Baw 1993 PDF
Baw 1993 PDF
Baw 1993 PDF
(Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau - BAW)
Code of Practice
Use of Geotextile Filters on Waterways
Edition 1993
Code of Practice
Use of Geotextile Filters on Waterways
5.3.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.3.2 Permeability .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.3 Opening size ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.4 Layer thickness ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Related to the filtration function .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Related to the separation function................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.5 Tensile strength and strain .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
5.3.6 Resistance to dynamic perforation loads......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.7 Resistance to abrasion loads ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.8 Resistance to static puncture loads.................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.3.9 Resistance to high temperatures...................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.10 Friction coefficient........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.3.11 Mass per unit area ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
6 Tests.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Basic test............................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.3 Suitability test .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Quality control during manufacture ................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.5 Control tests by the Principal............................................................................................................................................................. 14
7 Instructions for inviting tenders and for construction works.............................................................................................. 15
7.1 Tender documents.............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.2 Construction works ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
7.2.1 Preparation of the filter subgrade.................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2.2 Installation in the dry ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2.3 Installation under water.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.3 Inventory documents.......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8 References................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
9 Index of keywords ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
10 Index of annexes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Symbols used
cu = apparent cohesion of soil
Cu = uniformity coefficient ( defined as d60 / d10 )
di = particle diameter of soil corresponding to i % by weight of finer particles
Di = particle diameter of granular filter corresponding to i % by weight of finer particles
Dw = filtration opening size of a geotextile or its individual layers ( in future intended O90 )
DX = type of top layer construction
h = hydraulic head
∆h = change in hydraulic head
i = hydraulic gradient ( h / T )
IP = plasticity index
k = coefficient of permeability
kn = coefficient of normal permeability of a geotextile
Mt = total mass of soil passing
Ml = mass of soil passing during the last test phase
q = flow rate
T = layer thickness
∆t = time difference
v = flow velocity
Vh = velocity of change in hydraulic head
Vs = ship velocity
wL = liquid limit
wP = plastic limit
β = angle of slope to horizontal
µ = mass per unit area
ϕ' = effective angle of internal friction
σ = normal stress
1 Preliminary remarks 2.9 Suffosion
This Code of Practice applies to geotextiles used as a filter layer Suffosion is the displacement or washing-out of fine-soil fractions
or separation layer in bank and bottom revetment systems of by pore water flow without change of the soil skeleton in the
waterways and the associated structures such as e.g. dams or structure.
lateral trenches.
2.10 Colmatation
A prerequisite for the use of geotextiles is the fulfilment of certain
application-related technical requirements in accordance with the
Colmatation is the reduction in permeability of a soil or a filter layer
Technical Supply Conditions for Geotextile Filters (TLG) /1/.
by solid-matter incorporation (clogging, blocking) or by accumu-
Vh = ∆h/∆t ≤ ksoil
2.3 Woven
(e.g. slow fluctuations of water level, small wave-heights and flow
A woven is a single-layer geotextile consisting of interlacing thread velocities). They cause relatively small hydraulic gradients in the
systems. Threads in longitudinal direction are called warp threads, in interface zone between soil and filter layer and, as a result of this,
cross direction weft threads /15/. laminar flow through the filter /26/.
2.5 Filter layer The necessary single steps from designing to tendering a geotex-
tile filter are shown in Annex 10. They apply likewise to a sepa-
A filter layer must restrain subsoil under all the possible hydraulic ration layer.
conditions (mechanical filtration stability), while allowing the
passage of soil pore water without detrimental rising of seepage
line (hydraulic filtration stability). 3.2 Necessity for a geotextile
3.2.1 Filter layer
2.6 Separation layer A filter is necessary between two layers of differing granular ma-
terials if a significant fraction of the finer-grained layer cannot be
A separation layer must prevent intermixing or interpenetration restrained by the coarser layer under the expected pore water flow.
of adjacent dissimilar granular layers or must prevent erosion The necessity for a geotextile filter can be checked according to
while its permeability - opposed to a filter layer - is of subordinate Annex 1.
importance. At the same time it can be used to promote colmata-
tion, if desired. A geotextile filter layer must be dimensioned with regard to
grain sizes and permeability of the adjacent subsoil, con-
sidering the type of pore water flow (turbulent, laminar, see
2.7 Drainage layer 2.11, 2.12),
mechanical stresses caused during construction works and by
A drainage layer must collect and transport water in its plane. waterway operations,
chemical properties of water in the filter zone,
possible short-term ultra-violet light (UV) weathering during
2.8 Erosion construction works and
if need be, penetrability by roots in the zone of fluctuating water
Erosion is the removal and thus the particle loss of nearly all soil levels and above this, depending on the revetment system
fractions by currents of pore water or surface water. chosen.
3.2.2 Separation layer e) sequence and inclination of strata: The advice given in
subclause concerning stratified soils lying in the slope
A separation layer can be needed if area must be heeded.
a) intermixing of widely differing granulations is to be preven-
ted with regard to long-term settlements (e.g. sand or topsoil on f) quality of water in the filter zone:
coarse gravel or stones, rip-rap groyns on mud, coarse bed The chemical quality of water must be known with regard to
course on fine subsoil), detrimental influences on a geotextile (see 3.3.4).
b) interpenetration of two layers of widely differing grain sizes
shall be prevented with regard to long-term function of one of Non-cohesive soils
the two layers (e.g. rip-rap on clay lining, clay lining on very
coarse subsoil), Sloped non-cohesive soils or soils of low cohesion are susceptible to
c) erosion of subsoil beneath a hard lining (e.g. asphaltic) shall be sliding or to formation of erosion channels under the impact of pore
prevented in the case of cracks and at the same time self-sealing water or surface water currents, if the angle of slope is
of the lining system due to colmatation is to be promoted,
d) a changing compact rock (e.g. sandstone, claystone) is erodible β ≥ ϕ'/2.
by weathering, hydraulic impacts or mechanical influences (e.g. Under the impact of shipping (waves, quick drawdown of water
moving of armourstone). level) slope instability will occur earlier. This must be considered
when choosing the type of filter construction (see 4).
A geotextile separation layer must be designed concerning
safe restraining of subsoil,
For filter design, soils with grain fractions d20 ≥ 0,006 mm must be
mechanical stresses caused during construction works and by
regarded as non-cohesive (see 5.2), if no more accurate investiga-
later operations,
tions with respect to the apparent cohesion and plasticity index are
chemical properties of water,
possible short-term UV-weathering during construction works
penetrability by roots (if desired). Cohesive soils
In cases of dynamic impacts caused e.g. by turbulent currents, waves Cohesive soils have a very low mobility of particles and a very low
or vibratory compaction, the need for a separation layer can be permeability. This may be taken into account when designing a filter
assessed according to Annex 1. (see 5.2). Possible concentrated water veins must be considered
when choosing the type of filter construction (see 4).
b) effective angle of internal friction (ϕ'): this is needed Stability of subsoil to suffosion must be proved for non-cohesive
to assess local stability of slopes exposed to seepage flow soils with gap gradation or for non-cohesive, non-uniform soils
(see; (Cu ≥ 8). In the case of doubt laboratory tests are recommended.
to assess geotextile's friction coefficient (see 5.3.10).
Since the effective local gradient is generally not known or may
c) coefficient of permeability (k-value): this is needed even be enhanced by later measures, geometric stability to suffo-
to assess the type of hydraulic loading (see 2.11, 2.12); sion must be checked especially for silty subsoils (Annex 2)/12/13/.
to assess needed permeability of the geotextile (see 5.3.2).
Determination by laboratory tests is only necessary in cases In the case of silty suffosive subsoils the seepage line can be raised
where its exact knowledge is required for safety reasons. by colmatation of the geotextile caused by leached fine particles
Otherwise assessment according to Annex 4 is sufficient. (possible consequences: decrease in stability of slope or of slope
revetment, waterlogging due to a rise in groundwater level).
d) apparent cohesion of subsoil (cu) and plasticity index (Ip):
These are needed for the determination of filtration properties If the occurence of suffosion is possible, a suitable type of filter
of a geotextile filter (see, 5.2.3). construction must be chosen (see 4) or the geotextile must be
designed according to subclause 5.2.1.
