Aagbs: Master OF Business Administration (AA700/701) Rubrics M (MGT782)
Aagbs: Master OF Business Administration (AA700/701) Rubrics M (MGT782)
Aagbs: Master OF Business Administration (AA700/701) Rubrics M (MGT782)
Demonstrate an
concepts, theories
PLO1: Comprehend b) Make judgments and draw
and practices in
the concept and appropriate conclusions based on
1.1 relation to
nature of business business management theory and
organisations, their
principles practice in a dynamic environment
management and
the environment in
which they operate
Demonstrate the
ability to apply
b) Manage data effectively, use
functional and cross-
PLO2: Demonstrate appropriate methods to acquire and
functional business
practical skills process data, analyse data
2.1 knowledge and tools
related to local and competently, evaluate and interpret
to solve business
business industry data soundly; synthesise data to
problems and
enhance conclusions
generate viable
Demonstrate the
PLO6: Provide ability to develop
appropriate creative solutions to a) Able to critically analyse problem
solutions in business problems and reflect on theory and practice
decision-making through evaluation
and reflection
Course Outcome
At the end of the course students should be able to: -
1. Discover how data is created, stored, accessed and processed in industrial 4.0 business world (PLO1, C2).
2. Apply appropriate data analytics tools and models to solve business decision-making problems (PLO2, P6).
3. Formulate data analytics solutions to stakeholders to justify and to support business decisions (PLO6, C4).
Individual Assignments 30%
Group Assignments 30%
Mid-term Assessment 10%
Final Assessment 30%
Total 100%
Learning Outcome 1: Discover how data is created, stored, accessed and processed in industrial 4.0 business world (PLO1, C2).
PLO1: Comprehend the concept and nature of business principles
Learning Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding concept, theories and practices in relation to organisations, their management and the
environment in which they operate
LO 1.1b: Make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on business management theory and practice in a dynamic environment
Weightage Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Mark Total
Given Points
Relate appropriate Minimal ability to relate Show good ability to relate Show very good ability to
theories, models, concepts, frameworks, concepts, frameworks, and relate concepts,
framework and styles 50% and practices related to practices related to the frameworks, and practices _____ /3*0.50
and practices the task given task given related to the task given
Make judgments and Minimal ability to make Good ability to make Very good ability to make
draw appropriate judgments and draw judgments and draw judgments and draw
conclusions using the appropriate conclusions appropriate conclusions appropriate conclusions
appropriate theories, using the appropriate using the appropriate using the appropriate
50% _____ /3*0.50
models, framework theories, models, theories, models, theories, models,
and styles and framework and styles and framework and styles and framework and styles and
practices practices in a given task. practices in a given task. practices in a given task.
Learning Outcome 2: Apply appropriate data analytics tools and models to solve business decision-making problems (PLO2, P6)
PLO2: Demonstrate practical skills related to local and business industry
Learning Objectives: Demonstrate the ability to apply functional and cross-functional business knowledge and tools to solve business problems and
generate viable solutions
LO2.1b: Manage data effectively, use appropriate methods to acquire and process data, analyse data competently, evaluate and interpret data
soundly; synthesise data to enhance conclusions.
Weightage Not Satisfactory (1) Satisfactory (2) Exemplary (3) Mark Total
Given Points
Effective use and Very effective use and
Minimal use and
management of data to management of data to
Data Management 25% management of data to make _____ /3*0.25
make informed make informed and
informed conclusions.
conclusions feasible conclusions
Use appropriate No appropriate method being Adequate method being Very appropriate method
25% _____ /3*0.25
method applied applied being applied
Total 100%
Learning Outcome 1: Discover how data is created, stored, accessed and processed in industrial 4.0 business world (PLO1, C2).
PLO1: Comprehend the concept and nature of business principles
Learning Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding concept, theories and practices in relation to organisations, their management and the
environment in which they operate
LO 1.1b: Make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on business management theory and practice in a dynamic environment
Weightage Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Mark Total
Given Points
Relate appropriate Minimal ability to relate Show good ability to relate Show very good ability to
theories, models, concepts, frameworks, concepts, frameworks, and relate concepts,
framework and styles 50% and practices related to practices related to the frameworks, and practices _____ /3*0.50
and practices the task given task given related to the task given
Make judgments and Minimal ability to make Good ability to make Very good ability to make
draw appropriate judgments and draw judgments and draw judgments and draw
conclusions using the appropriate conclusions appropriate conclusions appropriate conclusions
appropriate theories, using the appropriate using the appropriate using the appropriate
50% _____ /3*0.50
models, framework theories, models, theories, models, theories, models,
and styles and framework and styles and framework and styles and framework and styles and
practices practices in a given task. practices in a given task. practices in a given task.
Learning Outcome 2: Apply appropriate data analytics tools and models to solve business decision-making problems (PLO2, P6)
PLO2: Demonstrate practical skills related to local and business industry
Learning Objectives: Demonstrate the ability to apply functional and cross-functional business knowledge and tools to solve business problems and
generate viable solutions
LO2.1b: Manage data effectively, use appropriate methods to acquire and process data, analyse data competently, evaluate and interpret data
soundly; synthesise data to enhance conclusions.
Weightage Not Satisfactory (1) Satisfactory (2) Exemplary (3) Mark Total
Given Points
Effective use and Very effective use and
Minimal use and
management of data to management of data to
Data Management 25% management of data to make _____ /3*0.25
make informed make informed and
informed conclusions.
conclusions feasible conclusions
Use appropriate No appropriate method being Adequate method being Very appropriate method
25% _____ /3*0.25
method applied applied being applied
Total 100%