Planet - : Economics

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Planet - Economics
By James Mars LaJlg,hanl
Box: 237, Brent\vood Heights, Los Angeles, Calif.

Do Planets Forecast Business Conditions?

The Rise and Fall of Security and Comlnodity Prices.

( rl'his is the second of fOllr papers dealing ,vith

P l a netary Influences as related to the Economic Trend.
The fir t of the series ,\-vas a reprint of a bulletin
i '""u e d b y the New York Electrical Society, entitled
"The Sun s E ffects on Human Affa irs," being lectures
hy Dr. H. T. Stetson, Director Perkins Observatory,
and Dr. L.
'T. Burton, Editor Food Indllstries, Ne\v
'--Phe article for next issue j announced on
page 4.-Editor.)

rri~~~~OR 'I'HODSANDS OF YEARS the belief

has persisted that plane ts affect o~:
earthly affairs. l\iany of tIle \vorld ~
g r e ates t pl1ilosoph e rs have in eve ry ~O:lI~l
~ry since the days of Ptolerny belle\ e f
In. an? practiced that science. Some ets
? ur mode rn sCIentIsts are agreeing tllat the plan'
I ee
]11 our sola r system affect Sun Sl)ots and the deg I
~f _.~ a t ~ene~rated in this earth, and tha t a reroarkabo~
C ) 1 1 e l a tIon betvveen the variation in the amount '
totaJ .. hea~ radi~ted by the Slln, and booms and. ~~
p ~ e. Sl on In busIness, "vas distinctly t raceabI and P
dlc t a ble f or the future.
Otl1e r observers like Dr. Harlan T. Stetson, Dire~to:~
of the Perkins Observatory, Ohio Weslyan Uni\erslt~'

has shown, by charts, a statistical relationship be-

t,veen certain positions of the Moon and the frequency
of earthquakes.
Thus two new sciences, solaristics and lunaristics,
scientific versions of medieval astrology, are being
studied by scientific men with a view to prove possible
the advance prediction of business c~~cles, the coming
of earthquakes, as well as other phenomena. Califor-
nia's three earthquakes, viz: San Francisco, Santa
Barbara and the recent one at Long Beach, each oc-
curred at the exact time when a majority of the
planets, including the Sun and Moon, were in a line
or at right angles with each other, 180 degrees or
ninety degrees distant.
Dr. L. V. Burton, Editor of "Food Industries" of
the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company has shown by
charts that during the· last twelve years whenever
there was a drop in the total output of the Sun's heat
it coincided with a cycle of business' prosperity and
conversely coincident with ·a rise in the total solar
heat above the normal, invariably there was a busi-
ness depression.
Solar radiation charts made by the Smithsonian
Institute in Washington showed that Sun's radiation
had been above normal for nearly all the two and a
half years previous to spring 1933. It ,vas also above
normal in the depression of 1920 and 1921.
In addition to the correlation between the quantity
of the Sun's heat and business cycles, there also seems
to be a relationship between the amount of ultra violet
in the atmosphere and the presence or lack of con-
fidence. Abundant ultra violet seems to make us op-
timistic while a shortage of it makes us pessimistic.
Thus far scientists have ascribed no reason for the
increase or decrease in the Sun's radiation or the
amount of ultra violet in the atmosphere. Nor have
the:y found any reason ,vhy optimism and
busIness should coincide with less heat, and pessImIsm

heat, being 'ntent to

nnec i ll.

dicators of the~ chano-es

a ,iolet? I :ny
t h ere
,.,.~ planetary p ositions and
purpose of this article to
i t ive repeating
. connection ,
f Anlerlcan oDlmercial
l anets of our sola r system,
. turn and -Tu . r" in tlleir regular cyclical
ar und the ~un . have alwa s coincided
-'-" ~"''''''''~8ion "b'e n i rtain positions and with
rt':"n h r positions.
~ '~~..L . busin ~ ,... Op '-A. ....&..&.&.·SID and booms have during
-..; 75 ' -eaI <"'< alwa~"" urred ,vhen the slow mov-
'-""-'"'-1. r planets r: . S a turn and Jupiter were
~""'LlL.ed fa, ra I ' s ance to each other, Le.,
. {) . or 12 _, ees apart, and deflation,
n pes~imif~m poo.r business have always
when th se a tbree major planets were
~~Illed unfa,ora , , istance apart from each
L"'t.T""' ~'" 0 eO? 4 :--, 90, or 1 degrees .
.L.n~~e three plane ~ 'I moving at different spee~,
...........'-"',....:::~ar il, not f e in mutual good or eVil
r'I'-,"~T"Io"" m e ell. 0. It the same time and for
............-foJ~&.rtial compare n f their effects we must
I-w_"...... e m into. three ups o.f t"\Vo. eac 11 and note

