Different Ways of Defining Meaning
Different Ways of Defining Meaning
Different Ways of Defining Meaning
Wilda Fizriyani
Real and Nominal
01 Definition 03 Definition by Synonymy
Definition by Context
02 Definition by Ostension
04 or Typical Exemplar
05 Definiton by Genus
and Differentia
• Real Definition (clarifying a given meaning,
descriptive drfinition)
ex: Awan adalah uap air yang menguap ke udara disebabkan karena
pemanasan laut yang disinari oleh matahari
• Nominal Definition (giving the meaning of words,
simple definition)
ex: Suami adalah pria yang sudah menikah
Definition by
• by pointing out the objects which
they denote.
• In spite of the apparent obviousness
of this method, it is beset by
• Verbs, adjectives and prepositions are
not open to this defi nitional method,
a black cat running along a wall
Definition by Synonymy
To define words by providing synonyms, in
either the same language as the word being
defined or in a different one.
Definion by
showing the distinguishing feature of
the definiendum (the differentia)
ex: Man (human being) as rational
Man (genus: animal, differentia:
Ex a puppy is young dog
Definition and substitutability
01 02 03
The most thorough- I, you, someone, people,
Cannot be going something/thing, body; this, the
same, other, one, two, some, all,
completely broken example of a theory of much/many; good, bad, big,
down into anything semantic primitives in small, think, know, want, feel, see,
hear, say, words, true, do happen,
conceptually modern linguistics is move, there is, have, live, die,
the when/time, now, before, after a
simpler. Natural Semantic long time, a short time, for some
time, where/place, here, above,
Metalanguage (NSM) below, far, near, side, inside, not,
theory of Wierzbicka maybe, can, because, if, very,
and Goddard. more, kind of, part of, like.
One of the most frequent criticisms of
definitional theories of semantics is that no
Problems satisfying definition of a word has ever
actually been formulated. The scepticism
with about the existence of definitions is so
• Definitions function as the
guarantors of the consistency of
g and use
• Take on a central role in language
use if we take concepts to be
essentially definitional in nature,