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80mm APO
Scopes Astronomers’ Next Eyes
on the Skies PAGE 14
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Cover Story:
14 Monster Scopes
Astronomers and engineers are
boldly building a generation of
telescopes like none that has gone
before. By Govert Schilling
Find us on By David Tosteson 84 Focal Point
Facebook & Twitter By Douglas Ray Nelson
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TESS was reported to have cost By contrast, the 1.8-kg drone heli- still cold in between?
under $200 million to develop and copter for the Mars 2020 rover mis- Bill Schultz
build, which seems a bargain consider- sion is stated to have been funded at Cincinnati, Ohio
75, 50 & 25 YEARS AGO by Roger W. Sinnott º November 1968 º November 1993
Lunar Transients “[Near] Las Magnified Quasars “Our view of
1943 º November 1943 Cruces, New Mexico, is Corralitos the very distant universe is dis-
Wartime Astronomy “A cablegram Observatory, operated by North- torted by gravitational lensing a lot
from K. Lundmark in Sweden was western University with NASA more than anyone thought, accord-
received at Harvard, asking for support for the primary purpose ing to two University of Washington
observations of both the Diamaca of detecting transient changes on astronomers. Liliya Rodrigues-Wil-
comet and the Hoffmeister nova. the moon. J. Allen Hynek [reports] liams and Craig J. Hogan studied
Astronomers [here] had heard the results of three years system- the distribution of quasars brighter
about the comet, but what nova atic surveillance . . . with a 24-inch than magnitude 18.5, and between
and where? Cassegrain relector in conjunction redshifts 1.4 and 2.2, in various
1968 “Further telegraphic procedure with an image-orthicon tube. The areas of the sky. They found that if
then brought the news [that] C. observer sits in a room below the there’s a galaxy cluster in the fore-
Hoffmeister, director of the Sonne- telescope loor, seeing an area of ground . . . it boosts the number of
berg branch of the Berlin-Babels- the moon on a monitor screen. . . . quasars seen in the background by
berg Observatory, had discovered “More than 3,000 hours of lunar a remarkable 70 percent. In effect,
a 12th-magnitude nova in the surveillance have been logged the combined gravitational ield
constellation Aquila. . . . Searching [but] no localized lunar events were of the cluster’s galaxies acts as a
earlier photographs of the region, detected. . . . This negative result is giant magnifying glass. . . .
he found that the star had attained in sharp contrast to the numerous “This inding may come as a
a maximum brightness of about reports by amateur astronomers in rather hollow vindication to the
1993 supporters of astronomer Halton C.
7th magnitude between April 13th recent years of bright lashes, col-
and May 2nd, nearly ive months orations, and large-area brighten- Arp and others who have claimed
before. . . . ings lasting a few seconds.” for years that high-redshift quasars
“In view of events abroad, it is Reports of such changes are cluster around low-redshift galax-
a bit surprising that it should have still controversial, but occasional ies. . . . It appears they really do.”
been a German astronomer who flashes due to meteoroid impacts Gravitational lensing can also
irst discovered [Nova Aquilae have been confirmed by indepen- produce multiple images of a single
1943].” dent observers and videos. remote quasar.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 7
NEWS NOTES Surface South Polar
Layered Deposits
The ExoMars
Trace Gas
Orbiter captured
this view of part
of Mars’s south
polar ice cap on
May 13, 2018.
point for the first time, scientists will
Parker Solar Probe Launches to “Touch the Sun” explore the solar wind’s origin, hope-
TOUTED AS THE “mission to touch the The majority of the probe’s four instru- fully improving space weather fore-
Sun,” the Parker Solar Probe is the first ment suites will remain behind this casts. Close-in measurements will also
to be named after a living person, solar shield, where temperatures will be a help scientists find out what heats the
physicist Eugene Parker (University of comfortable 85°F. But a couple of key million-degree solar corona.
Chicago, emeritus). The spacecraft will pieces — namely, the Solar Probe Cup ■ DAVID DICKINSON
carry a suite of instruments to study (SPC) and the niobium-alloy antennas
the origin of the solar wind and the of the FIELDS experiment — will extend
dynamics of the solar corona, looping past the shield to directly examine the
around the Sun 24 times in its seven- Sun. The SPC will scoop up samples of
year mission. charged particles in order to measure
After its launch on August 12th, their flux and flow, while the FIELDS
the probe is due to swing by Venus on experiment will measure the electric
September 28th, entering an initial, and magnetic fields around the Sun.
150-day-long orbit around the Sun. Visit
Passing 34.7 solar radii from the Sun on to learn more about the instruments
November 1st, it will complete six addi- the probe carries.
tional Venus flybys to further decrease The probe will be the first mission
its period to 88 days. Ultimately, the to go past the Alfvén point. Within this
spacecraft will reach it closest approach, boundary, Alfvén waves — oscillations
passing within 9 solar radii of the Sun’s of charged particles and the magnetic
surface, on December 19, 2024. fields they travel along — tie the solar
Engineers designed the Parker Solar wind to the Sun’s surface, but particles
Probe to survive temperatures that beyond it escape into the solar system.
can reach 1600K (2500°F). To take Studying the plasma within the Alfvén
the heat, the craft is equipped with a u NASA’s new solar probe launched August
heat shield made of reinforced carbon 12th from Cape Canaveral aboard a Delta IV
composite 11.4 cm (4.5 inches) thick. Heavy rocket.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 9
structure more like the Sun’s, with Sea Meteorite Recovered
Gap in Gaia Data Reveals a convective envelope surrounding a On the evening of March 7th, a ireball lit
up skies along western Washington and
Stellar Interiors denser, radiative core.
Oregon. The object responsible, later
Most theoretical models of stellar
estimated to be 2 metric tons, broke apart
ASTRONOMERS WORKING with data structure don’t predict this hiccup. Yet
some 25 km (16 miles) off the coast of
from the European Space Agency’s Gaia James MacDonald and John Gizis (both Washington state. Now, a team of scien-
mission (S&T: Aug. 2018, p. 9) have dis- at University of Delaware) suggest in tists has announced the possible recovery
covered a new feature due to a change the October 21st Monthly Notices of the of fragments from the fall. The irst sonar-
in the structures of low-mass stars. Royal Astronomical Society that the gap is based search effort with Exploration Vessel
Astronomers often use the century- a feature of existing theory. Nautilus didn’t turn up anything, but the
team had better luck with a seven-hour
old Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to The gap, they explain, comes from
visual search using a pair of remotely oper-
determine stars’ properties based on changes in the efficiency of the stars’
ated vehicles named Argus and Hercules.
their color and brightness. Now, a power source. The boiling motions in Using a suction hose sampler, magnetic
team of astronomers led by Wei-Chun the cores of lower-mass stars help mix plate, and sediment scoop, the researchers
Jao (Georgia State University) has intermediate products of fusion reac- attracted and sorted out meteoritic debris.
announced the discovery of a narrow tions, allowing them to fuse hydro- A preliminary analysis by Marc Fries,
but distinctive gap in this diagram in gen more efficiently. When the core Cosmic Dust Curator at NASA’s Johnson
Space Center, revealed two small frag-
the July 1st Astrophysical Journal Let- becomes too dense for convection, that
ments characteristic of the smooth fusion
ters. While most stars follow a smooth steady increase in efficiency stops. This
crust that forms during a bolide’s plunge
continuum, a tiny hiccup appears in the sudden change creates a dearth of stars through Earth’s atmosphere. If veriied, the
luminosities of low-mass M stars. at a particular brightness; however, ind will mark the irst meteorite recovery
The gap in luminosities corresponds some questions remain. Clearly, the HR from the sealoor after an observed fall.
to the mass where M stars transition diagram still has secrets to reveal. ■ DAVID DICKINSON
from a fully convective interior to a ■ MONICA YOUNG
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 11
COSMIC RELIEF by David Grinspoon
A Nebulous p Ultraviolet
image of Venus
taken by the
understand the far future of Earth.
This is true about climate: If we
can grasp the mechanism and tim-
Pioneer Venus
ing of the runaway greenhouse that
destroyed Venus’s surface oceans, we’ll
know better what lies ahead for our
For both Venus and Earth, life’s world when the Sun inevitably warms
last refuge might lie in the clouds. it to the point that Earth can no longer
hold its water (S&T: Oct. 2017, p. 22).
It may be true about geology as well:
BEFORE THE SPACE AGE, it was com- bly outward. Some time in the remote Plate tectonics, so vital to the func-
mon to regard Venus as a planet stuck past it swept past Venus, and her seas tioning of our home world, seems to
in a state resembling Earth’s deep evaporated. Some time in the future have ceased on Venus (if it ever oper-
past — perhaps a carboniferous swamp the same thing will happen to Earth. ated there at all). We’re not sure why,
world with tree ferns and giant rep- What became of Venusians (if any but it might have to do with the drying
tiles. Now we know that our nearest existed) when the oceans vanished out of the interior that accompanied
planetary neighbor is actually a vision and the surface became too scald- the loss of surface water.
of our likely future. ing for organic life? Is it possible that Finally, Venus may even give us a
When Venus and Earth were both some organisms found sanctuary up glimpse of our planet’s old age in terms
young, their surface conditions were in the atmosphere? For more than of its biology. If life on a dying oceanic
probably very similar, sporting warm, 20 years I’ve promoted the plausibil- world can migrate to the clouds, as
organics-rich oceans and active geol- ity of a cloud biosphere on Venus. My might have taken place on Venus, then
ogy. They were the kind of places mentor Carl Sagan floated this idea that might be the long-term fate of
where we think life could easily have even earlier, and some colleagues have Earth’s biosphere. The clouds may be
formed, if our current understanding elaborated upon it in a recent paper our planet’s final habitable zone.
of both the origin of life and of Venus published in the journal Astrobiology
are correct. (see ■ DAVID GRINSPOON is author of Venus
Yet the Sun gradually brightens as Conditions in the cloud deck are Revealed: A New Look Below the Clouds
it ages, causing the inner edge of the moderate — roughly the same tempera- of Our Mysterious Twin Planet (1997), in
habitable zone, where surface water can ture and pressure as at Earth’s surface. which he irst hypothesized about micro-
exist on rocky planets, to slide inexora- Moreover, plenty of nutrients and bial life in Venusian clouds.
