Foundations: Continuous Flight Auger Piling

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allfoundations Ltd

REF.: MSCFA1/P-5191-M
REV: 01



To construct 132no CFA bearing piles to support a new stand. The site is surrounded by a
secure fence and access is via a security gate on Beresford Road.
All CFA piles will be nominal 350 & 400mm diameter and be bored from one level platform,
piling platform level being, approximately borehole level.
The estimated bored lengths for the piles will be installed to designed lengths this is
dependant on encountering mudstone up to the toe of the pile. Trial boring will take place
prior to commencement of the piling, to determine the soil conditions.


2.1 The works will be carried out and monitored in accordance with the requirements of the
contract, specification and drawings (piles are individually marked for ease of reference).

2.2 The site is to be accessed from Beresford Road, through the current hoarding.

2.3 Site working hours will be 07:30am to 18:00pm Monday to Friday. Cleaning and maintenance
may be carried out outside normal working hours.

2.3 All piling plant operators and banksmen are suitably qualified (or undergoing training) to an
approved recognised standard, for example CITB, CTA or CPCS and experienced. A full-time
site foreman will supervise the works. The gang consist of;-
1no. Working forman / supervisor (usually the piling rig operator)
1no. Banksman
1no. Pumpman
1no. visiting contracts manager / engineer / supervisor

2.5 All plant and equipment will have current test certificates in accordance with the relevant
statutory regulations.

2.6 Work permits and all approvals to be in place prior to commencement.

2.7 All training certificates, lifting device certificates, and rig certificates are placed in the cab of
the piling rig and are available upon request to the forman.

2.8 The piling rig is currently operated in accordance with the FPS guidance notes March 2010.

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3.1 The following major plant will be used: -

(a) A purpose built track-mounted piling rig (details attached) with container tool box.
(b) Static concrete pump (PREMIER CONCRETE PM 55 PUMP).
(c) Static concrete agitator/storage drum (ramp provided by Principal Contractor)
(d) 3600 Excavator (13 Tonne track-mounted) (provided by Principal Contractor).
(e) 250CFM Compressor – base machine with ¾” bayonet outlet
(provided by Principal Contractor).
(f) Site dumper or dumper lorries (provided by Principal Contractor).
(g) 1no. set of tower lighting (provided by Principal Contractor).

All plant and equipment will be used and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and standard procedures.

3.2 The following attendances shall be provided by the Principal Contractor: -

1) Water supply (mains pressure) at the piling location.

2) Suitable background and task lighting – not required in summertime.
3) Any pumping or drainage required to keep the working surface dry and to maintain the
water table a minimum of 0.5m below piling platform level.
4) Welfare facilities including site office, mess cabin and drying room for piling foreman and
5) Toilet facilities.
6) Wheel and road cleaning.
7) Suitable protection to the public, footpath, roadway and adjacent properties.
8) Marking out and protection of existing services.
9) Setting out and maintenance of pile location pins (individually numbered).


4.1 A suitable all-weather working platform to be provided and maintained by the Principal
Contractor for the duration of the piling works. In addition to the platform, road plates are to
be provided (by others) where the piling rig has to run off on to the existing verge.

Action: Principal Contractor

4.2 Suitable Vehicular and Pedestrian access/egress to/from the site shall be provided by the
Principal Contractor prior to the arrival of piling plant and equipment on site. This is to
include all hoarding of the site, and debris netting is to be placed locally to keep splashing
concrete (to members of the public, houses and vehicles on Corporation Road) to a

Action: Principal Contractor

4.3 Equipment will be unloaded and erected in accordance with standard procedures and the
manufacturer’s instructions. The augers will be lifted into position using the auxiliary winch,
and a pin will be placed to connect the male / female part of the augers together. As the
banksman will be working at height, he will be connected to a fall arrest lifeline, using a

Action: Piling contactor

4.4 Move crawler mounted piling rig on firm and level hard-core piling platform to the pile


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Action: Piling Banksman

4.5 Setting out will be undertaken by the Principal Contractor to suit rig progress, using a steel
marker pin, and maintained as necessary throughout the contract. Prior to being left
unattended setting out pins will be suitably marked and driven flush with the platform level.
Prior to work commencing, confirmation of the piling platform level shall be obtained.