....i~ "'· .... t (greatest distance froW

nsidered we first have
en U ranus with Jupiter, then
ir potenc of effect will be
grouping. The first coIl1~
turn, being the slo,vest D1ov~
- r ~"l'ings of several years
n tIle upgrade when theY
a p' 'rt as in 1 8 64, 1881, 1888;
n the do" D gra de ,,'he!
~ Iso 0 (no) degrees apart,
as in 1861, 1873, 188~, 1896, 1907, ] 920 and 1931. The
Uranus-Jupiter combInation, the latter planet beiuo-
seven times as speedy as Uranus and 2 1h times a~
speedy as Saturn, forn1 these favorable and unfavor-
able aspects more frequently, are not as long in these
positions; hence are more indicative of the secondary
swings of several months duration.
The last group Saturn with Jupiter alone have not
been found as indica ti ve as the two preceding com-
binations, they are more confirmatory than positive.
A careful examination of the dates when these three
major planets were at the above stated distances apart
shows that the most positive sign of prosperity and
bull markets, and one verified every time it has oc-
curred in the past 75 years, is 'where all three combin-
ations are in favorable distance from each other at
the same time.
The most positive sign' of" depression and bear
markets, also always verified in the past, is where all
three combinations are in unfavorable distance from
each other at the same time.
Further, comparisons show that where one combin-
ation . is in favorable distance from each other and
one of the o.ther combinations is in unfavorable dis-
tance from each other, the effects are conflicting,
partaking largely of the more potent combination, that
is the Uranus-~aturn group.
Tabulated records of the exact periods when these
three planetary combinations were in favorable and
unfavorable distances, compared wit h authentic
records of the Dow Jones Industrial averages on the
same dates, shows the following results for the period
from 1897 to 1932. In all cases the time of actual
distance apart was verified from authentic almanacs,
with a small arc of only two degrees allowed ap-
proaching and separating.


. Combination # 1.
Urarws with Saturn
Unfavorable distances: 181 points l ' e to
points rise (6 contacts). Favorable di ,t nee~'
points decline to 65 points rise (4 cont ct ). .
Combination # 2.
Uranus with Jupiter
Unfa vorable distances: 160 points decline to 11
points rise (7 contacts). Fa ~orable distances: 58
points decline to 132 points rise (13 contacts).
Note: This record of favorable distance WOuld
ha ve showed 132 for to 7 against except for a 51 point
contradiction in the period fro m 7 /7/29 to
4/14/30 and is due to an evil distance condition oper-
ating simultaneously between the more potent Uranus-
Saturn group.
Combination .# 3.
Saturn with Jupiter
Unfavorable distances: 133 points decline to 38
points rise (6 contacts) . Favorable distances: 66
pOints decline to 97 points rise (7 contacts).
Explanation of Chart
To make these planetar"y movements clear, the ac-
companying chart shows three rings corresponding ~o
the orbits, or path of these three major planets In
t~eir r~volution around the Sun (the Sun is the s~aIl
clrcl~ .IIl the center) J upi ter is the innermost cl~'cle
requirIn.g .twelve years for one complete revolutloD~
Satur1n IS ~n the .middle requiring thirty years for ?DO'
comI?l~te I evolutIon ~nd Uranus is tlle outermost rl~d
requIrIng 84 years for one complete revolution arou
the Sun.
No~ sI?ace permits of a discussion here of only oDe
combInatIon, viz: Uranus and Saturn .
. Uranus reqUiring 84 years for one complete rel'ol~~
tion of 360 degrees, moves about 414 degrees eacb yea·
\ I ' n I

( ~y, YEAR' CYCLE:')


