Lesson Plan Measures of Central Tendency

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

A. Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses
and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different
forms of data presentation, measures of central tendency, measures of
variability and probability.
B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to collect and organize data
systematically and compute accurately measures of central tendency and
variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation
in different field.
C. Learning Competency 41a: Calculates the measures of central tendency
for ungrouped data. M7SP-IVf-g-1

1. define mean, median and mode;
2. find the mean, median and mode of a statistical data; and
3. show appreciation to the value of mean, median and mode in real life

II. CONTENT: Measures of Central tendency for Ungrouped Data.


A. References
Learner's Materials pages: Mathematics Learner’s Module 7 pp. 241-251
Elementary Statistics Manual prepared by Stat 1 Coordinators of CvSU –
Main Can Campus. pp. 31 – 34.
B. Other Learning Resources: Powerpoint Graphics, laptop and LED TV.
C. Additional Materials from Learning Resource portal:


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routines
1. Prayer
Miss President kindly lead our prayer for (Class President will come in front)
today’s class. Everybody, please stand up. Let us vow
our heads and feel the presence of the
Amen! Thank you! Lord. (Student’s prayer)

2. Greetings
Good morning, 7-Liberica! Good morning, Sir Nikki!
Before you seat properly class, please pick
up all the pieces of papers under your (Students will pick up the pieces of paper
chairs and arrange your chairs properly. and arrange their chairs)

Very Good! How does everyone feel We are all ok! Sir! (Chorus)

Well thank you for asking! I’m ok too. How about you Sir?

3. Checking of Attendance
Miss Secretary. May I know the number or (Class secretary will stand up)
who are the absentees for today? I am very flattered to say that everyone is
present, Sir!
It is pleasant to hear that.
4. Recall
So, last meeting our topic was all about (Student will stand up)
what? Sir, last meeting our topic was all about
Very Good! data in graphs particularly kinds of graph.

Again, what are those different kinds of (Student will stand up)
graphs? The different kinds of graphs are bar
graph, histogram, line graph, pictograph
Nice! Very good! and pie chart or circle graph.

So are we clear with kinds of graphs? Yes Sir! (Chorus)

B. Motivation
Class before we move to the next topic, (Students will listen to the direction or
let’s play a 4-PICS-1-WORD game. Of mechanics of the game)
course in this game, 4 pictures will be
presented and you are going to guess
what those pictures tell or what is common
on those 4 pictures. If you got the answer,
then raise your hand and do not answer in
chorus? Is that clear? Yes Sir! (Chorus)

Ok! Let’s start!

First set!

(Student will stand up)

Yes? MIDDLE Sir!
Very good!
Second Set!

(Student will stand up)

Very good also!
Last set!
(Student will stand up)
Yes? SUM Sir!

Very Good!

What are the words again? MIDDLE, FREQUENT and SUM Sir!

So what do you think is our topic for (Student will stand up)
today? Any idea? Sir! I cannot state the exact topic but I
Very Good! think summing up is involved. The middle
position and the frequency also.
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
7-Liberica, I want you to bring out your (Students will bring out their calculators
calculators and get ¼ sheet of paper. and will get ¼ sheet of paper. They will
Write your name, grade level and section. write their name, grade level and section)

Are you through? Yes Sir! (Chorus)

Anyways, please read! Yes? (Student will read the given information)
The set of data shows the grades of top 7
G7 Liberica students in their periodical test
in Mathematics last quarter.

88, 90, 93, 93, 93, 94, 94

Ok class! Study the given information and

write or copy only the numerical data in
your ¼ sheet of paper. Then number your
papers 1-3 because after that, you are
going to answer 3 easy questions. Am I
making myself clear? Yes Sir! (Chorus)
(Students will copy the set of data)

Are you through? Yes Sir! (Chorus)

Ok! Answer the following questions. Do (Students will answer the following
not copy the questions just write your questions by writing on their ¼ sheet of
answers in your ¼ sheet of paper. paper)

1.) What grade is typical to the group of (Students will listen while answering)
(For number 1, typical means usual or
average. Try to compute the average of
grades of top 7 G7 Liberica students in
their periodical test in Mathematics last
quarter. You can use your calculators for
computing the average.)

