M.tech - Communication Engineering and Signal Processing
M.tech - Communication Engineering and Signal Processing
M.tech - Communication Engineering and Signal Processing
Communication engineering and Signal processing applications have been rapidly growing
and evolving over the past few years. Ubiquitous communication is becoming a necessity for
the society. The proposed M.Tech. Program is designed to offer not only in-depth theoretical
knowledge in the area of Communications, Signal Processing, and Wireless Networks, but
also system modeling and integration aspects emphasizing overall system behavioral studies
in a laboratory. Such courses are unique and fall in-line with the requirements from the
industries. At the end of the programme the student achieves the ability to identify pressing
research issues and research directions in Communications, Signal Processing, and Wireless
First Semester
Type Course L T P Cr
MA612 FC Mathematical Foundations for Communication
3 0 0 3
CE602 FC Signal Processing-I 3 0 1 4
ES612 FC Embedded Systems Programming 3 0 1 4
CE611 SC Digital Communication 3 0 0 3
CE612 SC RF Circuits and Systems 3 1 0 4
CE613 SC Seminar 0 0 1 1
HU601 HU Cultural Education* P/F
Credits 19
*Non-credit course
Second Semester
Type Course L T P Cr
CE603 FC Estimation and Detection Theory 3 0 0 3
CE614 SC Signal Processing-II 3 0 0 3
CE615 SC Wireless Communication Theory 3 0 1 4
CE616 SC Modeling and Simulation of Communication Systems 3 0 1 4
E Elective I 3 0 0 3
CE617 SC Communication Systems Lab 0 0 2 2
EN600 HU Technical Writing* P/F
Credits 19
*Non-credit course
Third Semester
Type Course L T P Cr
E Elective II 3 0 0 3
E Elective III 3 0 0 3
CE799 P Dissertation 10
Credits 16
Fourth Semester
Type Course L T P Cr
CE799 P Dissertation 12
Credits 12
Total Credits 66
List of Courses
Foundation Core
Course L T P Cr
MA612 Mathematical Foundations for Communication Engineering 3 0 0 3
CE602 Signal Processing-I 3 0 1 4
CE603 Estimation and Detection Theory 3 0 0 3
ES612 Embedded Systems programming 3 0 1 4
Subject Core
Course L T P Cr
CE611 Digital Communication 3 0 0 3
CE612 RF Circuits and Systems 3 1 0 4
CE613 Seminar 0 0 1 1
CE614 Signal Processing-II 3 0 0 3
CE615 Wireless Communication Theory 3 0 1 4
CE616 Modeling and Simulation of Communication Systems 3 0 1 4
CE617 Communication Systems Lab 0 0 2 2
Course L T P Cr
CE701 Broadband Communication Networks 3 0 0 3
CE702 Information Theory and Coding 3 0 0 3
CE703 Millimeter Wave Communication Systems 3 0 0 3
CE704 Multiuser Detection 3 0 0 3
CE705 Multicarrier Communications 3 0 0 3
CE706 Optical Communications and Networks 3 0 0 3
CE707 Planar Antenna Systems Design 3 0 0 3
CE708 Performance Analysis of Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
CE709 Security and Cryptography 3 0 0 3
CE710 Software Defined Radio 3 0 0 3
CE711 Vehicular Communications and Networks 3 0 0 3
CE712 Wireless Networks and Protocols 3 0 0 3
CE713 Radar Systems 3 0 0 3
CE714 RF Trans-Receiver System Design 3 0 0 3
CE715 Satellite Communication System Design 3 0 0 3
CE716 Array Signal Processing 3 0 0 3
CE717 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 3 0 0 3
CE718 Computational Intelligence Techniques 3 0 0 3
CE719 Convex Optimization 3 0 0 3
CE720 Image and Video processing 3 0 0 3
CE721 Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
CE722 Multimedia Processing and Coding 3 0 0 3
CE723 Multirate Signal Processing for Communication Systems 3 0 0 3
CE724 Speech and Audio Processing 3 0 0 3
Project Work
Course L T P Cr
CE799 Dissertation 10
CE799 Dissertation 12
Matrices and vectors – inverse and transpose – vector spaces – subspaces – linear
independence – basis and dimension – orthogonal vectors and subspaces – matrix
decompositions – QR decomposition- Singular value decomposition – Eigen values – Eigen
vectors – Diagonalization of matrix. Introduction to Optimization - linear optimization –
unconstrained optimization – constrained optimization – nonlinear optimization. Introduction
to Probability concepts- Two dimensional jointly distributed random variables, stochastic
random variables, convergence and limit theorems, multi variant probability distribution
covariance, and regression models. Bayesian methods of estimation. Random process, power
spectrum, discrete time process, spectrum estimation, Markov chains introduction.