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was driving a sturdy 4WD pickup truck up a steep and whelmingly Large). I remember team leader Roberto Gilmozzi
winding gravel road in the Chilean Atacama Desert. It was bluntly stating: “There are no known technological showstop-
hard to keep the car under control on the bumpy track. My pers. We could start building this right away.”
passengers must have been terrified at every hairpin curve. Well, it turned out there were financial showstoppers, and
Only by stopping the truck every now and then could I enjoy the OWL Telescope never materialized. But right now, three
the surreal beauty of the surrounding landscape, with the smaller monster telescopes are taking shape, set for first light
white enclosures of the European Southern Observatory’s in the 2020s. International partnerships led by U.S. institu-
(ESO’s) Very Large Telescope on the horizon, some 20 kilome- tions are planning the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) and
ters away. Our goal: the barren summit of Cerro Armazones, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Meanwhile, most of the
a conical mountain in the Sierra Vicuña Mackenna range. original design studies for OWL found their way into ESO’s
The day before, we had been filming at the Very Large Tele- ELT. Together, these three instruments are destined to revo-
scope (VLT) for the ESO documentary Europe to the Stars. But lutionize our view of the universe. We are really standing on
we also wanted to take a look into the future and to show the threshold of a new era of astronomical discovery.
viewers the site of the organization’s next monster instru-
ment, the 39.3-meter Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). At the New Technologies
time — more than six years ago now — the summit of Cerro Just over a century ago, on November 1, 1917, the 100-inch
Armazones carried little more than a weather station, some (2.54-m) Hooker Telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory
site-testing equipment, and a microwave communications near Los Angeles gathered its first light. Using this revolution-
antenna. Driving up the mountain was a challenge. ary instrument, noted cosmologist Edwin Hubble (after whom
Standing at the summit, I couldn’t help thinking back to the Hubble Space Telescope is named) discovered the true
the spring of 1999, when I attended an international work- nature of “spiral nebulae” — individual galaxies comparable to
shop on future telescopes at Bäckaskog Castle in southern our own Milky Way — and the expansion of the universe. For
Sweden. The 10-m Keck II Telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawai‘i, more than 30 years, the Hooker Telescope remained the larg-
had only been in operation for three years, and the European est in the world. When the 200-inch (5.1-m) Hale Telescope
VLT was still very much under construction. But at Bäckaskog, at Palomar Mountain in southern California was dedicated
ESO scientists and engineers bravely presented the design of on June 3, 1948, many astronomers believed that they had
a humongous 100-meter telescope, called OWL (for Over- reached the limits of technical feasibility.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 15
Extremely Large Telescopes, Part I
In subsequent decades, however, most of the limiting fac- for in a technique known as adaptive optics (S&T: May 2016,
tors in constructing much larger instruments have been over- p. 30). Evidently, the venerable 200-inch Hale Telescope was
come. One of the developments that made this possible was not an end point, but just another milepost along the road
the return, in the late 1970s, to small and relatively cheap to astronomy’s ever-larger eyes on the skies. The same is now
alt-azimuth telescope mounts, as opposed to the bulky, asym- true for Keck and the VLT.
metric equatorial mounts of the past. The big advantage of an
equatorial mount is that the diurnal rotation of the night sky Seven-Eyed Magellan
can be tracked by rotating the telescope at a constant speed If you want to see an example of what’s next, you need to
around just one axis, parallel to the axis of the Earth. But drive to Arizona Stadium in Tucson, home field of the Arizona
today’s computer-controlled stepping motors no longer have Wildcats. Unknown to most of the visiting football fans (and
an issue with moving a huge telescope around two axes at probably to quite a number of players), the University of Ari-
the same time, with continuously varying speeds, as required zona’s Richard F. Caris Mirror Laboratory is located under-
for a much more compact alt-azimuth mount. A smaller and neath the stadium’s east wing. Here’s where five of the seven
more symmetrical mount leads to huge cost savings for both thin 8.4-m mirrors for the future Giant Magellan Telescope
the telescope construction and (GMT) have already been
the enclosure, which can also spun-cast in a giant rotating
be much smaller. oven (S&T: Mar. 2014, p. 24).
Even more important was The first segment has been
the advent of thin-mirror tech- polished to its final surface
nology. Older generations of accuracy, while the next four
mirrors had to be thick enough mirrors are currently being
to withstand gravity, wind worked on.
load, and temperature changes “With a focal length
without losing their shape. But precision requirement of 300
thanks to active support by microns, it’s a big challenge,”
computer-controlled actuators, says GMT Organization vice
which compensate for possible president Patrick McCarthy
deformations by these envi- (Carnegie Observatories), “but
ronmental changes, today’s we steadily keep on moving
telescope mirrors can be as forward.”
p FUTURE ELT SITE Taken in early 2018, this image shows the
thin as 10 to 20 centimeters early foundations for the dome and telescope structure of ESO’s
At Cerro Las Campanas in
without losing their required Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), which will perch at an altitude of northern Chile, construction
curvature stability. Moreover, some 2,500 meters (8,300 feet) on Cerro Armazones in the Chilean work for the new telescope
telescope builders successfully Atacama Desert. started earlier this year. The
started to experiment with mountain’s summit was
large, jigsaw-like mirrors, consisting of relatively small inter- already leveled in 2012, and when Miguel Roth (who was the
locking hexagonal segments, which are easier and cheaper to observatory director at the time) drove me up to the plateau
produce (and transport!) than a single monolithic mirror. in the spring of 2013, the outline of the GMT enclosure was
As a result of these new technologies, quite a number of marked with white boulders. Since then, the road has been
8- to 10-m class optical telescopes are operational right now, graded, and residence buildings for construction workers
including the twin 10-m Keck Telescopes at Mauna Kea and have been erected. “The site is big enough to accommodate
the four 8.2-m Unit Telescopes of ESO’s VLT in Chile. By a second GMT,” Roth proudly told me. Who knows what the
using laser-produced artificial guide stars in the upper atmo- future will bring? The W. M. Keck Observatory on Mauna
sphere, wavefront sensors to precisely measure the incoming Kea also consists of two identical telescopes, and the Las
light, and thin, rapidly deformable mirrors in the telescope’s Campanas Observatory is already home to the twin 6.5-m
light path, even atmospheric turbulence can be compensated Magellan Telescopes.
Megascope Partnerships
European Southern Observatory (ESO) member states: Arizona State University Astronomy Australia Limited Australian National
Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland University Carnegie Institution for Science FAPESP: the São Paulo Research
France Germany Italy The Netherlands Poland Foundation (Brazil) Harvard University Korean Astronomy and Space Science
Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Institute Smithsonian Institution Texas A&M University University of Arizona
University of Chicago University of Texas at Austin
Very Large Telescope Gemini North Subaru Telescope Gemini South Magellan Telescopes
Cerro Paranal, Chile Hawai‘i Hawai‘i Cerro Pachón, Chile Las Campanas, Chile
1998–2000 1999 1999 2000 2000 / 2002
Southern African Large Binocular Gran Telescopio Canarias Large Sky Area
Large Telescope Telescope Canary Islands, Spain Multi-Object Fiber
Northern Cape Province, Arizona 2007 Spectroscopic Telescope
South Africa 2005 Hebei Province, China
2005 2008
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 17
Extremely Large Telescopes, Part I
GIANT MAGELLAN TELESCOPE However, for now, building just one Giant Magellan Tele-
scope is challenging enough. The instrument explores a novel
design, never before used in a large professional telescope.
Surrounding a central parabolic 8.4-meter mirror — the larg-
est monolithic blank the Arizona Mirror Lab can produce —
are six similar-sized asymmetric siblings, each weighing more
than 15 metric tons and all mounted on the same telescope
structure. Together, the seven mirrors constitute a giant
24.5-m paraboloidal primary. Because of the gaps between the
individual mirrors, the GMT has the light-gathering power of
a 22.5-m telescope. By 2024, astronomers hope to put the first
mirrors in place and achieve first light.
Just like the primary, the secondary mirror of the GMT,
with an effective diameter of 3.2 m, will consist of seven
smaller (1.1-m) mirrors. These concave ellipsoidal mirrors
are an integral part of the GMT’s adaptive optics system.
Six sodium lasers will be used to create artificial guide stars.
Hundreds of times per second, atmospheric wavefront distor-
tions will be measured and corrected for by subtle “shape
shifting” of the ultra-thin (2.4-millimeter) secondary mirrors
by means of 672 actuators per segment. Eventually, the plan
is to produce one additional segment for both the primary
and secondary mirrors: That will enable astronomers to
continue observations when one of the mirrors has to be
removed temporarily to be recoated.