2.) What grade appears to be in the

(And for number 2, as we can you can
see, grades are already arranged in
ascending order, the question is what
grade appears in the middle or what grade
is the middle?)

3.) What grade frequently appears?

(For number 3, what grade frequently
appears? Or what is the most common
value? Or the most frequently occurring
value or case.)

Ok! Finished or not finished. Pass your (Students will pass their papers to the
papers to the center aisle then forward. 1, center aisle then forward.)
2, 3 …

2. Analysis
(Draw lots for recitation)

What grade is typical to the group of (Student will stand up)

students? Yes? Sir the typical grade or the average to the
group students is 92.14.
Very good!

What grade appears to be in the middle? Student will stand up)

Yes? 93 Sir!

Very good!

What grade frequently appears? Yes? (Student will stand up)

93 also Sir!
Very good!

Teaching or Modelling

Here is our topic outline. (Student will listen)

For today, we are going to talk about:
Measures of Central Tendency for
Ungrouped Data
- Mean (Arithmetic Mean)
- Population Mean
- Sample Mean
- Median
- Population Median
- Sample Mean
- Mode
- Types of Mode

Please read and understand the definition (Student will read and understand the
of Mean. Yes? definition of mean or arithmetic mean)

Arithmetic Mean - is computed by

summing all the values of the variable in
the data set divided by the number of

Thank you!
Ok! While your classmate is reading some
information, everyone please listen to him
or her. Study and understand the
information being presented on the LED
TV. So, you can also take notes of the
important information or keywords.

Understood? Yes Sir! (Chorus)

Next! Please read! Yes? (Student will read the definition of

Population Mean, µ (mew) population mean and its formula)

Let X1, X2, …, XN be the N observations of

a variable from a population and N be the
population size.

The population mean is

𝑖=1 Xi
µ= 𝑁

Thank you!
(Student will read the definition and
Please read! Yes? formula of sample Mean)
Sample Mean, 𝑥̅ (x-bar)
Let x1, x2, …, xn be the n observations of a
variable from a sample and n be the
sample size.
The sample mean is

𝑖=1 xi
𝑥̅ = 𝑛

Thank you!
(Student will stand up)
To make it simple, the keyword for mean is
Average Sir!
… Yes?

Exactly! Or Mean is the average of all


Aside from that what did you noticed?

(Student will stand up)
The formulas for sample mean are almost
the same but other variables and the
representations differ. But I think Sir, the
process of computing or computation is
just the same for the both.
Very good!
Anyways, what do you mean by
(Student will stand up)
population? Yes?
Population is the entire group.
Very good!

How about the sample?

(Student will stand up)
Sample is a subset or just a part of a
Very good also!
You can use the formula:
(Student will listen and will take down
𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠 notes)
Mean = 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠
For both population or sample mean or
whether the data is a population or a
Let say for example, we have here

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. What is the average or the (Student will stand up)

mean of these observations? 3 Sir!

Very good!

How about if we have 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. What (Student will stand up)

is the mean of these observations? Yes? 8 Sir!

Very good!

Try this one!

Please read. Yes? (Student will read the example)

Example: The number of building permits
issued last month to 12 construction forms
in Amadeo was 2, 6, 0, 6, 10, 3, 0, 14, 2,
4, 7, and 6. Treating data as a population,
compute the mean.

a. 4 c. 6
b. 5 d. 7

Who wants to answer? Yes? (Student will stand up)

Let’s see if your answer is correct. Letter B. Sir! 5 permits.
Let’s click letter B! ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 2+6+0+...+7+6
µ= = = 5 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑠
Great! 𝑁 12

Another example!
Please read! Yes? (Student will read the other example)
Example: The reaction times of a random
sample of 9 subjects to a stimulant were
recorded as 3, 3.6, 3.1, 4.3, 2.9, 2.3, 2.6,
4.1, and 3.4 seconds. Find the mean.
a. 3.2 c. 3.4
b. 3.3 d. 3.5

Who wants to answer? Yes? (Student will stand up)

Let’ see if your answer is correct. Let’s Letter B. 3.2 Sir!
𝑖=1 xi 3 + 3.6 + … +3.4
click B. 𝑥̅ = = = 3.25 or 3.3 seconds
𝑛 9
You Got it!