C-Data types, Operators and Expressions, Control Flow, Arrays and pointers, Storage Class,
Structure and union, Functions, Stacks and Queues, linked list, doubly linked list-
Implementation of stacks and queues using arrays and linked lists. Embedded C- Introduction
to Embedded systems. Embedded C- Programming and examples, Compiling, Linking,
Downloading and Debugging, Interrupts and exceptions, RTOS. Software process models-
Software Specification, UML use cases, class diagrams, Finite State Machines-Architecture
Styles-Software Design-Design qualities- Structure chart, UML diagrams for design-Testing
and verification – Software Estimation-Software Configuration Management.
Statistical signal processing –Linear signal models, Spectrum estimation - Optimum linear
filters – Least squares filtering and prediction- Adaptive filters-Principles of adaptive filters –
Least squares adaptive filters - Wiener filters - Dynamic adaptive filtering-Kalman filters -
Noise suppression- Particle filtering - Detection of signals in noise.
1. Dimitris G Manolakis, Vinay K Ingle and Stephen M Kogon, Statistical and Adaptive
Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2000.
2. Monson H. Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 1996.
3. Simon O Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
4. Don H Johnson, Statistical Signal Processing, Lecture Notes, Rice University, 2013.
5. Ali H Sayed, Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, First Edition, John Wiley.2003.
Wireless Channel Models- Path loss and Shadowing models, Statistical fading models,
Narrow band and wideband fading models, Review of performance of digital modulation
schemes over wireless channels –Diversity- Performance gains- Combining methods -
performance analysis for Rayleigh fading channels, Transmit Diversity-Cellular Networks-
Multiple Access, Spatial reuse, Co-channel interference analysis- Hand-off, Improving
capacity - Cell splitting and sectorization. Spread spectrum and CDMA- Rake Receiver-
Performance analysis, Interference and, Capacity -Capacity of Wireless Channels- Capacity
of flat and frequency selective fading channels –Introduction to multicarrier modulation and
MIMO technology.
1. Fred Halsall, Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison-
Wesley, 1996.
2. Haendel and Retal, ATM Networks Concepts, Protocols, Applications, Addison-Wesley,
3. Peterson, L. and Davie B, Computer Networks, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
4.Douglas H. Morais, Fixed Broadband Wireless Communications: Principles and Practical
Applications (paperback), First Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
5. Regis J. Bates, Wireless Broadband Handbook, First Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional,
1. Shu Lin and Daniel J.Costello, Error Control Coding –Fundamentals and Applications,
Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
2. A. Neubauer, J. Freudenberger and V. Kuhn, Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures
and Applications, Wiley, 2007.
3. Richard E. Blahut, Algebraic Codes for Data Transmission, Cambridge University Press,
4. Richard B. Wells, Applied Coding and Information Theory for Engineers, Pearson
Education, LPE, First Indian Reprint, 2004.
5. R.H. Marelos-Zaragoza, The Art of Error Correcting Coding, Second Edition, Wiley,
6. W.C. Huffman and V. Pless, Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes, Cambridge, 2003.
Millimeter Wave (MMW) characteristics - 60 GHz MMW Case Study and Technical
Challenges - Channel performance at 60 GHz - ITU Indoor Path Loss Model - Log Distance
Path Loss Model - Link Budget- Development of MMW standards - Coexistence With
Wireless Backhaul. Modulation Schemes for MMW communications- PSK - OFDM. MMW
Transceiver architecture. MMW Antennas- Path Loss and Antenna Directivity - Antenna
Beam width - Beam steering Antenna- Need for MIMO – Channel Capacity of SISO and
MIMO Systems - Water-filling algorithm- Spatial Diversity of Antenna Arrays - Multiple
Antennas - Multiple Transceivers - Noise Coupling in a MIMO System - Potential Benefits of
Advanced Diversity for MMW- Spatial And Temporal Diversity - Spatial and Frequency
Diversity - Dynamic Spatial, Frequency and Modulation Allocation - Advanced Beam
steering and Beam forming -The Need for Beam steering/Beam forming.
1. Ye (Geoffrey) Li and Gordon L. Stuber, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for
Wireless Communications,, Springer,
Springer 2006
2. Ramjee Prasad, OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems, Artech House, 2004
3. Bahai, Saltzberg and Ergen, Multi-Carrier
Carrier Digital Communications, Theory and
Applications of OFDM, Second Edition, Springer, 2004.
4. Henrik Schulze and Christian Lueders, Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA
Communications John Wiley and Sons, 2005
Wideband Wireless Communications,
Review of radiation principles, Radiation from transmission lines, planar transmission lines
Microstrip Radiators - Radiation Field - Surface Waves - Rectangular Microstrip Antenna-
Models for Rectangular Patch Antenna - Design Considerations for Rectangular, Quarter-
wave shorted, Circular Disk and Ring Antennas. Microstrip Slot Antennas: Microstrip-Fed
Rectangular Slot Antennas. CPW-Fed Slot Antennas. Circularly Polarized Microstrip
Antennas and Techniques - Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques - Broad-Banding of
Microstrip Antennas - Effect of Substrate Parameters on Bandwidth - Selection of Suitable
Patch Shape - Selection of Suitable Feeding Technique.
1. Jeffrey H Reed, Software Radio: A Modern Approach to Radio Engineering, Prentice Hall
PTR, 2002.
2. Johnson, C.R. and W.A. Sethares, Telecommunication Breakdown: Concepts of
Communication Transmitted via Software-Defined Radio, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
3. Tony J. Rouphael, RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-
Standard Multi-Mode Approach, Elsevier Inc., 2009.
4. Walter Tuttlebee, Software Defined Radio: Origins, Drivers and International
Perspectives, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2002.
Introduction to Wireless Networks and Protocols: Wireless networks, History, Standards and market
issues, Evolution and trends on wireless networking (Wireless local area network – WLAN); Wireless
Networks Concepts and Systems: WLAN, Project IEEE 802.11, Architecture, components, and
protocols, Mobility concepts and management; Physical and MAC Layer Characteristics and
Protocols: Physical layer characteristics and technologies, MAC Layer Protocol such as DCF, PCF;
Routing in Wireless Networks (Ad Hoc Networks and WSNs), Transport Layer protocols and
Security: Routing and Transport layer protocols in WLANs, Security and Privacy. Wireless
Technology and Standards: Bluetooth, ZigBee etc.; Quality of service: Characterization and model.
