Greening Technical VET and Skills Development PDF
Greening Technical VET and Skills Development PDF
Greening Technical VET and Skills Development PDF
The green transition will bring new employment opportunities but will also
alter existing jobs. In order to avoid high social costs and, at the same time,
to tap the employment potential of green jobs, TVET needs to anticipate United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
and respond to skill changes needed for successful careers in low-carbon Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix - 1211 Geneva 10
economies. TVET systems need to prepare their learners for being responsible
and well informed producers and consumers, and for being able to act competently, creatively and as
agents for sustainability in their workplaces and in society at large.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix - 1211 Geneva 10
Investment in TVET and skills development initiatives needed for the green transition enhances Switzerland
environmental awareness, competency, innovation and entrepreneurship, and thus opens new market
opportunities for environmental goods and services, promotes green innovation and green growth,
and puts our world on a more sustainable development path. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UN Campus, Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10
Interagency Cooperation for Greening TVET and 53113 Bonn, Germany
Skills Development
The Interagency Working Group brings together expertise from a wide rage of international
organizations working in the field of TVET, skills development and the green transformation of the
society and economy.
The Working Group is convinced that a collaborative effort is required for meeting the challenges
involved in greening TVET and skills development.
The Working Group advocates international partnership and cooperation/collaboration for promoting
the necessary capacities in TVET and skills development for allowing a rapid and equitable shift to Interagency Working Group’s Initiatives
greener economies and more sustainable societies.
Copyrights of used pictures:
The Working Group supports initiatives for greening TVET and skills development by raising awareness, © ILO/M. Crozet, A. Mirza, J. Maillard
providing advocacy, sharing and disseminating good practices, knowledge and expertise, and works © The Asia Foundation
under the umbrella of the Interagency Group on TVET. Graphic Design by Eveline Wolf/The netherlands
The European Training Foundation (ETF): The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop): Asian Development Bank (ADB):
Skills for Green Jobs and Sustainable Development in Partner Countries Contribution to a more Resource-efficient and Sustainable Europe Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs
The ETF is a European Union agency and assists its 31 partner countries in developing Cedefop is helping the European Commission, the EU Member States and the social partners to identify ADB is committed to support its Developing Member Countries achieve higher, sustainable
their vocational education and training systems. The ETF helps partner countries to present and future skill needs and skill mismatches so that they can develop the right VET policies for Europe. and inclusive growth. The ADB’s ‘Education by 2020 – a Sector Operations Plan’, seeks
This includes investigating the skills needed for the transition to a more resource-efficient and sustainable to promote new and innovative approaches to improving the quality and relevance of
highlight the important role of vocational education and training for sustainable
education, particularly in the context of employability and jobs..
development and to support activities towards the systemic integration of sustainable economy. Cedefop does this by analysing the expected impact of environmental and climate change policies
development issues in education policies and practices. For meeting the demands of on the future demand for skills in and across sectors, in this way providing insights that will contribute to
ADB will implement a research and development technical assistance project from
sustainable development, responding to the challenges of climate change and for using effective training and education policies. Key projects in this area are: 2012-14 to strengthen the readiness of education and training institutions to respond
the opportunities contained in the transformation to low-carbon economies the ETF effectively to green growth strategies and implementation of climate change
provides support in the following areas: » Skills for Green Jobs: European Report (2010-11); commitments. The project will cover India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam and
will lead to improved knowledge and enhanced capacity in developing countries
» Promotion of competences for sustainable development: » Supporting vocational schools in becoming agents
» Green Skills and Environmental Awareness in VET (2012); to create an adequate skills base to serve green jobs. It will help to assess the
» Provision of methods of identification, forecasting and for local sustainable development: » Skills for a Low Carbon Europe (2012-13). demand for skills and training for green occupations in selected industries and
lead to recommendations for policy and strategy options for governments to
provision of skills for green jobs: » Capacity building and policy learning in greening For more information: strengthen skills training systems.
