Oracle Forms Developer Release 6i: Getting Started For Windows
Oracle Forms Developer Release 6i: Getting Started For Windows
Oracle Forms Developer Release 6i: Getting Started For Windows
Release 6 i
January, 2000
Part No. A73154-01
Oracle Forms Developer: Getting Started for Windows, Release 6i
Contributing Authors: F. John Bethke, Marcie Caccamo, Ken Chu, Karen Denchfield-Masterson, Frank
The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other
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caused by such use of the Programs.
The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of
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disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems
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document is error free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these
Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface........................................................................................................................................................... vii
iii Custom installation ................................................................................................. 2-3
2.2 Installing the Runtime Components................................................................................... 2-5
2.3 Connecting to the Oracle Server.......................................................................................... 2-5
3 Installing as an Upgrade
3.1 Upgrading the Product ......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Upgrading Your Applications ............................................................................................. 3-3
3.2.1 Redeploying Your Applications on the Web.............................................................. 3-4
6 What’s Next?
6.0.1 If You’re a New Forms Developer ............................................................................... 6-1
6.0.2 If You’re an Experienced Forms Developer ............................................................... 6-1
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Forms Developer: Getting Started for Windows
Part No. A73154-01
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If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, you can send comments by
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Welcome to Oracle Forms Developer! This document will help you get started with
Forms Developer for Windows.
You should be familiar with your computer and its operating system. For example,
you should know the commands for deleting and copying files and understand the
concepts of search paths, subdirectories, and path names. Refer to your Microsoft
Windows product documentation for more information.
You should also understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows, such as the
elements of an application window. You should also be familiar with such pro-
grams as the Explorer, Taskbar or Task Manager, and Registry.
Notational Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
Convention Meaning
fixed-width font Text in a fixed-width font indicates commands that you enter
exactly as shown. Text typed on a PC is not case-sensitive unless
otherwise noted.
In commands, punctuation other than brackets ( [ ] ) and verti-
cal bars ( | ) must be entered exactly as shown.
lowercase Lowercase characters in a command statement represent a vari-
able. Substitute an appropriate value.
UPPERCASE Uppercase characters within the text represent command names,
SQL reserved words, and keywords.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface indicates user interface items, such as menu choices
and buttons.
C> C> represents the DOS prompt. Your prompt may differ.
Also included on the CD are the Oracle Reports Developer and Oracle Reports
Server products (which are licensed separately). Those products have their own
Getting Started manual (also included on the CD).
Before You Install
This chapter provides some overview and background information to help you get
ready for the actual installation and set-up process (described in the subsequent
There is a second CD in the package; it holds the product demos. The demos are
installed automatically when the CD is inserted. That installation process also
produces a configuration notes file that describes the demos. Hardware
Forms Developer is designed to be installed and run on an IBM or 100% compatible
PC with a Pentium processor or better. A CD-ROM drive functioning as a logical
drive is also required for the installation process. For information on monitor,
printer, and mouse requirements, see your Microsoft Windows documentation.
Where to Install: ORACLE_HOME Considerations
Check the Release Notes
All the instructions for setting up the design-time environment are included in
this manual in the following chapters.
■ Runtime. This is the environment in which the end users will run the finished
applications. This environment includes not just the applications, but also the
runtime components of the product.
Web Runtime:
Using the web to deploy your applications offers several advantages: easier,
centralized maintenance, no storage overhead on client machines, and the
power of the server.
If you are going to run your applications in a web (that is, 3-tier) environment,
then you will need to perform additional steps after you finish your
design-time install. This primarily concerns installing and tuning the Forms
Server component in the middle tier. The instructions for those additional steps
are provided in several chapters of the manual Oracle Forms Server: Deploying
Forms Applications to the Web, A73071.
Client/Server Runtime:
If you are going to run your applications in a client/server environment, then
all the instructions you need for setting up that environment are included in
this manual in the following chapters.
3. From the list of available products, select Forms Developer Release Notes.
4. Choose Install.
5. When installation is complete, exit the Oracle Installer.
Once the release notes have been installed from the CD, you can find them in the
file relnotef in %ORACLE_HOME%\TOOLS\DOC60. They are available in both txt
and pdf formats.
You can access the release notes by choosing Start→Oracle Forms Developer
R6i→Release Notes.
Once you have checked the release notes to see if there are any last-minute changes,
you can begin the product installation process.
Installing as a New Customer
If you do not already have a version of Forms Developer on your system, follow
these installation instructions.
Remember that you need to install product components both in the design-time
environment (in which applications will be built) and in the runtime environment
(in which the finished applications will be used).
