR file containing the SPI, jmac-api.jar, is installed in the as-install/lib
directory. After you compile the SAM, install it by copying a JAR file containing the
compiled SAM to the as-install/lib directory.

Configuring a Server Authentication Module

You can configure a SAM in one of these ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Security component under the relevant
configuration and go to the Message Security page. Set the following options:
– Authentication Layer — HttpServlet
– Provider Type — server or client-server
– Provider ID — Specify a unique name for the SAM, for example MySAM
– Class Name — Specify the fully qualified class name, for example
– Additional Property — Name: group-name Value: user
– Additional Property — Name: realm-name Value: Sam
For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.

Securing Applications 4-31

Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container

■ Use the asadmin create-message-security-provider command to configure a

SAM. Set the following options:
– --layer HttpServlet
– --providertype server or --providertype client-server
– --classname tip.sam.MySam
– --property group-name=user:realm-name=Sam
– Provider name operand — Specify a unique name for the SAM, for example
For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Binding a Server Authentication Module to Your Application

After you install and configure the SAM, you can bind it for use by the container on
behalf of one or more of your applications. You have two options in how you bind the
SAM, depending on whether you are willing to repackage and redeploy your
■ If you are willing to repackage and redeploy, you can bind the SAM using the
glassfish-web.xml file. Set the value of the httpservlet-security-provider
attribute of the glassfish-web-app element to the SAM's configured provider ID,
for example, MySAM. For more information about the glassfish-web.xml file, see
the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide. This option
leverages the native AuthConfigProvider implementation that ships with the
GlassFish Server.
■ Another approach is to develop your own AuthConfigProvider and register it
with the GlassFish Server AuthConfigFactory for use on behalf of your
applications. For example, a simple AuthConfigProvider can obtain, through its
initialization properties, the classname of a SAM to configure on behalf of the
applications for which the provider is registered. You can find a description of the
functionality of an AuthConfigProvider and of the registration facilities provided
by an AuthConfigFactory in the JSR 196 specification.

4-32 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
5Developing Web Services

This chapter describes Oracle GlassFish Server support for web services. The following
topics are addressed here:
■ Creating Portable Web Service Artifacts
■ Deploying a Web Service
■ The Web Service URI, WSDL File, and Test Page
■ The Databinding Provider
■ GlassFish Java EE Service Engine

Note: If you installed the Web Profile, web services are not
supported unless the optional Metro Web Services Stack add-on
component is downloaded from the Update Tool. Without the
Metro add-on component, a servlet or EJB component cannot be a
web service endpoint, and the glassfish-web.xml and
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml elements related to web services are
ignored. For information about the Update Tool, see "Update Tool"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
In addition, the as-install/modules/webservices-osgi.jar and
as-install/modules/endorsed/webservices-api-osgi.jar files must
be in the classpath of your web services application. IDEs such as
NetBeans and Eclipse do this automatically.

"Web Services" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial shows how to deploy simple web services to
GlassFish Server.
For additional information about JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding), see Java
Specification Request (JSR) 222 and The Databinding Provider.
For additional information about JAX-WS (Java API for XML-Based Web Services), see
Java Specification Request (JSR) 224 and Java Specification Request (JSR) 109.
For information about web services security, see Configuring Message Security for
Web Services.
The Fast Infoset standard specifies a binary format based on the XML Information Set.
This format is an efficient alternative to XML. For information about using Fast Infoset,
see the following links:
■ Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.6 Release Notes

Developing Web Services 5-1

Creating Portable Web Service Artifacts

■ Fast Infoset in Java Web Services Developer Pack, Version 1.6

■ Fast Infoset Project (

Creating Portable Web Service Artifacts

For a tutorial that shows how to use the wsimport and wsgen commands, see "Web
Services" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.

Deploying a Web Service

You deploy a web service endpoint to the GlassFish Server just as you would any
servlet, stateless session bean (SLSB), or application.

Note: For complex services with dependent classes, user specified

WSDL files, or other advanced features, autodeployment of an
annotated file is not sufficient.

The GlassFish Server deployment descriptor files glassfish-web.xml and

glassfish-ejb-jar.xml provide optional web service enhancements in the
webservice-endpoint and webservice-description elements, including a
debugging-enabled subelement that enables the creation of a test page. The test page
feature is enabled by default and described in The Web Service URI, WSDL File, and
Test Page.
For more information about deployment, autodeployment, and deployment
descriptors, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
For more information about the asadmin deploy command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

The Web Service URI, WSDL File, and Test Page

Clients can run a deployed web service by accessing its service endpoint address URI,
which has the following format:

The context-root is defined in the application.xml or web.xml file, and can be

overridden in the glassfish-application.xml or glassfish-web.xml file. The
servlet-mapping-url-pattern is defined in the web.xml file.
In the following example, the context-root is my-ws and the servlet-mapping-url-pattern is

You can view the WSDL file of the deployed service in a browser by adding ?WSDL to
the end of the URI. For example:

For debugging, you can run a test page for the deployed service in a browser by
adding ?Tester to the end of the URL. For example:

5-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
The Databinding Provider

You can also test a service using the Administration Console. Open the Web Services
component, select the web service in the listing on the General tab, and select Test. For
details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.

Note: The test page works only for WS-I compliant web services.
This means that the tester servlet does not work for services with
WSDL files that use RPC/encoded binding.

Generation of the test page is enabled by default. You can disable the test page for a
web service by setting the value of the debugging-enabled element in the
glassfish-web.xml and glassfish-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor to false. For
more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment

The Databinding Provider

The JAX-WS reference implementation (RI) used to be dependent on the JAXB RI for
databinding. JAXB and JAX-WS implementations have been decoupled, and
databinding is modular.
The EclipseLink JAXB implementation, plus EclipseLink extensions, is called MOXy.
The org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.jar file is bundled with GlassFish Server, which
supports the JAXB RI and MOXy as databinding providers.
To specify the databinding provider for the JVM, set the JVM property to one of the
following values:
Specifies the JAXB reference implementation. This is the default.
Specifies Eclipselink MOXy JAXB binding.
For example:
asadmin create-jvm-options

To specify the databinding provider for a web service endpoint:

■ Set the feature during
WebServiceFeature initialization or using the add method. Allowed values are as
Specifies the JAXB reference implementation. This is the default.
Specifies Eclipselink MOXy JAXB binding.
For example:

Developing Web Services 5-3

GlassFish Java EE Service Engine

WebServiceFeature[] features = {new

■ Set the feature using the

@DatabindingMode annotation. For example:
import javax.jws.WebService;

■ Set the databinding attribute of the endpoint element in the sun-jaxws.xml file.
Allowed values are glassfish.jaxb or eclipselink.jaxb. For example:

The EclipseLink JAXB compiler is not included but can be used with GlassFish Server.
Download the EclipseLink zip file at and unzip it. The
compiler files are located here:

GlassFish Java EE Service Engine

GlassFish Server 4.0 provides the GlassFish Java EE Service Engine, a JSR 208
compliant Java Business Integration (JBI) runtime component that connects Java EE
web services to JBI components. The Java EE Service Engine is installed as an add-on
component using the Update Tool. Look for the JBI component named Java EE Service
Engine. A JBI runtime is not installed with or integrated into GlassFish Server 4.0 and
must be obtained separately. For more information about using the Update Tool to
obtain the Java EE Service Engine and other add-on components, see "Update Tool" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
The Java EE Service Engine acts as a bridge between the Java EE and JBI runtime
environments for web service providers and web service consumers. The Java EE
Service Engine provides better performance than a SOAP over HTTP binding
component due to in-process communication between components and additional
protocols provided by JBI binding components such as JMS, SMTP, and File.
The JSR 208 ( specification allows
transactions to be propagated to other components using a message exchange
property specified in the JTA_TRANSACTION_PROPERTY_NAME field. The Java EE Service
Engine uses this property to set and get a transaction object from the JBI message
exchange. It then uses the transaction object to take part in a transaction. This means a
Java EE application or module can take part in a transaction started by a JBI
application. Conversely, a JBI application can take part in a transaction started by a
Java EE application or module.

5-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
GlassFish Java EE Service Engine

Similarly, the JSR 208 specification allows a security subject to be propagated as a

message exchange property named Thus a security
subject can be propagated from a Java EE application or module to a JBI application or
the reverse.
To deploy a Java EE application or module as a JBI service unit, use the asadmin
deploy command, or autodeployment. For more information about the asadmin
deploy command, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual. For
more information about autodeployment, see "To Deploy an Application or Module
Automatically" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Using the jbi.xml File

Section 6.3.1 of the JSR 208 specification describes the jbi.xml file. This is a
deployment descriptor, located in the META-INF directory. To deploy a Java EE
application or module as a JBI service unit, you need only specify a small subset of
elements in the jbi.xml file. Here is an example provider:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<jbi version="1.0" xmlns=""
<services binding-component="false">
<provides endpoint-name="MiscPort" interface-name="ns0:Misc"

Here is an example consumer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<jbi version="1.0" xmlns=""
<services binding-component="false">
<consumes endpoint-name="MsgPort" interface-name="ns0:Msg"

The Java EE Service Engine enables the endpoints described in the provides section of
the jbi.xml file in the JBI runtime. Similarly, the Java EE Service Engine routes
invocations of the endpoints described in the consumes section from the Java EE web
service consumer to the JBI runtime.

Developing Web Services 5-5

GlassFish Java EE Service Engine

5-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring the Java Persistence Provider

This chapter describes Oracle TopLink, the default persistence provider in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition, and introduces how to use it. This chapter also tells how
to set the default persistence provider in GlassFish Server and how to use
persistence-related features specific to GlassFish Server such as automatic schema
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Overview of Oracle TopLink
■ Using Oracle TopLink in GlassFish Server
■ Specifying the Database for an Application
■ Specifying the Persistence Provider for an Application
■ Primary Key Generation Defaults
■ Automatic Schema Generation
■ Restrictions and Optimizations

Overview of Oracle TopLink

Oracle TopLink is the default persistence provider in Oracle GlassFish Server. It is a
comprehensive standards-based object-persistence and object-transformation
framework that provides APIs, schemas, and run-time services for the persistence
layer of an application.
TopLink includes all of EclipseLink, from the Eclipse Foundation. EclipseLink is the
default persistence provider in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. EclipseLink is
the open source implementation of the development framework and the runtime
provided in TopLink. EclipseLink implements the following specifications, plus
value-added extensions:
■ Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) 2.0.
JPA 2.0 is part of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6). It includes
improvements and enhancements to domain modeling, object/relational
mapping, EntityManager and Query interfaces, and the Java Persistence Query
Language (JPQL). It includes an API for criteria queries, a metamodel API, and
support for validation. The Java Persistence API can be used with non-EJB
components outside the EJB container.
For the JPA 2.0 Specification, see Java Specification Request (JSR) 317. For basic
information about the Java Persistence API, see "Persistence" in The Java EE 7

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-1

Using Oracle TopLink in GlassFish Server

■ Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0. The EclipseLink JAXB
implementation, plus EclipseLink extensions, is called MOXy. The
org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.jar file is bundled with GlassFish Server. For
more information about MOXy support in GlassFish Server, see The Databinding
For the JAXB 2.0 specification, see Java Specification Request (JSR) 222.
■ EclipseLink utilities are not included but can be used with GlassFish Server.
Download the EclipseLink zip file at and unzip it. The
utility files are located here:

In addition to all of EclipseLink, Oracle TopLink includes TopLink Grid, an integration

between TopLink and Oracle Coherence that allows TopLink to use Oracle Coherence
as a level 2 (L2) cache and persistence layer for entities. The toplink-grid.jar file is
bundled with Oracle GlassFish Server.

Note: You must have a license for Oracle Coherence to be able to use
TopLink Grid.

For information about developing, deploying, and configuring Oracle TopLink,

EclipseLink, and TopLink Grid applications, see the following:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Solution Guide for Oracle TopLink
■ EclipseLink project home at
■ EclipseLink Documentation Center at
■ Java API Reference for EclipseLink at
■ EclipseLink examples at
■ Oracle Coherence Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Integration Guide for Oracle TopLink with Coherence Grid

Using Oracle TopLink in GlassFish Server

To run TopLink JPA applications in GlassFish Server, you must configure the server
and coordinate certain server and application settings. These are described in the
following steps. For a summary of these steps, see "Using TopLink with WebLogic
Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Solution Guide for Oracle TopLink. For more detailed
explanations of these steps, see the links in the steps.
1. Set up the datasource. See "Administering Database Connectivity" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
2. Create the application. For guidance in writing your application, see "Persistence"
in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
3. Create the persistence.xml file. See Specifying the Database for an Application
for considerations specific to GlassFish Server.

6-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Specifying the Database for an Application

If you are using the Java Persistence API by calling Persistence.createEMF(), see
Specifying the Persistence Provider for an Application.
4. If the security manager is enabled and you are using the Java Persistence API by
calling Persistence.createEMF(), see Enabling and Disabling the Security
5. Deploy the application. See the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
6. Run the application. See "Application Client Launch" and "To Launch an
Application" in Administration Console online help.
7. Monitor the application. See "Administering the Monitoring Service" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Specifying the Database for an Application

GlassFish Server uses the bundled Java DB (Derby) database by default, named jdbc/_
_default. If the transaction-type element is omitted or specified as JTA and both the
jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source elements are omitted in the
persistence.xml file, Java DB is used as a JTA data source. If transaction-type is
specified as RESOURCE_LOCAL and both jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source are
omitted, Java DB is used as a non-JTA data source.
To use a non-default database, either specify a value for the jta-data-source element,
or set the transaction-type element to RESOURCE_LOCAL and specify a value for the
non-jta-data-source element.
If you are using the default persistence provider, the provider attempts to
automatically detect the database type based on the connection metadata. This
database type is used to issue SQL statements specific to the detected database type's
dialect. You can specify the optional property to
guarantee that the database type is correct. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns="">
<persistence-unit name ="em1">
<property name=""

The following property values are allowed. Supported

platforms have been tested with the GlassFish Server and are found to be Java EE
//Supported platforms
//Others available

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-3

Specifying the Persistence Provider for an Application


For more information about the property, see Using

EclipseLink JPA Extensions for Session, Target Database and Target Application Server
If you are using the Java Persistence API by calling Persistence.createEMF(), do not
specify the jta-data-source or non-jta-data-source elements. Instead, specify the
provider element and any additional properties required by the JDBC driver or the
database. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns="" version="1.0">
<persistence-unit name ="em2">
<property name=""
<!-- JDBC connection properties -->
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver"
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url"
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="APP"/>
<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="APP"/>

For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release Notes. For configurations of supported and
other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Administration Guide.

Specifying the Persistence Provider for an Application

If you are using the default persistence provider in an application that uses the Java
Persistence API by injecting or looking up an entity manager or entity manager
factory, you do not need to specify the provider.
If you are using the Java Persistence API by calling Persistence.createEMF(), you
should always specify the persistence provider for specification compliance. To specify
the default provider, set the provider element of the persistence.xml file to
You can specify a non-default persistence provider for an application in the manner
described in the Java Persistence API Specification:

6-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Primary Key Generation Defaults

1. Install the provider. Copy the provider JAR files to the domain-dir/lib directory,
and restart the GlassFish Server. For more information about the domain-dir/lib
directory, see Using the Common Class Loader. The new persistence provider is
now available to all modules and applications deployed on servers that share the
same configuration.
However, the default provider remains the same, Oracle TopLink or EclipseLink.
2. In your persistence unit, specify the provider and any properties the provider
requires in the persistence.xml file. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns="">
<persistence-unit name ="em3">
<property name="" value="MyDB"/>

To specify the provider programmatically instead of in the persistence.xml file, set

the javax.persistence.provider property and pass it to the Map parameter of the
following method:
javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map)

Primary Key Generation Defaults

In the descriptions of the @GeneratedValue, @SequenceGenerator, and
@TableGenerator annotations in the Java Persistence Specification, certain defaults are
noted as specific to the persistence provider. The default persistence provider's
primary key generation defaults are listed here.
@GeneratedValue defaults are as follows:
■ Using strategy=AUTO (or no strategy) creates a @TableGenerator named SEQ_GEN
with default settings. Specifying a generator has no effect.
■ Using strategy=TABLE without specifying a generator creates a @TableGenerator
named SEQ_GEN_TABLE with default settings. Specifying a generator but no
@TableGenerator creates and names a @TableGenerator with default settings.
■ Using strategy=IDENTITY or strategy=SEQUENCE produces the same results,
which are database-specific.
– For Oracle databases, not specifying a generator creates a
@SequenceGenerator named SEQ_GEN_SEQUENCE with default settings.
Specifying a generator but no @SequenceGenerator creates and names a
@SequenceGenerator with default settings.
– For PostgreSQL databases, a SERIAL column named entity-table_pk-column_SEQ
is created.
– For MySQL databases, an AUTO_INCREMENT column is created.
– For other supported databases, an IDENTITY column is created.
The @SequenceGenerator annotation has one default specific to the default provider.
The default sequenceName is the specified name.
@TableGenerator defaults are as follows:

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-5

Automatic Schema Generation

■ The default table is SEQUENCE.

■ The default pkColumnName is SEQ_NAME.
■ The default valueColumnName is SEQ_COUNT.
■ The default pkColumnValue is the specified name, or the default name if no name is

Automatic Schema Generation

The automatic schema generation feature of the GlassFish Server defines database
tables based on the fields or properties in entities and the relationships between the
fields or properties. This insulates developers from many of the database related
aspects of development, allowing them to focus on entity development. The resulting
schema is usable as-is or can be given to a database administrator for tuning with
respect to performance, security, and so on.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Annotations
■ Generation Options

Note: Automatic schema generation is supported on an

all-or-none basis: it expects that no tables exist in the database
before it is executed. It is not intended to be used as a tool to
generate extra tables or constraints.
Deployment won't fail if all tables are not created, and
undeployment won't fail if not all tables are dropped. Instead, an
error is written to the server log. This is done to allow you to
investigate the problem and fix it manually. You should not rely on
the partially created database schema to be correct for running the

The following annotations are used in automatic schema generation:
@AssociationOverride, @AssociationOverrides, @AttributeOverride,
@AttributeOverrides, @Column, @DiscriminatorColumn, @DiscriminatorValue,
@Embedded, @EmbeddedId, @GeneratedValue, @Id, @IdClass, @JoinColumn,
@JoinColumns, @JoinTable, @Lob, @ManyToMany, @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, @OneToOne,
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn, @PrimaryKeyJoinColumns, @SecondaryTable,
@SecondaryTables, @SequenceGenerator, @Table, @TableGenerator,
@UniqueConstraint, and @Version. For information about these annotations, see the
Java Persistence Specification.
For @Column annotations, the insertable and updatable elements are not used in
automatic schema generation.
For @OneToMany and @ManyToOne annotations, no ForeignKeyConstraint is created in
the resulting DDL files.

Generation Options
Schema generation properties or asadmin command line options can control automatic
schema generation by the following:

6-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Automatic Schema Generation

■ Creating tables during deployment

■ Dropping tables during undeployment
■ Dropping and creating tables during redeployment
■ Generating the DDL files

Note: Before using these options, make sure you have a properly
configured database. See Specifying the Database for an

Optional schema generation properties control the automatic creation of database

tables. You can specify them in the persistence.xml file. For more information, see
Using EclipseLink JPA Extensions for Schema Generation
The following options of the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir command control
the automatic creation of database tables at deployment.

Table 6–1 The asadmin deploy and asadmin deploydir Generation Options
Option Default Description
--createtables none If true, causes database tables to be created for entities that need them. No
unique constraints are created. If false, does not create tables. If not
specified, the value of the eclipselink.ddl-generation property in
persistence.xml is used.
--dropandcreatetables none If true, and if tables were automatically created when this application was
last deployed, tables from the earlier deployment are dropped and fresh
ones are created.
If true, and if tables were not automatically created when this application
was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables. If tables with the
same names as those that would have been automatically created are
found, the deployment proceeds, but a warning is thrown to indicate that
tables could not be created.
If false, the eclipselink.ddl-generation property setting in
persistence.xml is overridden.

The following options of the asadmin undeploy command control the automatic
removal of database tables at undeployment.

Table 6–2 The asadmin undeploy Generation Options

Option Default Description
--droptables none If true, causes database tables that were automatically created when the entities were
last deployed to be dropped when the entities are undeployed. If false, does not drop
If not specified, tables are dropped only if the eclipselink.ddl-generation property
setting in persistence.xml is drop-and-create-tables.

For more information about the asadmin deploy, asadmin deploydir, and asadmin
undeploy commands, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
When asadmin deployment options and persistence.xml options are both specified,
the asadmin deployment options take precedence.

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-7

Restrictions and Optimizations

Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions and performance optimizations that affect using the
Java Persistence API.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Oracle Database Enhancements
■ Extended Persistence Context
■ Using @OrderBy with a Shared Session Cache
■ Using BLOB or CLOB Types with the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver
■ Database Case Sensitivity
■ Sybase Finder Limitation
■ MySQL Database Restrictions

Oracle Database Enhancements

EclipseLink features a number of enhancements for use with Oracle databases. These
enhancements require classes from the Oracle JDBC driver JAR files to be visible to
EclipseLink at runtime. If you place the JDBC driver JAR files in domain-dir/lib, the
classes are not visible to GlassFish Server components, including EclipseLink.
If you are using an Oracle database, put JDBC driver JAR files in domain-dir/lib/ext
instead. This ensures that the JDBC driver classes are visible to EclipseLink.
If you do not want to take advantage of Oracle-specific extensions from EclipseLink or
you cannot put JDBC driver JAR files in domain-dir/lib/ext, set the property to the value
org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform. For more
information about the property, see Specifying the
Database for an Application.

Extended Persistence Context

The Java Persistence API specification does not specify how the container and
persistence provider should work together to serialize an extended persistence
context. This also prevents successful serialization of a reference to an extended
persistence context in a stateful session bean.
Even in a single-instance environment, if a stateful session bean is passivated, its
extended persistence context could be lost when the stateful session bean is activated.
Therefore, in GlassFish Server, a stateful session bean with an extended persistence
context is never passivated and cannot be failed over.

Using @OrderBy with a Shared Session Cache

Setting @OrderBy on a ManyToMany or OneToMany relationship field in which a List
represents the Many side doesn't work if the session cache is shared. Use one of the
following workarounds:
■ Have the application maintain the order so the List is cached properly.
■ Refresh the session cache using EntityManager.refresh() if you don't want to
maintain the order during creation or modification of the List.
■ Disable session cache sharing in persistence.xml as follows:

6-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Restrictions and Optimizations

<property name="eclipselink.cache.shared.default" value="false"/>

Using BLOB or CLOB Types with the Inet Oraxo JDBC Driver
To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for persistence using the Inet Oraxo
JDBC Driver for Oracle Databases, you must set the database's streamstolob property
value to true.

Database Case Sensitivity

Mapping references to column or table names must be in accordance with the expected
column or table name case, and ensuring this is the programmer's responsibility. If
column or table names are not explicitly specified for a field or entity, the GlassFish
Server uses upper case column names by default, so any mapping references to the
column or table names must be in upper case. If column or table names are explicitly
specified, the case of all mapping references to the column or table names must be in
accordance with the case used in the specified names.
The following are examples of how case sensitivity affects mapping elements that refer
to columns or tables. Keep case sensitivity in mind when writing these mappings.

Unique Constraints
If column names are not explicitly specified on a field, unique constraints and foreign
key mappings must be specified using uppercase references. For example:
@Table(name="Department", uniqueConstraints={ @UniqueConstraint ( columnNames= {
"DEPTNAME" } ) } )

The other way to handle this is by specifying explicit column names for each field with
the required case. For example:
@Table(name="Department", uniqueConstraints={ @UniqueConstraint ( columnNames= {
"deptName" } ) } )
public class Department{ @Column(name="deptName") private String deptName; }

Otherwise, the ALTER TABLE statement generated by the GlassFish Server uses the
incorrect case, and the creation of the unique constraint fails.

Foreign Key Mapping

Use @OneToMany(mappedBy="COMPANY") or specify an explicit column name for the
Company field on the Many side of the relationship.

SQL Result Set Mapping

Use the following elements:
<sql-result-set-mapping name="SRSMName">
<entity-result entity-class="entities.someEntity" />
<column-result name="UPPERCASECOLUMNNAME" />

Or specify an explicit column name for the upperCaseColumnName field.

Named Native Queries and JDBC Queries

Column or table names specified in SQL queries must be in accordance with the
expected case. For example, MySQL requires column names in the SELECT clause of

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-9

Restrictions and Optimizations

JDBC queries to be uppercase, while PostgreSQL and Sybase require table names to be
uppercase in all JDBC queries.

PostgreSQL Case Sensitivity

PostgreSQL stores column and table names in lower case. JDBC queries on PostgreSQL
retrieve column or table names in lowercase unless the names are quoted. For
use aliases Select m.ID AS \"ID\" from Department m

Use the backslash as an escape character in the class file, but not in the
persistence.xml file.

Sybase Finder Limitation

If a finder method with an input greater than 255 characters is executed and the
primary key column is mapped to a VARCHAR column, Sybase attempts to convert
type VARCHAR to type TEXT and generates the following error:
com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Implicit conversion from datatype
'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

To avoid this error, make sure the finder method input is less than 255 characters.

MySQL Database Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you use a MySQL database with the GlassFish
Server for persistence.
■ MySQL treats int1 and int2 as reserved words. If you want to define int1 and
int2 as fields in your table, use `int1` and `int2` field names in your SQL file.
■ When VARCHAR fields get truncated, a warning is displayed instead of an error. To
get an error message, start the MySQL database in strict SQL mode.
■ The order of fields in a foreign key index must match the order in the explicitly
created index on the primary table.
■ The CREATE TABLE syntax in the SQL file must end with the following line.
) Engine=InnoDB;

InnoDB provides MySQL with a transaction-safe (ACID compliant) storage engine

having commit, rollback, and crash recovery capabilities.
■ For a FLOAT type field, the correct precision must be defined. By default, MySQL
uses four bytes to store a FLOAT type that does not have an explicit precision
definition. For example, this causes a number such as 12345.67890123 to be
rounded off to 12345.7 during an INSERT. To prevent this, specify FLOAT(10,2) in
the DDL file, which forces the database to use an eight-byte double-precision
column. For more information, see
■ To use || as the string concatenation symbol, start the MySQL server with the
--sql-mode="PIPES_AS_CONCAT" option. For more information, see

6-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Restrictions and Optimizations

■ MySQL always starts a new connection when autoCommit==true is set. This

ensures that each SQL statement forms a single transaction on its own. If you try
to rollback or commit an SQL statement, you get an error message.
javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
Can't call rollback when autocommit=true

javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
Error open transaction is not closed

To resolve this issue, add relaxAutoCommit=true to the JDBC URL. For more
information, see,31326,31404.
■ MySQL does not allow a DELETE on a row that contains a reference to itself. Here is
an example that illustrates the issue.
create table EMPLOYEE (
empId int NOT NULL,
salary float(25,2) NULL,
mgrId int NULL,

insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);

delete from Employee where empId = 1;

This example fails with the following error message.

ERROR 1217 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row:
a foreign key constraint fails

To resolve this issue, change the table creation script to the following:
create table EMPLOYEE (
empId int NOT NULL,
salary float(25,2) NULL,
mgrId int NULL,

insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);

delete from Employee where empId = 1;

This can be done only if the foreign key field is allowed to be null. For more
information, see

Configuring the Java Persistence Provider 6-11

Restrictions and Optimizations

6-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
7 Developing Web Applications

This chapter describes how web applications are supported in the Oracle GlassFish
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Using Servlets
■ Using JavaServer Pages
■ Creating and Managing Sessions
■ Using Comet
■ Advanced Web Application Features
For general information about web applications, see "The Web Tier" in The Java EE 7

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318

Using Servlets
GlassFish Server supports the Java Servlet Specification version 3.0.

Note: Servlet API version 3.0 is fully backward compatible with

versions 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5, so all existing servlets should work
without modification or recompilation.

To develop servlets, use the Java Servlet API. For information about using the Java
Servlet API, see the documentation at
The GlassFish Server provides the wscompile and wsdeploy tools to help you
implement a web service endpoint as a servlet. For more information about these tools,
see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
This section describes how to create effective servlets to control application
interactions running on a GlassFish Server, including standard-based servlets. In

Developing Web Applications 7-1

Using Servlets

addition, this section describes the GlassFish Server features to use to augment the
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Caching Servlet Results
■ About the Servlet Engine

Caching Servlet Results

The GlassFish Server can cache the results of invoking a servlet, a JSP, or any URL
pattern to make subsequent invocations of the same servlet, JSP, or URL pattern faster.
The GlassFish Server caches the request results for a specific amount of time. In this
way, if another data call occurs, the GlassFish Server can return the cached data
instead of performing the operation again. For example, if your servlet returns a stock
quote that updates every 5 minutes, you set the cache to expire after 300 seconds.
Whether to cache results and how to cache them depends on the data involved. For
example, it makes no sense to cache the results of a quiz submission, because the input
to the servlet is different each time. However, it makes sense to cache a high level
report showing demographic data taken from quiz results that is updated once an
To define how a GlassFish Server web application handles response caching, you edit
specific fields in the glassfish-web.xml file.

Note: A servlet that uses caching is not portable.

For Javadoc tool pages relevant to caching servlet results, go to and click on the
com.sun.appserv.web.cache package.
For information about JSP caching, see JSP Caching.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Caching Features
■ Default Cache Configuration
■ Caching Example
■ The CacheKeyGenerator Interface

Caching Features
The GlassFish Server has the following web application response caching capabilities:
■ Caching is configurable based on the servlet name or the URI.
■ When caching is based on the URI, this includes user specified parameters in the
query string. For example, a response from /garden/catalog?category=roses is
different from a response from /garden/catalog?category=lilies. These
responses are stored under different keys in the cache.
■ Cache size, entry timeout, and other caching behaviors are configurable.
■ Entry timeout is measured from the time an entry is created or refreshed. To
override this timeout for an individual cache mapping, specify the cache-mapping
subelement timeout.

7-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Servlets

■ To determine caching criteria programmatically, write a class that implements the

com.sun.appserv.web.cache.CacheHelper interface. For example, if only a servlet
knows when a back end data source was last modified, you can write a helper
class to retrieve the last modified timestamp from the data source and decide
whether to cache the response based on that timestamp.
■ To determine cache key generation programmatically, write a class that
implements the com.sun.appserv.web.cache.CacheKeyGenerator interface. See The
CacheKeyGenerator Interface.
■ All non-ASCII request parameter values specified in cache key elements must be
URL encoded. The caching subsystem attempts to match the raw parameter values
in the request query string.
■ Since newly updated classes impact what gets cached, the web container clears the
cache during dynamic deployment or reloading of classes.
■ The following HttpServletRequest request attributes are exposed.
– com.sun.appserv.web.cachedServletName, the cached servlet target
– com.sun.appserv.web.cachedURLPattern, the URL pattern being cached
■ Results produced by resources that are the target of a
RequestDispatcher.include() or RequestDispatcher.forward() call are cached
if caching has been enabled for those resources. For details, see "cache-mapping" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide and "dispatcher"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide. These are
elements in the glassfish-web.xml file.

Default Cache Configuration

If you enable caching but do not provide any special configuration for a servlet or JSP,
the default cache configuration is as follows:
■ The default cache timeout is 30 seconds.
■ Only the HTTP GET method is eligible for caching.
■ HTTP requests with cookies or sessions automatically disable caching.
■ No special consideration is given to Pragma:, Cache-control:, or Vary: headers.
■ The default key consists of the Servlet Path (minus pathInfo and the query string).
■ A "least recently used" list is maintained to evict cache entries if the maximum
cache size is exceeded.
■ Key generation concatenates the servlet path with key field values, if any are
■ Results produced by resources that are the target of a
RequestDispatcher.include() or RequestDispatcher.forward() call are never

Caching Example
Here is an example cache element in the glassfish-web.xml file:
<cache max-capacity="8192" timeout="60">
<cache-helper name="myHelper" class-name="MyCacheHelper"/>
<timeout name="timefield">120</timeout>

Developing Web Applications 7-3

Using Servlets

<url-pattern> /catalog/* </url-pattern>
<!-- cache the best selling category; cache the responses to
-- this resource only when the given parameters exist. Cache
-- only when the catalog parameter has 'lilies' or 'roses'
-- but no other catalog varieties:
-- /orchard/catalog?best&category='lilies'
-- /orchard/catalog?best&category='roses'
-- but not the result of
-- /orchard/catalog?best&category='wild'
<constraint-field name='best' scope='request.parameter'/>
<constraint-field name='category' scope='request.parameter'>
<value> roses </value>
<value> lilies </value>
<!-- Specify that a particular field is of given range but the
-- field doesn't need to be present in all the requests -->
<constraint-field name='SKUnum' scope='request.parameter'>
<value match-expr='in-range'> 1000 - 2000 </value>
<!-- cache when the category matches with any value other than
-- a specific value -->
<constraint-field name="category" scope="request.parameter>
<value match-expr="equals" cache-on-match-failure="true">
<servlet-name> InfoServlet </servlet-name>

For more information about the glassfish-web.xml caching settings, see "cache" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

The CacheKeyGenerator Interface

The built-in default CacheHelper implementation allows web applications to
customize the key generation. An application component (in a servlet or JSP) can set
up a custom CacheKeyGenerator implementation as an attribute in the
The name of the context attribute is configurable as the value of the
cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property in the default-helper element of the
glassfish-web.xml deployment descriptor. For more information, see "default-helper"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

About the Servlet Engine

Servlets exist in and are managed by the servlet engine in the GlassFish Server. The
servlet engine is an internal object that handles all servlet meta functions. These
functions include instantiation, initialization, destruction, access from other
components, and configuration management.
The following topics are addressed here:

7-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using JavaServer Pages

■ Instantiating and Removing Servlets

■ Request Handling

Instantiating and Removing Servlets

After the servlet engine instantiates the servlet, the servlet engine calls the servlet's
init method to perform any necessary initialization. You can override this method to
perform an initialization function for the servlet's life, such as initializing a counter.
When a servlet is removed from service, the servlet engine calls the destroy method in
the servlet so that the servlet can perform any final tasks and deallocate resources. You
can override this method to write log messages or clean up any lingering connections
that won't be caught in garbage collection.

