Chunyang LP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Saint Michael St., Republic Avenue, Holy Spirit, Quezon City

Lesson Plan in Grade 8 English

Grade &Section: Grade 8 Covered dates:

Class Period: Teacher:

I-Objectives: at the end of the 50-minute lesson, 95% of the learners should be
able to:Define what a tale is

a. Differentiate the culture we have today and the culture of Korea

b. Reflect to the message of the story
c. guess the words through contextual clues
d. perform differentiated task assigned per group
II-Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Tale of Chunyang
B. Reference/s: Grade 8 English Module, Internet
C. Materials: literary piece, cartolina, pen, module laptop, pictures,
A. Classroom Routine
B. Initial Tasks
Task 2 - Review of the Past lesson – Elements of short story
Task 3- Motivation

Task 4- Vocabulary Development- (Unlocking of difficult words)

Match column A with their meaning in column B
____1. Noble a. a prostitute, especially one with a wealthy or upper-class clients
____2. Courtesan b. belonging to hereditary class with high social or political
status; aristocratic
____3. Elite c. cruel and oppressive government or rule
____4. Tyranny d. evil or morally wrong
____5. Wicked e. a select part of a group that is superior to the
rest in terms of abilities or qualities
Task- 5. Presentation of the Lesson:
1. The teacher will distribute a copies of a picture of the beautiful Chunyang with her lover and
have the students write their ideal self as a wife or a husband.
-This will be used after reading the tale.
2. After, the teacher will ask the student to read the summary of the tale aloud/
The tale was given as an assignment to be read at home.
3. Discussion on what a tale is.
4. The teacher will ask set of questions employing the Question and Answer Relationship
strategy but before that teacher will discuss to the students how to find the answer to the
( Literal question whose answer can be found in the text)
(How did Yi Mong- Yong become the King’s officer? ) Answers are gather from
several part of the text and put together to make meaning.
 AUTHOR AND YOU: Do you agree that being faithful to one’s husband or wife
is measured in the abstinence to be with someone else even if your husband or
wife is already gone?
(These are based on the information in the text but you are required to relate it
to your own experience.)
 ON MY OWN: What kind of wife or husband will I be?
( You must use your background or prior knowledge to answer the question.)
5. The teacher will ask the students to answer and write them at the back of the picture given
to them earlier in the pre-reading activity. Then will call four students to share their answer
to the class
-The teacher will confirm the answers of the students.
C. Generalization.
Who can summarize the story that we have discussed?
D. Application.
The class will be divided into two groups . Each group should draw a graphic organizer about
the elements of the story and fill it with the answer.


Category 5 4 3 2-1

Quality of Provides excellent quality Provides high quality Provides good quality Provides poor quality
performance work/performance work/performance work/performance work/performance

Teamwork All members in the team One or two members did Three or more members Only the team leader
contributed to the work not contribute to the did not contribute to the works in the group
work work
Effect on audience Audience is deeply Audience clearly enjoys Audience follows Audience is confused
engaged, eager to follow performance performance politely
performance and
responds enthusiastically

Content The content presented is The content presented is The content presented is The content presented is
strongly evident to the evidently to the theme of partially evident to the not evident to the theme
theme of the story the story theme of the story of the story

E. Evaluation.
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. What attitude of the characters Yi Mong Yong and Chunyang do you really like? Are these
reflective of the psyche and temperaments of the Korean?
2. If you were Chunyang would you also wait for the one you really love and refused to marry
the new governor even if you already tortured to death? Why or why not?
3. If you were Yi Mong-yong would you also go back and save the one you loved to fulfill
your promises/ Why or why not?
4. Do you personally like the psyche and temperaments of the Koreans? Why or why not?
5. What is your favorite part of the story and why?

Write a tale about your love life or story, either tragic or happy with not less than three
Prepared by:


Checked by:

Teacher III, English/Chairperson

Noted by:

Principal I

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