Engineering Academy: Branch: Mechanical Engineering ESE-Offline Test Series - 2015 (Conventional-9) Solutions

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TEST ID: 409

Engineering Academy
Hyderabad | Delhi | Bhopal |Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati
Branch: Mechanical Engineering
ESE-Offline Test Series– 2015 (Conventional- 9) Solutions

01(a). 01(b).
Sol: Since this is an assignment problem with 5
contractors and 4 roads, a dummy road ‘R5’
with zero cost of repairing for each
Diameter of roll = 350 mm,
contractor is introduced to make the problem
Initial thickness of strip, ti = 2.5 mm,
Final thickness of strip, tf = 2 mm
 = 0.05 Step 01:
Average shear yield stress, 0 = 180 MPa Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
Location of Neutral plane is given by Contractor
t  tf  C1 9 14 19 15 0
 n  f tan n 
 C2 7 17 20 19 0
R  2 R  C3 9 18 21 18 0
Where, C4 10 12 18 19 0
11 t   C5 10 15 21 16 0
 n   ln f    i 
2    ti  
Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
R  R 
Where,  i  2 tan 1   i 
tf t C1 2 2 1 0 0
 f 
C2 0 5 2 4 0
i = subtended angle by work zone.
C3 2 6 3 3 0
t 0.5
tan  i   C4 3 0 0 4 0
R 175 C5 3 3 3 1 0
i = 3.059
i = 0.0534 radians Step 02: Draw minimum straight lines to cover all
175  175  zeros.
i  2 tan 1   0.0534  = 8.666
2  2  Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
1 1  2   Contractor
 n   ln   8.666  C1 2 2 1 0 0
2  0.05  2.5  
C2 0 5 2 4 0
= 2.101
C3 2 6 3 3 0
2  2.101 2 
n  tan 

C4 3 0 0 4 0
175  2 175  C5 3 3 3 1 0
 n = 0.012 rad
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Step 03. Smallest uncovered number is then Road Contractor Cost (Rs in lakh)
subtracted from uncovered numbers R1 To C2 7
added to numbers at intersection of two R2 To C4 12
lines. R3 To C1 19
R4 To C5 16
Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R5 To C3 0
Total = 54
C1 2 2 1 0 1
C2 0 5 2 4 1
(ii) Since total cost exceeds Rs 50 lakh, the
C3 1 5 2 2 0
excess amount of Rs. 4 lakh (= 54  50) is to
C4 3 0 0 4 1
be sought as supplementary grant.
C5 2 2 2 0 0
(iii) Contractor C3 who has been assigned the
dummy row (R5 road) loses out in the bid.
Step 04. Return to step 2. Cover all zeros since 01(c).
the number of lines is 4, the optimality
criteria is not satisfied. Sol:
(i) Lay:
Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Lay or directionality is the direction of the
Contractor predominant surface pattern and is usually
C1 1 1 0 0 1 visible to the naked eye.
C2 0 5 2 5 2 The different types of lays are as
C3 0 4 1 2 0 (i) Parallel lay (=)
C4 3 0 0 5 2 (ii) Perpendicular lay ( )
C5 1 1 1 0 0 (iii) Crossed lay ( )
(iv) Multidirectional lay (M)
(v) Circular lay (C)
Step 05. Return to step 3. All rows and columns
(vi) Radial lay (R)
have single allocation and hence
optimally criteria is satisfied.
(ii) Cut off Length:
Road R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Cut off length is one in which measurement
Contractor of roughness is being carried out or the
C1 1 1 0 0 1 distance that the styles travels. The rule of
C2 0 5 2 5 2 thumb is that the cut off must be large enough
C3 0 4 1 2 0 to include 10 to 15 roughness irregularities as
C4 3 0 0 5 2 well as surface waviness.
C5 1 1 1 0 0
(iii) hrms = root mean square value of surface
 (p 2  p 2  p 2  .........  p 2 )  ( v 2  v 2  v 2  .........  v 2 ) 
The total minimum cost (in lakh rupees) and Ra   1 2 3 n 1 2 3 n 
 2n 
optimal assignment made are shown in adjoining.  
= 1.1 Ra