Action: Principal Contractor, Setting out Engineer

Record: Daily Record Sheets

4.6 If the material forming the piling platform makes plan location of the auger difficult to
maintain, two offset marker pins are placed at right angles to the setting out pin by the piling

The piling rig incorporates mast inclinometers to ensure the mast and auger is plumb prior to
commencement of drilling. The plan position of the auger and the verticality is further
ensured by the use of auger guides located approximately 1m above the commencing surface.

Action: Piling Driver and Banksman

4.7 All heavy lifting operations are completed utilising the 360 degree machine.

Action: Piling Driver, 360 Operator and Banksman


A series of trial bores may be carried out in working pile locations before commencement of
pile construction.

The purpose of these trial bores is to confirm the soil conditions at depth and ascertain the
boring characteristics.


6.1 The piling rig will be erected in accordance with the manufacturer’s details, on the piling

6.2 The piling rig will be set up over the line of the pile (straddling). The piles will be installed in
sequence, with the piling rig traversing along the line of the piles (see sketch).

6.3 Prior to commencement of the piling operation, an auger ‘end cap’ is fitted at the base of the
auger to seal the hollow stem against the ingress of ground water and soil, as the continuous
flight auger bores into the ground to the required depth. Little spoil is removed during the
boring phase.

6.4 On completion of boring the auger will be lifted by up to 100mm to release the ‘end cap’ prior
to auger-stem concrete precharging.

6.5 Concrete is pumped, under pressure and at a sufficient rate to ensure a continuous and
monolithic shaft, to the bottom of the auger through its hollow stem. When extracting the
auger, bore spoil on the auger is cleared using the auger cleaner on the piling rig assisted, if
necessary, by the attendant 360o excavator. Cleaning of the auger by hand may be necessary
when working close to other operations or avoid excessive splashing.

6.6 The auger is withdrawn at a controlled rate of extraction, such that the volume of concrete
placed is slightly greater than the theoretical volume of the pile shaft. The extraction rate is

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not necessarily constant and may be adjusted to allow for local variations in soil conditions.
The extraction rate is checked against “real time” parameters with the aid of a N. D.
Technology CFA pile monitor system fitted to the rig (PL20). The CFA pile monitor comprises
transducers fitted on the piling rig. These are connected to a portable computer console with
keypad and graphics display in the operators cab. The system facilitates computer-aided
construction of the CFA piles to a template of predefined construction parameters.

The CFA pile monitor produces graphical “real time” displays of all critical construction stages
for comparison with the predetermined construction parameters. The parameters for forming
the pile are based on the borehole logs and any trial bores. The effect of any weaker strata
whilst drilling the pile to depth is assessed and the percentage oversupply is adjusted to
maintain a continuous flow of concrete up the auger during pile formation. This information is
entered into the portable computer console, as ‘tramlines’, which control auger extraction
during the concreting process when building the pile.

6.7 On completion of the pile the system checks the monitored construction parameters against
the template and alerts the operator to any discrepancies via a status system. Should the pile
contain non-conformities identified to be “driver error” they will be corrected by reboring
whilst the concrete remains plastic. Non-conformities (accepting the known limitations of the
system) will be brought to the site management’s attention for review.

6.8 Should a blockage occur the auger is extracted by rotating anti-clockwise to leave as much
spoil supporting the hole as possible.

6.9 Blockages are cleared with the use of cleaning balls passed through the pipe system propelled
with compressed air. The lines may be split as necessary at joints to aid this process. Safety
procedures MUST be followed at all times, especially ensuring the area is cleared of non-
operational personnel, pipe ends are anchored / restrained mechanically and pressures are
released prior to clip loosening. In all instances, once the blockage is cleared the hole is re-
drilled to a founding level slightly deeper than originally achieved.

6.10 Bore spoil arisings and concrete overbreak from boring and construction is removed from the
pile head by a full time attendant 360o excavator.