Are we clear with Mean or Arithmetic Yes Sir! (Chorus)


How about the second measure of central

tendency for ungrouped data.


Please read! Yes? (Student will read the definition of median)

It is the value that lies in the middle of the
data when arranged in ascending order or
decreasing order of magnitude.
Thank you!

Next! Please read. Yes? (Student will read the definition of raw data
Raw Data – data in its original form and array)
Array – arrangement of data according to
order of magnitude (increasing or
decreasing order)

Thank you!

How about the population median? Please (Student will read the definition of
read! Yes? population median and case 1)

Population Median, µ̃ (mew tilde)

Let X(1), X(2), X(3), …, X(N) be the N
observations arranged in an array form
where N = population size
Case 1) If N is odd; the median is the
middle number.
µ̃ = X( 2 )

Thank you!

Please read case number 2. Yes?

(Student will read case 2 for population
Case 2) If N is even, the median is the
average of the 2 middle numbers.
X( ) + X( + 1)
2 2

µ̃ = 2

Thank you!

How about the sample median? Please

read. Yes? (Student will read the definition of sample
median and its case 1)
Sample Median, 𝑥̃ (x tilde)
Let X(1), X(2), X(3), …, X(N) be the n
observations arranged in an array form
where n = sample size
Case 1) If n is odd; the median is the
middle number.
𝑥̃ = X( )

Thank you!
(Students will read case 2 for sample
Please read. Yes? median)
Case 2) if n is even, the median is the
average of the 2 middle numbers
X(n/2) + X(n/2 + 1)
𝑥̃ = 2

Thank you!
So, the keyword for median is … Yes? (Student will stand up)
Middle Sir!
Very good!
When we are talking about median. It is
the data or value that lies in the middle of
an array of observation.

Am I right? Based on what your

classmates read earlier? Yes sir! (Chorus)

Aside from that what did you noticed?

Yes? (Student will stand up)
Aside from that Sir, in finding the median,
of course, we will encounter having odd
Very good! and even number of observations.

So for both population and sample

median, you can use the following (Students will listen and will take note of
formulas to compute for the median: the following formulas)

Median = X( )

X(n/2) + X(n/2 + 1)
Median = 2

If the number of observation is odd the

median is … Yes? (Student will stand up)
The only one item at the center Sir!
Very good!

On the other hand, if the number of (Student will stand up)

observation is even … Yes? Then the median is the average of the two
middle observations.
Very good!

Let’s say for example.

We have here observations, (Student will listen and study the example)
1,3 and 2.

Is this in array form already or not?

No Sir! (In chorus)
So we must arrange it from ascending or
descending order first or into an array. (Students will listen)
We have here now, 1, 2 and 3.

How many observations do we have?

(Student will stand up)
Is that an odd or an even? 3 Sir!
Odd Sir!
Very good!

So what’s the median of the given set of

data? (Student will stand up)
2 Sir!
If we have an odd number of observations
Sir, it is easy to find the median. That
means there is only one item in the middle
of observations sir or we can use the
Median = X( )

Very Good!
Then solve.
Median = X( 2 ) = X2 = 2
How about if we have 1, 2, 3 and 4. What
is the median of the given set of data? (Student will stand up)
The median Sir is 2.5 because if we have
an even number of observations, the
median is the average of the 2 middle
observations. Or we can use the formula:

X(n/2) + X(n/2 + 1)
Median = 2
X(4/2) + X(4/2 + 1)
Median = 2
X2+ X3 2+3
Very good! Exactly! Median = = = 2.5
2 2

Ok! Listen! Median is affected by extreme (Students will listen)

values or excessive values because we
are just arranging the observations into
array and we are just taking the middle
observations, the rest of the excessive
values will no longer be used.