Request Handling
When a request is made, the GlassFish Server hands the incoming data to the servlet
engine. The servlet engine processes the request's input data, such as form data,
cookies, session information, and URL name-value pairs, into an HttpServletRequest
request object type.
The servlet engine also creates an HttpServletResponse response object type. The
engine then passes both as parameters to the servlet's service method.
In an HTTP servlet, the default service method routes requests to another method
based on the HTTP transfer method: POST, GET, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, or TRACE.
For example, HTTP POST requests are sent to the doPost method, HTTP GET requests
are sent to the doGet method, and so on. This enables the servlet to process request
data differently, depending on which transfer method is used. Since the routing takes
place in the service method, you generally do not override service in an HTTP
servlet. Instead, override doGet, doPost, and so on, depending on the request type you
To perform the tasks to answer a request, override the service method for generic
servlets, and the doGet or doPost methods for HTTP servlets. Very often, this means
accessing EJB components to perform business transactions, then collating the
information in the request object or in a JDBC ResultSet object.

Using JavaServer Pages

The GlassFish Server supports the following JSP features:
■ JavaServer Pages (JSP) Specification
■ Precompilation of JSP files, which is especially useful for production servers
■ JSP tag libraries and standard portable tags
For information about creating JSP files, see the JavaServer Pages web site at
For information about Java Beans, see the JavaBeans web page at
This section describes how to use JavaServer Pages (JSP files) as page templates in a
GlassFish Server web application.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ JSP Tag Libraries and Standard Portable Tags

Developing Web Applications 7-5

Using JavaServer Pages

■ JSP Caching
■ Options for Compiling JSP Files

JSP Tag Libraries and Standard Portable Tags

GlassFish Server supports tag libraries and standard portable tags. For more
information, see the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) page at
Web applications don't need to bundle copies of the jsf-impl.jar or
appserv-jstl.jar JSP tag libraries (in as-install/lib) to use JavaServer Faces
technology or JSTL, respectively. These tag libraries are automatically available to all
web applications.
However, the as-install/lib/jspcachtags.jar tag library for JSP caching is not
automatically available to web applications. See JSP Caching, next.

JSP Caching
JSP caching lets you cache tag invocation results within the Java engine. Each can be
cached using different cache criteria. For example, suppose you have invocations to
view stock quotes, weather information, and so on. The stock quote result can be
cached for 10 minutes, the weather report result for 30 minutes, and so on.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Enabling JSP Caching
■ Caching Scope
■ The cache Tag
■ The flush Tag
For more information about response caching as it pertains to servlets, see Caching
Servlet Results.

Enabling JSP Caching

To globally enable JSP caching, set the jspCachingEnabled property to true. The
default is false. For example:
asadmin set"true"

For more information about the asadmin set command, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Reference Manual.
To enable JSP caching for a single web application, follow these steps:
1. Extract the META-INF/jspcachtags.tld file from the
as-install/modules/web-glue.jar file.
2. Create a new JAR file (for example, jspcachtags.jar) containing just the
META-INF/jspcachtags.tld file previously extracted.
3. Bundle this new JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application.

Note: Web applications that use JSP caching without bundling the
tag library are not portable.

Refer to GlassFish Server tags in JSP files as follows:

7-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using JavaServer Pages

<%@ taglib prefix="prefix" uri="" %>

Subsequently, the cache tags are available as <prefix:cache> and <prefix:flush>. For
example, if your prefix is mypfx, the cache tags are available as <mypfx:cache> and

Caching Scope
JSP caching is available in three different scopes: request, session, and application.
The default is application. To use a cache in request scope, a web application must
specify the com.sun.appserv.web.taglibs.cache.CacheRequestListener in its
web.xml deployment descriptor, as follows:

Likewise, for a web application to utilize a cache in session scope, it must specify the
com.sun.appserv.web.taglibs.cache.CacheSessionListener in its web.xml
deployment descriptor, as follows:

To utilize a cache in application scope, a web application need not specify any
listener. The com.sun.appserv.web.taglibs.cache.CacheContextListener is already
specified in the jspcachtags.tld file.

The cache Tag

The cache tag caches the body between the beginning and ending tags according to the
attributes specified. The first time the tag is encountered, the body content is executed
and cached. Each subsequent time it is run, the cached content is checked to see if it
needs to be refreshed and if so, it is executed again, and the cached data is refreshed.
Otherwise, the cached data is served.

Attributes of cache The following table describes attributes for the cache tag.

Table 7–1 The cache Attributes

Attribute Default Description
key ServletPath_Suffix (optional) The name used by the container to access the cached entry. The cache key
is suffixed to the servlet path to generate a key to access the cached entry. If no key is
specified, a number is generated according to the position of the tag in the page.
timeout 60s (optional) The time in seconds after which the body of the tag is executed and the
cache is refreshed. By default, this value is interpreted in seconds. To specify a
different unit of time, add a suffix to the timeout value as follows: s for seconds, m
for minutes, h for hours, d for days. For example, 2h specifies two hours.

Developing Web Applications 7-7

Using JavaServer Pages

Table 7–1 (Cont.) The cache Attributes

Attribute Default Description
nocache false (optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and served as if there were no
cache tag. This offers a way to programmatically decide whether the cached
response is sent or whether the body has to be executed, though the response is not
refresh false (optional) If set to true, the body content is executed and the response is cached
again. This lets you programmatically refresh the cache immediately regardless of
the timeout setting.
scope application (optional) The scope of the cache. Can be request, session, or application. See
Caching Scope.

Example of cache The following example represents a cached JSP file:

<%@ taglib prefix="mypfx" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<mypfx:cache key="${sessionScope.loginId}"
<c:when test="${ == 'frontPage'}">
<%-- get headlines from database --%>
<mypfx:cache timeout="1h">
<h2> Local News </h2>
<%-- get the headline news and cache them --%>

The flush Tag

Forces the cache to be flushed. If a key is specified, only the entry with that key is
flushed. If no key is specified, the entire cache is flushed.

Attributes of flush The following table describes attributes for the flush tag.

Table 7–2 The flush Attributes

Attribute Default Description
key ServletPath_Suffix (optional) The name used by the container to access the cached
entry. The cache key is suffixed to the servlet path to generate a
key to access the cached entry. If no key is specified, a number is
generated according to the position of the tag in the page.
scope application (optional) The scope of the cache. Can be request, session, or
application. See Caching Scope.

Examples of flush To flush the entry with key="foobar":

<mypfx:flush key="foobar"/>

To flush the entire cache:

7-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Creating and Managing Sessions

<c:if test="${empty sessionScope.clearCache}">

<mypfx:flush />

Options for Compiling JSP Files

GlassFish Server provides the following ways of compiling JSP source files into
■ JSP files are automatically compiled at runtime.
■ The asadmin deploy command has a --precompilejsp option. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ The jspc command line tool allows you to precompile JSP files at the command
line. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Creating and Managing Sessions

This section describes how to create and manage HTTP sessions that allows users and
transaction information to persist between interactions.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Configuring Sessions
■ Session Managers

Configuring Sessions
The following topics are addressed here:
■ HTTP Sessions, Cookies, and URL Rewriting
■ Coordinating Session Access
■ Saving Sessions During Redeployment
■ Logging Session Attributes
■ Distributed Sessions and Persistence

HTTP Sessions, Cookies, and URL Rewriting

To configure whether and how HTTP sessions use cookies and URL rewriting, edit the
session-properties and cookie-properties elements in the glassfish-web.xml file
for an individual web application. For more about the properties you can configure,
see "session-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment
Guide and "cookie-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
For information about configuring default session properties for the entire web
container, see Using the default-web.xml File and the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition High Availability Administration Guide.

Coordinating Session Access

Make sure that multiple threads don't simultaneously modify the same session object
in conflicting ways. If the persistence type is replicated (see The replicated
Persistence Type), the following message in the log file indicates that this might be

Developing Web Applications 7-9

Creating and Managing Sessions

Primary Key Constraint violation while saving session session_id

This is especially likely to occur in web applications that use HTML frames where
multiple servlets are executing simultaneously on behalf of the same client. A good
solution is to ensure that one of the servlets modifies the session and the others have
read-only access.

Saving Sessions During Redeployment

Whenever a redeployment is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid
unless you use the --keepstate=true option of the asadmin redeploy command. For
asadmin redeploy --keepstate=true --name hello.war

For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The default for --keepstate is false. This option is supported only on the default
server instance, named server. It is not supported and ignored for any other target.
For web applications, this feature is applicable only if in the glassfish-web-app.xml
file the persistence-type attribute of the session-manager element is file.
If any active web session fails to be preserved or restored, none of the sessions will be
available when the redeployment is complete. However, the redeployment continues
and a warning is logged.
The new class loader of the redeployed application is used to deserialize any sessions
previously saved. The usual restrictions about serialization and deserialization apply.
For example, any application-specific class referenced by a session attribute may
evolve only in a backward-compatible fashion. For more information about class
loaders, see Class Loaders.

Logging Session Attributes

You can write session attribute values to an access log. The access log format token logs one of the following:
■ The value of the session attribute with the name name
■ NULL-SESSION-ATTRIBUTE-name if the named attribute does not exist in the session
■ NULL-SESSION if no session exists
For more information about access logging and format tokens, see online help for the
Access Log tab of the HTTP Service page in the Administration Console.

Distributed Sessions and Persistence

A distributed HTTP session can run in multiple GlassFish Server instances, provided
the following criteria are met:
■ Each server instance has the same distributable web application deployed to it.
The web-app element of the web.xml deployment descriptor file must have the
distributable subelement specified.
■ The web application uses high-availability session persistence. If a
non-distributable web application is configured to use high-availability session
persistence, a warning is written to the server log, and the session persistence type
reverts to memory. See The replicated Persistence Type.
■ All objects bound into a distributed session must be of the types listed in
Table 7–3.

7-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Creating and Managing Sessions

■ The web application must be deployed using the deploy or deploydir command
with the --availabilityenabled option set to true. See the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Reference Manual.

Note: Contrary to the Servlet 3.0 specification, GlassFish Server

does not throw an IllegalArgumentException if an object type not
supported for failover is bound into a distributed session.
Keep the distributed session size as small as possible. Session size
has a direct impact on overall system throughput.

In the event of an instance or hardware failure, another server instance can take over a
distributed session, with the following limitations:
■ If a distributable web application references a Java EE component or resource, the
reference might be lost. See Table 7–3 for a list of the types of references that
HTTPSession failover supports.
■ References to open files or network connections are lost.
For information about how to work around these limitations, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Deployment Planning Guide.
In the following table, No indicates that failover for the object type might not work in
all cases and that no failover support is provided. However, failover might work in
some cases for that object type. For example, failover might work because the class
implementing that type is serializable.
For more information about the InitialContext, see Accessing the Naming Context.
For more information about transaction recovery, see Using the Transaction Service.
For more information about Administered Objects, see "Administering JMS Physical
Destinations" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Table 7–3 Object Types Supported for Java EE Web Application Session State Failover
Java Object Type Failover Support
Colocated or distributed stateless session, Yes
stateful session, or entity bean reference
JNDI context Yes, InitialContext and java:comp/env
UserTransaction Yes, but if the instance that fails is never restarted,
any prepared global transactions are lost and might
not be correctly rolled back or committed.
JDBC DataSource No
Java Message Service (JMS) No
ConnectionFactory, Destination
JavaMail Session No
Connection Factory No
Administered Object No
Web service reference No
Serializable Java types Yes
Extended persistence context No

Developing Web Applications 7-11

Creating and Managing Sessions

Session Managers
A session manager automatically creates new session objects whenever a new session
starts. In some circumstances, clients do not join the session, for example, if the session
manager uses cookies and the client does not accept cookies.
GlassFish Server offers these session management options, determined by the
session-manager element's persistence-type attribute in the glassfish-web.xml file:
■ The memory Persistence Type, the default
■ The file Persistence Type, which uses a file to store session data
■ The replicated Persistence Type, which uses other servers in the cluster for
session persistence
■ The coherence-web Persistence Type, which uses Coherence*Web for session

Note: If the session manager configuration contains an error, the

error is written to the server log and the default (memory)
configuration is used.

For more information, see "session-manager" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.

The memory Persistence Type

This persistence type is not designed for a production environment that requires
session persistence. It provides no session persistence. However, you can configure it
so that the session state in memory is written to the file system prior to server
To specify the memory persistence type for a specific web application, edit the
glassfish-web.xml file as in the following example. The persistence-type attribute
is optional, but must be set to memory if included. This overrides the web container
availability settings for the web application.

<session-manager persistence-type="memory" />
<property name="sessionFilename" value="sessionstate" />

The only manager property that the memory persistence type supports is
sessionFilename, which is listed under "manager-properties" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide. The sessionFilename property specifies
the name of the file where sessions are serialized and persisted if the web application
or the server is stopped. To disable this behavior, specify an empty string as the value
of sessionFilename. The default value is an empty string.

7-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Creating and Managing Sessions

For more information about the glassfish-web.xml file, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

The file Persistence Type

This persistence type provides session persistence to the local file system, and allows a
single server domain to recover the session state after a failure and restart. The session
state is persisted in the background, and the rate at which this occurs is configurable.
The store also provides passivation and activation of the session state to help control
the amount of memory used. This option is not supported in a production
environment. However, it is useful for a development system with a single server

Note: Make sure the delete option is set in the server.policy

file, or expired file-based sessions might not be deleted properly.
For more information about server.policy, see The
server.policy File.

To specify the file persistence type for a specific web application, edit the
glassfish-web.xml file as in the following example. Note that persistence-type
must be set to file. This overrides the web container availability settings for the web
<session-manager persistence-type="file">
<property name="directory" value="sessiondir" />

The file persistence type supports all the manager properties listed under
"manager-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment
Guide except sessionFilename, and supports the directory store property listed
under "store-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment
For more information about the glassfish-web.xml file, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

The replicated Persistence Type

The replicated persistence type uses other servers in the cluster for session persistence.
Clustered server instances replicate session state. Each backup instance stores the
replicated data in memory. This allows sessions to be distributed. For details, see
Distributed Sessions and Persistence. In addition, you can configure the frequency and
scope of session persistence. The other servers are also used as the passivation and
activation store. Use this option in a production environment that requires session
To use the replicated persistence type, you must enable availability. Select the
Availability Service component under the relevant configuration in the Administration

Developing Web Applications 7-13

Creating and Managing Sessions

Console. Check the Availability Service box. To enable availability for the web
container, select the Web Container Availability tab, then check the Availability Service
box. All instances in an GlassFish Server cluster should have the same availability
settings to ensure consistent behavior. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition High Availability Administration Guide.
To change settings such as persistence frequency and persistence scope for the entire
web container, use the Persistence Frequency and Persistence Scope drop-down lists
on the Web Container Availability tab in the Administration Console, or use the
asadmin set command. For example:
asadmin set

For more information, see the description of the asadmin set command in the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
To specify the replicated persistence type for a specific web application, edit the
glassfish-web.xml file as in the following example. Note that persistence-type
must be set to replicated. This overrides the web container availability settings for
the web application.
<session-manager persistence-type="replicated">
<property name="persistenceFrequency" value="web-method" />
<property name="persistenceScope" value="session" />

The replicated persistence type supports all the manager properties listed under
"manager-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment
Guide except sessionFilename, and supports the persistenceScope store property
listed under "store-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
For more information about the glassfish-web.xml file, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
To specify that web sessions for which high availability is enabled are first buffered
and then replicated using a separate asynchronous thread, use the
--asyncreplication=true option of the asadmin deploy command. For example:
asadmin deploy --availabilityenabled=true --asyncreplication=true --name hello.war

If --asyncreplication is set to true (the default), performance is improved but

availability is reduced. If the instance where states are buffered but not yet replicated
fails, the states are lost. If set to false, performance is reduced but availability is
guaranteed. States are not buffered but immediately transmitted to other instances in
the cluster.

7-14 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

The coherence-web Persistence Type

Built on top of Oracle Coherence, Coherence*Web is an HTTP session management
module dedicated to managing session state in clustered environments. Starting with
Coherence 3.7 and GlassFish Server 4.0, there is a new feature of Coherence*Web called
ActiveCache for GlassFish. ActiveCache for GlassFish provides Coherence*Web
functionality in web applications deployed on GlassFish Servers. Within GlassFish
Server, Coherence*Web functions as an additional web container persistence type,
named coherence-web.
For information about how to configure and deploy Coherence*Web on GlassFish
Server, see Using Coherence*Web with GlassFish Server

Using Comet
This section explains the Comet programming technique and how to create and
deploy a Comet-enabled application with the Oracle GlassFish Server.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Introduction to Comet
■ Grizzly Comet
■ Bayeux Protocol

Introduction to Comet
Comet is a programming technique that allows a web server to send updates to clients
without requiring the clients to explicitly request them.
This kind of programming technique is called server push, which means that the server
pushes data to the client. The opposite style is client pull, which means that the client
must pull the data from the server, usually through a user-initiated event, such as a
button click.
Web applications that use the Comet technique can deliver updates to clients in a more
timely manner than those that use the client-pull style while avoiding the latency that
results from clients frequently polling the server.
One of the many use cases for Comet is a chat room application. When the server
receives a message from one of the chat clients, it needs to send the message to the
other clients without requiring them to ask for it. With Comet, the server can deliver
messages to the clients as they are posted rather than expecting the clients to poll the
server for new messages.
To accomplish this scenario, a Comet application establishes a long-lived HTTP
connection. This connection is suspended on the server side, waiting for an event to
happen before resuming. This kind of connection remains open, allowing an
application that uses the Comet technique to send updates to clients when they are
available rather than expecting clients to reopen the connection to poll the server for

The Grizzly Implementation of Comet

A limitation of the Comet technique is that you must use it with a web server that
supports non-blocking connections to avoid poor performance. Non-blocking
connections are those that do not need to allocate one thread for each request. If the

Developing Web Applications 7-15

Using Comet

web server were to use blocking connections then it might end up holding many
thousands of threads, thereby hindering its scalability.
The GlassFish server includes the Grizzly HTTP Engine, which enables asynchronous
request processing (ARP) by avoiding blocking connections. Grizzly's ARP
implementation accomplishes this by using the Java NIO API.
With Java NIO, Grizzly enables greater performance and scalability by avoiding the
limitations experienced by traditional web servers that must run a thread for each
request. Instead, Grizzly's ARP mechanism makes efficient use of a thread pool system
and also keeps the state of requests so that it can keep requests alive without holding a
single thread for each of them.
Grizzly supports two different implementations of Comet:
■ Grizzly Comet — Based on ARP, this includes a set of APIs that you use from a
web component to enable Comet functionality in your web application. Grizzly
Comet is specific to the Oracle GlassFish Server.
■ Bayeux Protocol — Often referred to as Cometd, it consists of the JSON-based
Bayeux message protocol, a set of Dojo or Ajax libraries, and an event handler. The
Bayeux protocol uses a publish/subscribe model for server/client communication.
The Bayeux protocol is portable, but it is container dependent if you want to
invoke it from an Enterprise Java Beans (EJB ) component. The Grizzly
implementation of Cometd consists of a servlet that you reference from your web

Client Technologies to Use With Comet

In addition to creating a web component that uses the Comet APIs, you need to enable
your client to accept asynchronous updates from the web component. To accomplish
this, you can use JavaScript, IFrames, or a framework, such as Dojo
An IFrame is an HTML element that allows you to include other content in an HTML
page. As a result, the client can embed updated content in the IFrame without having
to reload the page.
The example in this tutorial employs a combination of JavaScript and IFrames to allow
the client to accept asynchronous updates. A servlet included in the example writes
out JavaScript code to one of the IFrames. The JavaScript code contains the updated
content and invokes a function in the page that updates the appropriate elements in
the page with the new content.
The next section explains the two kinds of connections that you can make to the server.
While you can use any of the client technologies listed in this section with either kind
of connection, it is more difficult to use JavaScript with an HTTP-streaming

Types of Comet Connections

When working with Comet, as implemented in Grizzly, you have two different ways
to handle client connections to the server:
■ HTTP Streaming
■ Long Polling

HTTP Streaming The HTTP Streaming technique keeps a connection open indefinitely. It
never closes, even after the server pushes data to the client.

7-16 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

In the case of HTTP streaming, the application sends a single request and receives
responses as they come, reusing the same connection forever. This technique
significantly reduces the network latency because the client and the server don't need
to open and close the connection.
The basic life cycle of an application using HTTP-streaming is:
request > suspend > data available > write response > data available > write response
The client makes an initial request and then suspends the request, meaning that it
waits for a response. Whenever data is available, the server writes it to the response.

Long Polling The long-polling technique is a combination of server-push and client-pull

because the client needs to resume the connection after a certain amount of time or
after the server pushes an update to the client.
The basic life cycle of an application using long-polling is:
request > suspend > data available > write response > resume
The client makes an initial request and then suspends the request. When an update is
available, the server writes it to the response. The connection closes, and the client
optionally resumes the connection.

How to Choose the Type of Connection If you anticipate that your web application will
need to send frequent updates to the client, you should use the HTTP-streaming
connection so that the client does not have to frequently reestablish a connection. If
you anticipate less frequent updates, you should use the long-polling connection so
that the web server does not need to keep a connection open when no updates are
occurring. One caveat to using the HTTP-streaming connection is that if you are
streaming through a proxy, the proxy can buffer the response from the server. So, be
sure to test your application if you plan to use HTTP-streaming behind a proxy.

Grizzly Comet
The following topics are addressed here:
■ The Grizzly Comet API
■ The Hidden Frame Example
■ Creating a Comet-Enabled Application
■ Developing the Web Component
■ Creating the Client Pages
■ Creating the Deployment Descriptor
■ Deploying and Running a Comet-Enabled Application

The Grizzly Comet API

Grizzly's support for Comet includes a small set of APIs that make it easy to add
Comet functionality to your web applications. The Grizzly Comet APIs that
developers use most often are the following:
■ CometContext: A Comet context, which is a shareable space to which applications
subscribe to receive updates.
■ CometEngine: The entry point to any component using Comet. Components can be
servlets, JavaServer Pages ( JSP), JavaServer Faces components, or pure Java

Developing Web Applications 7-17

Using Comet

■ CometEvent: Contains the state of the CometContext object

■ CometHandler: The interface an application implements to be part of one or more
Comet contexts.
The way a developer would use this API in a web component is to perform the
following tasks:
1. Register the context path of the application with the CometContext object:
CometEngine cometEngine =
CometContext cometContext =

2. Register the CometHandler implementation with the CometContext object:


3. Notify one or more CometHandler implementations when an event happens:


The Hidden Frame Example

This rest of this tutorial uses the Hidden Frame example to explain how to develop
Comet-enabled web applications. You can download the example from at Hidden example download
y-comet-hidden/ From there, you can download a prebuilt WAR file as
well as a JAR file containing the servlet code.
The Hidden Frame example is so called because it uses hidden IFrames. The example
allows multiple clients to increment a counter on the server. When a client increments
the counter, the server broadcasts the new count to the clients using the Comet
The Hidden Frame example uses the long-polling technique, but you can easily
modify it to use HTTP-streaming by removing two lines. See To Notify the Comet
Handler of an Event and To Create a HTML Page That Updates and Displays the
Content for more information on converting the example to use the HTTP-streaming
The client side of the example uses hidden IFrames with embedded JavaScript tags to
connect to the server and to asynchronously post content to and accept updates from
the server.
The server side of the example consists of a single servlet that listens for updates from
clients, updates the counter, and writes JavaScript code to the client that allows it to
update the counter on its page.
See Deploying and Running a Comet-Enabled Application for instructions on how to
deploy and run the example.
When you run the example, the following happens:
1. The index.html page opens.
2. The browser loads three frames: The first one accesses the servlet using an HTTP
GET; the second one loads the count.html page, which displays the current count;
and the third one loads the button.html page, which is used to send the POST

7-18 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

3. After clicking the button on the button.html page, the page submits a POST
request to the servlet.
4. The doPost method calls the onEvent method of the Comet handler and redirects
the incremented count along with some JavaScript to the count.html page on the
5. The updateCount() JavaScript function on the count.html page updates the
counter on the page.
6. Because this example uses long-polling, the JavaScript code on count.html calls
doGet again to resume the connection after the servlet pushes the update.

Creating a Comet-Enabled Application

This section uses the Hidden Frame example application to demonstrate how to
develop a Comet application. The main tasks for creating a simple Comet-enabled
application are the following:

Developing the Web Component

This section shows you how to create a Comet-enabled web component by giving you
instructions for creating the servlet in the Hidden Frame example.
Developing the web component involves performing the following steps:
1. Create a web component to support Comet requests.
2. Register the component with the Comet engine.
3. Define a Comet handler that sends updates to the client.
4. Add the Comet handler to the Comet context.
5. Notify the Comet handler of an event using the Comet context.

To Create a Web Component to Support Comet Follow this procedure.

1. Create an empty servlet class, like the following:
import javax.servlet.*;

public class HiddenCometServlet extends HttpServlet {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String contextPath = null;
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {}

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {}

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {);

2. Import the following Comet packages into the servlet class:

import com.sun.grizzly.comet.CometContext;
import com.sun.grizzly.comet.CometEngine;
import com.sun.grizzly.comet.CometEvent;

Developing Web Applications 7-19

Using Comet

import com.sun.grizzly.comet.CometHandler;

3. Import these additional classes that you need for incrementing a counter and
writing output to the clients:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

4. Add a private variable for the counter:

private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();

To Register the Servlet With the Comet Engine Follow this procedure.
1. In the servlet's init method, add the following code to get the component's
context path:
ServletContext context = config.getServletContext();
contextPath = context.getContextPath() + "/hidden_comet";

2. Get an instance of the Comet engine by adding this line after the lines from Step 1:
CometEngine engine = CometEngine.getEngine();

3. Register the component with the Comet engine by adding the following lines after
those from Step 2:
CometContext cometContext = engine.register(contextPath);
cometContext.setExpirationDelay(30 * 1000);

To Define a Comet Handler to Send Updates to the Client Follow this procedure.
1. Create a private class that implements CometHandler and add it to the servlet
private class CounterHandler
implements CometHandler<HttpServletResponse> {
private HttpServletResponse response;

2. Add the following methods to the class:

public void onInitialize(CometEvent event)
throws IOException {}

public void onInterrupt(CometEvent event)

throws IOException {

public void onTerminate(CometEvent event)

throws IOException {

public void attach(HttpServletResponse attachment) {

this.response = attachment;

private void removeThisFromContext() throws IOException {

7-20 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

CometContext context =

You need to provide implementations of these methods when implementing

CometHandler. The onInterrupt and onTerminate methods execute when certain
changes occur in the status of the underlying TCP communication. The
onInterrupt method executes when communication is resumed. The onTerminate
method executes when communication is closed. Both methods call
removeThisFromContext, which removes the CometHandler object from the
CometContext object.

To Add the Comet Handler to the Comet Context Follow this procedure.
1. Get an instance of the Comet handler and attach the response to it by adding the
following lines to the doGet method:
CounterHandler handler = new CounterHandler();

2. Get the Comet context by adding the following lines to doGet:

CometEngine engine = CometEngine.getEngine();
CometContext context = engine.getCometContext(contextPath);

3. Add the Comet handler to the Comet context by adding this line to doGet:

To Notify the Comet Handler of an Event Follow this procedure.

1. Add an onEvent method to the CometHandler implementation class to define
what happens when an event occurs:
public void onEvent(CometEvent event)
throws IOException {
if (CometEvent.NOTIFY == event.getType()) {
int count = counter.get();
PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
writer.write("<script type='text/javascript'>" +
"parent.counter.updateCount('" + count + "')" +

This method first checks if the event type is NOTIFY, which means that the web
component is notifying the CometHandler object that a client has incremented the
count. If the event type is NOTIFY, the onEvent method gets the updated count, and
writes out JavaScript to the client. The JavaScript includes a call to the
updateCount () function, which will update the count on the clients' pages.
The last line resumes the Comet request and removes it from the list of active
CometHandler objects. By this line, you can tell that this application uses the
long-polling technique. If you were to delete this line, the application would use
the HTTP-Streaming technique.

Developing Web Applications 7-21

Using Comet

For HTTP-Streaming, add the same code as for long-polling, except do not include
the following line:

You don't include this line because you do not want to resume the request. Instead,
you want the connection to remain open.
2. Increment the counter and forward the response by adding the following lines to
the doPost method:
CometEngine engine = CometEngine.getEngine();
CometContext<?> context =
req.getRequestDispatcher("count.html").forward(req, res);

When a user clicks the button, the doPost method is called. The doPost method
increments the counter. It then obtains the current CometContext object and calls
its notify method. By calling context.notify, the doPost method triggers the
onEvent method you created in the previous step. After onEvent executes, doPost
forwards the response to the clients.

Creating the Client Pages

Developing the HTML pages for the client involves performing these steps:
1. Create a welcome HTML page, called index.html, that contains: one hidden frame
for connecting to the servlet through an HTTP GET; one IFrame that embeds the
count.html page, which contains the updated content; and one IFrame that
embeds the button.html page, which is used for posting updates using HTTP
2. Create the count.html page that contains an HTML element that displays the
current count and the JavaScript for updating the HTML element with the new
3. Create the button.html page that contains a button for the users to submit

To Create a HTML Welcome Page That Contains IFrames for Receiving and Sending Updates
Follow this procedure.
1. Create an HTML page called index.html.
2. Add the following content to the page:
<title>Comet Example: Counter with Hidden Frame</title>

3. Add IFrames for connecting to the server and receiving and sending updates to
index.html in between the body tags:
<iframe name="hidden" src="hidden_comet"
frameborder="0" height="0" width="100%"></iframe>

7-22 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

<iframe name="counter" src="count.html"

frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>
<iframe name="button" src="button.html" frameborder="0" height="30%"

The first frame, which is hidden, points to the servlet by referencing its context
path. The second frame displays the content from count.html, which displays the
current count. The second frame displays the content from button.html, which
contains the submit button for incrementing the counter.

To Create a HTML Page That Updates and Displays the Content Follow this procedure.
1. Create an HTML page called count.html and add the following content to it:
<h3>Comet Example: Counter with Hidden Frame</h3>
<b id="count">&nbsp;</b>

This page displays the current count.

2. Add JavaScript code that updates the count in the page. Add the following lines in
between the head tags of count.html:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function updateCount(c) {
document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = c;
parent.hidden.location.href = "hidden_comet";

The JavaScript takes the updated count it receives from the servlet and updates the
count element in the page. The last line in the updateCount () function invokes
the servlet's doGet method again to reestablish the connection.
For HTTP-Streaming, add the same code as for long-polling, except for the
following line:
parent.hidden.location.href = "hidden_comet"

This line invokes the doGet method of CometServlet again, which would
reestablish the connection. In the case of HTTP-Streaming, you want the
connection to remain open. Therefore, you don't include this line of code.

To Create the HTML Page That Allows Submitting Updates Create an HTML page called
button.html and add the following content to it:
<form method="post" action="hidden_comet">

Developing Web Applications 7-23

Using Comet

<input type="submit" value="Click">


This page displays a form with a button that allows a user to update the count on the
server. The servlet will then broadcast the updated count to all clients.

Creating the Deployment Descriptor

This section describes how to create a deployment descriptor to specify how your
Comet-enabled web application should be deployed.

To Create the Deployment Descriptor Create a file called web.xml and put the following
contents in it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.1"
" ">


This deployment descriptor contains a servlet declaration and mapping for

HiddenCometServlet. The load-on-startup attribute must be set to 0 so that the
Comet-enabled servlet will not load until the client makes a request to it.

Deploying and Running a Comet-Enabled Application

Before running a Comet-enabled application in the GlassFish Server, you need to
enable Comet in the server. Then you can deploy the application just as you would any
other web application.
When running the application, you need to connect to it from at least two different
browsers to experience the effect of the servlet updating all clients in response to one
client posting an update to the server.

Enabling Comet in the GlassFish Server Before running a Comet-enabled application, you
need to enable Comet in the HTTP listener for your application by setting a special
attribute in the associated protocol configuration. The following example shows the
asadmin set command that adds this attribute:
asadmin set

7-24 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Comet

Substitute the name of the protocol for http-1.

To Deploy the Example These instructions tell you how to deploy the Hidden Frame
1. Download grizzly-comet-hidden-
2. Run the following command to deploy the example:
as-install/bin/asadmin deploy grizzly-comet-hidden-

To Run the Example These instructions tell you how to run the Hidden Frame example.
1. Open two web browsers, preferably two different brands of web browser.
2. Enter the following URL in both browsers:

3. When the first page loads in both browsers, click the button in one of the browsers
and watch the count change in the other browser window.

Bayeux Protocol
The Bayeux protocol, often referred to as Cometd, greatly simplifies the use of Comet.
No server-side coding is needed for servers such as GlassFish Server that support the
Bayeux protocol. Just enable Comet and the Bayeux protocol, then write and deploy
the client.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Enabling Comet
■ To Configure the web.xml File
■ To Write, Deploy, and Run the Client

Enabling Comet
Before running a Comet-enabled application, you need to enable Comet in the HTTP
listener for your application by setting a special attribute in the associated protocol
configuration. The following example shows the asadmin set command that adds this
asadmin set

Substitute the name of the protocol for http-1.

To Configure the web.xml File

To enable the Bayeux protocol on the GlassFish Server, you must reference the
CometdServlet in your web application's web.xml file. In addition, if your web
application includes a servlet, set the load-on-startup value for your servlet to 0
(zero) so that it will not load until the client makes a request to it.
1. Open the web.xml file for your web application in a text editor.

Developing Web Applications 7-25

Using Comet

2. Add the following XML code to the web.xml file:

<servlet-name>Grizzly Cometd Servlet</servlet-name>
expirationDelay is the long delay before a request is
resumed. -1 means never.
<servlet-name>Grizzly Cometd Servlet</servlet-name>

Note that the load-on-startup value for the CometdServlet is 1.