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(iv) Roughness: hi 100

Df  Df   160 2 
2 2
Roughness is defined as closed spaced, hf 50
irregular deviations on a scale smaller than
Df = 226.274 mm
that of waviness. Roughness is expressed in
termo of it's height, its width, and its distance  Rf = 113.137 mm
on the surface along which if is measured. h  1 
Sticking Radius, R s  R  n  
2  3 
(v) CLA (Center Line Average)(Ra) : this is
50  1 
also called as average surface roughness  113.137  n  
value. This is the primary parameter and it is 2  0.15  3  0.15 
the average of the heights of irregularities. =  111.49
So no sticking.
Forging stress in non-sticking Zone is given
( R r )
Pr   0 e n

flow curve equation,

0 = f = 1060 0.15
h 
 - true strain = n  i 
With reference to the above fig.  hf 
 (p  p 2  p 3  .........  p n )  ( v1  v 2  v 3  .........  v n ) 
R a   1   100 
 2n 
= n  
 500 
1  0 = 1060  (0.693)0.15
Ra =   hx. dx 
L  = 1003.265 MPa
  areas above   areas below 1000 1  20.15
R a      50  (113.13  r)
 L vertical mag. harizantal mag. 
  Pr = 1003.265 e
The advantage of this parameter is that it lends
itself to electrical integrating stylus instruments Forging load, =  Pr  2r dr
which provide a direct meter reading. But the R
disadvantage is only this value not sufficient for  1003.265  2  e 610
(113.13 r )
 r dr
comparing the surface finish of two or more O
surfaces. Forging load = 21.25 MN
01(d). (ii) Maximum die pressure:
( R r )
Sol: Forging pressure Pr   0 e n
Volume of billet before forging = Volume of At, r = 0
billet after forging. 2 20.15
  Pmax   0 e b
 1003.265 e 50
 Di  h i   Df  h f
2 2

4 4 = 1977.90 MPa

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01(e). layout, temporary location for raw materials