Then take the following steps to start the Oracle Installer without autorun. (Note
that not all CD-ROM drives support the autorun feature.)
To start the Oracle Installer without autorun:
1. Shut down any active Windows applications.
2. Choose Start→Run to display the Run dialog.
3. In the Run dialog box, type the following (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM
4. Click OK to start the Oracle Installer.
The Oracle Installer will next offer you two choices for setting up the design-time
■ Typical Installation
■ Custom Installation
Installing the Design-Time Components
The simplest and safest choice is Typical Installation. Selecting this option will
give you an automatic installation of an appropriate, workable set of the Forms
Developer components most commonly used.
After you select Typical Installation on this screen and click OK, the Oracle Installer
will handle the design-time environment installation process for you.
As the installation progresses, the installer may prompt you for instructions or
product locations. We recommend that you accept the default product locations.
A Custom Installation (explained in the next section) is more complex and requires
greater product knowledge. Choose this option only if you require this higher level
of control, and you have a good understanding of the Forms Developer
The Software Asset Manager dialog box also contains the following buttons:
Button Description
Exit Closes the Software Asset Manager and exits the Oracle
Options . . . Allows you to do the following:
■ Request confirmations before removing or installing
■ Receive detailed messages and prompts during various
phases of the Oracle Installer’s function
■ Record the Oracle Installer’s actions in a log file
View Log . . . Displays the Event Log. The Event Log displays installation
and configuration events in the Description Level you choose:
Summary, Brief, and Detail. You can store and retrieve logs and
save them to files.
By default, log files are stored in %ORACLE_
HOME%\ORAINST\ORAINST.LOG. If a log file from a previous
installation exists, it is renamed to ORAINST.OLG.
If you want to keep more than two log files (.LOG and .OLG),
rename the .OLG file so that it is not overwritten.
Restore Icons Restores Oracle product icons that were deleted.
Help Displays the online Help system.
Connecting to the Oracle Server
If you are setting up a runtime environment that will operate on the web (or any
3-tier environment), then you need to also install the Forms Developer Server
component. Instructions for doing so are in the manual Oracle Forms Server:
Deploying Forms Applications to the Web, A73071.
On the other hand, if you will be running your applications on client machines in a
client/server setup, follow the instructions below.
When installation is complete, exit the Oracle Installer and shut down and restart
Connecting to the Oracle Server
Create a TNSNAMES entry in the tnsnames.ora file. You can find the file in:
A default entry will look like this: =
(Host = )
(Port = )
For example, if you installed on a machine with a HOSTNAME of TEST, a SID
named ORA8I, on TCP/IP with port 1521, and an alias of NEW, then you would
create the following entry: =
(Host = TEST)
(Port = 1521)
If you manually created the entry, save and close the tnsnames.ora file.
The TNS listener must be up and running from the Oracle Server ORACLE_HOME.
You can now connect from Forms Developer to the local database instance of the
server using the DBSTRING as NEW. For example, you can connect as
Installing as an Upgrade
This chapter explains how to install Forms Developer Release 6i when you already
have a previous release of the product installed.
(Note that in earlier releases, the product was called Oracle Developer or
Developer/2000. )
There are two areas to consider:
■ Upgrading the product itself -- that is, installing this new version.
■ Upgrading your old applications -- that is, recompiling them with this new
version of the product.
CAUTION: Do not install or build the Oracle Developer database tables until you
run the appropriate upgrade script. If you have customized your product resource
(.RES) files (e.g., fmrusw.res), you should back these up files before upgrading.
To Upgrade:
Use the Oracle Installer to install the new version of the product from the CD. If
you are not familiar with this tool or the options, follow the instructions in the
previous chapter. (For this release, the Installer uses new options.)
Remember that if you are going to deploy applications to the web, you should also
install/upgrade the new version of the Forms Server, as well.
Server Considerations:
Both the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) style and the cartridge style of listener
are supported in Forms Developer Release 6i.
The Oracle WebDB Listener is provided on the Forms Developer CD, and is a
convenient choice, but any web server can be used.
If you are currently using Developer Release 6.0 and Oracle Application Server
(OAS) Release 4.0.7, and you want to continue using OAS with Forms Release 6i,
then you need to also install OAS Release 4.0.8. Be aware of the following
Upgrading Your Applications
■ You must install OAS 4.0.8 into a separate ORACLE_HOME from Forms
Developer 6i.
■ You must install OAS 4.0.8 into a separate ORACLE_HOME from OAS 4.0.7.
Do not overlay or deinstall 4.0.7.
There also are likely to be additional cartridge upgrade requirements if you install
OAS 4.0.8. See the Forms Developer Release Notes for the latest information.