3.3.2 Hydraulic loading 3.3.4 Quality of water in the filter zone pH-value
When ascertaining the filtration requirements of a geotextile (see
5.2), the following types of hydraulic loads have to be distin- The long-term durability of geotextiles manufactured of the
guished: following fibre raw materials /1/
- Polyacrylic (PAC)
a) dynamic hydraulic loading - Polyamide (PA)
b) static hydraulic loading. 3 < pH < 12
- Polyethylene (PE)
Whether dynamic or static hydraulic loading is relevant in the - Polypropylene (PP)
particular application can be determined using the criteria of - Polyester (PES) 3 < pH < 10
subclauses 2.11 and 2.12. is not problematical as regards acidic or basic soils and water if the
pH-value is in the above-mentioned range (Annex 5).
The hydraulic influence of shipping or comparable hydraulic
impacts always cause dynamic hydraulic filter loading which may
lead to pumping movements of a geotextile in cases where the cover Chemical and biological factors
layer surcharge does not act on the entire geotextile surface
(see 4.10). By precipitation or flocculation from the water of e.g.
a) sintering products or
3.3.3 Mechanical loads b) ochreous products General the permeability of a geotextile can be considerably reduced .
During installation or construction works, or even during waterway Sintering can occur due to groundwater containing dissolved lime in
operation, a geotextile can be subjected to considerable mechani- the case of
cal loads. For that reason, it must be adequately dimensioned as drop of water pressure (change in flow conditions) or increase of
regards strength properties, or appropriate precautionary measures water temperature together with
must be taken. oxygen contact.
Groundwater with a fairly high degree of hardness, i.e. a German Construction works degree of hardness ≥ 12° DH, is liable to cause sintering if CO2 is
During construction works a geotextile can be subjected to the present at the same time /10/.
following mechanical stresses:
a) installation of the geotextile Chemical ochre formation must be taken into account if the
tensile stresses: are unimportant if the geotextile is installed groundwater contains dissolved divalent iron or manganese. If water
by rolling it out. When placed under water using a pontoon pressure falls or temperature increases a trivalent insoluble chemical
tensile forces depend on the flow pressure of currents acting combination will arise through oxidation (hydroxide), in the
on the geotextile area /21/ (see 5.3.5). presence of dissolved O2 in the water. This will than flocculate
b) placement of aggregate on the geotextile
tensile stresses: will occur due to spanning of the geotextile Ochre formation can also occur on a biological basis due to meta-
across irregularities in the subgrade under the weight of the bolic activity of iron and manganese microbes /11/.
material placed (see 7.2.2).
dynamic perforation stresses: are caused only when very Sintering and ochre formation are generally only important in the
coarse aggregate (armourstone) is dropped. When placing zone of fluctuating water levels. Thus danger of sintering or ochre
under water by dropping from the water surface, drop energy formation must be checked only if the zone of fluctuating water
of stones will be only max. 15% of that registrated in the dry levels occupies more than 50% of the percolated filter area (e.g. tidal
from a drop height of 2 m (see 5.3.6) /25/20/. zone, undammed rivers).
puncture stresses: will occur during compaction works if
any angular material is in contact with the geotextile (see If a possible sintering or ochre formation has to be considered, the
5.3.8). use of a highly permeable granular filter according to MAK /6/ is
c) driving on the layer overlying the geotextile:
puncture stresses: the magnitude of these loads depends
on thickness, grain size, grain shape of overlying layer, on 3.3.5 UV-resistance
weight of construction equipment and on strength of subsoil
(see 5.3.8). The long-term resistance to ultra-violet light (UV) weathering of
geotextiles manufactured of the usual fibre raw materials (see is highly variable (Annex 5). Resistance of UV-sensitive Waterway operations raw materials can be considerably improved by stabilizers. How-
The following mechanical loads on a geotextile can be caused ever permanent UV- weathering must be prevented by the layer(s)
during waterway operations (currents, waves, quick drawdown of overlying the geotextile.
water level):
tensile stresses: can occur in connection with subgrade defor-
mations or uplift pressure in case of quick water level fluctu- 3.3.6 Penetrability by roots
ations, if big cavities with corresponding water volume exist
beneath a geotextile and the cover-layer surcharge does not act Experiences to date show that geotextiles used in waterways are
on the entire geotextile surface (see 4.10). in principle penetrable by grasses, bushes and trees. Penetrability
abrasion loads: can be caused by chafing movements of rock will be improved with increasing
material or movements of a geotextile on sharp-edged structural - pore size (opening size) and
elements (see 5.3.7). - mobility of fibres (nonwovens) or yarns (wovens).
4 Types of filter and armour-layer construction Recommended grain-sizes of the levelling sublayer, valid for
4.1 General subsoils with d15 < 0,7 mm, are given in Annex 4.
When using a permeable armour layer the following types of filter The quantity of material must be chosen so that existing cavities or
construction have to be taken into consideration depending on irregularities will be fully filled up and a calculated cover thickness
subsoil, slope inclination, hydraulic loadings and installation of at least 5 cm is guaranteed (when placing under water 10 cm).
conditions of the geotextile:
On slopes steeper than 1:3 crushed granular material should be used
a) geotextile directly on the subgrade (standard application), when installation takes place under water.
b) geotextile on a granular levelling sublayer,
c) geotextile combined with an unbound granular filter, The geotextile must be designed with respect to the properties of the
d) granular interlayer between geotextile and armour layer. levelling sublayer (see 5.2 and 5.3).
Under an impermeable cover layer a geotextile fulfils only a Requirements on the geotextile can generally be reduced (see
separation function (see 3.2.2 and
a) because of subsoil properties an even subgrade cannot be con- 4.6.2 Geotextile with an additional layer
structed or it will not remain stable during construction
(see; An additional layer on the underside of a geotextile (Annex 3,
b) inhomogeneous subgrade (see; sheet 2)
c) suffosive subsoil (see; - reduces forming of folds during installation and thus improves
d) existing vegetation will, as an exception, not be removed. the contact with the subgrade already before installation of
the top layer (important on erosive subsoils, see;
The granular levelling sublayer effects a homogeneous and smooth - enhances the resistance to dynamic perforation (see 5.3.6) or to
formation for the geotextile. Grading curves of levelling sublayer puncture loads (see 5.3.8);
and subsoil must be compatible to avoid settlements which may - can enhance friction coefficient (see 5.3.10) and thus improve
occur if the levelling sublayer is too coarse or to avoid rising of the positional stability of the geotextile on steep slopes.
seepage line if it is too fine (MAK /6/).
The opening size of the additional layer must be tuned to the grading 4.7 Edges of a slope protection
of the subsoil.
When installed on a slope, the upper edge of a geotextile must be
Additional layers can be subdivided into those with a relatively protected against subsurface erosion caused by surface water or
small-pore structure , i.e.opening sizes, which must be accom- wave run-up overtopping even during the construction period
modated to grain-sizes of subsoil if they are to stabilize the inter- (Annex 3, sheet 3). This applies especially to geotextiles with an
face between geotextile and subgrade (stabilization layer) and those additional layer (see 4.6.2).
with a relatively large-pore structure (anchorage layer). After a short
time of hydraulic impact the latter effect the anchorage of the The lateral edges at the beginning and the end of the filter area
geotextile in the subgrade. must also be protected against subsurface erosion in the case of
wave impact or of turbulent currents (e.g. by embedding in the
An additional layer must be clearly visible with the naked eye in subsoil).
order to ensure the correct installation position.
Toe forms appropriate as a lower fastening of a slope revetment
For the structure of an additional layer the parameters given in are shown in Annex 3, sheet 4 /7/.
Table 1 are recommended.
Table 1: recommendations for the structure of an additional layer 4.8 Connections with structures
soil type small-pore 0.3 - 2.0 5 - 15 Connections with a smooth building surface being executed in the
dry can be performed e.g. with an overlapping separate geotextile
fitting piece tightly attached to the building. The fitting must be
2-4 large-pore 8.0 - 20 15 - 25 formed in such a way that it will not be exposed to detrimental
strains in the case of movement of the building (Annex 3, sheet 5).
An additional layer must not be applied
beneath a lining, because it will operate like a drainage layer Connections with a smooth or non-planar building surface (e.g.
in the case of leakage (see; sheet-pile wall) can be performed in the dry as well as under water
on slopes if the subsoil is extremely susceptible to erosion (see with an overlapping granular filter or with a concrete seal and contains stones. Stones can lead to undesired (Annex 3, sheet 5).