6.11 The concrete pile is cast to ground/working platform level. Pile shaft concrete cannot be left
below the existing piling platform. We recommend a difference in cast level to pile trim level
of no less than 500mm to ensure sound concrete at the pile head.

6.12 No lining tubes are required because at no time is there an open bore prior to concrete

6.13 The remaining arisings and concrete overbreak from the bore is removed by the full time
attendant 360° excavator and the top of the concrete checked for contamination.

6.14 The prefabricated reinforcing cage with proprietary wheel clip on plastic spacers is then, with
the minimum delay installed into the concrete. The piling cage is brought from the place of
storage to the side of the piling rig. The prefabricated cage will be lifted in place using the
auxiliary line on the piling rig, as well as the attending 360 machine (to prevent damage to the
cage and prevent spoil falling into the top of the unset concrete). The bottom of the
reinforcing cage will be lifted mechanically using the attendant excavator, the top of the cage
will be attached to the auxiliary winch of the piling rig. As the cage is lowered into the forming
pile, and the banksman / piling foreman is happy that the cage is lined up correctly, the cage
will be detached from the attending 360 machine. The cage will then be left attached to the
auxiliary line and lowered under its own weight. The attending 360 machine may need to assist
this operation by pushing the cage into the workable grout to the required depth as detailed
within the design documents (schedule). Should the top of the cage remain above the cast
grout level (platform level) the bars will be suitably marked (with high visibility tape or paint),


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wherever possible reinforcement will be placed to platform level. All projecting steel will be
bent and straightened by others.

6.15 The crawler mounted piling rig then moves to the next position in the agreed sequence. This
shall be sufficient distance as not to induce concrete flow from, and or, damage, to adjacent

Action: Piling contractor (items 6.1 to 6.15 inclusive)

6.16 Piles will be excavated and trimmed by others (at no cost to the piling contractor). Care should
be taken during excavation around piles. It is advised that disk cutters be used to trim the piles
at cut off level prior to the use of percussive tools, to help prevent damage to pile heads.

Action: Principal Contractor

Concrete is pumped
The cutting head of The auger is screwed Maintaining positive
through the hollow
the auger is fitted with into the ground to the concrete pressure the
stem, blowing off the
a expendable cap required depth. auger is withdrawn
expendable cap under
and the reinforcement
is placed into the pile
upto the required


The CFA process uses fluid concrete which is pumped through concrete lines. In the event of an
obstruction and at the end of each working shift, the concrete delivery system requires cleaning

To enable cleaning out of the CFA concrete lines it is required to use high air pressures. Safety
during this process is paramount.


An agreed safe blow out area is required.

250 cfm compressor with jaymec type couplings.

Blow out adapter - in good working order.



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First pass -
o One man is to direct all operations during the process.
o Introduce a concrete blow out ball into the concrete line.
o Attach the blowout adapter to the end of the flexible hose.
o Blow the ball through the lines.
o Use a ball catcher where applicable.

Second pass –
o As stated in the first pass, with the addition of water.

In the event of a Line blockage –

o Switch off the compressor !
o If the concrete line is blocked during the first pass, all air pressure must be released is to
be released through the blow out chamber.
o Carefully break the rest of the line being aware of any potential trapped air within the
o Clear the obstruction and repeat the blow out procedure.


10.1 The C 28 / 35 strength (grade 35N/mm2) concrete is obtained from a QSRMC registered ready –
mix concrete supplier.

10.2 The concrete is delivered ready-mixed to site in mixer wagons.

10.3 The S4 concrete consistence (slump) is checked to ensure the slump is not outside the limits of
150mm to 200mm.

10.4 Concrete is transferred from the wagon to the pump/drum set-up and constantly rotated in the
site storage drum.

Action: Piling Pumpman and Ready-mix truck driver (items 10.1 to 10.4 inclusive)

10.5 During pile installation and prior to the extraction of the auger, the concrete is discharged into
the concrete pump and pumped under pressure through the delivery tube, to the base of the
auger stem.