Compare to mean, which is affected by the

extreme values or excessive values
because all the observations were took in
considerations or all observations are used
in the computation.

Am I making myself clear?

Yes Sir! (in chorus)
Ok! Let’s take this example.
Who wants to read the example? Yes? (Student will read the example)
On a 5 term test in Statistics, a student
has made grades 92, 93, 86, 92, and 79.
Find the median for this population.
a. 79 c. 92
b. 86 d. 93

Thank you!
Who wants answer? Yes? (Student will answer the example)
Let’s check if your answer is correct. Let’s Letter C. Sir! 92
click C. Array: 79, 82, 92, 92, and 93
µ̃ = 92
Next example. Please read. Yes?
(Student will read the example)
Example: The nicotine contents for a
random sample of 6 cigarettes of a certain
brand are found to be 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.9,
3.1, and 1.9 milligrams. Find the median.
a. 2.3 c. 2.5
b. 2.4 d. 2.6

Thank you!
(Student will answer the example about
Who wants answer? Yes?
Let’s check if your answer is correct. Let’s
Letter C! Sir! 2.45 or 2.5
click C.
Make an array. 1.9, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.9, and
Awesome! 3.1
𝑥̃ = = 2.45 or 2.5 milligrams

Are we clear with Median?

Yes Sir! (Chorus)

How about the mode? Who wants to read?

(Student will read the definition of mode)

It is the most frequently occurring
observation in the data set. The value
which occurs most often or with the
greatest frequency.

Thank you!

How about the Types of Mode. Please

(Student will read the types of mode)
read. Yes?
No mode – A data having equal frequency
of observations.
Unimodal – A data having one mode.
Bimodal – A data having two modes.
Multimodal – a data having more than two

Thank you!

So the keyword for mode is … Yes?

(Student will stand up)
Very good!
Most frequent! Most common value or the
most frequently occurring value.

For the types of mode, we can easily

understand each type because of its
Student will stand up)
For no mode, the data have …. Yes?
Equal frequency Sir! There is no most
common value or no mode for short.

(Student will stand up)

For unimodal, the data have … Yes?
1 most common value Sir!

(Student will stand up)

For bimodal, the data have … Yes?
2 common values.

(Student will stand up)

For multimodal, the data have … Yes?
More two common values.
Is that clear?
Yes Sir! (Chorus)
Let’ say for example, we have 1, 2, and 3.
No mode Sir! (In chorus)
What’s the mode?
Very good!

How about if we have 1, 1, 2 and 3. What’s

(Student will stand up)
the mode? What type of mode?
Mo = 1, Unimodal
Very good!
How about if we have 1, 1, 2, 2, and 3.
What’s the mode? What type of mode? (Student will stand up)
Very good! Mo = 1 and 2, Bimodal

How about if we have 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 and 4. (Student will stand up)

What’s the mode? What type of mode? Mo = 1, 2 and 3, Multimodal
Very good!

Other examples:

Who wants to read? Yes? (Student will read the example for Mode)

The number of movies attended last month

by a random sample of 12 Pangil National
High students was recorded as follows: 2,
1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 0, 1, and 4. Find the
mode and determine what type of mode is
being described in this problem.
a. No Mode
b. Mode = 2 movies (Unimodal)
c. Mode = 2 and 4 movies (Bimodal)
d. Mode = 1, 2 and 4 movies (Multimodal)

Thank you!

Who wants to answer?

Let’s check if your answer is correct. Let’s
click D. (Student will stand up)
Very Good! Letter D. Sir. The modes are 1, 2 and 4.
Since the number of modes is 3. It is
More examples of mode! Who wants to multimodal.

