Writing 1

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Subject : English
Class : 4 Anggun
Enrollment : /25 pupils
Level : Intermediate
Date/Day : 4th July 2019
Time : 10.30-11.30 am
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Blogging
Focus Skill : Writing
Integrated Skill : Reading
Previous Knowledge : Pupils already knew about sending messages.

Content Standards Learning Standards

3.2 Able to write using appropriate language form 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:
and style for a range of purposes. (b) notices
2.2 Able to demonstrate understanding of a 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases
variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of and sentence form:
print and non-print materials using a range of (a) linear texts
strategies to construct meaning.

Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I. Fill in the blanks at least 5 out of 10 answers correctly based on a reading text given.
II. Use at least 4 out of 8 guided words or phrases to write a notice correctly.
Language Content:
1) Vocabulary: Notice, heading, subject, content and title.

Educational Emphasis : Multiple intelligences, thinking skills and moral values.

Moral Values : Be polite to inform others.
Thinking Skills : Understanding, identifying and applying.
Multiple Intelligences : Linguistic and interpersonal skills.

Teaching Aids : English textbook, Mah-jong paper and worksheets.

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Activity Remarks
Prompt questions: Preparation Phase
Set -Do you know what 1. Teacher pastes an example (Setting the tone of
Induction a notice is? of a notice on the lesson)
(5 minutes) -Have you ever got whiteboard. 1. To arouse pupils’
a notice before? 2. Pupils are given some attention by asking
questions about the notice. questions.
Expected answers: 3. Pupils are introduces to a 2. To stimulate pupils’
-Yes/No notice. schemata.

Teaching aids:
Mahjong paper
Vocabulary: 1. Pupils do reading aloud Imagination Phase
Presentation -Notice with the teacher. 1. To prepare for a
(10 -Date 2. Teacher corrects the pupils’ reading activity.
minutes) -Heading/ Subject pronunciation. 2. To correct pupils’
-Content 3. Pupils are explained about pronunciation.
-Name the format of a notice. 3. To introduce a notice to
-Title 4. Pupils learn some new the pupils.
words from the text.
5. Pupils are explained the Teaching aids:
purpose of writing a notice. Mahjong paper

Individual work: Development Phase

Practice 1. Pupils need to open their (Independent practice)
(20 Textbook: textbook page 68. 1. To incorporate fun
minutes) Page 68 2. Pupils are given elements in learning.
worksheets based on the 2. To practice the input
Example of the reading text in the textbook. they have learnt.
question: 3. Pupils need to fill in the 3. To prepare them for the
This is to ___ all blanks in the worksheet next activity.
based on the reading text
friends and ___ to
given. Assessment of learning
Our ____ that I
4. Pupils discuss their objective 1
shall be ___ on a answers with the teacher.
____ starting Teaching aids:
tomorrow. I shall
be back on 25 ___

. My ___ , Jelini

will take over my

garden duties

while I am away.

Take care



Thinking skill:

Moral values:
Be polite to inform

Group work: 1. Pupils are divided into six Action Phase

Production Write a notice with groups. (Guided practice)
(20 guidance 2. Each group is given one 1. To check pupils’
minutes) worksheet. understanding during the
Multiple 3. Pupils need to write a lesson.
Intelligences: notice in group by using the 2. To enhance pupils’
Linguistic guided choice of answers. ability in making
Interpersonal 4. Each group needs to read association.
their answers to the class. 3. To instill moral value
Moral values: 5. Teacher corrects the pupils’ into the students.
Be polite to inform pronunciation and answers.
others. Assessment of learning
objective 2
Teaching aids:
Vocabulary: Closure phase
Closure -Notice 1. Pupils need to recap what (Summary and
(5 minutes) -Date they have learnt for that reinforcement)
-Heading/ Subject day. 1. To consolidate what
-Content 2. Pupils are asked to say out they have learned.
-Name the format in writing a 2. To instill moral value
-Title notice. into the students.
3. Pupils are exposed to the
Moral values: moral value of be polite in
Be polite to inform writing a notice.


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