3. If your web application includes a servlet, set the load-on-startup value to 0 for
your servlet (not the CometdServlet) as follows:

4. Save the web.xml file.

To Write, Deploy, and Run the Client

1. Add script tags to the HTML page. For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="chat.js"></script>

2. In the script, call the needed libraries. For example:


3. In the script, use publish and subscribe methods to send and receive messages.
For example:
cometd.subscribe("/chat/demo", false, room, "_chat");
cometd.publish("/chat/demo", { user: room._username, chat: text});

4. Deploy the web application as you would any other web application. For example:
asadmin deploy cometd-example.war

5. Run the application as you would any other web application.

The context root for the example chat application is /cometd and the HTML page
is index.html. So the URL might look like this:

7-26 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Web Application Features

See Also
For more information about deployment in the GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
For more information about the Bayeux protocol, see Bayeux Protocol
For more information about the Dojo toolkit, see
For information about REpresentational State Transfer (RESTful) web services and
Comet, see RESTful Web Services and Comet

Advanced Web Application Features

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Internationalization Issues
■ Virtual Server Properties
■ Class Loader Delegation
■ Using the default-web.xml File
■ Configuring Logging and Monitoring in the Web Container
■ Configuring Idempotent URL Requests
■ Header Management
■ Configuring Valves and Catalina Listeners
■ Alternate Document Roots
■ Using a context.xml File
■ Enabling WebDav
■ Using SSI
■ Using CGI

Internationalization Issues
The following topics are addressed here:
■ The Server's Default Locale
■ Servlet Character Encoding

The Server's Default Locale

To set the default locale of the entire GlassFish Server, which determines the locale of
the Administration Console, the logs, and so on, use the Administration Console.
Select the domain component. Then type a value in the Locale field. For details, click
the Help button in the Administration Console.

Servlet Character Encoding

This section explains how the GlassFish Server determines the character encoding for
the servlet request and the servlet response. For encodings you can use, see

Developing Web Applications 7-27

Advanced Web Application Features

Servlet Request When processing a servlet request, the server uses the following order
of precedence, first to last, to determine the request character encoding:
■ The getCharacterEncoding method
■ A hidden field in the form, specified by the form-hint-field attribute of the
parameter-encoding element in the glassfish-web.xml file
■ The default-charset attribute of the parameter-encoding element in the
glassfish-web.xml file
■ The default, which is ISO-8859-1
For details about the parameter-encoding element, see "parameter-encoding" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Servlet Response When processing a servlet response, the server uses the following
order of precedence, first to last, to determine the response character encoding:
■ The setCharacterEncoding or setContentType method
■ The setLocale method
■ The default, which is ISO-8859-1

Virtual Server Properties

You can set virtual server properties in the following ways:
■ You can define virtual server properties using the asadmin
create-virtual-server command. For example:
asadmin create-virtual-server --hosts localhost --property authRealm=ldap MyVS

For details and a complete list of virtual server properties, see

■ You can define virtual server properties using the asadmin set command. For
asadmin set"ldap"

For details, see set(1).

■ You can define virtual server properties using the Administration Console. Select
the HTTP Service component under the relevant configuration, select Virtual
Servers, and select the desired virtual server. Select Add Property, enter the
property name and value, check the enable box, and select Save. For details and a
complete list of virtual server properties, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
Some virtual server properties can be set for a specific web application. For details, see
"glassfish-web-app" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment

Class Loader Delegation

The Servlet specification recommends that a web application class loader look in the
local class loader before delegating to its parent. To make the web application class
loader follow the delegation model in the Servlet specification, set delegate="false"
in the class-loader element of the glassfish-web.xml file. It's safe to do this only for
a web module that does not interact with any other modules.

7-28 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Web Application Features

The default value is delegate="true", which causes the web application class loader
to delegate in the same manner as the other class loaders. Use delegate="true" for a
web application that accesses EJB components or that acts as a web service client or
endpoint. For details about glassfish-web.xml, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.
For a number of packages, including java.* and javax.*, symbol resolution is always
delegated to the parent class loader regardless of the delegate setting. This prevents
applications from overriding core Java runtime classes or changing the API versions of
specifications that are part of the Java EE platform.
For general information about class loaders, see Class Loaders.

Using the default-web.xml File

You can use the default-web.xml file to define features such as filters and security
constraints that apply to all web applications.
For example, directory listings are disabled by default for added security. To enable
directory listings, in your domain's default-web.xml file, search for the definition of
the servlet whose servlet-name is equal to default, and set the value of the
init-param named listings to true. Then redeploy your web application if it has
already been deployed, or restart the server.

If listings is set to true, you can also determine how directory listings are sorted. Set
the value of the init-param named sortedBy to NAME, SIZE, or LAST_MODIFIED. Then
redeploy your web application if it has already been deployed, or restart the server.

The mime-mapping elements in default-web.xml are global and inherited by all web
applications. You can override these mappings or define your own using
mime-mapping elements in your web application's web.xml file. For more information
about mime-mapping elements, see the Servlet specification.
You can use the Administration Console to edit the default-web.xml file. For details,
click the Help button in the Administration Console. As an alternative, you can edit
the file directly using the following steps.

To Use the default-web.xml File

1. Place the JAR file for the filter, security constraint, or other feature in the
domain-dir/lib directory.
2. Edit the domain-dir/config/default-web.xml file to refer to the JAR file.
3. Restart the server.

Configuring Logging and Monitoring in the Web Container

For information about configuring logging and monitoring in the web container using
the Administration Console, click the Help button in the Administration Console.

Developing Web Applications 7-29

Advanced Web Application Features

Select Logger Settings under the relevant configuration, or select the Stand-Alone
Instances component, select the instance from the table, and select the Monitor tab.

Configuring Idempotent URL Requests

An idempotent request is one that does not cause any change or inconsistency in an
application when retried. To enhance the availability of your applications deployed on
an GlassFish Server cluster, configure the load balancer to retry failed idempotent
HTTP requests on all the GlassFish Server instances in a cluster. This option can be
used for read-only requests, for example, to retry a search request.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Specifying an Idempotent URL
■ Characteristics of an Idempotent URL

Specifying an Idempotent URL

To configure idempotent URL response, specify the URLs that can be safely retried in
idempotent-url-pattern elements in the glassfish-web.xml file. For example:
<idempotent-url-pattern url-pattern="sun_java/*" no-of-retries="10"/>

For details, see "idempotent-url-pattern" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition

Application Deployment Guide.
If none of the server instances can successfully serve the request, an error page is

Characteristics of an Idempotent URL

Since all requests for a given session are sent to the same application server instance,
and if that GlassFish Server instance is unreachable, the load balancer returns an error
message. Normally, the request is not retried on another GlassFish Server instance.
However, if the URL pattern matches that specified in the glassfish-web.xml file, the
request is implicitly retried on another GlassFish Server instance in the cluster.
In HTTP, some methods (such as GET) are idempotent, while other methods (such as
POST) are not. In effect, retrying an idempotent URL should not cause values to
change on the server or in the database. The only difference should be a change in the
response received by the user.
Examples of idempotent requests include search engine queries and database queries.
The underlying principle is that the retry does not cause an update or modification of
A search engine, for example, sends HTTP requests with the same URL pattern to the
load balancer. Specifying the URL pattern of the search request to the load balancer
ensures that HTTP requests with the specified URL pattern are implicitly retried on
another GlassFish Server instance.
For example, if the request URL sent to the GlassFish Server is of the type
/search/something.html, then the URL pattern can be specified as /search/*.
Examples of non-idempotent requests include banking transactions and online
shopping. If you retry such requests, money might be transferred twice from your

7-30 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Web Application Features

Header Management
In all Editions of the GlassFish Server, the Enumeration from request.getHeaders()
contains multiple elements (one element per request header) instead of a single,
aggregated value.
The header names used in HttpServletResponse.addXXXHeader() and
HttpServletResponse.setXXXHeader() are returned as they were created.

Configuring Valves and Catalina Listeners

You can configure custom valves and Catalina listeners for web modules or virtual
servers by defining properties. A valve class must implement the
org.apache.catalina.Valve interface from Tomcat or previous GlassFish Server releases,
or the org.glassfish.web.valve.GlassFishValve interface from the current GlassFish
Server release. A listener class for a virtual server must implement the
org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener or org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener
interface. A listener class for a web module must implement the
org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener , org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener, or
org.apache.catalina.InstanceListener interface.
In the glassfish-web.xml file, valve and listener properties for a web module look
like this:
<glassfish-web-app ...>
<property name="valve_1" value="org.glassfish.extension.Valve"/>
<property name="listener_1"

You can define these same properties for a virtual server. For more information, see
Virtual Server Properties.

Alternate Document Roots

An alternate document root (docroot) allows a web application to serve requests for
certain resources from outside its own docroot, based on whether those requests match
one (or more) of the URI patterns of the web application's alternate docroots.
To specify an alternate docroot for a web application or a virtual server, use the
alternatedocroot_n property, where n is a positive integer that allows specification of
more than one. This property can be a subelement of a glassfish-web-app element in
the glassfish-web.xml file or a virtual server property. For more information about
these elements, see "glassfish-web-app" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.
A virtual server's alternate docroots are considered only if a request does not map to
any of the web modules deployed on that virtual server. A web module's alternate
docroots are considered only once a request has been mapped to that web module.
If a request matches an alternate docroot's URI pattern, it is mapped to the alternate
docroot by appending the request URI (minus the web application's context root) to
the alternate docroot's physical location (directory). If a request matches multiple URI
patterns, the alternate docroot is determined according to the following precedence
■ Exact match
■ Longest path match

Developing Web Applications 7-31

Advanced Web Application Features

■ Extension match
For example, the following properties specify three glassfish-web.xml docroots. The
URI pattern of the first alternate docroot uses an exact match, whereas the URI
patterns of the second and third alternate docroots use extension and longest path
prefix matches, respectively.
<property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=/my.jpg dir=/srv/images/jpg"/>
<property name="alternatedocroot_2" value="from=*.jpg dir=/srv/images/jpg"/>
<property name="alternatedocroot_3" value="from=/jpg/* dir=/src/images"/>

The value of each alternate docroot has two components: The first component, from,
specifies the alternate docroot's URI pattern, and the second component, dir, specifies
the alternate docroot's physical location (directory).
Suppose the above examples belong to a web application deployed at The first alternate docroot maps any requests with this

To this resource:

The second alternate docroot maps any requests with a *.jpg suffix, such as:*.jpg

To this physical location:


The third alternate docroot maps any requests whose URI starts with /myapp/jpg/,
such as:*

To the same directory as the second alternate docroot.

For example, the second alternate docroot maps this request:


The third alternate docroot maps:


If a request does not match any of the target web application's alternate docroots, or if
the target web application does not specify any alternate docroots, the request is
served from the web application's standard docroot, as usual.

Using a context.xml File

You can define a context.xml file for all web applications, for web applications
assigned to a specific virtual server, or for a specific web application.

7-32 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Web Application Features

To define a global context.xml file, place the file in the domain-dir/config directory
and name it context.xml.
Use the contextXmlDefault property to specify the name and the location, relative to
domain-dir, of the context.xml file for a specific virtual server. Specify this property in
one of the following ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the HTTP Service component under the
relevant configuration. Open the Virtual Servers component and scroll down to
the bottom of the page. Enter contextXmlDefault as the property name and the
path and file name relative to domain-dir as the property value.
■ Use the asadmin create-virtual-server command. For example:
asadmin create-virtual-server --property contextXmlDefault=config/vs1ctx.xml

■ Use the asadmin set command for an existing virtual server. For example:
asadmin set

To define a context.xml file for a specific web application, place the file in the
META-INF directory and name it context.xml.
For more information about virtual server properties, see Virtual Server Properties. For
more information about the context.xml file, see The Context Container
Context parameters, environment entries, and resource definitions in context.xml are
supported in the GlassFish Server.

Enabling WebDav
To enable WebDav in the GlassFish Server, you edit the web.xml and
glassfish-web.xml files as follows.
First, enable the WebDav servlet in your web.xml file:

Then define the servlet mapping associated with your WebDav servlet in your web.xml

Developing Web Applications 7-33

Advanced Web Application Features


To protect the WebDav servlet so other users can't modify it, add a security constraint
in your web.xml file:
<web-resource-name>Login Resources</web-resource-name>

Then define a security role mapping in your glassfish-web.xml file:


If you are using the file realm, create a user and password. For example:
asadmin create-file-user --groups Admin --authrealmname default admin

Enable the security manager as described in Enabling and Disabling the Security
You can now use any WebDav client by connecting to the WebDav servlet URL, which
has this format:

For example:

You can add the WebDav servlet to your default-web.xml file to enable it for all
applications, but you can't set up a security role mapping to protect it.

Using SSI
To enable SSI (server-side includes) processing for a specific web module, add the
SSIServlet to your web.xml file as follows:

7-34 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Web Application Features


To enable SSI processing for all web modules, un-comment the corresponding sections
in the default-web.xml file.
If the mime-mapping is not specified in web.xml, GlassFish Server attempts to
determine the MIME type from default-web.xml or the operating system default.
You can configure the following init-param values for the SSIServlet.

Table 7–4 SSIServlet init-param Values

init-param Type Default Description
buffered boolean false Specifies whether the output should
be buffered.
debug int 0 (for no Specifies the debugging level.
expires Long Expires header Specifies the expiration time in
in HTTP seconds.
response not set
inputEncoding String operating system Specifies encoding for the SSI input if
encoding there is no URL content encoding
isVirtualWebappRelative boolean false (relative to Specifies whether the virtual path of
the given SSI file) the #include directive is relative to
the content-root.
outputEncoding String UTF-8 Specifies encoding for the SSI output.

For more information about SSI, see

Using CGI
To enable CGI (common gateway interface) processing for a specific web module, add
the CGIServlet to your web.xml file as follows:

Developing Web Applications 7-35

Advanced Web Application Features

To enable CGI processing for all web modules, un-comment the corresponding
sections in the default-web.xml file.
Package the CGI program under the cgiPathPrefix. The default cgiPathPrefix is
WEB-INF/cgi. For security, it is highly recommended that the contents and binaries of
CGI programs be prohibited from direct viewing or download. For information about
hiding directory listings, see Using the default-web.xml File.
Invoke the CGI program using a URL of the following format:

For example:

You can configure the following init-param values for the CGIServlet.

Table 7–5 CGIServlet init-param Values

init-param Type Default Description
cgiPathPrefix String WEB-INF/cgi Specifies the subdirectory
containing the CGI programs.
debug int 0 (for no debugging) Specifies the debugging level.
executable String perl Specifies the executable for
running the CGI script.
parameterEncoding String System.getProperty("f Specifies the parameter's
ile.encoding", encoding.
passShellEnvironment boolean false Specifies whether to pass shell
environment properties to the
CGI program.

To work with a native executable, do the following:

1. Set the value of the init-param named executable to an empty String in the
web.xml file.
2. Make sure the executable has its executable bits set correctly.
3. Use directory deployment to deploy the web module. Do not deploy it as a WAR
file, because the executable bit information is lost during the process of jar and
unjar. For more information about directory deployment, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

7-36 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

This chapter describes how Enterprise JavaBeans ( EJB) technology is supported in the
Oracle GlassFish Server.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Value Added Features
■ EJB Timer Service
■ Using Session Beans
■ Using Read-Only Beans
■ Using Message-Driven Beans
For general information about enterprise beans, see "Enterprise Beans" in The Java EE 7

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318
The GlassFish Server is backward compatible with 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, and
3.0 enterprise beans. However, to take advantage of version 3.1
features, you should develop new beans as 3.1 enterprise beans.

Value Added Features

The GlassFish Server provides a number of value additions that relate to EJB
development. References to more in-depth material are included.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Read-Only Beans
■ The pass-by-reference Element
■ Pooling and Caching
■ Priority Based Scheduling of Remote Bean Invocations
■ Immediate Flushing

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-1

Value Added Features

Read-Only Beans
Another feature that the GlassFish Server provides is the read-only bean, an EJB 2.1
entity bean that is never modified by an EJB client. Read-only beans avoid database
updates completely.

Note: Read-only beans are specific to the GlassFish Server and are
not part of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1. Use of this
feature for an EJB 2.1 bean results in a non-portable application.
To make an EJB 3.0 entity read-only, use @Column annotations to
mark its columns insertable=false and updatable=false.

A read-only bean can be used to cache a database entry that is frequently accessed but
rarely updated (externally by other beans). When the data that is cached by a
read-only bean is updated by another bean, the read-only bean can be notified to
refresh its cached data.
The GlassFish Server provides a number of ways by which a read-only bean's state can
be refreshed. By setting the refresh-period-in-seconds element in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file and the trans-attribute element (or
@TransactionAttribute annotation) in the ejb-jar.xml file, it is easy to configure a
read-only bean that is one of the following:
■ Always refreshed
■ Periodically refreshed
■ Never refreshed
■ Programmatically refreshed
Read-only beans are best suited for situations where the underlying data never
changes, or changes infrequently. For further information and usage guidelines, see
Using Read-Only Beans.

The pass-by-reference Element

The pass-by-reference element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file allows you to
specify the parameter passing semantics for colocated remote EJB invocations. This is
an opportunity to improve performance. However, use of this feature results in
non-portable applications. See "pass-by-reference" in GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Pooling and Caching

The EJB container of the GlassFish Server pools anonymous instances (message-driven
beans, stateless session beans, and entity beans) to reduce the overhead of creating and
destroying objects. The EJB container maintains the free pool for each bean that is
deployed. Bean instances in the free pool have no identity (that is, no primary key
associated) and are used to serve method calls. The free beans are also used to serve all
methods for stateless session beans.
Bean instances in the free pool transition from a Pooled state to a Cached state after
ejbCreate and the business methods run. The size and behavior of each pool is
controlled using pool-related properties in the EJB container or the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.

8-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Value Added Features

In addition, the GlassFish Server supports a number of tunable parameters that can
control the number of "stateful" instances (stateful session beans and entity beans)
cached as well as the duration they are cached. Multiple bean instances that refer to
the same database row in a table can be cached. The EJB container maintains a cache
for each bean that is deployed.
To achieve scalability, the container selectively evicts some bean instances from the
cache, usually when cache overflows. These evicted bean instances return to the free
bean pool. The size and behavior of each cache can be controlled using the
cache-related properties in the EJB container or the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.
Pooling and caching parameters for the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file are described in
"bean-cache" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Pooling Parameters
One of the most important parameters for GlassFish Server pooling is
steady-pool-size. When steady-pool-size is set to a value greater than 0, the
container not only pre-populates the bean pool with the specified number of beans,
but also attempts to ensure that this number of beans is always available in the free
pool. This ensures that there are enough beans in the ready-to-serve state to process
user requests.
Note that the steady-pool-size and max-pool-size parameters only govern the
number of instances that are pooled over a long period of time. They do not
necessarily guarantee that the number of instances that may exist in the JVM at a given
time will not exceed the value specified by max-pool-size. For example, suppose an
idle stateless session container has a fully-populated pool with a steady-pool-size of
10. If 20 concurrent requests arrive for the EJB component, the container creates 10
additional instances to satisfy the burst of requests. The advantage of this is that it
prevents the container from blocking any of the incoming requests. However, if the
activity dies down to 10 or fewer concurrent requests, the additional 10 instances are
Another parameter, pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds, allows the administrator to
specify the amount of time a bean instance can be idle in the pool. When
pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds is set to greater than 0, the container removes or
destroys any bean instance that is idle for this specified duration.

Caching Parameters
GlassFish Server provides a way that completely avoids caching of entity beans, using
commit option C. Commit option C is particularly useful if beans are accessed in large
number but very rarely reused. For additional information, refer to Commit Options.
The GlassFish Server caches can be either bounded or unbounded. Bounded caches have
limits on the number of beans that they can hold beyond which beans are passivated.
For stateful session beans, there are three ways (LRU, NRU and FIFO) of picking
victim beans when cache overflow occurs. Caches can also passivate beans that are
idle (not accessed for a specified duration).

Priority Based Scheduling of Remote Bean Invocations

You can create multiple thread pools, each having its own work queues. An optional
element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, use-thread-pool-id, specifies the thread
pool that processes the requests for the bean. The bean must have a remote interface,
or use-thread-pool-id is ignored. You can create different thread pools and specify
the appropriate thread pool ID for a bean that requires a quick response time. If there

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-3

EJB Timer Service

is no such thread pool configured or if the element is absent, the default thread pool is

Immediate Flushing
Normally, all entity bean updates within a transaction are batched and executed at the
end of the transaction. The only exception is the database flush that precedes execution
of a finder or select query.
Since a transaction often spans many method calls, you might want to find out if the
updates made by a method succeeded or failed immediately after method execution.
To force a flush at the end of a method's execution, use the flush-at-end-of-method
element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. Only non-finder methods in an entity
bean can be flush-enabled. (For an EJB 2.1 bean, these methods must be in the Local,
Local Home, Remote, or Remote Home interface.) See "flush-at-end-of-method" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Upon completion of the method, the EJB container updates the database. Any
exception thrown by the underlying data store is wrapped as follows:
■ If the method that triggered the flush is a create method, the exception is
wrapped with CreateException.
■ If the method that triggered the flush is a remove method, the exception is
wrapped with RemoveException.
■ For all other methods, the exception is wrapped with EJBException.
All normal end-of-transaction database synchronization steps occur regardless of
whether the database has been flushed during the transaction.

EJB Timer Service

The EJB Timer Service uses a database to store persistent information about EJB timers.
The EJB Timer Service in GlassFish Server is preconfigured to use an embedded
version of the Java DB database.
The EJB Timer Service configuration can store persistent timer information in any
database supported by the GlassFish Server for persistence. For a list of the JDBC
drivers currently supported by the GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Release Notes. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see
"Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide.
The timer service is automatically enabled when you deploy an application or module
that uses it. You can verify that the timer service is running by accessing the following

To change the database used by the EJB Timer Service, set the EJB Timer Service's
Timer DataSource setting to a valid JDBC resource. If the EJB Timer Service has already
been started in a server instance, you must also create the timer database table. DDL
files are located in as-install/lib/install/databases.
Using the EJB Timer Service is equivalent to interacting with a single JDBC resource
manager. If an EJB component or application accesses a database either directly
through JDBC or indirectly (for example, through an entity bean's persistence
mechanism), and also interacts with the EJB Timer Service, its data source must be
configured with an XA JDBC driver.

8-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
EJB Timer Service

You can change the following EJB Timer Service settings. You must restart the server
for the changes to take effect.

Minimum Delivery Interval

Specifies the minimum time in milliseconds before an expiration for a particular timer
can occur. This guards against extremely small timer increments that can overload the
server. The default is 1000.

Maximum Redeliveries
Specifies the maximum number of times the EJB timer service attempts to redeliver a
timer expiration after an exception or rollback of a container-managed transaction. The
default is 1.

Redelivery Interval
Specifies how long in milliseconds the EJB timer service waits after a failed
ejbTimeout delivery before attempting a redelivery. The default is 5000.

Timer DataSource
Specifies the database used by the EJB Timer Service. The default is jdbc/__TimerPool.

Caution: Do not use the jdbc/__TimerPool resource for timers in

clustered GlassFish Server environments. You must instead use a
custom JDBC resource or the jdbc/__default resource. See the
instructions below, in To Deploy an EJB Timer to a Cluster. Also
refer to "Enabling the jdbc/__default Resource in a Clustered
Environment" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration

For information about the asadmin list-timers and asadmin migrate-timers

subcommands, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual. For
information about migrating EJB timers, see "Migrating EJB Timers" in GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition High Availability Administration Guide.
You can use the --keepstate option of the asadmin redeploy command to retain EJB
timers between redeployments.
The default for --keepstate is false. This option is supported only on the default
server instance, named server. It is not supported and ignored for any other target.
When the --keepstate is set to true, each application that uses an EJB timer is
assigned an ID in the timer database. The EJB object that is associated with a given
application is assigned an ID that is constructed from the application ID and a
numerical suffix. To preserve active timer data, GlassFish Server stores the application
ID and the EJB ID in the timer database. To restore the data, the class loader of the
newly redeployed application retrieves the EJB timers that correspond to these IDs
from the timer database.
For more information about the asadmin redeploy command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

To Deploy an EJB Timer to a Cluster

This procedure explains how to deploy an EJB timer to a cluster.
By default, the GlassFish Server 4.0 timer service points to the preconfigured jdbc/__
TimerPool resource, which uses an embedded Java DB (Derby) database configuration
that will not work in clustered environments.

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-5

Using Session Beans

The problem is that embedded Java DB runs in the GlassFish Server Java VM, so when
you use the jdbc/__TimerPool resource, each DAS and each clustered server instance
will have its own database table. Because of this, clustered server instances will not be
able to find the database table on the DAS, and the DAS will not be able to find the
tables on the clustered server instances.
The solution is to use either a custom JDBC resource or the jdbc/__default resource
that is preconfigured but not enabled by default in GlassFish Server. The jdbc/__
default resource does not use embedded Java DB by default.

Before You Begin

If creating a new timer resource, the resource should be created before deploying
applications that will use the timer.

Caution: Do not use the jdbc/__TimerPool resource for timers in

clustered GlassFish Server environments. You must instead use a
custom JDBC resource or the jdbc/__default resource. See
"Enabling the jdbc/__default Resource in a Clustered Environment"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

1. Execute the following command:

asadmin set configs.config.cluster_

2. Restart the DAS and the target cluster(s).

asadmin stop-cluster cluster-name
asadmin stop-domain domain-name
asadmin start-domain domain-name
asadmin start-cluster cluster-name

If you inadvertently used the jdbc/__TimerPool resource for your EJB timer in a
clustered GlassFish Server environment, the DAS and the clustered server instances
will be using separate Java DB database tables that are running in individual Java
VMs. For timers to work in a clustered environment, the DAS and the clustered server
instances must share a common database table.
If you attempt to deploy an application with EJB timers without setting the timer
resource correctly, the startup will fail, and you will be left with a marker file, named
ejb-timer-service-app, on the DAS that will prevent the Timer Service from
correctly creating the database table.
The solution is to remove the marker file on the DAS, restart the DAS and the clusters,
and then redploy any applications that rely on the offending EJB timer. The marker file
is located on the DAS in domain-dir/generated/ejb/ejb-timer-service-app.

Using Session Beans

This section provides guidelines for creating session beans in the GlassFish Server
The following topics are addressed here:

8-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Session Beans

■ About the Session Bean Containers

■ Stateful Session Bean Failover
■ Session Bean Restrictions and Optimizations
Information on session beans is contained in the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification,

About the Session Bean Containers

Like an entity bean, a session bean can access a database through Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC) calls. A session bean can also provide transaction settings. These
transaction settings and JDBC calls are referenced by the session bean's container,
allowing it to participate in transactions managed by the container.
A container managing stateless session beans has a different charter from a container
managing stateful session beans.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Stateless Container
■ Stateful Container

Stateless Container
The stateless container manages stateless session beans, which, by definition, do not
carry client-specific states. All session beans (of a particular type) are considered equal.
A stateless session bean container uses a bean pool to service requests. The GlassFish
Server specific deployment descriptor file, glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, contains the
properties that define the pool:
■ steady-pool-size
■ resize-quantity
■ max-pool-size
■ pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds
For more information about glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
File" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The GlassFish Server provides the wscompile and wsdeploy tools to help you
implement a web service endpoint as a stateless session bean. For more information
about these tools, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Stateful Container
The stateful container manages the stateful session beans, which, by definition, carry the
client-specific state. There is a one-to-one relationship between the client and the
stateful session beans. At creation, each stateful session bean (SFSB) is given a unique
session ID that is used to access the session bean so that an instance of a stateful
session bean is accessed by a single client only.
Stateful session beans are managed using cache. The size and behavior of stateful
session beans cache are controlled by specifying the following glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
■ max-cache-size
■ resize-quantity

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-7

Using Session Beans

■ cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds
■ removal-timeout-in-seconds
■ victim-selection-policy
The max-cache-size element specifies the maximum number of session beans that are
held in cache. If the cache overflows (when the number of beans exceeds
max-cache-size), the container then passivates some beans or writes out the serialized
state of the bean into a file. The directory in which the file is created is obtained from
the EJB container using the configuration APIs.
For more information about glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
File" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The passivated beans are stored on the file system. The Session Store Location setting
in the EJB container allows the administrator to specify the directory where passivated
beans are stored. By default, passivated stateful session beans are stored in
application-specific subdirectories created under domain-dir/session-store.

Note: Make sure the delete option is set in the server.policy

file, or expired file-based sessions might not be deleted properly.
For more information about server.policy, see The
server.policy File.

The Session Store Location setting also determines where the session state is persisted
if it is not highly available; see Choosing a Persistence Store.

Stateful Session Bean Failover

An SFSB's state can be saved in a persistent store in case a server instance fails. The
state of an SFSB is saved to the persistent store at predefined points in its life cycle.
This is called checkpointing. If SFSB checkpointing is enabled, checkpointing generally
occurs after any transaction involving the SFSB is completed, even if the transaction
rolls back.
However, if an SFSB participates in a bean-managed transaction, the transaction might
be committed in the middle of the execution of a bean method. Since the bean's state
might be undergoing transition as a result of the method invocation, this is not an
appropriate instant to checkpoint the bean's state. In this case, the EJB container
checkpoints the bean's state at the end of the corresponding method, provided the
bean is not in the scope of another transaction when that method ends. If a
bean-managed transaction spans across multiple methods, checkpointing is delayed
until there is no active transaction at the end of a subsequent method.
The state of an SFSB is not necessarily transactional and might be significantly
modified as a result of non-transactional business methods. If this is the case for an
SFSB, you can specify a list of checkpointed methods. If SFSB checkpointing is
enabled, checkpointing occurs after any checkpointed methods are completed.
The following table lists the types of references that SFSB failover supports. All objects
bound into an SFSB must be one of the supported types. In the table, No indicates that
failover for the object type might not work in all cases and that no failover support is
provided. However, failover might work in some cases for that object type. For
example, failover might work because the class implementing that type is serializable.

8-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Session Beans

Table 8–1 Object Types Supported for Java EE Stateful Session Bean State Failover
Java Object Type Failover Support
Colocated or distributed stateless session, Yes
stateful session, or entity bean reference
JNDI context Yes, InitialContext and java:comp/env
UserTransaction Yes, but if the instance that fails is never restarted,
any prepared global transactions are lost and might
not be correctly rolled back or committed.
JDBC DataSource No
Java Message Service (JMS) No
ConnectionFactory, Destination
JavaMail Session No
Connection Factory No
Administered Object No
Web service reference No
Serializable Java types Yes
Extended persistence context No

For more information about the InitialContext, see Accessing the Naming Context.
For more information about transaction recovery, see Using the Transaction Service.
For more information about Administered Objects, see "Administering JMS Physical
Destinations" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Note: Idempotent URLs are supported along the HTTP path, but
not the RMI-IIOP path. For more information, see Configuring
Idempotent URL Requests.
If a server instance to which an RMI-IIOP client request is sent
crashes during the request processing (before the response is
prepared and sent back to the client), an error is sent to the client.
The client must retry the request explicitly. When the client retries
the request, the request is sent to another server instance in the
cluster, which retrieves session state information for this client.
HTTP sessions can also be saved in a persistent store in case a
server instance fails. In addition, if a distributable web application
references an SFSB, and the web application's session fails over, the
EJB reference is also failed over. For more information, see
Distributed Sessions and Persistence.
If an SFSB that uses session persistence is undeployed while the
GlassFish Server instance is stopped, the session data in the
persistence store might not be cleared. To prevent this, undeploy
the SFSB while the GlassFish Server instance is running.

Configure SFSB failover by:

■ Choosing a Persistence Store
■ Enabling Checkpointing
■ Specifying Methods to Be Checkpointed

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-9

Using Session Beans

Choosing a Persistence Store

The following types of persistent storage are supported for passivation and
checkpointing of the SFSB state:
■ The local file system - Allows a single server instance to recover the SFSB state
after a failure and restart. This store also provides passivation and activation of the
state to help control the amount of memory used. This option is not supported in a
production environment that requires SFSB state persistence. This is the default
storage mechanism if availability is not enabled.
■ Other servers - Uses other server instances in the cluster for session persistence.
Clustered server instances replicate session state. Each backup instance stores the
replicated data in memory. This is the default storage mechanism if availability is
Choose the persistence store in one of the following ways:
■ To use the local file system, first disable availability. Select the Availability Service
component under the relevant configuration in the Administration Console.
Uncheck the Availability Service box. Then select the EJB Container component
and edit the Session Store Location value. The default is
■ To use other servers, select the Availability Service component under the relevant
configuration in the Administration Console. Check the Availability Service box.
To enable availability for the EJB container, select the EJB Container Availability
tab, then check the Availability Service box. All instances in an GlassFish Server
cluster should have the same availability settings to ensure consistent behavior.
For more information about SFSB state persistence, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition High Availability Administration Guide.

Using the --keepstate Option If you are using the file system for persistence, you can
use the --keepstate option of the asadmin redeploy command to retain the SFSB
state between redeployments.
The default for --keepstate is false. This option is supported only on the default
server instance, named server. It is not supported and ignored for any other target.
Some changes to an application between redeployments prevent this feature from
working properly. For example, do not change the set of instance variables in the SFSB
bean class.
If any active SFSB instance fails to be preserved or restored, none of the SFSB instances
will be available when the redeployment is complete. However, the redeployment
continues and a warning is logged.
To preserve active state data, GlassFish Server serializes the data and saves it in
memory. To restore the data, the class loader of the newly redeployed application
deserializes the data that was previously saved.
For more information about the asadmin redeploy command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Using the --asyncreplication Option If you are using replication on other servers for
persistence, you can use the --asyncreplication option of the asadmin deploy
command to specify that SFSB states are first buffered and then replicated using a
separate asynchronous thread. If --asyncreplication is set to true (default),
performance is improved but availability is reduced. If the instance where states are
buffered but not yet replicated fails, the states are lost. If set to false, performance is

8-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Session Beans

reduced but availability is guaranteed. States are not buffered but immediately
transmitted to other instances in the cluster.
For more information about the asadmin deploy command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Enabling Checkpointing
The following sections describe how to enable SFSB checkpointing:
■ Server Instance and EJB Container Levels
■ Application and EJB Module Levels
■ SFSB Level

Server Instance and EJB Container Levels To enable SFSB checkpointing at the server
instance or EJB container level, see Choosing a Persistence Store.

Application and EJB Module Levels To enable SFSB checkpointing at the application or
EJB module level during deployment, use the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir
command with the --availabilityenabled option set to true. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

SFSB Level To enable SFSB checkpointing at the SFSB level, set

availability-enabled="true" in the ejb element of the SFSB's
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file as follows:
<ejb availability-enabled="true">

Specifying Methods to Be Checkpointed

If SFSB checkpointing is enabled, checkpointing generally occurs after any transaction
involving the SFSB is completed, even if the transaction rolls back.
To specify additional optional checkpointing of SFSBs at the end of non-transactional
business methods that cause important modifications to the bean's state, use the
checkpoint-at-end-of-method element within the ejb element in
For example:
<ejb availability-enabled="true">

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-11

Using Session Beans


For details, see "checkpoint-at-end-of-method" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition

Application Deployment Guide.
The non-transactional methods in the checkpoint-at-end-of-method element can be
the following:
■ create methods defined in the home or business interface of the SFSB, if you want
to checkpoint the initial state of the SFSB immediately after creation
■ For SFSBs using container managed transactions only, methods in the remote
interface of the bean marked with the transaction attribute TX_NOT_SUPPORTED
■ For SFSBs using bean managed transactions only, methods in which a bean
managed transaction is neither started nor committed
Any other methods mentioned in this list are ignored. At the end of invocation of each
of these methods, the EJB container saves the state of the SFSB to persistent store.