Thanks to financial commitments from a long list of
partner institutions in the U.S., Australia, Brazil, and South
Korea, about half of the necessary $1.05 billion has been
secured, according to McCarthy. “Fundraising remains one
t MOPPING UP Arizona mirror lab staff clean the glass for GMT’s fourth
mirror after opening the oven.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 19
Extremely Large Telescopes, Part I
cal copy of Keck. “Mauna Kea has always been our preferred
choice,” says Stone, “but La Palma is an excellent alterna-
tive.” Nevertheless, he admits that the lower altitude and the
higher average temperature make it a less ideal site for study-
ing the longer-wavelength part of the infrared spectrum,
which is important for many astronomical research topics,
from the origin of stars and planets to the evolution of the
first galaxies in the universe.
In the fall of 2017, after three years of delay, the TMT
board decided it really needed to start constructing the
telescope in the spring of 2018. “We were wrestling with how
many additional years — and money — it would be worth it
p HAWAIIAN CONCERNS TMT opponents gather in 2015 to pray atop
to be at Hawai‘i,” says Soifer. “We want to achieve first light
Mauna Kea, which native Hawaiians consider sacred. Preschool teacher
in 2028.” But as this issue went to press, a formal decision Kaho’okahi Kanuha (at right) told Hawai‘i Public Radio at the time,
had not yet been made. “We continue to assess the ongoing “Curiosity should not supersede the values and the traditions of the host
situation,” said Stone in a prepared statement in April. The people and the host culture.”
board still remains hopeful of court decisions that will allow
construction to resume on Mauna Kea. One concern is that Cerro Armazones in northern Chile was selected as the
Japan — a major partner in the TMT project — has always location for the ELT in April 2010 (the site had also been
been opposed to moving the telescope to La Palma, given the considered for the TMT). Road construction commenced in
country’s special astronomical connections to Hawai‘i. June 2012, a few months after I drove my pickup truck up the
As for the financial issues: In May 2018, the National Sci- old gravel track. The mountaintop was leveled in June 2014,
ence Foundation’s National Optical Astronomy Observatory and on May 26, 2017, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet
(NOAO) announced the development of a U.S. Extremely Jeria ceremonially laid the first stone for the future observa-
Large Telescope (US-ELT) Program, together with both the tory. Armazones is close to Cerro Paranal, home to ESO’s
GMT Organization and the TMT International Observa- Very Large Telescope. As a result, the ELT will be able to make
tory. By working together in one program and by focusing use of much of the same infrastructure, including the control
on complementarity instead of competition (after all, one room and residential and technical facilities.
instrument is in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in Originally, the ELT was designed as a 42-m giant. Not so
the Southern Hemisphere), the hope is that NSF will eventu- much because 42 is “the answer to life, the universe, and
ally cough up the necessary funds. everything,” as in Douglas Adams’s cult science-fiction book
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but because (the rumor
Going to Extremes goes) it would give the European project exactly twice the
Financial issues appear to be relatively minor, and location light-gathering power of the Thirty Meter Telescope. However,
issues non-existent, for the third — and largest — monster the original plan had to be descoped in 2011. Paring back
telescope, ESO’s 39-m Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). from 42 to 39.3 meters doesn’t sound like a big difference, but
According to former ESO Director General Tim de Zeeuw the number of 1.45-m segments could be reduced from 984 to
(Leiden University, The Netherlands), the project is on sched- a “mere” 798. Their precise positions are measured and con-
ule for completion in 2024. “Construction costs will be high- trolled by 4,608 edge sensors and 2,394 actuators.
est in 2019 and 2020,” he says, “but ESO’s member states have The ellipsoid primary is made up of 133 different types of
given the Board permission to take out a loan, if necessary.” segments (six of each, just as in the case of the TMT). Com-
stabilizes the image and steers the beam towards the science
In the telescope’s first construction phase, with a price tag
of some $1.3 billion, the inner five rings of segments (210 n
in total) will remain empty, compromising the ELT’s overall
sensitivity. Additional funds for the second and final phase
would have already been available if Brazil had become ESO’s
16th member state by now. However, in the spring of 2018 it
became clear that the accession agreement, which had already
been ratified by the Brazilian Congress in May 2015, will not scope. The double shutter of the enclosure measures 45 m in
be signed by the president. “But,” says de Zeeuw, “Poland — width, and at 74 m, the giant 5,000-ton dome is higher than
home country of famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus — the ancient Pyramid of the Sun near Mexico City.
did join ESO in 2015, and Ireland will probably follow in late Astronomy has come a long way since Galileo Galilei
2018. Moreover, Australia has entered a strategic partner- trained his small, home-built telescope at the Moon, the
ship with ESO in July 2017, and I’m confident that they will planets, and the stars. Some four centuries ago, his observa-
become a full member eventually.” tions ushered in a whole new view of the universe we live
It’s hard to imagine how impressive the Extremely Large in. The same will no doubt be true for the GMT, TMT, and
Telescope will be, when completed. At almost 1,000 square ELT, which are by far the largest eyes on the sky ever built
meters (over twice the size of a basketball court), its main by humans. I can’t wait to take in the revolutionary cosmic
mirror will be larger than all previous professional tele- vistas they are going to yield.
scopes combined. The ELT has a total moving mass of more
than 3,000 metric tons. The Nasmyth instrument platforms ¢ S&T Contributing Editor GOVERT SCHILLING lives in The
on either side of the huge telescope structure will be large Netherlands but has paid multiple visits to most major astro-
enough to accommodate a single 8.2-meter VLT Unit Tele- nomical observatories worldwide.
Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
Partnership International partnership International partnership European Southern Observatory
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 21
EXPLORING MERCURY by Emily Lakdawalla
:M\]ZV to
An ungainly
stack of satellites
is set to double
the number of
spacecraft that
have visited
Liquid outer core
460%–1060% of Earth’s
1,300% of Earth’s
98% of Earth’s
15% of Earth’s
38% of Earth’s
38% of Earth’s
6% of Earth’s
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 23
Exploring Mercury
core is so disproportionately big. could see, there may have been even more shrinkage. Mercury
is still cooling, so there should still be compression along
Puzzling Geology
Planetary scientists determine the ages of surface units by q SHRINK MARKS The giant thrust fault Carnegie Rupes slashes
counting the numbers and sizes of craters that they have through the 132-km-wide crater Duccio, the wall it creates rising nearly 2
km above the lower terrain. Scarps like these form as Mercury’s interior
accumulated, but geologic processes can reset that clock. Mer-
cools, causing the planet to contract. By tallying up all the planet’s
cury has fewer small craters than the Moon does, suggesting known scarps, researchers calculate that the planet’s circumference has
shrunk by at least 7 km — and perhaps 2 km more before its crust was
q MYSTERIOUS DARK STUFF This enhanced-color mosaic shows
solid enough to form wrinkles.
three craters within much larger Caloris Basin: Munch (left), Sander, and
Poe. Sander, the smallest of the three, is about 50 km across. They’ve
excavated low-reflectance material, oddly dark stuff that might be rich in
graphite. The same craters lie toward the top of the image at left.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 25
Exploring Mercury
those faults even today. Can BepiColombo find evidence The Moon also has polar ice deposits, but they are patchy
for geologically recent fault motion? Can it map different and impure. So why are these two worlds’ polar ices so differ-
amounts or types of crustal crumpling in rocks of different ent? Could it be that Mercury’s ice looks cleaner because it’s
ages to discover how Mercury shrank with time? fresher, delivered recently in a single impact event?
If that’s the case, then the impact should have left a crater
A Hot Planet’s Ice we can see. You can tell which craters are relatively young on
We know that the planet closest to the Sun has deposits of Mercury (or the Moon, for that matter) by the presence of
nearly pure water ice at its poles. This seems outlandish, given bright rays. And there is no more impressive rayed crater in
how strongly the Sun beats down on Mercury’s surface (up the solar system than Mercury’s Hokusai, a 114-km-wide scar
to some 10 times more intensely than at Earth). Even more near 60°N with bright rays stretching across the face of the
amazing is that we first discovered that polar ice in 1991 planet, making Mercury look like a gray watermelon.
using radio telescopes on Earth, which detected deposits near A team led by Carolyn Ernst (Johns Hopkins Univer-
the pole that looked bright in radar images (S&T: Jan. 1992, sity Applied Physics Laboratory) has calculated what kind
p. 35). Messenger proved that the round radar features near of impacting body would create Hokusai. Observing its
the north pole all lie inside deep impact craters whose floors horseshoe-shaped peak ring and the large volume of for-
and north-facing slopes never see the Sun, and whose interi- merly molten rock that fills its floor, they calculated that a
ors plummet to about –200°C (–330°F). reasonable-sized comet or asteroid impactor (25 km) traveling
Later in the mission, Messenger scientists commanded its a reasonable speed (less than 30 km per second) could have
camera to shoot long-exposure images of those permanently produced Hokusai and easily delivered sufficient water to
shadowed crater floors. Using light reflected off the sunlit account for everything now at Mercury’s north pole.
south-facing rims, the spacecraft was able to reveal the radar- As for the south pole, recent Arecibo observations suggest
bright deposits. Unexpectedly, these images showed some of that radar-bright deposits there cover roughly double the area
them to be as black as coal, while others are bright. The inter- that their northern counterparts do. Moreover, the southern
pretation: The cold, shadowed craters contain ice deposits pole region is more heavily cratered. We don’t know what
that are tens of meters thick at most, mantled with a varying surprises might still hide there, but BepiColombo will get the
amount of dark, carbon-rich material. first close views of this region.
