Dry Dock

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International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

Dry dock gate stability modelling

Oktoberty1, Widiyanto2,*, E J Sasono3, S Pramono4 and A T Wandono1,4

Akademi Teknik Perkapalan Veteran, Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Teknik Perkapalan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
PT Jannata Marina Indah, Semarang, Indonesia

*Corresponding author : [email protected]

Abstract. The development of marine transportation needs in Indonesia increasingly opens

national shipyard business opportunities to provide shipbuilding services to the shipbuilding
vessels. That emphasizes the stability of prime. The ship's decking door becomes an integral
part of the efficient place and the specification of the use of the asset of its operational ease.
This study aims to test the stability of Dry Dock gate with the length of 35.4 meters using
Maxsurf and Hydromax in analyzing the calculation were in its assessment using interval per
500 mm length so that it can get detail data toward longitudinal and transverse such as studying
Ship planning in general. The test result shows dry dock gate meets IMO standard with ballast
construction containing 54% and 68% and using fix ballast can produce GMt 1,924 m, tide
height 11,357m. The GMt value indicates dry dick gate can be stable and firmly erect at the
base of the mouth dry dock. When empty ballast produces GMt 0.996 which means dry dock
date is stable, but can easily be torn down. The condition can be used during dry dock gate

1. Introduction
The construction of dry dock needs to design of the detail and thorough planning, including gate/door
design. What distinguishes from other types of the dock is the door that can move freely. The door
would close to separate the pool by the beach. After the ship goes into the dock, then the gate/door
will be closed by withdrawal. Once the door is closed then the water inside the pond will be pumped
out so that the pond dries. Water pressure from the beach will press the door/gate so it locks. After the
pond dries up, it can be done work on the ship. Upon completion of the work, the pool will be filled
with water again which causes the water pressure from the pool and the beach to be balanced. The
balanced water pressure between the pool and the beach will release the lock so that the door/gate can
move freely. The door can be pulled so that the open dock allows the ship to exit [1].
Dry dock gate has characteristics similar to the ship. Dry dock gate can float on water so it will be
easy to move by attracted. To close the dry dock, the gate/door will be filled with water so it will sink
to a certain depth. With these characteristics, it is necessary to take into account its stability in order to
remain upright in various conditions and forces from the outside. Prior to the development of dry
dock, gate needs to be modelled to ensure the gate can be stable, have the technical specifications
according to the standard so it can work optimally (Figure 1 and Figure 2).

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International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

Figure 1. Dry dock [2] Figure 2. Dry Dock Gate [2]

Dry dock gate has stability and hydrostatic characteristics similar to ships. The stability of the ship
reflects the ability of the ship to return to its original position after experiencing tensile forces from the
outside and from inside the vessel causing the ship to tilt. Floating bodies on the surface of the water
are two main styles which are equal in magnitude and are in opposite directions on the vertical axis in
the form of gravity G (centre of gravity) and buoyancy B (centre of buoyancy) [3–5]. There are three
main points that determine the stability of the ship. The first point is the centre of gravity (G) which is
the resultant point of gravity of all parts of the ship. The second point is the centre of buoyancy (B)
which is the geometric point of the ship's sections buried in the water pressing upward. The third point
is the meta centre (M) which is the height of the ship inclination angle and the centre point of the line
that works in buoyancy and gravity. The force that causes stability is the gravity of G equal to the
displacement and the floating force acting on B as large as the displacement of water in accordance
with the law of Archimedes [6–8].
If point G is below the point M, then the righting moment, RM RM = Δ.GZ, while GZ = GM Sin θ)
is positive because the enforcement arm (GZ) is positive. This moment of enforcement is able to
return the ship to its original upright position. Such stability is called positive (stable) stability. If the
points G and M coincide, then the enforcement moment (RM) will be equal to zero since no enforcing
arm (GZ = 0) is formed so that RM = 0. This means that when the ship quickly ships the ship will still
shake because there is no enforcement arm, this condition is called neutral stability. If point G is above
the point M then the moment of enforcement (Righting moment, RM) is negative because GZ arm is
negative. The moment of the peacekeeper is unable to return the ship to its original position, instead
helping to tilt the ship and the possibility of the vessel being overturned, this condition is called
negative stability (unstable).
Transverse stability is one of the major factors in ship stability. Ship stability lines include KM
lines, KB lines, BM lines, GZ lines, GM lines, KG lines. The KM and KB Line values are obtained
from the ship's static hydro curve, whereas the BM, GZ, GM, KG line values are obtained from the
slope experiment. Conventionally, a slope experiment is performed using a pendulum on the centre
line of the ship, CL (Center of Line). The slope of the vessel is measured from the pendulum pendant
against the CL line when the trim vessel conditions [9,10].
Inclining experiments aim to investigate stability in completing shipbuilding by testing objects
called centres of gravity. The main purpose of testing is to know the highest value of the metacentric
point. A centre of gravity position with accurate value is required to keep the vessel steady in
operation. Inclining experiments are shown to obtain a vertical distance from point G above the K
point accurately when the ship is stable.
Parameters to assess ship quality are the ratio of main dimension, hydrostatic parameter and ship
stability condition. The main condition ratio is used to determine the strength of construction,
movement resistance, and ship movement. The hydrostatic parameter is used to determine the
technical performance of the vessel at a certain load limit. The stability of the vessel aims to ensure the
safety and goodness of the ship. Displacement Aw, LCF and shape coefficient will increase with draft
increase, while LCB, KMI and KMt will decrease with increasing draft [11]. The stability of the vessel
is also influenced by natural conditions in the form of waves, waves, currents, so that ship planning
must meet the requirements of shipbuilding construction is strong and resistant to the worst sea