"tenting" of the additional layer and thus form large voids or
promote formation of erosion channels beneath the geotextile; 4.9 Overlaps and seams
on slopes directly on suffosive subsoil (see, because the
additional layer can become nearly impervious as a result of col-
The overlap of two geotextile units must be (ZTV-W /2/):
matation due to incorporation of fine-soil particles;
in the dry ≥ 0,50 m,
in the case of heavy ingress of groundwater or cleavage water,
because an overpressure acting on a large area can arise behind under water ≥ 1,0 m .
the geotextile as a result of filter layer permeability being much
lower compared with the permeability of the additional layer. Overlap strips shall run on slopes in the direction of inclination.
If it is not possible to avoid horizontal overlaps on a slope, the
lower sheet must always pass over the upper one (Annex 3, sheet 5).
4.6.3 Geotextile with attached fascine-grid (sink mattress) Additional layers must not overlap.
A full-area and nearly unwrinkled installation of geotextiles is possi- Seams must be manufactured with a distance to the geotextile
ble when a fascine-grid is attached to the upper side of the geotextile selvedge of at least 3 cm. Prayer seams are to be placed with the
(Annex 3, sheet 2). When installing under water (sink mattress) the edges to the top, to prevent rising of the geotextile (Annex 3,
structure must be sunk by placing the cover material on it or by sheet 5).
using a beam.The fascine-grid also improves the stability of aggre-
gate overlying the geotextile.
4.10 Armour layers
This type of filter construction may be taken into account especial-
ly for bottom protection works which are executed in great water The armour layer (top layer) must be designed or structured in such
depths, or for slope protections without toe support (e.g. very long a way that the geotextile obtains a long-term protection from
slopes under water). damage due to shipping traffic and UV-weathering (see 3.3.5). On
slopes at the same time a full-area contact of the geotextile with the
subgrade must be effected under the expected hydraulic impacts (see
4.6.4 Geotextile with mineral filler 4.1). The smaller the particle size of the overlying aggregate, the
more homogeneous is the contact of the geotextile with the subgrade
The mass per unit area of a geotextile can be considerably increased (see 4.5).
by factory-made incorporation of aggregate (e.g. sand, fine gravel)
between two geotextile layers. When installed under water, this Types of armour-layer constructions appropriate for slope or bottom
enhances the positional stability of the geotextile during the stage of protection (standard top layers /7/) are shown in Annex 3, sheet 6.
construction without surcharge (no change of position by floating
and no rise of folds).
An adequate protection of the geotextile from UV-weathering and When using a geotextile on a suffosive subsoil, the following
damage e.g. by anchor cast, anchor furrowing or collision by ships possibilities are given, but paying attention to subclause 4.6.2.:
has been proved through field experiments and empirical observa-
tion, when layer thickness is as follows: dimensioning of the geotextile pore sizes so large that the mobile
grain fractions are allowed to pass, or
dimensioning of the geotextile pore sizes so small that the mo-
unsorted coarse fill material: T ≥ 0,70 m,
bile grain fractions will be restrained. Stability and service-
loose armourstone size class II or III: T ≥ 0,60 m,
ability of the structure must not be endangered by the possible
armourstone size class II, partially grouted: T ≥ 0,40 m, resulting rise of seepage line.
armourstone size class II, fully grouted: T ≥ 0,30 m,
asphaltic concrete: T ≥ 0,15 m. When using a geotextile beneath an impermeable top layer (lining)
special criteria apply (see
The TLW /3/ apply to size classification of armourstone. The
corresponding ranges of particle-size distribution are given in
5.2.2 Soil-type design procedure of the BAW
Annex 5. Basis
The soil-type design procedure has been developed by the BAW to
evaluate the suitability of a geotextile as a filter layer in slope or
bottom protection on shipping canals. It has been established with
5 Requirements respect to dynamic hydraulic filter loads as these occur in water-
5.1 General ways /24/. Thus it shall be applied to dynamic hydraulic filter
loadings only.
A geotextile and its seams must be designed with respect to both to
filtration stability and to strength properties. The requirements can For utilization of the soil-type design procedure the range of non-
be established on the basis of cohesive and low cohesive soils from medium silt to medium gravel
- performance tests, has been classified into four soil types (Annex 6) based on the
- design rules or grain-size limits of DIN 18 196 /16/.
- confident empirical knowledge. In the course of the basic test being prescribed to each new geo-
textile product /1/2/, the external dynamic hydraulic filter loadings
When a geotextile is used as a filter layer in a slope or bottom pro- acting in waterways are simulated in a performance test as follows:
tection in waterways according to Annex 3, sheet 6, the adoption of
the standard requirements according to the classification procedure a) quick drawdown and rerise cycles of water level by the flow-
of the BAW is recommended, which has been set up mainly on per- through method /5/.
formance tests connected with empirical values. Using this, all re- b) turbulent flow parallel to the filter surface of return currents,
quirements on the geotextile are established when assigning the waves, screw-race by the reversing turbulent flow method /5/.
subsoil to a soil type or soil-type range (soil-type design procedure) The soil mass passing through the gotextile and the permeability of
and choosing the type of top-layer construction (Table 2 and 3). the geotextile considering entrapped soil particles are determined.
As regards different geotextile applications, top-layer constructions The test is performed with a granulation close to the fine-grained
or hydraulic boundary conditions, the individual values to be border of the individual soil-type ranges (Annex 6), which often are
required must be separately determined or evaluated for the type of present in the German Waterways. The test can also be done with
application concerned. the in-situ soil in the course of a suitability test (see 6.3) in the case
of need.
5.2 Filtration stability For permeable soils (soil types 1-3) the flow-through method yields
5.2.1 General the more unfavourable values of soil loss, whereas for low perme-
able soils (soil type 4) the reversing turbulent flow method does.
Requirements on filtration stability of a geotextile can be esta-
blished in the case of permeable top layers according to the Application principle for permeable top layers
following filter criteria:
The grading-curve of the subsoil forming the subgrade is needed
a) dynamic hydraulic loadings (see 3.2.1). If the subsoil is cohesive cu and Ip should also be known.
soil-type procedure of the BAW (see 5.2.2), If cu and Ip are unknown or if cu < 10 kN/m2 and Ip < 0,15 the
filter rules ( see 5.2.3); geotextile must always be designed - to be on the safe side - for soil
b) static hydraulic loadings type 4.
filter rules (see 5.2.3).
If the subsoil has been classified to be of non-cohesive nature in the
For applications, in which dynamic hydraulic loadings are relevant sense of subclause, it must be assigned with its finest-
(see 3.3.2), the mechanical filtration stability takes preference. grained, non-cohesive grading curve to the validity range of one of
When a grading band exists containing soils in the boundary zone the soil types 1 - 4 (Annex 6, sheet 1 and 2). The soil type which
between non-cohesive and cohesive, mechanical filtration stability encloses the grain fractions d5 - d60 of the subsoil in its validity
must be always designed with regard to the finest non-cohesive range is decisive for filtration specification.
grading curve of the band. It is sufficient if the permeability of the
geotextile will not be lower than the most permeable granulation of The filtration properties of a geotextile are sufficient for all granu-
the band even considering possible entrapment of soil particles. lations of a certain validity range if the limit values given in Table 2
concerning layer thickness (see, mass of soil passing and kn
On the other hand, when static hydraulic loadings exist, hydraulic (at h = 0,25 m) are met in the basic test with the assigned soil type
filtration stability takes preference.The geotextile must be designed (see The limit value for soil mass passing in the last test
to be as permeable as possible with regard to the most permeable phase (Ml) is an indication of adequate stabilization of soil loss
granulation of the grading band, so that the finest non-cohesive during the test period.
granulation will just be restrained.
Table 2 : standard requirements on filtration properties of a geotextile according to TLG /1/
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nr. soil type of subsoil filter layer thickness permissible soil loss kn-value of the soil-
(subgrade) (T) total mass (Mt ) mass (Ml) of soil filled geotextile 5)
of soil passing passing in the last test
(mm) (g/184 cm2) 1) phase (g/184 cm2) 1) (m/s)
7 independent of soil
type of subsoil T < 5,0 requirements related to soil type 4 apply kn < 1 ⋅10−5
If the subsoil includes a band of grading curves exceeding the limits Application principle for impermeable top layers
of the validity range of one soil type, the geotextile filter must be
When a geotextile is provided as a separation layer beneath an
designed for all those soil types of which the validity range is cut by
impermeable top layer (hard lining), it shall be able to promote at
the grading band grain fractions d5 - d60 , i.e. all related require-
the same time self-sealing of the lining in the case of cracks /7/. For
ments apply (see example Annex 7).
this purpose it is sufficient to dimension the mechanical filtration
stability, independent of soil type of subsoil, for the silt fraction (soil
Note type 4, Table 2, line 7). In this case permeability and layer thickness
The admissible soil loss of the flow-through method (see
should be as small as possible. In the case of leakage nonwovens are
has been established to date for safety reasons at 25 (2,5) g due
acting due to permeability in their plane like a drainage layer
to the small number of test cycles compared with the reversing
(seepage loss, see too 4.6.2).
turbulent flow method (TLG 1987). Since studies with multiple
loading times did not significantly enhance the mass of soil loss, 5.2.3 Filter rules
limit values have been equalized with those of soil type 4 (TLG General
For geotextiles provided as a filter layer beneath permeable armour
layers the filter rules of AK 14/ AA 6.14 apply. They are based on
The kn -value of the soil-filled geotextile must in principle be at least the determination of the largest opening size of a geotextile (see
twice of the subsoil's (considerable silty soils at least tenfold). 5.3.3) which is just still admissible for the grading of the subsoil to
be protected considering the type of hydraulic loading. They have
Reduced filtration requirements apply to cohesive subsoils (e.g. been derived from distinct existing filter rules being valid only for a
sealing clay) dependent on apparent cohesion and plasticity index. certain range of gradings, with the objective of a generally valid
In cases where cu ≥ 10 kN/m2 and IP ≥ 0,15 (Table 2, line 5), based dimensioning rule. Thus they represent a compromise for some soils,
on results of filtration tests /19/, any geotextile which meets the and as such, deviations from the given filter rules can be necessary,
requirements on admissible loss of soil mass of one of the soil types depending on boundary conditions of a construction task.
1-4 is appropriate as a filter. Design of a filter layer
In cases where cu < 10 kN/m2 or IP < 0,15 any geotextile which When designing a geotextile filter layer according to the filter rules
complies with admissible loss of soil mass valid for soil type 4 is /8/14/, it must be distinguished between the grain-size ranges
appropriate as a filter.
A, B, C and at the same time between static and dynamic hydraulic Permeability of a brand-new (unused) geotextile can be reduced in
loadings of the filter area. The design rules and an example of the service state by the following effects:
application are given in Annex 8
a) soil-particle entrapment (clogging, blocking):
Concerning soils in the grain-size range A, a geotextile used as a clogging (nonwovens) may occur when Dw > 0,5 x d2 , blocking
filter beneath a structure sensitive to settlement must be designed for (woven) when U < 3. Reduction of v (q, kn) can generally be
dynamic hydraulic loads according to the soil-type design procedure judged by performance tests only (see, but can be con-
(see 5.2.2). sidered too, based on practical experience on thick non-wovens
(T > 2 mm), when using a safety factor as follows:
- silty soils : kn ≥ 50 x ksoil Design of a separation layer - low silty soils : k ≥ 10 x ksoil . } at h ≥ 0,05 m
b) accumulation of fines: is mainly relevant on suffosive subsoils
A separation layer has to be designed merely to provide safe soil (see
restraint (see 2.6 and 3.2.2). For this purpose it is sufficient to c) sintering, ochre formation (see
establish an upper limit of admissible opening size (see 5.3.3) d) uniform surcharge: under a pressure of σ ≤ 2 kPa the reduction
related to the boundary conditions of construction works. in v (q, kn) is negligible even for thick nonwovens (T > 2 mm)
with minimum strength according to subclause 5.3.5 (unpub-
5.3 Material properties lished investigations of the BAW).
5.3.1 General e) reduction of percolated filter area by large armour-layer ele-
ments (see
The general material requirements of the TLG /1/ and ZTV-W /2/
apply. 5.3.3 Opening size
Geotextiles must be so flexible or extensible that they will ensure The range of pore sizes of a geotextile or of its single layers is
under the weight of the cover layer a full-area contact with a sub- described as a substitute with the parameter Dw (effective opening
grade showing normal irregularities, without forfeiting filtration size, soon probably indicated as O90 ). Dw is determined by sieving,
stability. Needle-punched nonwovens are much more flexible and the geotextile being used as a sieve. Dw (O90) = X means that 90 %
extensible than products bonded by adhesion or melting or than of the pores are equal to or smaller than the grain diameter X.
wovens. A structural addition reduces the flexibility of a geotextile.
Dw (O90) is used in geotextile design according to filter rules as a
A geotextile and its seams must be dimensioned or designed in such characteristic parameter for soil restraint (see Its magni-
a way that the expected mechanical loads will not affect the tude is not unchangable. It can be reduced due to surcharge or
filtration properties or even cause damages. Normally, only loads even be enlarged due to geotextile deformations or due to fibre
caused during construction works are relevant to the material shifting caused by dynamic impacts, dependent on type or on
properties to be specified (see strength of a geotextile. That must be assessed in the case of a high
safety level, if necessary, in a suitability test (see 6.3); concerning
The most important physical and chemical properties of the usual nonwovens with strengths according to subclause 5.3.5 and
fibre raw materials (see can be gathered from Annex 5. wovens with fixed crossing points this is generally not relevant.
Based on current experience these fibre raw materials are ecologi-
cally compatible. Dw says nothing about the hydraulic filtration stability of a geo-
textile which is influenced too by porosity, pore-size distribution and
5.3.2 Permeability layer thickness (see 5.3.2 and
Dw of an additional layer: see subclause 4.6.2.
The permeability of a geotextile is influenced by porosity (non-
wovens about 80-95%), pore size, pore-size distribution and layer 5.3.4 Layer thickness
thickness. Permeability is given as Related to the filtration function
- flow velocity v (m/s), The filtration stability of a geotextile can be influenced by layer
- flow rate q (l/m2/s) or thickness. With increasing layer thickness
- coefficient of normal permeability kn (m/s). - consequences of possible variations of mass per unit area on
variations of opening size are reduced (safety to erosion).
v (q) increases with increasing hydraulic head h (fig.). kn decreases - sensitivity of a geotextile to large variations of grading curves of
with increasing hydraulic gradient i and is constant in the laminar subsoil is reduced (safety to erosion).
range (i ≤ 2) only. Thus it makes sense, when comparing permea- - hydrodynamic impacts (waves, turbulent currents) acting through
bilities, to compare index values at a certain h (h = 0,25m or the geotextile on the subsoil are damped, i.e. geotextile pore sizes
h = 0,05 m /5/), considering that v (q, kn) increases too with increa- can be larger without impairing soil restraint (safety to colma-
sing water temperature and is given for geotextiles at 20° C (k of tation).
soils at 10° C according to DIN 18 130 /17/). - ability to drain off soil water even from those filter areas which
are covered e.g. with very large elements of an armour layer, will
be improved (mechanical stability).
c) on coarse subsoils if no significant reduction of permeability The geotextile's ability to resist to these loads without damage must
due to clogging or blocking can occur (see 5.3.2); be proved. The values for drop energy given in Table 3 correspond
d) in the case of subordinate importance of geotextile permeability to perforation loads caused by an armourstone of size class II of
in the plane (relatively small particle sizes of the overlying 30 kg (60 kg, size class III) dropped in the dry from a height of 2 m
layer). /3/5/.
When a geotextile fulfils a separation function (see 3.2.2) there is no Drop energy can be established similarly for requirements on
need to require a minimum layer thickness. Layer thickness depends resistance to dynamic perforation loads of lighter or heavier stones.
only on the required strength properties.
Practical experience has shown that geotextiles with a mass per unit
area of µ ≥ 500 g/m2 and maximum strength according to Table 3
5.3.5 Tensile strength and strain
are sufficiently resistant to perforation by stones of size class II
when placed on sand or finer-grained subsoils (soil types 2 - 4). In
The required minimum values of tensile strength at failure of a the case of coarser subsoil or heavier stones a sufficient resistance to
geotextile are given in Table 3, valid when used under armour dynamic perforation loads must be proved, if need be in a suita-
layers inclined 1:2 or less. According to current practical experience bility test (see 6.3).
they are sufficient to cover the normal tensile stresses which are
unavoidable (see 3.3.3) and consider even tensile forces arising from
the flow pressure of currents (v ≤ 1,50 m/s) when installed under 5.3.7 Resistance to abrasion loads
water /20/21/23/. As regards geotextiles being exposed to wear,
sufficient residual tensile strengths must additionally be proved after
Abrasion loads can lead long-term to damages of a geotextile (see
execution of abrasion test (see 5.3.7). According to practical experience these loads occur in the
zone of fluctuating water levels with an important magnitude only in
On slopes steeper than 1:2 or in the case of current loadings being
connection with unbound protective layers with large voids (armour-
substantially higher when the geotextile is placed, the necessary
stone of size class II or larger) or with permeable concrete block-
tensile strengths at failure must be proved separately.
systems caused by chafing movements of single stones under
frequent heavy wave impacts.
Strains of nonwovens due to uniaxial tensile sresses at failure may
be up to 150 %. Those of wovens are generally much below 20 %.
A geotextile is considered resistant to abrasion loads if 75 % of the
required layer thickness (otherwise original layer thickness) and of
As regards geotextiles connected to a fascine-grid (sink mattress)
the required maximum tensile strengths are still left after execution
the tensile srengths at failure to be required depend on size of the
of abrasion test /5/ (Table 3).
sink and the placing method (see 4.6.3).
If abrasion impacts due to bed load transport must be taken into
5.3.6 Resistance to dynamic perforation loads account in bottom protection (e.g. protective measures against scour
When placing a cover layer consisting of armourstone the geo- in the tail water of barrages), in the case of armour layers with large
textile is subjected to dynamic perforation loads influenced by voids the geotextile must be solidly protected against abrasion loads
- shape and weight of stones, by an overlying smaller-grained interlayer (e.g. crushed rock) which
- drop height of stones, is compatible with the overlying cover layer. Synthetic materials are
- strength of subsoil and not sufficiently long-term resistant to abrasion loads of this kind.
- placing in the dry or under water.
D1 D2/D3 D4,
armourstone armourstone coverings
µ< µ ≥
class II class III class II + grout
3kN/m² 3kN/m²
3 resistance to residual thickness (T) of the filter layer soil type 1-3:T≥3,5
mm - -2)
abrasion after abrasion test soil type 4 :T≥4,5
5.3.8 Resistance to static puncture loads They must be performed for geotextiles according to the TLG /1/
(Annex 9) and ZTV-W /2/ by an approved testing authority
In cases where static puncture impacts on a geotextile cannot be following the RPG /5/.
avoided (see a suitability test (see 6.3) of resistance to
static puncture loads is recommended on a test area under condi-
tions of construction site if damage to the geotextile cannot be 6.2 Basic test
excluded from practical experience.
The basic test is a test by the Contractor to demonstrate the funda-
Geotextiles which are resistant to dynamic perforation loads accor- mental suitability of untried construction materials, construction-
ding to Table 3 are resistant to static puncture loads too if a protec- material mixtures and construction-material systems for the inten-
tive layer with a thickness according to subclause 4.10 is used, since ded purpose.
dynamic perforation loads cause a greater dynamic impact on the
geotextile surface. 6.3 Suitability test
When using geotextiles in a service way or in roads of a construc-
The suitability test is a test by the Contractor to demonstrate the
tion site the "Recommendations for the Use of Geotextiles in Earth-
suitability of the construction materials, construction-material
works " /9/, should be referred to.
mixtures and the construction-material system for the intended pur-
pose taking into consideration the installation method in accordance
5.3.9 Resistance to high temperatures with the specifications of the building contract. This must be per-
formed in good time before construction commences.
When an armour layer is constructed directly on a geotextile using
hot bituminous matters, proof of resistance to high temperatures A suitability test is necessary
(adequate residual tensile strength, see 5.3.5) is not necessary for the a) to prove the fulfilment of those requirements which are justified
usual fibre raw materials (with exception of PE, see Annex 5). For by specific conditions relating to the construction works and thus
these, the BAW has proved by a great number of tests that geotex- are not covered by the certificate of the basic test;
tiles which are placed under material heated up to 200°C /5/ are b) in the case of a high required safety level and a subsoil which is
sufficiently heat resistant. critical with respect to the geotextile filtration properties (perfor-
mance tests by using the subsoil granulation as a test soil);
c) in the case of an untried installation method, or if no experience
5.3.10 Friction coefficient exists in geotextile installation under water;
d) if the foreseen base materials deviate as regards source or type
In slope protection a minimum value of the friction coefficient of a from those of the basic test, i.e. if a significant change of their
geotextile related to the subsoil generally must not be required. properties can be assumed.
Because of irregularities of interface between geotextile and the
subsoil resulting from armour-layer installation (e.g. top layer
6.4 Quality control during manufacture
according to Annex 3, sheet 6) the friction coefficient of the
geotextile can be assumed equal to the effective angle of internal
friction of the subsoil /22/, if interlocking between the geotextile and Quality control must be guaranteed by factory production control
the subsoil is possible due to relation of geotextile opening size and tests of the manufacturer and of an approved body (TLG /1/).
grain sizes of the subsoil (see 5.3.3). Otherwise it has to be reduced
by the factor 0.8. On slopes steeper than 1:2 the friction coefficient Factory production control tests are tests by the Contractor to check
of the geotextile or of the geotextile type must be known. If need be, whether the quality of construction materials, construction-material
it is to be determined in the course of a suitability test (see 6.3). mixtures and the construction-material system comply with the
contractual specifications.
The friction behaviour of a geotextile on cohesive soils with
softened surface can be significantly improved by an additional 6.5 Control tests by the Principal
layer with the largest possible pore sizes (see 4.6.2), because the Control tests are tests by the Principal to check if the quality pro-
cohesion of subsoil takes effect when the additional-layer fibres perties of the construction materials, construction-material mixtures
penetrate into the subsoil. and the construction-material system fulfil the contractual require-
5.3.11 Mass per unit area
Samples for control tests must be taken on the directive of the
The mass per unit area of a geotextile results from the specified Principal by the Contractor and be sent to the testing laboratory by
material and filtration properties. This is used as a characteristic the Principal. The following must be stated for the samples :
relative value in quality controls and therefore must be determined - contractual requirements,
in each test (see 6). - product name,
- roll number,
Based on practical experience this may be used as a standard value - name of the construction project,
for achieving specific material properties. - range for which the sample is representative,
- geotextile upper side for placing purposes,
- date of sampling,
- name of the authorized person.
6 Tests
6.1 General If seams are manufactured on the construction site a trial seam
Tests for quality assurance can be subdivided into should be tested before commencement of placing (ZTV-W /2/).
- the basic test,
- suitability test(s), The samples taken from one delivery must be sent to the testing
- quality control during manufacture and laboratory by the Principal in good time so that the test results are
- control tests by the Principal. available before commencement of placing (TLG /1/).
7 Instructions for inviting tenders and for only possible with technical assistance or by using a structural
addition (see 4.6), since geotextiles do not sink to the subgrade
construction works without surcharge because of their low unit weight (Annex 5) and
7.1 Tender documents entrapped air bubbles.
The inviting of tenders for supply of geotextiles must always be The following demands are to be made on the installation method
based on the Technical Supply Conditions for Geotextile Filters (does not apply to sink mattresses, see 4.6.3):
(TLG /1/).
a) The geotextile should be in contact with the subgrade if at all
When setting up the tender documents for geotextiles used in a possible when cover layer aggregate is placed on it, or it should
standard top layer by means of the catalogue of standard-specifi- be held only in a small distance above it (< 0,50 m), while pre-
cation texts (STLK) /4/ all relevant particular requirements accor- stressing it moderately. Sinking a floating geoextile unit in the
ding to the TLG are unambiguously established by assigning the planned position and without folds is not possible simply by
subsoil to be protected, following the soil-type design procedure of placing aggregate on it. In addition coarse aggregate (stones)
the BAW (see 5.2.2) and by indicating the type of top-layer con- may get beneath the geotextile (risk of perforation ; reduction
struction if the symbols of the standard top layer and of the soil type of mechanical stability of the top layer on slopes, see 4.1; in-
or soil-type range are indicated in the bill of quantities. In the case creased risk of abrasion damages).
of deviating or additional requirements all decisive requirements
must be included in the construction-works description (Annex 10).
The satisfactory position of the geotextile must be checked by a
If special connections are to be performed (see 4.7 and 4.8) they diver in each case before placing the protective layer if this is
must be detailed in the tender documents and drawn if need be. not guaranteed by the installation method or by the structural
addition used (see 4.6).
If a construction contract is concluded the technical contract condi-
tions ZTV-W (LB 210) must be established as part of the contract. b) The area of overlaps must be checked by a diver immediately
Admissible tolerances as regards preparation of the subgrade must before installing the adjacent geotextile unit to ensure full-area
be indicated in the tender documents. coverage and freedom from stones if this is not guaranteed by
the structural addition used and by the placing method. A geo-
When the geotextile is to be placed under water, it must be pro- textile protruding from an impermeable top layer (lining) may
vided in the tender documents that the supplier indicates the in- lead to uncontrollable water losses in a sealing section depen-
stallation method as regards ding on the geotextile transmissivity /20/ (see too
- preparation of the filter subgrade, c) Fixings of a geotextile which may cause damage of the filter
- description of the placement equipment or of the installation area (e.g. pinning) are inadmissible.
method d) All edges over which the geotextile is turned must be rounded
- extent of intended diver operations (see 7.2.3). off to minimize chafing loads due to movements of the instal-
lation equipment or of the geotextile itself.
7.2 Construction works In the section of the construction site the authorized maximum speed
7.2.1 Preparation of the filter subgrade of navigation should be limited to Vs = 6 km/h, to exclude as far as
possible slippage or erosion of the filter subgrade, damage of the
The filter subgrade must be evenly levelled. Cavities, which may geotextile unit caused by the flow pressure and displacement of
often occur when constructing the subgrade on a cohesive subsoil, overlaps caused by return currents or waves. If necessary the navi-
and also erosion channels, must be filled up with soil of filter qua- gational span must be reduced by traffic signs to a width much less
lity (see 4.3). Any vegetation, exposed stones or foreign bodies must than already effected by the floating equipment of the construction
be removed. Otherwise a larger quantity of geotextiles may be site.
required, and this may amount to 30% of the filter area /20/, resul-
ting from the larger surface of an irregular subgrade compared with When placing a granular levelling sublayer the recommendations
a regular one. This may have consequences for the execution of given in subclause 4.3 must be heeded.
overlaps or connections with structures as insufficient fabric may be
available to ensure complete coverage. On slopes the local mecha-
nical stability of the armour layer can be reduced due to large ca- 7.3 Inventory documents
vities beneath the geotextile (see 4.1).
With respect to the later maintenance works or repairs inventory
documents must be established from the actual revetment structure
7.2.2 Installation in the dry giving all the essential details such as:
Installation of geotextiles in the dry is generally not problematical - nature of subsoil according to DIN 4022 /28/ and to DIN 18 196
(see Nevertheless it must be ensured that measures to /16/
secure the geotextile against displacements caused by wind, waves - product name of the geotextile and test report of the basic test
(tidal zone) etc. do not lead to perforation of the later percolated and/or of suitability test(s),
filter area /2/ and that they do not result in uncontrollable tensile - type of geotextile joints (seams or overlaps), indication of roll
strengths when placing the protective layer. The geotextile must be width,
allowed to slide on the subgrade. - revetment structure,
- type of toe support,
Driving on geotextiles without a sufficient protective layer must be - indication of geographical location of construction section,
avoided (see - abnormalities during construction execution (e.g. defects re-
gistered by control tests or reservations resulting from the final
inspection) and
7.2.3 Installation under water
- diver reports.
Placing a geotextile unit under water in the the planned position is
8 References /20/ Abromeit, H.-U.: "Installation of geotextile filters under water
by technical means"; Mitteilungen des Franzius-Instituts für
Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen der Universität Han-
/1/ Technical Supply Conditions for Geotextile Filters (TLG);
nover, Nr. 62/1986
obtainable at Drucksachenstelle bei der WSD Mitte, Am
Waterlooplatz 9, 30169 Hannover
/21/ Abromeit, H.-U.: "Tensile stresses on a geotextile due to the
influences of shipping when installation is performed from the
/2/ Supplementary Technical Contract Conditions - Hydraulic
water surface", BAW-Brief Nr. 5/1989
Engineering (ZTV-W) for Embankment and Bottom Revet-
ments, service area 210; obtainable at Drucksachenstelle bei
/22/ Grett, H.-D.: "Friction behaviour of geotextiles being in con-
der WSD Mitte, Am Waterlooplatz 9, 30169 Hannover
tact with cohesive or non-cohesive soils"; Mitteilungen des
Franzius-Instituts für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen
/3/ Technical Supply Conditions for Armourstone (TLW), ob-
der Universität Hannover, Nr. 59/1984
tainable at Drucksachenstelle bei der WSD Mitte, Am Water-
looplatz 9, 30169 Hannover
/23/ Knieß, H.G./ List, H.-J.: "Long-term durability of geotextile
filters"; unpublished research report of the BAW, Karlsruhe
/4/ Catalogue of Standard Specification Texts - Hydraulic Engi-
neering (STLK) for Embankment and Bottom Revetments,
service area 210; obtainable at Drucksachenstelle bei der
/24/ Knieß, H.G.: "Criteria and attempt for technical and economi-
WSD Mitte, Am Waterlooplatz 9, 30169 Hannover
cal design of inland-waterway revetments", Mitteilungsblatt
der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Nr. 53, August
/5/ Guidelines for Testing Geotextile Filters in Navigable Water-
ways (RPG), BAW Karlsruhe
/25/ Knieß, H.G.: "Dumping of stones under water", Mitteilungs-
/6/ Code of Practice Use of Granular Filters on Waterways
blatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Nr. 50,
(MAK), BAW Karlsruhe
/7/ Code of Practice Use of Standard Construction Types for
/26/ Schnitter , G./ Zeller, J.: "Seapage flow in earth dams due to
Embankment and Bottom Revetments on Waterways (MAR),
fluctuation of a dammed up water level"; Schweizerische Bau-
BAW Karlsruhe
zeitung, 75. Jahrgang, Nr. 52/1957
/8/ Guideline Nr. 306: "Use of geotextiles in hydraulic enginee-
/27/ "Denkendorfer Fasertafel 1986", Institut für Textil- und Ver-
ring"; editor: Deutscher Verband für Wasserwirtschaft und
fahrenstechnik, Körschtalstraße 26, 73770 Denkendorf
Kulturbau e V. (DVWK), edition 1991
/28/ DIN 4022, part 1; Subsoil and groundwater; designation and
/9/ "Directions for Use of Geotextiles in Earthworks", Forschungs-
description of soil and rock
gesellschaft für Sraßen- und Verkehrswesen / Köln
/29/ Kuntze, H.: "Verockerungen; Diagnose und Therapie"; Schrif-
/10/ "Das Geotextilhandbuch", Schweizerischer Verband der Geo-
tenreihe des Kuratoriums für Wasser- und Kulturwesen,
textilfachleute (SVG), secretariat c/o EMPA, Postfach, 9001
Nr. 32 (1978)
St. Gallen / Switzerland
mechanical filter loads, see 3.3.3
9 Index of keywords - execution of construction works, see
- waterway operations, see
A abrasion loads, see, 5.3.7 mechanical filtration stability, see 2.5, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.3
abrasion resistance, see 5.3.5, 5.3.7 mechanical stability, see, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6.2,, 7.2.1, 7.2.3
additional layer, see 4.6.2, 4.9, 5.3.3, 5.3.10
N non-cohesive soil, see,, 5.2.3
angle of internal friction, see,
nonwoven, see 2.2,, 5.3.1, 5.3.2
armour layers, see 4.10
armourstone, see 4.10 O ochre formation, see, 5.3.2
authorized maximum speed of navigation, see 7.2.3 opening size, see 4.6.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.3.3
overlaps, see 4.9, 7.2.1, 7.2.3
B basic test, see,, 6.2
bill of quantities, see 7.1 P penetrability by roots, see 3.3.6
biological ochre formation, see perforation loads, see
blocking, see 2.10,, 5.3.2 performance test, see, 5.3.2, 6.3
bottom protection pH-value, see
- connections with structures, see 4.8 plasticity index Ip, see,,,
- standard type of construction, see 4.10 production control by an approved body, see 6.4
puncture loads, see
C catalogue of standard-specification texts, see 7.1
chemical ochre formation, see Q quality control, see 6.4
classification procedure of the BAW, see 5.1, 7.1 R requirements
cleavage water, see 4.2, 4.3, 4.6.2 - filtration stability, see 5.2
clogging, see 2.10,, 5.3.2 - material properties, see 5.3
cohesive soil, see, residual tensile strength, see 5.3.5, 5.3.7, 5.3.9
colmatation, see 2.10,,, 4.6.2, 5.3.2, resistance
connections with structures, see 4.8, 7.1, 7.2.1 - abrasion, see 5.3.5, 5.3.7
construction works, see 7.2 - dynamic perforation, see 5.3.6
- description, see 7.1 - high temperatures, see 5.3.9
- in the dry, see 7.2.2 - long term, see
- under water, see 7.2.3 - static puncture, see 5.3.8
construction-site roads, see 5.3.8 - UV weathering, see 3.3.5, 4.10, 5.3.1
construction types, see 4 ff. reversing turbulent flow method, see
control tests, see 6.5
S sealing clay, see
D drainage layer, see 2.7, seams, see 4.9, 5.1, 5.3.1
durability, see, 3.3.5 seepage loss, see, 7.2.3 ?