How does this stuff get to Mercury’s poles? Water and
most carbon-containing organic molecules are both highly Embedded in the Stellar Wind
volatile at Mercury — once delivered by asteroids or comets, Much of Messenger’s mission focused on the environment
they don’t sit around on the hot surface; instead, they turn around the planet — particularly its magnetic fields and the
into gas and float off. Gravity might bring them back down, charged and neutral particles residing there. No other world
but they can’t remain stuck to the planet’s hot surface. How- in the solar system has the intense relationship with the
ever, any volatile molecule floating in Mercury’s thin atmo- Sun that Mercury does. At Venus and Earth, the solar wind’s
sphere that happens to touch down on the incredibly cold interactions are primarily with their ionospheres, far above
surface of a permanently shadowed floor can become trapped the ground. But at times the solar wind can interact directly
there forever, unless it’s disturbed by an impact. with Mercury’s rocky surface. One bizarre implication is that,
1 orbit
*MXQ +WTWUJW \PM 5IV 1½ rotations
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 27
Oct 2020
June 2023
Dec 2025 Sep 2024
Oct 2021
Mercury Mercury Jan 2025
Transfer Planetary June 2022
Module Orbiter
Aug 2021
Apr 2020
Magnetospheric Earth lyby Coast phase
Sun Orbiter
Shield (MMO) Venus lyby Ion-propulsion phase
Mercury lyby/capture
p COMBO SPACECRAFT Top: Artist’s impression of BepiColombo in p SCENIC ROUTE? To reach the innermost planet, BepiColombo has
cruise coniguration. Bottom: An expanded view of BepiColombo’s com- to lose orbital energy — a lot of it. The spacecraft will use gravity assists
ponents. The Mercury Planetary Orbiter and Mercury Magnetospheric with Earth, Venus (twice), and Mercury itself (six times) to slow down
Orbiter (nested in the sunshield) will ride to the innermost planet with the enough to gently enter orbit around the iron planet in 2025.
ion-powered thrust of the Mercury Transfer Module.
Spacecraft propulsion alone won’t be enough. BepiCo- thrust direction and solar-panel orientation dictate the direc-
lombo will perform one flyby of Earth, two of Venus, and six tion that the spacecraft points, so there’s no possibility of
of Mercury to tweak the shape, size, and orientation of its pointing instruments to do observations — except when the
heliocentric orbit before settling in at Mercury in Decem- engine is off and the craft is coasting (see diagram above).
ber 2025. The MTM will be dropped two months before the The next seven years will not just be a waiting game,
combination craft enters orbit. On arrival, MPO will hit the though. BepiColombo’s science teams are particularly eager
brakes so that Mercury can capture the paired craft. After to test their instruments at Venus. MPO’s remote-sensing
many smaller maneuvers, the duo will reach MMO’s desired instruments mostly have their eyes pressed firmly against
orbit. MMO will separate, and MPO will drop to its own low- the transfer module, but a couple of instruments (notably
altitude circuit of the planet in March MERTIS) have sideways-pointed chan-
2026. The science mission is planned to nels that will be able to take some data.
begin shortly thereafter. And measurements of fields and par-
Unfortunately, the stacked spacecraft ticles — by the magnetometer, neutral
structure limits BepiColombo’s science and ion spectrometers, radio science
capability during the long cruise. MMO experiment, accelerometer, and others
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 29
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 31
Imaging History
responsible for establishing the film-hypersensitizing processes obtaining color images. But telescope time for these experi-
(already initiated at the UK Schmidt) to improve the sensi- ments was difficult to find. He first tried to jury-rig a Has-
tivity of the photographic plates. Hypersensitization reduces selblad roll-film holder at AAT’s prime focus in May 1976. Two
reciprocity failure of photographic materials. Reciprocity months later, he stuck large sheets of color negative film onto
failure is a well-known characteristic of photographic emul- blank glass plates to make color exposures.
sions, which can be understood as the effective speed of the Unfortunately, color film had some characteristics that
emulsion falling dramatically during long exposures. When made it inefficient for astronomical use — the lack of contrast
exposure times are in minutes (rather than the fractions of and non-uniform spectral response being the most obvious.
a second for snapshots), raw film does not record double the Also, color films intended for daylight snapshots suffered from
photons on the negative if it’s exposed for twice the time. In reciprocity failure and did not work well with long exposures.
the late ’70s, this failure was found to be reduced by baking The tests with color film were interesting, but the low
the plates in an oven for a few hours in nitrogen gas and then contrast and weird color balance convinced Malin that this
soaking them in hydrogen gas. Once hypersensitized, the was not the correct approach. The solution, it turned out, had
plates acquire a brief shelf life and have to be exposed as soon already been proposed more than a century earlier.
as possible (within just a few hours!) and developed quickly In 1861, the Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell had
to obtain optimum results. presented the fundamentals of color synthesis and photog-
During the mid-’70s, professional observatories collected raphy in a famous lecture at London’s Royal Institution. In
most of their photons using photographic plates, though some trying to understand the process of color vision, he showed
electronic detectors were used for recording spectra. These that color pictures could be made by registering three posi-
plates, manufactured by Kodak, were glass sheets coated with tive, monochrome images on a screen that were projecting
a thin emulsion layer that was sensitive to a broad wavelength through the same color filters used to take the images. The
range, making them suitable for astronomy. They were very most realistic images were those taken and projected through
rigid and stable, though expensive, and didn’t curl or buckle red, green, and blue filters. Maxwell had established the basis
during long exposures like commercial film acetates. Their of both color photography and color vision, and is considered
large size allowed them to cover 6.6° × 6.6° on a 356-mm (14- to be the father of color photography. Now Malin had to
inch) square plate when exposed in the UKST. The AAT used apply it to astrophotography.
smaller plates covering one square degree of sky.
Once exposed and developed, the plate became a nega- Tricolor Photography
tive image where the stars appear as black dots, galaxies and Malin realized that the most promising option to extract
nebulae are gray smudges, and the sky background is a uniform color from the objects in the universe was to use a modifica-
gray. Astronomers preferred to study original plates, as creating tion of Maxwell’s additive three-color process in the astro-
a positive image does not add scientific value to an exposure, nomical arena. This required three plates of the object (and
and any additional process tends to degrade
the original quality. Additionally, human
vision can pick out faint structures more eas-
ily on a negative image than on a positive.
All this work occurred in the black-and-
white domain, but sometimes filters were
employed to isolate a particular region of the
visible spectrum. In general, however, the
main purpose of photography with a large
telescope was to study faint objects. Exposing
plates directly at the focal plane of a telescope
created nice monochrome images with very
little information regarding an object’s color.
From his earliest days working with
the AAT, however, Malin was interested in
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 33
OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS by Steve Gottlieb
In Search of
Extragalactic Globulars
What’s the farthest star ball you can see with an amateur telescope?
Start your hunt outside the Milky Way.
he Milky Way is home to roughly 160 globular clusters, Scottish-born astronomer James Dunlop spied
spread around the galactic halo and toward the cen- NGC 1835 in 1826 using his homemade 9-inch speculum
tral bulge. These densely packed stellar spheres formed metal reflector at Parramatta, near Sydney, Australia. He
roughly 10 billion years ago and contain tens to hundreds of called it “a small round pretty well-defi ned nebula, bright at
thousands of gravitationally bound stars. As ancient relics of the centre.” Dunlop’s copper-tin alloy mirror was equiva-
the Milky Way, they offer important astrophysical clues to lent in light-gathering to a modern 6.5-inch telescope, but
stellar evolution and dynamics, as well as to galactic for- his description applies to most of the LMC globulars — they
mation and later accretion events. And, of course, they’re appear compact and unresolved, with strongly concentrated
among the most breathtaking sights in the sky. cores and faint smooth envelopes. NGC 1828 and NGC
The number of globular clusters in a host galaxy cor- 1830, both smaller and fainter open clusters, lie in the
relates strongly with the galaxy’s luminosity. The supergi- same field of view, a common occurrence in the LMC.
ant elliptical M87 boasts an estimated 12,000 clusters Eight years later John Herschel began a monumental sur-
while ubiquitous low-luminosity dwarf galaxies contain vey of the southern sky from Cape Town, South Africa, and
at most a few. Within the more than 100 nearby galaxies discovered NGC 1916 along the central bar of the LMC.
that comprise our Local Group, M31 commands the largest This compressed globular sports a prominent central hub
collection, with more than 500 confirmed globulars. But and a 40″ halo.
how many of these can you see with an amateur scope? Although relatively bright, NGC 1916 is outclassed by
Let’s head outside the Milky Way and explore some of the NGC 1903, a gorgeous open cluster just 8′ to its northwest.
globulars in our galactic neighbors. NGC 1903 masquerades as a globular cluster, but studies
A few words of caution: Extragalactic globulars lack the yield a relatively youthful age of less than 100 million years.
optical impact of familiar ones in the Milky Way so are best A 24-inch scope revealed a 20″ blazing core encased in a 1′
appreciated with your mind as well as your eyes. Consider halo studded with nearly two dozen glittering stars. North-
M13, arguably the Northern Hemisphere’s finest globular. If west of NGC 1903 is NGC 1910, a large star cloud contain-
it were located at the distance of the Andromeda Galaxy, it ing S Doradus, the prototype of a class of extremely mas-
would appear as a 16th-magnitude speck! sive, highly evolved stars called luminous
So as you observe, take time to contem- blue variables. With a mean magnitude of
plate the astrophysical importance and approximately 9.5, S Doradus is the single
true grandeur of these globulars — it will brightest star in the LMC.
make the hunt much more enjoyable. Argentinean astronomer José Luis
Our first stop is the well-studied Sérsic discovered the Reticulum Cluster
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which in 1973 on plates taken with the 0.7-m
lies at a distance of 165,000 light-years. Maksutov camera of the Cerro El Roble
It boasts 16 ancient metal-poor globu- Observatory in Chile. He described it
lars along with 100 “intermediate-age” as a “Dwarf in Reticulum, probably a
(1–3 billion years) massive clusters. member of the Local Group.” Later pho-
You’ll need to observe these from the tometric investigations demonstrated it
Southern Hemisphere, but if you have p SMALL SPARKLER In amateur was a highly extended, low-luminosity
the opportunity, exploring the cluster- scopes, extragalactic globular clusters globular. The LMC holds a tenuous grip
like NGC 1835 remain unresolved. This on the Reticulum Cluster as it lies at
and nebula-rich fields of the LMC is an
Hubble Space Telescope image reveals
unforgettable experience. My observa- the 11th-magnitude cluster’s core. NGC
the extreme limits of its halo. One day
tions were made under dark transparent 1835 is the brightest globular in the Large it may be snatched by the Milky Way’s
skies in rural Australia. Magellanic Cloud. gravitational pull.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 35
Outside the Bounds
NGC 1672 ε
α δ
p BLAZES OF GLORY Left: The only classical globular cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud, NGC 121 glitters with an abundance of hot, blue stars.