International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

conditions. The tilt experiment using the pendulum is not practical because it uses a lot of equipment
and equipment. Conventional convoluted convolutional calculations require a high degree of accuracy
in reading the slope of the ship from the pendulum pendants against the CL line. In the design of the
ship, at this time there are various software that can be used to be used to simplify the design of the
ship and have more precise and detailed results [12,13]. Maxsurf is a software that can be used to
analyze the hydrotatic vessel [14–16]. By entering the vessel data, maxsurf will process and generate
hydrostatic parameter values in the form of data tabulation and hydristatic curve. Maxsurf is a
software that can be used for modeling stability and seakeeping analysis. Maxsurf software provides
ship resilience data. Maxsurf is one of CASD with Design reuse method with design process which in
development of design result begins by using old design example (abundant knowledge) about old
design directly, then modify old design to produce new design [17,18].

2. Methods
This research uses computer modelling method with maxsurf and hydromax software. Maxsurf is used
to determine the hydrostatic characteristics of ships. Testing includes sounding tank, hydrostatic,
simulation of three constructions. The first condition uses fixed ballast and without ballast. The second
construction uses fixed ballasts and ballasts. The third construction without a fixed ballast, without
ballast. In addition, simulation of leaks in the tank so filled with sea water. Stability criteria use
International Marine Organization (IMO) standard.

3. Result and Discussion

The modelling was done on dry dock gate with length 35,4m, width 3m with four water tank as
ballast. High gate and fix ballasts 7.2m with an estimated receded water of 8.5m and an estimated tidal
of 10.5m. High water fixed bottom ballasts 2.25m and high fix upper ballasts 1.32m. Weight fixed
bottom ballast 325.2 ton and fix upper ballast 120 ton with SG Concrete 2 ton / m3. The design of dry
dock gate can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Design of Dry Dock Gate

3.1 Tank Sounding

The data tank show in tank 1 shows the empty condition. The longitudinal gravity centre (LCG) is at
5.6m, the Gravity Transversal Center (TCG) is in the 0m position, the 2,296m Vertical Center of

International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

Gravity (VCG) and the FSM 11.676ton.m. When fully charged, water capacity is 214.193m3 or
219.590ton, LCG is at position 5,529m, TCG remain at position 0m, VCG shifted at position 6,892m,
and FSM 0ton.m.
The tank sounding data on tank 2 shows the empty condition of the Longitudinal Center of Gravity
(LCG) at 13.913m, the Transverse Center of Gravity (TCG) is in the position 0m, Vertical Center of
Gravity (VCG) 5.215m and FSM 17.27 ton.m. When fully charged, the water capacity is of 66.795m3
or 68.478ton, LCG is at 13.913m, TCG remains at 0m, VCG shifts at position 5.215m, and FSM
The tank sounding data on tank 3 shows the empty condition of the Longitudinal Center of Gravity
(LCG) at 21.499m, the Transverse Center of Gravity (TCG) is in the position 0m, Vertical Center of
Gravity (VCG) 5.215m and FSM 17.519ton.m. When fully charged, the water capacity of 66.795m3
or 67.117ton, LCG is in position 21.499m, TCG remains at position 0m, VCG shifted at position
6.673m, and FSM 0ton.m.
The tank sounding data on tank 4 shows the empty condition of the Longitudinal Center of Gravity
(LCG) at 29.769m, the Transverse Center of Gravity (TCG) is at position 0m, Vertical Center of
Gravity (VCG) 2.296m and FSM 12.279ton.m. When fully charged, the water capacity 216.628m3 or
222.087ton, LCG is at position 29.844m, TCG remain at position 0m, VCG shifted at position 6,884m,
and FSM 0ton.m.
From the sounding tank data shows the LCG each tank is in the middle of each tank, it is due to the
box-shaped tank, so the LCG has no effect on the filling of water in the tank. Likewise, the TCG
remains in position 0m or remains in full or empty tank condition. While VCG will decrease if the
tank is filled with water, the more water filled, the lower the VCG, so the gate will be more stable.
Sounding tank data shows no trim on the tank. The trim caused by leaks in the tank. Trim causes dry
dock gate tilting, it can be overcome by adding or reducing water in one of the tanks.