and components and material handling
Sol: Planning and control generally involve the system.
planning of manufacturing process.
Especially it consists of the planning of 2. Scheduling:
routing, scheduling, dispatching, inspection,
 The next step after routing is scheduling.
and coordination, control of materials,
Scheduling is the allocation of resources
methods, machines, tools and operating
applying the limiting factors of time and cost
times etc. The ultimate objective of PPC is
to perform a collection of tasks.
to organize the supply and movement of
 It involves the assignment of starting and
materials and labour, machines utilization
completion times for the various operations to
and related activities, in order to bring about
be performed. Therefore scheduling can bring
the desired manufacturing results in terms of
productivity in shop floor by providing a
quality, quantity, time and place.
schedule/ routine for processing a set of jobs.
Production control regulates and stimulates
 Scheduling finds the total time needed for
the orderly show of materials in the
manufacturing of a product.
manufacturing process from the beginning to
 It also finds the time required in each
the end.
machines to perform each task.
Production planning may be defined as the
 The purpose of scheduling is to execute a
technique of foreseeing every step in a long
customer’s order well in time.
series of separate operations, each step to be
 For example, if we order for a car, the
taken at the right time and in the right place
manufacturer will estimate the time required
and each operation to be performed in
for its production and then will give us the
maximum efficiency.
delivery date.
 The essence of scheduling is to make
There are basically four elements in PPC,
allocation decisions pertaining to the starting
which are
and finishing times for tasks.
1. Routing
 Scheduling can be classified into Single
2. Scheduling
machine scheduling, Flow shop scheduling
3. Dispatching
and Job shop scheduling.
4. Follow up
3. Dispatching:
1. Routing:
 Dispatching is the transition from planning
 Routing is the planning process, which is
phase to action phase. In this phase, the
undertaken to find the best possible path for
worker is ordered to start manufacturing the
manufacturing a certain product.
 It determines what work will be done on a
 Dispatching involves the actual granting of
product and how it will be done.
permission to proceed according to plans
 It establishes the operations, their path and
already laid down.
sequence, and the proper class of machines
 In dispatching, orders are issued in terms of
that require performing specific operations.
their priority.
 Routing prescribes the flow of work in the
plant and it is related to the considerations of
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4. Follow up or expediting: spindle nose and has two slots to fit the
nose keys for locating and driving it.
 Once production has been set in motion, it is
necessary to check that it is proceeding (iii) Tap and die : tapping and die threading
according to the plan. are machining operations in which
 Every production programme involves internal and external screw threads are
determination of the progress of work, produced by the helical (cutting motion of
removing bottlenecks in the flow of work and multi point tools called taps and dies
ensuring that the productive operations are respectively. Taps and dies can be
taking place in accordance with the plans. visualized as helical broaches.
 It spots delays or deviations from the (iv) Gear shaping and gear hobbing : In
production plans. gear hobbing, the tool is like cylinder with
 It helps to reveal defects in routing and slots and gashes provided so that each
scheduling, misunderstanding of orders and edge will act like cutting tool and hob
instruction, under loading or overloading of resembles like worm. Whereas in gear
work etc. shaping the tool is similar to the pinion or
 All problems or deviations are investigated a rack type. The gear blank and hobbing
and remedial measurers are undertaken to tool are rotating continuously but in gear
ensure the completion of work by the planned shaping the tool is reciprocating and after
date. each teeth is cut the blank is indexed by
using indexing mechanism.
(i) Counter sinking and counter boring : Sol: The polymer turns hard upon heating. In
The method of enlarging the end of the thermosetting plastics C-C bonds are cross
hole as a tapered hole is called counter linked together. By heating thermosets
sinking operation. This will done by using strength increases.
large size drill bit than the existing hole. (i) Epoxy resin
The method of enlarging the end of the (ii) Phenolic resin
hole for providing space to the bolt head (iii) Polyesters
or nut etc. using internal turning operation (iv) Cyanate ester resin
is called counter boring operation. (v) Vinyl ester resin
(ii) Mandrel and arbor : mandrel is a solid
cylinder used for during machining of thin PTFE
hollow components without bending due (i) Chemically inert in almost all
to cutting forces. This will be kept inside environments
the thin hollow component during (ii) Excellent electrical properties
machining. Whereas the arbor is an (iii) Low coefficient of friction
accurately machined shaft for holding and
driving the milling the peripheral milling
cutters on the horizontal milling machines
and it is tapered at one end to fit the

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02(a). 02(b).

Sol: Sol: Elongation:

Angle of Bite : The reduction that could be Determines the capability of the sheet metal
achieved with a given set of rolls is designated as to stretch without necking and failure high
the “angle of bite”. strain-hardening exponent (n) and strain-rate
sensitivity exponent (m) desirable
Yield-point elongation:
Observed with mild-steel sheets; also called
O Lueder’s bands and stretcher strains; causes
A  flame like depressions on the sheet surfaces ;
can be eliminated by temper rolling, but
B sheet must be formed within a certain time
hi hf after rolling .
Anisotropy (planar):
Exhibits different behavior in different
planar directions; present in cold-rolled
sheets because of preferred orientation or
mechanical fibering; causes earing in
drawing; can be reduced or eliminated by
annealing but at lowered strength .
The rolls are in contact with the passing material Anisotropy (normal):
over a sufficient distance represented by the arc Determines thinning behavior of sheet
AB in the figure. metals during stretching; important in deep-
Angle of bite depends on the type of rolling and drawing operations
the conditions of rolls.
Grain size:
Angle of NIP : When the thickness of the Determines surfaces roughness on stretched
incoming plate increased external load has to be sheet metal; the coarser the grain, the
applied at the entry, because beyond the condition rougher the appearance (orange pee) ; also
of self entry, compressive stress is applied at affects material strength.
entry. Larger the reduction given to material Residual stresses:
higher the compressive stresses due to which Caused by non-uniform deformation during
neutral plane shifts towards exit. At a particular forming; causes part distortion when
reduction the neutral plane exactly coincides the sectioned and can lead to stress-corrosion
vertical axis of roll. cracking ; reduced or eliminated by stress
Roll will just slip over material without relieving.
deformation this called Rolling Limit. The bite Spring back:
angle at Rolling limit is known as Angle of NIP.
Caused by elastic recovery of the plastically
deformed sheet after unloading; causes
distortion of part and loss of dimensional
accuracy; can be controlled by techniques
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such as over bending and bottoming of the (a) The proportion of time, the facility remains
punch. idle:
Wrinkling:  24
Po = 1  1   0.4,
Caused by compressive stresses in the plane  40
of the sheet; can be objectionable or can be i.e 40 of the time facility remains idle.
useful in imparting stiffness to parts; can be
controlled by proper tool and die design. (b) The expected number of customers in the
Quality of sheared edges: waiting line :
Depends on process used ; edges can be 2 24  24 576
Lq     0.9
rough, not square, and contain cracks,     4040  24 640
residual stresses, and a work-hardened layer,
which are all deterimental to the formability (c) The expected time a customer spends in the
of the sheet ; quality can be improved by system:
control of clearance, tool and die design, fine 1 1 1
blanking, shaving , and lubrication. WS    hrs or 3.75 minutes
   40  24 16
Surface condition of sheet:- (d) Waiting time will exceed the capacity of the
Depends on rolling practice; important in space if 11 or more cars are there because the
sheet forming as it can cause tearing and space can accommodate only 10 cars. Hence
poor surface quality; the required probability can be worked out as
Necking may be localized or it may be under:
diffuse, depending on the strain-rate P (n  11) = (/)11 = 0.0036
sensitivity (m) of the material. The higher
the value of m, the more diffuse the neck 02(d).
becomes; diffuseness is desirable in sheet-
forming operations. Sol: In the grinding wheel specification
38A – 46 – H – 8 – V – BE, indicates
In addition to uniform elongation and
38 – prefix which is secret code of the
necking, the total elongation of the specimen
(in terms of that for a 50 mm (2 in) gage
A – Aluminum oxide, this is generally
length) is also a significant factor in the
used to grind high tensile strength
formability of sheet metals. Obviously, the
and tough material such as steel,
total elongation of the material increases
bronze, wrought iron etc.
with increasing values of both n and m.
46 – grain size (medium), used for rough
grinding of the work piece
02(c). H – grade of grinding wheel( soft), used
for grinding of hard work piece
Sol: materials
From the given information, we find that: 8 – structure of grinding wheel ( open) ,
2  60
Mean arrival rate,  = or 24/hr; Mean this is used for rough grinding and
5 grinding of soft work pieces.
60 V – Vitrified bonding material, is a
service rate,  = or 40/hr
1.5 commonly used for boding material
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because it has high thermal Total stress, PT = d  Pf

conductivity, high temperature = 736.33 + 1724.352
withstanding capability and high = 2460.682 MPa
boding strength Total load = PT  Ai
BE – suffix indicates secret code of the 
manufacturer.  2460.682   150 2 = 43.66 MN
03(a). 03(b).
Sol: Given, Billet diameter, Di = 150 mm Sol: By designing the number of units needed of
Final diameter, Df = 50 mm, food F1 and F2 respectively to meet the daily
Mean flow stress, 0 = 280 MPa requirements of vitamins V and W as
Length, L = 400 mm decision variables x1 and x2 the data of the
 = 0.15 , given problem can conveniently be
summarized in the following tabular form:
Semi-die angle,  = 60
Resources/constrains Food Minimum daily
1 B  B
d  0   R 1   requirement
 B 
F1 F2
Where, B = cot  Vitamin V (units) 2 4 40
= 0.15 cot 60 = 0.0866 Vitamin W (units) 5 2 50
Cost per unit 30 25
Extrusion ratio,
A D 2 150 2 Since the daily requirement of vitamin V is 40
R  i  i2  9
Af Df 50 2 units and of vitamin W is 50 units, the constraints
of the problem are given by:
 1  0.0866  0.0866
 d  280 9  1  2x1 + 4x2  40 and 5x1 + 2x2  50
 0.0866  As the cost of one unit of food F1 and F2 are
d = 736.33 MPa Rs.30 and Rs. 25 respectively, the objective
function will become:
Stress required to overcome friction, Minimize (total cost) Z = 30x1 + 25x2
 2 Also negative purchasing of F1 and F2 is
D  Pf  k   DL
4 meaningless, therefore non-negativity restriction
4 k L is given as : x1  0, x2  0.
Pf  The appropriate mathematical formulation of the
 given problem expressed as LP model is:
For plane strain case, k   0
3 Minimize (total cost) Z = 30x1 + 25x2 (Objective
4 0 L
Pf  Function)
3D Subject to the constraints
4  280  400 2x1 + 4x2  40 ( Vitamin V constraint)
 = 1724.352 MPa
3  150 5x1 + 2x2  50 (Vitamin W constraint)
x1,x2  0