NGC 121 lies about 200,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Tucana. Right: Visually, the globular cluster 47 Tucanae appears
to be a close neighbor to NGC 121; only ½º separates the pair in the sky from our point of view. But in fact, with a distance of about 13,500 light-
years, 47 Tucanae is some 15 times closer to us than NGC 121.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 37
Outside the Bounds
Fornax 3
(NGC 1049)
Fornax 1
Fornax 4
Fornax 5
ANCIENT NEIGHBORS The Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy is a satellite of our own Fornax 2
galaxy. Recent studies have shown that the stellar populations of Fornax 1, Fornax 2,
Fornax 3, and Fornax 5 are dominated by metal-poor stars more than 10 billion years
old, while Fornax 4 is formed of younger, metal-rich stars.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 39
Outside the Bounds
study using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph found Visually, WLM is a challenging low-contrast galaxy.
MGC1 was the most isolated globular in the Local Group at a Sweeping 1° northeast of 6.3-magnitude 1 Ceti with my
galactocentric distance from M31 of 650,000 light-years. 18-inch, I found a large, very diffuse oval, extending 10′ × 5′
Last year I tracked down this 15.5-magnitude globular north to south. At high power a 15.5-magnitude Milky Way
using my 24-inch reflector at 260×. Upping the magnifica- star was superimposed on the center, and just northwest lay
tion to 500×, I held it continuously as a fuzzy 8″ glow. It a tiny H II region. The globular WLM-1 is situated just off the
was barely smaller than G1 and had a slightly bright pip at west edge of the galaxy and 40″ south of a 14.6-magnitude
the center. field star. At 16th magnitude, I found it a difficult quarry
In 2014 the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey even through a 20-inch scope, though in rock-steady seeing it
(PAndAS) announced the discovery of 59 new outer halo seemed slightly soft, a few arcseconds in diameter.
denizens of M31, primarily by visual inspection of CFHT/ If observing such faint extragalactic globulars is daunting,
MegaCam images. PAndAS-53 and PAndAS-54 form an consider instead M54, which is visible even in 50-mm binocu-
exceptionally close 2′ pair, uncovered 7° east of M31. Both lars. M54 is embedded at the center of our closest neighbor,
are quite dim at 15.5- and 16.0-magnitude and barely non- the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sgr dSph), which
stellar in my 24-inch. These twin globulars either formed was discovered serendipitously in 1994 during a spectroscopic
together at the fringes of M31 or more likely were captured study of the Milky Way’s bulge. The Sagittarius Dwarf lies at
from an accreted dwarf galaxy. a distance of 80,000 light-years on the far side of the galactic
Our most remote target is in the Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte center, covers a vast area of sky, and is in the process of being
(WLM) Galaxy, discovered by German astronomer Max shredded by the tidal strain of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Wolf on a plate taken in 1909 at the Heidelberg-Königstuhl Three dim globulars — Arp 2, Terzan 7, and Terzan 8 — are
State Observatory. Knut Lundmark and Philibert Jacques members of the Sagittarius Dwarf, while NGC 5634, Palo-
Melotte independently found this dwarf galaxy 17 years mar 12, and Whiting 1 are associated with two tidal streams
later on Franklin-Adams plates and described it as “strik- of stars encircling the Milky Way that were ripped from the
ingly similar” to Barnard’s Galaxy. WLM is located in dwarf. M54 has been proposed as the actual nucleus of the
western Cetus at the outskirts of the Local Group, 3.1 mil- galaxy, but a 2008 investigation using velocity and metallicity
lion light-years away. As a result of its isolation, the stellar data concluded M54 formed independently and plunged to its
population is probably in a pristine state, uncontaminated current location at 87,000 light-years distant due to dynami-
by galactic mergers and interactions. cal friction. The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy is much too large
In an early campaign to determine the Hubble constant, and dispersed to see visually, but M54 gains new luster once
Milton Humason, Mount Wilson Observatory’s mule-driver- you know of its extragalactic origin.
turned-astronomer, measured the radial velocity of WLM
as well as a nearby cluster with a similar velocity, WLM-1. ¢ Contributing Editor STEVE GOTTLIEB is willing to explore
In 1999 Paul Hodge obtained a color-magnitude diagram well beyond our galaxy’s limits to bag the best star clusters.
for WLM-1 using the HST and established it as a massive
globular more than 13 billion years old. WLM-1’s formation FURTHER READING: For a complete list of globular clusters in
is surprising given the dwarf’s very small intrinsic mass and the Local Group, as well as links to recent research on the topic,
low luminosity. see
3–6 EVENING: Mars glides 14 DAWN: Find the bedazzling pair 29 MORNING: Regulus, Leo’s front
past Delta (δ) Capricorni these four of Venus, the Morning Star, and Spica, paw, will be about 2° lower right of the
evenings, brushing past the star a mere the brightest star in Virgo, in the east- Moon, just shy of last quarter, in the
½°° away on the 4th. Follow the Red southeast before sunrise. Only 1° will hours before sunrise. Closer to dawn,
Planet this month as it passes from separate the planet and the star. Venus is retreating from Spica, but is
Capricornus into Aquarius around the still only 5° left of Virgo’s brightest star.
10th and thereafter climbs farther into 15 EVENING: After sunset, look south
the Water Bearer. to see the just-past-first-quarter Moon 29–30 NIGHT: Algol shines at
hang 3° lower right of Mars. minimum brightness for roughly two
4 DAYLIGHT-SAVING TIME ENDS at hours centered at 10:04 p.m. PST
2 a.m. for most of the U.S. and Canada. 17 ALL NIGHT: The weak Leonid (1:04 a.m. EST).
meteor shower peaks in the early
11 DUSK: Look toward the southwest evening, but best chances for seeing Stephan’s Quintet, a group of galaxies in
Pegasus, is a bit of a misnomer: NGC 7320,
to see Saturn and the waxing crescent meteors are in the early morning hours.
the spiral in the upper left of the image, is a
Moon, less than 4° apart. foreground galaxy some seven times closer
23 EVENING: The Moon, just past full, than the other four.
12 EVENING: Algol shines at and Aldebaran rise less than 3° apart NASA / ESA / SM4 ERO TEAM
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 41
Lunar Almanac
Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart
Va oub ala
O ria le x
Di pe ble sta y
24 G ff n s r
Pl lob use clu tar
23 an ul ne ste
et ar
ar clu bul r
y a
ne ste
bu r
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
November 7 November 15
16:02 UT 14:54 UT
November 23 November 30
05:39 UT 00:19 UT -1
Apogee November 14, 16h UT 1
404,339 km Diameter 29′ 33″ 2
Perigee November 26, 12h UT 4
ie w
o cu
s h 5° bin
Look Beyond
H ere’s a pretty puzzle to contemplate: the
maybe-not-actually-a-cluster NGC 7686, in
the far northwestern corner of the constellation
Andromeda. Look for the short arc formed by the
stars Iota (ι), Kappa (κ), and Lambda (λ) Andromedae.
If you follow the arc to the north-northwest, about 3°
past Lambda Andromedae, you’ll find NGC 7686.
The first thing you’ll see is a bright star with a
slightly dimmer companion. The brighter one is
HD 221246, a 6th-magnitude K-type orange-red
giant, and its unrelated neighbor is HD 221203, an
eighth-magnitude G-type yellow-orange giant. The
two stars lie 900 and 1,300 light-years away, respec-
tively. NGC 7686 lies behind them, about 5,000
light-years away. With a visual magnitude of 5.6, the
cluster is brighter in total than both stars combined,
but its light is spread across ¼°, or half the diameter
of the full Moon. Depending on sky transparency and
your level of dark adaptation, it might take a few min-
utes for NGC 7686 to swim into view. When it does,
you’ll see a halo of faint light centered on HD 221246,
spangled with dimmer stars. Many of those apparent
cluster members are in fact nearby field stars, less
than 100 light-years away.
As for the “cluster,” its reality is in doubt. There’s
definitely a gaggle of stars lurking out there beyond
HD 221246, but it may just be a chance grouping. Still,
NGC 7686 looks enough like a cluster to have caught
the eyes of generations of professional astronomers,
so we shouldn’t feel bad for taking a look. At the very
least, it gives us the opportunity to unpack some
Late Sept Midnight*
space in our heads while we behold something pretty,
Early Oct 11 p.m.*
and that’s a win in my book.