VET through indicators.
For more information:
For more information
International Labour Organization (ILO): Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
Anticipation and development of skills for green jobs Green Growth Strategy
The ILO is a specialized UN agency which promotes decent work for all women and men. It The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences
supports skills anticipation and development to facilitate the transition to a green economy and and seek solutions to common problems. The OECD Green Growth Strategy provides
to seize the employment potential that the transition entails. The ILO has built a large body of recommendations to help governments to identify the policies that can help achieve the most
research to inform tripartite decision-making and provides policy advice, methodological guidance efficient shift to greener growth. Work on greening jobs and skills aims to help strengthen initial
and technical assistance in skills identification and provision to effectively deal with the coming education and vocational training, support a smooth reallocation of workers from declining to
structural change and transformation of existing jobs. The ILO has produced the following outputs: growing sectors and minimise skill bottlenecks. Key work:
» Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View; » Measuring the local potential of Green Growth;
» Skills and Occupational Needs in Renewable Energy; » OECD-CEDEFOP Forum on Green Skills;
» Skills and Occupational Needs in Green Building; » Improving the effectiveness of green local development initiatives;
» Comparative Analysis of Methods of Identification of Skills Needs on the Labour » Greening Jobs and Skills: Labour Market Implications of Addressing
Market in Transition to the Low Carbon Economy; Climate Change.
» Policy brief “Greening the Global Economy: The Skills Challenge” and several
research briefs. For more information:
UNESCO-UNEVOC: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR):
Promoting learning for the world of work Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development Investing in People and Learning
The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational
In 2005 Ministers of Environment and Education adopted the UNECE Strategy for ESD. The Strategy UNITAR conducts research on knowledge systems and delivers innovative training to increase
Education and Training (TVET) assists UNESCO Member States strengthen and
is a practical tool that supports the UNECE Member States to incorporate key themes of sustainable the capacity of its beneficiaries to respond to constantly evolving global challenges. UNITAR
upgrade their TVET systems. It is UNESCO’s specialized Centre for TVET and the
development in all forms of education. The Strategy constitutes the regional implementation pillar of contributions in the area of green learning and skills development include hosting the Secretariat
hub of a worldwide Network of TVET institutions, the UNEVOC Network. In the
the UN Decade on ESD and is implemented in close cooperation with UNESCO. At its 7th meeting, the of UN CC: Learn, and delivering e-learning courses on the Green Economy, together with the
light of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development,
Steering Committee of the UNECE Strategy for ESD underscored that Reorienting TVET to be in support of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UN CC: Learn is a One UN Initiative of 32
UNESCO-UNEVOC places an emphasis on integrating education for sustainable
sustainable development and transitioning to green economies is a priority action area for implementation multi-lateral partners which supports Member States in designing and implementing
development into TVET through its programme activities and publications. UNESCO-
phase III (2011 – 2015). The Strategy promotes the reorientation of TVET by: results-based and sustainable learning to address climate change, including TVET. UN CC: Learn
UNEVOC supports national, regional and international initiatives in implementing
the greening TVET agenda and advocates for and mobilizes multilateral and bilateral has three Programme Areas:
support to greening TVET. Through the Network of over 280 UNEVOC Centres worldwide, » supporting capacity building activities, in particular as regards educator
» competences in ESD; » Knowledge-Sharing and Management;
promotes and supports better accessibility to and quality of TVET
» ensuring that adequate tools and materials for ESD are accessible;
» Development of a One UN Training Package on Climate Change;
for the achievement of Education for All,
» strengthening cooperation on ESD at all levels within the UNECE region.
» supports the transformation of TVET towards sustainable development, and Country Pilot Projects to Strengthen Human Resources and Skills to
» strengthens the capacity of the global UNEVOC Network to integrate and For more information: Advance Green, Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development.
implement education for sustainable development. For more information: and
For more information: