Congestion Management in Power System - A Review
Congestion Management in Power System - A Review
Congestion Management in Power System - A Review
Nurul Idayu Yusoff, Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd Zin, Azhar Bin Khairuddin
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
[email protected], [email protected]my, [email protected]
Abstract— The development of deregulated power systems limitations such as thermal limitation of a transmission line
has resulted in overloading transmission networks or network or a transformer can be effective in the occurrence of
congestion. Congestion has serious effects on power systems, congestion. Voltage limitation in a node, transient stability,
including severe system damage. Congestion occurs when dynamic stability, reliability and similar cases are some of
transmission networks fail to transfer power based on the load the examples of system limitations of transmission network
demand. These problems are managed using congestion which contributed to congestion of the network.
management methods, which play an important role in current
deregulated power systems. Several methods have been Congestion occurs due to the absence of matching
proposed to manage congestion. This paper reviews some generation and transmission services. Congestion is also
congestion management methods, including Generators caused by unexpected eventualities such as generation
Rescheduling (GR), load shedding, optimal location of outages, unexpected escalation of load demand, and
Distributed Generation (DG), Nodal Pricing, cost free methods, equipment failure [7]. Congestion in the power systems
Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), should be rectified immediately to ensure system security
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), Shuffled and to avoid further block-outs.
Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA), Fuzzy-Logic System
approaches and the additional renewable energy sources. The The occurrence of congestion in power systems leads to
work of various publications is used to review the significance system disturbances that cause further outages in an
of each proposed technique in relieving congestion and interconnected system. Congestion is also caused by grave
minimizing system operating costs. damage to power system components if system outages
frequently occur. It is not only equipment which is harmed
Keywords—power system; congestion management; by congestion, but also the power quality [8]. To prevent
congestion; optimization; methods. power system equipment from being damaged and to
enhance power quality, congestion systems need to function
I. INTRODUCTION immediately.
Currently, the power industry in many countries is The importance of congestion management is discussed
undergoing restructuring and deregulation with the in reference [6], which identify the congestion management
replacement of previous monolithic regulated public utilities as one the key issues to maintain security and reliability of
with competitive power markets [1]. This is to meet transmission networks. Congestion management balances the
increasing demands for electricity around the world at system and solves financial issues arising from the
affordable prices. This caused major problems of congestion congestion. Lack of attention to congestion in the system
in the transmission lines of deregulated electric power may lead to widespread blackouts associated with negative
systems., endangering transmission system security [2]. social and economic consequences.
Congestion management needs to be immediate performed
so that congested systems are relieved or avoided. Many studies have been carried out to determine the best
congestion management approaches for preventing
There are many reasons mentioned in technical congested transmission lines despite increased electricity
literatures for power system congestion. In competitive demand. Some of the methods used are Generators
market, congestion occurs when transmission networks are Rescheduling (GR), load shedding, Distributed Generation
unable to accommodate all desired transactions due to (DG), Optimal Power Flow (OPF), Flexible Alternating
violations of the system operating limits [3]. Congestion Current Transformer System (FACTS) devices, Genetic
refers to an overloading transmission lines when the thermal Algorithms (GA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).
bounds and line capacities are violated [4]. Congestion also These techniques have their own advantages and
occurs when power flows in the transmission line are higher disadvantages.
than the flow allowed by operating reliability limits [5].
The physical and system limitations of transmission
network are mentioned as one of the factors and phenomena Congestion management is described using technical
cause congestion on transmission lines [6]. Physical methods and non-technical methods as in Fig. 1 [9], [10].
method is better than others. The literature [3] also proposed studies, which indicate the validity of the proposed stochastic
the combination of FACTS and DR program used to program based on the remarkable results obtained.
minimize the total congestion costs and maximize the social
welfare. FACTS and DR combination method provides the V. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPROACHES
most reliable and efficient solution to relieve congestion in
the system. Artificial intelligence approaches are methods for
developing numerical algorithms using computer based
technologies to solve congestion in power system networks.
IV. CONVETIONAL OPTIMIZATION METHODS Several techniques are reviewed in this section, such as the
Conventional optimization methods are used to manage PSO, GA, Fuzzy-Logic systems, Simulated Annealing (SA)
congested power systems. The methods are advanced algorithm, General Algebraic Modelling Systems (GAMS)
methods that used FACTS devices as an alternative to based optimization, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm,
efficiently minimize the power flows in the system especially Fish School Optimization (FSO) algorithm, Flower
during the heavy demands [29]. The use of FACTS devices Pollination Algorithm (FLA), Strength Pareto Evolutionary
helps improve power capability, lower system losses, and Algorithm (SPEA), Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm
increase system stability by controlling power flows. (MOEA) and SFLA.
Optimization methods are needed whenever FACTS devices
are used in congestion management so that optimal The literatures [38-40] presented an algorithm of PSO as
performance is achieved [30]. Optimization methods include a method used to manage congestion in power markets to
the Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), minimize generator rescheduling costs and relieve
Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC), and the promotion congestion. IEEE 30-bus system is implemented and
of renewable energy. analyzed with the use of PSO and at the end proved that PSO
is a superior method for congestion management [19].
Papers [31-33] have presented an improved method for Security constraints from both load bus voltage and line
congestion management using the optimal placement of loading are efficiently handled with the PSO technique [38].
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators (TCSC) in The literature [39] used PSO algorithms for managing
transmission networks. The MINLP was formulated to congestion in deregulated power systems. The proposed
determine the location of TCSCs in the system [32]. The approach efficiently relieves line overloads and has been
optimization method was introduced to minimize the reactive compared with the DR approach.
power procurement cost of the method.
The main concern in managing congestion is the lines
TCSC is used to remove congestion with minimum cost limits transfer capability and available generation capacity.
of installation by optimization approach in locating the Study [16], [17], [40] proposed a GA to solve the numerical
devices [34]. The congestion is solved by finding the optimal formulated problem for system congestion. GA method are
location of TCSC using the sensitivity analysis technique, used with FACTS devices or GR method which functioned
and claimed that the method proposed has successfully as a combination of congestion management techniques.
relieved the congestion. FACTS devices can control the The proposed methods are useful optimization tools able to
power flow in a fast manner, hence improve the power relieve congestion and minimize system costs [41].
transfer capability limit of the line. Some benefits of using
FACTS devices are summarized in the literature [35], such Optimization by using a multi objective approach, Non-
as the capability of reducing cost of production and increase dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) is used
the load ability and others. to solve the optimization problem in a GR congestion
method [42]. The paper proposed congestion management
UPFC is FACTS device and the most effective device for method with two objectives; optimizing the transmission line
congestion management [36]. The optimization of UPFC is overload, and the congestion costs in the system, hence
introduced to minimize generation costs and relieve introduced the NSGA-II optimization method to be used.
congestion systems. An optimal model for managing The proposed methods effectively relieve the congestion
congestion was proposed with concern for the promotion of economically with the minimum shifts in GR method, which
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the power system indicates that NSGA-II method is an efficient method
network [36]. The literature [31] presented the wind power required when dealing with more than one objective of
system with additions of FACTS devices in the system, and congestion management.
showed improvement in transfer capabilities and congestion
relief. Fuzzy Logic optimization approach is proposed by
literature [43] with the purposed of control active power flow
A stochastic self-scheduling of RES considering for congestion management by using FACTS devices. The
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is proposed with effectiveness of the algorithm has been tested successfully
the presence of DR program [37]. RESs in this paper is and the congestion is relieved without the rescheduling
included the used of wind turbine (WT) and Photovoltaic process in the system. The literature [44] has proposed a
(PV) system simultaneously. Mixed Integer Linear Fuzzy Based technique in determining the optimal location
Programming (MILP) is formulated in the model and being of TCSC to control the active power flow and reduction of
solved optimally by using GAMS-based optimization congestion in a transmission line. The proposed method
method. The effects of DR program and CAES on self- helped to form a priority list of optimal locations for TCSC
scheduling problem are assessed with utilization of four case
and avoid excessive computation for congestion, which methods are implemented with the purposed of achieving the
indicates the effectiveness of the fuzzy optimization method. minimization of cost for managing congestion and ensuring
minimum voltage deviation after load disturbance. The
As deregulated power markets suffer from congestion, results obtained are compared with the PSO algorithm
FACTS devices are used to minimize power flows in loaded method, and confirmed that the cost of rescheduling using
lines to increase stability and reduce power losses [43], [45]. FSO is less in all cases compared to other methods
The literatures [44, 46, 47] presented a fuzzy technique to considered. Hence, concluded that the ABC and FSO
select optimal locations for FACTS devices to control active optimization methods are useful in congestion management
power flows and relieve congestion in the transmission line. with economic and technical considerations.
Study [46] proposes optimization approaches for the optimal
choice, location, and size of TCSC and Static Var Generator Sensitivity Factor (GSF) and FPA were used
Compensators (SVC) to reduce congestion, reduce line to decide the number of generators to be used in GR methods
losses, and improve voltage stability with the used of of congestion management [56], [57]. The authors concluded
Differential Evolution (DE). Studies [48] presented an that FPA is the best approach used for relieving system
approach for selecting optimal locations and capacities for congestion by speeding up decision making for GR methods
multiple TCSC to relieve congestion issues rise in the [57]. GR-based approach to congestion management in
system. electricity market using a novel Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO)
algorithm is proposed effectively in literature [58]. The
Optimal location of UPFC in relieving congestion is proposed ALO method outcomes are compared with several
proposed with the used of SA algorithm [49]. UPFC has both well-known algorithms (PSO, SA, FPA, DE and RSM), and
shunt and series compensation principles, which believed to found that the cost of GR is reduced with the used of ALO-
increase the ability transfer capability and stabilizes system based algorithm compared to other methods. ALO algorithm
from congestion conditions [50]. The SA is an outstanding is claimed as a new and effective approach to solve
method used to find the optimal location of UPFC, thus congestion management problem, which performed a fastest
claimed to be a powerful technique for determination optimization approach for the considered test cases
optimization issues. It is found that SA algorithm is capable compared to various adopted algorithms implemented in the
to improve the UPFC system, hence improving the system’s paper.
ability in reducing congestion.
The transmission line congestion and the usage of
GAMS based optimization method is used in solving the FACTS devices are significantly linked due to their role in
nonlinear programming problem in optimizing the location power delivery system improvement. Study [59] shows the
of TCSC [51]. OPF and sensitivity based methods have been advancement of FACTS devices with the optimization
used to minimize the operational cost and obtaining the approaches using the SPEA. The proposed algorithm
optimal location of TCSC in a complex network, optimizes the location and size of TCSC and SVC devices in
respectively. Both methods are optimized by GAMS and the a system. A multiobjective optimization approach is
results are compared, hence it is observed that GAMS is an proposed in literature [60], to minimize the energy usage cost
efficient optimization methods used for both OPF and with minimum delay in a smart grid system. It is stated that
sensitivity based methods. the major problem is unable to satisfy consumer energy
GAMS is stated as a high-level modelling system for demand during peak hours. Thus, MOEA is implemented to
mathematical programming and optimization used for optimize the load balancing method used in the congestion
complex, large scale modelling applications [52]. It is management.
designed specifically to solve the problem involved with A real-time DR algorithm is proposed with the
linear, nonlinear, and mixed integer optimization problems, optimization approach by Stackelberg Game-based DR
which identified useful with large, and complex problems (SGDR) algorithm [61]. These optimization algorithms are
[52], [53]. GAMS-based optimization is found to be more formulated for achieving the optimal load control of devices
accurate and reliable than the RMS-based solution in in response to real-time price changes with a trivial
simultaneously solve the mathematical programming computation burden. The proposed SGDR was found able to
problems with multiobjective optimization. induce less energy consumption, and achieved the efficiency
Meanwhile, ABC algorithm is proposed as the in load management of the system. The literature [62]
congestion management method used, which optimally proposed a Game-Theoretic (GT) approach to optimize the
rescheduling the active power in system [54]. ABC Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing schemes in a DR program. The
algorithms are a new artificial intelligence method of proposed method showed an effective result in levelling the
congestion management, which is inspired from the user demand by setting optimal TOU prices, potentially
intelligent foraging behavior of the honey bee swarms. The decreasing costs for the utility companies, and increasing
developed method was tested and the results show that the user benefits. Therefore, indicates that the GT-TOU
ABC algorithm is capable to relieve the congestion optimization method is useful in optimally improving the DR
management problem in the system. congestion method.
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