Late Oct 10 p.m.*
Early Nov 8 p.m. ¢ As much as he wants to understand the structure
Late Nov 7 p.m. of the cosmos, Contributing Editor MATT WEDEL is
*Daylight-saving time still a sucker for a nice view.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 43
Planetary Almanac
PLANET VISIBILITY Mercury: hidden in the Sun’s glow all month • Venus: visible at dawn all
month • Mars: visible at dusk, sets near midnight • Jupiter: visible at dusk through November 7th •
Saturn: visible at dusk, sets early evening
Venus Date Right Ascension Declination Elongation Magnitude Diameter Illumination Distance
h 23.5m
Sun 1 –14° 15′ — –26.8 32′ 14″ — 0.993
Neptune 16 23h 00.6m –7° 25′ 110° Ev +7.9 2.3″ 100% 29.584
The table above gives each object’s right ascension and declination (equinox 2000.0) at 0h Universal Time on selected dates,
and its elongation from the Sun in the morning (Mo) or evening (Ev) sky. Next are the visual magnitude and equatorial diameter.
(Saturn’s ring extent is 2.27 times its equatorial diameter.) Last are the percentage of a planet’s disk illuminated by the Sun and
PLANET DISKS have south up, to match the
the distance from Earth in astronomical units. (Based on the mean Earth–Sun distance, 1 a.u. is 149,597,871 kilometers, or
view in many telescopes. Blue ticks indicate the
92,955,807 international miles.) For other dates, see
pole currently tilted toward Earth.
The Sun and planets are positioned for mid-November; the colored arrows show the motion of each during the month. The Moon is plotted for evening dates in the Americas when it’s waxing (right
side illuminated) or full, and for morning dates when it’s waning (left side). “Local time of transit” tells when (in Local Mean Time) objects cross the meridian — that is, when they appear due south and
at their highest — at mid-month. Transits occur an hour later on the 1st, and an hour earlier at month’s end.
ν α
Doubles γ
θ β
and More in
Capricornus ζ
both components for observers with (μ) Capricorni. Since then, Neptune has welcomes your letters and comments at
typical human vision. Beta Capricorni completed a little more than one orbit [email protected].
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 45
Sun, Moon & Planets by Fred Schaaf
To ind out what’s
visible in the sky
from your location,
go to
Brilliance at Dawn
Venus blazes as the “Morning Star” this month.
low in the dusk only the fi rst few days of November 26th. DUSK AND EARLY
November before it too is gone. Mercury Mercury appears higher than Jupiter EVENING
becomes lost to those observing from and more than 8° to the latter’s left Saturn begins November by setting
northern latitudes. Saturn is moderately when it reaches greatest eastern elonga- more than 3 hours after the Sun but
low in the southwest at nightfall. Only tion of 23° from the Sun on November ends the month setting 2 hours after.
Mars is still well-placed, shining at its 6th. But this is a low (shallowly angled) The planet glows in the southwest,
highest in the south just after the end apparition of Mercury for viewers at upper right of the setting Teapot pattern
of astronomical twilight, but it contin- mid-northern latitudes. On November of Sagittarius. Its magnitude brightens a
ues to fade and shrink in telescopes. 8th and 9th, zero-magnitude Mercury bit this month from +0.6 to +0.5.
Fortunately the dawn sky now wel- shines only about 2° from 1st-magni-
comes Venus, which leaps ever higher tude Antares — but the star and planet DUSK TO MIDNIGHT
and brighter during November. will be hard to see so low in the Sun’s Mars transits the meridian around 8
bright afterglow even with optical aid. p.m. daylight-saving time on November
DUSK ONLY In the following ten days or so, Mercury 1st and around 6 p.m. standard time
Jupiter sets only about an hour after becomes much dimmer and lower and on November 30th. Between these
the Sun for viewers around latitude 40° is lost from view. The swift planet goes dates Mars dims from –0.6 to –0.1, and
north as November starts. By the end through inferior conjunction with the its apparent diameter decreases from
of the first week Jupiter is just a few Sun on November 27th. On that day 12″ to 9″. These are therefore the final
q These scenes are drawn for near the middle
Dusk, Nov 4 Dusk, Nov 10–12 of North America (latitude 40° north, longitude
1 hour after sunset 1 hour after sunset 90° west); European observers should move
Mars each Moon symbol a quarter of the way toward
b Cap the one for the previous date. In the Far East,
move the Moon halfway. The blue 10° scale bar
Less than is about the width of your ist at arm’s length.
1° apart! Moon
10° Nov 12
Dusk, Nov 14–16
1 hour after sunset
Nov 11
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 47
Celestial Calendar by S. N. Johnson-Roehr
An Asteroid
Pays a Visit
This month offers ideal
viewing conditions for
asteroid 3 Juno.
3 24 9
asteroid to be — which bumps up its Nov 2 35
intrinsic magnitude. But proximity also 5
5 6 –2°
affects visibility. Last year, Juno had
6 Jan 1
an apparent magnitude of 9.8 during 10
7 32
opposition. This year? A predicted 7.5. 28
The asteroid’s reflectivity and bright Pat
18 h of 24
apparent magnitude during perihelic ERIDANUS Juno 20 –4°
oppositions likely aided in its discov- 26 16
30 Dec 4 8 12
ery. German astronomer Karl Harding 29 17
picked it up on September 1, 1804, 30
while observing from Johann Schröter’s
pu The date ticks on
observatory near Bremen, Germany. Juno’s path are plotted 6h 5h 4h 3h
On that evening, Juno was on its way for 0h Universal Time TAURUS +10°
to a September 27th closest approach (on the evening of the
of 1.17 a.u. and a visual magnitude of previous date in the
Americas). Interpolate Path of
7.6. This might explain why Juno, only Juno
to put a dot at the date
the 11th-largest asteroid with a mean and time you plan to 0°
diameter of 233 km, was the third to observe, star-hopping
be discovered. there from Orion or
Sallie Baliunas (Harvard-Smith- Taurus. Juno dims from
sonian Center for Astrophysics) and 7.5 to 8.2 by December
31st, and drops to 8.8
colleagues took photos of Juno in 2003 by the end of January.
at four different wavelengths using the
100-inch Hooker telescope at Mount
Wilson Observatory. The resulting of it by an impact (indeed, some of the captured over a single 4.4-hour inter-
images led the science team to believe silicate meteorites found on Earth may val, but it takes more than 7 hours for
that the asteroid had a “bite” taken out have originated from the collision). the asteroid to rotate completely. Only
This damage shows up as a region of 60% of the body’s surface was revealed
lower reflectivity in near-infrared wave- by the ALMA survey, which means we’ll
lengths. Temperature contrasts revealed have to wait until a complete rotation
in images of Juno captured by the Ata- of Juno is imaged to decide the matter
cama Large Millimeter/submillimeter more conclusively.
Array (ALMA) in October 2014 don’t
exactly confirm the presence of an
833 nm 934 nm
impact crater, but neither do they con-
tradict it. The ten ALMA images were clubs-organizations.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 49
Celestial Calendar 4h 00m 3h 30m 3h 00m 2h 30m 2h 00m +30°
16 +20°
A Hyperactive b1
Comet on a h
Chaotic Orbit 13
k h +
closest approach to Earth, the comet’s
visible most of the night for both 7
Northern and Southern Hemispheres. b d c
On December 16th, less than four days –10°
after the gassy ice ball reaches perihe-
Star magnitudes
t 46
lion, 46P will be just 0.078 a.u. (11.5
3 a
million km) from us. ERIDANUS
4 o
With an effective radius of 0.56 km,
5 irta
46P’s nucleus is modestly sized. How-
6 o1
ever, it’s also what astronomers con-
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 51
Exploring the Solar System by Thomas A. Dobbins
atmospheric turbulence. “The atmo- makers of the 19th century, constructed observations of Jupiter, in 1885 he wrote
sphere,” lamented the French astrono- impressive 24- and 48-inch reflectors that for showing markings on a bright
mer André Couder, “is the worst part that he transported to the island of planet “apertures of 6 to 8 inches seem
of the instrument.” Seeing is caused by Malta in search of an observing climate able to compete with the most powerful
moving cells of air at altitudes ranging superior to that of his native England. instruments ever constructed.” Noting
from roughly 100 meters to more than He found that “large telescopes are that “separating power [resolution] is a
16 kilometers. Because these cells differ proportionately less powerful than function of aperture,” he conceded that
warmer air just above the position, while the total range of distortion inluences the blurriness ¢ Contributing Editor THOMAS
of the view. A small-aperture telescope sees a large displacement,
surface of the optic that can but not much distortion, so the target appears relatively sharp but
A. DOBBINS currently observes
blur the image every bit as dances around, while a large telescope displays a blurry view while the planets using a 10-inch f/8
much as turbulence thousands remaining relatively still. Newtonian relector.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 53
Deep-Sky Wonders by Sue French
the unrivaled jewel of Pegasus, far out- of its bright interior are cracked by inky mentary structure that earns them the
shining all the other deep-sky wonders dark lanes. Dark patches also invade the fittingly descriptive name of Galactic
7177 13 PEGASUS
Star magnitudes
3 +8°
4 7094
5 AG 5
Star magnitudes
6 6
7 Σ2799 7
+10° ¡ b 9
e V
+5° i
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 55
Deep-Sky Wonders
p Left: The subtle spiral galaxy NGC 7177 lies east-northeast of 13 Pegasi. Look for an elongated haze with a brighter core at the east-northeastern
end of an arc of three 12th- to 13th-magnitude stars. Right: Little more than an oval patch of light in the eyepiece, the faint fuzzy NGC 7743 looks its
best in deep-sky images. Finely formed spiral arms wind tightly around the barred galaxy’s bright central core.
ing the 1960 Palomar Supernova Search In the 10-inch reflecting telescope A recent redshift-independent
at a photographic magnitude of 16.0. at 213×, NGC 7743 shows itself as a measurement places NGC 7743 at a
In 1976 Justus R. Dunlap (Northwest- fat oval, about 1.7′ long, exposing a distance of 66 million light-years. The
ern University, Corralitos Observatory) core pinned by a brilliant, minuscule latest such value for NGC 7742, 72 mil-
reported the second feebly shining at nucleus. NGC 7742 wears a faint lion light-years, is from R. Brent Tully’s
visual magnitude 16.5. fringe that stretches its diameter to 1988 Nearby Galaxies Catalog.