3.2 Hydrostatic
Modeling is done every 0.25m, starting from draft at midship 1m to 12m. The data shows that in each
AP and FP height the same or no trim, it shows the gate in an upright position, or not tilted or can be
seen from heel to starboard degrees is 0o. When draft at midship 12m, displacement equal to 1.009 ton
with the coefficient block is 1,449 and LCB location is 0,031 from a midship gate. Displacement, AP,
FP, coefficient block and LCB decreased according to the height of draft at midship up to 1m
displacement position of 368.7 tonnes, FP and AP 4.5m, the coefficient of 0.753 and LCB 0,030 m
from the midship gate.
The highest GMt value of 2.741m at the time of the gate is buried as high as 12m, the condition is
the most stable condition. The GMt value decreases according to the draft height. GMt is 0,004m
when draft at height 5,750m, condition G and M value almost coincide so gate in still upright position,
but easy to tear down. By the time the draft reaches 5.5m, GMt is already negative, ie -0.118m it
indicates the gate is unstable. The lowest GMT value is in the 1m draft with a value of -2.489m.
The amount of load used to change the draft value of the ship by 1cm (TPC) at each draft height is
different. At the time of draft 12m, TPc is worth 0.581 tonne/cm and is worth 0.608 tonne/cm at the
time of draft 1m. The maximum value of TPc is 0.950 tonne/ m at the time of draft in the position of
3.00 m - 7.50 m.
Modelling is done in three tank conditions. The first condition of the gate using fixed ballast and
without ballast. The second gate conditions use fixed ballast and ballast, the third condition, gate
without fixed ballast and without ballast. Fixed Ballasts are filled with concrette with 2ton / m3 period.
While the ballast in the form of tanks that can be filled with sea water. If the ballast filled with sea
water, then the gate will go down.

3.3 Tank Condition with Fixed Ballast or without Ballast

First modelling with tank condition using fixed ballast and without ballast. The condition without
ballast means the tank is not filled with water. The weight of door and fittings of 193 tons, Fixed

International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

ballasts over 120 tons, fixed ballasts under 325.2 tons, so the total weight is 638 tons. LCG door and
fitting bearings at 17.7 m position, as well as the upper and lower fixed ballasts are at position 17.7m,
while Tank 1 5.529m, tank 2 13.913m, tank 3 21.499 and tank 4 29.844m. VCG doors and
constructions are at 6.5m, the fixed ballast of 2.92m, Fixed ballasts below 1.06m, while VCG Tank 1
6.892m, Tank 2 6.673m, tank 3 6.673m and tank 4 is at 6.884m. LCG gate is in position 17.7m or in
the middle with VCG 3.055m and VCG water 3,055 and TCG and FSM 0m.
Stability criteria based on standard A.749 (18) Ch3 Design criteria applicable to all ships. Criteria
include Area 0 to 30 from the greater, Area 30 to 40 from the greater, Max GZ at 30 or greater in the
range, Angle of maximum GZ, Initial GMt spec. heel angle. Of all these criteria, the results indicate
the value meets the predefined standard criteria. This construction has GZ 0.083m, initial GMt at 0o
0.966, and Max GZ 2.918 m at 90o angle with heel to starboard 4.910o and area 0.2024m.deg. With
these conditions can be said gate in a stable position.

3.4 Tank Condition with Fixed Ballast & Ballast

Second modelling with tank condition using fixed ballast and ballast. The weight of doors and fittings
of 193 tons, Fixed ballasts of 120 tons, fixed ballasts under 325.2 tons, tank weight 1 118.6 tons, tanks
2 46.56 tons, tanks 3 46.79 tons, tanks 4 119.9 tons, so the total weight is 970 ton. LCG door and
fitting are at 17.7 m position, as well as fixed upper and lower fixed ballast at position 17.7m, while
Tank 1 5,610m, tank 2 13.913m, tank 3 21,499 and tank 4 29,759m. VCG doors and construction are
at 6.5m, fixed ballast over 2.92m, Fixed ballasts below 1.06m, while VCG Tank 1 4.772m, Tank 2
6.201m, tank 3 6.201m and tank 4 are at 4.717m. LCG gate is in position 17.714m or in the middle
with VCG 3.767m and VCG water 3.282 and TCG and FSM 0m. This condition causes FS correction
of 0.061.
Data Large Angle Stability shows Max GZ 2,159 m at 90o angle, Gz 0.963 m with the heel to
starboard of 30o. Initial GMt GM 1.924 at an angle of 0o it meets the criterion standard 3.1.24 with
Initial GMt no smaller 0.150m. At gate with fix ballast and ballast filled with water as much as 54%
produce GMt 1,924 with water level 11,357. With these conditions, the gate can stand upright stable
and sturdy at the bottom of the floor dry dock. The condition is used when in the process of closing the
gate to the dry dock.

3.5 Tank Condition without Fixed Ballast & without Ballast

Third modelling with tank condition is without fixed ballast and without ballast. The weight of the
doors and fittings of 193 tons. LCG doors and fittings are at 17.7m, while Tank 1 5.529m, tank 2
13.913m, tank 3 21.499 and tank 4 29.844m. VCG doors and constructions are at 6.5m, the fixed
ballast of 2.92m, Fixed ballasts below 1.06m, while VCG Tank 1 6.892m, Tank 2 6.673m, tank 3
6.673m and tank 4 is at 6.884m. LCG gate is at 17.7m or centre position with VCG 6.5m and VCG
water 6.5 and TCG and FSM 0m, and FS correction is 0.
Data Large Angle Stability shows an angle of vanishing stability at area 0-30 is to -36,133m.deg or
far below threshold criterion that is 3.151m.deg. In the area 0-40 of -62.920m.deg with a minimum
criterion threshold of 5.157. In a 30-40 area of -26,787m.deg with a minimum threshold of
1.719m.deg. Max GZ on area 30 or more equal to -0.861m with the lower limit of 0.2m. And Initial
GMt of -4.727m with a minimum threshold of 0.15m. From the data can be stated dry dock without
fixed ballast and without unstable ballast. If gate without fix ballast and ballast or not filled with
water, the result is GMt value worth -4.727 with water level 2,649m. The condition of the gate is in an
unstable position.

3.6 Damage Condition

The last modelling is the leak in the tank. The tank is assumed to have the worst condition, a leak in
one of the big tanks so that it is fully charged. The modelling results show that if one large tank (tank 1
or tank 4) has leakage, the gate will be inclined at 33.5o and still float. Although in a state of leaking
and drowning gate dry dock remains in stable condition. It can be seen from the data of large stability.

International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2017 (ICMSE2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 983 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/983/1/012036

Max GZ at point 1.926m at the 90 o angle with minimum criterion threshold at 0.2m. Initial GMt GM
at point 1.769m at an angle of 0 o with a minimum threshold of 0.15 m. Heel to starboard at corner 30o
has GZ 0.764m.

4. Conclusion
Gate dry dock when opened can float like a ship, so the characteristics of stability resemble with the
ship. Gate dry dock has ballast to balance. Ballast gate dry dock usually uses concrete located at the
bottom of the gate that makes a standing position. To close the dry dock gate is pulled and filled with
sea water so it sinks and closes the dry dock.
The result of modelling on a gate dry dock that has a width of 35.4 m and has four tanks with a
capacity of 21.193 m3, 66.795, 67.117m3, 216,628m3 satisfies the stability standard A.749 (18) Ch3
on construction using fixed ballasts, without ballasts, and construction using fixed ballast and ballast.
Gate graving dock is unstable in construction without fixed ballast and without ballast. In a leaky
condition, the gate dry dock remains in a condition stable although one large tank leaked and filled full
water. If one large tank is full of water, then the gate dry dock will experience a slope of 33.5o. Tanks
that use fixed ballast and without ballast have GZ 0.083m, initial GMt at 0o 0.966, and Max GZ 2.918
m at 90o angle with the heel to starboard 4.910o and area of 0.2024 m.deg.

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