10.6 A minimum of one set of four test cubes is taken daily for every 50m3 of concrete placed. The
cubes are tested independently by a NAMAS accredited laboratory. One cube is tested at 7
days, two cubes at 28 days and one (reserve) cube at 56 days. Curing will be in tanks initially
on site with transfer to the laboratory as soon as practical. Reports will be submitted to the
Principal Contractor.

Action: Piling (items 10.5 and 10.6)


11.1 All reinforcement material shall be from a CARES approved supplier.

11.2 A designated area will be assigned by the main contractor for steel fixing.

11.3 The steel fixing trestles will be positioned on firm ground (preferably an area of the piling

11.4 Steel will be lifted onto the fixing trestles, by the attending machine.

11.5 Steel fixers will fabricate one cage at a time using soft annealed tie wire, sufficiently tied to
allow handling and placement.

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11.6 Fabricated cages will be lifted off the trestles with the aid of the attendant excavator and stock
piled within agreed storage areas.


12.1 Records of the pile lengths, reinforcement and concreting will be made daily and forwarded to
the Principal Contractor for signature and distributed as required.

Action: Piling contractor Site Foreman


13.1 The depth of bore, rate of drilling and auger extraction during concreting are measured by an
electro-mechanical depth meter and displayed in the cab of the piling rig.

13.2 During the formation of the pile shaft the concrete over supply is monitored together with the
rate of extraction. This information is displayed graphically “as real time” against depth.

13.3 An electronic flow meter/pulse counter measures the volume of concrete flowing through the
delivery pipe. The flow of concrete is monitored in the cab to be an analogue flow-rate
indicator, which gives a digital display of the cumulative volume of concrete delivered to the

13 .4 Monitored information is stored on an on-board data logger for subsequent analysis and record.
There is no site print out facility with the on-board equipment.

13.5 In the event of a partial or permanent damage to the primary monitoring system a manual
monitoring system will be employed. This procedure will be adopted to ensure that the correct
depth is bored and that sufficient concrete is supplied to each pile.

Action: Piling contractor (items 13.1 to 13.5 inclusive)


14.1 SAFETY HELMETS will be worn at all times.

14.2 Waterproof, oil resistant GLOVES (model 3611) and safety spectacles/goggles will be provided
and worn by the operatives as necessary.

14.3 EAR DEFENDERS are to be worn within 10 metres of any operational piling rig, concrete pump
or mixer drum.

14.4 SAFETY FOOTWEAR will be worn on site at all times that provides protection to toes and soles.
Safety Wellington’s will be provided.

14.5 HIGH VISIBILITY garments will be worn at all times.

14.6 SAFETY HARNESS AND RESTRAINTS will be used for all work at height where the operative’s feet
are 1.5 metres or more above ground.

EXCEPTIONALLY this is not required for working from a totally fenced platform, or short term
work from a secured, inclined ladder.

14.7 All heavy plant movement will be directed by an appointed and suitably trained banksman.

14.8 All reversing of HGV’s and CONCRETE WAGONS will be directed by a banksman.

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14.9 No substance will be used without CoSHH assessment and the user(s) being made aware of the
requirements by the piling foreman. See attached CoSHH assessments for information.

14.10 Machine drivers will accept only EMERGENCY STOP SIGNALS from persons other than the
banksman for the particular operation.

14.11 Spill kits are situated in the container in the event of any diesel or hydraulic oil spills.

14.12 At the end of each day, the piling rig is to be either packed away ready for transport, or drilled
into the ground (as per the operating manual) in the event of high winds during none
operational times (night and weekends).

14.13 In the event of high wind conditions, the operating manual must be consulted and appropriate
action must be taken in accordance with the manual.

14.14 In the event of any accident or incident, the main contractor will be contacted on site, and the
relevant authorities will be contacted. Once this has been completed, then the following All
Foundations Ltd will be contacted;-

Wayne Adams – Contracts Manager – 07977 900330

Ian Cull - Director of Operations- 07977 470150
Michael Lloyd – Director for H & S – 07796 674806

14.15 In the event of any briefed persons wishing to amend the method of working, then All
Foundations management will be consulted as to safe working practices. Upon agreement of a
revised method of work, this document will be amended to reflect such changes.


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Method Statement briefing
Name Signature Date


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