Slightly dimmer than NGC 7177, the 1′, and a starlike nucleus dwells in its On a star-filled night while Pegasus
photogenic galaxy NGC 7743 lies 28′ heart. Turning the 15-inch reflector is yet arisen, be sure to sample some of
south-southeast of the red-giant star 77 toward these galaxies, NGC 7743 grows his mixed bag of deep-sky treats.
Pegasi. Images show two spiral arms, to about 2′ × 1½′ and NGC 7742 to
each of which tightly wraps itself three- roughly 1¼′. NGC 7742 boasts mark- ¢ Contributing Editor SUE FRENCH
fourths of the way around the galaxy edly higher surface brightness than its chases the Winged Horse and other ce-
from its apparent wellspring at the core. neighbor. lestial wonders from upstate New York.
Through the 130-mm refractor at
48×, NGC 7743 is easily visible in a
fall of faint stars tumbling southwest
from a widely spaced, bright pair. North
Peak Pegasus
of NGC 7743, NGC 7742 shares the Object Type Mag(v) Size/Sep RA Dec.
field of view, the duo forming a squat
Messier 15 Globular cluster 6.2 18′ 21h 30.0m +12° 10′
isosceles triangle with 77 Pegasi. NGC
7742 is also easy to see, but smaller Pease 1 Planetary nebula ~14.1 2.5″ 21h 30.0m +12° 10′
than its companion. At 102× NGC 7743 NGC 7094 Planetary nebula 13.4 94″ 21h 36.9m +12° 47′
becomes a 1½′-long, east-west oval with Σ2799 Double star 7.4, 7.4 1.9″ 21h 28.9m +11° 05′
Plunge into Pegasus and see
how many faint galaxies you
can spot with your scope.
arms. At the 1996 Texas Star Party, my Sue French’s article caught my eye not than 50 MACs in a 1° field centered
25-inch reflector showed the galaxy to only for the almost three-dimensional on the spiral. In addition to the MACs,
be 11′ × 3′ with a 5′ bulge, with granular depiction of the large spiral, but also for there is a slew of formerly “anonymous”
detail in its outer arms. the galaxies layered at progressive dis- objects, presently being registered by
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 57
Going Deep
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 59
MESSIER 77 by Howard Banich
rom mid-northern latitudes, Messier 77 and
Messier 74 must be the first two objects to
observe during a Messier Marathon. They’re
visible only during a narrow window of opportunity
as their precipitous plunge toward the onrushing
western horizon competes with the slowly darken-
ing twilight, which at best barely allows them to
be glimpsed. The potential for frustration is high,
because if neither galaxy can be seen there’s no
hope of observing all 110 Messier objects during the
one-night marathon.
This race against the horizon and twilight makes
the first phase of the marathon pretty hectic, so
even just barely detecting these two galaxies is an
exciting achievement that sets up the rest of the
marathon for success. But there’s no way to get
a good look at either galaxy under these condi-
tions, no matter how clear and transparent the sky
may be. They’re both beautiful spiral galaxies and
deserve to be seen at their best when high in the
autumn sky, so let’s focus on what the remarkable
M77 looks like through one of the largest amateur
telescopes in the world.
My best chance to observe M77 came in October
2016 when I had four nights to observe it through
Jimi Lowrey’s 48-inch f/4 telescope. The first obser-
vation of the series is doubly remarkable because it
was the next object after Arp 284 and the quasar
2333+019 (S&T: Oct. 2017, p. 62). Not only that,
Jimi and fellow observer (and S&T Contributing
Editor) Steve Gottlieb graciously stepped aside to
give me 30 minutes of uninterrupted observing and
sketching time on the 48-inch, and to repeat this
privilege for three more nights. Thanks to them, I
was like a kid in a candy shop!
That makes M77 the only object I’ve had more
than a few minutes to sketch with the 48-inch.
The detail I was able to see with a combined two
N ASA / ESA / A . VA N D E R H O E V E N
on a
Seyfert k • N OV E M B E R 2 018 61
Messier 77
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 63
Messier 77
t PROBING DEEP Composite images are useful for unveiling the differ-
ent components in these sources. The spiral structure is revealed by the
X-ray and optical data, while the radio data trace the jet powered by the
supermassive black hole. Data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory are
shown in red, optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope in green,
and radio data from the Very Large Array in blue.
northeast portion of the bar. And oh my, what a sight it all The AGN’s 51° tilt to our line of sight effectively hides it
was at 812× when the seeing would cooperate and momen- from our direct view, though. Buried somewhere in there is
tarily settle down! the 10 million-solar-mass supermassive black hole that makes
M77 a Type II Seyfert galaxy. It puts out enough radio energy
Central Bar to be listed as 3C 71, and enough X-rays to be cataloged as
M77’s central bar is crooked, asymmetrical, and not all that Cetus A. Makes me wonder how M77 would be classified if its
barlike. The southwestern portion, which is narrow and AGN jet was pointed right at us.
doesn’t visually connect to the bright, well-detached inner The direction of the short spray of material that’s con-
spiral arm, seems to begin at the southern end of the AGN. nected to the starlike point is aligned with the stream of
The northeastern bar is broader, longer, and almost visually X-rays beaming from the AGN, as seen by the Chandra X-ray
connected with the weak beginning of the northeastern arm. Observatory. Even though I didn’t draw it at exactly the same
A magnification of 812× gave an outstanding view of this angle — it’s pointed a bit west of north in my drawing rather
region on the best night. than a bit east of north as shown in the photos — I’m tempted
The northeastern bar doesn’t directly flow from the star- to think I saw the visual manifestation of the AGN beam. It’s
like AGN of the galaxy either — it was displaced north of the certainly in the right place and pointed in nearly the right
core and links to it with a bright spray of material. One of the direction. The thought that I might have seen a bit of M77’s
two brightest H II regions is EKS 065, due east of the end of AGN outflow gives me a delightful case of goosebumps.
this bar and just barely in contact with the rest of the inner And even if I never find out for sure, I can always savor the
region. Great stuff. possibility. At the very least it’s a far cry from barely seeing this
extraordinary galaxy a few degrees above the western horizon
AGN — 3C 71, Cetus A during the frantic first moments of a Messier Marathon.
The integrated visual magnitude of M77 is 9.6 while the
AGN’s magnitude is 8.9, so the galaxy and AGN are indeed ¢ Occasionally observing with Jimi Lowrey and his colos-
roughly as bright as each other. At 812× the AGN is a star- sal 48-inch telescope really aggravates Contributing Editor
like dot that’s obviously the brightest part of the galaxy. It’s HOWARD BANICH’S semi-permanent case of aperture fever
located at the south end of a short spray of bright material — but thank goodness he doesn’t mind. You can reach him at
pointing almost due north. [email protected].
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 65
S&T Test Report by Dennis di Cicco
This heavyweight in iOptron’s
growing line of telescope mounts
offers lots more than just a big
payload capacity.
iOptron CEM120
Equatorial Mount
U.S. Price: $3,999 (tested with p iOptron’s new CEM120 Center-balanced Equatorial Mount is the company’s current heavy-
optional $899 Tri-Pier 360) weight, with a rated load capacity of up to 115 pounds. It is well suited for portable use in the ield or permanently installed in an observatory, where it’s capable of fully remote operation.
What We Like was that it would be good. But was I ian. The CEM120 can move a maximum
Excellent mechanical reacting to its size or to the fact that of 14° (approximately one hour) past
I’d always been impressed with previ- the meridian or start this much before
Highly versatile cable- ous iOptron mounts I’d tested? Maybe the meridian with the telescope on the
management system it was both. But after dozens of nights east side of the mount. But depending
Capable of fully remote testing the CEM120 last summer, I on the length of the telescope tube and
operation found it was indeed a superb performer the declination that it’s pointed to, this
packed with versatile features and even angle can be even less. This limitation
What We Don’t Like a few surprises. is not unique to the CEM design. Many
Limited astronomical The CEM120 is the third in iOptron’s commercial German equatorial mounts,
information in hand- family of center-balanced mounts. The especially ones in the CEM120’s capac-
control databases
unusual positioning of the declination ity class, have significant restrictions on
axis near the middle of the polar axis straddling the meridian.
BIGGER IS BETTER. Right? At least helps keep the mass of a setup (mount, There’s no need to waste space here
that’s what the advertising wizards on telescope, and counterweights) roughly giving a laundry list of the CEM120’s
Madison Avenue have been drilling into centered over the base of the mount, specifications, since they are readily
us for as long as I can remember. From unlike a conventional German equato- available from iOptron’s website at
cars to TVs and just about everything in rial that is typically very off balance and are also in the instruc-
between, we’ve been led to view size as toward its celestial-pole end. As such, tion manual that can be downloaded
a mark of quality. Rationally we know the CEM design is noteworthy for its for free. It’s worth adding that the
this isn’t true, but the concept lingers rigidity despite its weight-to-load ratio. instruction manual, quick-start guide,
subconsciously and often affects our At 57 pounds (26 kg), the CEM120’s and various instructions for updating
first impressions of a product. Such equatorial head weighs only half of its the mount and hand-control firmware
was the case with iOptron’s CEM120 recommended 115-pound load capacity. are unusually detailed and very clearly
Center-balanced Equatorial Mount. My The only drawback to the design is a written — kudos to their creators.
gut reaction to this new heavyweight limited ability to track past the merid- The CEM120 we borrowed for this
p Even with the CEM120 fully loaded with the telescope and 66 pounds of counterweights, the mount’s calibrated azimuth (left) and altitude (right)
controls worked very smoothly for polar aligning the mount.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 67
S&T Test Report
suburban driveway using iOptron’s new available to use with a standard Pole-
Tri-Pier 360 (an $899 option). And this Master (reviewed by Alan Dyer in the
provided one of the surprises I men- July issue, p. 62). Neither the custom
tioned earlier: The mount was extremely camera nor the adapter was available
easy to set up and use in the field. The at the time of my testing, so I made my
heaviest piece is the equatorial head, own adapter for a regular PoleMaster.
but it comfortably balances on the top As an aside, I agree with Dyer’s con-
of the pier during assembly with no fear clusion that the PoleMaster is a great
of it toppling off even if you’re willing alignment tool, and most evenings I
to heft it with the added weight of the achieved accurate polar alignment in
10½-pound counterweight bar attached. just a few minutes.
