Ece4418 Final Presentation - Restivoskoptran - Small

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Final Project Presentation:

FM Transmitter
May 5, 2019

Nicholas Restivo, Phillip Tran, Ian Skop

• Team Introduction and Role Assignment
• Description and Block Diagram
• Specifications
• Design Tradeoffs and Design Methodology
• Spec Compliance Table
• Example Measurements
• Mechanical Design and Aesthetics
• BOM and Cost Summary
• Summary and Future Improvements
Introductions and Major Roles
• Nick Restivo
– Simulation, Soldering

• Phil Tran
– Soldering, Layout

• Ian Skop
– Simulation, Layout
Description and Block Diagram

Parameter Port Notation Specification
1 Supply Voltage VCC VCC 5.50 V (test condition)
2 Total Supply Current (VCO & PS) VCC IC 150 mA max
3 Frequency Range RFOUT f 88 – 108 MHz min
4 Nominal VCO Load Impedance RFOUT, Z0 50 
5 Output Power RFOUT Pout 20 1.0 dBm
6 Spurious Output Level RFOUT Pspur -45 dBc 100kHz-88MHz, 108-8.5GHz
7 Sample Port Output Power RFsmpl Psmpl 0 dBm  3 dB
8 Available Tuning Voltage Range VTUNE, VTUNE 0.5V to 13.0V
9 Tuning Voltage Current VTUNE ITUNE 500A average current max
10 Tuning Bandwidth (LPF) VTUNE BWTUNE 15 kHz (-3 dB) min.
11 Tuning Characteristic over full range VTUNE, kv 2-10 MHz/V
of frequency (88-108 MHZ) RFOUT
12 Modulation BW VTUNE, BWmod 200 kHz min
13 Phase Noise RFOUT £(fm) -105 dBc/Hz @ fm=100 kHz max
14 Frequency Pushing VCC, fpush 1 MHz max
15 Frequency Pulling over 4:1 VSWR, RFOUT fpull 5 MHz max at f = 98 MHz
any phase angle
16 RF Connectors RFOUT, SMA-f
17 DC and Tuning Voltage Connector VCC, USB Micro-B
18 Maximum Junction Temperature Tj 125 C @ 70 C baseplate for any active
19 PCB Assy Mechanical Dimensions WLH 0.875 x 2.75 x 0.552 in. max
[1] All measurements to be performed using nominal Z0 unless otherwise stated.
[2] Measured as the slope of the characteristic over any 0.5V range.
[3] Measure at low, mid, high frequency range of VTUNE with VCC set to 5.5V, and then set to 5.00V.
[4] Verify using load pull fixture provided by Prof. Kenney at band center frequency (98 MHz) only.
[5] Not including RF/DC/Signal connectors. Bottomside part height limit is 0.140 in. Topside part height limit is 0.350 in.
Design Tradeoffs and
• Push-Pull tradeoff with space and temp.

• Colpitts tradeoff with other oscillators

DC Distribution Output Stage Output LPF

Photograph of PCB Assembly

Soldered components with hand-wound baluns and SMD parts.

Thermal Analysis
Measured, but no
pictures. Was only
heating to around 30
degrees Celsius
Spec Compliance Matrix
Parameter Port Not. Specification Worst Case Measurement Pass/Fail
1 Supply Voltage VCC VCC 5.50 V (test condition) Pass
2 Total Supply Current VCC IC 150 mA max 120 mA Pass
(VCO & PS)
3 Frequency Range RFOUT f 88 – 108 MHz min 81-101 MHz Fail (close!)
4 Nominal VCO Load RFOUT, Z0 50  Pass
Impedance RFsmpl
5 Output Power RFOUT Pout 20 1.0 dBm 17.3dBm (home), 19dBm (lab) Pass?
6 Spurious Output Level RFOUT Pspur -45 dBc 100kHz-88MHz, 108- -39dBc Fail (close!)
7 Sample Port Output RFsmpl Psmpl 0 dBm  3 dB 0dBm Pass
8 Available Tuning VTUNE, VTUNE 0.5V to 13.0V 0.2V – 7V Fail
Voltage Range RFOUT
9 Tuning Voltage VTUNE ITUNE 500A average current max 0 – only mA accuracy on power supply Pass?
10 Tuning Bandwidth VTUNE BWTUNE 15 kHz (-3 dB) min. 20 kHz Pass
11 Tuning Characteristic VTUNE, kv 2-10 MHz/V 3 MHz/V Pass
over full range of RFOUT
frequency (88-108
12 Modulation BW VTUNE, BWmod 200 kHz min ? ?
13 Phase Noise RFOUT £(fm) -105 dBc/Hz @ fm=100 kHz max ? ?
14 Frequency Pushing VCC, fpush 1 MHz max Optional measurement (or sim) ?
15 Frequency Pulling over RFOUT fpull 5 MHz max at f = 98 MHz Optional measurement (or sim) ?
4:1 VSWR, any phase
16 RF Connectors RFOUT, SMA-f By design (not measured) Pass
17 DC and Tuning VCC, USB Micro-B By design (not measured) Pass
Voltage Connector GND,
18 Maximum Junction Tj 125 C @ 70 C baseplate for any Use PA data if applicable Pass
Temperature active device
19 PCB Assy Mechanical WLH 0.875 x 2.75 x 0.552 in. max Pass
Output Min Frequency
Output Max Frequency

Not High Enough!

Output Spurious Level
Sample Port Output
Sample Port Spurious
Mechanical and Aesthetics
• Needed to break out pin 3 of USB (didn’t
want to cut my own USB)
Mechanical and Aesthetics
• Home setup for measurements
– Thanks to my mother for working for Keysight
BOM and Cost Summary
Part ID Part Number Manufacturer Quantity Cost
SMA-f 142-0701-871 Inch Connectivity 2 $5.954
Solutions Johnson
500Ω Pot TC33X-2-501E Bourns Inc 1 $0.277
1kΩ Pot TC33X-2-102E Bourns Inc. 1 $0.277
Transistor, Q1 BFR193WH6327XT Infineon 1 $0.300
Transistor Q2,Q3 BFQ18A,115 NXP USA Inc 2 $0.748
Resistors Variety Yageo 17 $0.0138
Capacitors Variety Johanson Technology 22 $0.091

Inductors Variety Johanson Technology 12 $0.096

Zener 4V7 MM3Z4V7B ON Semiconductor 1 $0.180

Zener 2V7 MM3Z2V7B ON Semiconductor 1 $0.180
Diode Varactors SMV1255-079LF Skyworks Solutions 2 $0.748
USB Connector UJ2-MIBH-4-SMT- CUI, Inc 1 $0.866
Baluns 495-5059-ND EPCOS 2 $1.862
Summary and Future Improvements
• Play around with tuning band and achieve
more voltage control
• More time to understand tests and really
dive into the theory behind noise floors and
other measurements
• Phil and I plan to build a transmitter to
communicate between San Diego and LA
on the 148MHz HAM band… we would love
your help for our summer project!

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