dynamic hydraulic loading, see 2.11, 3.3.2, 5.2.1,,, separation layer, see 2.6, 3.2.2,,
E erosion, see 2.8,, 4.1, 4.5, 4.6.2, sink mattress, see 4.6.3, 5.3.5, 7.2.3
sintering, see, 5.3.2
F fascine-grid, see 4.6.3
site traffic, see
fibre raw materials, see, 5.3.1
slope protection, see 4.10
filter, see 2.5
- edges, see 4.7
- hydraulic loadings, see 3.3.2
- toe forms, see 4.6.3, 4.7
- mechanical impacts, see 3.3.3
soil, see subsoil
- necessity, see 3.2
soil types, see 5.1,
- rules, see 5.2.1, 5.2.3
soil-type design procedure, see 5.2.2
- subgrade, see 4.2, 4.3, 7.1, 7.2
standard top layers, see 4.10
- types of construction, see 4.1 ff.
static hydraulic loadings, see 2.12, 3.3.2, 5.2.1,
filtration stability, see 5.2, 5.3.2, 5.3.3,
strain, see 5.3.1, 5.3.5
flexibility, see 5.3.1
structural addition, see 4.6 ff
flow pressure of currents, see, 5.3.5, 7.2.3
subgrade, see 4.2, 4.3, 4.6.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3
flow-through method, see
subsoil, see 3.3.1
friction coefficient, see 4.6.2, 5.3.10
- description, see
G grading band, see 5.2.1,, - cohesive, see,
grain-size distribution, see, - susceptible to erosion, see
granular filter, see, 4.4, 4.8 - inhomogeneous, see
granular interlayer, see 4.5 - non-cohesive, see,
granular levelling layer, see 4.3 - susceptible to suffosion, see
H hydraulic filter loadings suffosion, see 2.9,, 4.3, 4.6.2, 5.2.1, 5.3.2
- dynamic, see 2.11, 3.3.2, 5.2.1,,, suitability test, see, 5.3.3, 5.3.8, 5.3.10, 6.3
- static, see 2.12, 3.3.2, 5.2.1, surface water, see 4.7
hydraulic filtration stability, see 2.5, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, T tender documents, see 7.1
hydraulic gradient, see 2.11, 2.12, 5.3.2 tensile strength, see material properties
I inhomogeneous subgrade, see, 4.3 tensile stresses, see,
installation tests, see 6 ff
- in the dry, see 7.2.2 - basic test, see 6.2
- loads, see - control tests by the Principal, see 6.5
- under water, see 7.2.3 - production control by an approved body, see 6.4
interlayer, granular, see 4.5 - production control by the manufacturer, see 6.4
inventory documents, see 7.3 - suitability tests, see 6.3
K k-value - additional layer, see 4.6.2
- geotextile, see 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.2 - armour layer, see 4.10
- soil, see, 5.3.2 - geotextile, see,, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.3.7
L levelling sublayer, granular, see 4.3 - levelling sublayer, see 4.3
lining, see 4.6.2,, 7.2.3 toe forms, see 4.6.3, 4.7
loads, mechanical, see 3.3.3 top layers, see 4.10
long-term durability, see, 3.3.5 U uplift pressure, see, 4.1
M manufacturer production controls, see 6.4 UV-weathering, see 3.3.5, 4.10
mass per unit area, see 5.3.6, 5.3.11 V vegetation, see 3.3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 7.2.1
material properties, see 5.3
- additional layer, see 4.6.2 W water in the filter zone, see 3.3.4
- resistance to abrasion loads, see 5.3.7 water permeability,, 5.3.2
- resistance to perforation loads, see 4.6.2, 5.3.6 waterway operations, see
- resistance to static puncture loads, 5.3.8 woven, see 2.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.2
- tensile strengths, see 5.3.5, 5.3.7 Z zone of fluctuating water levels, see
- thickness, 5.3.4 ZTV-W, service area 210, see 5.3.1, 6.5, 7.1
10 Index of Annexes Page
Annex 1 Check of the necessity for a filter layer (separation layer) ................................................................................................ 19
Annex 2
sheet 1-2: Check of suffosion stability of a soil using its grading curve (geometric suffosion stability) .......................................... 20
Annex 3
sheet 1: Types of filter construction................................................................................................................................................... 22
sheet 2 : Geotextile with a structural addition ................................................................................................................................... 23
sheet 3: Examples of the upper edge construction of a slope protection (see 4.7) .......................................................................... 24
sheet 4: Toe forms of a slope protection (example of an armourstone layer partially grouted) ................................................... 25
sheet 5: Connections with a structure (see 4.8) ................................................................................................................................. 26
sheet 6: Standard top layers for a slope and bottom protection according to the MAR /7/ (see 4.10).......................................... 27
Annex 4 Grain-size range recommended for a granular levelling sublayer (see 4.3) and assessment of
soil permeability; diagram of BEYER, relation of HAZEN .............................................................................................. 28
Annex 5 Grading bands of the armourstone size classes 0 - V according to the Technical Supply
Conditions for Armourstone (TLW) /3/ and fibre raw materials used for geotextiles and their
properties /27/ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Annex 6
sheet 1: Validity range of the soil types 1 and 2 (see 5.2.2) .............................................................................................................. 30
sheet 2: Validity range of the soil types 3 and 4 (see 5.2.2) .............................................................................................................. 31
Annex 7
sheet 1-4: Examples of a filter application in a permeable slope protection of a ship-canal using the
soil-type design procedure of the BAW ............................................................................................................................... 32
Annex 8
sheet 1-3: Filter rules of the AK 14 / AA 6.14....................................................................................................................................... 36
Annex 9 Table on standard tests according to the Technical Supply Conditions for
Geotextile Filters (TLG)........................................................................................................................................................ 39
Annex 10 Process of design and tender-document specification......................................................................................................... 40
Annex 1
A50 = ratio of the mean grain diameter D50 of the cover layer and d50 of the subsoil to be protected
CUI = uniformity coefficient of the subsoil
CUII= uniformity coefficient of the cover-layer material
The validity of the CISTIN / ZIEMS diagram /13/ has been proved for soils in the range of 0.1 < d < 30 mm and for filter granulations in the
range of 4 <D < 100 mm. Since being determined on the basis of geometric size ratios this may be used too for the assessment of the necessity
for a filter as regards coarser granulations. It can be used likewise to assess the necessity for a separation layer in the case of dynamic
impacts (see 3.2.2).
Examples of application
a) A cover layer consisting of armourstone size class II on subsoil consisting of coarse very gravelly sand
subsoil: d60 = 2.0 mm
d50 = 1.5 mm
d10 = 0.4 mm
CUI = 5
cover layer: D50 = 170 mm (Annex 5)
CUII = 1.7
from the diagram of CISTIN / ZIEMS : admissible A50 = 11
existing A50 = D50 / d50 = 170 / 1.5 = 113 > admissible A50
A filter is necessary.
Annex 2, sheet 1
1. Cut the grading curve of the soil (see fig.1) at an arbitrary grain diameter. The finer grain diameters are regarded as the base fraction (db),
the coarser grain diameters as the filter fraction (df). Read at the cut diameter (dc) the weight percentage (wsc).
fig.1 : soil grading curve and grading curves of the base and of the filter fraction for one chosen cut diameter dc
2. Determine a separate grading curve of the base fraction and of the filter fraction (see fig. 1) according to equations 1 and 2. For this, at
least 5 evenly graded grain diameters should be used in each case.
a) determination of the base-fraction grading curve:
for a chosen grain diameter db(i) applies
wb - wsc
wf(i) = 100% - w × 100% (equation 2)
wb(i) = percentage by weight of the base-fraction grading curve at the chosen grain diameter db(i)
wf(i) = percentage by weight of the filter-fraction grading curve at the chosen grain diameter df(i)
ws = percentage by weight of the soil at the chosen grain diameter db(i) or df(i) of its grading curve
wsc = percentage by weight of the soil at the chosen cut diameter dc of its grading curve.
