Writing 1
Writing 1
Writing 1
Subject : English
Class : 4 Anggun
Enrollment : /25 pupils
Level : Intermediate
Date/Day : 4th July 2019
Time : 10.30-11.30 am
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Blogging
Focus Skill : Writing
Integrated Skill : Reading
Previous Knowledge : Pupils already knew about sending messages.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I. Fill in the blanks at least 5 out of 10 answers correctly based on a reading text given.
II. Use at least 4 out of 8 guided words or phrases to write a notice correctly.
Language Content:
1) Vocabulary: Notice, heading, subject, content and title.
Teaching aids:
Mahjong paper
Vocabulary: 1. Pupils do reading aloud Imagination Phase
Presentation -Notice with the teacher. 1. To prepare for a
(10 -Date 2. Teacher corrects the pupils’ reading activity.
minutes) -Heading/ Subject pronunciation. 2. To correct pupils’
-Content 3. Pupils are explained about pronunciation.
-Name the format of a notice. 3. To introduce a notice to
-Title 4. Pupils learn some new the pupils.
words from the text.
5. Pupils are explained the Teaching aids:
purpose of writing a notice. Mahjong paper
. My ___ , Jelini
garden duties
while I am away.
Take care
Thinking skill:
Moral values:
Be polite to inform