Note: If an SFSB does not participate in any transaction, and if

none of its methods are explicitly specified in the
checkpoint-at-end-of-method element, the bean's state is not
checkpointed at all even if availability-enabled="true" for this
For better performance, specify a small subset of methods. The
methods chosen should accomplish a significant amount of work in
the context of the Java EE application or should result in some
important modification to the bean's state.

Session Bean Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions on developing session beans and provides some
optimization guidelines.
■ Optimizing Session Bean Performance
■ Restricting Transactions
■ EJB Singletons

Optimizing Session Bean Performance

For stateful session beans, colocating the stateful beans with their clients so that the
client and bean are executing in the same process address space improves

Restricting Transactions
The following restrictions on transactions are enforced by the container and must be
observed as session beans are developed:
■ A session bean can participate in, at most, a single transaction at a time.

8-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Read-Only Beans

■ If a session bean is participating in a transaction, a client cannot invoke a method

on the bean such that the trans-attribute element (or @TransactionAttribute
annotation) in the ejb-jar.xml file would cause the container to execute the
method in a different or unspecified transaction context or an exception is thrown.
■ If a session bean instance is participating in a transaction, a client cannot invoke
the remove method on the session object's home or business interface object, or an
exception is thrown.

EJB Singletons
EJB Singletons are created for each server instance in a cluster, and not once per

Using Read-Only Beans

A read-only bean is an EJB 2.1 entity bean that is never modified by an EJB client. The
data that a read-only bean represents can be updated externally by other enterprise
beans, or by other means, such as direct database updates.

Note: Read-only beans are specific to the GlassFish Server and are
not part of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1. Use of this
feature for an EJB 2.1 bean results in a non-portable application.
To make an EJB 3.0 entity bean read-only, use @Column annotations
to mark its columns insertable=false and updatable=false.

Read-only beans are best suited for situations where the underlying data never
changes, or changes infrequently.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Read-Only Bean Characteristics and Life Cycle
■ Read-Only Bean Good Practices
■ Refreshing Read-Only Beans
■ Deploying Read-Only Beans

Read-Only Bean Characteristics and Life Cycle

Read-only beans are best suited for situations where the underlying data never
changes, or changes infrequently. For example, a read-only bean can be used to
represent a stock quote for a particular company, which is updated externally. In such
a case, using a regular entity bean might incur the burden of calling ejbStore, which
can be avoided by using a read-only bean.
Read-only beans have the following characteristics:
■ Only entity beans can be read-only beans.
■ Either bean-managed persistence (BMP) or container-managed persistence (CMP)
is allowed. If CMP is used, do not create the database schema during deployment.
Instead, work with your database administrator to populate the data into the
tables. See Using Container-Managed Persistence.
■ Only container-managed transactions are allowed; read-only beans cannot start
their own transactions.

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-13

Using Read-Only Beans

■ Read-only beans don't update any bean state.

■ ejbStore is never called by the container.
■ ejbLoad is called only when a transactional method is called or when the bean is
initially created (in the cache), or at regular intervals controlled by the bean's
refresh-period-in-seconds element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.
■ The home interface can have any number of find methods. The return type of the
find methods must be the primary key for the same bean type (or a collection of
primary keys).
■ If the data that the bean represents can change, then refresh-period-in-seconds
must be set to refresh the beans at regular intervals. ejbLoad is called at this
regular interval.
A read-only bean comes into existence using the appropriate find methods.
Read-only beans are cached and have the same cache properties as entity beans. When
a read-only bean is selected as a victim to make room in the cache, ejbPassivate is
called and the bean is returned to the free pool. When in the free pool, the bean has no
identity and is used only to serve any finder requests.
Read-only beans are bound to the naming service like regular read-write entity beans,
and clients can look up read-only beans the same way read-write entity beans are
looked up.

Read-Only Bean Good Practices

For best results, follow these guidelines when developing read-only beans:
■ Avoid having any create or remove methods in the home interface.
■ Use any of the valid EJB 2.1 transaction attributes for the trans-attribute
The reason for having TX_SUPPORTED is to allow reading uncommitted data in the
same transaction. Also, the transaction attributes can be used to force ejbLoad.

Refreshing Read-Only Beans

There are several ways of refreshing read-only beans, as addressed in the following
■ Invoking a Transactional Method
■ Refreshing Periodically
■ Refreshing Programmatically

Invoking a Transactional Method

Invoking any transactional method invokes ejbLoad.

Refreshing Periodically
Use the refresh-period-in-seconds element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file to
refresh a read-only bean periodically.
■ If the value specified in refresh-period-in-seconds is zero or not specified,
which is the default, the bean is never refreshed (unless a transactional method is
■ If the value is greater than zero, the bean is refreshed at the rate specified.

8-14 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Read-Only Beans

Note: This is the only way to refresh the bean state if the data can
be modified external to the GlassFish Server.

By default, a single timer is used for all instances of a read-only bean. When that timer
fires, all bean instances are marked as expired and are refreshed from the database the
next time they are used.
Use the -Dcom.sun.ejb.containers.readonly.relative.refresh.mode=true flag to
refresh each bean instance independently upon access if its refresh period has expired.
The default is false. Note that each instance still has the same refresh period. This
additional level of granularity can improve the performance of read-only beans that do
not need to be refreshed at the same time.
To set this flag, use the asadmin create-jvm-options command. For example:
asadmin create-jvm-options

Refreshing Programmatically
Typically, beans that update any data that is cached by read-only beans need to notify
the read-only beans to refresh their state. Use ReadOnlyBeanNotifier to force the
refresh of read-only beans.
To do this, invoke the following methods on the ReadOnlyBeanNotifier bean:
public interface ReadOnlyBeanNotifier extends java.rmi.Remote {
refresh(Object PrimaryKey) throws RemoteException;

The implementation of the ReadOnlyBeanNotifier interface is provided by the

container. The bean looks up ReadOnlyBeanNotifier using a fragment of code such as
the following example:
com.sun.appserv.ejb.ReadOnlyBeanHelper helper =
new com.sun.appserv.ejb.ReadOnlyBeanHelper();
com.sun.appserv.ejb.ReadOnlyBeanNotifier notifier =

For a local read-only bean notifier, the lookup has this modification:

Beans that update any data that is cached by read-only beans need to call the refresh
methods. The next (non-transactional) call to the read-only bean invokes ejbLoad.
For Javadoc tool pages relevant to read-only beans, go to and click on the
com.sun.appserv.ejb package.

Deploying Read-Only Beans

Read-only beans are deployed in the same manner as other entity beans. However, in
the entry for the bean in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, the is-read-only-bean
element must be set to true. That is:

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-15

Using Message-Driven Beans

Also, the refresh-period-in-seconds element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file can

be set to some value that specifies the rate at which the bean is refreshed. If this
element is missing, no refresh occurs.
All requests in the same transaction context are routed to the same read-only bean
instance. Set the allow-concurrent-access element to either true (to allow concurrent
accesses) or false (to serialize concurrent access to the same read-only bean). The
default is false.
For further information on these elements, refer to "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Using Message-Driven Beans

This section describes message-driven beans and explains the requirements for
creating them in the GlassFish Server environment.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Message-Driven Bean Configuration
■ Message-Driven Bean Restrictions and Optimizations

Message-Driven Bean Configuration

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Connection Factory and Destination
■ Message-Driven Bean Pool
■ Domain-Level Settings
For information about setting up load balancing for message-driven beans, see
Load-Balanced Message Inflow.

Connection Factory and Destination

A message-driven bean is a client to a Connector inbound resource adapter. The
message-driven bean container uses the JMS service integrated into the GlassFish
Server for message-driven beans that are JMS clients. JMS clients use JMS Connection
Factory- and Destination-administered objects. A JMS Connection Factory
administered object is a resource manager Connection Factory object that is used to
create connections to the JMS provider.
The mdb-connection-factory element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file for a
message-driven bean specifies the connection factory that creates the container
connection to the JMS provider.
The jndi-name element of the ejb element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file specifies
the JNDI name of the administered object for the JMS Queue or Topic destination that
is associated with the message-driven bean.

Message-Driven Bean Pool

The container manages a pool of message-driven beans for the concurrent processing
of a stream of messages. The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file contains the elements that
define the pool (that is, the bean-pool element):
■ steady-pool-size
■ resize-quantity

8-16 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Message-Driven Beans

■ max-pool-size
■ pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds
For more information about glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
File" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Domain-Level Settings
You can control the following domain-level message-driven bean settings in the EJB

Initial and Minimum Pool Size

Specifies the initial and minimum number of beans maintained in the pool. The
default is 0.

Maximum Pool Size

Specifies the maximum number of beans that can be created to satisfy client requests.
The default is 32.

Pool Resize Quantity

Specifies the number of beans to be created if a request arrives when the pool is empty
(subject to the Initial and Minimum Pool Size), or the number of beans to remove if
idle for more than the Idle Timeout. The default is 8.

Idle Timeout
Specifies the maximum time in seconds that a bean can remain idle in the pool. After
this amount of time, the bean is destroyed. The default is 600 (10 minutes). A value of
0 means a bean can remain idle indefinitely.
For information on monitoring message-driven beans, click the Help button in the
Administration Console. Select the Stand-Alone Instances component, select the
instance from the table, and select the Monitor tab. Or select the Clusters component,
select the cluster from the table, select the Instances tab, select the instance from the
table, and select the Monitor tab.

Note: Running monitoring when it is not needed might impact

performance, so you might choose to turn monitoring off when it is
not in use. For details, see "Administering the Monitoring Service"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Message-Driven Bean Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses the following restrictions and performance optimizations that
pertain to developing message-driven beans:
■ Pool Tuning and Monitoring
■ The onMessage Runtime Exception

Pool Tuning and Monitoring

The message-driven bean pool is also a pool of threads, with each message-driven
bean instance in the pool associating with a server session, and each server session
associating with a thread. Therefore, a large pool size also means a high number of
threads, which impacts performance and server resources.
When configuring message-driven bean pool properties, make sure to consider factors
such as message arrival rate and pattern, onMessage method processing time, overall

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-17

Using Message-Driven Beans

server resources (threads, memory, and so on), and any concurrency requirements and
limitations from other resources that the message-driven bean accesses.
When tuning performance and resource usage, make sure to consider potential JMS
provider properties for the connection factory used by the container (the
mdb-connection-factory element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file). For example,
you can tune the Open Message Queue flow control related properties for connection
factory in situations where the message incoming rate is much higher than
max-pool-size can handle.
Refer to "Administering the Monitoring Service" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide for information on how to get message-driven bean pool

The onMessage Runtime Exception

Message-driven beans, like other well-behaved MessageListeners, should not, in
general, throw runtime exceptions. If a message-driven bean's onMessage method
encounters a system-level exception or error that does not allow the method to
successfully complete, the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v3.0 provides the
following guidelines:
■ If the bean method encounters a runtime exception or error, it should simply
propagate the error from the bean method to the container.
■ If the bean method performs an operation that results in a checked exception that
the bean method cannot recover, the bean method should throw the
javax.ejb.EJBException that wraps the original exception.
■ Any other unexpected error conditions should be reported using
javax.ejb.EJBException (javax.ejb.EJBException is a subclass of
Under container-managed transaction demarcation, upon receiving a runtime
exception from a message-driven bean's onMessage method, the container rolls back
the container-started transaction and the message is redelivered. This is because the
message delivery itself is part of the container-started transaction. By default, the
GlassFish Server container closes the container's connection to the JMS provider when
the first runtime exception is received from a message-driven bean instance's
onMessage method. This avoids potential message redelivery looping and protects
server resources if the message-driven bean's onMessage method continues
misbehaving. To change this default container behavior, use the
cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property of the MDB container. Here is an example
asadmin set command that sets this property:
asadmin set"5"

For more information about the asadmin set command, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Reference Manual.
The cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property specifies the maximum number of
runtime exceptions allowed from a message-driven bean's onMessage method before
the container starts to close the container's connection to the message source. By
default this value is 1; -1 disables this container protection.
A message-driven bean's onMessage method can use the
javax.jms.Message.getJMSRedelivered method to check whether a received message
is a redelivered message.

8-18 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using Message-Driven Beans

Note: The cmt-max-runtime-exceptions property is deprecated.

Using Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 8-19

Using Message-Driven Beans

8-20 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
9Using Container-Managed Persistence

This chapter contains information on how EJB 2.1 container-managed persistence

(CMP) works in Oracle GlassFish Server.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ GlassFish Server Support for CMP
■ CMP Mapping
■ Automatic Schema Generation for CMP
■ Schema Capture
■ Configuring the CMP Resource
■ Performance-Related Features
■ Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders
■ CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318

GlassFish Server Support for CMP

GlassFish Server support for EJB 2.1 CMP beans includes:
■ Full support for the J2EE v1.4 specification's CMP model. Extensive information
on CMP is contained in chapters 10, 11, and 14 of the Enterprise JavaBeans
Specification, v2.1. This includes the following:
– Support for commit options B and C for transactions. See Commit Options.
– The primary key class must be a subclass of java.lang.Object. This ensures
portability, and is noted because some vendors allow primitive types (such as
int) to be used as the primary key class.
■ The GlassFish Server CMP implementation, which provides the following:
– An Object/Relational (O/R) mapping tool that creates XML deployment
descriptors for EJB JAR files that contain beans that use CMP.
– Support for compound (multi-column) primary keys.
– Support for sophisticated custom finder methods.

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-1

CMP Mapping

– Standards-based query language (EJB QL).

– CMP runtime support. See Configuring the CMP Resource.
■ GlassFish Server performance-related features, including the following:
– Version column consistency checking
– Relationship prefetching
– Read-Only Beans
For details, see Performance-Related Features.

CMP Mapping
Implementation for entity beans that use CMP is mostly a matter of mapping CMP
fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the database.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Mapping Capabilities
■ The Mapping Deployment Descriptor File
■ Mapping Considerations

Mapping Capabilities
Mapping refers to the ability to tie an object-based model to a relational model of data,
usually the schema of a relational database. The CMP implementation provides the
ability to tie a set of interrelated beans containing data and associated behaviors to the
schema. This object representation of the database becomes part of the Java
application. You can also customize this mapping to optimize these beans for the
particular needs of an application. The result is a single data model through which
both persistent database information and regular transient program data are accessed.
The mapping capabilities provided by the GlassFish Server include:
■ Mapping a CMP bean to one or more tables
■ Mapping CMP fields to one or more columns
■ Mapping CMP fields to different column types
■ Mapping tables with compound primary keys
■ Mapping tables with unknown primary keys
■ Mapping CMP relationships to foreign keys
■ Mapping tables with overlapping primary and foreign keys

The Mapping Deployment Descriptor File

Each module with CMP beans must have the following files:
■ ejb-jar.xml - The J2EE standard file for assembling enterprise beans. For a
detailed description, see the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1.
■ glassfish-ejb-jar.xml - The GlassFish Server standard file for assembling
enterprise beans. For a detailed description, see "The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml File" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

9-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
CMP Mapping

■ sun-cmp-mappings.xml - The mapping deployment descriptor file, which describes the

mapping of CMP beans to tables in a database. For a detailed description, see "The
sun-cmp-mappings.xml File" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.
The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file can be automatically generated and does not have to
exist prior to deployment. For details, see Generation Options for CMP.
The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file maps CMP fields and CMR fields (relationships) to the
database. A primary table must be selected for each CMP bean, and optionally,
multiple secondary tables. CMP fields are mapped to columns in either the primary or
secondary table(s). CMR fields are mapped to pairs of column lists (normally, column
lists are the lists of columns associated with primary and foreign keys).

Note: Table names in databases can be case-sensitive. Make sure

that the table names in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file match the
names in the database.
Relationships should always be mapped to the primary key field(s)
of the related table.

The sun-cmp-mappings.xml file conforms to the sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd file and is

packaged with the user-defined bean classes in the EJB JAR file under the META-INF
The GlassFish Server creates the mappings in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file
automatically during deployment if the file is not present.
To map the fields and relationships of your entity beans manually, edit the
sun-cmp-mappings.xml deployment descriptor. Only do this if you are proficient in
editing XML.
The mapping information is developed in conjunction with the database schema
(.dbschema) file, which can be automatically captured when you deploy the bean (see
Automatic Database Schema Capture). You can manually generate the schema using
the capture-schema utility (Using the capture-schema Utility).

Mapping Considerations
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Join Tables and Relationships
■ Automatic Primary Key Generation
■ Fixed Length CHAR Primary Keys
■ Managed Fields
■ BLOB Support
■ CLOB Support
The data types used in automatic schema generation are also suggested for manual
mapping. These data types are described in Supported Data Types for CMP.

Join Tables and Relationships

Use of join tables in the database schema is supported for all types of relationships, not
just many-to-many relationships. For general information about relationships, see
section 10.3.7 of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1.

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-3

CMP Mapping

Automatic Primary Key Generation

The GlassFish Server supports automatic primary key generation for EJB 1.1, 2.0, and
2.1 CMP beans. To specify automatic primary key generation, give the prim-key-class
element in the ejb-jar.xml file the value java.lang.Object. CMP beans with
automatically generated primary keys can participate in relationships with other CMP
beans. The GlassFish Server does not support database-generated primary key values.
If the database schema is created during deployment, the GlassFish Server creates the
schema with the primary key column, then generates unique values for the primary
key column at runtime.
If the database schema is not created during deployment, the primary key column in
the mapped table must be of type NUMERIC with a precision of 19 or more, and must
not be mapped to any CMP field. The GlassFish Server generates unique values for the
primary key column at runtime.

Fixed Length CHAR Primary Keys

If an existing database table has a primary key column in which the values vary in
length, but the type is CHAR instead of VARCHAR, the GlassFish Server automatically
trims any extra spaces when retrieving primary key values. It is not a good practice to
use a fixed length CHAR column as a primary key. Use this feature with schemas that
cannot be changed, such as a schema inherited from a legacy application.

Managed Fields
A managed field is a CMP or CMR field that is mapped to the same database column
as another CMP or CMR field. CMP fields mapped to the same column and CMR
fields mapped to exactly the same column lists always have the same value in
memory. For CMR fields that share only a subset of their mapped columns, changes to
the columns affect the relationship fields in memory differently. Basically, the
GlassFish Server always tries to keep the state of the objects in memory synchronized
with the database.
A managed field can have any fetched-with subelement. If the fetched-with
subelement is <default/>, the -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup flag must
be set to true. See Default Fetch Group Flags and "fetched-with" in GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

BLOB Support
Binary Large Object (BLOB) is a data type used to store values that do not correspond
to other types such as numbers, strings, or dates. Java fields whose types implement or are represented as byte[] can be stored as BLOBs.
If a CMP field is defined as Serializable, it is serialized into a byte[] before being
stored in the database. Similarly, the value fetched from the database is deserialized.
However, if a CMP field is defined as byte[], it is stored directly instead of being
serialized and deserialized when stored and fetched, respectively.
To enable BLOB support in the GlassFish Server environment, define a CMP field of
type byte[] or a user-defined type that implements the interface. If
you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema, map the field to a column of
type BLOB.
To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for CMP using the Inet Oraxo JDBC
Driver for Oracle Databases, you must set the streamstolob property value to true.
For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release Notes. For configurations of supported and

9-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Administration Guide.
For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default BLOB column length
for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml. See your database vendor documentation to determine
whether you need to specify the length. For example:

CLOB Support
Character Large Object (CLOB) is a data type used to store and retrieve very long text
fields. CLOBs translate into long strings.
To enable CLOB support in the GlassFish Server environment, define a CMP field of
type java.lang.String. If you map the CMP bean to an existing database schema,
map the field to a column of type CLOB.
To use BLOB or CLOB data types larger than 4 KB for CMP using the Inet Oraxo JDBC
Driver for Oracle Databases, you must set the streamstolob property value to true.
For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release Notes. For configurations of supported and
other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Administration Guide.
For automatic mapping, you might need to change the default CLOB column length
for the generated schema using the schema-generator-properties element in
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml. See your database vendor documentation to determine
whether you need to specify the length. For example:

Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

The automatic schema generation feature provided in the GlassFish Server defines
database tables based on the fields in entity beans and the relationships between the
fields. This insulates developers from many of the database related aspects of

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-5

Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

development, allowing them to focus on entity bean development. The resulting

schema is usable as-is or can be given to a database administrator for tuning with
respect to performance, security, and so on.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Supported Data Types for CMP
■ Generation Options for CMP

Note: Automatic schema generation is supported on an

all-or-none basis: it expects that no tables exist in the database
before it is executed. It is not intended to be used as a tool to
generate extra tables or constraints.
Deployment won't fail if all tables are not created, and
undeployment won't fail if not all tables are dropped. This is done
to allow you to investigate the problem and fix it manually. You
should not rely on the partially created database schema to be
correct for running the application.

Supported Data Types for CMP

CMP supports a set of JDBC data types that are used in mapping Java data fields to
SQL types. Supported JDBC data types are as follows: BIGINT, BIT, BLOB, CHAR,
The following table contains the mappings of Java types to JDBC types when
automatic mapping is used.

Table 9–1 Java Type to JDBC Type Mappings for CMP

Java Type JDBC Type Nullability
boolean BIT No
java.lang.Boolean BIT Yes
java.lang.Byte TINYINT Yes
double DOUBLE No
java.lang.Double DOUBLE Yes
float REAL No
java.lang.Float REAL Yes
java.lang.Integer INTEGER Yes
long BIGINT No
java.lang.Long BIGINT Yes
java.lang.Short SMALLINT Yes
java.math.BigDecimal DECIMAL Yes
java.math.BigInteger DECIMAL Yes

9-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

Table 9–1 (Cont.) Java Type to JDBC Type Mappings for CMP
Java Type JDBC Type Nullability
char CHAR No
java.lang.Character CHAR Yes
java.lang.String VARCHAR or CLOB Yes
Serializable BLOB Yes
byte[] BLOB Yes
java.util.Date DATE (Oracle only) Yes
TIMESTAMP (all other databases)
java.sql.Date DATE Yes
java.sql.Time TIME Yes
java.sql.Timestamp TIMESTAMP Yes

Note: Java types assigned to CMP fields must be restricted to Java

primitive types, Java Serializable types, java.util.Date,
java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, or java.sql.Timestamp. An entity
bean local interface type (or a collection of such) can be the type of
a CMR field.

The following table contains the mappings of JDBC types to database vendor-specific
types when automatic mapping is used. For a list of the JDBC drivers currently
supported by the GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release
Notes. For configurations of supported and other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics
for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Table 9–2 Mappings of JDBC Types to Database Vendor Specific Types for CMP
Java DB, Derby, Sybase ASE
JDBC Type CloudScape Oracle DB2 12.5 MS-SQL Server

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-7

Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

Generation Options for CMP

Deployment descriptor elements or asadmin command line options can control
automatic schema generation by the following:
■ Creating tables during deployment
■ Dropping tables during undeployment
■ Dropping and creating tables during redeployment
■ Specifying the database vendor
■ Specifying that table names are unique
■ Specifying type mappings for individual CMP fields

Note: Before using these options, make sure you have a properly
configured CMP resource. See Configuring the CMP Resource.
For a read-only bean, do not create the database schema during
deployment. Instead, work with your database administrator to
populate the data into the tables. See Using Read-Only Beans.
Automatic schema generation is not supported for beans with
version column consistency checking. Instead, work with your
database administrator to create the schema and add the required
triggers. See Version Column Consistency Checking.

The following optional data subelements of the cmp-resource element in the

glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file control the automatic creation of database tables at
deployment. For more information about the cmp-resource element, see
"cmp-resource" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide
and Configuring the CMP Resource.

Table 9–3 The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml Generation Elements

Element Default Description
create-tables-at-deploy false If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that are
automatically mapped by the EJB container. No unique constraints
are created. If false, does not create tables.

9-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Automatic Schema Generation for CMP

Table 9–3 (Cont.) The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml Generation Elements

Element Default Description
drop-tables-at-undeploy false If true, causes database tables that were automatically created
when the bean(s) were last deployed to be dropped when the
bean(s) are undeployed. If false, does not drop tables.
database-vendor-name none Specifies the name of the database vendor for which tables are
created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, mysql, oracle,
postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase,
If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource
specified by the jndi-name subelement of the cmp-resource
element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database
vendor name is read. If the connection cannot be established, or if
the value is not recognized, SQL-92 compliance is presumed.
schema-generator-properties none Specifies field-specific column attributes in property subelements.
Each property name is of the following format:
For example:
Also allows you to set the use-unique-table-names property. If
true, this property specifies that generated table names are unique
within each GlassFish Server domain. The default is false.
For further information and an example, see
"schema-generator-properties" in GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.

The following options of the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir command control
the automatic creation of database tables at deployment.

Table 9–4 The asadmin deploy and asadmin deploydir Generation Options for CMP
Option Default Description
--createtables none If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that need them. No
unique constraints are created. If false, does not create tables. If not
specified, the value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-9

Schema Capture

Table 9–4 (Cont.) The asadmin deploy and asadmin deploydir Generation Options for CMP
Option Default Description
--dropandcreatetables none If true, and if tables were automatically created when this application was
last deployed, tables from the earlier deployment are dropped and fresh
ones are created.
If true, and if tables were not automatically created when this application
was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables. If tables with the
same names as those that would have been automatically created are
found, the deployment proceeds, but a warning indicates that tables could
not be created.
If false, settings of create-tables-at-deploy or
drop-tables-at-undeploy in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file are
--uniquetablenames none If true, specifies that table names are unique within each GlassFish Server
domain. If not specified, the value of the use-unique-table-names
property in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.
--dbvendorname none Specifies the name of the database vendor for which tables are created.
Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase,
derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase, case-insensitive.
If not specified, the value of the database-vendor-name attribute in
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.
If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource specified by
the jndi-name subelement of the cmp-resource element in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database vendor name is read. If the
connection cannot be established, or if the value is not recognized, SQL-92
compliance is presumed.

If one or more of the beans in the module are manually mapped and you use any of
the asadmin deploy or asadmin deploydir options, the deployment is not harmed in
any way, but the options have no effect, and a warning is written to the server log.
The following options of the asadmin undeploy command control the automatic
removal of database tables at undeployment.

Table 9–5 The asadmin undeploy Generation Options for CMP

Option Default Description
--droptables none If true, causes database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were
last deployed to be dropped when the bean(s) are undeployed. If false, does not drop
If not specified, the value of the drop-tables-at-undeploy attribute in
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml is used.

For more information about the asadmin deploy, asadmin deploydir, and asadmin
undeploy commands, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
When command line and glassfish-ejb-jar.xml options are both specified, the
asadmin options take precedence.

Schema Capture
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Automatic Database Schema Capture
■ Using the capture-schema Utility

9-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring the CMP Resource

Automatic Database Schema Capture

You can configure a CMP bean in GlassFish Server to automatically capture the
database metadata and save it in a .dbschema file during deployment. If the
sun-cmp-mappings.xml file contains an empty <schema/> entry, the cmp-resource
entry in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file is used to get a connection to the database,
and automatic generation of the schema is performed.

Note: Before capturing the database schema automatically, make

sure you have a properly configured CMP resource. See
Configuring the CMP Resource.

Using the capture-schema Utility

You can use the capture-schema command to manually generate the database
metadata (.dbschema) file. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
The capture-schema utility does not modify the schema in any way. Its only purpose is
to provide the persistence engine with information about the structure of the database
(the schema).
Keep the following in mind when using the capture-schema command:
■ The name of a .dbschema file must be unique across all deployed modules in a
■ If more than one schema is accessible for the schema user, more than one table
with the same name might be captured if the -schemaname option of
capture-schema is not set.
■ The schema name must be upper case.
■ Table names in databases are case-sensitive. Make sure that the table name
matches the name in the database.
■ PostgreSQL databases internally convert all names to lower case. Before running
the capture-schema command on a PostgreSQL database, make sure table and
column names are lower case in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file.
■ An Oracle database user running the capture-schema command needs ANALYZE
ANY TABLE privileges if that user does not own the schema. These privileges are
granted to the user by the database administrator.

Configuring the CMP Resource

An EJB module that contains CMP beans requires the JNDI name of a JDBC resource in
the jndi-name subelement of the cmp-resource element in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. Set PersistenceManagerFactory properties as properties
of the cmp-resource element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. See "cmp-resource" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, then select JDBC. Click
the Help button in the Administration Console for information on creating a new
JDBC resource.
For a list of the JDBC drivers currently supported by the GlassFish Server, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Release Notes. For configurations of supported and
other drivers, see "Configuration Specifics for JDBC Drivers" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Administration Guide.

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-11

Performance-Related Features

For example, if the JDBC resource has the JNDI name jdbc/MyDatabase, set the CMP
resource in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file as follows:

Performance-Related Features
The GlassFish Server provides the following features to enhance performance or allow
more fine-grained data checking. These features are supported only for entity beans
with container managed persistence.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Version Column Consistency Checking
■ Relationship Prefetching
■ Read-Only Beans
■ Default Fetch Group Flags

Note: Use of any of these features results in a non-portable


Version Column Consistency Checking

The version consistency feature saves the bean state at first transactional access and
caches it between transactions. The state is copied from the cache instead of being read
from the database. The bean state is verified by primary key and version column
values at flush for custom queries (for dirty instances only) and at commit (for clean
and dirty instances).

To Use Version Consistency

1. Create the version column in the primary table.
2. Give the version column a numeric data type.
3. Provide appropriate update triggers on the version column.
These triggers must increment the version column on each update of the specified
4. Specify the version column.
This is specified in the check-version-of-accessed-instances subelement of the
consistency element in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file. See "consistency" in
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
5. Map the CMP bean to an existing schema.
Automatic schema generation is not supported for beans with version column
consistency checking. Instead, work with your database administrator to create the
schema and add the required triggers.

9-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Performance-Related Features

Relationship Prefetching
In many cases when an entity bean's state is fetched from the database, its relationship
fields are always accessed in the same transaction. Relationship prefetching saves
database round trips by fetching data for an entity bean and those beans referenced by
its CMR fields in a single database round trip.
To enable relationship prefetching for a CMR field, use the default subelement of the
fetched-with element in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file. By default, these CMR fields
are prefetched whenever findByPrimaryKey or a custom finder is executed for the
entity, or when the entity is navigated to from a relationship. (Recursive prefetching is
not supported, because it does not usually enhance performance.) See "fetched-with"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
To disable prefetching for specific custom finders, use the prefetch-disabled element
in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. See "prefetch-disabled" in GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Multilevel relationship prefetching is supported for CMP 2.1 entity beans. To enable
multilevel relationship prefetching, set the following property using the asadmin
create-jvm-options command:
asadmin create-jvm-options

Read-Only Beans
Another feature that the GlassFish Server provides is the read-only bean, an entity bean
that is never modified by an EJB client. Read-only beans avoid database updates

Note: Read-only beans are specific to the GlassFish Server and are
not part of the Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v2.1. Use of this
feature for an EJB 2.1 bean results in a non-portable application.

A read-only bean can be used to cache a database entry that is frequently accessed but
rarely updated (externally by other beans). When the data that is cached by a
read-only bean is updated by another bean, the read-only bean can be notified to
refresh its cached data.
The GlassFish Server provides a number of ways by which a read-only bean's state can
be refreshed. By setting the refresh-period-in-seconds element in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file and the trans-attribute element (or
@TransactionAttribute annotation) in the ejb-jar.xml file, it is easy to configure a
read-only bean that is one of the following:
■ Always refreshed
■ Periodically refreshed
■ Never refreshed
■ Programmatically refreshed
Access to CMR fields of read-only beans is not supported. Deployment will succeed,
but an exception will be thrown at runtime if a get or set method is invoked.

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-13

Default Fetch Group Flags

Read-only beans are best suited for situations where the underlying data never
changes, or changes infrequently. For further information and usage guidelines, see
Using Read-Only Beans.

Default Fetch Group Flags

Using the following flags can improve performance.
Setting -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup=true allows CMP fields that by
default cannot be placed into the default fetch group to be loaded along with all other
fields that are fetched when the CMP state is loaded into memory. These could be
multiple fields mapped to the same column in the database table, for example, an
instance field and a CMR. By default this flag is set to false.
For additional information, see "level" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.
Setting -DAllowMediatedWriteInDefaultFetchGroup specifies how updated CMP
fields are written back to the database. If the flag is false, all fields in the CMP bean
are written back to the database if at least one field in the default fetch group has been
changed in a transaction. If the flag is true, only fields modified by the bean are
written back to the database. Specifying true can improve performance, particularly
on database tables with many columns that have not been updated. By default this
flag is set to false.
To set one of these flags, use the asadmin create-jvm-options command. For
asadmin create-jvm-options -DAllowManagedFieldsInDefaultFetchGroup=true

Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders

The following topics are addressed here:
■ About JDOQL Queries
■ Query Filter Expression
■ Query Parameters
■ Query Variables
■ JDOQL Examples

About JDOQL Queries

The Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v1.1 does not specify the format of the finder
method description. The GlassFish Server uses an extension of Java Data Objects
Query Language (JDOQL) queries to implement finder and selector methods. You can
specify the following elements of the underlying JDOQL query:
■ Filter expression - A Java-like expression that specifies a condition that each object
returned by the query must satisfy. Corresponds to the WHERE clause in EJB QL.
■ Query parameter declaration - Specifies the name and the type of one or more
query input parameters. Follows the syntax for formal parameters in the Java

9-14 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders

■ Query variable declaration - Specifies the name and type of one or more query
variables. Follows the syntax for local variables in the Java language. A query filter
might use query variables to implement joins.
■ Query ordering declaration - Specifies the ordering expression of the query.
Corresponds to the ORDER BY clause of EJB QL.
The GlassFish Server specific deployment descriptor (glassfish-ejb-jar.xml)
provides the following elements to store the EJB 1.1 finder method settings:

The bean developer uses these elements to construct a query. When the finder method
that uses these elements executes, the values of these elements are used to execute a
query in the database. The objects from the JDOQL query result set are converted into
primary key instances to be returned by the EJB 1.1 ejbFind method.
The JDO specification, JSR 12 (,
provides a comprehensive description of JDOQL. The following information
summarizes the elements used to define EJB 1.1 finders.

