Planet - : Economics
Planet - : Economics
Planet - : Economics
Planet - Economics
By James Mars LaJlg,hanl
Box: 237, Brent\vood Heights, Los Angeles, Calif.
. Combination # 1.
Urarws with Saturn
Unfavorable distances: 181 points l ' e to
points rise (6 contacts). Favorable di ,t nee~'
points decline to 65 points rise (4 cont ct ). .
Combination # 2.
Uranus with Jupiter
Unfa vorable distances: 160 points decline to 11
points rise (7 contacts). Fa ~orable distances: 58
points decline to 132 points rise (13 contacts).
Note: This record of favorable distance WOuld
ha ve showed 132 for to 7 against except for a 51 point
contradiction in the period fro m 7 /7/29 to
4/14/30 and is due to an evil distance condition oper-
ating simultaneously between the more potent Uranus-
Saturn group.
Combination .# 3.
Saturn with Jupiter
Unfavorable distances: 133 points decline to 38
points rise (6 contacts) . Favorable distances: 66
pOints decline to 97 points rise (7 contacts).
Explanation of Chart
To make these planetar"y movements clear, the ac-
companying chart shows three rings corresponding ~o
the orbits, or path of these three major planets In
t~eir r~volution around the Sun (the Sun is the s~aIl
clrcl~ .IIl the center) J upi ter is the innermost cl~'cle
requirIn.g .twelve years for one complete revolutloD~
Satur1n IS ~n the .middle requiring thirty years for ?DO'
comI?l~te I evolutIon ~nd Uranus is tlle outermost rl~d
requIrIng 84 years for one complete revolution arou
the Sun.
No~ sI?ace permits of a discussion here of only oDe
combInatIon, viz: Uranus and Saturn .
. Uranus reqUiring 84 years for one complete rel'ol~~
tion of 360 degrees, moves about 414 degrees eacb yea·
\ I ' n I
( ~y, YEAR' CYCLE:')
** *
(Continued" from page "115.)
influence on wo 'ld nd
astrologicall i r ~vents has been observable a .
tive tendencfes nt~~estlDg. The fierce martial, comb~
!~e Scorpio Vih!:tl~~~~ as 'Yas to be expect~, ~~"?!lS.