Phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers: Order by Total Internal Fluorescence
Phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers: Order by Total Internal Fluorescence
Phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers: Order by Total Internal Fluorescence
ABSTRACT Orientational order parameters of two diphenylhexatriene (DPH)-based fluorescent probes, 2-(3-(diphenyl-
hexatrienyl)propanoyl)-1-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPHpPC) and 1-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-
phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH), in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers on quartz
have been determined by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF). From these order parameters orientation distributions
were reconstructed by the maximum-entropy method. For monolayers transferred from the liquid-condensed phase,
preferential tilt angles with respect to the substrate normal around 140 in the tail region and 50 near the glycerol-acyl chain
linkage were found, as reflected by the DPHpPC and TMA-DPH probes, respectively. The degree of ordering near the
headgroup region seems to be larger than that further away from the surface. A substantial fraction of the TMA-DPH probes
have a flat orientation and are probably located between the phospholipid headgroups and the substrate surface. Monolayers
transferred from the liquid-expanded phase show a more random ordering, and most of the probe molecules (DPHpPC) are
more or less flat on the surface. The results are consistent with earlier atomic force microscopy measurements on identical
monolayers and are in reasonable agreement with previously published data on other organized phospholipid systems.
Biological membranes are dynamic structures in which the solid substrate resembles half the profile of a lamellar
molecular orientational order is generally believed to play bilayer membrane (Leermakers and Nelson, 1990; Has-
an essential role in the maintenance of membrane functions. monay et al., 1994). It has been found experimentally that
Apart from its significance for other membrane properties electron diffraction patterns obtained from supported phos-
such as lipid-bound protein mobility, molecular organiza- pholipid monolayers appear to be the same as those ob-
tion is a crucial factor in membrane permeability. This is tained from free-standing bilayers (Hui et al., 1974).
illustrated, for example, by the finding that the permeability It is our intention to investigate the relationship between
of one-component phospholipid bilayers to small water- the molecular organization and ion permeability in phos-
soluble molecules exhibits a maximum in the coexistence pholipid mono- and bilayers on solid substrates. One of the
region of gel and fluid domains (Clerc and Thompson, experimental techniques involved is total internal reflection
1995). It has been shown that for phospholipid monolayers fluorescence (TIRF), by which it is possible to determine
adsorbed on a mercury electrode surface, the permeability the orientation distribution of fluorophores in an adsorption
for metal ions dramatically depends on the applied electrical layer on optically transparent substrates (Thompson and
potential (Nelson and van Leeuwen, 1989). Using a theo- Burghardt, 1986; Bos and Kleijn, 1995a,b). By using opti-
retical model for the phospholipid monolayer, it was dem- cally transparent conductive films deposited on quartz slides
onstrated that this potential-dependent behavior can be ex- as the substrates, TIRF can be combined with electrochem-
plained in terms of structural variations (Leermakers and ical techniques. This allows simultaneous determination of
Nelson, 1990). the order in phospholipid layers and their permeability for
Phospholipid films on solid supports are attracting in- metal ions and other (electroactive) compounds.
creasing attention as model systems for biological mem- In this paper we present the first results of TIRF orien-
branes, as well as for their application in biosensor devices tation measurements on dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
(Sharma and Rogers, 1994; Nikolelis et al., 1995). The (DPPC) monolayers transferred on quartz by the Langmuir-
significance of such model systems is suggested by, e.g., Blodgett (LB) technique, using the fluorescent probes
theoretical models and numerical simulations which show 2-(3-(diphenylhexatrienyl)propanoyl)- 1 -hexadecanoyl-sn-
that the segment density profile for a lipid monolayer on a
glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPHpPC) and 1-(4-trimethyam-
moniumphenyl)-6-phenyl- 1 ,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH).
To our knowledge, this is the first time that the order in
Received for publication 25 October 1996 and in final form 24 February single phospholipid monolayers on solid substrates has been
Address reprint requests to Dr. J. Mieke Kleijn, Department of Physical
measured. Diphenylhexatriene (DPH) and its derivates are
and Colloid Chemistry, Agricultural University, P.O. Box 8038, 6700 EK commonly used for the determination of orientational order
Wagenigen, The Netherlands. Tel.: 31-317-482145/482178; Fax: 31-317- and dynamics in biomembrane studies. The DPHpPC mol-
483777; E-mail: [email protected]. ecule is a phospholipid with the DPH moiety covalently
© 1997 by the Biophysical Society attached to the sn-2 position in one of the lipid chains (see
0006-3495/97/06/2651/09 $2.00 Fig. 1), and therefore it provides structural information on
2652 Biophysical Journal Volume 72 June 1997
FIGURE 1 Structure formulas of the fluorescence probes DPHpPC and F1 = Q(IL * E)2j_(P)) (lb)
TMA-DPH and their locations in a DPPC bilayer.
where the vectors IL and v stand for the directions of the
absorption and emission transition dipole moments of the
excited molecule, respectively; E represents the direction of
the lipid chain order. TMA-DPH is expected to be anchored the electric field vector of the evanescent field; andfi(v) and
with its charged group in the headgroup region of phospho- fi(v) are the collection efficiencies for the parallel and
lipid mono- and bilayers, and therefore reflects molecular perpendicular components of the fluorescence, respectively.
order near the glycerol-acyl chain linkage (Parente and The constant C incorporates the magnitude of the absorption
Lentz, 1985; Lentz, 1989). First we derive expressions to and emission dipole moments, the quantum yield, and ex-
obtain the second- and fourth-rank order parameters (P2) perimental parameters such as the surface concentration of
and (P4) of the orientation distributions of the probes from fluorophores, the intensity of the evanescent field, and prop-
TIRF measurements. Orientation distributions are calcu- erties of the detection system. The angle brackets ( ) in Eq.
lated from (P2) and (P4N using the maximum-entropy 1 denote a time and ensemble average over all abundant
method. Besides the orientation of the probes, the angle orientations of the fluorescent groups in the sample.
between their absorption and emission dipole moments is Both assumptions made to arrive at Eq. 1 seem to be
also evaluated. reasonable for the systems studied here. It can be shown that
in the limiting case of large rotational movements with
correlation times much smaller than the fluorescence life-
THEORY time, polarization of the fluorescence is completely lost, and
The theory underlying orientation measurements using only the second-rank order parameter (P2) can be retrieved.
TIRF has been described before in general terms (Bos and This is not the case here. In the fluorescence time region, the
Kleijn, 1995a). Here we treat the case where the fluorophore only mode that gives rise to fluorescence depolarization is
is a cylindrically symmetrical moiety, in which the absorp- rotational diffusion along directions perpendicular to the
tion dipole moment is parallel with the long molecular axis, long symmetry axis of the DPH moiety, usually described
as is the case for DPH-based probes (Kooyman et al., 1983; for lipid bilayers as wobbling motion (Cheng, 1989). Liter-
Lentz, 1989). The direction of the emission dipole moment ature values for the rotation correlation times for DPHpPC
of DPH and its derivates is less well defined and has been and TMA-DPH in gel-phase lipid bilayers, as determined
reported to depend on the molecular environment (Kooy- from time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements,
man et al., 1983; Van Ginkel et al., 1986; Van Langen et al., vary between 1 and 8 ns (Mulders et al., 1986; Cheng, 1989;
Zhai and Kleijn Order in DPPC Monolayers Studied by TIRF 2653
by a polar angle 0 and an azimuthal angle 4, as depicted in + cos213[(3 + 2,y)Ex2 + (-3 + 2,y)E 2]
Fig. 2. To describe the direction of the emission dipole + (cos20)cos213[(-6 - 8y)Ex2 + (6 - 8y)EY + 4 yE2]
moment v, we define a second coordinate system x'y'z' in + (cos40)cos213[(3 + 6'y)Ex2 + (-3 + 6,y)EY2- 12yEz2]}
which the z' axis is parallel to the absorption dipole mo- (5a)
ment. In this coordinate system the direction of v is given by
a polar angle 13 (i.e., the angle between the absorption and 12
F1 = 16C{(5 - 2y)Ex -4 (3 - 2y)EY2
emission dipole moments) and an azimuthal angle a (see
Fig. 2). The expressions for the two vectors ,u and v in the + (cos20)[(-6 4,y)Ex2 (-2 + 4,y)EY + (8 - 4y)Ez2]
+ +
xyz coordinate system are + (cos40)[(1 - 2y)Ex2 + (-1 2y)EY + 4,yEz2]
30 mN/rn (a) and 6.5 mN/rn (b). The bright spots in image (a) coffespond 0.5
to themethyl ends of the phospholipid chains (Zhai and Kleijn, 1997).
For analysis of the data in terms of order parameters of the DPH probes,
for the components of the evanescent field E0,, EY, and E, values of 0.4787, #
0.9873, and 1.014 were used, respectively. These values were obtained
using the equations given by Harrick (1967), with a refractive index of 0
1.577 for quartz in the UV region, 1.333 for water, and an angle of
incidence of 700. The dichroic factor -y was taken as 0.98, corresponding to
the aperture angle of the detection system (100) (Burghardt and Thompson,
1984). For a variety of values for 13, the constant C and parameters (cos2O)
and (COS4O) were calculated according to Eq. 5 using a least-squares
numerical fit. Subsequently, for f3 the value was taken that yielded realistic
values for (P2) and (P4), i.e., both located within their physical boundaries, -0.5
which follow from their definition given in Eq. 8. -0.5 0 0.5 1
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION FIGURE 4 Combinations of order parameters (P2) and (P4) obtained for
ech 'ththre monolayers of DPPCIDPHpPC transferred to quartz at 30 mN/in (@),
DPHpPCtansferrd at
DPC/DPHpP trans-
onolayers (ie.,
monlayes (i.e., PPC/
DPPC/DPHpPC transferred at 6.5 mN/in (V), and DPPC/TMA-DPH trans-
ferred at 30 mN/in (LI). The solid curves indicate the physical boundaries
ferred at 6.5 mN/m, and DPPC/TMA-DPH transferred at 30 of (P2) and (P4).
2656 Biophysical Journal Volume 72 June 1997
static attraction between the surface and the lipid head- tilamellar dispersions of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine
groups (Tamm and McConnel, 1985). (DOPE), Cheng (1989) found a of 290, whereas Muller et
As can be seen from Fig. 4, there is quite a lot of scatter al. (1994a) reported values between 12° and 25° for this
in the obtained order parameters for each type of monolayer, probe in small unilamellar vesicles of various lipids. For
especially in the case of DPHpPC as the probe molecule. TMA-DPH in multibilayer lipid systems, Van Ginkel et al.
This scatter results mainly from two factors. In the first (1986) and Deinum et al. (1988) found values for B in the
place, part of the scatter is due to stochastic errors in the range of 12-20°; for this probe in vesicles of various lipids
orientation measurements. This is illustrated by the fact that Bernsdorff et al. (1995) and Muller et al. (1994b) obtained
generally the spread in (P4) is larger than in (P2). The order values between 00 and 190. For the parent probe DPH, it has
parameters are calculated from the experimentally accessi- been found that (3 increases with bilayer water content (Van
ble parameters (cos20) and (cos40), and from Eq. 8 it is easy Ginkel et al., 1986; Van Langen et al., 1987) and is lowered
to see that any experimental errors in these quantities give by the presence of cholesterol (Kooyman et al., 1983; Van
rise to larger errors in (P4) than in (P2). Secondly, the data Ginkel et al., 1986; Deinum et al., 1988). For DPH the range
points in Fig. 4 per monolayer type are results of measure- of values reported for (3 (0-35°) is somewhat larger than
ments on various freshly prepared LB films and at different those for DPHpPC and TMA-DPH (Kooyman et al., 1983;
spots. It is quite conceivable that the structural organization Mulders et al., 1986; Van Ginkel et al., 1986; Muller et al.,
varies from film to film and from spot to spot. A similar 1996).
observation, albeit on a smaller length scale, has been made For the interpretation of our TIRF orientation measure-
in AFM measurements: although the DPPC monolayers ments in terms of order parameters, ,B was initially consid-
transferred at 30 mN/m have a regular, compact structure ered a free variable and then determined, so that the ob-
(see Fig. 3 a), corresponding to a distorted hexagonal lattice, tained (P2) and (P2) were within their physical meaningful
the exact lattice parameters show local variations. This parameter space. The small spread in the obtained B values
probably results from variations in substrate topology and for each type of monolayer strengthens our confidence in
discontinuities in the transfer process. this analysis. (However, this small spread does not imply
Despite the scatter in the results, there is no overlap in the that the assumption of a constant (B for all of the DPH
regions in which the combinations of (P2) and (P4) are probes in a particular monolayer is correct; we will come
found for the different monolayers. In Table 1 the averages back to this later.) Furthermore, the values for found here
of the obtained values for (P2) and (P4) per monolayer type (0-36°) are in reasonable agreement with previous findings.
are listed, together with the corresponding parameters for It should be noted that no literature data are available for the
the orientation distributions as calculated following the angle between the absorption and emission dipole moments
maximum-entropy method. of DPH probes in phospholipid monolayers on solid
For the DPPC/DPHpPC monolayers transferred at a sur- supports.
face pressure of 30 mN/m, all of the experimental data Fig. 5 a shows the orientation distribution functions N(O)
yielded (P2) and (P4) combinations within their physical obtained by using the maximum-entropy method and the
boundaries, provided that , was taken between 00 and 10. average order parameters listed in Table 1. Fig. 5 b gives the
Apparently, under these conditions the absorption and emis- corresponding number density functions, defined as N(O)
sion dipole moments of the DPH probe are colinear. For the sin 0.
DPPC/DPHpPC monolayers transferred at a lower pressure The number density curve for the DPPC/DPHpPC mono-
of 6.5 mN/m, it was found that physical meaningful com- layers transferred at 30 mN/m, i.e., from the liquid-con-
binations of (P2) and (P4) were obtained for = 36 ± 4°. densed (LC) state at the air/water interface, shows that the
Finally, for the DPPC/TMA-DPH monolayers for ,3, a value orientation of the long molecular axis of the DPH groups
of 32 ± 30 was found. exhibits a broad distribution around 14° with respect to the
In the literature a variety of values have been reported for normal of the substrate surface; most DPH groups have a tilt
the angle between the absorption and emission dipole mo- angle in the range 5-25°. The DPH containing tail of
ments of DPH probes, obtained from fluorescence depolar- DPHpPC is assumed to be aligned with the hydrocarbon
ization experiments. As already mentioned in the Theory tails in the DPPC monolayer. Thus the probe order param-
section, it has been established that (3 is sensitive to the eters would reflect the overall molecular order in the phos-
environment of the probe molecule. For DPHpPC in mul- pholipid tail region. This assumption seems to be reason-
TABLE 1 Average order parameters, angle between absorption and emission dipole moments of the DPH group, and
coefficients of the orientation distribution function as obtained by the maximum-entropy method, for the various monolayers
Monolayer type (P2) (P4) f3 A2 A4 No
DPPC/DPHpPC, 30 mN/m 0.60 0.37 00 2.02 1.42 0.219
DPPC/DPHpPC, 6.5 mN/m 0.09 0.25 360 -1.67 1.78 0.321
DPPC/TMA-DPH, 30 mN/m 0.27 0.63 320 -4.15 14.3 1.25 X 10-3
Zhai and Kleijn Order in DPPC Monolayers Studied by TIRF 2657
At a surface pressure of 6.5 mN/m a DPPC monolayer at much larger than for the DPPC/TMA-DPH monolayers
the air-water interface is in the liquid-expanded (LE) phase. transferred at the same surface pressure. Apparently, varia-
AFM images of such monolayers transferred to quartz show tion in the ordering of the TMA-DPH molecules from film
a loosely packed, irregular structure (Fig. 3 b). The combi- to film and from spot to spot is much less than that of the
nation of order parameters for such layers obtained here is DPHpPC molecules. This is another indication that ordering
for some of the investigated locations on the LB films very near the headgroup region is stronger and better defined
near that for a random distribution ((P2) = (P4) = 0; see than in the outer tail region of the DPPC monolayer.
Fig. 4). From Fig. 5 b it can be seen that-averaged over With respect to the assumption that the angle 3 between
various films and spots-most of the DPH groups are at an absorption and emission dipole moment is constant, we
angle of 700 or more with respect to the normal of the expect it to be justified for the DPHpPC molecules in the
substrate surface (i.e., lying more or less flat on the surface), monolayers transferred at 30 mN/m. These layers have a
whereas only a small part of the DPH-containing phospho- very compact, regular structure, and the DPH groups are all
lipid tails is standing up. IRRAS measurements (Mitchell embedded in the tail region of the monolayer. For the
and Dluhy, 1988) have shown that DPPC monolayers at the monolayers transferred at 6.5 mN/m, the structure as ob-
air/water interface in the LE phase have a highly disordered served by AFM is much more open and almost random.
conformation of the hydrocarbon chains, with a large num- This implies that the environment of the individual DPH
ber of gauche conformers. Therefore, it does not seem probes varies and that there is some distribution in 3.
appropriate to speak in terms of tilt angles of the lipid Furthermore, for the DPPC/TMA-DPH monolayers trans-
chains, and the low values of the order parameters merely ferred at 30 mN/m, the assumption of a constant 13 appears
reflect the disorder in the system. to be less applicable. Because the TMA-DPH molecules can
For TMA-DPH in DPPC monolayers transferred at 30 be divided into two populations (molecules that are lying
mN/m, a bimodal distribution is clearly found. In this case flat, probably between substrate surface and phospholipid
about half of the TMA-DPH molecules have their long headgroups, and molecules that are aligned between the
molecular axes normal to the substrate surface (modal tilt DPPC molecules), there probably is also a bimodal distri-
angle is -5°), and the other half are lying more or less flat bution in P3. Provided that 3 is not directly correlated to the
on the surface (see Fig. 5 b). We suspect that this latter molecular tilt angle, this has no consequences for our anal-
population is localized between the headgroups of the phos- ysis. However, it would be more appropriate to give values
pholipids and the negatively charged substrate surface for (cos2p3) than for P3: from Eq. 5 it follows that this is in
(TMA-DPH itself is positively charged). Bimodal distribu- fact the experimentally obtainable quantity.
tions have also been reported for TMA-DPH in lipid bilayer
systems. In a fluorescence polarization microscopy study on CONCLUSIONS
DPPC vesicles, Florine-Casteel (1990) has found that in the
gel phase about 5% of the TMA-DPH molecules are parallel Using TIRF and two kinds of DPH-based probes, DPHpPC
to the bilayer surface, whereas the rest of the probe mole- and TMA-DPH, we have determined the second- and
cules exhibit an orientation angle around 300 with respect to fourth-rank orientational order parameters of DPPC Lang-
the bilayer normal. Neutron scattering experiments of Pe- muir-Blodgett monolayers on quartz. Furthermore, the an-
bay-Peyroula et al. (1994) revealed that in oriented multi- gle between the absorption and emission dipole moments of
layers of gel-phase DPPC on glass no less than 40% of the the probes has been evaluated. For monolayers transferred
TMA-DPH molecules are located close and parallel to the from the liquid-condensed phase, tilt angles were broadly
bilayer surface, whereas the rest were found to be at angles distributed around 140 in the lipid tail region and more
around 250 relative to the bilayer normal. sharply distributed around 50 near the glycerol-acyl chain
As for the part of the TMA-DPH molecules exhibiting linkage. It was found that a large fraction of the TMA-DPH
orientation angles around 50, these are expected to reflect probe molecules are oriented more or less parallel to the
the order near the glycerol-acyl chain linkage of the phos- monolayer, probably between the phospholipid headgroups
pholipids (Parente and Lentz, 1985; Lentz, 1989). Apart and the substrate surface. Monolayers transferred from the
from having a smaller tilt angle, their orientation distribu- liquid-expanded phase show a more random distribution.
tion is much narrower than that of the DPHpPC probes in All of the results are-as far as comparison can be
similar monolayers (Fig. 5 b). This points to a stronger made-in reasonable agreement with previously published
ordering near the headgroup region than further away from data and show that TIRF combined with maximum-entropy
the substrate surface. IRRAS measurements on DPPC analysis is a good instrument for determining the order and
monolayers at the air/water interface have shown compara- preferential orientation in very thin phospholipid layers
ble results, i.e., the chains exhibit more conformational (monolayers, bilayers, ... ) on solid substrates.
order adjacent to the interface than at their tails (Gericke et
al., 1996) REFERENCES
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