Query Filter Expression

The filter expression is a String containing a Boolean expression evaluated for each
instance of the candidate class. If the filter is not specified, it defaults to true. Rules for
constructing valid expressions follow the Java language, with the following
■ Equality and ordering comparisons between primitives and instances of wrapper
classes are valid.
■ Equality and ordering comparisons of Date fields and Date parameters are valid.
■ Equality and ordering comparisons of String fields and String parameters are
■ White space (non-printing characters space, tab, carriage return, and line feed) is a
separator and is otherwise ignored.
■ The following assignment operators are not supported.
– Comparison operators such as =, +=, and so on
– Pre- and post-increment
– Pre- and post-decrement
■ Methods, including object construction, are not supported, except for these
Collection.contains(Object o)
String.startsWith(String s)
String.endsWith(String e)

In addition, the GlassFish Server supports the following nonstandard JDOQL

methods. pattern) pattern, char escape)
String.substring(int start, int length)

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-15

Configuring Queries for 1.1 Finders

String.indexOf(String str)
String.indexOf(String str, int start)
Math.abs(numeric n)
Math.sqrt(double d)

■ Navigation through a null-valued field, which throws a NullPointerException, is

treated as if the sub-expression returned false.

Note: Comparisons between floating point values are by nature

inexact. Therefore, equality comparisons (== and !=) with floating
point values should be used with caution. Identifiers in the
expression are considered to be in the name space of the candidate
class, with the addition of declared parameters and variables. As in
the Java language, this is a reserved word, and refers to the current
instance being evaluated.

The following expressions are supported.

■ Relational operators (==, !=,>, <,>=, <=)
■ Boolean operators (&, &&, |, ||, ~, !)
■ Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /)
■ String concatenation, only for String + String
■ Parentheses to explicitly mark operator precedence
■ Cast operator
■ Promotion of numeric operands for comparisons and arithmetic operations
The rules for promotion follow the Java rules extended by BigDecimal, BigInteger, and
numeric wrapper classes. See the numeric promotions of the Java language

Query Parameters
The parameter declaration is a String containing one or more parameter type
declarations separated by commas. This follows the Java syntax for method signatures.

Query Variables
The type declarations follow the Java syntax for local variable declarations.

JDOQL Examples
This section provides a few query examples.

Example 1
The following query returns all players called Michael. It defines a filter that compares
the name field with a string literal:
name == "Michael"

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:


9-16 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

<query-filter>name == "Michael"</query-filter>

Example 2
This query returns all products in a specified price range. It defines two query
parameters which are the lower and upper bound for the price: double low, double
high. The filter compares the query parameters with the price field:
low < price && price < high

Query ordering is set to price ascending.

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:
<query-params>double low, double high</query-params>
<query-filter>low &lt; price &amp;&amp; price &lt high</query-filter>
<query-ordering>price ascending</query-ordering>

Example 3
This query returns all players having a higher salary than the player with the specified
name. It defines a query parameter for the name java.lang.String name.
Furthermore, it defines a variable to which the player's salary is compared. It has the
type of the persistence capable class that corresponds to the bean:
mypackage.PlayerEJB_170160966_JDOState player

The filter compares the salary of the current player denoted by the this keyword with
the salary of the player with the specified name:
(this.salary> player.salary) && ( == name)

The finder element of the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file looks like this:

<query-params>java.lang.String name</query-params>
(this.salary &gt; player.salary) &amp;&amp; ( == name)
mypackage.PlayerEJB_170160966_JDOState player

CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions and performance optimizations that pertain to using
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Disabling ORDER BY Validation
■ Setting the Heap Size on DB2

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-17

CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

■ Eager Loading of Field State

■ Restrictions on Remote Interfaces
■ PostgreSQL Case Insensitivity
■ No Support for lock-when-loaded on Sybase
■ Sybase Finder Limitation
■ Date and Time Fields
■ MySQL Database Restrictions

Disabling ORDER BY Validation

EJB QL as defined in the EJB 2.1 Specification defines certain restrictions for the
SELECT clause of an ORDER BY query (see section 11.2.8 ORDER BY Clause). This
ensures that a query does not order by a field that is not returned by the query. By
default, the EJB QL compiler checks the above restriction and throws an exception if
the query does not conform.
However, some databases support SQL statements with an ORDER BY column that is
not included in the SELECT clause. To disable the validation of the ORDER BY clause
against the SELECT clause, set the DISABLE_ORDERBY_VALIDATION JVM option as
asadmin create-jvm-options

The DISABLE_ORDERBY_VALIDATION option is set to false by default. Setting it to true

results in a non-portable module or application.

Setting the Heap Size on DB2

On DB2, the database configuration parameter APPLHEAPSZ determines the heap size. If
you are using the Oracle or DataDirect database driver, set this parameter to at least
2048 for CMP. For more information, see

Eager Loading of Field State

By default, the EJB container loads the state for all persistent fields (excluding
relationship, BLOB, and CLOB fields) before invoking the ejbLoad method of the
abstract bean. This approach might not be optimal for entity objects with large state if
most business methods require access to only parts of the state.
Use the fetched-with element in sun-cmp-mappings.xml for fields that are used
infrequently. See "fetched-with" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Restrictions on Remote Interfaces

The following restrictions apply to the remote interface of an EJB 2.1 bean that uses

9-18 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

■ Do not expose the get and set methods for CMR fields or the persistence
collection classes that are used in container-managed relationships through the
remote interface of the bean.
However, you are free to expose the get and set methods that correspond to the
CMP fields of the entity bean through the bean's remote interface.
■ Do not expose the container-managed collection classes that are used for
relationships through the remote interface of the bean.
■ Do not expose local interface types or local home interface types through the
remote interface or remote home interface of the bean.
Dependent value classes can be exposed in the remote interface or remote home
interface, and can be included in the client EJB JAR file.

PostgreSQL Case Insensitivity

Case-sensitive behavior cannot be achieved for PostgreSQL databases. PostgreSQL
databases internally convert all names to lower case, which makes the following
workarounds necessary:
■ In the CMP 2.1 runtime, PostgreSQL table and column names are not quoted,
which makes these names case insensitive.
■ Before running the capture-schema command on a PostgreSQL database, make
sure table and column names are lower case in the sun-cmp-mappings.xml file.

No Support for lock-when-loaded on Sybase

For EJB 2.1 beans, the lock-when-loaded consistency level is implemented by placing
update locks on the data corresponding to a bean when the data is loaded from the
database. There is no suitable mechanism available on Sybase databases to implement
this feature. Therefore, the lock-when-loaded consistency level is not supported on
Sybase databases. See "consistency" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Sybase Finder Limitation

If a finder method with an input greater than 255 characters is executed and the
primary key column is mapped to a VARCHAR column, Sybase attempts to convert
type VARCHAR to type TEXT and generates the following error:
com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Implicit conversion from datatype
'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

To avoid this error, make sure the finder method input is less than 255 characters.

Date and Time Fields

If a field type is a Java date or time type (java.util.Date, java.sql.Date,
java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp), make sure that the field value exactly matches
the value in the database.
For example, the following code uses a java.sql.Date type as a primary key field:
java.sql.Date myDate = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
BeanA.create(myDate, ...);

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-19

CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

For some databases, this code results in only the year, month, and date portion of the
field value being stored in the database. Later if the client tries to find this bean by
primary key as follows, the bean is not found in the database because the value does
not match the one that is stored in the database.
myBean = BeanA.findByPrimaryKey(myDate);

Similar problems can happen if the database truncates the timestamp value while
storing it, or if a custom query has a date or time value comparison in its WHERE
For automatic mapping to an Oracle database, fields of type java.util.Date,
java.sql.Date, and java.sql.Time are mapped to Oracle's DATE data type. Fields of
type java.sql.Timestamp are mapped to Oracle's TIMESTAMP(9) data type.


For version consistency triggers on MSSQL, the property RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS must be
set to false, which is the default. If set to true, triggers throw a
Set this property as follows:
EXEC sp_dboption 'database-name', 'recursive triggers', 'FALSE'

You can test this property as follows:

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('database-name', 'IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled')

MySQL Database Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you use a MySQL database with the GlassFish
Server for persistence.
■ MySQL treats int1 and int2 as reserved words. If you want to define int1 and
int2 as fields in your table, use `int1` and `int2` field names in your SQL file.
■ When VARCHAR fields get truncated, a warning is displayed instead of an error. To
get an error message, start the MySQL database in strict SQL mode.
■ The order of fields in a foreign key index must match the order in the explicitly
created index on the primary table.
■ The CREATE TABLE syntax in the SQL file must end with the following line.
) Engine=InnoDB;

InnoDB provides MySQL with a transaction-safe (ACID compliant) storage engine

having commit, rollback, and crash recovery capabilities.
■ For a FLOAT type field, the correct precision must be defined. By default, MySQL
uses four bytes to store a FLOAT type that does not have an explicit precision
definition. For example, this causes a number such as 12345.67890123 to be
rounded off to 12345.7 during an INSERT. To prevent this, specify FLOAT(10,2) in
the DDL file, which forces the database to use an eight-byte double-precision
column. For more information, see

9-20 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

■ To use || as the string concatenation symbol, start the MySQL server with the
--sql-mode="PIPES_AS_CONCAT" option. For more information, see
■ MySQL always starts a new connection when autoCommit==true is set. This
ensures that each SQL statement forms a single transaction on its own. If you try
to rollback or commit an SQL statement, you get an error message.
javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
Can't call rollback when autocommit=true

javax.transaction.SystemException: java.sql.SQLException:
Error open transaction is not closed

To resolve this issue, add relaxAutoCommit=true to the JDBC URL. For more
information, see,31326,31404.
■ Change the trigger create format from the following:

To the following:

For more information, see
■ MySQL does not allow a DELETE on a row that contains a reference to itself. Here is
an example that illustrates the issue.
create table EMPLOYEE (
empId int NOT NULL,
salary float(25,2) NULL,
mgrId int NULL,

insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);

delete from Employee where empId = 1;

This example fails with the following error message.

ERROR 1217 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row:

Using Container-Managed Persistence 9-21

CMP Restrictions and Optimizations

a foreign key constraint fails

To resolve this issue, change the table creation script to the following:
create table EMPLOYEE (
empId int NOT NULL,
salary float(25,2) NULL,
mgrId int NULL,

insert into Employee values (1, 1234.34, 1);

delete from Employee where empId = 1;

This can be done only if the foreign key field is allowed to be null. For more
information, see
■ When an SQL script has foreign key constraints defined, capture-schema fails to
capture the table information correctly. To work around the problem, remove the
constraints and then run capture-schema. Here is an example that illustrates the

To resolve this issue, change the table creation script to the following:

9-22 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Java Clients

This chapter describes how to develop, assemble, and deploy Java clients.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Introducing the Application Client Container
■ Developing Clients Using the ACC
■ Developing Clients Without the ACC

Note: The Web Profile of the OracleGlassFish Server supports the

EJB 3.1 Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318
Accordingly, the Application Client Container is supported only in
the full GlassFish Server, not in the Web Profile.
JMS resources are supported only in the full GlassFish Server, not
in the Web Profile. See Using the Java Message Service.

Introducing the Application Client Container

The Application Client Container (ACC) includes a set of Java classes, libraries, and
other files that are required for and distributed with Java client programs that execute
in their own Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The ACC manages the execution of Java EE
application client components (application clients), which are used to access a variety
of Java EE services (such as JMS resources, EJB components, web services, security,
and so on.) from a JVM outside the Oracle GlassFish Server.
The ACC communicates with the GlassFish Server using RMI-IIOP protocol and
manages the details of RMI-IIOP communication using the client ORB that is bundled
with it. Compared to other Java EE containers, the ACC is lightweight.
For information about debugging application clients, see Application Client

Note: Interoperability between application clients and GlassFish

Servers running under different major versions is not supported.

Developing Java Clients 10-1

Developing Clients Using the ACC

ACC Security
The ACC determines when authentication is needed. This typically occurs when the
client refers to an EJB component that requires authorization or when annotations in
the client's main class trigger injection which, in turn, requires contact with the
GlassFish Server's naming service. To authenticate the end user, the ACC prompts for
any required information, such as a username and password. The ACC itself provides
a very simple dialog box to prompt for and read these values.
The ACC integrates with the GlassFish Server's authentication system. It also supports
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)/IIOP if configured and when necessary; see Using
You can provide an alternate implementation to gather authentication information,
tailored to the needs of the application client. To do so, include the class to perform
these duties in the application client and identify the fully-qualified name of this class
in the callback-handler element of the application-client.xml descriptor for the
client. The ACC uses this class instead of its default class for asking for and reading
the authentication information. The class must implement the interface. See the Java EE specification,
section 9.2, Application Clients: Security, for more details.
Application clients can use Programmatic Login.

ACC Naming
The client container enables the application clients to use the Java Naming and
Directory Interface (JNDI) to look up Java EE services (such as JMS resources, EJB
components, web services, security, and so on.) and to reference configurable
parameters set at the time of deployment.

Application Client Annotation

Annotation is supported for the main class and the optional callback handler class in
application clients. For more information, see "Deployment Descriptors and
Annotations" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Java Web Start

Java Web Start allows your application client to be easily launched and automatically
downloaded and updated. It is enabled for all application clients by default. For more
information, see Using Java Web Start.

Application Client JAR File

In GlassFish Server 4.0, the downloaded appclient JAR file is smaller than in previous
releases, with dependent classes in separate JAR files. When copying the downloaded
appclient to another location, make sure to include the JAR files containing the
dependent classes as well. You can also use the asadmin get-client-stubs command
to retrieve the appclient and all associated application JAR files and place them in
another location.

Developing Clients Using the ACC

This section describes the procedure to develop, assemble, and deploy client
applications using the ACC.

10-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

The following topics are addressed here:

■ To Access an EJB Component From an Application Client
■ To Access a JMS Resource From an Application Client
■ Using Java Web Start
■ Using the Embeddable ACC
■ Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script
■ Using the package-appclient Script
■ The client.policy File
■ Using RMI/IIOP Over SSL
■ Connecting to a Remote EJB Module Through a Firewall
■ Specifying a Splash Screen
■ Setting Login Retries
■ Using Libraries with Application Clients

To Access an EJB Component From an Application Client

1. In your client code, reference the EJB component by using an @EJB annotation or
by looking up the JNDI name as defined in the ejb-jar.xml file.
For more information about naming and lookups, see Accessing the Naming
If load balancing is enabled as in Step 7 and the EJB components being accessed
are in a different cluster, the endpoint list must be included in the lookup, as

2. Define the @EJB annotations or the ejb-ref elements in the

application-client.xml file. Define the corresponding ejb-ref elements in the
glassfish-application-client.xml file.
For more information on the glassfish-application-client.xml file, see "The
glassfish-application-client.xml file" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide. For a general explanation of how to map JNDI
names using reference elements, see Mapping References.
3. Deploy the application client and EJB component together in an application.
For more information on deployment, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide. To get the client JAR file, use the --retrieve option
of the asadmin deploy command.
To retrieve the stubs and ties generated during deployment, use the asadmin
get-client-stubs command. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual.
4. Ensure that the client JAR file includes the following files:
■ A Java class to access the bean.
■ application-client.xml - (optional) Java EE application client deployment

Developing Java Clients 10-3

Developing Clients Using the ACC

■ glassfish-application-client.xml - (optional) GlassFish Server specific

client deployment descriptor. For information on the
glassfish-application-client.xml file, see "The
glassfish-application-client.xml file" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.
■ The MANIFEST.MF file. This file contains a reference to the main class, which
states the complete package prefix and class name of the Java client.
5. Prepare the client machine.
This step is not needed for Java Web Start. This step is not needed if the client and
server machines are the same.
If you are using the appclient script, package the GlassFish Server system files
required to launch application clients on remote systems using the
package-appclient script, then retrieve the application client itself using the
asadmin get-client-stubs command.
For more information, see Using the package-appclient Script and the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
6. To access EJB components that are residing in a remote system, make the following
changes to the sun-acc.xml file or the appclient script. This step is not needed for
Java Web Start.
■ Define the target-server element's address and port attributes to reference
the remote server machine and its ORB port. See "target-server" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
■ Use the -targetserver option of the appclient script to reference the remote
server machine and its ORB port. For more information, see Running an
Application Client Using the appclient Script.
To determine the ORB port on the remote server, use the asadmin get command.
For example:
asadmin --host rmtsrv get

For more information about the asadmin get command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
7. To set up load balancing and failover of remote EJB references, define at least two
target-server elements in the sun-acc.xml file or the appclient script. This step
is not needed for Java Web Start.
If the GlassFish Server instance on which the application client is deployed
participates in a cluster, the ACC finds all currently active IIOP endpoints in the
cluster automatically. However, a client should have at least two endpoints
specified for bootstrapping purposes, in case one of the endpoints has failed.
The target-server elements in the sun-acc.xml file specify one or more IIOP
endpoints used for load balancing. The address attribute is an IPv4 address or
host name, and the port attribute specifies the port number. See "client-container"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The --targetserver option of the appclient script specifies one or more IIOP
endpoints used for load balancing. For more information, see Running an
Application Client Using the appclient Script.

10-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

Next Steps
■ For instructions on running the application client, see Using Java Web Start or
Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script.
■ For more information about RMI-IIOP load balancing and failover, see "RMI-IIOP
Load Balancing and Failover" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition High
Availability Administration Guide.

To Access a JMS Resource From an Application Client

1. Create a JMS client.
For detailed instructions on developing a JMS client, see "Java Message Service
Examples" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
2. Next, configure a JMS resource on the GlassFish Server.
For information on configuring JMS resources, see "Administering JMS
Connection Factories and Destinations" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide.
3. Define the @Resource or @Resources annotations or the resource-ref elements in
the application-client.xml file. Define the corresponding resource-ref
elements in the glassfish-application-client.xml file.
For more information on the glassfish-application-client.xml file, see "The
glassfish-application-client.xml file" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide. For a general explanation of how to map JNDI
names using reference elements, see Mapping References.
4. Ensure that the client JAR file includes the following files:
■ A Java class to access the resource.
■ application-client.xml - (optional) Java EE application client deployment
■ glassfish-application-client.xml - (optional) GlassFish Server specific
client deployment descriptor. For information on the
glassfish-application-client.xml file, see "The
glassfish-application-client.xml file" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.
■ The MANIFEST.MF file. This file contains a reference to the main class, which
states the complete package prefix and class name of the Java client.
5. Prepare the client machine.
This step is not needed for Java Web Start. This step is not needed if the client and
server machines are the same.
If you are using the appclient script, package the GlassFish Server system files
required to launch application clients on remote systems using the
package-appclient script, then retrieve the application client itself using the
asadmin get-client-stubs command.
For more information, see Using the package-appclient Script and the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
6. Run the application client.
See Using Java Web Start or Running an Application Client Using the appclient

Developing Java Clients 10-5

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Using Java Web Start

Java Web Start allows your application client to be easily launched and automatically
downloaded and updated. General information about Java Web Start is available at
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Enabling and Disabling Java Web Start
■ Downloading and Launching an Application Client
■ The Application Client URL
■ Signing JAR Files Used in Java Web Start
■ Error Handling
■ Vendor Icon, Splash Screen, and Text
■ Creating a Custom JNLP File

Enabling and Disabling Java Web Start

Java Web Start is enabled for all application clients by default.
The application developer or deployer can specify that Java Web Start is always
disabled for an application client by setting the value of the eligible element to false
in the glassfish-application-client.xml file. See the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The GlassFish Server administrator can disable Java Web Start for a previously
deployed eligible application client using the asadmin set command.
To disable Java Web Start for all eligible application clients in an application, use the
following command:
asadmin set"false"

To disable Java Web Start for a stand-alone eligible application client, use the following
asadmin set"false"

Setting java-web-start-enabled="true" re-enables Java Web Start for an eligible

application client. For more information about the asadmin set command, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Downloading and Launching an Application Client

If Java Web Start is enabled for your deployed application client, you can launch it for
testing. Simply click on the Launch button next to the application client or
application's listing on the App Client Modules page in the Administration Console.
On other machines, you can download and launch the application client using Java
Web Start in the following ways:
■ Using a web browser, directly enter the URL for the application client. See The
Application Client URL.
■ Click on a link to the application client from a web page.

10-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

■ Use the Java Web Start command javaws, specifying the URL of the application
client as a command line argument.
■ If the application has previously been downloaded using Java Web Start, you have
additional alternatives.
– Use the desktop icon that Java Web Start created for the application client.
When Java Web Start downloads an application client for the first time it asks
you if such an icon should be created.
– Use the Java Web Start control panel to launch the application client.
When you launch an application client, Java Web Start contacts the server to see if a
newer client version is available. This means you can redeploy an application client
without having to worry about whether client machines have the latest version.

The Application Client URL

The default URL for an application or module generally is as follows:

The default URL for a stand-alone application client module is as follows:

The default URL for an application client module embedded within an application is
as follows. Note that the relative path to the application client JAR file is included.

If the context-root, appclient-module-id, or application-id is not specified during

deployment, the name of the JAR or EAR file without the extension is used. If the
application client module or application is not in JAR or EAR file format, an
appclient-module-id or application-id is generated.
Regardless of how the context-root or id is determined, it is written to the server log
when you deploy the application. For details about naming, see "Naming Standards"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
To set a different URL for an application client, use the context-root subelement of
the java-web-start-access element in the glassfish-application-client.xml file.
This overrides the appclient-module-id or application-id. See the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
You can also pass arguments to the ACC or to the application client's main method as
query parameters in the URL. If multiple application client arguments are specified,
they are passed in the order specified.
A question mark separates the context root from the arguments. Ampersands (&)
separate the arguments and their values. Each argument and each value must begin
with arg=. Here is an example URL with a -color argument for a stand-alone
application client. The -color argument is passed to the application client's main

Developing Java Clients 10-7

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Note: If you are using the javaws URL command to launch Java
Web Start with a URL that contains arguments, enclose the URL in
double quotes (") to avoid breaking the URL at the ampersand (&)

Ideally, you should build your production application clients with user-friendly
interfaces that collect information which might otherwise be gathered as
command-line arguments. This minimizes the degree to which users must customize
the URLs that launch application clients using Java Web Start. Command-line
argument support is useful in a development environment and for existing application
clients that depend on it.

Signing JAR Files Used in Java Web Start

Java Web Start enforces a security sandbox. By default it grants any application,
including application clients, only minimal privileges. Because Java Web Start
applications can be so easily downloaded, Java Web Start provides protection from
potentially harmful programs that might be accessible over the network. If an
application requires a higher privilege level than the sandbox permits, the code that
needs privileges must be in a JAR file that was signed.
When Java Web Start downloads such a signed JAR file, it displays information about
the certificate that was used to sign the JAR if that certificate is not trusted. It then asks
you whether you want to trust that signed code. If you agree, the code receives
elevated permissions and runs. If you reject the signed code, Java Web Start does not
start the downloaded application.
Your first Java Web Start launch of an application client is likely to involve this
prompting because by default GlassFish Server uses a self-signed certificate that is not
linked to a trusted authority.
The GlassFish Server serves two types of signed JAR files in response to Java Web Start
requests. One type is a JAR file installed as part of the GlassFish Server, which starts
an application client during a Java Web Start launch: as-install/lib/gf-client.jar.
The other type is a generated application client JAR file. As part of deployment, the
GlassFish Server generates a new application client JAR file that contains classes,
resources, and descriptors needed to run the application client on end-user systems.
When you deploy an application with the asadmin deploy command's --retrieve
option, use the asadmin get-client-stubs command, or select the Generate
RMIStubs option from the EJB Modules deployment page in the Administration
Console, this is one of the JAR files retrieved to your system. Because application
clients need access beyond the minimal sandbox permissions to work in the Java Web
Start environment, the generated application client JAR file must be signed before it
can be downloaded to and executed on an end-user system.
A JAR file can be signed automatically or manually.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Automatically Signing JAR Files
■ Using the jar-signing-alias Deployment Property

Automatically Signing JAR Files The GlassFish Server automatically creates a signed
version of the required JAR file if none exists. When a Java Web Start request for the
gf-client.jar file arrives, the GlassFish Server looks for
domain-dir/java-web-start/gf-client.jar. When a request for an application's

10-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

generated application client JAR file arrives, the GlassFish Server looks in the directory
domain-dir/java-web-start/app-name for a file with the same name as the generated
JAR file created during deployment.
In either case, if the requested signed JAR file is absent or older than its unsigned
counterpart, the GlassFish Server creates a signed version of the JAR file automatically
and deposits it in the relevant directory. Whether the GlassFish Server just signed the
JAR file or not, it serves the file from the domain-dir/java-web-start directory tree in
response to the Java Web Start request.
To sign these JAR files, by default the GlassFish Server uses its self-signed certificate.
When you create a new domain, either by installing the GlassFish Server or by using
the asadmin create-domain command, the GlassFish Server creates a self-signed
certificate and adds it to the domain's key store.
A self-signed certificate is generally untrustworthy because no certification authority
vouches for its authenticity. The automatic signing feature uses the same certificate to
create all required signed JAR files.
Starting with Java SE 7 Update 21, stricter security is enforced for applications
launched using Java Web Start. Application users will see various security messages,
depending on their Java security settings. If Java security is set to Very High on their
systems, users will not be able to launch application clients signed using the GlassFish
Server self-signed certificate.
To minimize impacts to application users, all Java Web Start applications should be
signed with a trusted certificate instead of the GlassFish Server self-signed certificate.
If you use the GlassFish Server Java Web Start feature or deploy applications that
provide their own Java Web Start applications, perform the following steps:
1. Obtain a trusted certificate from a certification authority if your organization does
not already have one.
2. Stop GlassFish Server.
3. Replace the GlassFish Server self-signed certificate with the trusted certificate by
importing the trusted certificate into the GlassFish Server keystore using the s1as
alias. By default, the keystore is located at domain-dir/config/keystore.jks.
For more information about importing a trusted certificate into the domain
keystore, see "Administering JSSE Certificates" in GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Security Guide.
4. Delete any signed JARs already generated by GlassFish Server:
a. At the command prompt, type:
rm -rf domain-dir/java_web_start
b. For each application that contains an application client launched using Java
Web Start, type:
rm -rf domain-dir/generated/xml/app-name/signed
c. Restart GlassFish Server.
5. Ensure that the Java security setting on user systems is set to Very High.
After you perform these steps, the first time a user launches an application client on
their system, Java Web Start detects that the server's signed JARs are newer than those
cached on the user’s system and downloads them again. This happens on the first
launch only, regardless of the client. Even though the application client is now signed
using a trusted certificate, users will again be asked whether to trust the downloaded
application and can choose to skip that prompt for future launches.

Developing Java Clients 10-9

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Using the jar-signing-alias Deployment Property The asadmin deploy command

property jar-signing-alias specifies the alias for the security certificate with which
the application client container JAR file is signed.
Java Web Start won't execute code requiring elevated permissions unless it resides in a
JAR file signed with a certificate that the user's system trusts. For your convenience,
GlassFish Server signs the JAR file automatically using the self-signed certificate from
the domain, s1as. Java Web Start then asks the user whether to trust the code and
displays the GlassFish Server certificate information.
To sign this JAR file with a different certificate, first add the certificate to the domain
keystore. You can use a certificate from a trusted authority, which avoids the Java Web
Start prompt. To add a certificate to the domain keystore, see "Administering JSSE
Certificates" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Security Guide.
Next, deploy your application using the jar-signing-alias property. For example:
asadmin deploy --property jar-signing-alias=MyAlias MyApp.ear

For more information about the asadmin deploy command, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Error Handling
When an application client is launched using Java Web Start, any error that the
application client logic does not catch and handle is written to System.err and
displayed in a dialog box. This display appears if an error occurs even before the
application client logic receives control. It also appears if the application client code
does not catch and handle errors itself.

Vendor Icon, Splash Screen, and Text

To specify a vendor-specific icon, splash screen, text string, or a combination of these
for Java Web Start download and launch screens, use the vendor element in the
glassfish-application-client.xml file. The complete format of this element's data is
as follows:

The following example vendor element contains an icon, a splash screen, and a text
<vendor>images/icon.jpg::otherDir/splash.jpg::MyCorp, Inc.</vendor>

The following example vendor element contains an icon and a text string:
<vendor>images/icon.jpg::MyCorp, Inc.</vendor>

The following example vendor element contains a splash screen and a text string; note
the initial double colon:
<vendor>::otherDir/splash.jpg::MyCorp, Inc.</vendor>

The following example vendor element contains only a text string:

<vendor>MyCorp, Inc.</vendor>

The default value is the text string Application Client.

For more information about the glassfish-application-client.xml file, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

10-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

You can also specify a vendor-specific icon, splash screen, text string, or a combination
by using a custom JNLP file; see Creating a Custom JNLP File.

Creating a Custom JNLP File

You can partially customize the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) file that
GlassFish Server uses for Java Web Start.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Specifying the JNLP File in the Deployment Descriptor
■ Referring to JAR Files from the JNLP File
■ Referring to Other JNLP Files
■ Combining Custom and Automatically Generated Content
For more information about JNLP, see the Java Web Start Architecture JNLP
Specification and API Documentation

Specifying the JNLP File in the Deployment Descriptor To specify a custom JNLP file for Java
Web Start, use the jnlp-doc element in the glassfish-application-client.xml file. If
none is specified, a default JNLP file is generated.
The value of the jnlp-doc element is a relative path with the following format:

The default path-to-JAR-in-EAR is the current application client JAR file. For example,
if the JNLP file is in the application client JAR file at custom/myInfo.jnlp, the element
value would look like this:

If the application client is inside an EAR file, you can place the custom JNLP file inside
another JAR file in the EAR. For example, if the JNLP file is in a JAR file at
other/myLib.jar, the element value would look like this, with an exclamation point
(!) separating the path to the JAR from the path in the JAR:

For more information about the glassfish-application-client.xml file, see the

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Referring to JAR Files from the JNLP File As with any JNLP document, the custom JNLP
file can refer to JAR files the application client requires.
Do not specify every JAR on which the client depends. GlassFish Server automatically
handles JAR files that the Java EE specification requires to be available to the
application client. This includes JAR files listed in the application client JAR file's
manifest Class-Path and JAR files in the EAR file's library directory (if any) and their
transitive closures. The custom JNLP file should specify only those JAR files the client
needs that GlassFish Server would not otherwise include.

Developing Java Clients 10-11

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Package these JAR files in the EAR file, as with any JAR file required by an application
client. Use relative URIs in the <jar href="..."> and <nativelib href="...">
elements to point to the JAR files. The codebase that GlassFish Server assigns for the
final client JNLP file corresponds to the top level of the EAR file. Therefore, relative
href references correspond directly to the relative path to the JAR files within the EAR
Neither the Java EE specification nor GlassFish Server supports packaging JAR files
inside the application client JAR file itself. Nothing prevents this, but GlassFish Server
does no special processing of such JAR files. They do not appear in the runtime class
path and they cannot be referenced from the custom JNLP file.

Referring to Other JNLP Files The JNLP file can also refer to other custom JNLP files
using <extension href="..."/> elements. To be consistent with relative href
references to JAR files, the relative href references to JNLP files are resolved within the
EAR file. You can place these JNLP files directly in the EAR file or inside JAR files that
the EAR file contains. Use one of these formats for these href references:


Note that these formats are not equivalent to the format of the jnlp-doc element in the
glassfish-application-client.xml file.
These formats follow the standard entry-within-a-JAR URI syntax and semantics.
Support for this syntax comes from the automated Java Web Start support in GlassFish
Server. This is not a feature of Java Web Start or the JNLP standard.

Combining Custom and Automatically Generated Content GlassFish Server recognizes these
types of content in the JNLP file:
■ Owned — GlassFish Server owns the content and ignores any custom content
■ Merged — Automatically generated content and custom content are merged
■ Defaulted — Custom content is used if present, otherwise default content is
You can compose a complete JNLP file and package it with the application client.
GlassFish Server then combines it with its automatically generated JNLP file. You can
also provide content that only adds to or replaces what GlassFish Server generates.
The custom content must conform to the general structure of the JNLP format so that
GlassFish Server can properly place it in the final JNLP file.
For example, to specify a single native library to be included only for Windows
systems, the new element to add might be as follows:
<nativelib href="windows/myLib.jar"/>

However, you must indicate where in the overall document this element belongs. The
actual custom JNLP file should look like this:
<resources os="Windows">
<nativelib href="windows/myLib.jar"/>

GlassFish Server provides default <information> and <resources> elements, without

specifying attributes such as os, arch, platform, or locale. GlassFish Server merges its

10-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

own content within those elements with custom content under those elements.
Further, you can provide your own <information> and <resources> elements (and
fragments within them) that specify at least one of these attributes.
In general, you can perform the following customizations:
■ Override the GlassFish Server defaults for the child elements of <information>
elements that have no attribute settings for os, arch, platform, and locale.
Among these child elements are <title>, <vendor>, <description>, <icon>, and
so on.
■ Add <information> elements with os, arch, platform, or locale settings. You can
also add child elements.
■ Add child elements of <resources> elements that have no attribute settings for os,
arch, or locale. Among these child elements are <jar>, <property>, <nativelib>,
and so on. You can also customize attributes of the <java> child element.
■ Add <resources> elements that specify at least one of os, arch, or locale. You can
also add child elements.
This flexibility allows you to add JAR files to the application (including
platform-specific native libraries) and set properties to control the behavior of your
application clients.
The following tables provide more detail about what parts of the JNLP file you can
add to and modify.

Table 10–1 Owned JNLP File Content

JNLP File Fragment Description
<jnlp codebase="xxx" ...> GlassFish Server controls this content for application clients
packaged in EAR files. The developer controls this content for
application clients packaged in WAR files.
<jnlp href="xxx" ...> GlassFish Server controls this content for application clients
packaged in EAR files. The developer controls this content for
application clients packaged in WAR files.
<jnlp> GlassFish Server must control the permissions requested for
<security> each JNLP file. All permissions are needed for the main file,
which launches the ACC. The permissions requested for other
JNLP documents depend on whether the JAR files referenced in
those documents are signed.
<jnlp> GlassFish Server sets the main-class and the arguments to be
<application-desc> passed to the client.
<argument> ...

Table 10–2 Defaulted JNLP File Content

JNLP File Fragment Description
<jnlp spec="xxx" ...> Specifies the JNLP specification version.

