Test Questionnaire (Ict)
Test Questionnaire (Ict)
Test Questionnaire (Ict)
“Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts, this is the secret of success”.
– Swami Sivananda
General Direction: This is a 60- item test, read each directions written in every type of test. Erasures and
alterations means wrong!
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. ICT is a tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage
Information. What is ICT stands for?
a. Information Communicating Technology
b. Information Communication Technologist
c. Information Communication Technology
d. Information Communicating Technologist
2. He developed the first Mechanical Computer named “Difference Engine”?
a. Charles Babbage c. Bill Gates
b. Mark Zuckerberg d. None of the above
3. It directs and controls the entire computer system and performs all arithmetic and logical operations. It is
also called as Brain of Computer?
a. CPU ( Central Processing Unit) c. Keyboard
b. Motherboard d. Monitor
4. It is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to 200 users simultaneously.
c. Mainframe Computer c. Microcomputer
d. Minicomputer d. Supercomputer
5. The most powerful computers in terms of performance and data processing. These are specialized to ask
specific computers used by large organizations.
a. Mainframe Computer c. Microcomputer
b. Minicomputer d. Supercomputer
6. It is a collection of independent and unorganized facts.
c. Information Processing System c. Information
d. Data d. Data Processing
7. It is the non-tangible part that tells the computer how to do its job.
a. Hardware c. Software
b. Hardware and Software d. Peopleware
8. Provides the real functionality of a computer. It helps you use your computer to do specific types of
a. Hardware c. Software
b. Application Software d. Peopleware
9. It contains the pre-programmed computer instructions such as the Basic Input Output System (BIOS).
a. Random Access Memory c. Read Only Memory
b. Motherboard d. Memory Unit
10. It is computer instructions or data, anything that can be stored electronically. Use to perform our task
both at the office and home.
a. Hardisks c. Software
b. Motherboard d. Hardware
11. It is commonly referred as Operating System. It plays a key role in computer systems. It is also responsible
for managing and controlling the activities and functions of computer hardware and application software.
a. Application Software c. Software
b. System software d. None of the Above
12. An electronic device for storing and processing data typically in binary form, according to instructions
given to it in a variable program.
a. Random Access Memory c. CPU
b. Computer d. Memory Unit
13. It stores data and information.
a. Input c. Store
b. Output d. Processing
14. A byte can be used to represent a single character, which can be the following except:
a. Character or symbol c. Number
b. Space d. All of the above
15. It is the software that is freely available to public but author has a copy right, means that you can only use
it, not sell it.
a. Application Software c. Open Source Software
b. Free ware d. Share Ware
16. It is the tangible part of a computer system.
a. Hardware c. Hardware and software
b. Software d. People ware
17. It is a computer designed to be used by one user at a time. It relates to microprocessor which is used for
the purpose of processing data and instruction codes.
a. Personal Computers c. Mainframe Computers
b. Supercomputers d. Minicomputer
18. A software which is sold in a bundle due to similar functions of programs.
a. Shareware d. Free ware
19. A software which is sold in a bundle due to similar functions of programs.
a. Application Software c. Package software
b. Shareware d. Free ware
20. A software which is sold in a bundle due to similar functions of programs.
a. Application Software c. Package software
b. Shareware d. Free ware
_____________________1. It consists of external devices by which we give information and instructions to the
_____________________2. It is the most powerful computers in terms of performance and data processing. It is also
used to study the universe like NASA and Satellites.
_____________________3. It is used to store the programs and data that you will run. Exists only when there is power.
_____________________4. A type of computer mouse that has a rubber or metal ball on its underside and it can roll
in every direction.
_____________________11. Card used to provide wireless Internet Access to computer users in home or roaming
_____________________12. A communication device between device and computer, loads every time in memory.
____________________13. It was the first widely installed operating system for personal computers.
_____________________ 14. A sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data) processed
as a single unit for information.
_____________________15. This type uses a laser for detecting the mouse's movement.
Directions: List down or enumerate what are asked for each of the following.
36. 40.
37. 41.
38. 42.
39. 43.
56-60. what are the impacts of Information and Communication Technology in your daily life and its importance to
our society?
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Secondary School Principal