If you want to run your old applications (applications that were created with a
version prior to Release 6) on this new version of the product, those applications
need to be recompiled after you have the new product version installed.
When upgrading applications, please keep the following in mind:
■ We strongly recommend that you make a backup of all modules before
beginning the conversion process.
■ In general, applications are upwards compatible. However, there are
occasionally minor differences in functionality.
See the sections New Features and Compatibility with Previous Releases in the
online help for specifics. Additional compatibility information can be found on
these websites:
Some of the functionality differences between releases can be controlled with
the Forms runtime compatibility option. Using that option is explained in the
online help.
■ Applications that were built with Release 1, 2, or 3 of Forms Developer cannot
be moved directly to this 6i release for recompile. Instead, you must first
recompile them with Release 4.0, 4.5, or 5.0. After that intermediate conversion,
you can then recompile them again on this release.
■ Forms Developer Release 6i includes a PL/SQL conversion utility for
converting modules based on PL/SQL version 1 or 2 to PL/SQL version 8,
which is the version this release is based on. If you are upgrading from a release
prior to Developer Release 2.0, you will need to convert all modules (Forms,
Reports, Graphics, and PL/SQL libraries) to the newer version of PL/SQL. The
conversion utility runs automatically whenever you open a module containing
PL/SQL version 1 or 2, allowing you to interactively perform the conversion.
The conversion can also be run automatically in batch mode.
See the online help in the Builders for more detailed information on the
PL/SQL conversion utility.
■ If you are upgrading applications that contain user exits and user-created DLLs,
those DLL files may need to be recompiled after recompiling your applications
with the new release.
Applications that make calls through the Forms Developer foreign function
interface (ORA_FFI package) to 16-bit DLLs will not work under Windows due
to an operating system incompatibility between 16-bit code and 32-bit
executables. The DLL must be recompiled/linked as a 32-bit DLL.
■ Applications that use VBX controls do not run properly under Windows
95/98/NT due to an operating system incompatibility between 16-bit VBX
controls and 32-bit executables. OCX/ActiveX controls are the equivalent for a
32-bit environment.
After you recompile your older applications with this release, they are eligible to be
deployed on the web.
For instructions, consult the manual Oracle Forms Server: Deploying Forms
Application to the Web, A73071. Information can also be found in the white paper
Migrating SQL* Forms Applications to Internet Computing, available on the website
If You Have to Deinstall
If at any time you need to back out or remove Forms Developer from your system,
it is strongly recommended that you use the Oracle Installer for that deinstall task.
The Oracle Installer is specifically designed to both install and deinstall Oracle
products. When deinstalling, it is important to remove all components and related
items. The Oracle Installer will automatically do this for you.
If for some reason you are not able to use the Oracle Installer to do the de-install,
then you need to be sure to also remove all the registry entries related to the
services created during the installation of Forms Developer, and to remove
ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE registry keys. (You can use the registry editor
provided with Windows for this task.)
5. Click Remove. If the products you select to deinstall affect other products,
Oracle Developer displays a confirmation prompt before de-installing.
NOTE: If you are not using the standard Windows application to control your
desktop (you are using Central Point PC Tools or Norton Desktop, for example), the
Oracle Installer may not remove program items correctly.
If you are going to reinstall Forms Developer after the deinstall, you will first need
to reboot the machine.
Setting Up Tables to Store Applications
You or your database administrator can set up tables in the database that will allow
application modules to be saved to the Oracle Server.
For Form Builder, and most of the other Builders, this is an optional step;
applications do not need to be saved in the server. However, for Translation Builder
and Schema Builder, these database tables are a requirement.
If they have the option, most customers choose to not store their applications in the
server, and they skip this step. Those who do choose to store applications in the
server usually do so for the benefits of centralized administrative control.
The following topics are included in this chapter:
■ Building the Database Tables
■ Proper Use of these Tables
■ Granting and Revoking User Access
■ Deleting the Database Tables
■ Upgrading the Database Tables
Creating database tables may require administrator privileges. Consult with your
database adminstrator if such authorization is required.
module currently stored in the database. Please see Section 5.5, "Upgrading the
Database Tables" on page 5-5 for instructions on upgrading existing database tables.
When you create applications with Forms Developer, you can either save your
modules as files or save them to the server. Saving modules to the server conserves
disk space on client machines and allows shared access to the modules, although
access to modules stored on the server can be slower than when they are stored as
files on the client machine. You may wish to consider the following information
when deciding where to store your modules.
Before users can save modules to the server, a system administrator must build
tables to accommodate the modules and grant access privileges to users who will
work with those tables.
5.1.1 Step 1: Installing the SQL scripts with the Oracle Installer
If you have not already done so, use the Oracle Installer to install the SQL scripts
needed to build and administer the Forms Developer database tables.
