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Assessment, Measurement and

Dr. Sajjad Hussain
Center for Education & Staff Training
University of Swat
[email protected]
What are your expected learning
• Assessment is the systematic basis for making
inferences about the learning and development
of students (Erwin, 1991).
• Assessment involves the use of empirical data
on student learning to refine programs and
improve student learning (Allen, 2004).
• Assessment is a systematic process of data
collection, analysis and interpretations aim to
reach to certain conclusions (Brookhart, 2011).
• Measurement is the numerical quantification of
the attributes of an object or event, which can be
used to compare with other objects or events.
• In education it is used to assign a numerical
value to the performances of students for
educational decisions.
• This systematic quantification process occurs
after the testing.
• Evaluation - act of ascertaining or fixing the
value or worth of rating.
• The process of determining significance or
worth, usually by careful appraisal and study.
• A systematic process of analyzing qualitative
and quantitative data to determine the value
and worth of a process or product.
Differences between assessment and

Dimension of Difference Assessment Evaluation

Timing Formative Summative

Focus of Measurement Process-Oriented Product-Oriented

Relationship Between
Reflective Prescriptive
Administrator and Recipient

Findings, Uses Thereof Diagnostic Judgmental

Ongoing Modifiability of Criteria,

Flexible Fixed
Measures Thereof

Standards of Measurement Absolute Comparative

Relation Between Objects of A/E Coöperative Competitive

Types of assessment
Types of assessment
• Self-assessment

• Peer assessment

• Supervisor/teacher assessment
• Self-assessment is the act or process of
making assessment of your own work.
• Why self-assessment?
i. Improvement
ii. Reflection
• Benefits of self-assessment?
i. Skills development, academic autonomy
ii. Self-confidence and self-regulated learning
Peer Assessment
• The process or act by which a person make assess
the work of his colleague or friend/classmate.
• Why peer assessment?
i. Feedback
ii. Improvement
• Benefits of peer assessment?
i. Cooperative learning, assessment skills
ii. Critical skills, bridging the gaps,
Supervisor/ Teacher Assessment
• The act or process by which the supervisor /teacher
do assess the work of his/her supervisee or student.
• Why teacher assess after self and peer assessment?
i. Feedback on the work and their assessment
ii. Identify the areas of improvement
iii. Verification purposes
• Benefits?
i. Rectification if needed
ii. Guidance
Types of Evaluation
• To describe the types of evaluation it is
important to know how will you used
evaluation results.
1. Placement Evaluation
2. Formative Evaluation
3. Summative Evaluation
4. Diagnostic Evaluation
1. Placement Evaluation
• Learner’s entry behavior or capability is
evaluated to find out whether the student
possess knowledge, skills and attitude needed
to begin the course of instruction.
• It is used to find out to what extent student has
already mastered the objectives of the
planned instruction
• Entrance exams, GAT general and Subject etc
2. Formative Evaluation
• Evaluation that is used to modify or improve
products, programs, or activities, and is based on
feedback obtained during the implementation time.
• It is used to monitor students learning progress
during instruction with the purpose of providing on
going feedback to students and teachers regarding
teaching learning process.
• It aim to improve the learning process. Through
classroom questioning, and one minute tests.
3. Summative Evaluation
• The evaluation which take place at the end of
instruction, course unit or semester, aimed to
know the extent to which the students’ have
mastered the learning outcomes.
• Summative evaluation is basically used to
assign grades, certification, effectiveness of
instructional objectives and such other decisions
by teachers and administrators.
• Interviews, final term tests
4. Diagnostic Evaluation
• Diagnostic evaluation is concerned with finding
out the reasons for students’ learning
difficulties that cannot be resolved through
formative evaluation.
• The aim of diagnostic evaluation is to find out
the causes of problems and plan to take
remedial actions.
• Observational and diagnostic techniques are
• Assessment is the essence of teaching learning
process, without assessment there is no learning. It
enable the teachers to adjust his teaching and
empower the learners to improve their learning.
• Measurement provide the quantitative description
of students academic performances.
• Evaluation provide base for the accountability of
learning, learning experiences and products.
• Burke, K., Lawrence, B., El-Sayed, M., & Apple, D. (2009).
Process education: past, present and future. International
journal of process education, 1(1), 35-42.
• Brookhart, S. M. (2011). Educational assessment knowledge
and skills for teachers. Educational Measurement: Issues and
Practice, 30(1), 3-12.
• Erwin, T. D. (1991). Assessing Student Learning and
Development: A Guide to the Principles, Goals, and Methods
of Determining College Outcomes.
• Grolund, N.E, (2010). Educational assessment and
measurement. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.

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