<jnlp> Specifies the application title, vendor, home page,

<information [no-attributes]> various description text values, icon images, and whether
offline execution is allowed.

Developing Java Clients 10-13

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Table 10–2 (Cont.) Defaulted JNLP File Content

JNLP File Fragment Description
<jnlp> Specifies the Java SE version or selected VM parameter
<resources [no-attributes]> settings.
<java version="xxx"
java-vm-args="yyy" ...>

Table 10–3 Merged JNLP File Content

JNLP File Fragment Description
<jnlp> You can specify one or more of the os, arch, platform, and
<information [attributes]> locale attributes for the <information> element. You can
also specify child elements; GlassFish Server provides no
default children.
<jnlp> You can specify one or more of the os, arch, platform, and
<resources [attributes]> locale attributes for the <resources> element. You can also
specify child elements; GlassFish Server provides no
default children.
<jnlp> Adds JAR files to be included in the application to the JAR
<resources [no-attributes]> files provided by GlassFish Server.
<jar ...>

<jnlp> Adds native libraries to be included in the application.

<resources [no-attributes]> Each entry in a JAR listed in a <nativelib> element must
<nativelib ...> be a native library for the correct platform. The full syntax
of the <nativelib> element lets the developer specify the
platform for that native library.
<jnlp> Adds system properties to be included in the application to
<resources [no-attributes]> the system properties defined by GlassFish Server.
<property ...>

<jnlp> Specifies another custom JNLP file.

<resources [no-attributes]>
<extension ...>

<jnlp> Includes another custom JNLP file that specifies a

<component-desc ...> component extension.

<jnlp> Includes another custom JNLP file that specifies an installer

<installer-desc ...> extension.

Using the Embeddable ACC

You can embed the ACC into your application client. If you place the
as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file in your runtime classpath, your application creates
the ACC after your application code has started, then requests that the ACC start the
application client portion. The basic model for coding is as follows:
1. Create a builder object.
2. Operate on the builder to configure the ACC.
3. Obtain a new ACC instance from the builder.

10-14 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

4. Present a client archive or class to the ACC instance.

5. Start the client running within the newly created ACC instance.
Your code should follow this general pattern:
// one TargetServer for each ORB endpoint for bootstrapping
TargetServer[] servers = ...;

// Get a builder to set up the ACC

AppClientContainer.Builder builder = AppClientContainer.newBuilder(servers);

// Fine-tune the ACC's configuration. Note ability to "chain" invocations.

builder.callbackHandler("com.acme.MyHandler").authRealm("myRealm"); // Modify

// Get a container for a client.

URI clientURI = ...; // URI to the client JAR
AppClientContainer acc = builder.newContainer(clientURI);


Class mainClass = ...;

AppClientContainer acc = builder.newContainer(mainClass);

// In either case, start the client running.

String[] appArgs = ...;
acc.startClient(appArgs); // Start the client


acc.close(); // close the ACC(optional)

The ACC loads the application client's main class, performs any required injection, and
transfers control to the static main method. The ACC's run method returns to the
calling application as soon as the client's main method returns to the ACC.
If the application client's main method starts any asynchronous activity, that work
continues after the ACC returns. The ACC has no knowledge of whether the client's
main method triggers asynchronous work. Therefore, if the client causes work on
threads other than the calling thread, and if the embedding application needs to know
when the client's asynchronous work completes, the embedding application and the
client must agree on how this happens.
The ACC's shutdown handling is invoked from the ACC's close method. The calling
application can invoke acc.close() to close down any services started by the ACC. If
the application client code started any asynchronous activity that might still depend
on ACC services, invoking close before that asynchronous activity completes could
cause unpredictable and undesirable results. The shutdown handling is also run
automatically at VM shutdown if the code has not invoked close before then.
The ACC does not prevent the calling application from creating or running more than
one ACC instance during a single execution of the application either serially or
concurrently. However, other services used by the ACC (transaction manager, security,
ORB, and so on) might or might not support such serial or concurrent reuse.

Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script

To run an application client, you can launch the ACC using the appclient script,
whether or not Java Web Start is enabled. This is optional. This script is located in the

Developing Java Clients 10-15

Developing Clients Using the ACC

as-install/bin directory. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.

Using the package-appclient Script

You can package the GlassFish Server system files required to launch application
clients on remote systems into a single JAR file using the package-appclient script.
This is optional. This script is located in the as-install/bin directory. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

The client.policy File

The client.policy file is the J2SE policy file used by the application client. Each
application client has a client.policy file. The default policy file limits the
permissions of Java EE deployed application clients to the minimal set of permissions
required for these applications to operate correctly. If an application client requires
more than this default set of permissions, edit the client.policy file to add the
custom permissions that your application client needs. Use the J2SE standard policy
tool or any text editor to edit this file.
For more information on using the J2SE policy tool, see
For more information about the permissions you can set in the client.policy file, see


You can configure RMI/IIOP over SSL in two ways: using a username and password,
or using a client certificate.
To use a username and password, configure the ior-security-config element in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. The following configuration establishes SSL between an
application client and an EJB component using a username and password. The user
has to login to the ACC using either the sun-acc.xml mechanism or the Programmatic
Login mechanism.

For more information about the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml and sun-acc.xml files, see
the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

10-16 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Using the ACC

To use a client certificate, configure the ior-security-config element in the

glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. The following configuration establishes SSL between an
application client and an EJB component using a client certificate.

To use a client certificate, you must also specify the system properties for the keystore
and truststore to be used in establishing SSL. To use SSL with the Application Client
Container (ACC), you need to set these system properties in one of the following
■ Use the new syntax of the appclient script and specify the system properties as
JVM options. See Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script.
■ Set the environment variable VMARGS in the shell. For example, in the ksh or bash
shell, the command to set this environment variable would be as follows:
export VMARGS="${keystore.db.file}${truststore.db.file} word=${ssl.password}${ssl.password}"

■ Optionally, you can set the env element using Ant. For example:
<target name="runclient">
<exec executable="${S1AS_HOME}/bin/appclient">
<env key="VMARGS" value="${keystore.db.file}${truststore.db.file}${ssl.password}${ssl.password}"/>
<arg value="-client"/>
<arg value="${appClient.jar}"/>

Connecting to a Remote EJB Module Through a Firewall

To deploy and run an application client that connects to an EJB module on a GlassFish
Server instance that is behind a firewall, you must set ORB Virtual Address Agent
Implementation (ORBVAA) options. Use the asadmin create-jvm-options command
as follows:
asadmin create-jvm-options
asadmin create-jvm-options
asadmin create-jvm-options

Developing Java Clients 10-17

Developing Clients Using the ACC

Set the ORBVAAHost and ORBVAAPort options to the host and port of the public address.
The ORBUserConfigurators option tells the ORB to create an instance of the
VirtualAddressAgentImpl class and invoke the configure method on the resulting
object, which must implement the
interface. The ORBUserConfigurators value doesn't matter. Together, these options
create an ORB that in turn creates Object references (the underlying implementation
of remote EJB references) containing the public address, while the ORB listens on the
private address specified for the IIOP port in the GlassFish Server configuration.

Specifying a Splash Screen

Java SE 6 offers splash screen support, either through a Java command-line option or a
manifest entry in the application's JAR file. To take advantage of this Java SE feature in
your application client, you can do one of the following:
■ Create the appclient JAR file so that its manifest contains a SplashScreen-Image
entry that specifies the path to the image in the client. The java command displays
the splash screen before starting the ACC or your client, just as with any Java
■ Use the new appclient ... -jar launch format, using the -splash command-line
option at runtime or the SplashScreen-Image manifest entry at development time.
See Running an Application Client Using the appclient Script.
■ In the environment that runs the appclient script, set the VMOPTS environment
variable to include the -splash option before invoking the appclient script to
launch the client.
■ Build an application client that uses the embeddable ACC feature and specify the
splash screen image using one of the following:
– The -splash option of the java command
– SplashScreen-Image in the manifest for your program (not the manifest for
the application client)
See Using the Embeddable ACC.
During application (EAR file) deployment, the GlassFish Server generates façade JAR
files, one for the application and one for each application client in the application.
During application client module deployment, the GlassFish Server generates a single
facade JAR for the application client. The appclient script supports splash screens
inside the application client JAR only if you launch an application client facade or
appclient client JAR. If you launch the facade for an application or the undeployed
application itself, the appclient script cannot take advantage of the Java SE 6 splash
screen feature.

Setting Login Retries

You can set a JVM option using the appclient script that determines the number of
login retries allowed. This option is
-Dorg.glassfish.appclient.acc.maxLoginRetries=n where n is a positive integer.
The default number of retries is 3.
This retry loop happens when the ACC attempts to perform injection if you annotated
the client's main class (for example, using @Resource). If instead of annotations your
client uses the InitialContext explicitly to look up remote resources, the retry loop

10-18 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Without the ACC

does not apply. In this case, you could write logic to catch an exception around the
lookup and retry explicitly.
For details about the appclient script syntax, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual.

Using Libraries with Application Clients

The Libraries field in the Administration Console's deployment page and the
--libraries option of the asadmin deploy command do not apply to application
clients. Neither do the as-install/lib, domain-dir/lib, and domain-dir/lib/classes
directories comprising the Common Class Loader. These apply only to applications
and modules deployed to the server. For more information, see Class Loaders.
To use libraries with an application client, package the application client in an
application (EAR file). Then, either place the libraries in the /lib directory of the EAR
file or specify their location in the application client JAR file's manifest Class-Path.

Developing Clients Without the ACC

This section describes the procedure to create, assemble, and deploy a Java-based
client that is not packaged using the Application Client Container (ACC).
The following topics are addressed here:
■ To access an EJB component from a stand-alone client
■ To access an EJB component from a server-side module
■ To access a JMS resource from a stand-alone client
For information about using the ACC, see Developing Clients Using the ACC. For
general information about EJB components and clients, see EJB FAQ

To access an EJB component from a stand-alone client

1. In your client code, instantiate the InitialContext:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

It is not necessary to explicitly instantiate a naming context that points to the

CosNaming service.
2. In the client code, look up the home object by specifying the JNDI name of the
home object.
Here is an EJB 2.x example:
Object ref = ctx.lookup("jndi-name");
BeanAHome = (BeanAHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,BeanAHome.class);

Here is an EJB 3.x example:

BeanRemoteBusiness bean =(BeanRemoteBusiness)

If load balancing is enabled as in Step 6 and the EJB components being accessed
are in a different cluster, the endpoint list must be included in the lookup, as

Developing Java Clients 10-19

Developing Clients Without the ACC

For more information about naming and lookups, see Accessing the Naming
3. Deploy the EJB component to be accessed.
For more information on deployment, see "About Deployment Tools" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
4. Copy the as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file to the client machine and include it in
the classpath on the client side.
The gf-client.jar file references GlassFish Server JAR files in its MANIFEST.MF
file. If there is no GlassFish Server installation on the client machine, you must also
copy the as-install/modules directory to the client machine and maintain its
directory structure relative to the as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file. Or you can
use the package-appclient script; see Using the package-appclient Script.
5. To access EJB components that are residing in a remote system, set the following
system properties for the Java Virtual Machine startup options:

Here ORBhost is the GlassFish Server hostname and ORBport is the ORB port
number (default is 3700 for the default server instance, named server).
You can use the asadmin get command to get the IIOP port numbers. For
asadmin get

6. To set up load balancing and remote EJB reference failover, define the endpoints
property as follows:

The endpoints property specifies a comma-separated list of one or more IIOP

endpoints used for load balancing. An IIOP endpoint is in the form host:port,
where the host is an IPv4 address or host name, and the port specifies the port
If the endpoints list is changed dynamically in the code, the new list is used only
if a new InitialContext is created.
7. Make sure the etc/hosts file on the client machine maps the GlassFish Server
hostname and external IP address.
8. Run the stand-alone client.
As long as the client environment is set appropriately and the JVM is compatible,
you merely need to run the main class.

To access an EJB component from a server-side module

A server-side module can be a servlet, another EJB component, or another type of
1. In your module code, instantiate the InitialContext:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

10-20 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Clients Without the ACC

It is not necessary to explicitly instantiate a naming context that points to the

CosNaming service.
To set up load balancing and remote EJB reference failover, define the endpoints
property as follows:
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
InitialContext ctx = new InitialConext(env);

The endpoints property specifies a comma-separated list of one or more IIOP

endpoints used for load balancing. An IIOP endpoint is in the form host:port,
where the host is an IPv4 address or host name, and the port specifies the port
You can use the asadmin get command to get the IIOP port numbers. For
asadmin get

If the endpoints list is changed dynamically in the code, the new list is used only
if a new InitialContext is created.
2. In the module code, look up the home object by specifying the JNDI name of the
home object.
Here is an EJB 2.x example:
Object ref = ctx.lookup("jndi-name");
BeanAHome = (BeanAHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,BeanAHome.class);

Here is an EJB 3.x example:

BeanRemoteBusiness bean =(BeanRemoteBusiness)

If load balancing is enabled as in Step 1 and the EJB components being accessed
are in a different cluster, the endpoint list must be included in the lookup, as

For more information about naming and lookups, see Accessing the Naming
3. Deploy the EJB component to be accessed.
For more information on deployment, see "About Deployment Tools" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
4. To access EJB components that are residing in a remote system, set the following
system properties for the Java Virtual Machine startup options:

Here ORBhost is the Application Server hostname and ORBport is the ORB port
number (default is 3700 for the default server instance, named server).
5. Deploy the module.
For more information on deployment, see "About Deployment Tools" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

Developing Java Clients 10-21

Developing Clients Without the ACC

To access a JMS resource from a stand-alone client

1. Create a JMS client.
For detailed instructions on developing a JMS client, see "Java Message Service
Examples" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
2. Configure a JMS resource on GlassFish Server.
For information on configuring JMS resources, see "Administering JMS
Connection Factories and Destinations" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide.
3. Copy the following JAR files to the client machine and include them in the
classpath on the client side:
■ gf-client.jar - available at as-install/lib
■ imqjmsra.jar - available at as-install/lib/install/aplications/jmsra
The gf-client.jar file references GlassFish Server JAR files in its MANIFEST.MF
file. If there is no GlassFish Server installation on the client machine, you must also
copy the as-install/modules directory to the client machine and maintain its
directory structure relative to the as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file. Or you can
use the package-appclient script; see Using the package-appclient Script.
4. To access EJB components that are residing in a remote system, set the following
system properties for the Java Virtual Machine startup options:

Here ORBhost is the Application Server hostname and ORBport is the ORB port
number (default is 3700 for the default server instance, named server).
You can use the asadmin get command to get the IIOP port numbers. For
asadmin get

5. Run the stand-alone client.

As long as the client environment is set appropriately and the JVM is compatible,
you merely need to run the main class.

10-22 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Connectors

This chapter describes Oracle GlassFish Server support for the Java EE 1.6 Connector
Architecture, also known as JSR 322 (
The Java EE Connector Architecture provides a Java solution to the problem of
connectivity between multiple application servers and existing enterprise information
systems (EISs). By using the Java EE Connector architecture, EIS vendors no longer
need to customize their product for each application server. Application server
vendors who conform to the Java EE Connector architecture do not need to write
custom code to add connectivity to a new EIS.
This chapter uses the terms connector and resource adapter interchangeably. Both terms
refer to a resource adapter module that is developed in conformance with the Java EE
Connector Architecture Specification.

Note: If you installed the Web Profile, connector modules that use
only outbound communication features and work-management
that does not involve inbound communication features are
supported. Other connector features are supported only in the full
GlassFish Server.

For more information about connectors, see Java EE Connector Architecture

( and "Resources and Resource
Adapters" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
For connector examples, see
For information about deploying a connector to the GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Connector Support in the GlassFish Server
■ Advanced Connector Configuration Options
■ Inbound Communication Support
■ Outbound Communication Support
■ Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter

Developing Connectors 11-1

Connector Support in the GlassFish Server

Connector Support in the GlassFish Server

The GlassFish Server supports the development and deployment of resource adapters
that are compatible with the Connector 1.6 specification (and, for backward
compatibility, the Connector 1.0 and 1.5 specifications).
The Connector 1.0 specification defines the outbound connectivity system contracts
between the resource adapter and the GlassFish Server. The Connector 1.5
specification introduces major additions in defining system level contracts between the
GlassFish Server and the resource adapter with respect to inbound connectivity, life
cycle management, and thread management. The Connector 1.6 specification
introduces further additions in defining system level contracts between the GlassFish
Server and the resource adapter with respect to the following:
■ Generic work context contract — A generic contract that enables a resource
adapter to control the execution context of a Work instance that it has submitted to
the GlassFish Server for execution. The Generic work contract provides the
mechanism for a resource adapter to augment the runtime context of a Work
instance with additional contextual information flown-in from the EIS. This
contract enables a resource adapter to control, in a more flexible manner, the
contexts in which the Work instances submitted by it are executed by the
application server's WorkManager.
■ Security work context — A standard contract that enables a resource adapter to
establish security information while submitting a Work instance for execution to a
WorkManager and while delivering messages-to-message endpoints residing in the
GlassFish Server. This contract provides a mechanism to support the execution of
a Work instance in the context of an established identity. It also supports the
propagation of user information or Principal information from an EIS to a
MessageEndpoint during message inflow.
■ Transaction context — The transaction context contract between the resource
adapter and the application server leverages the Generic Work Context
mechanism by describing a standard WorkContext, the TransactionContext. It
represents the standard interface a resource adapter can use to propagate
transaction context information from the EIS to the application server.

Connector Architecture for JMS and JDBC

In the Administration Console, connector, JMS, and JDBC resources are handled
differently, but they use the same underlying Connector architecture. In the GlassFish
Server, all communication to an EIS, whether to a message provider or an RDBMS,
happens through the Connector architecture. To provide JMS infrastructure to clients,
the GlassFish Server uses the Open Message Queue software. To provide JDBC
infrastructure to clients, the GlassFish Server uses its own JDBC system resource
adapters. The GlassFish Server automatically makes these system resource adapters
available to any client that requires them.
For more information about JMS in the GlassFish Server, see Using the Java Message
Service. For more information about JDBC in the GlassFish Server, see Using the JDBC
API for Database Access.

Connector Configuration
The GlassFish Server does not need to use sun-ra.xml, which previous GlassFish
Server versions used, to store server-specific deployment information inside a
Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) file. (However, the sun-ra.xml file is still supported
for backward compatibility.) Instead, the information is stored in the server

11-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Connector Configuration Options

configuration. As a result, you can create multiple connector connection pools for a
connection definition in a functional resource adapter instance, and you can create
multiple user-accessible connector resources (that is, registering a resource with a JNDI
name) for a connector connection pool. In addition, dynamic changes can be made to
connector connection pools and the connector resource properties without restarting
the GlassFish Server.

Advanced Connector Configuration Options

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Thread Associations
■ Security Maps
■ Work Security Maps
■ Overriding Configuration Properties
■ Testing a Connector Connection Pool
■ Flushing a Connector Connection Pool
■ Handling Invalid Connections
■ Setting the Shutdown Timeout
■ Specifying the Class Loading Policy
■ Using Last Agent Optimization of Transactions
■ Disabling Pooling for a Connection
■ Using Application-Scoped Connectors

Thread Associations
Connectors can submit work instances to the GlassFish Server for execution. By
default, the GlassFish Server services work requests for all connectors from its default
thread pool. However, you can associate a specific user-created thread pool to service
work requests from a connector. A thread pool can service work requests from
multiple resource adapters. To create a thread pool:
■ In the Administration Console, select Thread Pools under the relevant
configuration. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin create-threadpool command. For details, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
To associate a connector with a thread pool:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Applications component and select
Resource Adapter Configs. Specify the name of the thread pool in the Thread Pool
ID field. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the --threadpoolid option of the asadmin create-resource-adapter-config
command. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
If you create a resource adapter configuration for a connector module that is already
deployed, the connector module deployment is restarted with the new configuration

Developing Connectors 11-3

Advanced Connector Configuration Options

Security Maps
Create a security map for a connector connection pool to map an application principal
or a user group to a back end EIS principal. The security map is usually used in
situations where one or more EIS back end principals are used to execute operations
(on the EIS) initiated by various principals or user groups in the application.
To create or update security maps for a connector connection pool:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, select Connectors,
select Connector Connection Pools, and select the Security Maps tab. For details,
click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin create-connector-security-map command. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
If a security map already exists for a connector connection pool, the new security map
is appended to the previous one. The connector security map configuration supports
the use of the wildcard asterisk (*) to indicate all users or all user groups.
When an application principal initiates a request to an EIS, the GlassFish Server first
checks for an exact match to a mapped back end EIS principal using the security map
defined for the connector connection pool. If there is no exact match, the GlassFish
Server uses the wild card character specification, if any, to determined the mapped
back end EIS principal.

Work Security Maps

A work security map for a resource adapter maps an EIS principal or group to a
application principal or group. A work security map is useful in situations where one
or more application principals execute operations initiated by principals or user
groups in the EIS. A resource adapter can have multiple work security maps. A work
security map can map either principals or groups, but not both.
To create a work security map, use the asadmin
create-connector-work-security-map command. For details, see the GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The work security map configuration supports the wildcard asterisk (*) character to
indicate all users or all user groups. When an EIS principal sends a request to the
GlassFish Server, the GlassFish Server first checks for an exact match to a mapped
application principal using the work security map defined for the resource adapter. If
there is no exact match, the GlassFish Server uses the wild card character specification,
if any, to determine the application principal.

Overriding Configuration Properties

You can override the properties (config-property elements) specified in the ra.xml
file of a resource adapter:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Resources component and select
Resource Adapter Configs. Create a new resource adapter configuration or select
an existing one to edit. Then enter property names and values in the Additional
Properties table. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin create-resource-adapter-config command to create a
configuration for a resource adapter. Use this command's --property option to
specify a name-value pair for a resource adapter property. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

11-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Connector Configuration Options

You can specify configuration properties either before or after resource adapter
deployment. If you specify properties after deploying the resource adapter, the
existing resource adapter is restarted with the new properties.
You can also use token replacement for overriding resource adapter configuration
properties in individual server instances when the resource adapter is deployed to a
cluster. For example, for a property called inboundPort, you can assign the value
${inboundPort}. You can then assign a different value to this property for each server
instance. Changes to system properties take effect upon server restart.

Testing a Connector Connection Pool

You can test a connector connection pool for usability in one of these ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, open the
Connector component, select Connection Pools, and select the connection pool you
want to test. Then select the Ping button in the top right corner of the page. For
details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin ping-connection-pool command. For details, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
Both these commands fail and display an error message unless they successfully
connect to the connection pool.
You can also specify that a connection pool is automatically tested when created or
reconfigured by setting the Ping attribute to true (the default is false) in one of the
following ways:
■ Enter a Ping value in the Connector Connection Pools page in the Administration
Console. For more information, click the Help button in the Administration
■ Specify the --ping option in the asadmin create-connector-connection-pool
command. For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.

Flushing a Connector Connection Pool

Flushing a connector connection pool recreates all the connections in the pool and
brings the pool to the steady pool size without the need for reconfiguring the pool.
Connection pool reconfiguration can result in application redeployment, which is a
time-consuming operation. Flushing destroys existing connections, and any existing
transactions are lost and must be retired.
You can flush a connector connection pool in one of these ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Resources component, open the
Connector component, select Connection Pools, and select the connection pool you
want to flush. Then select the Flush button in the top right corner of the page. For
details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin flush-connection-pool command. For details, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Handling Invalid Connections

If a resource adapter generates a ConnectionErrorOccured event, the GlassFish Server
considers the connection invalid and removes the connection from the connection
pool. Typically, a resource adapter generates a ConnectionErrorOccured event when it

Developing Connectors 11-5

Advanced Connector Configuration Options

finds a ManagedConnection object unusable. Reasons can be network failure with the
EIS, EIS failure, fatal problems with the resource adapter, and so on.
If the fail-all-connections setting in the connection pool configuration is set to
true, and a single connection fails, all connections are closed and recreated. If this
setting is false, individual connections are recreated only when they are used. The
default is false.
The is-connection-validation-required setting specifies whether connections have
to be validated before being given to the application. If a resource's validation fails, it
is destroyed, and a new resource is created and returned. The default is false.
The prefer-validate-over-recreate property specifies that validating idle
connections is preferable to closing them. This property has no effect on non-idle
connections. If set to true, idle connections are validated during pool resizing, and
only those found to be invalid are destroyed and recreated. If false, all idle
connections are destroyed and recreated during pool resizing. The default is false.
You can set the fail-all-connections, is-connection-validation-required, and
prefer-validate-over-recreate configuration settings during creation of a connector
connection pool. Or, you can use the asadmin set command to dynamically
reconfigure a setting. For example:
asadmin set"true"
asadmin set
asadmin set

For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The interface ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory exposes the method
getInvalidConnections to allow retrieval of the invalid connections. The GlassFish
Server checks if the resource adapter implements this interface, and if it does, invalid
connections are removed when the connection pool is resized.

Setting the Shutdown Timeout

According to the Connector specification, while an application server shuts down, all
resource adapters should be stopped. A resource adapter might hang during
shutdown, since shutdown is typically a resource intensive operation. To avoid such a
situation, you can set a timeout that aborts resource adapter shutdown if exceeded.
The default timeout is 30 seconds per resource adapter module. To configure this
■ In the Administration Console, select Connector Service under the relevant
configuration and edit the shutdown Timeout field. For details, click the Help
button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the following asadmin set command:
asadmin set server.connector-service.shutdown-timeout-in-seconds="num-secs"

For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The GlassFish Server deactivates all message-driven bean deployments before
stopping a resource adapter.

11-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Advanced Connector Configuration Options

Specifying the Class Loading Policy

Use the class-loading-policy setting to determine which resource adapters
accessible to applications. Allowed values are:
■ derived — Applications access resource adapters based on references in their
deployment descriptors. These references can be resource-ref,
resource-env-ref, resource-adapter-mid, or equivalent annotations.
■ global — All stand-alone resource adapters are available to all applications.
To configure this setting, use the asadmin set command. For example:
asadmin set server.connector-service.class-loading-policy="global"

For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Using Last Agent Optimization of Transactions

Transactions that involve multiple resources or multiple participant processes are
distributed or global transactions. A global transaction can involve one non-XA resource
if last agent optimization is enabled. Otherwise, all resources must be XA. For more
information about transactions in the GlassFish Server, see Using the Transaction
The Connector specification requires that if a resource adapter supports
XATransaction, the ManagedConnection created from that resource adapter must
support both distributed and local transactions. Therefore, even if a resource adapter
supports XATransaction, you can configure its connector connection pools as non-XA
or without transaction support for better performance. A non-XA resource adapter
becomes the last agent in the transactions in which it participates.
The value of the connection pool configuration property transaction-support
defaults to the value of the transaction-support property in the ra.xml file. The
connection pool configuration property can override the ra.xml file property if the
transaction level in the connection pool configuration property is lower. If the value in
the connection pool configuration property is higher, it is ignored.

Disabling Pooling for a Connection

To disable connection pooling, set the Pooling attribute to false. The default is true.
You can enable or disable connection pooling in one of the following ways:
■ Enter a Pooling value in the Connector Connection Pools page in the
Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Specify the --pooling option in the asadmin create-connector-connection-pool
command. For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.

Using Application-Scoped Connectors

You can define an application-scoped connector or other resource for an enterprise
application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or application client module
by supplying a glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. For details, see
"Application-Scoped Resources" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Developing Connectors 11-7

Inbound Communication Support

Inbound Communication Support

The Connector specification defines the transaction and message inflow system
contracts for achieving inbound connectivity from an EIS. The message inflow contract
also serves as a standard message provider pluggability contract, thereby allowing
various message providers to seamlessly plug in their products with any application
server that supports the message inflow contract. In the inbound communication
model, the EIS initiates all communication to an application. An application can be
composed of enterprise beans (session, entity, or message-driven beans), which reside
in an EJB container.
Incoming messages are received through a message endpoint, which is a
message-driven bean. This message-driven bean asynchronously consumes messages
from a message provider. An application can also synchronously send and receive
messages directly using messaging style APIs.
A resource adapter supporting inbound communication provides an instance of an
ActivationSpec JavaBean class for each supported message listener type. Each class
contains a set of configurable properties that specify endpoint activation configuration
information during message-driven bean deployment. The required config-property
element in the ra.xml file provides a list of configuration property names required for
each activation specification. An endpoint activation fails if the required property
values are not specified. Values for the properties that are overridden in the
message-driven bean's deployment descriptor are applied to the ActivationSpec
JavaBean when the message-driven bean is deployed.
Administered objects can also be specified for a resource adapter, and these JavaBeans
are specific to a messaging style or message provider. For example, some messaging
styles may need applications to use special administered objects (such as Queue and
Topic objects in JMS). Applications use these objects to send and synchronously
receive messages using connection objects using messaging style APIs. For more
information about administered objects, see Using the Java Message Service.

Outbound Communication Support

The Connector specification defines the system contracts for achieving outbound
connectivity from an EIS. A resource adapter supporting outbound communication
provides an instance of a ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean class. A
ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean represents outbound connectivity information
to an EIS instance from an application.
The 1.6 Connector specification introduces a mechanism through which the
transaction level of a ManagedConnectionFactory can be detected at runtime. During
the configuration of a ManagedConnectionFactory in the Connector Connection Pools
page in the Administration Console, the Administration Console can instantiate the
ManagedConnectionFactory and show the level of transaction support. The three
levels are no-tx, local-tx, xa-tx. If a ManagedConnectionFactory returns local-tx as
the level it can support, it is assumed that xa-tx is not supported, and the
Administration Console shows only no-tx and local-tx as the available support
For more information, click the Help button in the Administration Console.

Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter

The Connectors specification's message inflow contract provides a generic mechanism
to plug in a wide-range of message providers, including JMS, into a

11-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter

Java-EE-compatible application server. Message providers use a resource adapter and

dispatch messages to message endpoints, which are implemented as message-driven
The message-driven bean developer provides activation configuration information in
the message-driven bean's ejb-jar.xml file. Configuration information includes
messaging-style-specific configuration details, and possibly message-provider-specific
details as well. The message-driven bean deployer uses this configuration information
to set up the activation specification JavaBean. The activation configuration properties
specified in ejb-jar.xml override configuration properties in the activation
specification definition in the ra.xml file.
According to the EJB specification, the messaging-style-specific descriptor elements
contained within the activation configuration element are not specified because they
are specific to a messaging provider. In the following sample message-driven bean
ejb-jar.xml, a message-driven bean has the following activation configuration
property names: destinationType, SubscriptionDurability, and MessageSelector.
<!-- A sample MDB that listens to a JMS Topic -->
<!-- message-driven bean deployment descriptor -->
JMSType = 'car' AND color = 'blue'

When the message-driven bean is deployed, the value for the resource-adapter-mid
element in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file is set to the resource adapter module name
that delivers messages to the message endpoint (to the message-driven bean). In the
following example, the jmsra JMS resource adapter, which is the bundled resource
adapter for the Message Queue message provider, is specified as the resource adapter
module identifier for the SampleMDB bean.

Developing Connectors 11-9

Configuring a Message Driven Bean to Use a Resource Adapter

<!-- JNDI name of the destination from which messages would be
delivered from MDB needs to listen to -->
<!-- Resource Adapter Module Id that would deliver messages to
this message endpoint -->

When the message-driven bean is deployed, the GlassFish Server uses the
resourceadapter-mid setting to associate the resource adapter with a message
endpoint through the message inflow contract. This message inflow contract with the
GlassFish Server gives the resource adapter a handle to the MessageEndpointFactory
and the ActivationSpec JavaBean, and the adapter uses this handle to deliver
messages to the message endpoint instances (which are created by the
When a message-driven bean first created for use on the GlassFish Server 7 is
deployed, the Connector runtime transparently transforms the previous deployment
style to the current connector-based deployment style. If the deployer specifies neither
a resource-adapter-mid element nor the Message Queue resource adapter's activation
configuration properties, the Connector runtime maps the message-driven bean to the
jmsra system resource adapter and converts the JMS-specific configuration to the
Message Queue resource adapter's activation configuration properties.

11-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing Lifecycle Listeners

Lifecycle listener modules provide a means of running short or long duration

Java-based tasks within the Oracle GlassFish Server environment, such as instantiation
of singletons or RMI servers. These modules are automatically initiated at server
startup and are notified at various phases of the server life cycle.

Note: Lifecycle listener modules are deprecated. Support for them

is included for backward compatibility. Implementing the
org.glassfish.api.Startup interface instead is recommended.

All lifecycle module classes and interfaces are in the

as-install/modules/glassfish-api.jar file.
For Javadoc tool pages relevant to lifecycle modules, go to and click on the
com.sun.appserv.server package.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Server Life Cycle Events
■ The LifecycleListener Interface
■ The LifecycleEvent Class
■ The Server Lifecycle Event Context
■ Deploying a Lifecycle Module
■ Considerations for Lifecycle Modules

Server Life Cycle Events

A lifecycle module listens for and performs its tasks in response to the following
events in the server life cycle:
■ After the INIT_EVENT, the server reads the configuration, initializes built-in
subsystems (such as security and logging services), and creates the containers.
■ After the STARTUP_EVENT, the server loads and initializes deployed applications.
■ After the READY_EVENT, the server is ready to service requests.
■ After the SHUTDOWN_EVENT, the server destroys loaded applications and stops.
■ After the TERMINATION_EVENT, the server closes the containers, the built-in
subsystems, and the server runtime environment.

Developing Lifecycle Listeners 12-1

The LifecycleListener Interface

These events are defined in the LifecycleEvent class.

The lifecycle modules that listen for these events implement the LifecycleListener

The LifecycleListener Interface

To create a lifecycle module is to configure a customized class that implements the
com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleListener interface. You can create and simultaneously
execute multiple lifecycle modules.
The LifecycleListener interface defines this method:
public void handleEvent(com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleEvent event)
throws ServerLifecycleException

This method responds to a lifecycle event and throws a

com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException if an error occurs.
A sample implementation of the LifecycleListener interface is the file, which you can use for testing lifecycle events.

The LifecycleEvent Class

The com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleEvent class defines a server life cycle event.
The following methods are associated with the event:
■ public java.lang.Object.getData()
This method returns an instance of java.util.Properties that contains the
properties defined for the lifecycle module.
■ public int getEventType()
This method returns the type of the last event, which is INIT_EVENT, STARTUP_
■ public
This method returns the lifecycle event context, described next.
A LifecycleEvent instance is passed to the LifecycleListener.handleEvent method.