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03(c). ability to produce compacts having almost

100 % density.
Sol: Step 1 : Bulging
HIP process is used mainly in making super
Bellows are manufactured by bulging
alloy components for aerospace industry.
process. The process involves placing a
tubular part into a split female die and then
expanding it, usually with a polyurethane
plug. The plug is then retracted which Ans:
returns to original shape. (i) Full Annealing:-
The process is repeated at several equidistant The process consists in heating the
locations. hypoeutectoid steel above upper critical
Step 2 : temperature and hyper-eutectoid steel above
After bulging at several locations, it is lower critical temperature and then cooling
compresses axially to collapse the bulged slowly through the transformation range,
regions, thus forming bellows. The tube preferably in the furnace (or) in any good
material must be able to undergo the large heat – insulating material.
strains involved during the collapsing Since the entire mass of the furnace must be
process. cooled down along the material, annealing is
very slow cooling process.
03(d). The process of annealing is induce softness
reduces hardness and brittleness, and
Sol: increases the ductility
(i) To avoid ion concentration
(ii) To avoid the deposition on the tool (ii) Spheroidizing:
(iii) To remove the precipitation In an annealed hypereutectoid steel with a
(iv) To avoid the overheating of the electrolyte. microstructure of pearlite and a cementite
network will generally give poor
03(e). machinability since cementite is hard brittle.
A heat treating process which will improve
Sol : Cold isostatic pressing : machinability is known as Spheroidize
Compaction is also camed out or improved annealing.
by additional processing because the density The process consists in heating to a
of compacted powder can vary significantly. temperature close to lower critical
The metal powder is placed in a flexible temperature and cool extremely slow in the
rubber mold made of neoprene rubber, furnace.
urethane, PVC or another elastomer. The Prolonged time at the elevated temperature
assembly is then pressurized hydrostatically will completely break up pearlitic structure
in a chamber, usually by water. and cementite network. The cementite will
Applications : Automotive cylinder liners. becomes spheres. The cementite particles
and the entire structure may be called
Hot isostatic pressing : spheroiditi machinability is greatly improved
The container is usually made of a high for medium and high carbon steel.
melting point sheet metal and the
pressurizing medium is inert gas. HIP has
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100 1 cm
Sol: Q  Sol: The given information is tabulated below:
 eq F   x i z i   amp. sec
 
  A 
  i  Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle
The equivalent density of alloy, A B C
100 Tonnage 10 20 18
 eq  Average 35 30 30
x 
i   i  speed (kmph)
 i cost (000 Rs) 80 130 150
100 Working 18 18 21
72.5 19.5 5 1 1 0.6 hours/day
    
8.9 7.19 7.86 2.33 7.43 8.96 Crew 3 6 6
 = 8.247 g/cm3
Capacity of vehicle A in tonne - kms / day
x i z i 72.5  2 19.5  2 5  2 = Tonnage  Average speed  working hrs/day
 Ai

 
51.99 55.85 = 10  35  18 = 6.300
Capacity of vehicle B = 20  30  18 = 10,800
4 2 0.6
   Capacity of vehicle C = 18  30  21 = 11,340
28.09 54.94 63.57
= 3.5872 Let x1, x2 and x3 be the number of vehicles
purchased of types A, B and C respectively, the
100 1
Q   L.P problem may be expressed as follows:
8018  96500 3.5872
Q = 0.35  104 cm3/sec.amp Maximize (Capacity)
Z = 6,300 x1 + 10,800x2 + 11,340x3
When a 1000 – ampere current is used Subject to the constraints
MRR = Q  I 80x1 + 130x2 + 150x3  4000 (Budget)
= 0.35  10 4  1000 x1 + x2 + x3  30 (Maintenance)
= 0.035 cm3/sec 3x1 + 6x2 + 6x3  150 (Crew)
= 0.035  60 x1, x2, x3  0
MRR = 2.11 cm3/min
To solve this problem by simplex method, we
first introduce slack variables s1, s2 and s3 to get
80x1 + 130x2 + 150x3 + s1 = 4000
x1 + x2 + x3 + s2 = 30
30x1 + 6x2 + 6x3 + s3 = 150
x1, x2, x3, s1, s2, s3  0

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Solution to this problem is given in Table

Table 01 :

C1 6300 10800 11340 0 0 0

CB Basic Solution x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 Minimum
Variables Values ratio
0 s1 4000 80 130 150 1 0 0 4000/150
0 s2 30 1 1 1 0 1 0 30
0 s3 150 3 6 6* 0 0 1 25
Zj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cj  Zj 6300 10800 11340  0 0 0

C1 6300 10800 11340 0 0 0

CB Basic Solution x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3
Variables Values
0 s1 200 0 20 0 1 10 70

0 x1 10 1 0 0 0 2 1

0 x3 20 0 1 1 0 1 1
Zj 2,89,800 6,300 11,340 11,340 0 1,260 1,680
Cj  Zj 0 540 0 0  1,260  1,680

Since all the numbers in Cj  Zj row are less than (i) Carbon fibers have the highest specific
equal to zero, optimal solution is attained and is modulus and specific strength of all
given by: reinforcing fiber materials.
x1 = 6300; x2 = 11340 and (ii) They retain their high tensile modulus and
maximum Z = 2,89,800 high tensile strength at elevated
Hence it may be observed that the company temperatures,
should buy 10 vehicles of type A and 20 vehicles (iii) At room temperature carbon fiber are not
of type C in order to maximize the capacity which affected by moisture
is 2,89,800 tonne-km per day. (iv) These fibers exhibit a diversity of physical
and mechanical characteristics, allowing
04(c). composites to have specific engineered
Sol: (v) Fiber and composite manufacturing
processes have been developed that are
relatively inexpressive and cost effective.
ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad | Delhi | Bhopal| Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati
: 12 : ESE Offline Test

05(a). the number of pins used in the three

mutually perpendicular planes for arresting
Ans: Draw beads are often necessary to control 5, 3, 1 number of degrees of freedom. Here
the flow of the blank into the die cavity. with 6 pins we are arising total 9 degrees of
Beads restrict the flow of the sheet metal freedom. For arresting the remaining 3
by bending and unbending it during degrees of freedom we must have to use
drawing. Then thereby increase the force another 3 pins. But if we arrest total 12
required to pull the sheet into the die degrees of freedom, the WP cannot be
cavity. unloaded from jig or fixture.
Draw beads also help to reduce the
required blank holder forces, be cause the 05(e).
beaded sheet has a higher stiffness and
hence a lower tendency to wrinkle Sol: Jig is defined as a device which holds and
positions the work, locates, or guides the
05(b). cutting tool relative to the work piece and
Sol: usually is not fixed to the machine table
(i) Large die radii A fixture is a work holding device which
(ii) Effective lubrication only holds and positions the work but does
(iii)The design and location of draw beads. not in itself guide, locate or position the
(iv) Development of proper blank size and cutting tool . The setting of the tool is done
shape by machine adjustment and a setting block
(v) The cutting off corners of square or or by using slip gages. A fixture is bolted or
rectangular blanks at 45o to reduce tensile clamped to the machine table and is usually
stress during drawing. heavy in construction. Jigs are used on
(vi) Use of blanks free of internal and external drilling, reaming, tapping and counter
defects boring operations, while fixtures are used in
turning, milling, grinding, shaping, planning
05(c). and boring operations.