3. Check the mechanical filtration stability of the grading curves of the filter and of the base fraction according to CISTIN / ZIEMS (Annex
1). If the admissible ratio A50 is kept, the filtration stability between the two chosen grain fractions is given.
4. Repeat the steps 1. to 3. using further cut diameters (see fig. 2). A soil is stable to suffosion if the mechanical (geometric) filtration
stability between the grading curves of the filter and of the base fraction exists for any cut diameter.
Annex 2, sheet 2
Example of calculation
1. Cut the soil grading curve (see fig. 1) at the chosen grain diameter dc = 1 mm into the base and the filter fraction.
At the cut diameter dc read
wsc = 48 %.
2. In order to determine the grading curve of the base and of the filter fraction the following , nearly evenly graded grain diameters are to be
db(i) = 0.1; 0.15; 0.2; 0.35; 0.6 mm
df(i) = 2.0; 4.0; 6.0; 10; 16; 20 mm.
from equation 1 :
wb3 = 19 % / 48 % x 100 % = 39 %.
from equation 2 :
59% - 48%
wf3 = 100% - 48% × 100% = 21 %
Accordingly calculate the percentage by weight of the base and of the filter-fraction grading curves using the remaining established grain
diameters. The two grading curves are constructed by straight-line connection of the points deter-
mined in this way.
3. In order to check the filtration stability between the base and the filter fraction the following characteristic grain diameters of their grading
curves are needed:
There is no mechanical filtration stability between the grading curves of the base and of the filter fraction, i.e. the soil is not stable to suffosion
as regards the investigated cut diameter.
Annex 3, sheet 1
granular levelling sublayer
unbound granular filter
Annex 3, sheet 2
Annex 3, sheet 3
Examples of the upper edge construction
of a slope protection (see 4.7)
Annex 3, sheet 4
a) toe carpet: on soils only slightly susceptible to erosion (d50 > 2 mm and Cu > 3)
Annex 3, sheet 5
Connections with a structure (see 4.8)
a) smooth surface
variant 2
Annex 3, sheet 6
D1 geotextile filter
D2 geotextile filter
D 4b geotextile filter
subsoil or lining susceptible to erosion or non-resistant to
dynamic perforation loads
Annex 4
1. Diagram of BEYER
Annex 5
Fibre raw materials used for geotextiles and their properties /27/
type of fibre density biological resistance to acid resistance to basic resistance to ultra- softening point
raw material (g/cm3) resistance water water violet radiation 1) (°C) /
(pH ≥ 3) (pH ≤ 12) melting point
Polyacrylic ++
1.14 - 1.18 +++ ++ ++ 200 / -
(PAC) (50 - 60)
PA 6
180 - 200 /
Polyamide + 215 - 220
1.14 + + ++
(PA) (5 - 15) 2) PA 6.6
220 - 235 /
255 - 260
Polyester + 230 - 240 /
1.36 - 1.38 ++ ++ +
(PES) (5 - 15) 2) 250 - 260
high density +++ 105 - 120 /
Polyethylene (PE) 0.95 - 0.96 ++ ++ ++ (no values 125 - 135
Polypropylene + 150 - 160 /
0.90 - 0.92 ++ ++ ++
(PP) (0 - 10) 3) 160 - 175
+ + + exellent stability, + + good stability, + sufficient stability
1) residual strength in % of initial strength (tested on yarns) after direct weathering for 12 months, location Florida
2) improved as regards stabilized types
3) essential improvement possible with stabilizers
Annex 6, sheet 1
Annex 6, sheet 2
Annex 7, sheet 1
Examples of a filter application in a permeable slope protection of a ship-canal using the soil-type
design procedure of the BAW
These soils are classified to be of non-cohesive nature (d20 ≥ 0.006 mm), but to be susceptible to erosion during the con-struction stage (β
≥ ϕ' / 2). They are not suffosive (Cu < 8). Special effects of the water in the sense of subclause 3.3.4 are not relevant.
Annex 7, sheet 2
As regards the grain fractions d5 to d60 the grading band SU to SE (fig.1) must be compared with the validity range of the soil types 1 to 4
and assigned to them (Annex 6). The result is
• SU = soil type 4 (fig. 2a)
• SE = soil type 2 (fig. 2b).
SU is relevant to the mechanical filtration stability of the geotextile, SE to the hydraulic one (see 5.2.1).
Annex 7, sheet 3
2. Example of soils lying only partly in the validity range of the soil types 1 to 4
Annex 7, sheet 4
Annex 8, sheet 1
Annex 8, sheet 2
When designing the mechanical filtration stability of a geotextile on the basis of the largest admissible opening size Dw (O90 ) according to the
filter rules of the AK 14 the following grain-size ranges are to be distinguished.
- grain-size range A: d40 ≤ 0.06 mm
- grain-size range B: d15 ≥ 0.06 mm
- grain-size range C: d15 < 0.06 mm and d40 > 0.06 mm
The relevant filter rules are given in Table 1. The largest admissible opening size resulting from them should be used to ensure the
permeability as high as possible. With respect to safety to colmatation the lower limit value of the admissible opening size should be: Dw (O90)
≥ 0.8 ⋅ max. O90 /8/.
The grading curve of the subsoil must not cut the specially featured ranges given in the individual grain-size distribution diagrams.
Concerning the hatched area of the grain-size range A a relatively open filter design is admissible due to the effective cohesion /8/ (see too
The hydraulic filtration stability is guaranteed for mechanically bonded nonwovens in contact with silt or sand if the kn-value of the brand-
new product measured under a normal stress of 2 kPa meets the following condition /8/:
kn ≥ 50 ⋅ ksoil.
Examples of application
In the following examples of application only the principal method for the design of the geotextile filtration properties according to the filter
rules is shown. Further requirements must be established following subclause 5.3 (see example Annex 7).
The grading bands of Annex 7, fig. 1 and 3, are used as examples of application.
soil group d10 d15 d40 d50 d60 CU d90 grain-size range
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (-) (mm)
SU 0.014 0.018 0.055 0.075 0.10 7.1 0.2 A (d40 ≤ 0.06 mm)
SE 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.20 2.0 0.4 B (d15 > 0.06 mm)
According to subclause 5.2.1 , in the case of hydrodynamic loadings, the mechanical filtration stability is to be designed for SU and the
hydraulic filtration stability for SE.
Annex 8, sheet 3
soil group d10 d15 d40 d50 d60 CU d90 Ip grain-size range
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (-) (mm) (-)
SU 0.06 0.09 0.30 0.40 0.50 8.3 2.0 - B (d15 > 0.06 mm)
When dynamic hydraulic loads are relevant, according to sublause 5.2.1 the mechanical filtration stability is to be designed for the finest-
grained non-cohesive grading curve, the hydraulic filtration stability for the coarsest-grained (most permeable) grading curve of the grading
band (here SU).
As regards the finest non-cohesive grading curve the grain fractions given in Table 3a apply (here supposed, but in practice to be determined
by laboratory tests).
Table 3a: characteristic grain diameters of SU (supposed finest-grained non-cohesive grading curve)
(1) In the case of a suffosive subsoil attention should be paid to subclause
(2) As regards geotextile permeability the tender documents must state at which water head h or gradient i
the minimum value kn shall apply (see too subclause 5.3.2).
Annex 9
tests to be carried out basic test suitability test quality control tests control tests carried out
(proof of funda-mental (prior to construction) (during production) by the Principal
• filter layer x x x x
• additional layer x x x x
water permeability 1)
x - - -
• v/h- or kn /i-curve
x (x) x x
• index value for v or kn at
h = 0.05 or 0.25 m
opening size
x (x) x (x)
• filter layer x - x x
• additional layer
resistance to temperatures
of up to 200 °C 2) x (x) - -
1) v = flow velocity
h = hydraulic head
kn = coefficient of normal permeability
i = hydraulic gradient
2) only relevant to fibre raw materials known not to be resistant to high temperatures