1. Yi-Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac, Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures, Wiley,
2. C. Siva Murthy and B. Manoj, Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Architectures and Protocols,
Prentice Hall, 2004
3. Chai K Toh, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems, Prentice Hall,
4. Subir Kumar Sarkar, T.G. Basavaraju and C. Puttamadappa, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless
Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications, Auerbach Publications, Taylor and
Francis Group, 2007
Linear systems and transformations – Frequency response of LTI systems – Band pass to low
pass equivalent mapping and Hilbert transformations – Representation of memory less non-
linear systems – Noise and random process – Noise figure and noise temperature – Sampling
theory and sampling process – Jitter effects – Pulse shaping techniques – Inter symbol
interference – RAKE receiver – Super heterodyne architecture – Direct conversion – Design
considerations – Receiver system design parameters – devices in receiver design –
Performance evaluation of transmitter power and accuracy – Modulation accuracy – AGC
and power management.
1. QizhengGu, RF System Design of Transceiver for Wireless Communications, Springer
Science and Business Media, 2005.
2. Thomas H Lee, The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits, Cambridge
University Press, 2012.
3. David M Pozar, Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems, John Wiley and Sons,
1. Forsyth and Ponce, Computer Vision –A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. Marco Treibler, An Introduction to Object Recognition Selected Algorithms for a Wide
Variety of Application, Springer, 2010.
3. Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh and Steve Jost, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,
Prentice Hall India Private Limited, 2003.
4. Christopher M Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2006.
Introduction - linear algebra fundamentals - Solving linear equations with factored matrices -
Block elimination and Schur complements -Convex sets - Convex functions - examples -
Classes of Convex Problems - Linear optimization problems - Quadratic optimization
problems - Geometric programming - Vector optimization -Reformulating a Problem in
Convex Form - Lagrange Duality Theory and KKT Optimality Conditions - Interior-point
methods- Primal and Dual Decompositions-Applications
1. Stephen Boyd and LievenVandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge University
Press, 2004
2. Daniel Palomar, Convex Optimization in Signal Processing and Communications,
Cambridge University Press, 2009
3. Dimitri P Bertsekas, Convex Optimization Theory, Athena Scientific, 2009
1. Yao Wang Joern Osterman and Ya-Qin Zhang, Video Processing and Communications,
Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. MihaelaVBan der schaar and Philip chou, Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks:
Compression, Networking, and Systems, Academic press, 2000.
3. Mohammed Ghanbari, Standard Codecs: Image Communication to Advanced Video
Coding, IEEE UK, 2003
4. Special Issues on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery, Proceedings of IEEE, January
Speech analysis-source filter modeling - speech sounds - lip radiation - linear prediction -
lattice filters - Levinson-Durbin recursion, Feature extraction for speech processing-short
term Fourier transform-wavelets -cepstrum, sinusoidal and harmonic representations -mel
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) - perceptual linear prediction (PLP) –mel filter bank
energies, use of temporal patterns (TRAPS) in speech processing, Principles of speech coding
-main characteristics of a speech coder - key components of a speech coder - from predictive
coding to CELP - Improved CELP coders - wide band speech coding, audio-visual speech
coding, Speech synthesis-Linguistic processing - acoustic processing - training models
automatically - text pre-processing, grapheme to phoneme conversion – rule based and
decision tree approaches - syntactic prosodic analysis, prosodic analysis - speech signal
modeling, Principles of speech recognition-Hidden Markov models (HMM) for acoustic
modeling - observation probability and model parameters - HMM as probabilistic automata -
Viterbi algorithm - Language models - n-gram language modeling and difficulties with the
evaluation of higher order n-grams and solutions, spoken language identification –
approaches, acoustic, phonetic, LVCSR based – Introduction to speaker recognition, DET,
EER, Cost function, weighted error rate and HTER.
1. Joseph Mariani (Ed), Language and Speech Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
2. Lawrence R Rabiner and Ronald W Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Pearson
Education, 2003.
3. Thomas F. Quatieri cloth, Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and
Practice, Prentice Hall Inc, 2008.
4. B. Gold and N. Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception
of Speech and Music, Wiley, 2000.
5. Xuedong Huang, Alex Acero and Hsiao-Wuen Hon, Spoken Language Processing, A
Guide to Theory, Algorithm and System Development, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey,
USA, 2001.