Sol: When the clearance is large, the drawn 05(f).

cup will have thicker walls at its rim than
at its base. As a result the cup will have a Sol: The given information can be tabulated as
non uniform wall thickness. the following transportation problem:
Ironing is a process in which the wall
thickness of drawn cup is made constant Project Time
by the pushing of the cup through ironing 1 2 3 available
rings. (Hours)
1 1200 1500 1900 160
05(d). 2 1400 1300 1200 160
3 1600 1400 1500 160
Sol: 3 – 2 – 1 method of location is used for Time 130 140 160 480
locating Cartesian co-ordinate system of a required 430
component for arresting total 9 degrees of (Hrs)
freedom of a component. In this 3, 2, 1 are
ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad | Delhi | Bhopal| Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati
: 13 : CONV – 9 Solutions

The given problem is an unbalanced objective. Let us convert this maximization

transportation problem. Introducing a problem into a minimization problem by
dummy project to balance it, we get. subtracting all the elements of the above payoff
matrix from the highest payoff, i.e.. Rs. 1900
Auditor Project Time
available Auditor Project Time
(Hours) available
1 2 3 Dummy (Hours)
1 1200 1500 1900 0 160 1 2 3 Dummy
2 1400 1300 1200 0 160 1 700 400 0 1900 160
3 1600 1400 1500 0 160 2 500 600 700 1900 160
Time 130 140 160 50 480 3 300 500 400 1900 160
required Time 130 140 160 50 480
(Hrs) required
The objective here is to maximize total billing
amount of the auditors. For achieving this

Using Vogel’s Approximation Method to the above matrix, we obtain the initial feasible solution as
shown below.
Auditor Project (Figure of payoffs in Rs.00’s) Time Row Penalty
1 2 3 Dummy Available I II III
1 7 4 0 19 160/0 4  
2 5 6 7 19 160 / 50 1 1 13
110 50
3 3 5 4 19 160 / 30/0 1 2 4
130 30
Time 130/0 140 /110 160 /0 50/0
Required /0
Column I 2 1 4 0
Penalty II 2 1  0
III  1  0

It may be noted that it is a degenerate solution since the number of allocations are 5, ( m + n  1). To
make the initial solution a non-degenerate one, we introduce a very small quantity in the least cost
independent cell which is cell of Auditor 3, Project 3.

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad | Delhi | Bhopal| Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati
: 14 : ESE Offline Test

Auditor Project (Figure of payoffs in Rs.00’s) Time

1 2 3 Dummy Available
1 7 4 0 19 160
2 5 6 7 19 160
110 50
3 3 5 4 19 160
130 30 
Time Required 130 140 160 50

Introduce ui’s and vj’s such that ij = cij  (ui + vj) (for i = 1 to 3; j = 1, 2 , 3, dummy)
To determine the values of ui’s and vj’s we assume that u3 = 0 values of other variables, i.e ui’s vj’s
and ij’s are calculated follows:
Auditor Project Row
1 2 3 Dummy number
1 7 4 0 19 u1 =  4
8 3 160 5
2 5 6 7 19 u2 = 1
1 110 2 50
3 3 5 4 19 u3 = 0
130 30 
Column Number v1 = 3 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 18

Since all ij’s for non-basic cells are positive, the initial solution obtained above is optimal. The
allocation of projects to auditors and their billing amount is given below.
Here an auditor may be involved in more than one project as is apparent from the following

Auditor Project Rate (Rs) Hour Billing amount (Rs)

1 3 1900 160 1900  160 = 304000
2 2 1300 110 143000
3 1 1600 130 208000
3 2 1400 30 42000
Total billing = Rs 697000

Hence the maximum total billing during the next month will be Rs 697000
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: 15 : CONV – 9 Solutions

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: 16 : ESE Offline Test

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad | Delhi | Bhopal| Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati

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