The Server Lifecycle Event Context

The com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleEventContext interface exposes runtime
information about the server. The lifecycle event context is created when the
LifecycleEvent class is instantiated at server initialization. The LifecycleEventContext
interface defines these methods:
■ public java.lang.String[].getCmdLineArgs()
This method returns the server startup command-line arguments.
■ public java.lang.String.getInstallRoot()
This method returns the server installation root directory.
■ public java.lang.String.getInstanceName()
This method returns the server instance name.

12-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Considerations for Lifecycle Modules

■ public javax.naming.InitialContext.getInitialContext()
This method returns the initial JNDI naming context. The naming environment for
lifecycle modules is installed after the STARTUP_EVENT. A lifecycle module can look
up any resource by its jndi-name attribute after the READY_EVENT.
If a lifecycle module needs to look up resources, it can do so after the READY_EVENT. It
can use the getInitialContext method to get the initial context to which all the
resources are bound.

Deploying a Lifecycle Module

For instructions on how to deploy a lifecycle module, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide, or see the asadmin
create-lifecycle-module command in the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
You do not need to specify a classpath for the lifecycle module if you place it in the
domain-dir/lib or domain-dir/lib/classes directory for the Domain Administration
Server. Do not place it in the lib directory for a particular instance, or it will be deleted
when that instance synchronizes with the Domain Administration Server.

Considerations for Lifecycle Modules

The resources allocated at initialization or startup should be freed at shutdown or
termination. The lifecycle module classes are called synchronously from the main
server thread, therefore it is important to ensure that these classes don't block the
server. Lifecycle modules can create threads if appropriate, but these threads must be
stopped in the shutdown and termination phases.
The LifeCycleModule class loader is the parent class loader for lifecycle modules. Each
lifecycle module's classpath is used to construct its class loader. All the support classes
needed by a lifecycle module must be available to the LifeCycleModule class loader or
its parent, the Connector class loader.
You must ensure that the server.policy file is appropriately set up, or a lifecycle
module trying to perform a System.exec() might cause a security access violation. For
details, see The server.policy File.
The configured properties for a lifecycle module are passed as properties after the
INIT_EVENT. The JNDI naming context is not available before the STARTUP_EVENT. If a
lifecycle module requires the naming context, it can get this after the STARTUP_EVENT,

Developing Lifecycle Listeners 12-3

Considerations for Lifecycle Modules

12-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE


This chapter describes the features and interfaces that GlassFish Server provides to
develop OSGi-enabled enterprise applications. This chapter includes the following
■ Overview of OSGi Application and GlassFish Server
■ Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server
■ Deploying OSGi Bundles in GlassFish Server

Note: Many of the features and interfaces presented in this

chapter are demonstrated in samples and video clips available from
the OSGi section of the GlassFish Server wiki. See for more

Overview of OSGi Application and GlassFish Server

GlassFish Server is fully-compliant with Java EE 7, so it provides the latest Java EE
APIs and frameworks. It is built using OSGi technology, and includes as its OSGi
module management subsystem the Apache Felix OSGi framework
(, which is a fully-compliant implementation of the
OSGi Service Platform R4 Version 4.3 specification. GlassFish Server supports
deployment of OSGi-based applications using this framework. OSGi applications can
make use of core as well as enterprise OSGi features. GlassFish Server makes available
many of its Java EE platform services, such as the transaction service, HTTP service,
JDBC Service and JMS, as OSGi services. It also enables use of Java EE programming
model in OSGi applications, so enterprise Java application developers can continue to
leverage their existing skills in OSGi-based applications. See Benefits of Using OSGi in
Enterprise Java Applications for more information.
OSGi applications are deployed as one or more OSGi bundles, and the GlassFish
Server deployment and administration infrastructure enables you to deploy and
manage your OSGi bundles. This chapter classifies OSGi bundles into two categories
based on the features they use:
■ Plain OSGi Application Bundles - bundles that do not contain any Java EE
components. See Developing Plain OSGi Bundles.
■ Hybrid Application Bundles - bundles that are an OSGi bundle as wells as a Java
EE module. At runtime, such modules have both an OSGi bundle context and a

Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications 13-1

Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

Java EE context. GlassFish Server supports the following hybrid application

– Web Application Bundles (or WABs) , see Developing Web Application
– EJB Application Bundles, see Developing EJB Application Bundles.

Benefits of Using OSGi in Enterprise Java Applications

Enterprise applications typically need transactional, secured access to data stores,
messaging systems and other such enterprise information systems, and have to cater
to a wide variety of clients such as web browsers and desktop applications, and so on.
Java EE makes development of such applications easier with a rich set of APIs and
frameworks. It also provides a scalable, reliable and easy to administer runtime to host
such applications.
The OSGi platform complements these features with modularity. It enables
applications to be separated into smaller, reusable modules with a well defined and
robust dependency specification. A module explicitly specifies its capabilities and
requirements. This explicit dependency specification encourages developers to
visualize dependencies among their modules and help them make their modules
highly cohesive and less coupled. The OSGi module system is dynamic: it allows
modules to be added and removed at runtime. OSGi has very good support for
versioning: it supports package versioning as well module versioning. In fact, it allows
multiple versions of the same package to coexist in the same runtime, thus allowing
greater flexibility to deployers. The service layer of the OSGi platform encourages a
more service-oriented approach to build a system. The service-oriented approach and
dynamic module system used together allow a system to be more agile during
development as well as in production. It makes them better suited to run in an
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environment.
With GlassFish Server, you do not have to chose one of the two platforms. A hybrid
approach like OSGi enabling your Java EE applications allows new capabilities to
applications hitherto unavailable to applications built using just one of the two

Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

GlassFish Server enables interaction between OSGi components and Java EE
components. OSGi services managed by the OSGi framework can invoke Java EE
components managed by the Java EE container and vice versa. For example,
developers can declaratively export EJBs as OSGi services without having to write any
OSGi code. This allows any plain OSGi component, which is running without the Java
EE context, to discover the EJB and invoke it. Similarly, Java EE components can locate
OSGi services provided by plain OSGi bundles and use them as well. GlassFish Server
extends the Java EE Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) framework to make it
easier for Java EE components to consume dynamic OSGi services in a type-safe
■ Developing Plain OSGi Bundles
■ Developing Web Application Bundles
■ Developing EJB Application Bundles

13-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

Developing Plain OSGi Bundles

Java EE components (like an EJB or Servlet) can look up Java EE platform services
using JNDI names in the associated Java EE naming context. Such code can rely on the
Java EE container to inject the required services as well. Unfortunately, neither of them
works when the code runs outside a Java EE context. An example of such code is the
BundleActivator of an OSGi bundle. For such code to access Java EE platform
services, GlassFish Server makes key services and resources of the underlying Java EE
platform available as OSGi services. Thus, an OSGi bundle deployed in GlassFish
Server can access these services using OSGi Service look-up APIs or by using a white
board pattern. The following Java EE services are available as OSGi services:
■ HTTP Service
■ Transaction Service
■ JDBC Data Source Service
■ JMS Resource Service

HTTP Service
The GlassFish Server web container is made available as a service for OSGi users who
do not use OSGi Web Application Bundles (WABs). This service is made available
using the standard OSGi/HTTP service specification, which is a light API that
predates the concept of a web application as we know it today. This simple API allows
users to register servlets and static resources dynamically and draw a boundary
around them in the form of a HttpContext. This simple API can be used to build
feature-rich web application, such as the Felix Web Console for example.
The GlassFish Server web container has one or more virtual servers. A virtual server
has one or more web application deployed in it. Each web application has a distinct
context path. Each virtual server has a set of HTTP listeners. Each HTTP listener
listens on a particular port. When multiple virtual servers are present, one of them is
treated as the default virtual server. Every virtual server comes configured with a
default web application. The default web application is used to serve static content
from the docroot of GlassFish Server. This default web application uses / as the
context path. A web application contains static and dynamic resources. Each virtual
server is mapped to an instance. When there
are multiple virtual servers present, there will be multiple occurrences of HttpService
registered in the service registry. In order to distinguish one service from another, each
service is registered with a service property named VirtualServer, whose value is the
name of the virtual server. The service corresponding to default virtual server has the
highest ranking, so when looking up a service of type HttpService without any
additional criteria returns the HttpService corresponding to the default virtual server.
In a typical GlassFish Server installation, the default virtual server is configured to
listen on port 8080 for the HTTP protocol and port 8181 for the HTTPS protocol.
The context path / is reserved for the default web application. Every resource and
servlet registered using the registerResource() and registerServlet() methods of
HttpService are made available under a special context path named /osgi in the
virtual server. The /osgi context path can be changed to some other value by setting
an appropriate value in the OSGi configuration property or in a system property called
For example, HelloWorldServlet will be available at when the following code is executed:

Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications 13-3

Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

HttpService httpService = getHttpService(); // Obtain HttpService

new HelloWorldServlet(), null, ctx);

Transaction Service
The Java Transaction API (JTA) defines three interfaces to interact with the transaction
management system: UserTransaction, TransactionManager, and
TransactionSynchronizationRegistry. They all belong to the javax.transaction
package. TransactionManagerand TransactionSynchronizationRegistry are
intended for system level code, such as a persistence provider. Whereas,
UserTransaction is the entity that you should use to control transactions. All the
objects of the underlying JTA layer are made available in the OSGi service registry
using the following service interfaces:
■ javax.transaction.UserTransaction
■ javax.transaction.TransactionManager
■ javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronisationRegistry
There is no additional service property associated with them. Although
UserTransaction appears to be a singleton, in reality any call to it gets rerouted to the
actual transaction associated with the calling thread. Code that runs in the context of a
Java EE component typically gets a handle on UserTransaction by doing a JNDI
lookup in the component naming context or by using injection, as shown here:
(UserTransaction)(new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"));

@Resource UserTransaction utx;

When certain code (such as an OSGi Bundle Activator), which does not have a Java EE
component context, wants to get hold of UserTransaction, or any of the other JTA
artifacts, then they can look it up in the service registry. Here is an example of such

BundleContext context;
ServiceReference txRef =
UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction);

JDBC Data Source Service

Any JDBC data source created in GlassFish Server is automatically made available as
an OSGi Service; therefore, OSGi bundles can track availability of JDBC data sources
using the ServiceTracking facility of the OSGi platform. The life of the OSGi service
matches that of the underlying data source created in GlassFish Server. For
instructions on administering JDBC resources in GlassFish Server, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.
GlassFish Server registers each JDBC data source as an OSGi service with objectClass
= "javax.sql.DataSource" and a service property called jndi-name, which is set to
the JNDI name of the data source. Here is a code sample that looks up a data source

13-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

private DataSource ds;

JMS Resource Service

Like JDBC data sources, JMS administered objects, such as destinations and connection
factories, are also automatically made available as OSGi services. Their service
mappings are as follows.

JMS Object Service Interface Properties Comments
JMS Queue javax.jms.Queue jndi-name jndi-name is set to the JNDI name of the
destination queue
JMS Topic javax.jms.Topic jndi-name jndi-name is set to the JNDI name of the
destination topic
JMS javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory or jndi-name jndi-name is set to the JNDI name of the
connection javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory or topic.
factory javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
The actual service interface depends on
which type of connection factory was

Developing Web Application Bundles

When a web application is packaged and deployed as an OSGi bundle, it is called a
Web Application Bundle (WAB). WAB support is based on the OSGi Web Application
specification , which is part of the OSGi Service Platform, Enterprise Specification,
Release 4, Version 4.3. A WAB is packaged as an OSGi bundle, so all the OSGi
packaging rules apply to WAB packaging. When a WAB is not packaged like a WAR,
the OSGi Web Container of GlassFish Server maps the WAB to the hierarchical
structure of web application using the following rules:
■ The root of the WAB corresponds to the docroot of the web application.
■ Every JAR in the Bundle-ClassPath of the WAB is treated like a JAR in
■ Every directory except "." in Bundle-ClassPath of the WAB is treated like
■ Bundle-ClassPath entry of type "." is treated as if the entire WAB is a JAR in
■ Bundle-ClassPath includes the Bundle-ClassPath entries of any attached fragment
The simplest way to avoid knowing these mapping rules is to avoid the problem in the
first place. Moreover, there are many packaging tools and development time tools that
understand WAR structure. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you package the
WAB exactly like a WAR, with only additional OSGi metadata.

Required WAB Metadata

In addition to the standard OSGi metadata, the main attributes of
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the WAB must have an additional attribute called
Web-ContextPath. The Web-ContextPath attribute specifies the value of the context
path of the web application. Since the root of a WAB is mapped to the docroot of the

Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications 13-5

Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

web application, it should not be used in the Bundle-ClassPath. Moreover,

WEB-INF/classes/ should be specified ahead of WEB-INF/lib/ in the
Bundle-ClassPath in order to be compliant with the search order used for traditional
WAR files.
Assuming the WAB is structured as follows:


Then the OSGi metadata for the WAB as specified in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the
WAB would appear as follows:

MANIFEST.MF:Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: Foo Web Application Bundle Version 1.0
Import-Package: javax.servlet; javax.servlet.http, version=[3.0, 4.0)
Bundle-ClassPath: WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib/lib1.jar, WEB-INF/lib/lib2.jar
Web-ContextPath: /foo

How WABs Consume OSGi Services

Since a WAB has a valid Bundle-Context, it can consume OSGi services. Although you
are free to use any OSGi API to locate OSGi services, GlassFish Server makes it easy
for WAB users to use OSGi services by virtue of extending the Context and
Dependency Injection (CDI) framework. Here's an example of the injection of an OSGi
Service into a Servlet:

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
@Inject @OSGiService(dynamic=true)
FooService fooService;

To learn more about this feature, refer to OSGi CDI Extension for WABs.

OSGi CDI Extension for WABs

GlassFish Server includes a CDI extension that enables web applications, such as
servlets, that are part of WABs to express a type-safe dependency on an OSGi service
using CDI APIs. An OSGi service can be provided by any OSGi bundle without any
knowledge of Java EE/CDI, and they are allowed to be injected transparently in a
type-safe manner into a web application.
A custom CDI Qualifier, @org.glassfish.osgicdi.OSGiService, is used by the
component to represent dependency on an OSGi service. The qualifier has additional

13-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Developing OSGi Application Bundles for GlassFish Server

metadata to customize the service discovery and injection behavior. The following
@OsgiService attributes are currently available:
■ serviceCriteria — An LDAP filter query used for service selection in the OSGi
service registry.
■ waitTimeout — Waits the specified duration for a service that matches the criteria
specified to appear in the OSGi service registry.
■ dynamic — Dynamically obtain a service reference (true/false).
Since OSGi services are dynamic, they may not match the life cycle of the
application component that has injected a reference to the service. Through this
attribute, you could indicate that a service reference can be obtained dynamically
or not. For stateless or idempotent services, a dynamic reference to a service
implementation would be useful. The container then injects a proxy to the service
and dynamically switches to an available implementation when the current
service reference is invalid.

Example 13–1 Example of a WAB Using CDI

In this example, Bundle B0 defines a service contract called com.acme.Foo and exports
the com.acme package for use by other bundles. Bundle B1 in turn provides a service
implementation, FooImpl, of the com.acme.Foo interface. It then registers the service
FooImpl service with the OSGi service registry with com.acme.Foo as the service
Bundle B2 is a hybrid application bundle that imports the com.acme package. It has a
component called BarServlet that expresses a dependency to com.acme.Foo by adding
a field/setter method and qualifies that injection point with @OsgiService. For
instance, BarServlet could look like:

public void BarServlet extends HttpServlet{
@Inject @OSGiService(dynamic=true)
private com.acme.Foo f;

Developing EJB Application Bundles

Another type of hybrid application bundle is the EJB Application Bundle. When an
EJB Jar is packaged with additional OSGi metadata and deployed as an OSGi bundle it
is called an EJB Application Bundle. GlassFish Serversupports only packaging the
OSGi bundle as a simple JAR file with required OSGi metadata, just as you would
package an ejb-jar file.

Required EJB Metadata

An EJB Application Bundle must have a manifest metadata called Export-EJB in order
to be considered as an EJB Bundle. For syntax of Export-EJB header, please refer to the
Publishing EJB as OSGi Service section. Here's an example of an EJB Application Bundle
with its metadata:


Developing OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications 13-7

Deploying OSGi Bundles in GlassFish Server

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: EJB bundle
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.BETA
Bundle-Name: EJB bundle version 1.0.0.BETA
Export-EJB: ALL
Export-Package: com.acme; version=1.0
Import-Package: javax.ejb; version=[3.0, 4.0), com.acme; version=[1.0, 1.1)

How EJB Bundles Consume OSGi Services

Since an EJB has a valid Bundle-Context, it can consume OSGi services. Although you
are free to use any OSGi API to locate OSGi services, GlassFish Server makes it easy to
use OSGi services by virtue of extending the Context and Dependency Injection (CDI)
framework. Here's an example of injection of an OSGi Service into a servlet:

public class MyEJB {
@Inject @OSGiService(dynamic=true)
Foo foo;

To learn more about this feature, refer to Using the OSGi CDI Extension With EJB

Using the OSGi CDI Extension With EJB Bundles

GlassFish Server includes a CDI extension that enables EJB application bundles to
express a type-safe dependency on an OSGi Service using CDI APIs. An OSGi service
can be provided by any OSGi bundle without any knowledge of Java EE/CDI, and
they are allowed to be injected transparently in a type-safe manner into an EJB bundle.
A custom CDI Qualifier, @org.glassfish.osgicdi.OSGiService, is used by the
component to represent dependency on an OSGi service. The qualifier has additional
metadata to customize the service discovery and injection behavior. The following
@OsgiService attributes are currently available:
■ dynamic — Dynamically obtain a service reference (true/false).
■ waitTimeout — Waits for specified duration for a service to appear in the OSGi
service registry.
■ serviceCriteria — An LDAP filter query used for service selection.

Deploying OSGi Bundles in GlassFish Server

For instruction on deploying OSGi bundle, see "OSGi Bundle Deployment Guidelines"
in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

13-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Part III
Part III Using Services and APIs
Using the JDBC API for Database Access

This chapter describes how to use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for
database access with the Oracle GlassFish Server. This chapter also provides high level
JDBC implementation instructions for servlets and EJB components using the
GlassFish Server. If the JDK version 1.6 is used, the GlassFish Server supports the
The JDBC specifications are available at
A useful JDBC tutorial is located at

Note: The GlassFish Server does not support connection pooling

or transactions for an application's database access if it does not use
standard Java EE DataSource objects.

The following topics are addressed here:

■ Statements
■ Connections
■ Connection Wrapping
■ Allowing Non-Component Callers
■ Using Application-Scoped Resources
■ Restrictions and Optimizations

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Using an Initialization Statement
■ Setting a Statement Timeout
■ Statement Leak Detection and Leaked Statement Reclamation
■ Statement Caching
■ Statement Tracing

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-1


Using an Initialization Statement

You can specify a statement that executes each time a physical connection to the
database is created (not reused) from a JDBC connection pool. This is useful for setting
request or session specific properties and is suited for homogeneous requests in a
single application. Set the Init SQL attribute of the JDBC connection pool to the SQL
string to be executed in one of the following ways:
■ Enter an Init SQL value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced Attributes page in
the Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Specify the --initsql option in the asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool
command. For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
■ Specify the init-sql option in the asadmin set command. For example:
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference

Setting a Statement Timeout

An abnormally long running JDBC query executed by an application may leave it in a
hanging state unless a timeout is explicitly set on the statement. Setting a statement
timeout guarantees that all queries automatically time out if not completed within the
specified period. When statements are created, the queryTimeout is set according to
the statement timeout setting. This works only when the underlying JDBC driver
supports queryTimeout for Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and
You can specify a statement timeout in the following ways:
■ Enter a Statement Timeout value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced Attributes
page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button
in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --statementtimeout option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Statement Leak Detection and Leaked Statement Reclamation

If statements are not closed by an application after use, it is possible for the application
to run out of cursors. Enabling statement leak detection causes statements to be
considered as leaked if they are not closed within a specified period. Additionally,
leaked statements can reclaimed automatically.
To enable statement leak detection, set Statement Leak Timeout In Seconds for the
JDBC connection pool to a positive, nonzero value in one of the following ways:
■ Specify the --statementleaktimeout option in the create-jdbc-connection-pool
subcommand. For more information, see create-jdbc-connection-pool(1).
■ Specify the statement-leak-timeout-in-seconds option in the set subcommand.
For example:
asadmin set

14-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide

When selecting a value for Statement Leak Timeout In Seconds, make sure that:
■ It is less than the Connection Leak Timeout; otherwise, the connection could be
closed before the statement leak is recognized.
■ It is greater than the Statement Timeout; otherwise, a long running query could be
mistaken as a statement leak.
After enabling statement leak detection, enable leaked statement reclamation by
setting Reclaim Leaked Statements for the JDBC connection pool to a true value in one
of the following ways:
■ Specify the --statementleakreclaim=true option in the
create-jdbc-connection-pool subcommand. For more information, see
■ Specify the statement-leak-reclaim option in the set subcommand. For
asadmin set

Statement Caching
Statement caching stores statements, prepared statements, and callable statements that
are executed repeatedly by applications in a cache, thereby improving performance.
Instead of the statement being prepared each time, the cache is searched for a match.
The overhead of parsing and creating new statements each time is eliminated.
Statement caching is usually a feature of the JDBC driver. The GlassFish Server
provides caching for drivers that do not support caching. To enable this feature, set the
Statement Cache Size for the JDBC connection pool in one of the following ways:
■ Enter a Statement Cache Size value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced
Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the
Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --statementcachesize option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the statement-cache-size option in the asadmin set command. For
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
By default, this attribute is set to zero and the statement caching is turned off. To
enable statement caching, you can set any positive nonzero value. The built-in cache
eviction strategy is LRU-based (Least Recently Used). When a connection pool is
flushed, the connections in the statement cache are recreated.

Statement Tracing
You can trace the SQL statements executed by applications that use a JDBC connection
pool. Set the SQL Trace Listeners attribute to a comma-separated list of trace listener
implementation classes in one of the following ways:

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-3


■ Enter an SQL Trace Listeners value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced
Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the
Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --sqltracelisteners option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the sql-trace-listeners option in the asadmin set command. For
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
The GlassFish Server provides a public interface,
org.glassfish.api.jdbc.SQLTraceListener , that implements a means of recording
SQLTraceRecord objects. To make custom implementations of this interface available to
the GlassFish Server, place the implementation classes in as-install/lib.
The GlassFish Server provides an SQL tracing logger to log the SQL operations in the
form of SQLTraceRecord objects in the server.log file. The module name under which
the SQL operation is logged is javax.enterprise.resource.sqltrace. SQL traces are
logged as FINE messages along with the module name to enable easy filtering of the
SQL logs. A sample SQL trace record looks like this:
|ThreadID=77 | ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 6 | TimeStamp=1259317012202
| ClassName=com.sun.gjc.spi.jdbc40.PreparedStatementWrapper40 |
| arg[0]=insert into table1(colName) values(100) | arg[1]=columnNames | |#]

This trace shows that an executeUpdate(String sql, String columnNames)

operation is being done.
When SQL statement tracing is enabled and JDBC connection pool monitoring is
enabled, GlassFish Server maintains a tracing cache of recent queries and their
frequency of use. The following JDBC connection pool properties can be configured to
control this cache and the monitoring statistics available from it:

Specifies how long in minutes to keep a query in the tracing cache, tracking its
frequency of use. The default value is 5 minutes.

Specifies how many of the most used queries, in frequency order, are listed the
monitoring report. The default value is 10 queries.
Set these parameters in one of the following ways:
■ Add them as properties in the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Properties page in the
Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Specify them using the --property option in the create-jdbc-connection-pool
subcommand. For more information, see create-jdbc-connection-pool(1).

14-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide

■ Set them using the set subcommand. For example:

asadmin set

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Transparent Pool Reconfiguration
■ Disabling Pooling
■ Associating Connections with Threads
■ Custom Connection Validation
■ Sharing Connections
■ Marking Bad Connections
■ Handling Invalid Connections

Transparent Pool Reconfiguration

When the properties or attributes of a JDBC connection pool are changed, the
connection pool is destroyed and re-created. Normally, applications using the
connection pool must be redeployed as a consequence. This restriction can be avoided
by enabling transparent JDBC connection pool reconfiguration. When this feature is
enabled, applications do not need to be redeployed. Instead, requests for a new
connections are blocked until the reconfiguration operation completes. Connection
requests from any in-flight transactions are served using the old pool configuration so
as to complete the transaction. Then, connections are created using the pool's new
configuration, and any blocked connection requests are served with connections from
the re-created pool..
To enable transparent JDBC connection pool reconfiguration, set the
dynamic-reconfiguration-wait-timeout-in-seconds property of the JDBC
connection pool to a positive, nonzero value in one of the following ways:
■ Add it as a property in the Edit JDBC Connection Pool Properties page in the
Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Specify it using the --property option in the create-jdbc-connection-pool
subcommand. For more information, see create-jdbc-connection-pool(1).
■ Set it using the set subcommand. For example:
asadmin set

This property specifies the time in seconds to wait for in-use connections to close and
in-flight transactions to complete. Any connections in use or transaction in flight past
this time must be retried.

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-5


Disabling Pooling
To disable connection pooling, set the Pooling attribute to false. The default is true.
You can enable or disable connection pooling in one of the following ways:
■ Enter a Pooling value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced Attributes page in
the Administration Console. For more information, click the Help button in the
Administration Console.
■ Specify the --pooling option in the asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool
command. For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
■ Specify the pooling option in the asadmin set command. For example:
asadmin set domain1.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.DerbyPool.pooling=false

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
The pooling option and the system property
com.sun.enterprise.connectors.SwitchoffACCConnectionPooling, which turns off
connection pooling in the Application Client Container, do not affect each other.
An exception is thrown if associate-with-thread is set to true and pooling is
disabled. An exception is thrown if you attempt to flush a connection pool when
pooling is disabled. A warning is logged if the following attributes are used, because
they are useful only in a pooled environment:
■ connection-validation
■ validate-atmost-once-period
■ match-connections
■ max-connection-usage
■ idle-timeout

Associating Connections with Threads

To associate connections with a thread, set the Associate With Thread attribute to true.
The default is false. A true setting allows connections to be saved as ThreadLocal in
the calling thread. Connections get reclaimed only when the calling thread dies or
when the calling thread is not in use and the pool has run out of connections. If the
setting is false, the thread must obtain a connection from the pool each time the
thread requires a connection.
The Associate With Thread attribute associates connections with a thread such that
when the same thread is in need of connections, it can reuse the connections already
associated with that thread. In this case, the overhead of getting connections from the
pool is avoided. However, when this value is set to true, you should verify that the
value of the Max Pool Size attribute is comparable to the Max Thread Pool Size
attribute of the thread pool. If the Max Thread Pool Size value is much higher than the
Max Pool Size value, a lot of time is spent associating connections with a new thread
after dissociating them from an older one. Use this attribute in cases where the thread
pool should reuse connections to avoid this overhead.
You can set the Associate With Thread attribute in the following ways:
■ Enter an Associate With Thread value in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced
Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information, click the
Help button in the Administration Console.

14-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide

■ Specify the --associatewiththread option in the asadmin

create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the associate-with-thread option in the asadmin set command. For
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference

Custom Connection Validation

You can specify a custom implementation for Connection Validation that is faster or
optimized for a specific database. Set the Validation Method attribute to the value
custom-validation. (Other validation methods available are table (the default),
auto-commit, and meta-data.) The GlassFish Server provides a public interface,
org.glassfish.api.jdbc.ConnectionValidation, which you can implement to plug in your
implementation. A new attribute, Validation Classname, specifies the fully qualified
name of the class that implements the ConnectionValidation interface. The Validation
Classname attribute is required if Connection Validation is enabled and Validation
Method is set to Custom Validation.
To enable this feature, set Connection Validation, Validation Method, and Validation
Classname for the JDBC connection pool in one of the following ways:
■ Enter Connection Validation, Validation Method, and Validation Classname values
in the Edit Connection Pool Advanced Attributes page in the Administration
Console. You can select from among validation class names for common databases
in the Validation Classname field. For more information, click the Help button in
the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --isconnectionvalidatereq, --validationmethod, and
--validationclassname options in the asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool
command. For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Reference Manual.
■ Specify the is-connection-validation-required,
connection-validation-method, and validation-classname options in the
asadmin set command. For example:
asadmin set
asadmin set
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
By default, optimized validation mechanisms are provided for DB2, Java DB, MSSQL,
MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Sybase databases. Additionally, for JDBC 4.0
compliant database drivers, a validation mechanism is provided that uses the
Connection.isValid(0) implementation.

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-7


Sharing Connections
When multiple connections acquired by an application use the same JDBC resource,
the connection pool provides connection sharing within the same transaction scope.
For example, suppose Bean A starts a transaction and obtains a connection, then calls a
method in Bean B. If Bean B acquires a connection to the same JDBC resource with the
same sign-on information, and if Bean A completes the transaction, the connection can
be shared.
Connections obtained through a resource are shared only if the resource reference
declared by the Java EE component allows it to be shareable. This is specified in a
component's deployment descriptor by setting the res-sharing-scope element to
Shareable for the particular resource reference. To turn off connection sharing, set
res-sharing-scope to Unshareable.
For general information about connections and JDBC URLs, see "Administering
Database Connectivity" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide.

Marking Bad Connections

The DataSource implementation in the GlassFish Server provides a
markConnectionAsBad method. A marked bad connection is removed from its
connection pool when it is closed. The method signature is as follows:
public void markConnectionAsBad(java.sql.Connection con)

For example:
com.sun.appserv.jdbc.DataSource ds=
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
Statement stmt = null;
stmt = con.createStatement();
catch (BadConnectionException e){
ds.markConnectionAsBad(con) //marking it as bad for removal
con.close(); //Connection will be destroyed during close.

Handling Invalid Connections

If a ConnectionErrorOccured event occurs, the GlassFish Server considers the
connection invalid and removes the connection from the connection pool. Typically, a
JDBC driver generates a ConnectionErrorOccured event when it finds a
ManagedConnection object unusable. Reasons can be database failure, network failure
with the database, fatal problems with the connection pool, and so on.
If the fail-all-connections setting in the connection pool configuration is set to
true, and a single connection fails, all connections are closed and recreated. If this
setting is false, individual connections are recreated only when they are used. The
default is false.

14-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Connection Wrapping

The is-connection-validation-required setting specifies whether connections have

to be validated before being given to the application. If a resource's validation fails, it
is destroyed, and a new resource is created and returned. The default is false.
The prefer-validate-over-recreate property specifies that validating idle
connections is preferable to closing them. This property has no effect on non-idle
connections. If set to true, idle connections are validated during pool resizing, and
only those found to be invalid are destroyed and recreated. If false, all idle
connections are destroyed and recreated during pool resizing. The default is false.
You can set the fail-all-connections, is-connection-validation-required, and
prefer-validate-over-recreate configuration settings during creation of a JDBC
connection pool. Or, you can use the asadmin set command to dynamically
reconfigure a setting. For example:
asadmin set"true"
asadmin set"t
asadmin set

For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
The interface ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory exposes the method
getInvalidConnections to allow retrieval of the invalid connections. The GlassFish
Server checks if the JDBC driver implements this interface, and if it does, invalid
connections are removed when the connection pool is resized.

Connection Wrapping
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Wrapping Connections
■ Obtaining a Physical Connection From a Wrapped Connection
■ Using the Connection.unwrap() Method

Wrapping Connections
If the Wrap JDBC Objects option is true (the default), wrapped JDBC objects are
returned for Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, and
This option ensures that Statement.getConnection() is the same as
DataSource.getConnection(). Therefore, this option should be true when both
Statement.getConnection() and DataSource.getConnection() are done.
You can specify the Wrap JDBC Objects option in the following ways:
■ Check or uncheck the Wrap JDBC Objects box on the Edit Connection Pool
Advanced Attributes page in the Administration Console. For more information,
click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --wrapjdbcobjects option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-9

Allowing Non-Component Callers

Obtaining a Physical Connection From a Wrapped Connection

The DataSource implementation in the GlassFish Server provides a getConnection
method that retrieves the JDBC driver's SQLConnection from the GlassFish Server's
Connection wrapper. The method signature is as follows:
public java.sql.Connection getConnection(java.sql.Connection con)
throws java.sql.SQLException

For example:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
com.sun.appserv.jdbc.DataSource ds = (com.sun.appserv.jdbc.DataSource)
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
Connection drivercon = ds.getConnection(con); //get physical connection from
// Do db operations.
// Do not close driver connection.
con.close(); // return wrapped connection to pool.

Using the Connection.unwrap() Method

If the JDK version 1.6 is used, the GlassFish Server supports JDBC 4.0 if the JDBC
driver is JDBC 4.0 compliant. Using the Connection.unwrap() method on a
vendor-provided interface returns an object or a wrapper object implementing the
vendor-provided interface, which the application can make use of to do
vendor-specific database operations. Use the Connection.isWrapperFor() method on
a vendor-provided interface to check whether the connection can provide an
implementation of the vendor-provided interface. Check the JDBC driver vendor's
documentation for information on these interfaces.

Allowing Non-Component Callers

You can allow non-Java-EE components, such as servlet filters, lifecycle modules, and
third party persistence managers, to use this JDBC connection pool. The returned
connection is automatically enlisted with the transaction context obtained from the
transaction manager. Standard Java EE components can also use such pools.
Connections obtained by non-component callers are not automatically closed at the
end of a transaction by the container. They must be explicitly closed by the caller.
You can enable non-component callers in the following ways:
■ Check the Allow Non Component Callers box on the Edit Connection Pool
Advanced Attributes page in the Administration Console. The default is false.
For more information, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --allownoncomponentcallers option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the allow-non-component-callers option in the asadmin set command.
For example:
asadmin set

14-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Restrictions and Optimizations

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
■ Create a JDBC resource with a __pm suffix.
Accessing a DataSource using the Synchronization.beforeCompletion() method
requires setting Allow Non Component Callers to true. For more information about
the Transaction Synchronization Registry, see The Transaction Manager, the
Transaction Synchronization Registry, and UserTransaction.

Using Application-Scoped Resources

You can define an application-scoped database or other resource for an enterprise
application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or application client module
by supplying a glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. For details, see
"Application-Scoped Resources" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Restrictions and Optimizations

This section discusses restrictions and performance optimizations that affect using the

Disabling Stored Procedure Creation on Sybase

By default, DataDirect and Oracle JDBC drivers for Sybase databases create a stored
procedure for each parameterized PreparedStatement. On the GlassFish Server,
exceptions are thrown when primary key identity generation is attempted. To disable
the creation of these stored procedures, set the property PrepareMethod=direct for the
JDBC connection pool.

Using the JDBC API for Database Access 14-11

Restrictions and Optimizations

14-12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using the Transaction Service

The Java EE platform provides several abstractions that simplify development of

dependable transaction processing for applications. This chapter discusses Java EE
transactions and transaction support in the Oracle GlassFish Server.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Handling Transactions with Databases
■ Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans
■ Handling Transactions with the Java Message Service
■ The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and
For more information about the Java Transaction API (JTA) and Java Transaction
Service (JTS), see "Administering Transactions" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide and the following sites: and
You might also want to read "Transactions" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.

Handling Transactions with Databases

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Using JDBC Transaction Isolation Levels
■ Using Non-Transactional Connections

Using JDBC Transaction Isolation Levels

Not all database vendors support all transaction isolation levels available in the JDBC
API. The GlassFish Server permits specifying any isolation level your database
supports. The following table defines transaction isolation levels.

Using the Transaction Service 15-1

Handling Transactions with Databases

Table 15–1 Transaction Isolation Levels

Transaction Isolation Level Return Value Description
read-uncommitted 1 Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom
reads can occur.
read-committed 2 Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads
and phantom reads can occur.
repeatable-read 4 Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are
prevented; phantom reads can occur.
serializable 8 Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom
reads are prevented.

By default, the transaction isolation level is undefined (empty), and the JDBC driver's
default isolation level is used. You can specify the transaction isolation level in the
following ways:
■ Select the value from the Transaction Isolation drop-down list on the New JDBC
Connection Pool or Edit Connection Pool page in the Administration Console. For
more information, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --isolationlevel option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the transaction-isolation-level option in the asadmin set command.
For example:
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
Note that you cannot call setTransactionIsolation during a transaction.
You can set the default transaction isolation level for a JDBC connection pool. For
details, see "To Create a JDBC Connection Pool" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Administration Guide.
To verify that a level is supported by your database management system, test your
database programmatically using the supportsTransactionIsolationLevel method
in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData, as shown in the following example:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
if (dbmd.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE)
{ Connection.setTransactionIsolation(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE); }

For more information about these isolation levels and what they mean, see the JDBC
API specification.
Setting or resetting the transaction isolation level for every getConnection call can
degrade performance. So by default the isolation level is not guaranteed.

15-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Handling Transactions with Databases

Applications that change the transaction isolation level on a pooled connection

programmatically risk polluting the JDBC connection pool, which can lead to errors. If
an application changes the isolation level, enabling the
is-isolation-level-guaranteed setting in the pool can minimize such errors.
You can guarantee the transaction isolation level in the following ways:
■ Check the Isolation Level Guaranteed box on the New JDBC Connection Pool or
Edit Connection Pool page in the Administration Console. For more information,
click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Specify the --isisolationguaranteed option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the is-isolation-level-guaranteed option in the asadmin set
command. For example:
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference

Using Non-Transactional Connections

You can specify a non-transactional database connection in any of these ways:
■ Check the Non-Transactional Connections box on the New JDBC Connection Pool
or Edit Connection Pool page in the Administration Console. The default is
unchecked. For more information, click the Help button in the Administration
■ Specify the --nontransactionalconnections option in the asadmin
create-jdbc-connection-pool command. For more information, see the GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.
■ Specify the non-transactional-connections option in the asadmin set
command. For example:
asadmin set

For more information, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference
■ Use the DataSource implementation in the GlassFish Server, which provides a
getNonTxConnection method. This method retrieves a JDBC connection that is not
in the scope of any transaction. There are two variants.
public java.sql.Connection getNonTxConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException

public java.sql.Connection getNonTxConnection(String user, String password)

throws java.sql.SQLException

■ Create a resource with the JNDI name ending in __nontx. This forces all
connections looked up using this resource to be non transactional.

Using the Transaction Service 15-3

Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans

Typically, a connection is enlisted in the context of the transaction in which a

getConnection call is invoked. However, a non-transactional connection is not enlisted
in a transaction context even if a transaction is in progress.
The main advantage of using non-transactional connections is that the overhead
incurred in enlisting and delisting connections in transaction contexts is avoided.
However, use such connections carefully. For example, if a non-transactional
connection is used to query the database while a transaction is in progress that
modifies the database, the query retrieves the unmodified data in the database. This is
because the in-progress transaction hasn't committed. For another example, if a
non-transactional connection modifies the database and a transaction that is running
simultaneously rolls back, the changes made by the non-transactional connection are
not rolled back.
Here is a typical use case for a non-transactional connection: a component that is
updating a database in a transaction context spanning over several iterations of a loop
can refresh cached data by using a non-transactional connection to read data before the
transaction commits.

Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans

This section describes the transaction support built into the Enterprise JavaBeans
programming model for the GlassFish Server.
As a developer, you can write an application that updates data in multiple databases
distributed across multiple sites. The site might use EJB servers from different
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Flat Transactions
■ Global and Local Transactions
■ Commit Options
■ Bean-Level Container-Managed Transaction Timeouts

Flat Transactions
The Enterprise JavaBeans Specification, v3.0 requires support for flat (as opposed to
nested) transactions. In a flat transaction, each transaction is decoupled from and
independent of other transactions in the system. Another transaction cannot start in
the same thread until the current transaction ends.
Flat transactions are the most prevalent model and are supported by most commercial
database systems. Although nested transactions offer a finer granularity of control
over transactions, they are supported by far fewer commercial database systems.

Global and Local Transactions

Both local and global transactions are demarcated using the
javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which the client must use. Local
transactions bypass the XA commit protocol and are faster. For more information, see
The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and

15-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Handling Transactions with Enterprise Beans

Commit Options
The EJB protocol is designed to give the container the flexibility to select the
disposition of the instance state at the time a transaction is committed. This allows the
container to best manage caching an entity object's state and associating an entity
object identity with the EJB instances.
There are three commit-time options:
■ Option A - The container caches a ready instance between transactions. The
container ensures that the instance has exclusive access to the state of the object in
persistent storage.
In this case, the container does not have to synchronize the instance's state from
the persistent storage at the beginning of the next transaction.

Note: Commit option A is not supported for this GlassFish Server


■ Option B - The container caches a ready instance between transactions, but the
container does not ensure that the instance has exclusive access to the state of the
object in persistent storage. This is the default.
In this case, the container must synchronize the instance's state by invoking
ejbLoad from persistent storage at the beginning of the next transaction.
■ Option C - The container does not cache a ready instance between transactions,
but instead returns the instance to the pool of available instances after a
transaction has completed.
The life cycle for every business method invocation under commit option C looks
like this.
ejbActivate ejbLoad business method ejbStore ejbPassivate

If there is more than one transactional client concurrently accessing the same
entity, the first client gets the ready instance and subsequent concurrent clients get
new instances from the pool.
The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor has an element, commit-option,
that specifies the commit option to be used. Based on the specified commit option, the
appropriate handler is instantiated.

Bean-Level Container-Managed Transaction Timeouts

The transaction timeout for the domain is specified using the Transaction Timeout
setting of the Transaction Service. A transaction started by the container must commit
(or rollback) within this time, regardless of whether the transaction is suspended (and
resumed), or the transaction is marked for rollback. The default value, 0, specifies that
the server waits indefinitely for a transaction to complete.
To override this timeout for an individual bean, use the optional
cmt-timeout-in-seconds element in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml. The default value, 0,
specifies that the Transaction Service timeout is used. The value of
cmt-timeout-in-seconds is used for all methods in the bean that start a new
container-managed transaction. This value is not used if the bean joins a client

Using the Transaction Service 15-5

Handling Transactions with the Java Message Service

Handling Transactions with the Java Message Service

The following topics are addressed here:
■ Transactions and Non-Persistent Messages
■ Using the ConfigurableTransactionSupport Interface

Transactions and Non-Persistent Messages

During transaction recovery, non-persistent messages might be lost. If the broker fails
between the transaction manager's prepare and commit operations, any non-persistent
message in the transaction is lost and cannot be delivered. A message that is not saved
to a persistent store is not available for transaction recovery.

Using the ConfigurableTransactionSupport Interface

The Java EE Connector 1.6 specification allows a resource adapter to use the
transaction-support attribute to specify the level of transaction support that the
resource adapter handles. However, the resource adapter vendor does not have a
mechanism to figure out the current transactional context in which a
ManagedConnectionFactory is used.
If a ManagedConnectionFactory implements an optional interface called
com.sun.appserv.connectors.spi.ConfigurableTransactionSupport , the GlassFish
Server notifies the ManagedConnectionFactory of the transaction-support
configured for the connector connection pool when the ManagedConnectionFactory
instance is created for the pool. Connections obtained from the pool can then be used
with a transaction level at or lower than the configured value. For example, a
connection obtained from a pool that is set to XA_TRANSACTION could be used as a
LOCAL resource in a last-agent-optimized transaction or in a non-transactional

The Transaction Manager, the Transaction Synchronization Registry, and

To access a UserTransaction instance, you can either look it up using the
java:comp/UserTransaction JNDI name or inject it using the @Resource annotation.
Accessing a DataSource using the Synchronization.beforeCompletion() method
requires setting Allow Non Component Callers to true. The default is false. For more
information about non-component callers, see Allowing Non-Component Callers.
If possible, you should use the javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
interface instead of javax.transaction.TransactionManager , for portability. You can
look up the implementation of this interface by using the JNDI name
java:comp/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry. For details, see the Javadoc page
for Interface TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
actionSynchronizationRegistry.html) and Java Specification Request (JSR)
907 (
If accessing the javax.transaction.TransactionManager implementation is absolutely
necessary, you can look up the GlassFish Server implementation of this interface using
the JNDI name java:appserver/TransactionManager . This lookup should not be used
by the application code.

15-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using the Java Naming and Directory


A naming service maintains a set of bindings, which relate names to objects. The Java
EE naming service is based on the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API.
The JNDI API allows application components and clients to look up distributed
resources, services, and EJB components. For general information about the JNDI API,
see You can
also see the JNDI tutorial at
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Accessing the Naming Context
■ Configuring Resources
■ Using a Custom File
■ Mapping References

Note: The Web Profile of the GlassFish Server supports the EJB 3.1
Lite specification, which allows enterprise beans within web
applications, among other features. The full GlassFish Server
supports the entire EJB 3.1 specification. For details, see JSR 318

Accessing the Naming Context

The Oracle GlassFish Server provides a naming environment, or context, which is
compliant with standard Java EE requirements. A Context object provides the
methods for binding names to objects, unbinding names from objects, renaming
objects, and listing the bindings. The InitialContext is the handle to the Java EE
naming service that application components and clients use for lookups.
The JNDI API also provides subcontext functionality. Much like a directory in a file
system, a subcontext is a context within a context. This hierarchical structure permits
better organization of information. For naming services that support subcontexts, the
Context class also provides methods for creating and destroying subcontexts.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Portable Global JNDI Names
■ GlassFish Server V2 Vendor-Specific Global JNDI Names
■ Disabling GlassFish Server V2 JNDI Names

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface 16-1

Accessing the Naming Context

■ Accessing EJB Components Using the CosNaming Naming Context

■ Accessing EJB Components in a Remote GlassFish Server
■ Naming Environment for Lifecycle Modules

Note: Each resource within a server instance must have a unique

name. However, two resources in different server instances or
different domains can have the same name.

Portable Global JNDI Names

If an EJB component is a kind of session bean and it is deployed to any
implementation supporting the EJB 3.1specification (for example, GlassFish Server
4.0), it automatically has one or more portable JNDI names defined based on the
syntax in the specification. Note that this is true of existing EJB 3.0 and 2.x applications
that are deployed to an implementation supporting EJB 3.1. No code changes are
required to the bean class itself in order to have the portable global JNDI name
automatically assigned when deployed to an EJB 3.1 container.
For more information, see the Java EE 6 Platform Specification, section EE.5.2.2,
"Application Component Environment Namespaces"
(, and the EJB 3.1 Specification, section
4.4, "Global JNDI Access" (
If the disable-nonportable-jndi-names property is set to false (the default), a
GlassFish Server V2-specific JNDI name is assigned in addition to a portable global
JNDI name. For more information, see GlassFish Server V2 Vendor-Specific Global
JNDI Names and Disabling GlassFish Server V2 JNDI Names.

GlassFish Server V2 Vendor-Specific Global JNDI Names

GlassFish Server v2 vendor-specific global JNDI names are assigned according to the
following precedence rules:
1. A global JNDI name assigned in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, glassfish-web.xml,
or glassfish-application-client.xml deployment descriptor file has the highest
precedence. See Mapping References.
2. A global JNDI name assigned in a mapped-name element in the ejb-jar.xml,
web.xml, or application-client.xml deployment descriptor file has the second
highest precedence. The following elements have mapped-name subelements:
resource-ref, resource-env-ref, ejb-ref, message-destination,
message-destination-ref, session, message-driven, and entity.
3. A global JNDI name assigned in a mappedName attribute of an annotation has the
third highest precedence. The following annotations have mappedName attributes:
@javax.annotation.Resource, @javax.ejb.EJB, @javax.ejb.Stateless,
@javax.ejb.Singleton, @javax.ejb.Stateful, and @javax.ejb.MessageDriven.
4. In most cases, a default global JNDI name is assigned (and recorded in the server
log) if no name is assigned in deployment descriptors or annotations.
■ For a session or entity bean, a GlassFish Server V2-specific JNDI name is
assigned as follows:
– For an EJB 2.x dependency or a session or entity bean with a remote
interface, the default is the fully qualified name of the home interface.

16-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Accessing the Naming Context

– For an EJB 3.0 dependency or a session bean with a remote interface, the
default is the fully qualified name of the remote business interface.
– If both EJB 2.x and EJB 3.0 remote interfaces are specified, or if more than
one 3.0 remote interface is specified, there is no GlassFish Server
V2-specific default. For an entity bean, a global JNDI name must be
■ For all other component dependencies that must be mapped to global JNDI
names, the default is the name of the dependency relative to java:comp/env.
For example, in the @Resource(name="jdbc/Foo") DataSource ds;
annotation, the global JNDI name is jdbc/Foo.

Disabling GlassFish Server V2 JNDI Names

The EJB 3.1 specification supported by GlassFish Server 4.0 defines portable EJB JNDI
names for session beans. Because of this, there is less need to continue to use older
vendor-specific JNDI names.
By default, GlassFish Server V2-specific JNDI names are applied automatically by
GlassFish Server 4.0 for backward compatibility. However, this can lead to some
ease-of-use issues. For example, deploying two different applications containing a
remote EJB component that exposes the same remote interface causes a conflict
between the default JNDI names.
The default handling of V2-specific JNDI names in GlassFish Server 4.0 can be
managed by using the asadmin command:
asadmin> set"true"

The disable-nonportable-jndi-names property is a boolean flag that can take the

following values:

Enables the automatic use of GlassFish Server V2-specific JNDI names in addition to
portable global JNDI names. This is the default setting.

Disables the automatic use of V2-specific JNDI names. In all cases, only portable global
JNDI names are used.
Note that this setting applies to all session beans deployed to the server.

Accessing EJB Components Using the CosNaming Naming Context

The preferred way of accessing the naming service, even in code that runs outside of a
Java EE container, is to use the no-argument InitialContext constructor. However, if
EJB client code explicitly instantiates an InitialContext that points to the CosNaming
naming service, it is necessary to set the java.naming.factory.initial property to
com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory in the client JVM software when accessing
EJB components. You can set this property using the asadmin create-jvm-options
command, as follows:
asadmin> create-jvm-options

For details about asadmin create-jvm-options, see the GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Reference Manual.
Or you can set this property in the code, as follows:

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface 16-3

Accessing the Naming Context

Properties properties = null;

try {
properties = new Properties();

The java.naming.factory.initial property applies to only one instance. The

property is not cluster-aware.

Accessing EJB Components in a Remote GlassFish Server

The recommended approach for looking up an EJB component in a remote GlassFish
Server from a client that is a servlet or EJB component is to use the Interoperable
Naming Service syntax. Host and port information is prepended to any global JNDI
names and is automatically resolved during the lookup. The syntax for an
interoperable global name is as follows:

This makes the programming model for accessing EJB components in another
GlassFish Server exactly the same as accessing them in the same server. The deployer
can change the way the EJB components are physically distributed without having to
change the code.
For Java EE components, the code still performs a java:comp/env lookup on an EJB
reference. The only difference is that the deployer maps the ejb-ref element to an
interoperable name in a GlassFish Server deployment descriptor file instead of to a
simple global JNDI name.
For example, suppose a servlet looks up an EJB reference using
java:comp/env/ejb/Foo, and the target EJB component has a global JNDI name of
The ejb-ref element in glassfish-web.xml looks like this:

The code looks like this:

Context ic = new InitialContext();
Object o = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Foo");

For a client that doesn't run within a Java EE container, the code just uses the
interoperable global name instead of the simple global JNDI name. For example:
Context ic = new InitialContext();
Object o = ic.lookup("corbaname:iiop:host:port#a/b/Foo");

Objects stored in the interoperable naming context and component-specific

(java:comp/env) naming contexts are transient. On each server startup or application
reloading, all relevant objects are re-bound to the namespace.

16-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Resources

Naming Environment for Lifecycle Modules

Lifecycle listener modules provide a means of running short or long duration tasks
based on Java technology within the GlassFish Server environment, such as
instantiation of singletons or RMI servers. These modules are automatically initiated at
server startup and are notified at various phases of the server life cycle. For details
about lifecycle modules, see Developing Lifecycle Listeners.
The configured properties for a lifecycle module are passed as properties during
server initialization (the INIT_EVENT). The initial JNDI naming context is not available
until server initialization is complete. A lifecycle module can get the InitialContext
for lookups using the method LifecycleEventContext.getInitialContext() during,
and only during, the STARTUP_EVENT, READY_EVENT, or SHUTDOWN_EVENT server life cycle

Configuring Resources
The GlassFish Server exposes special resources in the naming environment.
■ External JNDI Resources
■ Custom Resources
■ Built-in Factories for Custom Resources
■ Using Application-Scoped Resources

External JNDI Resources

An external JNDI resource defines custom JNDI contexts and implements the
javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory interface. There is no specific JNDI parent
context for external JNDI resources, except for the standard java:comp/env/.
Create an external JNDI resource in one of these ways:
■ To create an external JNDI resource using the Administration Console, open the
Resources component, open the JNDI component, and select External Resources.
For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ To create an external JNDI resource, use the asadmin create-jndi-resource
command. For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference

Custom Resources
A custom resource specifies a custom server-wide resource object factory that
implements the javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory interface. There is no specific JNDI
parent context for external JNDI resources, except for the standard java:comp/env/.
Create a custom resource in one of these ways:
■ To create a custom resource using the Administration Console, open the Resources
component, open the JNDI component, and select Custom Resources. For details,
click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ To create a custom resource, use the asadmin create-custom-resource command.
For details, see the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface 16-5

Configuring Resources

Built-in Factories for Custom Resources

The GlassFish Server provides built-in factories for the following types of custom
■ JavaBeanFactory
■ PropertiesFactory
■ PrimitivesAndStringFactory
■ URLFactory
Template glassfish-resources.xml files for these built-in factories and a README file
are available at as-install/lib/install/templates/resources/custom/. For more
information about the glassfish-resources.xml file, see the GlassFish Server Open
Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.

To create a custom resource that provides instances of a JavaBean class, follow these
1. Set the custom resource's factory class to
2. Create a property in the custom resource for each setter method in the JavaBean
For example, if the JavaBean class has a method named setAccount, specify a
property named account and give it a value.
3. Make sure the JavaBean class is accessible to the GlassFish Server.
For example, you can place the JavaBean class in the as-install/lib directory.

To create a custom resource that provides properties to applications, set the custom
resource's factory class to
org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PropertiesFactory, then specify one or
both of the following:
■ Create a property in the custom resource named
org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PropertiesFactory.fileName and
specify as its value the path to a properties file or an XML file.
The path can be absolute or relative to as-install. The file must be accessible to the
GlassFish Server.
If an XML file is specified, it must match the document type definition (DTD)
specified in the API definition of java.util.Properties
■ Create the desired properties directly as properties of the custom resource.
If both the fileName property and other properties are specified, the resulting
property set is the union. If the same property is defined in the file and directly in
the custom resource, the value of the latter takes precedence.

To create a custom resource that provides Java primitives to applications, follow these

16-6 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Configuring Resources

1. Set the custom resource's factory class to

2. Set the custom resource's resource type to one of the following or its fully qualified
wrapper class name equivalent:
■ int
■ long
■ double
■ float
■ char
■ short
■ byte
■ boolean
■ String
3. Create a property in the custom resource named value and give it the value
needed by the application.
For example, If the application requires a double of value 22.1, create a property
with the name value and the value 22.1.

To create a custom resource that provides URL instances to applications, follow these
1. Set the custom resource's factory class to
2. Choose which of the following constructors to use:
■ URL(protocol, host, port, file)
■ URL(protocol, host, file)
■ URL(spec)
3. Define properties according to the chosen constructor.
For example, for the first constructor, define properties named protocol, host,
port, and file. Example values might be http, localhost, 8085, and index.html,
For the third constructor, define a property named spec and assign it the value of
the entire URL.

Using Application-Scoped Resources

You can define an application-scoped JNDI or other resource for an enterprise
application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or application client module
by supplying a glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. For details, see
"Application-Scoped Resources" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface 16-7

Using a Custom File

Using a Custom File

To use a custom file, JAR it and place it in the domain-dir/lib
directory. This adds the custom file to the Common class loader. For
more information about class loading, see Class Loaders.
For each property found in more than one file, the Java EE naming
service either uses the first value found or concatenates all of the values, whichever
makes sense.

Mapping References
The following XML elements in the GlassFish Server deployment descriptors map
resource references in application client, EJB, and web application components to JNDI
names configured in GlassFish Server:
■ resource-env-ref - Maps the @Resource or @Resources annotation (or the
resource-env-ref element in the corresponding Java EE XML file) to the absolute
JNDI name configured in GlassFish Server.
■ resource-ref - Maps the @Resource or @Resources annotation (or the
resource-ref element in the corresponding Java EE XML file) to the absolute
JNDI name configured in GlassFish Server.
■ ejb-ref - Maps the @EJB annotation (or the ejb-ref element in the corresponding
Java EE XML file) to the absolute JNDI name configured in GlassFish Server.
JNDI names for EJB components must be unique. For example, appending the
application name and the module name to the EJB name is one way to guarantee
unique names. In this case, mycompany.pkging.pkgingEJB.MyEJB would be the
JNDI name for an EJB in the module pkgingEJB.jar, which is packaged in the
pkging.ear application.
These elements are part of the glassfish-web.xml,
glassfish-application-client.xml, glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, and
glassfish-application.xml deployment descriptor files. For more information about
how these elements behave in each of the deployment descriptor files, see "Elements of
the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Deployment Guide.
The rest of this section uses an example of a JDBC resource lookup to describe how to
reference resource factories. The same principle is applicable to all resources (such as
JMS destinations, JavaMail sessions, and so on).
The @Resource annotation in the application code looks like this:
@Resource(name="jdbc/helloDbDs") javax.sql.DataSource ds;

This references a resource with the JNDI name of java:jdbc/helloDbDs. If this is the
JNDI name of the JDBC resource configured in the GlassFish Server, the annotation
alone is enough to reference the resource.
However, you can use a GlassFish Server specific deployment descriptor to override
the annotation. For example, the resource-ref element in the glassfish-web.xml file
maps the res-ref-name (the name specified in the annotation) to the JNDI name of
another JDBC resource configured in GlassFish Server.

16-8 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Mapping References

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface 16-9

Mapping References

16-10 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using the Java Message Service

This chapter describes how to use the Java Message Service (JMS) API. The Oracle
GlassFish Server has a fully integrated JMS provider: the Open Message Queue

Note: JMS resources are supported only in the full GlassFish

Server, not in the Web Profile.

For information about the JMS API, see "Java Message Service Concepts" in The Java EE
7 Tutorial and "Java Message Service Examples" in The Java EE 7 Tutorial.
For detailed information about JMS concepts and JMS support in the GlassFish Server,
see "Administering the Java Message Service (JMS)" in GlassFish Server Open Source
Edition Administration Guide.
For more information about Message Queue software, see the Open Message Queue
Administration Guide.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Using Application-Scoped JMS Resources
■ Load-Balanced Message Inflow
■ Authentication With ConnectionFactory
■ Delivering SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

Using Application-Scoped JMS Resources

You can define an application-scoped JMS or other resource for an enterprise
application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or application client module
by supplying a glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. For details, see
"Application-Scoped Resources" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

Load-Balanced Message Inflow

You can configure ActivationSpec properties of the jmsra resource adapter in the
glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file for a message-driven bean using
activation-config-property elements. Whenever a message-driven bean
(EndPointFactory) is deployed, the connector runtime engine finds these properties
and configures them accordingly in the resource adapter. See

Using the Java Message Service 17-1

Authentication With ConnectionFactory

"activation-config-property" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application

Deployment Guide.
The GlassFish Server transparently enables messages to be delivered in random
fashion to message-driven beans having same ClientID. The ClientID is required for
durable subscribers.
For nondurable subscribers in which the ClientID is not configured, all instances of a
specific message-driven bean that subscribe to same topic are considered equal. When
a message-driven bean is deployed to multiple instances of the GlassFish Server, only
one of the message-driven beans receives the message. If multiple distinct
message-driven beans subscribe to same topic, one instance of each message-driven
bean receives a copy of the message.
To support multiple consumers using the same queue, set the maxNumActiveConsumers
property of the physical destination to a large value. If this property is set, the Oracle
Message Queue software allows multiple message-driven beans to consume messages
from same queue. The message is delivered randomly to the message-driven beans. If
maxNumActiveConsumers is set to -1, there is no limit to the number of consumers.
To ensure that local delivery is preferred, set addresslist-behavior to priority. This
setting specifies that the first broker in the AddressList is selected first. This first
broker is the local colocated Message Queue instance. If this broker is unavailable,
connection attempts are made to brokers in the order in which they are listed in the
AddressList. This setting is the default for GlassFish Server instances that belong to a

Authentication With ConnectionFactory

If your web, EJB, or client module has res-auth set to Container, but you use the
ConnectionFactory.createConnection("user","password") method to get a
connection, the GlassFish Server searches the container for authentication information
before using the supplied user and password. Version 7 of the GlassFish Server threw
an exception in this situation.

Delivering SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

Web service clients use the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to communicate
with web services. SOAP uses a combination of XML-based data structuring and
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to define a standardized way of invoking
methods in objects distributed in diverse operating environments across the Internet.
For more information about SOAP, see the Apache SOAP web site at
You can take advantage of the JMS provider's reliable messaging when delivering
SOAP messages. You can convert a SOAP message into a JMS message, send the JMS
message, then convert the JMS message back into a SOAP message.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ To Send SOAP Messages Using the JMS API
■ To Receive SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

To Send SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

1. Import the MessageTransformer library.
import com.sun.messaging.xml.MessageTransformer;

17-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Delivering SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

This is the utility whose methods you use to convert SOAP messages to JMS
messages and the reverse. You can then send a JMS message containing a SOAP
payload as if it were a normal JMS message.
2. Initialize the TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, TopicSession, and
tcf = new TopicConnectionFactory();
tc = tcf.createTopicConnection();
session = tc.createTopicSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
topic = session.createTopic(topicName);
publisher = session.createPublisher(topic);

3. Construct a SOAP message using the SOAP with Attachments API for Java
/*construct a default soap MessageFactory */
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
* Create a SOAP message object.*/
SOAPMessage soapMessage = mf.createMessage();
/** Get SOAP part.*/
SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart();
/* Get SOAP envelope. */
SOAPEnvelope soapEnvelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
/* Get SOAP body.*/
SOAPBody soapBody = soapEnvelope.getBody();
/* Create a name object. with name space */
/* */
Name name = soapEnvelope.createName("HelloWorld", "hw",
* Add child element with the above name. */
SOAPElement element = soapBody.addChildElement(name)
/* Add another child element.*/
element.addTextNode( "Welcome to GlassFish Web Services." );
/* Create an atachment with activation API.*/
URL url = new URL ("");
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler (url);
AttachmentPart ap = soapMessage.createAttachmentPart(dh);
/*set content type/ID. */
/** add the attachment to the SOAP message.*/

4. Convert the SOAP message to a JMS message by calling the

MessageTransformer.SOAPMessageintoJMSMessage() method.
Message m = MessageTransformer.SOAPMessageIntoJMSMessage (soapMessage,
session );

5. Publish the JMS message.


6. Close the JMS connection.


Using the Java Message Service 17-3

Delivering SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

To Receive SOAP Messages Using the JMS API

1. Import the MessageTransformer library.
import com.sun.messaging.xml.MessageTransformer;

This is the utility whose methods you use to convert SOAP messages to JMS
messages and the reverse. The JMS message containing the SOAP payload is
received as if it were a normal JMS message.
2. Initialize the TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, TopicSession,
TopicSubscriber, and Topic.
messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
tcf = new com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory();
tc = tcf.createTopicConnection();
session = tc.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
topic = session.createTopic(topicName);
subscriber = session.createSubscriber(topic);

3. Use the OnMessage method to receive the message. Use the

SOAPMessageFromJMSMessage method to convert the JMS message to a SOAP
public void onMessage (Message message) {
SOAPMessage soapMessage =
MessageTransformer.SOAPMessageFromJMSMessage( message,
messageFactory ); }

4. Retrieve the content of the SOAP message.

17-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Using the JavaMail API

This chapter describes how to use the JavaMail API, which provides a set of abstract
classes defining objects that comprise a mail system.
The following topics are addressed here:
■ Introducing JavaMail
■ Creating a JavaMail Session
■ JavaMail Session Properties
■ Looking Up a JavaMail Session
■ Sending and Reading Messages Using JavaMail
■ Using Application-Scoped JavaMail Resources

Note: JavaMail resources are supported only in the full

OracleGlassFish Server, not in the Web Profile.

Introducing JavaMail
The JavaMail API defines classes such as Message, Store, and Transport. The API can
be extended and can be subclassed to provide new protocols and to add functionality
when necessary. In addition, the API provides concrete subclasses of the abstract
classes. These subclasses, including MimeMessage and MimeBodyPart, implement
widely used Internet mail protocols and conform to the RFC822 and RFC2045
specifications. The JavaMail API includes support for the IMAP4, POP3, and SMTP
The JavaMail architectural components are as follows:
■ The abstract layer declares classes, interfaces, and abstract methods intended to
support mail handling functions that all mail systems support.
■ The internet implementation layer implements part of the abstract layer using the
RFC822 and MIME internet standards.
■ JavaMail uses the JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) to encapsulate message
data and to handle commands intended to interact with that data.
For more information, see "Administering the JavaMail Service" in GlassFish Server
Open Source Edition Administration Guide and the JavaMail specification at A
useful JavaMail tutorial is located at

Using the JavaMail API 18-1

Creating a JavaMail Session

Creating a JavaMail Session

You can create a JavaMail session in the following ways:
■ In the Administration Console, open the Resources component and select JavaMail
Sessions. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
■ Use the asadmin create-javamail-resource command. For details, see the
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Reference Manual.

JavaMail Session Properties

You can set properties for a JavaMail Session object. Every property name must start
with a mail- prefix. The GlassFish Server changes the dash (-) character to a period (.)
in the name of the property and saves the property to the MailConfiguration and
JavaMail Session objects. If the name of the property doesn't start with mail-, the
property is ignored.
For example, if you want to define the property mail.from in a JavaMail Session
object, first define the property as follows:
■ Name - mail-from
■ Value - [email protected]

Looking Up a JavaMail Session

The standard Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) subcontext for JavaMail
sessions is java:comp/env/mail.
Registering JavaMail sessions in the mail naming subcontext of a JNDI namespace, or
in one of its child subcontexts, is standard. The JNDI namespace is hierarchical, like a
file system's directory structure, so it is easy to find and nest references. A JavaMail
session is bound to a logical JNDI name. The name identifies a subcontext, mail, of the
root context, and a logical name. To change the JavaMail session, you can change its
entry in the JNDI namespace without having to modify the application.
The resource lookup in the application code looks like this:
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
String snName = "java:comp/env/mail/MyMailSession";
Session session = (Session)ic.lookup(snName);

For more information about the JNDI API, see Using the Java Naming and Directory

Sending and Reading Messages Using JavaMail

The following topics are addressed here:
■ To Send a Message Using JavaMail
■ To Read a Message Using JavaMail

To Send a Message Using JavaMail

1. Import the packages that you need.
import java.util.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import javax.mail.*;

18-2 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide
Sending and Reading Messages Using JavaMail

import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.naming.*;

2. Look up the JavaMail session.

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
String snName = "java:comp/env/mail/MyMailSession";
Session session = (Session)ic.lookup(snName);

For more information, see Looking Up a JavaMail Session.

3. Override the JavaMail session properties if necessary.
For example:
Properties props = session.getProperties();
props.put("mail.from", "[email protected]");

4. Create a MimeMessage.
The msgRecipient, msgSubject, and msgTxt variables in the following example
contain input from the user:
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
InternetAddress.parse(msgRecipient, false));

5. Send the message.


To Read a Message Using JavaMail

1. Import the packages that you need.
import java.util.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.naming.*;

2. Look up the JavaMail session.

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
String snName = "java:comp/env/mail/MyMailSession";
Session session = (javax.mail.Session)ic.lookup(snName);

For more information, see Looking Up a JavaMail Session.

3. Override the JavaMail session properties if necessary.
For example:
Properties props = session.getProperties();
props.put("mail.from", "[email protected]");

4. Get a Store object from the Session, then connect to the mail server using the
Store object's connect method.

Using the JavaMail API 18-3

Using Application-Scoped JavaMail Resources

You must supply a mail server name, a mail user name, and a password.
Store store = session.getStore();
store.connect("MailServer", "MailUser", "secret");

5. Get the INBOX folder.

Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");

6. It is efficient to read the Message objects (which represent messages on the server)
into an array.
Message[] messages = folder.getMessages();

Using Application-Scoped JavaMail Resources

You can define an application-scoped JavaMail or other resource for an enterprise
application, web module, EJB module, connector module, or application client module
by supplying a glassfish-resources.xml deployment descriptor file. For details, see
"Application-Scoped Resources" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Application
Deployment Guide.

18-4 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 Application Development Guide

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