Tongue Prosthesis PDF
Tongue Prosthesis PDF
Tongue Prosthesis PDF
Review Article
Rehabilitation of Glossectomy
Dentistry Section
Tongue is the only movable muscular organ without any bone in the human body. It has very important role in perception of taste and
sensations like touch, pressure, heat and cold. The purpose of the article is to review various types of tongue prosthesis and their clinical
applications. This review helps the clinician to choose the appropriate type of tongue prosthesis for different clinical situations, retention
of tongue prosthesis and material selection for each type of prosthesis. A broad search of published literature was performed using the
keyword glossectomy, glossal prosthesis and tongue prosthesis from 1980 to 2014 in Medline, Google scholar, internet and text book.
This review gives basic knowledge of glossal prosthesis and selection of the same for various clinical conditions.
1. Completely edentulous with total glossectomy [10] In edentulous patients, tongue prosthesis can be retained to either
Treatment: Mandibular denture lingual flange extending over the floor a mandibular or maxillary denture. Common problems associated
of the mouth with a mushroom with tongue prosthesis include lack of salivary control and loss of
shaped button attached to it on ability to maneuver food from the buccal vestibule. Therefore, it is
which, the silicon tongue can best to fabricate two prosthetic tongues, one for swallowing and 1
be placed [Table/Fig-1]. After a for speech [14].
total glossectomy the floor of A typical prosthetic tongue for speech is flat with wide anterior
the mouth becomes concave. elevation, which aids in articulation of linguo-alveolar sounds
Two prosthetic tongues can be (e.g., /t/, /d/). It also has a posterior elevation, which aids in
made, one for phonetics and the production of posterior linguo-
other for swallowing. The tongue alveolar sounds (e.g., /k/, /g/)
made for phonetics is somewhat and helps to shape the oral
flat, with a slightly wide anterior [Table/Fig-1]: Tongue prosthesis for cavity for improved vowel
elevation to aid in articulation of swallowing. productions [14].
linguo-alveolar sounds `t` and `d` The tongue prosthesis made
and to aid in shaping the oral cavity for improved vowel production. for swallowing had a trough in
The tongue for swallowing is made with a trough in the posterior its posterior slope to guide the [Table/Fig-5]: Tip of the tongue pros
aspect to guide the food bolus entery into the oropharynx. food bolus into the oropharynx. thesis (silicone).
A speech pathologist and a
2. Completely edentulous with total glossectomy and dietitian should monitor the
hemi-mandibulectomy. patients who have had a glossectomy [14] [Table/Fig-5].
Treatment 1: Mandible is reconstructed with bone graft and B. Two piece tongue
rehabilitated with implant retained
Impressions are made with alginate using a maxillary tray for
overdenture is made with tongue
mandibular arch in order to record the floor of the mouth properly.
prosthesis [11]. [Table/Fig-2].
The base of the mandibular denture extends over the floor of the
Treatment 2: Maxillary complete
denture and mandibular complete
denture with guiding flange which
will close the defect [Table/Fig-3].
Loss of continuity of the mandible
affects the balance of the lower
face and leads to deviation of
the residual segment toward the
resected side to aid in shaping [Table/Fig-2]: Tongue prosthesis for
speech. [Table/Fig-6]: Mushroom type retention; [Table/Fig-7]: Tongue prosthesis.
the oral cavity for improved vowel
Long chain molecules composed of alternating chain of silicone and
oxygen atoms. The extraordinary properties of silicones are due
to the special characteristics of the silicon oxygen bonds in their
backbone. Because the silicon oxygen bond is much stronger than
the carbon-carbon bond of organic polymers, silicones make better
electric insulators and are more resistant to oxidation. Two types of
silicone are RTV and HTV (According to vulcanising temperature)
[Table/Fig-8]: Maxillary denture with palatal augmentation prosthesis; [18].
[Table/Fig-9]: Mandibular denture with wax pattern.
RTV – Silicone (Silastic 382, Silastic 399)
mouth. A “mushroom like” button is made on the mandibular They set by condensation polymerisation in which stannous
prosthesis so that a silicone tongue can be placed over it [10] octate is the catalyst; Ortho-alkyl Silicate is cross linking agent.
[Table/Fig-6,7]. The advantages are, allows intrinsic colouration, easy handling,
C. Prosthesis Attached to Maxillary Denture-Palatal Augmentation quick processing, good thermal and colour stability and inert. The
Prosthesis disadvantages are they have weak edge strength, zipper effect,
The Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis (PAP) has been defined by the poor tear strength, high specific gravity, stiff, poor wettability [19].
Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms as a palatal prosthesis that allows
reshaping of the hard palate to improve tongue/palate contact Silicone (MDX 4-4210)
during speech and swallowing because of impaired tongue mobility Most commonly used material for maxillofacial prosthesis. It
as a result of surgery, trauma, or neurologic/motor deficits [15]. The requires heat for vulcanization. It is highly viscous, white and
palatal augmentation prosthesis is used to restore impaired speech opaque. It is available as one or two component in which platinum
and swallowing in glossectomy [Table/Fig-8] patients by artificially salts (for addition polymerisation) and Hydro-methylsiloxane for
lowering the palatal vault to provide contact between the remaining cross-linking. It requires advanced equipment for processing and
tongue and the palatal contours [15]. The function of the residual it has better physical properties. It exhibits improved qualities
tongue is recorded with softened modeling compound. The patient relating to colouration and edge strength, not heavily filled, making
is asked to repeat the linguo-velar sounds and the linguo-alveolar. it translucent, increased elongation and resistant to tear. Surface
The compound gets moulded accordingly and then the denture is characterization can be achieved with pigments immersed in a silicon
processed. Modification if acceptable speech articulation is attained adhesive. Superior cosmetic results are achieved with this material.
for most elements of speech except the linguo-alveolar fricatives The advantages are excellent thermal stability, colour stablity with
`s` and `t`, for which another modification can be done. A narrow, UV, superior strength, biologically inert, polychromatic and it has
sharp groove carved in the midline of the palatal prosthesis can, by good tear strength. The disadvantages are low edge strength, poor
directing the air stream, improve the production of these sounds wettability, low elasticity, require two roll milling machine for intrinsic
[16]. colouring and metal molds for processing. Also, extrinsic colouring
is difficult [20].
Techniques [17] The material used to fabricate tongue prosthesis is silicone
Wax up for the tongue prosthesis was done on the auto-polymerized which. has several advantages. (i) single component, (ii) ready to
acrylic resin record bases, which was done like the shape of a tongue use, (iii) eliminating mixing errors, (iv) easy processing, (v) can be
that conforms to oral cavity dimensions with rounded edges [Table/ polymerized simultaneously with acrylic, (vi) stands the influences of
Fig-9]. The tongue tip was arched downwards to approximately a oral environment without deterioration, (vii) non-irritant (viii) odourless
15-degree angle, and the entire pattern was then arched slightly and tasteless [2].
to form the highest point at the anterior one third of the tongue.
Wax pattern was then folded to form a wide central V-shaped angle Discussion
(approximately 160 degrees). The thickness of the wax was reduced Tongue is the major articulator during the production of all
4 to 5mm at the base and the posterior two thirds of the tongue. phonemes except bilabial, labio-dentals and glottal sounds. Tongue
movements modify the shape of the oral cavity and change the
Materials Used for Tongue Prosthesis resonance characteristics that produce different consonants [2]. The
coordination of the muscle and nerve is impaired in glossectomy
Acrylic Resin patients even after reconstruction by flap [21].
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) resin is the material of choice in When a patient undergoes a partial on total glossectomy, the ability
the past. It is easy to work with acrylic resin and it is, hygienic, to masticate, swallow and formulate vowels and consonants for
durable and easily matches to skin colour. It has many advantages speech sounds is dramatically altered. The size, location and extent
like, intrinsic and extrinsic colouration can be done easily with of the defect affect the degree of disability to swallow or speak. The
acrylic resin. Strength of this is material is high compared to areas of surgical resection that affects function of the tongue include
silicone. Alterations can be easily done and compatible with most removal of the anterior tip of the tongue, lateral (partial) glossectomy,
adhesive systems, heat PMMA preferred over the auto polymerizing removal of the base of the tongue and total glossectomy [22]. Moore
PMMA (Presence of free toxic tertiary amines). The colour stability (1972) suggested that tongue prosthesis as the treatment of choice
when exposed to UV light is better in heat polymerized resin. in total glossectomy. This approach seldom restores the function of
Also, it remains serviceable for up to two years. Surface colour speech and small; it is mostly cosmesis [23].
applications can be easily done and lasts for longer periods. It has
Artificial tongue prosthesis may be either hard or resilient acrylic
some disadvantages like rigidity, cannot be used in movable tissue
which is attached to the lower denture base, which covers the
beds which leads to local discomfort and exposure of margins and
alveolar ridge as well as floor of the mouth. The artificial tongue is
high thermal conductivity which may precipitate discomfort in cold
designed such a way that the dorsum of the anterior two third of
climates. Duplication of the prostheses is not possible because
the tongue conforms to the anterior part of the palate and comes in
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1. Professor and Head of Deptartment, Deptartment of Prosthodontics, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India.
2. Reader, Deptartment of Prosthodontics, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India.
3. Post Graduate Student, Deptartment of Prosthodontics, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India.
4. Post Graduate Student, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India.