To install the SQL scripts:
1. Start the Oracle Installer and select Custom Installation or Removal from the
Forms Developer Installation Options dialog box. (Refer to Chapter 1 for more
information on the Oracle Installer.)
2. Select Forms Developer Database Tables from the Available Products list.
3. Click Install.
Installing these scripts creates a Start menu item called Forms Developer R6i
Admin and the associated submenu items Forms Developer Build, Drop, Grant,
and Revoke. These menu items, when selected, run a script or a series of scripts to
perform database administration tasks.
Granting and Revoking User Access
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each user to whom you want to grant access.
This menu item runs the following SQL script:
Upgrading the Database Tables
You can recognize the source files for application modules by their file extensions:
■ Form Builder: .FMB, .MMB, and .PLL files
■ Graphics Builder: .OGD files
■ Procedure Builder: .PLL files
■ Query Builder: .BRW and .SQL files
To back up a module:
1. Open the module in the appropriate Builder.
2. Save the module as an operating system file using the File→Save As command.
After you’ve upgraded from a previous version, you must once again grant user
access to the database tables. See Section 5.3 for information about how to do this.
What’s Next?
You’ve completed the installation of the Forms Developer product. What’s the next
Start familiarizing yourself with the features of this product, and learning how to
create forms applications.
A good place to begin is with the Quick Tour. This is included with the product CD,
and has now been installed and made available. (To access the Quick Tour, start
Form Builder, and on its Welcome screen, choose the option Run the Quick Tour.
You can also start the Quick Tour from the Help menu on any of the Builders.)
After completing the Quick Tour, move on to the detailed documentation in the
manuals and the online help topics.
You may also wish to install and examine the product demos (supplied on a
separate CD in your package). They offer another good source for learning about
the product.
Supplementary information is occasionally created for users of this product. You
can access this material (white papers, for example) on the Oracle Developer web-
sites at and
Numerics backing up, 5-5
building, 5-1
3-tier deployment, 1-4 deleting, 5-4
granting user access, 5-3
A installing SQL scripts, 5-2
revoking user access, 5-4
upgrading, 5-5
granting user access to database tables, 5-3
deinstallation, 4-1
revoking user access to database tables, 5-4
deinstalling, 4-1
demos, 1-2
upgrading, 3-3
deployment choice, 1-4
application recompile, 3-3
document prerequisites, vii
Application Server, 1-3
application storage, 5-1
B earlier releases, 1-4
backing out, 4-1
backup H
database tables, 5-5
hardware requirements, 1-2
help, online, 1-1
C http address, 6-1
CD contents, 1-1
client/server deployment, 1-4 I
compatibility, 6-2 installation
contents of CD, 1-1
installing SQL scripts, 5-2
Cue Cards, 1-1
custom installation, 2-3
D learning more, 6-1
database server, 1-3
database tables
M requirements
hardware, 1-2
manuals provided, 1-1 operating system, 1-2
memory requirements, 1-2
software, 1-3
Microsoft Windows, 1-2
Schema Builder storage, 5-1
new customer considerations, 2-1
send us your comments, v
new customers, 6-1 server connection, 2-5
notational conventions, vii server requirements, 1-3
Software Asset Manager, 2-3
O software provided, 1-1
software requirements, 1-3
ODBC servers, 1-3
old releases, 3-1
installing SQL scripts, 5-2
operating system requirements, 1-2
support products provided, 1-1
ORA directories, 3-2
Oracle Application Server (OAS), 1-3, 3-2
Oracle Installer T
starting, 2-1 tables
ORACLE_HOME considerations, 1-3
backing up, 5-5
Oracle8/8i, 1-3
building, 5-1
deleting database tables, 5-4
P granting user access to, 5-3
installing SQL scripts, 5-2
package contents, 1-1
revoking user access to, 5-4
Personal Oracle, 1-3
upgrading database tables, 5-5
tables for storing applications, 5-1
upgrade, 3-3
TNSNAMES entry, 2-6
prerequisites, vii
Translation Builder storage, 5-1
previous releases, 3-1
publications provided, 1-1
publications, related, viii U
uninstalling, 4-1
Q upgrade, 3-1
applications, 3-3
Quick Tour, 1-1
PL/SQL conversion utility, 3-3
upgrading from old release, 3-1
R url for more information, 6-1
RAM requirements, 1-2
recompiling old applications, 3-3 W
redeploying applications, 3-4
web deployment, 1-4
Release Notes, 1-1, 1-5
website, 6-1
removing products, 4-1
what’s new, 6-1
Windows systems supported, 1-2