Find the mode of the following and tell

whether it is no mode, unimodal, bimodal,
and multimodal. (Student will stand up)
1.) 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 and 3. 1. No mode
2.) 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 and 5. 2. Mo = 4, Unimodal
3.) 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, and 9. 3. Mo = 1, 5 and 9, Multimodal

Very good!

So are we clear with the measures of Yes Sir! (Chorus)

tendency for ungrouped data?
Let’s see..
3. Abstraction
Again, what is mean? (Student will answer the question)
Average of all values or sum of values
divided by the number of observations
Very good!

How do you find or compute the mean? (Student will answer the question)
Add all the data and divide the sum by the
Very good! number of data

What is median? (Student will answer the question)

Value that lies in the middle of the data
when arranged in ascending or
descending order of magnitude or middle
Very good! term in an array of observations

How do you find or compute the median? (Student will answer the question)
First we must remember the two cases. If
the number of observations is odd, the
median is only one item at the center. But
Very good! when the number of observations is even,
then median is the average of the two
middle observations.

What is mode? (Student will answer the question)

Most common value or the most frequent
Very good! value

What are the different types of modes? (Student will answer the question)
No mode, unimodal, bimodal and
How do you find the mode? (Student will answer the question)
Very good! Observe the given data then count the
data that frequently appears.

4. Application
7-Liberica, group yourselves into 3. Please (Students will count off)
count off starting at the back.

Ok! Before you proceed to your respective (Students will listen about the rubric)
groups. Here is our rubric for the group
activity. Aside from the correctness of
answers. You’ll be graded also with the
presentation, cooperation and time. The
presenters must demonstrate a superior
ability to present with the class audience.
All the group members must cooperate
with each other and the group must finish
the activity with the given time. 3 minutes

Understood? Yes Sir! (In chorus)

Group 1, proceed here on the left. Group 2 (Students will go to their respective group)
at the back and Group 3 at the right side.

You can arrange your chairs into circular (Students will arrange the their chairs into
form. circular form)

You can make a yell, a cheer or a clap so (Students will listen)

that we can recognize if you’re already
done. The last group who finish their work
will be the first one to present in front. Is Yes Sir! (Chorus)
that clear?

Ok! Please read! Yes? (Student will read the given information)

The following sets of data show the weekly

income [in peso] of 10 selected
households living in Brgy. Pangil in the
town of Amadeo.

1500, 1500, 1700, 1800, 3000, 2100,

1700, 1500, 1750, 2000

Thank you!

Each group! Listen! Please choose from (Students will listen)

the following cards.

Group 1? What number do you like from 1- (One representative from Group 1 will
3? answer)
1 Sir!

Ok! 1 for Group 1. Here is your card. (One representative from Group 1 will get
the card

Group 2? Number 2 or number 3? (One representative from Group 2 will

2 Sir!

Group 2 here is your card. (One representative from Group 2 will get
the card)

Group 3. Of course, you have no choice. (One representative from Group 3 will get
There is only one card left. Here is your the card)

Group 1. What is your task? (Student from group 1 will answer)

Compute for mean Sir!

How about Group 2? (Student from group 2 will answer)

Compute for the median Sir!

And the last but not the least group? (Student from group 3 will answer)
Group 3? Find and identify the mode.

Ok! You may start now. (Student will start working by group)

(After 5 minutes , each group will make

yell, cheer or clap)

(Each group presents)

D. Assessment
The following sets of data show the height in [centimeters] of group of boys playing
basketball. Compute for the mean and median. Find the mode.

145, 136, 140, 150, 134, 129, 126, 130

E. Agreement:
Aura took four examinations in science class. His scores are 48, 65, 78 and 79.
Compute for the mean and median. Find the mode.

F. Closure:

Be a median in a world full of extreme values. – Nikki B. Lucero

(Median is a not affected by extreme values. In life, living in judge-mental society, we
should act like a median, not affected by extreme values or judgments of other people.
One of the 7 cardinal rules in life, in order for us to be happy is what others think of us is
none of our business. What matters is what we think of ourselves, knowing that we are
always doing the right thing or we are on the right path.)

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