But the real reason the CEM120 The biggest challenge I faced testing
was such a joy to use in the field is its the CEM120 as a portable mount was
smooth polar alignment altitude and attaching a heavy telescope to it. To
azimuth motions. Both adjustments give the CEM120 a reasonable work-
are accomplished with calibrated hand out, a friend lent me a Meade 14-inch
knobs that are nice if you use an align- Schmidt-Cassegrain tube assembly fit-
ment routine that spits out the neces- ted with a Losmandy-style dovetail bar.
sary corrections as angles. The CEM120 Even stripped of accessories, the scope
also has provision for a custom, built-in weighed more than 65 pounds and was
QHYCCD PoleMaster alignment cam- very awkward for one person to slide
era, and there’s an optional adapter into the mating dovetail channel on
the CEM120’s saddle. Fully loaded with
q In addition to various connections on the
finderscope, electric focuser, and CCD
mount’s base for powering and controlling
the CEM120 via the hand control or with an camera, the scope weighed more than
external computer, there’s a sophisticated 85 pounds and required three 22-pound
internal cable-management system that con- counterweights. Eventually I jury-rigged pp The worm gears on both axes can be dis-
nects power and communication ports on the a furniture dolly and rolled the entire engaged from their worm wheels with a simple
mount’s saddle plate with outputs on the non- lever “switch” (left), which is useful when
setup as a unit in and out of my garage balancing the mount. It’s also a good idea to
moving end of the polar-axis housing. See the
text for details. rather than hassle with the nightly disengage the gears when transporting the
issues of getting the scope on and off mount. There are strong locking pins on both
the mount. Despite the full load of the axes that engage at several ixed locations.
tube assembly and counterweights,
p The optional built-in QHYCCD PoleMaster
the altitude and azimuth adjustments polar-alignment camera wasn’t available, so the
worked beautifully during polar align- author made an adapter for his PoleMaster —
ment. This is a real plus. an alignment tool he highly recommends.
of 1 ampere each, and all derive their and autoguider. And this will be true resume observing without having to be
power from the same 12-VDC source of most equipment that you’ll want to re-initialized to the sky. But the mount
that powers the mount. There’s another power from these ports. can also be sent to a so-called Zero
pair of ports rated for up to 5 amperes Position from a “cold” start (or after
DC each that connect to a single port Performance interruptions such as power failures
on the Input Panel. The voltage for these One word can summarize the perfor- or computer crashes). This position is
is simply determined by whatever you mance I experienced with the CEM120 accurate enough to allow resuming
feed into the port on the Input Panel, — flawless. Everything worked perfectly. operations without a person having
and this is very useful if you have The mount proved to be solid, quiet, and to be present at the mount. And that’s
equipment that runs on special power reliable for visual and imaging applica- key for any mount intended for remote
sources such as 24 or 48 volts. Lastly, tions. The picture of Sh2-112 above operation. While my testing was always
there’s a single port with DIN-422 con- is a good example of the CEM120’s done with me sitting only a few feet
nectors on the saddle and Input Panel. performance as an imaging platform. from the mount, I could easily have
This is the same connector used for the Captured with the 14-inch Meade been half a world away.
power source for Finger Lakes Instru- operating at a focal length of 3,375 mm, The CEM120 continues iOptron’s
mentation’s CCD cameras. it’s a stack of thirty 10-minute expo- track record of developing innovative
While this cable-management sures made on two consecutive nights. telescope mounts that offer lots of
system can likely handle any imaging Not a single image had to be rejected performance relative to their cost — in
setup that I can think of, it may require because of poor tracking. Indeed, of the other words, mounts that are a great
custom cables to make it a plug-and- dozens of exposures I made of various value in today’s marketplace.
play setup. For example, I needed short objects during my testing, none was ever
cables with male coaxial plugs on each degraded by tracking errors. ■ DENNIS DI CICCO has been covering
end to feed power from the saddle As with most Go To mounts, the astronomical equipment in the pages of
ports to the inputs of my CCD camera CEM120 can be parked and later Sky & Telescope for 45 years.
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 69
A Scale Model
p Robert Mass
poses with Saturn can be easily spotted. At each end of
on the Pere Mar- the system are information signs with a
quette Rail Trail. table of trail and solar system distances,
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 71
Renato Langersek
The Moon is seen on the evening of
July 27 shortly after entering the lon-
gest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.
South is up, as the Moon normally
appears when seen from the South-
ern Hemisphere, in this case Bris-
bane, Australia.
DSLR camera with 1,000-mm lens at
f/10. Total exposure was 0.5 second at
ISO 1600.
Luigi Morrone
This deep image of M57 in Lyra
displays the dying star’s faintest outer
shells, resembling the petals of a rose.
DETAILS: 10-inch Newtonian reflec-
tor with Atik 383L CCD camera. Total
exposure: 7½ hours through color filters.
Keith Quattrocchi
NGC 4725 in Coma Berenices is a
large spiral galaxy about 40 million
light-years distant that has a single
spiral arm riddled with pinkish star-
forming regions.
DETAILS: 16-inch RCOS Ritchey-
Chrétien telescope with SBIG STL-6303
CCD camera. Total exposure: 102/3
hours through Astrodon LRGB filters.
Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images submitted to us by our readers. Send your best Visit
shots to [email protected]. See for more of our readers’ astrophotos.
Venus Globe
Even though Ven nus Sky & Telescope’s
is covered by den nse
clouds, radar reveals
a wonderland of M
craters and otherr
CO ON! 67 84)6-< PI[ KIX\Q^I\ML
geologic features
shown on this globe. P]UIV QUIOQVI\QWV WZ JMMV
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NASA scientists used
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from the Messenger 7]Z KQZK]TIZ 5IZ[ X]bbTM
spacecraft to produce
a custom-color m map M
that reveals amazzing CO ON! XTIVM\¼[ ITT]ZM ][QVO VI\]ZIT
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most planet. >QSQVO WZJQ\MZ AW]¼TT
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sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 77
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are an important resource for amateur and professional
astronomers alike — patronize our advertising dealers in this
issue and enjoy all the beneits of their expertise.
Product Locator
Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4) Astro-Physics (Page 80) Observa-Dome Laboratories (Page 80)
800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
800-647-5364 | 601-982-3333
Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4) Celestron (Page 3) SOFTWARE
800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450 Software Bisque (Page 5)
Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4)
EYEPIECES 303-278-4478
Celestron (Page 3) 800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450 TELESCOPES
Paramount (Page 5)
Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4) Celestron (Page 3)
800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
Tele Vue Optics, Inc. (Cover 2) Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4) Sky-Watcher USA (Page 1)
845-469-4551 800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
FILTERS Sky-Watcher USA (Page 1)
Tele Vue Optics, Inc. (Cover 2)
Astro-Physics (Page 80) 310-803-5953
815-282-1513 845-469-4551
Stellarvue® (Cover 3)
Meade Instruments Corp. (Cover 4) OBSERVATORIES 530-823-7796
800-919-4047 | 949-451-1450
Ash Manufacturing Co. (Page 79) Tele Vue Optics, Inc. (Cover 2)
Tele Vue Optics, Inc. (Cover 2)
845-469-4551 815-436-9403 845-469-4551
Dealer Locator
Woodland Hills Telescopes (Page 29)
888-427-8766 | 818-347-2270
Town of Tonopah, Nevada Tourism . . . . . . 80 NOVAC STAR GAZE DEEP SOUTH STAR GAZE
TravelQuest International . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 C.M. Crockett Park, Virginia Sandy Hook, MS
Vernonscopes, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Willmann-Bell, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 For a more complete listing, visit
Woodland Hills Telescopes. . . . . . . . . . . . 29
sk • N OV E M B E R 2 018 83
FOCAL POINT by Douglas Ray Nelson
A brush with death brings home the profound
connection we all have with the universe.
size of Earth marked the impacts. Night a heart murmur. A cardiologist found part of it. This is the way it has been
after night, I tracked Jupiter until it heart disease, and I soon had open- and, even after I’m gone, the way it
sank below the horizon, knowing that heart surgery. It saved my life, and I’m forever will be.
I would likely never view such a rare still in recovery.
event again. Facing death, I reevaluated life. Had I ¢ Las Vegas–based DOUG NELSON
In my thirties, I worked as a plan- lived well? What would I change? Which blogs at
etarium curator and star party host. were my favorite memories? Time and He’s not afraid of the dark, but some-
“Welcome to the stars,” I said to the again, my mind drifted to nights under times he does wonder if a monster is
crowds. Over years of school shows, I the stars. Each had been time well spent. hiding under his bed.