~aturn requiring thirty years for one complete revolu-

non of 360 degrees moves 12 degrees each year.
Inence from a common starting point when these two
inajor planets are together (conjunction) as they were
1849 and 1896. and will be again in 1942, Saturn
will 0" In about 7~ d . r s on ral\\I ~ P ' \pl\ Y r
11 f'O by requiring 3. D r f r h III t 0 ~t thi rty
d r e apart, 7% y ~ r to g t 6 d g"( p N :lj)art, and
p ) 'oximately 11 % y ~ rs for them { ,(' 1 ~)() d r es
apa 4t, both moving in th same dir ,t jOll but at Vury-
j 11 peeds from a c IrlmOn starttn 0" poi 11 t • 'l'h us they
In t each other (in junction) app' inlc.t ly every
46 2h years, which m1 y be terlned th rflnus- uturn
y Ie. The three h rizontal lines at th bottom of
chart · show the date f their favorah"l fln unfavor-
able distances apart from each oth r in wo complete
cycles from 1849 to 1 96 and from 1 9 to 1942. These
dates of distances will be found to corr pond to their
actual positions as O"iven in the United tates Nautical
Almanac of the year, under the column haded "Helio-
centric Lopgitude."
Now with our premise as stated forehand that
0, 90, 180 degrees and to a lesser extent 45 degrees
are unfavorable distances coinciding with depression
and falling prices years, and that 30, 60, and 120
degrees are favorable distances coinciding with pros-
perity and advancing prices years, compare the re-
sults as shown in the waving line. Low prices and
below normal conditions have prevailed since 1849
when these two planets were in unfavorable distance
from each other, while high prices and prosperity
have coincided with those years when these two
planets were in favorable distance from each other.
More detailed study shows that the geocentric (as
viewed from the earth) positions and distances from
each planet makes a variance of six months to a year
in the date of actual completion of the distance apart
of these two planets, ofttimes coinciding closer to
actual effects than the heliocentric positions (as
viewed from the Sun) as given in the Nautical Alman-
ac. In any detailed study of these effects both helio-
centric and geocentric positions should be considered.
Wl?-ile space does not permit here any detailed
records of the effects of the Uranus-Jupiter aspects,

any almanac will show that these two planets reached

a very favorable distance point 120 degrees apart on
July 9th, 1932, remaining within fairly close touch
throughout the period of the following big rally.
Further reference to almanac for 1932 will show that
it was followed by a near approach (within six de-
grees) of another 90 degrees distance of Uranus and
Saturn and a 135 degree (90 plus 45) between Uranus
and Jupiter. These latter are geocentric distances.
Examination of prevailing distances apart of these
major planets, as this is written May 1933, sho,vs that
the business improvement and spectacular rally- in
security prices since March 1933, has coincided with
minor favorable distances between all three major
points discussed here, namely:
Uranus-Saturn, 72 degrees apart; Uranus-Jupiter,
144 .degre~s apart; Saturn-Jupiter, 150 degrees aparf.
Thus w'e had again all three major combinations in
mutual harmonious aspect, and as always heretofore
it resulted in increased optimism and confidence, and
when we consider that a mutual conjunction prevailed
during the same period, between the expansive and
inflationary planets Neptune and Jupiter, the resuit-
ing wave of inflation and rising prices was not sur-
prising. As a matter of fact it had been predicted in
1933 Astrological Yearly Forecasts issued at the close
of 1932.
Besides affecting securities the rise and fall in basic
commodities such as wheat, corn and cotton can be
traced to planetary positions. An examination of
wheat yields and prices for the past two decades as
given in the Year - Book of the U;nited States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, show~ a close correlation between
the prices of wheat and securities. Historic years
of depression and law security prices have in all cases
seen low wheat prices.
Weather conditions during the growing season ~ave
constant effect on Chicago Board of Trade prIces,

and the above. mentioned conju~c~ion o~ NeptUne and --

Jupiter inten~Ified by ~ars. JOInIng .thIS conjunction
all in the agrIcultural sIgn VIrgo, durIng the first half
of 1933, were plainly indicative of drought, and great
injury to growing crops.
Anent the above discussions, confirmation of which
factors have bee,n strikingly verified by business and
Stock Market movements (up to this writing) so far
in 1933, students should watch the effects of the
inharmonious aspect (180 degrees )between the planets
Uranus and Jupiter which will prevail early in 1934
and again in the closing months. This opposition
aspect will be approaching as Congress convenes in
January, excited and intensified by the disturbing in-
dications in the January 15th lunation, as well as the
conjunction of the two unfortunate planets Saturn and
Mars on January 17th, close to the midheaven at
Washington,- and not far from the President's signifi-
cator. Thus many disturbing developments may be
expected in the new year 1934. A harmonious aspect
(60 degrees) between Uranus and Saturn is however
approaching. It gets within two degrees of contact in
April and May of 1934, but I fear its best effects will
not be experienced until 1935.

** *
(Continued" from page "115.)
influence on wo 'ld nd
astrologicall i r ~vents has been observable a .
tive tendencfes nt~~estlDg. The fierce martial, comb~
!~e Scorpio Vih!:tl~~~~ as 'Yas to be expect~, ~~"?!lS.

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